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App 1B to Midland 1 & 2 PSAR, QA Plan for Midland 1 & 2. Prepared for Util.Includes Revisions 1-36
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 01/13/1969
Shared Package
ML20008D758 List:
NUDOCS 8007300638
Download: ML20008D759 (11)


O BECHTEL CORPORATION POWER AND INDUSTRIA?, DIVISION QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN FOR MIDLAND PLANT - IRi1TS 1 & 2 INTROEUCTION Consumers Power Company has assigned the respcasibility for the design, pro-curement of equipment (other than the IES), and ccnstruction of the plant to Bechtel. Bechtel vill perform the quality assurance effort for all phases of plant engineering, shop fabrication (inninding the NSS), field fabrication, and construction. .This effort .v.111 be applied to all critical . items and sys-tems so designated on the'"Q-List.'"

The Bechtel Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual, Revision 4 (hereafter referred to as NQAM), is the basis for the quality assurance programs on Bechtel Power and Industrial Division nuclear projects. The guidelines for implementing and anaintaining the Bechtel Quality Assurance program for the Midland Plant' vill be contained in this document, referred to herein as the Quality Assursnce p Plan.

U FURPOSE The general purpose of'this quality assurance plan is to assure that-materials, equipment, and workmanship employed in the construction of the Midland Plant conform to high standards of quality consistent with public safety and plant reliability. Documentation vill be provided by the quality assurance program to demonstrate that the requirements are met.

SCOPE This plan vill describe the policies, practices, and procedures to be followed in implementing and maintaining an effective, documented quality assurance pro-gram during the design,Trocurement, and construction stages of-the Midland Plant.

Responsibilities and authorities of the organizations and individuals involved ~

in the Bechtel quality assurance program vill be defined and the major struc-tures, systems, and components covered by this program will be identified.

QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN ORGANIZATION g The organization employed for implementation of the 3echtel Quality Assurance Program on the Midland project is shown in Figure 1. The program covers three V) 1 main phases of the project, namely: Design, Procurement, and Construction. The personnel having quality assurance related functions are listed for each phase.

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A. Design Phase Project Engineering Team Quality Assurance Engineer Chief Engineers and their Technical Staffs Eagineering Manager Manager - Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Cecrdinator Metallurgical and Quality Control

3. Procurenent Phase Project Engineering Tea:

Quality Assurance Engineer Chief Engineers and their Technical Staffs Engineering Manager Manager - Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Coordinator Metallurgical and Quality Control Shop Inspectors C. Construction Phase Project Engineerira Team Quality Assurance Engineer p . Chief Engineers and their Technical Staffc

\j Engineering Manager Manager - Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Coordinator Metallurgical and Quality Control Project Field Engineer Quality Control Engineer Field Engineers The authority and duties of the personnel involved in the various phases of the quality assurance program are as follows:

A. Project Engineering Team The project engineering team has primary responsibility for i=plementing the quality assurance progra=. They prepare drawings, specifications, pur-chase requisitions, and bid evaluations in accordance with the quality re-quire ents. They also prepare and i=ple=ent the Q-List and design control check list, review fabrication and. inspection procedures, and shop inspection reports. ZI2nnugh the quality assurance engineer they provide curve 111nnee of field engineering, quality control, and construction activities.

3. Quality Assurance Engineer

.The quality assurance engineer (QAE) is the field representative of the pro-

-ject ergineering team, and receives supervision and technical support from (m\

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l A the project engineer. However, the QAE is assigned by, and ad=inistra-tively reports to, the manager-quality assurance. Prior to cot =ence=ent of construction he is stationed in the home office to assist the project engineer and design supervisors in the imple=entation of the quality assurance progra=.

At the jobsite the QAE perfor=s quality assurance surveiance of field activities including engineering, quality control, and construction acti-vities. He reviews and accepts inspection reports, performs audit of the field RA/QC documentation files, and monitors the overall quality control progra=.

I The quality assurance engineer has the authority to stop field work in the event of nonconfor=ance with drawings, specifications, and procedures es-tablished for structures, systems, and units on the Q-List. He also serves as field contact for the applicant's quality assurance organization and others concerned with quality assurance in the field.

C. Chief Engineers The Bechtel organization provides for a chief engineer for each discipline (eg, civil, mechanical, etc) to. provide technical support and coordination .

l of the engineering design supervisors. Since the engineering effort for j the project is under the sole direction of the project engineer, .the chief ,

, engineers qualify for the necessary independent Teview of engineering.

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The chief engineers provide independent docu=ented review for all items on the design control check lists. In so dcing, they coordinate and assure necessary technical review by specialists and consultants. Chief engineers

=ay delegate reviev-to qualified-specialists on-their" staffs.


D. Engineering Manager

, The engineering -armger provides manage =ent guidance and surveillance of the Midland Plant and other nuclear project engineering activities. His QA-related functions involve verification through project reviews that project engineering is carrying out its QA responsibilities as well as other design responsibilities.

f E. Manager - Quality Assurance The canager-quality assurance is responsible for overall direction of the quality assurance program including forsulating and implementing policy, ad-ministration, and coordination of the program and adm4nistrative and techni-cal supervision of the quality assurance engineers and coordinators. He is responsible for providing overall coordination of engineering, procurement and construction' quality assurance activities to effectively implement the program.

F. Quality Assurance Coordinator i



V The quality assurance coordinator reports to and assists the manager-quality assurance in carr/'ing out and implementing all activities related to the quality assurance program. His responsibilities include coordinating and B-3 00?59

assigning QAE, reviewing and evaluating project quality assurance programs, and auditing the performance of the various programs. He provides an inde-pendent channel for QAE cen=unication to management.

G. Metallurgical Quality Centrol The quality assurance aspects of =etallurgy and velding activities are coor-dinated by =etallurgy and QC services. Their function includes preparation of specifications and procedures for materials, fabrication, and nondestruc-tive testing plus providing technical consultation and guidance for engi-neering, procurement, and construction. In additicn, they provide velding and inspection training services at the jobsite.

.H. Shop Inspectors The shop inspectors are responsible for shop qualification inspections, in-process inspection of work in suppliers' shops, checking of documentation and final inspection and release of equipment, for shipment. Their activ-ities are carried out in accordance with -the Procurement Department Inspec-tion Manual and as supplemented by the drawings, specifications, and additional instructions provided by engineering.

l. Project Field Engineer The project field engineer's duties-include the supervision of quality control inspection at the jobsite. In carrying out this assign =ent, he assigns quali-fled field ~ engineers 'to perfortr quality control' inspections. He supervises the preparation of inspection check lists, verifies accuracy and completeness of inspection reports, and ascertains that defects are removed and that re-pairs are carried out in accordance with applicable specifications, instruc-tions, and procedures. The field quality control program is carried out in accordance with the 3echtel Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual, the Bechtel Field Inspection Manual supplemented by the drawings, specifications and addi-tional instructions.

J. Quality Control Engineer The quality control engineer reports to and assists the project field engi-neer in c.arrying cut quality control inspection responsibilities. He nor= ally

. is assigned respcasibility for review of inspection reports, coordination, training and advising field engineers in the performance of quality centrol inspection assignments, coordination of testing laboratories, and oversll detailed execution of field inspection and naintenance of the field QC/QA files.

K. Field Engineers /Insrectors Field engineers / inspectors carry out the inspection assignments and are respon-sible for completing -the appropriate dnspection for::s. Field engineers / inspector function en a disciplinary basis, eg techanical equiptent, civil / structural, electrical / power, instrumentation / con, trol, and velding/cetallurgy. The nu=ber

of inspectors assigned varies depa m g upon the requirements of the quality con-p trol inspection workload and construction schedule. They have access to all the design drawings, applicable codes, and sampling and testing procedures pertaining to their inspection assign =ents.

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N L. Material Supervisor The =aterial supervisor is responsible for nor=al receiving inspeccion

and storage of material and equipment prior to installation. He perfor=s l his duties in accordance with the N^@!, field procurement procedures, and additional instructions provided by engineering.



The quality assurance program covers all phaces of the project including engi-neering, procurement and construction frca initial design development through acceptance by the client.

The scope of the gnality assurance program is defined by the Q-List which is a list of critical items requiring quality assurance coverage. This list includes all structures, equipment, and systems associated with the reactor primary coolant boundary, engineered safeguards, emergency cooling systems, reactor containment, and containment cooling systems. Other systems =ay be added at the discretion of-the client, nuclear steam supply system seller (for items in his scope of supply), chief engineers or the project engineer. Since the Q-List is a working document and therefore vill be updated periodically to give more detail, a basic Q-List in sufficient detail to show the general scope of the Bechtel QA program for the Midland Project is included (Figure 2).

The-Q-List is prepared by the project engineering team, then reviewed and approved by chief engineers. The degree of inspection and control afforded items on the b

O Q-List is determined on a case-by-case basis by the project engineering team through consultation with the chief engineers and Bechtel's technical specia,1-1sts. Factors considered in establishing the degree of control include: nature of the item, i=portance of the item to plant safety and reliability, previous i experience with this or comparable items, capabilities of potential vendors or 1

subcontractors, and requirements of applicable codes or standards. Where deemed necessary, Bechtel engineering documents include specific procedures or requi-sites for the production and quality assurance of the ites or request their prep-aration by the organization responsible for manufacturing or erecticn.

The following basic principles are applied in the accomplishment of the quslity assurance program:

A. The project engineering team has primary responsibilities for quality in the design phase.

B. Vendors and subcontractors have pri=ary responsibilities for quality of materials, . equipment, and services furnished by them.

C. The Bechtel project field organization supervised by the project superinten-

. dent has. primary responsibility.for quality of. construction performed directly by Bechtel. -

D. One or more levels of inspection or checks are provided as required within the organization having primary quality' responsibilities.

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The quality assurance progra= provides for at least one level of monitoring O and verification by individuals not under the direct control of the group having primary responsibility for quality (eg, the quality assurance engineer surveys construction, Eechtel shop inspectors survey vendors, etc). Beyond this, quality assurance audits of engineering and field operations are carried out under the direction of the quality assurance coordinator.

3 DESIGN CONTROL Several levels of design review and approval are applied to significant design aspects of Bechtel work. These standard practices include:

A. Checkira and review by design and engineering level personnel within the project engineering team having technical qualifications comparable to those of the engineer or designer who originated the work.

B. Review and approval by the originating engineer's design supervisor.

C. Review and approval by the project engineer.

D. Review and approval by the appropriate chief engineer of key design drawings specifications and documents .such as electrical single-line drawings.

.For structures, systems and components on the Q-list, additional design control measures are implemented. A Design Control Check List is prepared which iden-tifies drawings, specifications, and other data (including .the Q-List) which shall

[ be reviewed by chief engineers or technical specialists under the chief engineer's

\ direction. The Design Control Check List is agreed on by the project engineer and the cognizant chief engineer soon after initiation of the project. When periodic Aeaign revlevs_are deemed necessary, chief engineers and the project engineer agree on appropriate schedules and procedures. When an item identified in the

Design Control Check List has been completed, the cognizant _ chief engineer will have a final review performed and execute a design control approval signifying that the necessary initial, periodic, and final review and monitoring work has been completed and the item is satisfactory from the standpoint of quality assur-ance requirements. Specifications, design and interface infor=ation and systems criteria developed by the nuclear steam system supplier are submitted by the sup-plier to Eechtel for review. Drawings, specifications, and procurement packages arr also routinely submitted to the client for appropriate review.

The project engineering team employs several documents to establish design require-ments for the project. These documents include or incorporate applicable AEC regu-latory requirements and design bases as proposed by the license application and accepted by the AEC, basic client-furnished data defining plant requirements, basic engineering data a=plifying the basic client-directed project data, NSS supplier furnished criteria and data, project criteria and Bechtel design guides, standard specifications and. data, sheets.

PROCUREBENT DOCUMENT CONTROL Technical aspects of procu e=ent documents are prepared by the project ergineering f


team in accordance with the procedures described in the preceding section. Appro -

priate vendor quality assurance program requirements are incorporated in the 3-6 0026?.

s procure =ent documents. Provisions are =ade for periodic and final inspection in vendor shops as appropriate. All procure =ent, whether carred out by ho=e office procure =ent department, or the field procurement organization, e= ploys specifications and quality assurance require =ents established by the project engineering tea =.

IIETRUCTIO?E, PROCEDURES AITD ERAWINGS Ceneral procedures for carrying out engineering, procure =ent and construction are contained in the following =anuals and documents:

A. Project Engineer's Manual centni-ing require =ents for carrying out engi-neering activities.

B. Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual defining responsibilities and outlining  :

quality assurance activities and procedures.

C. Field Inspection Manual descr W "g general guidelines and procedures for field tspection.

D. Procure =ent Department Inspection Manual containing shop inspection instruc-tions, guidelines and procedures.

E. Field Procurement Procedures specifying field purchase instructions for field purchases .and =aterial receiving . inspection.

7. Bechtel general and technical engineering standards including nuclear power V station design standards which establish selective criteria, guidelines and standards for station design.

These are supple =ented by specific instructions and procedures which may be prepared by engineering, obtained.froa vendors, or prepared by vendor, subcon-tractor, or Bechtel construction personnel as required. When appropriate, such instructions and procedures are reviewed and approved by the project ergineering team and Bechtel specialists.

DOCUIEE COIEROL The review and approval of design documents is covered in the " Design Control"

.section. Approved . drawings and . specifications are pro =ptly issued to individual organizations and individuals performing the work and to those responsible for inspection. Changes made by the project engineering tea = or proposed by field engineering to approved drawings are reviewed and approved by the project engi-neering team in accordance with procedures for review of the initial issue. Vnere significant changes are involved, review by ecgnizant chief engineers and/or tech-nical specialists is performed.

'The project field orgW~ntion is responsible for i=ple=entation of a field pro-cedure that will control the distribution of approved drawings and assure that obsolete drawings are voided or destroyed.

p The quality assurance engineer vill =enitor field engineering activities to Q verify that field engineering changes are reviewed and approved by the project engineering team. He vill also =ake spot enecks to assure that a dravir4 control log is being =aintained and that only current design docu=ents are in use.

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The 3echtel quality assurance progre= includes a e prehensive system to assure that all purchased material, equipment and services confo= to the procurement documents. It provides for evaluation of vendor's quality acsurance program and prepantion Of procurement specifications incorpcrating quality assurance requirements. The quality assurance requirements include an appropriate vendor quality assurance program, purchaser surveillance as required, vendor preparation and maintenance of apprcpriate test and inspection records, certificates and Other quality assurance documentation and vendor autrittal Of quality control record; censidered necessary for pu" chaser retention to verify quality of e mpleted work.

Bechtel shop inspectors review and verify vendor quality assurance records and prepare reports documenting vend 0r data not submitted to purchaser. Where 3echtel shop inspecticn is perforced, a final inspection of the finished ite is carried out in the vendor's rhop prior to release for ship =ent; Bechtel field procurement procedures provide for receipt inspection by the caterial supervisor On all = ate-rials and equipment delivered to the jobsite. For significant items or critical caterials which fort parts of Q-List systems, Bechtel field engineers carry cut an independent receipt inspection and prepare receiving reports which supplement receiving reports required by standard field procurement procedures. Eechtel pro-curement procedures also provide for periodic audits of vendor quality assurance activities as appropriate.


(") As applies to vendors, appropriate requirements for identification and control of

=aterials, parts and co=ponents vill be established through review of the vendcr's quality assurance program and procedures agreed to prior to bid award. Sechtel field prc:edures and practices incorporate measures for material control, in-cluding segregation of nonconfor=iog itecs, and for marking and identification as required. Traceability will be acc0=plished where required by code, standard, or specifica'*on. In other cases, =easures such as physical separation or appropri-ate marking procedures are used to identify and control materials or c0aponents of specific type, specification, class, etc. Positive control of nonconforcing items vill be maintained by suitable markings and/or segregation (see "Noncon-forming Material, Parts or Co ponents").

CONTROL OF SPECIAL FROCESSES Use of qualified procedures and application thereof as required by established codes and standards vill be rigidly enforced on all Eechtel vendors, subcontrac-tors and Sechtel personnel. For other special processes identified by equipment suppliers or project engineering, procedures vill te prepared by equipment cup-pliers, project engineering, or field engineering and approved by appropriate personnel in the organication which identified the process. Personnel perforcing such operations vill be trained and careI W supervised by personnel fnd liar with the specific process.


( Eechtel perforts periodic and final inspection of vendor verk as described pre-

\d vicusly. This is nor: ally performed by shop inspectors; hcuever, in special B-8 O () $ g i

(N cases engineering personnel participate in such inspections. Inspection prac-tices normally include witnessing of significant tests, as appropriate, and requirements for vendors to accept mandatory hold-points where, in the opinion of Bechtel inspectors, work should not proceed without prior examination by the Bechtel inspector.

For field operations, in-process, and final inspection of activities affecting quality are carried out by Bechtel field engineers with L aledge of the dis-cipline involved, project requirements and the inspection procesas. Field inspection is carried out in accordance with guidelines and procedures contained in the Bechtel Field Inspection Manual supplemented by approved procedures for special processes and specific project requirements. Field inspection operations are supervised by the quality control engineer and monitored by the quality assur-ance engineer. Reports or records of inspection operations are prepared by the field engineers / inspectors, approved by the quality control engineer, accepted and distributed by the quality assurance engineer.

TEST COTifROL Supplier and subcontractor test operations, including procedures as appropriate, are reviewed in accordance with procurement procedures previously described. In the field, cutain test operations are carried out by the construction organi-

ation in the course of plant construction. Subsequent td completion of construc-tion, the Bechtel startup organi::ation may be involved in system checkout and startup operations. Construction tests are normally performed in accordance with standard construction practice or via specific test procedures as specified by (av) the project engineering team. Results of required testt are documented.

CALIERATION OF MEASUREMENT AND TEST EQU1PMENT Vendor procedures for control of measurement and test equipment are reviewed as appropriate in evaluating the vendor _ quality assurance program. In the field, r.

standard vritten procedure is followed to provide control and periodic calibra-tion of special tools, measuring and test equipment.

HANDLING, STORAGE, SHIPPING AND PRESERVATION Special handling, storage, shipping and preservation requirements are identified in procurement specifications for vendor's work. In the field, naterials and equipment are accordance with standard procedures as well as specific requirements and any special procedures issued by the project engineering team.

These.are prepared by the field organization, approved by the project superinten-dent and reviewed by the project engineering team. When special environmental preservation is required, documentation of the conditions is provided.

mwn0N, TESTS A3D OPERATING STATUS Documentation of inspections and tests is provided by inspection reports or other records. This documentation identifies the items that conform to inspection and test requirements. Nonconforming items are reported and tagged (see "Noncon-forming Material,-Parts or Components"). Current Tractices Trovide -for the pro-

[N ject field organization to develop specific procedures for the marking, tagging, or otherwise indicating inspection and acceptance status of items and/or systems.

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iOI!CCIIFCEMI!iG MATI~4IAL, PARTS OR COMPOIIEiTS V The Bechtel Quality Assurance Progran provides measures which centrol caterials, parts or co penents not confortirg to prescribed requirements to prevent their inadvertent use er installation. Materials are physical 47 centrolled in acccrd-ance with procedures described under " Identification and Centrol of Materials, Parts and Ccapenents." For nonconforming iters which may te made usable thrcush reverk, repair er =cdification of requirements, reports are prepared and sub-mitted to the project engineering team for appropriate guidance. Records of resc'ation for these cases are prepared and inecrpcrated in cuality assunnce files. Where reverk, repair cr approval for use is not feasible, nonconfornirg caterials are either recoved frc the construction site or utilized in gstems or structures where their characteristics satisfy require ents for such systems.

COERECTIVE ACTICII The Bechtel quality assurance progra: incorporates procedures for identification and reporting of situations which are deemed adverse to quality through prepara-tien of "Significant Deficiency Reports." These include' reports of significant failures, talfunctions, deficiencies, deviations, defective caterial, etc, that cannot be resolved at the site and/or require manage ent attention. Routine cccur-rences of rework generally anticipated for the activity involved are nct normally included in the corrective action progra=. The report is initiated by the quality assurance engineer and revieved by the project engineering tes=, chief engineers, and/cr engineering specialists. Copies are sent to the QA ecordinator and manager-m quality assurance. Upon resolution of the proble: the project engineer co:pletes the "Significant Deficiency Tollow-up ~heport" and transmits the report to the

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quality assurance engineer with the sa e distribution of copies as the initial report.

The "Significant Deficiency Follev-up Report" is classified as Bechtel confiden-tial infor:ation and will not be incorporated in project quality assurance files.

This policy is followed in order to permit free, factual reporting of all situa-tions, sc e of which =ay involve personnel evaluations, etc. A su m ry of these reports will be incorporated in the project quality assurance records.

QUALITY ASSURAliCE REC 0EIG Copies of all documentation pertaining to the quality assurance program, pre;nred by.3echtel or obtained .frc vendors and subcontractors, are collected in project quality assurance files. However, as noted in the preceding section, only the sv-my legs of "Significant Deficiency Reports" are included. These files are available for audit by management and the client during the design and construction period and are turned over to the client at the ec=pletion of the Bechtel contract.

Detailed Bechtel quality assurance audit reports are not included in cuch files, but, sn-nry records and conclusions vill be cade available.

AM The quality assurance progra: includes four specific audit activities:

~T -A. Pericdic audits of project engineering activities and records are carried out

[Q by, or under the direction of, the quality assurance coordinator.

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A B. Eechtel shop inspectors carry out periodic audits of vendor's quality Q, assurance program and records.

C. Quality assurance engineer carries out frequent audits of field inspection activities and reporting.

D. Periodic audits of field quality assurance and inspection activities are carried out under the direction of the quality assurance coordinator.

All of the above are carried out, on a sa:pling basis, periodically during the design and construction period. At the ecmpletion of construction for systems and structures subject to the quality assurance progran, a final inspection is performed on the work and as::ociated quality assurance records to assure neces-sary inspections and records have been prepared and are on file. A f.inal.inspec-tion report is prepared confirming this final ex=aination and audit.



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