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Summarizes Results of Insp to Determine Support Capability of Seismic & Nonseismic safety-related Electrical Equipment. Some Addl Bracing Needed to Upgrade Class II Duct Supports & Class I Seismic Requirements.Addl Supports Also Required
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 02/22/1980
From: Finfrock I
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TASK-03-09, TASK-3-9, TASK-RR NUDOCS 8002290299
Download: ML19296D069 (2)



  • Jersey Central Power & Light Company

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(r y Jj Madison Avenue at Punch Bow! Road

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Mornstown. New Jersey 07960 (201)455-8200 February 22, 1980 nr. Dc rrell G. Lisennut, Acting Director Division of Operating necctors Cffice of Nuclear Recctor Regulation

'J.S. Nuclear Pcgulatory Cc:anission i;csnington, D. C. 20555 Dccr Mr. Lisenhut:

Subj ect: Oystcr Creek Nuclect Generating Station Docket 1;o. 50-219 Anchorige and Support of Safety Felcted Electrical Lcuignent Your 1ctter of Jcncary 1,1900 which was reccived on January 21, 1980 requestcd tnot Sersey Cen .rcl Powcr E. Lignt Comp ny (JCP&L) develcp, within 30 days, an action plan to assess tne capability of all safety related electrical equipment (as well es nonseismic Category 1 auxiliary items) to resist seismic forces cnd implemcnt remedial mecsures, as necesscry, to increase scfety margins.

Since Junc, 1979 JCP&L bcs conductcd several plant inspections of safety rclated electrical equipment and some nonseismic equipment. During the inspections, tne as-built support configurctions were determined and analyses perforacd to cvaluate the eSccuccy of the existing cncnorege cnd/or support. ie are currently in the process of evalucting various methods to upgrade tne existing nolddown and/cr support which were fcund to be inadequate by the enclyscs. he plan to install additionc1 support for some of tne equipment during tne current refueling outcge. .;e also plcn to conduct cdditional plant inspections in tne near future to identify nonseismic equipment wnich may c6versely impact on safety related equipment.

Anchorcge used (i.e. , colts and f asteners, etc. ) , for the equipment inctclied at tne Cyster Creek Nuclear Gcncrating Station was fabricctcd to the co rnercic1 standards existing when tne plcnt wc3 being built; no supporting documcntation is available.

Results of our previous effort concerning the subject matter are sumarized below.

1. Supports for Isolated Phase Bus Ducts An anclysis has becn performcd to determine wncther the isolated phase bus duct rupports are accquate to prevent the ducts f rom f alling on the 4160 volt switcngecr (cafcty relctcd equionent) during the design basis earthquake.

0022DQ Jersey Central Pr Aer & Light Company is a / ember of the General Public UtAties System

'I rv r" lycic InJ s tn u t come cQ iticnc.] bracing of tuer.e Clacs II uuct cupportc is necded to upgrade tncm to Clrcs I ccicmic rccicircments. nc :.rc in trA procccs of installing thic ct ccirr3 during tj.c current refu; ling

2. St: Lion Pettery "E" Rncs Follooing tne Jun; (1079) Inspecticn, a3ditional struts wcre instcllcd to improve tn; Ictcral cupport prcvi3cd for tne bettcrico. As a permanent moc:ificction, a nc,i eticmicclly cualified battcry rock is tcing inctclied during thc current outage to replcce t.bc upgrz acd rack.
3. 'I n t cs-built support configurations wc re actc rmincd ,nd the subceouent :.nalycer indicate tr,ct tne following ecuipment is adccuately cupported:

4100 cuitch gear CRC Hydraulic Ccntrol Unit

4. 'in c as-built cupport configurations were determined for the follcming couipment cnd tne subcequcnt maalyses indicat.c thet cad i t i onal cupports cre rccuir ed. It is our intcntion to upgrade the ceuipxnt curing the currcnt refueling outzgc.

Control From panelt 46G V unit substatior.: ];2 cni 1D2 E;ttcry room Tcin trecstr u,a cictributien c:rul Instrumcnt Fcce, RK04

..all mountings of equicm:nt in cabic cprcading rccm 463 V ;otcr Control Ccnters IM ,1B2, J A21 cnd 1E21

5. Analyces for the following acuipment indicctc Instcllation of "Jditional cupports crc requirea. Lngineering design and drawings for thc cupportc are being developed at tuis time. 2ince it it not prcetical to inctcIl tnece supports wnen tne plant is in operation, all of tne worr, will t;c accomplichM during tne n(xt (1Hil ) refuc ling outcge, if not completed during the current eutage..

4160V-450V tr:nctormcrL Very t.ruly yourc, o

G//1 '. f ff%

lven F.. Ptnf c6, r.

Vice President