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Provides Info Re Projected SNM Requirements & Associated Categories for License R-76.Identifies Degree of Enrichment of U-235.Suggests Mod of Tech Specs to Be Consistent with Current Practice
Person / Time
Site: Washington State University
Issue date: 02/13/1979
From: Wilson W
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7902230149
Download: ML19261B469 (2)



WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY PULLMAN, WASIIINGTON 99161 NUCLEAR RADIATION CENTER February 13, 1979 Robert W. Reid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Operating Reactors U.S. Nuclear Reculatory Commission Washinaton, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Reid:

In response to your recent letter the following information is nrovided on the orojected SNM requirements and associated categories for facility license No. R-76.

I. Total SNM of all tynes: 25 Kg of contained U-235 II. Total SNM with an enrichment in isotope U-235 below 20%: 10 Kg of contained U-235 (a) Material in this category exempt from the ohysical orotection requirements of part 73 under 73.6(a)

(b) Current holdings in this category consist of 4.5 Kg of U-235 contained in old standard TRIGA fuel that has been burned down to an enrichment of 19% or below.

(c) Additional fuel in this category may be acquired at a later date depending on outcome of the D.0.E. Low Enrichment Research Reactor Fuel Program.

III. Total SNM with an enr chment in isotope U-235 of 20% or greater:

i 15 Kg of contained U-235 (a) Current holdings in this category include:

(1) 4.4 Ka of U-235 contained in the FLIP fuel currently in-core having an original enrichment of 70%

(2) 5.6 Kg of U-235 contained in FLIP fuel on order from General Atomic, having an enrichment of 70%.

(b) Provision for the purchase of 5 Kg of additional fuel with an enrichment equal to or greater than 20%

(c) Present FLIP fuel in the core is exemnt from the physical security requirements of part 73 under 73.6(b)

(d) FLIP fuel on order from G.A. will be olaced in-core soon after receipt and will become exempt from the physical security require-ments of part 73 under 73.6(b)

(e) Refueling schedule will be adjusted so that nonexempt fuel at the facility in the above 20% enrichment category will always bc less than 5 Kg.


?S02230 m P

4 February 13, 1979 Mr. Robert W. Reid Page 2 IV. Amendment 7 to Facility License P-76 in Paragraph 2 B(2) also includes authorization to possess and use 32 grams of plutonium-beryllium neu-tron sources. Please include the Pu-Be neutron sources in the amended license.

It is also suggested that Specification 4.2(b) of the Technical Specifications to Facility License R-76 be modified to be consistent with current practice to read: "the highest worth control element and the regulating element (if not scrammable) fully withdrawn, and . . . . . .

Facility License R-76 expires on July 8,1979. Accordingly the entire license should be renewed and a new expiration date set under the pending amendment.

Sincerely, W. E. Wilson Associate Director WEW:eb