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Nonroutine 10-Day Rept 74-07 Re 741118 Fire on Exhaust Manifold of EG-V-1B Diesel Generator.Caused by Insufficient Procedural Guidance Re Oil Leakage Checks.Oil Wiped Up, Engine Checked & Restarted.Procedures to Be Provided
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/27/1974
Shared Package
ML19261F217 List:
74-07, 74-7, NUDOCS 7910250642
Download: ML19261F220 (1)




A ~ - E': CLOSURE T6 =' 1 .Q,,

Metropclitan Edisen Cc=pany Three Mile Island Nuclear Statien, Unit 1 (TMI-1) .w.e.a W

-,e Decket No. 50-289 Operating License EFR-50 Ncnrcutine 10-Day Report Th-07 Report Cf A Fire Occurring Cn the Exhaust Manifold Of The EG-V-13 Emergency Diesel Generator

1. Descrittien of Occurrence On Neve ber 13,197L, during the routine surveillance operation of E=ergency Diesel Generater EG-V-13, a stall fire cecurred en the external surface of the diesel engine exhaust manifold adjacent to the turbocharger exhaust gas inlet. An cperator who was at the scene at the time i==ediately extinguished the fire and shut devn the engine. After the unburned lube cil which had fed the fire had been cleaned up, the engine was restarted and the surveillance successfully ec=pleted.
2. Arrarent Cause of Occurence Procedure was the apparent cause of the fire, in that there was not sufficient procedural guidance to ensure that persennel make sufficant checks for oil leakage. Had sufficient checks been made, the oil veuld have been viped up and the fire vould not have occurred.

3 Analysis of Occurence 3ecause only ene diesel generator is needed to supply 100% of the unit's pcVer requirements during a design basis emergency and because the other diesel generater not affected by the fire was still operable, the fire did not threaten either the health or safety of the piblic,

h. Ccrrective Action In addition to the i==ediate corrective actions described abcve, all accumulated oil was viped frc= the exhaust manifold, and checks were made to ensure the control end cover plate (which is where the oil may have pcssibly leaked frc=) was properly tightened. As a lcng ter corrective action, additienal precedureci guidance vill be provided en where perscnnel shculd inspect for possible accumulations of oil leakage.

