MONTHYEARML20155E7511998-10-15015 October 1998 Rev 1 to Form NIS-1 Owners Data Rept for Isi,Rept on 1997 Outage 12R EC Exams of TMI-1 OTSG Tubing ML20198N2901998-01-12012 January 1998 Form NIS-1 Owners Data Rept for Isi ML20116G6581996-07-30030 July 1996 Rev 0 to Form NIS-1 Owners Data for Inservice Insps ML20096D6671995-12-21021 December 1995 Form NIS-1 Owner Data Rept for Inservice Insps ML20073K5381994-08-0808 August 1994 Rev 0 to Rept on 1993 Eddy Current on Exams of TMI-1 OTSG Tubing ML20059H8231994-01-0505 January 1994 Inservice Insp Rept for TMI-1 ML20115G7131992-09-18018 September 1992 ASME Form NIS-1, Owners Data Rept for Inservice Insps, as Suppl to Re Refueling Interval 9R once-through SG Tube Insp Rept ML20114F3591992-09-17017 September 1992 Rev 0 to Rept on 1991 Eddy Current Exams of TMI-1 Once-Through SG Tubing ML20092G5721992-02-11011 February 1992 Inservice Insp Repts for Repairs or Replacements Completed Between 900404 & 920110 ML20092G3311992-02-11011 February 1992 Inservice Insp Repts for First & Second Interval Exams Conducted Per ASME Code,Section XI 1974 & 1986 Editions ML20058J0411990-11-15015 November 1990 Revised Page 16 from Table 1 of Data Rept for Inservice Insps ML20043F0741990-06-0404 June 1990 Owners Data Rept for Inservice Insps ML20246E5231989-01-25025 January 1989 Rev 0 to Results of 1988-7R Once-Through Steam Generator Current Exams ML19260D3781980-01-31031 January 1980 Inservice Insp Program for Valves 1998-10-15
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20217G1001999-10-14014 October 1999 Errata to Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 215 to FOL DPR-50.Credit Given for Delay in ECCS Leakage ML20217K4701999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for TMI-1.With ML20216F9231999-09-22022 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 216 to License DPR-50 05000289/LER-1999-010, :on 990830,discovery of Condition Outside UFSAR Design Basis for Flood Protection Was Noted.Caused Because Original Problem Was Not Corrected by Design Change.Flood Procedure Was Immediately Revised.With1999-09-21021 September 1999
- on 990830,discovery of Condition Outside UFSAR Design Basis for Flood Protection Was Noted.Caused Because Original Problem Was Not Corrected by Design Change.Flood Procedure Was Immediately Revised.With
ML20211H5111999-08-31031 August 1999 Non-proprietary Rev 1 to MPR-1820(NP), TMI Nuclear Generating Station OTSG Kinetic Expansion Insp Criteria Analysis ML20211Q3551999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Tmi,Unit 1.With ML20211E8731999-08-24024 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 215 to License DPR-50 ML20211B1931999-08-19019 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 214 to License DPR-50 ML20210R4791999-08-13013 August 1999 Update 3 to Post-Defueling Monitored Storage SAR, for TMI-2 ML20210U4791999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for TMI-1.With 05000289/LER-1999-009, :on 990626,automatic Start of EDG 1A Occurred. Caused by Failure of Fault Pressure Relay on Auxiliary Transformer 1B.Failed Pressure Relay Has Been Replaced1999-07-22022 July 1999
- on 990626,automatic Start of EDG 1A Occurred. Caused by Failure of Fault Pressure Relay on Auxiliary Transformer 1B.Failed Pressure Relay Has Been Replaced
ML20209G0011999-07-0909 July 1999 Staff Evaluation of Individual Plant Exam of External Events Submittal on Plant,Unit 1 ML20210K7651999-07-0909 July 1999 Rev 2 to 86-5002073-02, Summary Rept for Bwog 20% Tp Loca ML20209H8251999-07-0101 July 1999 Provides Commission with Evaluation of & Recommendations for Improvement in Processes Used in Staff Review & Approval of Applications for Transfer of Operating Licenses of TMI-1 & Pilgrim Station ML20196J5941999-07-0101 July 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 213 to License DPR-50 ML20209H1421999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for TMI-1.With ML20212H9101999-06-21021 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 212 to License DPR-50 05000289/LER-1999-007, :on 990528,increasing Failure Rate of ESAS Relays Characterized by Coil Overheating & Failing to Fully re-close After Being de-energized Was Discovered.Cause Indeterminate.Relay Check Procedure Has Been Changed1999-06-18018 June 1999
- on 990528,increasing Failure Rate of ESAS Relays Characterized by Coil Overheating & Failing to Fully re-close After Being de-energized Was Discovered.Cause Indeterminate.Relay Check Procedure Has Been Changed
ML20195J9401999-06-15015 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 211 to License DPR-50 05000289/LER-1999-005, :on 990514,open Flood Path Between Turbine Bldg & Control Bldg Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Recognize That Mods Affected Flood Protection.Revised Flood Procedures.With1999-06-14014 June 1999
- on 990514,open Flood Path Between Turbine Bldg & Control Bldg Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Recognize That Mods Affected Flood Protection.Revised Flood Procedures.With
ML20195H0751999-06-0808 June 1999 Drill 9904, 1999 Biennial Exercise for Three Mile Island ML20209G0351999-05-31031 May 1999 TER on Review of TMI-1 IPEEE Submittal on High Winds,Floods & Other External Events (Hfo) ML20195H9261999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for TMI-1.With ML20207B6621999-05-27027 May 1999 SER Finding That Licensee Established Acceptable Program to Periodically Verify design-basis Capability of safety-related MOVs at TMI-1 & That Util Adequately Addressed Actions Required in GL 96-05 05000289/LER-1999-003-01, :on 990310,discovered Failure of Manual Balancing Damper in Supply Duct of Control Bldg Evs.Caused by Failure to Adequately Review Risk & Consequences of Change.Failed Damper Was Clamped Open1999-05-0707 May 1999
- on 990310,discovered Failure of Manual Balancing Damper in Supply Duct of Control Bldg Evs.Caused by Failure to Adequately Review Risk & Consequences of Change.Failed Damper Was Clamped Open
ML20206R0571999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Tmi,Unit 1.With ML20206D4201999-04-20020 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Granting Exemption from Technical Requirements of 10CFR50,App R,Section III.G.2.c for Fire Areas/Zones AB-FZ-4,CB-FA-1,FH-FZ-1,FH-FZ-6,FH-FZ-6, IPSH-FZ-1,IPSH-FZ-2,AB-FZ-3,AB-FZ-5,AB-FZ-7 & FH-FZ-2 ML20205Q6111999-04-15015 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 210 to License DPR-50 ML20205Q5981999-04-13013 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 209 to License DPR-50 ML20206P2841999-04-12012 April 1999 SER Approving Transfer of License for Tmi,Unit 1,held by Gpu Nuclear,Inc to Amergen Energy Co,Llc & Conforming Amend, Per 10CFR50.80 & 50.90 ML20209G0071999-03-31031 March 1999 Submittal-Only Screening Review of Three Mile Island,Unit 1 Individual Plant Exam for External Events (Seismic Portion) ML20205K6851999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for Tmi,Unit 1.With 05000289/LER-1999-002, :on 990212,potential Failure of Multiple Containment Monitoring Sys CIV (CM-V-1,2,3 & 4) Was Noted. Caused by Inappropriate Use of Vendor Info.Personnel Will Be Trained on Mgt Expectations.With1999-03-14014 March 1999
- on 990212,potential Failure of Multiple Containment Monitoring Sys CIV (CM-V-1,2,3 & 4) Was Noted. Caused by Inappropriate Use of Vendor Info.Personnel Will Be Trained on Mgt Expectations.With
ML20210C0161999-03-0101 March 1999 Forwards Corrected Pp 3 of SECY-98-252.Correction Makes Changes to Footnote 3 as Directed by SRM on SECY-98-246 ML20207M8461999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for TMI-1.With 05000289/LER-1999-001-01, :on 990122,short Sections of Piping Caused by Misplacement of Sensing Elements & Insulation.Caused by Failure to Adhere to Vendor instruction.Re-installed Heat Trace Sys1999-02-19019 February 1999
- on 990122,short Sections of Piping Caused by Misplacement of Sensing Elements & Insulation.Caused by Failure to Adhere to Vendor instruction.Re-installed Heat Trace Sys
ML20196K3561999-01-22022 January 1999 Safety Evaluation Concluding That Although Original Licensee Thermal Model Was Unacceptable for Ampacity Derating Assessments Revised Model Identified in 970624 Submittal Acceptable for Installed Electrical Raceway Ampacity Limits 05000289/LER-1998-014-01, :on 981210,missed TS Surveillance Was Noted. Caused by Human Error.Absolute & Relative Control Rod Positions Were Obtained Immediately & Verified to Agree within Required Range.With1999-01-11011 January 1999
- on 981210,missed TS Surveillance Was Noted. Caused by Human Error.Absolute & Relative Control Rod Positions Were Obtained Immediately & Verified to Agree within Required Range.With
ML20196G4661998-12-31031 December 1998 British Energy Annual Rept & Accounts 1997/98. Prospectus of British Energy Share Offer Encl ML20207A9291998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Rept for TMI-1 & TMI-2 ML20196F6861998-12-0202 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Second 10-yr Interval ISI Program Plan Request for Alternative to ASME B&PV Code Section XI Requirements Re Actions to Be Taken Upon Detecting Leakage at Bolted Connection ML20198B8641998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for TMI-1.With ML20195J8591998-11-12012 November 1998 Rev 11 to 1000-PLN-7200.01, Gpu Nuclear Operational QA Plan ML20195C6921998-11-12012 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 52 to License DPR-73 ML20196B7191998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for TMI-1.With ML20203G1211998-10-30030 October 1998 Informs Commission About Staff Preliminary Views Concerning Whether Proposed Purchase of TMI-1,by Amergen,Inc,Would Cause Commission to Know or Have Reason to Believe That License for TMI-1 Would Be Controlled by Foreign Govt ML20155E7511998-10-15015 October 1998 Rev 1 to Form NIS-1 Owners Data Rept for Isi,Rept on 1997 Outage 12R EC Exams of TMI-1 OTSG Tubing 05000289/LER-1998-013, :on 980916,failure to Perform Fire Protection Program Surveillances at Required Frequency Was Noted.Caused by Changes Not Being Made to Surveillance Schedule.Performed Missed Insp Surveillance1998-10-15015 October 1998
- on 980916,failure to Perform Fire Protection Program Surveillances at Required Frequency Was Noted.Caused by Changes Not Being Made to Surveillance Schedule.Performed Missed Insp Surveillance
05000289/LER-1998-010-01, :on 980825,potential Violation of Design Criteria During Single Auxiliary Transformer Operation Occurred.Caused by Failure to Adequately Define Job Performance Stds.Temporary Change Notice Issued1998-10-0909 October 1998
- on 980825,potential Violation of Design Criteria During Single Auxiliary Transformer Operation Occurred.Caused by Failure to Adequately Define Job Performance Stds.Temporary Change Notice Issued
ML20154L5541998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for TMI Unit 1.With 1999-09-30
[Table view] |
o ENCLOSUREI Attaclunent 1 REVISION 1 l
/d / /2 tI Michard H. Freeman Prepared By:
M gg
][_/11/M Gene J. Navratil 1O $ $&
Approved By:
f f
Richard O. Barley (,)
Approved By:
fo /A/ 96
[hn S. Jgvitz
9911050170 981028 ~
PDR ADOCK 05000289 Q
g i
Attaciunent I t'
l A,
Total Pages Main Body = 53 Total Pages = 213 Figure 11 1 B&W Rolled Sleeve
'19 f
. Figure 11-2 OTSG Design 20 Figure 111-1 OTSG A Kinetic Expansion and Lane / Wedge Examination Locations 26 Figure ill-2 OTSG-B Kinetic Expansion and I.ane/ Wedge Examination Locations 27 i
Figure 111-3 OTSG-A Sleeve Examination Locations 28 j
Figure III-4 OTSG-B Sleeve Examination Locations 29 j.
Figure 111-5 Growth ofID Indications TMI l Both SGs 37 L
Figure III-6 Changein Circ Extent TMI I Both SGs 39 Figure 111-7 Change in Axial Extent TMI I Both SGs 40 t
Figure 111-8 OTSG-A Tube-to-tube Support Plate Wear Locations 41 Figure III 9
. OTSG A Tube-to-tube Support Plate Wear Locations 42 Table 1 1 Tubes Removed From Service 5
Table !! l Eddy Current Probes Used During Outage 12R 7
. Minimum Axial Kinetic Expansion Length Values 12 o
Table 113 Theoretical MSLB Leakage Based on Axial Extent 13 Table 11 Theoretical MSLB Leakage Based on Circumferential Extent 13 Table 11-5 Pre-Removal Eddy Current Examinations 17 Table 1111 Bobbin CoilTube Examination Scope 22 Table 1112 MRPC Tube Examinations 23 Table 111-3 Sleeve Examinations 25 Table lil 4 Technical Specification Category Results for OTSG-A 31 Table 1115 Technical Specilication Category Results for OTSG-B 31
~ Table ill-6 Newly Defective or Previously Degraded with >10% Growth: OTSG-A 11 Table !!I 7 Defective Indications With $10% TW or 50.6 Volts Growth: OTSG-A 32 Table 111-8 Newly Degraded Tubes: OTSG-A 32 Table 1119 Previously Degraded Indications with >10%TW or >0.6 Volts Growth: OTSG-A 34 Table 11110 Newly Defective or Previously Degraded >10% Growth: OTSG-B 35 Table 11111 Repairable hidications With $10% or 50.6 Volts Growth: OTSG-B 35 Table !!! 12 Newly Degraded Tubes: OTSG B 35 Table 111 13 ID Volumetric IGA Average Change in Length / Width Measurements 38 Table 111-14 Number of Occurrences of Wear by Support Location 41 Table III 15 Confinned Outside Diameter Indications 44
- Table III 16 OTSG-A Kinetic Expanston Examination Results 45 Table III-17 OTSG B Kinetic Expansion Examination Residts 46 Table 111-18 OTSG-A Kinctic Expansion Leakage Contributors 46 Table 111 19 -
OTSG-B Kinetic Expansion Leakage Contributors 47 Table 11120 TMI l OTSG Pressure Test List OTSG A 49 Table lil 21 TMI l in-Situ Pressure Test List OTSG-B 49
O y
Appendix !
Analysis Codes 4
Appendix 11 Freespan Indications ofInterest 79 Appendix 111 Kinetic Expansion Indications of Interest 77 Revision i Note-Corrected third paragraph of page 11, Section C.1 to reficct the correct number of ID IGA indications remaining in senice. Resision 0 did not account for tubes remmed from senice by plugging. Remose Resision o pages I through 4 and j
replace with Revision 1 pages 1 through 4. Remove Revision 0 page 11 and replace j
with Revision i page 11.
1 Attaciunent i REVISION I PAGE 11 l
DISPOSITION OF RESULTS C.1 Inside Diameter IGA Inside diameter (ID) IGA eddy current indications were dispositioned in accordance with the TMI I Tecimical Specincations, including GPUN's Technical Specification Change Request (TSCR) #263 and the resulting License Amendment No. 206. In accordance with the amendment, all ID IGA indications that were detected during the bobbin coil cddy current examinations were subsequently examined with h!RPC probes The length and width of the indications (as discerned by h!RPC extent calls) were compared to the structural limits described in the amendment.
In addition, the MRPC examinations were used to confinn that the indications were volumetric in geometry (-in order to prevent crack-like indications from remaining in service.) The surface of origin (i.e. inside surface) was also confirmed for all ID IGA indications. ID IGA indications with sufGcient bobbin coil signal-to-noise ratio and bobbin voltage were also given a percent through wall estimate based on phase angle analysis.
ID IG A indications in expanded tubing >40% through wall, or of axial and circumferential extent >0.25" or 0.52",
respectively, were removed from service by plugging in accordance with the Tech. Specs. In addition, as required by the Technical Specifications, the remaming ID IG A indications were verified for serviceability by in-situ pressure testing and a growth evaluation. [See Sections ill,B.1 and til.C.1 of this report.l Appendix 11 provides a list of tubes containing ID IG A indications in the freespan. The 3-letter code "VOL" was used to delineate ID IGA indications; the tube numbers of those tubes having ID IGA flaws have been placed in bnid print. [ Note that some of the indications listed in the Appendices were removed from senice as a result of the tube plugging listed in Table I-1.] At the end of the outage 793 ID IGA indications in 327 CfrSG "A" tubes, and 78 ID IG A indications in 22 OTSG "B" tubes, remain in service in the TMI l generators.
C.2 Kinetic Expansion Recion TMI l's OTSGs have kinetic expansions within the generators' upper tubesheets. During the 12R Outage, a >21%
sample of the tubes with 17" kinetic expansions and 100% of the tubes with 22" kinetic expansions were inspected with a rotating probe (i.e. MRPC). He specific region examined is further defined in Section 111.. A of this report.
Analysis Process Each tube inspected with the rotating probe in the kinetic expansion region was analyzed to detennine if the tube was i
a structural and/or leakage concern. There are five factors which were used in addressing the structural and leakage issues associated with arw indication that was found. These are:
l l) the axial and/or circumferential extent of the indication,
- 2) the estimated depth of the indication,
- 3) the radial distance of the tube from the center of the tube bundle,
- 4) w hether the kinetic expansion was 17" or 22" in length, and
- 5) the minimum required axial kinetic expansion length (AKEL.) to ensure structural integrity in the event of a MSLB.
_ _ _