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Ro:On 800716,during Radiation Emergency Exercise,Use of Emergency Notification Sys Phone Line Became Uncertain, Making Accurate Info Transfers Questionable.Recommends That Microphone Headset Be Made Available to Allow Mobility
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/04/1980
From: Herbein J
TLL-364, NUDOCS 8008080209
Download: ML19330C304 (1)


Metropolitan Edison Cornpany


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Post Of fice Box 480 J

Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 717 9444041 Writer's Direct Dial Number August 4, 1980 TLL 364 Office of Inspection and Enforcement Atta:

B. H. Grier, Director Region I Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406

Dear Sir:

Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit I (TMI-1)

Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Radiation Emergency Exercise During the Radiation Emergency Exercise conducted at Three lEle Island Nuclear Station on July 16, 1980, a problem was encountered concerning the use of the Emergency Notification System (ENS) phone line. Although the ENS functicned properly for the initial notification of an emergency condition, use of the ENS became uncertain when an attempt to patch in Region I was made.

Observer s reported fading on the line and considerable background noise making accurate information transfers questionable.

In an attempt to circumvent the problem, a commercial Bell System line was tried with the same resulting problems. In considering the importance of the ENS, it is felt that these problems should be brought to your attention for timely resolution.

Additionally, per March 14, 1980 letter to D. Haverkamp, we have recommended that (1) a microphone headset be made available for connection to the ENS phone in the Control Room and Shif t Supervisor's office to allow mobility of the ENS phonetalker and (2) the ENS and HPN telephones in the Near-Site Emergency Operations Facility be equipped with wall jacks.

These phones may then be stored in the Radiation Emergency Storage Locker thereby preventing inadvertent use.

Sincerely, Signed J. G. Herbein J. G. Herbein Vice President TMI-I 00/

JCH:GJG:lma cc:

J. T. Collins

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D. Haverkamp 6

C. Gallina

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