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Forwards Draft Documents Related to Proposed Facility License Extension
Person / Time
Site: Washington State University
Issue date: 09/22/1995
From: Wilson W
To: Mendonca M
NUDOCS 9510040159
Download: ML20092M867 (35)


{{#Wiki_filter:. QWashingtonStateUniversity M Nuclear Radiation Conter Pullman, WA 99164-1300 509-335-8641 FAX 509-335-4433 4-l September 22,1995 Marvin Mendonca Sr. Project Manager . U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Non-Power Reactors MS 0-11-B-20

        ; Washington,DC 20666

Dear Mr. Mendonca:

       - In light of the pending establishment of a Medical Therapy Beam for Human Therapy at Washington State University and the fact that the facility's license will expire in 2002, the facility is considering requesting a 10 year license extension. It simply is not practical to spend all the funds and make the necessary licensing changes for such a therapy facility with only a 4 or 5 year useful life.
       - Attached are draft documents related to the proposed facility license extension. After you have myiewed these materials, please contact the facility to let Dr. Tripard know that you are mady to                   '

discuss the documents with me. I will then contact you by telep bone to discuss what needs to be done,in the way of modification to these documents and the meeting of any additional requirements. Sincerely, ($ @h W.E. Wilson Consultant , l 0.40024 , pf0

                                                                                                              -    '        ~
                                                     .                                                               I 9510040159 950922                                                                                                 l PDR     ADOCK 05000027
      ._P.          ,    _. ,




(a) Name of Aeolicant Washington State University Nuclear Radiation Center s (b) Address of Applicant \.f Washington State University - Pullman, Washington 99164 (c) Business of Applicant and . Officers x (1) Business - Educatio tin}titutioq(Land rant College)

(2) Officers )
a. gMp~N rsity

! i [NNii., _c'Truvost f President o WSU - Samuel H. Smith w and Academic Vice President - Thomas

                                     'iice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School s) lii. /- Robert V. Smith
b. Nuclear Radiation Center
                    .         i.        Director, Nuclear Radiation Center - Gerald E. Tripard

, ii. Reactor Supervisor, Nuclear Radiation Center - Jerry

,                                       Neidiger (d) The applicant is an Educational Institution which is a Land Grant University in the     ,

State of Washington under the control of the Laws of the State of Washington. ) 1 (e) Class of License 1 Class 104 Production and Utilization Facility, Facility License No. R-76 (f) Financial Considerations I (1) Budget Information

a. Washington State University is a land grant educational institution in the State of Washington funded directly by State appropriations approved by the Legislature of the State. Funding is appropriated to

4 u the University on a biannual basis and amounted to

                                              $152,766,672.00 for the current biennium. The most recent financial report of WSU is attached.
b. The current annual budget for the Nuclear Radiation Center in which the Facility is located is $254,6331.50 as shown in the attached budget statements. The Nuclear Radiation variety of activities including the rTRIGA,rQ, facility. Center budge

. (2) Operating Costs The cost of operating the WS A re storfacility and attendant i

research projects during the curmn is 180,00AThqfundscome- l j from Program 10D of the unive ' et entitled "Otl epDrganized  !

! Research." Since all funding SU i by action of th}e State Legislature,

;                                it is not possible to guarantee                           f any program within the university. However, the State o                         a ington is an Agreement-State and

, has in the past chosen to comply wit a'lifederal regulations and

;                                commitments along,with the costs th(ertothlpis thus deemed tha i

be incumbent uponifi& State to continuepprovide the necessary funding for operation of the ilityp I (3) Decommissioning Co

1 $9 the Nucl6 ivision of Westinghouse Electric Corporation i- madha d(etail4d technicalh cost proposal for the decommissioning of the
                                *RSl Modif%dTRIGA                            ctor. The 1994 inflation adjusted

. deto ioiiiKgtostifare estimated to be $4,312,000. If the facility is , shut tiy iistion ff the university or termination of the facility license, ' i

                           ~the fu g qirgd to decommission the facility would be provided by opriate urces within the university and the State of Washington.


2. FIL OF APPhI ATION (10 CFR 50.30)

(a) notari signed copies of the letter of application for the extension of Facility i L' ense 46 are herewith submitted in accordance with Paragraph (b) of 10 CFR j i 50. . (b) Ten copies of the application information constituting this document including the

. information required by 50.33 are hereby submitted. ,

1 (c) The SAR of May,1979 as amended is still valid for the facility and thus no new SAR need be submitted, except for the impact of the recent changes to 10 CFR 20 on the Design Basis Accident, t (d) The applicant hereby claims to be exempt from the Filing Fees specified by 50.30 q (3) under the provisions of 170.11 (1.4). l 1 , (e) Ten copies of the applicant's"EnvironmentalImpact Appraisal"is hereby submitted to fulfiil the requirements of 50.30 (f). N 4 4



, (a) The Safety Analysis Report of May,1979 as amended is still valid for the facility and thus a complete new SAR need not be submitted. Attached is a Revised Design Basis Accident Analysis using modern methodology and the new requirments of 10 CFR 20. (b) The Emergency Plan of September,1963 as amended is galid for the facility . and a new plan need not be submitted. (c) The existing Technical Specifications for the fac s til valid and thus a new set need not be submitted. { (d) Requalification Program (10 CFR 55) [ The current existing"OperatorR alifi tion Program for the Washington State University TRIGA Facility" of Matth'21(1989 meets the current requirements and thus a new program need'polbe submitted. ! ' f. \d (c) Physical Security Plan \(10 FR g %4[c])

The current existing " Sec'er Plan for the Washington State University Nuclear Radiation a' ed September 12,1984 meets the current standards and is still val r the cility. Thus, a new plan need not be submitted d (f) SNM Igf rmation }0 CFR 73.4
                                               ~~ -y The h(M$5iitments for the facility in the existing license as listed in
TableI low att qtQe ydequate and need not be changed.
TABLEI SNM REQ I EMENTS FOR WSU TRIGA REACTOR FACILITY tup Maximum U-235 N En  % Enrichment Exemot Status
  • 10.0 k <20 Exempt 10 CFR 73.6(a) 15.0 kg >20 Exempt 10 CFR 73.6(b) 4.90 kg >20 Not Exempt 32 grams Exempt 10 CFR 73.6(c)
  • Material is exempt provided that it meets the requirements for exemption pursuant to the cited provisions of 10 CFR 73.

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1 0 ______ .........______. _........___ ..._______ ......._ ........____ ...._..=--- =_...........__... ___....___ -100- 3960 0001

         -WASHINGTON STATE-                                                                BUDGET                    'S T A T E'M E N T'                                                    DATES INCLUDED UNIVERSITY                                                                                      BUOGET TITLE                                        BUDGET                    FROM          TO!                               lPAGE.

NUCLEAR RADI ATION CENTER 13960 01-95 08-31-95 1

          - PROGRAM '100 : . PROJECT 0001'                               OPERATIONS                                                                                                                .      17% OF' FISCAL YR. ELAPSED'
          .(1) PROJECT 



           '01 WAGES ..                                                                               3,000.00'                         7,693.19                                                            4,693.19-                256 02 PERSONAL-SERVICE CONTRACTS                                                                        .00                    1,100.00                                                 ;

1.100.00- -- 03 GOODS AND SERVICES' 54,199.00 .7,736.04 757.87 45,705.09 16 04 TRAVEL -

                                                                                                                 .00                         795.46                                                               795.46-               --

06 EQUIPMENT 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 0 11 TELEPHONE SERVICES 3,570.00 305.86 . 3,264.14 9 16 NON-CAPITALIZED EQUIPMENT .00 .00 1,364.18 1,364.18- -- 19 PRIOR YEAR' BALANCE FORWARD 12,735.16- .00 12,735.16- -- , 21 INTERDEPARTMENTAL TRANSFERS '25,000.00- 1,715.32- 23,284.68- --- OPERATIONS. SUBTOTAL. . . 24,033.84 15,915.23 2,122.05 5,996.56 75 05 COMPUTING SERVICES 127.24 127.24 .00 100 OPERATIONS TOTAL . . . . 24,161.08 16,042.47 2,122.05 5,996.56 75 00 SALARIES 212,016.99 34,619.11 186,361.15 8,963.27- 104 07 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 9,596.19 9,596.19 .00 100 PROJECT TOTAL. . . . . . 245,774.26 60,257.77 188,483.20 2,966.71-' 101

            ======.___________======__________________________________________________                                                                   __              ____________________                          2======___________2 (3) PROJECT 


TO DATE PROJECT EXPENDED OUTSTANDING PCT. BY SUBOBJECT BUDGET TO DATE ENCUMBRANCES BALANCE USED 00-AB CLASSIFIED STAFF - 24,960.50 131,741.10 00-AF FACULTY 9,131.36 45,656.80. 00-AH GRADUATE ASSISTANTS 527.25 8,963.25 TOTAL SALAR IES. . . . . . . . . . 212,016.99 34,619.11 186,361.15 8,963.27- 104 01-AK OTHER EMPLOYEES 3,729.81 01-AL STUDENTS 3,963.38 TOTAL WAGES . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000.00 7,693.19 4,693.19- 256 02-KA RESEARCH, SURVEYS, AND APPRAISAL 1,100.00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS. .00 1,100.00 1,100.00- -- ., 03-AA OFFICE SUPPLIES 860.90 l 03-AC INSTRUCTION / LAB / MEDICAL SUPPLIES 4,665.69 462.24-03-AH BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 104.90 03-AS PARTS - EQUIPMENT 73.38 03-AT FILM AND PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 41.45

          '03-AW PARTS - VEHICLES                                                                                                                   .00                          295.63 03-BN SMALL EQUIPMENT ITEMS                                                                                                       355.83 03-BW INTERDEPARTMENT SUPPLIES & SERVICES                                                                                    1,109.66 03-00 1ST CLASS POSTAGE                                                                                                               6.92 03-DS ROADRUNNER TOLLS                                                                                                            148.46 03-FM DEMURRAGE                                                                                                                     96.00 03-HB DUPLICATING                                                                                                                    11.29 03-KB' CONFERENCE REGIGTRATION FEES                                                                                               150.00                                                                                                        .
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t 1.0 GENERAL This Environmental Impact Appraisal for the continued operation of the Washington State University Modified TRIGA Reactor is submitted to enable the Commission to support and develop the EIA for the renewal of Facility License R-76. On January 23,1974 the AEC staff concluded in the memorandum addressed to D. Skovholt and signed by D.R. Miller,"that there will be no significant environmental impact associated with the licerud research reactors or  : critical facilities designed to operate at power levels of 2 MWt *er that no environmental impact statements are required to be written for the issuan c struc nits or operating licenses for such facilities." Thus no formal EIA is r ired e extensio - the operating Reactor. license of Facility R-76 for the WSU TRIGA 1 MWtg 2.0 LOCATION OF FACILITY  % The WSU TRIGA reactoris located Nik kadiation Center on the campus of Washington State Univers' itrPullman, Wa 'ngton. Pullman is a small town in the southeast v corner of the State o a ingto shown in igum 1 and has a total population, including the university of 23,500. ThePa

                                        \                ~._9 wregiondirrounding the town is a rural agricultural area devoted to dry land            ings N

actual react 6r site is ' ast of Pullman and east of the main portion of the WSU campus as shown i e2. e site is surrounded by university property used for grazing livestock as shown in the si graph of Figure 3, and the closest occupied dwelling is 411 meters west of the facility. Addi onal details on the site are given in the facility SAR of May,1979. 3.0 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FACILITY The WSU reactor is a modified TRIGA reactor and operates with a core of mixed Standard and FLIP fuels. The reactor was originally designed to use MTR plate-type fuel but was converted to TRIGA fuel in 1%7 by replacing the MTR fuel elements with 4-rod clusters of TRIGA fuel. The reactor is housed in the WSU Nuclear Radiation Center which is a 1200 square meter 1

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laboratory devoted to nuclear related research and educational activities. The core of the reactor is situated in a 242,000 liter water pool which functions as shield, moderator, and coolant. The WSU modified TRIGA reactor, like all TRIGA type reactors, has very large prompt negative temperature coefficient, thus making the reactor inherently very safe. The kinetic behavior

o. i niun reactors permits them to be safely pulsed to very high power levels for a short duration.

The pulse is automatically terminated by the effects of the large neg perature coefficient. The WSU reactor operates at a maximum continuous steady s vel of 1 MWt and may be pulsed with a $2.50 insertion. The peak power durin Q1 is on .o er f 2000 MW.


4.0 ENVIRONMENTINTHE AREA The reactor site lies approximately 3.2 kilometers e t center of the town of Pullman b and 1.6 kilometers east of the center of th W,StFcatn us. ' and surrounding the site for at least 400 meters in all directions is uninhab e ap wned by the university and used for the grazing oflivestock. Geologicall the site is ated at an elevation of 808 meters on the south slope of a typicale'Palous// N ormau, hill. V Pullman%

                                                    .__9 is situated'ne            / L of the Columbia Plateau and the associated lava e easterefnargin
                          -            \

derlald itifbasaltic rock produced by horizontal lava flows. The flows. The.sifis th bedrock capped th silt and y deposited during the Pleistocene Age to form the present topsoil of th Phlouse L s with their characteristic rolling hill topography. The Palouse formation (topso I) al.the reactor site is approximately 30 meters thick. Pullman is located approximately 480 kilometers inland from the Pacific Ocean. The Cascade Mountains, which average more than two kilometers in height, separate the region from the coast. The combined effect of the distance from the ocean and the extensive mountain barrier produces a climate that is continental in character. However, because the prevailing winds blow , inland from the Pacific Ocean, winters are somewhat warmer than might be expected 480  ! kilometers inland at a latitude of 47' north. Winters in Pullman are characterized by cloudy skies l 2 L____._______._____

i and frequent snowstorms. On the average, the sun shines only about 30% of the time during the winter months. , During the summer months, the westerly winds weaken, and continental climatic . conditions prevail. This causes rainfall, cloud cover, and relative humidity to be at their minimum; the daily mean temperature and daily temperature variation are at their maximum. Summers in Pullman are characterized by warm clear days and cool nights. On Aav rage, the sun shines in

     . Pullman about 80% of the time during the summer months.                                                   ]
              ' One of the characteristics of the Palouse region is go ' ing a ~           wi dy area. The        f
     . average annual wind velocity is of the order of 16 k fFo       e most part,. ds peak in
     " January averaging about 21 km/hr and the low occ9 bl averaging about 11 km/hr. The wind                    .

velocity is greater than 5 km/hr 94% of the time and greate'rs 8 r 76% of the time. The wind is from a westerly direction of the o fAQof the ti and an easterly direction 30% of the time. The annual precip' ion'igthe Pullma crea is 50 centimeters and the annual average temperature is 8.7'C. igh tycipitation nth is January with 6.8 centimeters and the  ; lowest is July with I ce me .Wdail can temperature peaks in July at 20*C. The mean daily min -to- um oc t 'e- o extremes is 15.7'C and 5.7'C respectively. are no umqu) envi nmental or natural characteristics of the mactor site or l l' archaeolog histori sites located within close proximity of the reactor site. The site is in a very low popul sity region and east of cie main population concentrations of both the town of Pullman and t WSU campus. The population centers are also upwind of the site over 60% of the time. 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF CONSTRUCTION No modifications to the Facility or the site will be required for the continued operation of the WSU reactor. There are no exterior conduits, pipelines, electrical or mechanical structures or. transmission lines attached to the reactor facility other than utilities services which are required for 3

T other structures and laboratcries on campus. Thus there will be no significant effects upon the terrain, vegetation, wildlife, nearby waters, or aquatic life due to construction-type activities. 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF FACILITY OPERATION (a) Water Use Consumption Make-up water for both the reactor pool and wet cooli er are required for operation of the reactor. The WSU campus has its ow t s tem with water derived from wells independent of the Pullman water systeth 1 mak ounts to 20,000 liters per month on the average and the cooli ower uims 21001 per hour of reactor operation at full power. The total wat con ption of the reactor cooling system is approximately 195,000 liters per month. The required make-up wa r'dadiltavailab from the WSU campus water system and thus will have no impac n I water supply system. (b) Heat Dissination The WS IG getor has a! maximum steady state power output of 1 MWt. The 1 MWt of heatje ratedh reactor is dissipated by an evaporative mechanical draft coo 4owdl6cated rth side of the facility. The evaporative cooling system , NN the mactorpool a issipates the heat generated by the reactor to the atmosphere l thro h e late ' ] eat of vapotization of water. On the average, the facility ge MW-h per e and thus approximately 1.6 x 106 kilograms of water vapor are added to the local atmosphere per year by the operation of the facility. In other words, an average of 4400 liters of water per day are added to the atmosphere at the site. Evaporative cooling towers have the potential for crating visible plumes of water vapor under certain atmospheric conditions. The plume is a region of air with a higher temperatum and higher water content than the ambient air. The climatic and atmospheric conditions at the site and the small amount of water involved preclude the development of a plume by the WSU reactor cooling tower during the sununer months. However, during 4

i l. I l

 !          the winter months a very small plume is sometimes produced that rises of the order of 30                                     l 1

i meters into the air above the cooling tower. Fogging and icing conditions at the site are not i affected by the operation of the cooling tower. The amount of water added to the local l

!           atmosphere annually by the cooling tower is really insignificant compared to the 50                                          ,

i l l centimeters annual precipitation in Pullman. Thus the water added to the atmosphere by the l 5 operation of the facility will have a minimal effect on the en f onment. A , i I

(c) Chemical Discharges (non-radioactive) N I 2

No chemical discharges are generated directfyfr6m the ope [a ' n of the reactor. l The chemical discharges into the sanitary yste Nt the NuclearR ation Center are i g 4 at the site and are not different than [ related to conventional chemical laboratory opera  ! . those of other laboratories on campus. The blow-down of the c Ni g t6wer also discharges into the sanitary sewer system. The blow-down discharge is th liters per month on the average which contains an increaseditmopnt of total d solved solids than the input potable water. The i r will )less thanN10dnd this the increased TDS is not significant. ) i 4 concentration l i

0. ~~~f The coolin'g towerand associated heat exchanger, like all boilers and other water

co maintained by the WSU water treatment group. The ksich \ ncamp) 1

,                 ard campuhw iter tr atment involves the use of MOGUL WS164 water treatment liq        the ra        40 ppm plus 22 ppm of algicide. The incremental increase in the j            discharg        treated water by the operation of the reactor is, however, insignificant compared to the total campus discharge of such water into the sanitary sewage system.

Thus the envimnmental effects related to chemical discharges created by the operation of the reactor are not significant. l (d) Rwiioactive Discharges

(1) Gaseous The ventilation system of the reactor discharges 2.12 m3/sec of air from the pool room into the atmosphere. The principal radionuclide contained in the 5

l i ^

                  . discharge air is Argon-41 which is produced by the activation of argon contained in 4                                                                                                           ,

air. The Argon-41 content of reactor pool room exhaust is contincously monitored with a special gamma-ray spectrometer set to detect Argon-41. Over the past 5  !


years the totd average quantity of Argone-41 discharged from the facility amounted  !

i to 20.7% of the Techrdcal Specification limit. On a concentration basis, taking into account the dilution of the atmospheric wake effect iw Cde of the building, the 5 year average release concentration of Argon-4 as 10 Ci/cm3. The release concentration for Argon-41 given p Jg BPA for its ilities in 40 CFR 61, subpart I is 1.7 x 10-9 pCi/ which 8 times lo r than the new 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, Table II, Colum s i . it for Argon-41 of 1.0 x 10-8 Ci/cm3. The actual releasq% concentration o r $ast 5 years amounted to 2.1%

of the 10 CFR 20 limit and ' %)the- i tit. A small amount of tritium is , produced in the pool water th neu n capture in the deuterium present in the pool waterd))ementslevelin of the pool water of a number of TRIGA )

!                                                                                                           I
reactors ding the WS11 reactor are reported on Page 170 of the August,1976 c .Vp. /

issyc of He h Ph . Measurements made by the WSU Radiation Safety Office , gree e repped value for the WSU reactor of.045 pCi/1. The pool ? evaporati trate amounts to 560 liters per day and the pool room exhaust discharge t g 1011 cm3 per day. If we make the conservative assumption that the 3H co nt of the pool water and evaporated water are the same, then the pool room exhaust would contain 1.37 x 10-10 pCi/cm3 of tritium. This is significantly below the applicable limit in 10 CFR 20 of 1 x 10-7 pCi/cm3 and the EPA limit of l  ; i 1.5 x 10-9. No other signiScant quantity of gaseous radioactive material or particulate radioactive material with a half-life greater than eight days has been released by the facility during the past 10 years. 1 4 + 6 l i

        ..     .~. . _       - - -               .-     - . _       - - - -                  .    -       - - _ - . . .       .- -

1 In the event of a Loss of Coolant Accident or the Design Basis Accident, the 4-1995 review analysis of this postulated accident has shown the gaseous radioactive discharges to be minimal. The worst case whole body dose from a cloud of fission [ products discharged from the facility as a result of the DB A is only 1.28 mrem /hr.

                        . The worst case maximum thyroid dose outside the facility for a 3% halogen release was found to be 17.4 mrenVhr. Thus no realistic ha                          e general public would result from the DBA or a LOCA.                                                                     ,

I (2) Liania i' 4 \ No radioactive liquids are ge [ted b operation pf' e reactorin and by 5 itself. However, the nuclear resear an 'onal activities t the Nuclear Radiation Center generate radioactive liqui m, diochemistry experiments and , from activation analysis T'Nitieb

                                                                 . All hot drafrom the laboratory flow into a                      ;

holdup tank system which i 'N[oTdd diluted as necessary before being , discharg sanitary se- r. Over the past 3 years the radioactive liquid relea Y Idup tanks,6n the average, contained 4 x 10-8 pCi/cm3 or l about mt)h a t 'Epp elease limit and amounts to about .5 pCi/ month.

                       /                    \         4 q                diatiort.S fety at WSU has, for over 10 years, monitored the Radioch m try level in the waters in the vicinity of WSU including the South Fork
                       \              !

b he P se River, local tap water, and sewage treatment plant effluent. An in . .. in the activity levels attributable to the operation of the WSU TRIGA reactor has never been detected. (3) Solids The only solid radioactive waste generated directly by the operation of the ! reactor is spent ion exchange resin. Approximately .3 cubic meters of spent resin is disposed of each year. It is estimated that the long-lived components of the activity

in the spent resin amounts to about .1 Ci/yr.

( 7

The entire WSU campus generates of the order of 8 cubic meters of solid i radioactive waste annually containing approximately .5 curies of activity. This solid waste is pn: dominantly generated by research activities in university ! laboratories other than the Nuclear Radiation Center utilizing long-lived purchased 1

 ;                     radionuclides. Thus the incrementalincrease in solid wastes generated by the operation of the reactor is minimal. All solid waste                 ferred to the Nuclear Engineering Company of Richland, Washingto or'dispqsal.

x l

(e) Radiation Izvels g Program gin[stituted at the An extensive Environmental Radiatio.n onit '

WSU Nuclear Radiation Center in July o 4 rogram involves measuring the integrated radiation exposure for a period of three , 40 points at the site and . associated environs. Commen:ial aybable thermol nescent dosimeters (TLD's) of the N N CaSO4:Dy type provided and proce ftlibRadation Detection Company, Sunnyvale, i y California are utilizedQ . hj t Table Rf the a gge exposu ~ rate above ambient background per megawatt

                                              ~. _p hour of reactor o           f6ra number oflocations et the site. The two highest exposure
             . poi t[arem          ofdi         bove the pool and at the freight door to the pool room. The 4 aYmum possi e on-site exposure at a readily accessible location would be to an indi iqu stand.       at the pool room freight door for the 1000 hours per year that the N         /

reactor operates. The total maximum annual exposure a this on-site point would be 87 mrem / year. The exposure rates at points from 50 meters to 24 kilometers from the Nuclear Radiation Center have also been monitored quarterly since 1974. The average exposure rate at the 24 locations involved is 188 30 R per day. No statistically significant , variations in the above background exposure rates at the sample locations have been

             . observed or any exposure attributable to the operation of the WSU reactor. In addition, the
average exposure rates at these locations which are 50 meters from the site are not 8

4 ' statistically diffen:nt on a quarterly basis than the average of the background exposure rates

at 17 locations in the State of Washington monitored by the State of Washington
Department of Emergency Services. Thus no significant effect on the radiation levels in the
;                       environment surrounding the facility has been observed to date.


There are no suitable or more economical altematives wh hh ecomplish both the
educational and research objectives of the facility. These b]e ves in de ut are not limited to

the training of students in the operation of nuclear re t training of s tyie s in the use of radioisotopic tracer techniques; the dproduction iso ofinradio s for use \ areas of the numerous i physical, biological, and animal sciences ;the training of stadentend research appleiations of trace element analysis by neutron activation an s),ind ;tiso a dene tration too! to familiarize the i s  % %. student body and general public with nucle g (fr's'agd t$eir operation. l In addition, the W Reactor Facility in the process of establishing and licensing a i j Medical Therapy Facil r hur a)n therapy theuBNCT method of cancer therapy. The 1 ! L~~p l BNCF method can o% nly tio it a nuclear reactor facility and thus there is no alternative to this l 4

                     .                      s new, importa,rit cancer treatment r N             ology.

y 8.0 SHOR TERM ENFECTS VERSUS LONG-TERM OAIN OF FACILITY OPERATION One of e bjectives of any institution of higher education is to increase the body of knowledge availble to mankind and to impart that knowledge to individuals. Accordingly, it is very difficult to compare the long-term gains from the operation of a research reactor in relation to the short-term environmental effects. However, the total environmental effects of the WSU TRIGA reactor and associated Nuclear Radiation Center are not significantly different from other research laboratories at a typical university. For the most part, the cumulative long-term beneGts of university research activities far outweigh the environmental effects of such activities. This would j also be true for the continued operation of the WSU reactor. 9

9.0 COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS The facilities at the Nuclear Radiation Center represent an investment of the order of $2 l 1 million dollars. If the facility were shut down, the benefits derived from this investment would  ! drop to zero. On the other hand, continued operation would allow the continuation of 10 ongoing 1 research programs and the completion of about 8 graduate thesis re ojects per year. The ; benefits also include the educational objectives mentioned in and the new BNCT cancer therapy project being undertaken. Considering the minimalgvimnment le fg of the continued operation of the rector as previously cited in this re mental ects are very

        . small compared to the benefits to be derived from cont          peration.


                                              =w 10
      .- --     ~       .-       ._     -                  .-


      .                                                                                                 \

1 TABLE 1 i 1 Median Exposure Rates per Megawatt Hour of Reactor Operation in Close Proximity to the Nuclear Radiation Center i i i Location (Adjacent to Room) Exposure (pR/MW-Hr) l [ Front Entrance 50V 32 l Pool Room Freight Door 201 A 87 I North Side of Building 201B / [ ' 10 Roof above Control Room 201B /k\ 16 Roof above Pool 201 [ \'\152 Roof above Laboratory Area 214 /[ \xf I West Side Door at Beam Room 2X/( )h #14 Storage Building 217A\V[ 21 ) Lower Loading Dock 123A \_\ , 17

                                                       -'x                y dla\/ % 7


                                    .N~..~~.a 1

I i d 11



The Design Basis Accident for a TRIGA reactor is defined as the loss of the integrity of the fuel cladding of one fuel rod in air. The hazard associated with this th kl accident is thus the effects of the postulated fission product release within the facili the surrounding environment. The D.B.A. for the W.S.U. TRIG A reactor was originall zed in the Safety

                                                              ,,%                 y% 9 Analysis for converting the W.S.U. TRIGA reactor to           IP fu    f May,197phis revised analysis uses the same basic data as used ir. the prev 6 tis anal   'bul the effects are calculated using more recent analysis methods and guide lines published          the Federal Government (1).
2. FISSION PRODUCT INVENTOR N s The fission product rele fraction for IGA-type reactor fuel has been measured experimentally (2) and doddbn)ed fore the A" hearings on the Columbia reactor as being 4\

1.5 x 10-5 at a fuel tempehtura f-35dEC3iY release fraction, FR,is, however, a function of the fueltemperat regiP viv by icaelationship(2): FR 1.5 x 10:5 + 3.6 x 103 EXP - (1.34 x 104/r + 273). Assuming fuel'temperatnre of 500*C, the release fraction is calculated to be 1.2 x 104 by the above relations ase fraction of 1.2 x 104 will be used in the calculations for the D.B.A. A power density of 30 kw per fuel rod and an infinite irradiation time will also be assumed for the D.B.A. Under these conditions the fission product inventory for one TRIGA fuel rod and  ! the associated released fission products are tabulated in Tables 1 and 2. This tabulation was derived from the basic data of Perkins and King (3) along with the documented fact (2) that only l the gaseous fission products escape when the cladding of a TRIGA fuel rod ruptures. The data in l Tables 1 and 2 are compcrable to fission product inventory recently calculated for the Bangladesh TRIGA reactor by G.A. after correcting for reactor power level. 1


  • Saturated Released 3

Inventory Activity Isotone Half-Life fj mci l Br-82 40 4.8 - 35.3 hr l 83 137 16.4 2.3 hr ! 84 253 30.4 31.8 min i 85 330 39. 3.0 min l 32, 230 43 (\ N 55.0 sec - Total Br 1540 ) 4:8 L j I-130m 260 31. 9.2 min 131 734 . S 8.1 days 1 132 1115 13 8 2.3 hr 133 1672 200. 21.0 hr . 134 2027 243:2 54.0 min l 135 185. 6.8 hr

13fi TotalI 1546 235 8139 b
                                                                                   's  s' N9_6.6           86.0 sec Kr-83m                       137                  16.4         1.9 hr 85m         f              30          4       39.6         4.4 hr

{ 85 67 8.0 10.7 yr 9 87 634 76.1 78.0 min 88 H2

                                                         \     N 9ff'~
                                                                       ~111f ' f 109.4 131H 2.8 hr 3.2 min 195                 383.3 Total)Kf_[(%

4' Xek[Im , 4 7 0.8 12.0 days

                                           # 133m                          40                    4.8        2.3 days Nx}33                       1672                 200.6         5.3 days 135g1                      457                  54.8        15.0 min i                                                 13 -                    1621                 194.5         9.0 hr i                                                 137                     1545                 185.4         3.9 min 133                     11fi6                1312         17.0 min Total Xe                     6508                 780.8 Total Relcased Soluble Gaseous Fission Products = 1.16 Ci Total Gamma Emitters                                         =   1.03 Ci Total Beta Emitters                                          =  1.16 Ci
  • Power Density = 30 kwhod, fuel temperature = 500*C, release fraction 1.2 x 104 2


The whole body exposure for each fission product radionuclide released as a result of a postulated single fuel element cladding failure is given in Table 2. This table contains all the parameters involved with the dose calculation including the DCF (Dose Conversion Factor) for each radionuclide taken from the 1992 EPA document
" Manual of Pr . ' ,e Action Guides and
      - Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents"(1). The DCF's inclu              s    of the dose from extemal radiation exposure from an infinite radioactive hem' .he , al clo          a    xposum due to n

inhalation of each airborne radionuclide. The total dose to an individual in the Pool R ' TRIGA reactor for 5 minute and I hour exposum times are given in Tables 4 and 5 e ssumes a 100% noble gas release and a 25% halogen release. Table 5 assu s'a10Q% noble gas ease and a 3% halogen release (most realistic case).

4. THYROID RADL POSURE INbL ROOM The thyroid rad p relo% iodine radionuclide in a single fuel element and 100% escape ' 6tliB" - I roonVsti in Table 3. The total thyroid dose for 5 minute and 1 hourex . times is g 'e in T s 4 and 5. Table 4 assumes a 25% halogen release and Table 5 assumes alogen r lease.


TABLE 2 POOL ROOM FISSION PRODUCT CONCENTRATIONS AND ASSOCIATED EXPOSURE RATES FOR SINGLE FUEL ELEMENT CLADDING FAILURE (a) Activity Released Release Concentration DCFin rem per Dose in Isotope in mci (b) in pCi/cm3 (c) pCi/cm3/hr (d) mrem /hr(b) A Br-82 4.8 4.8 x 10-6 ^250> 6.0 83 15.8 1.58 x 10-5 . 83 .13 84 25.8 2.58 x 10 5 12.,5 3.1 85 7.0 7.0 x 10-6 15 3

       - Total Bromine Dose Rate (100% Br escape) =
                                                                                       \         10 1-131                88.1                  8.81 x 10f                  220 c/       19.4 132                129                  1.29 x J0-4               1400            181 133                201                 2.01 x 10)                   350         70.4 134                221                 2.21 x 10 4                1600           353 135                186                  1.86 x 10 4                 950           177 136                2.5                 I'484.,*10-6                  110            2 Total Iodine dose rate (100% I escape)              s     s                           801 Kr-83m                  15.7                  1. 75'ys,/

10 100 1.6 85m 39.6 93 3.7 85 8 30x 8 146 10-5 1.3 .01 87 88 7)d0/ - 7.1 V 10 5 510 36.2 4106 f ~~--.- LO6 x 10-4 1300 138 89 2 - - -.J.6 x 10-5 1200 lla Total krypt g ate = 211 Xe-131m ,\8 8 x 10 7 4.9 0 13 - 4.8 4.8 x 10 6 17 .08 153 - 201) 2.01 x 10 4 140 28.1 13$m \ 2d 2.8 x 10-5 250 7.0 135 N.] $ 1.95 x 10-4 140 27.3 137 49 4.9 x 10-5 110 5.4 138 103 1.03 x 10-4 710 .72J. Total xenon dose rate = 141 (a) Fracture and release of fission products in our TRIGA Fuel Element with a 1.2 x 104 release fraction. (b) Averaged over a 15 minute period. (c) Pool Room volume = 1 x 109cm3 (d) Values from EPA-400-R-92-001, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions i for Nuclear Incidents. Includes both inhalation and external exposure effects. j l l 4

i ! TABLE 3 SINGLE FUEL ELEMENT FAILURE Total Iodine Release Thyroid Exposure (a) Activity Released Release Concentration DCFin rem per Dose in

Isotope in mci (b) in pCi/cm3 (c) pCi/cm3/hr (d) rem /hr I-131 88.1 8.81 x 10 5 1.Sg106 114 132 129 1.29 x 10-4 frc103 1.0 133 201 2.01 x 10-4 24 x 105 44.2 134 221 2.22 x 10-4 .3 I3K103 q

4 135 186 1.86 x 10-4 3.8sx 104 2J. Total thyroid dose rate (100% Iodine escape) = \- \ 166.6 (a) Fracture and release of fission products in our TR ment with x 104 release fraction. 1* Ig% (b) Averaged over a 15 minute period. (c) Pool Room volume = 1 x 109cm3 (d) Values from EPA-400-R-92-001, Manual of Protective A ' n. Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents. Includes both i' "alatiqn and extern ' sure effects. N ASLE 4 WORST CASE QOSETQ PERS LIN THE REACTOR POOL ROOM: SINGLE FUEL EIS1ENT t FAI WITH POOL WATER LOSS. REL SE: 'l.00% NOBL ASES,25% HALOGENS r

                                                    ' -. _ 4 Whole Body                                     Thyroid Ex    ure Time                            (mrem)                                     (mrem) m        N                                                                      3,470 5 min                                   46 1 hr                                 555                                       41,650 TABLE 5 WORSTEASE DOSE TO PERSONNEL IN THE REACTOR POOL ROOM:                                                                 i SINGLE FUEL ELEMENT FAILURE WITHOUT POOL WATER LOSS.

RELEASE: 100% NOBLE GASES,3% HALOGENS Whole Body Thyroid  ! Exposure Time (mrem) (mrem) j 5 min 31 417 l 1 hr 376 4,998 l 5

5. DISCHARGE OF THE FISSION PRODUCTS INTO THE ENVIRONMENT The rate at which fission products from the pool room are released into the environment in a D.B.A. condition is dependent upon the rate of removal of pool room air by the pool room ventilation system. In the normal operation mode, air is exhausted from the pool room at the rate of 4500 cfm or 2.12 x 106 cm3/sec. In the dilution mode,300 cfm of Ibm the pool room is k

passed through a HEPA filter system, diluted with 1700 cfm of ou ide ai and discharged into the , atmosphere. In the dilution mode,2000 cfm of air is dischar ON or 9.44 x 5.cm3/see with a dilution factor of 6.67. If the ventilation system is o t relefsq [ the envirpyttnent would only be by leakage from a sealed building which is estimated b the order of 100 cfm or 4.72 x 104 cm3/sec. In the dilution mode the oveatHEPA e 90% offilter would the iodine from the rem \ exhaust air. N , The activity of each radionuclide exhaust rombe facility, Xi in pCi per em3 at any time e \ after t = 0 is given by t fibt

                                                  !{XpyA e4i+/Mt.

i where Ai =4 e'ntratiobf t ith isotope in the pool room at t = 0 in pCi/cm3

                    'b 'the buildin exhaust rate in em3/sec                                                                     l V=      t
                             \Volu 'of/pool room in em3                                                                         i l =i the decay constant of the ith isotope in sec I t = time after t = 0 in seconds.


6. DILUTION OF DISCH ARGE IN THE LEE OF THE BUILDING The gaseous radioactive material discharged from the facility ventilation system will be )

l diluted by atmospheric air in the lee of the building due to turbulent wake effects. The dilution is i

proportional to the product of the cross sectional area of the building times the wind speed. That is, 6
  ,                                                                                                             l
              $ = dilution factor = 1/cAu (sec/cm3)

C= constant (2 to .5), select 1 (cm3/m3) where A = building cross-sectional area in square meters l l ! u = wind speed in meters /sec. Thus for a nominal 2/ msec wind velocity (4.4 mph)* and a 56 x 28 r%ilding, the dilution factor i is $ = 3.4 x 10-3


7.a. WHOLE BODY RADIATION EXPOSU 'AN sTH fD EXPOSURE OUTSIDE THE FACILITY The activity discharged into the atDherey%a D.B.A.result under three off modes of N, s6 '~fnd 8 along with the thyroid and whole operation of the ventilation system are given body exposure to a person outsides the facility i ach case. The activities reported include a

. correction for the atmos din' ti factorin t ee of the building and in the case of the dilution L

mode, for the dilution fac lismiTe~of6peration. 2 1 [> l J

  • Average annual wind speed is in excess of 5 mph (14).


TABIE6 ENVIRONMENTAL FISSION PRODUCT CONCENTRATIONS l AND ASSOCIATED EXPOSURE RATES FOR l , SINGLE FUEL ELEMENT CLADDING FAILURE  ! (Ventilation system on, no radionuclide decay)00 Pool Room Conc. Environmental Conc. DCF in rem per Dose in Isotope in pCi/cm3 in Ci/cm3 C' m3/hr mmm/hr i

                                                                                                                                                 %                                       i Br-82                4.8 x 10-6                        1.63 x 10-8                                                  50                .0204                  i 83              1.58 x 10-5                       5.37 x 10-8                                                    3               .0044 84             2.58 x 10 5                        8.78 x 10-8                                                                    .0110 i

85 7.0 x 10 6 Total Bromine Dose Rate (100% Br escape) = 2.38 x 10 8 ' N)(25 1

                                                                                                                                                   \'      .00274
                                                                                                                                                                 .0386                   !

I-131 8.81 x 10 5 3.00 x J q b 220 .0659 l 132 1.29 x 104 4.39 x 10-7\ 1400 .614 . 133 2.01 x 104 350 .239 l

 ,                             134             2.21 x 104 6.84 x 10-7 \

7.52 x 10-7 - 1600 1.203 l l 135 1.86 x 104 1410 7 950 .601 2 136 2.48 x 10-6 4~x [04 % 110 .00093 i Total Iodine dose rate (100% I escape) = 2.724 I Kr-83m 1.57 x 10,-5-- 5. x 10 8 100 .0053 35m 3.96 x J 4- 1.3 07 93 .0125 6 85 8x/ 6 2.7 10 8 1.3 .000035 l 87 7.1 5 1 - 0 42 x 10 7 510 .1235 88 1.06 xl04 2605 x 10 7 1300 .4687 89 ,6 10 A 8.84 x 10 8 1200 .10612 Total kr dose ra - .716 l Xe-131 8 x 10 , 2.72 x 10-8 4.9 .00001 13 4.8."1.0j6 1.63 x 10 8 17 .00028 133 2.01 y/104 6.84 x 10 7 140 .0957 135m 18sf0 5 9.52 x 10 8 250 .0238 135 \p5'x 104 6.63 x 10-7 140 .0929 137 4.9 x 10-5 1.67 x 10-7 110 .0183 138 1.03 x 104 3.50 x 10-7 710 24f12 Total xenon dose rate = .4797 (a) Worst case assuming the ventilation systems is ON and discharge equals pool room concentration and only dilution effect is that of wake effect in the lee of the reactor bulding. l

l . . N TABLE 6A SINGLE FUEL ELEMENT FAILURE Environmental'Ihyroid Exposun: for Total Iodine Release

  • Envimnmental 4

Release Concentration DCFin rem per Dose in Isotope in pCi/cm3 pCi/cm3/h rem /hr I-131 3.00 x 10-7 1.3 x 106 .390 132 4.39 x 10-7 7.7 x 103 .0034 133 6.84 x 10-7 2.2 x) .150

134 7.52 x 10 7 1.3 x4()3 .001 135 6.33 x 10 7 4tg104 434 Total thyroid dose rate (100% Iodine escape) = .58 TABLE 6B \ \



( f 3 5 min . 57 12 I hr -

                                                           -a1                                                 145                    I 1
                                                         .~_/ .89                                                                     :
                                                   /        TABLE 6C



i E ATION SYSTEM IN NORMAL EXHAUST MODE I ASE: 100% NOBLE GASES,3% HALOGENS I Whole Body Thyroid Exposure Time (mrem) (mrem) 5 min .106 1.45 1 hr 1.28 17.4 l

  • Single fuel element failure, ventilation system in normal exhaust mode, no radioactive decay j correction, only dilution effect is that of wake effect in the lee of the reactor building.

4 4 9 5

TABLE 7 ENVIRONMENTAL FISSION PRODUCT CONCENTRATIONS AND ASSOCIATED EXPOSURE RATES FOR SINGLE FUEL ELEMENT CLADDING FAILURE (Ventilation system in dilution mode, no radionuclide decay)(4 Pool Room Conc. Environmental Conc. DCF in rem per Dose in Isotope in pCi/cm3 in pCi/cm3 /ar manVhr Br-82 4.8 x 10-6 2.44 x 10-9 250 .00304 83 1.58 x 10 5 8.05 x 10 9 'M3 .00066 84 2.58 x 10 5 13.3 x 10-9 123 .00165 1 85 7.0 x 10-6 3.57 x 10-9 g l'1

                                                                                                                                                 .()0041 Total Bromine Dose Rate (100% Br escape) =                                                                                      .00578 I-131                                           8.81 x 10-5              4.50 x j -8                          220              .0099 132                                     1.29 x 104              6.58 x 10-                         1400               .0921

. 133 2.01 x 104 10.3 x 10-8 350 .0358 134 2.21 x 104 11.3 x 10 8 1600 .1804 l 135 1.86 x 104 D94,10 8 950 .0901 t 136 2.48 x 10 6 . S lo-a , 11o gf1(u. Total Iodine dose rate (100% I escape) = .408 Kr-83m 1.57 x 10 5 8. x 10-9 100 .00079 85m J- 2.0 08 93 .00187 85 3.968xI- x)6 4.0 10-9 1.3 .0 87 ~~_343 x 10-8 510 .01852 88 7.16'x)1 1.06 x Q4 5 I40 x 10-8 1300 .07270 89 24x 10-h 1.33 x 10-8 1200 .01591 Total kryptfIdose rat Xe-131; 8xIM 4.08 x 10-9 4.9 .0 133In 4.8 x 1,0j6 2.44 x 10 9 17 .00004 133 . 2.01 /)D4 1.03 x 10 7 140 .01435 135m i:8, 10-5 1.43 x 10-8 250 .00357 135 j.y 104 9.99 x 10 8 140 .01393 137 '4.9 x 10-5 2.50 x 10-8 110 .00274 138 1.03 x 104 5.25 x 10-8 710 .03729 Total xenon dose rate = .0719 (a) Worst case dilution mode assuming the ventilation systems is in dilution mode and discharge equals initial pool room concentration diluted by the wake effect in the lee of the reactor building and the effects of the dilution mode but no radioactive decay correction or time dependent exhaust effect. l 1 10

1 l


TABLE 7A SINGLE FUEL ELEMENT FAILURE Environmental Thyroid Expousre for Total Iodine Release, Ventilation System in Dilution Mode, llEPA Filter Not Functioning

  • Environmental Release Concentration DCFin rem per Dose in Isotope in pCi/cm3 pCi/cm3/hr rem /hr I-131 4.50 x 10 8 1.3 x 106 .0585 132 6.58 x 10-8 7.7x @ .0005

. 133 10.3 x 10 8 2.2 ()5 .0225 134 11.3 x 10-8 03 .00015 s 135 9.49 x 10 8 l<3y*

                                                                      ,8 x los               3 0.11.

Total thyroid dose rate (100% Iodine escape) = .0867 i TABLE 7B N a TOTAL ENVIRONMENTAL WORST CASE EXPOSURE:* SINGLE FUEL ELEMENT V MOURE WITH PdOL WATER LOSS. VENTILATION SY TERINblLUJrION MODE RELEASE: 100% NO ,Fs A' SEp25% HALOGENS Wh Body Thyroid l Exposure Ti ( ) (mrem) I r - 28 21.7 ,

                                          /         TABLE 7C iENTAL WORST CASE DILUTION MODE EXPOSURE:*


                           /                       Whole Body                     Thyroid Exposure Time                      (mrem)                       (mrem) 5 min                            .016                        .22 1 hr                              .19                      2.60
       *No radioactive decay corrections, HEPA filter not working. Only corrections are t = 0 dilution effects.

1 11 l

4 7b. DECAY CORRECTED ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE ESTIMATE , In order to simplify the calcualtion o f the effects of fission product release into the

environment from the pool room, including radiocctive decay of the isotopes involved, the released fission products have been lumped into four groups of isotopes with similar half-lives. The mean weighted half life of each group along with the mean weighted DCF . group and the total quantity of radioactive material in curies was calculated for each n e group data has then been used to calculate the enviromnental radiation exposure s.a etio 'n iven in tables 9 and 10.
a. Group 1. Half-life 0 to 30 min i Effective half-life = 14.1 min Weighted mean DCF = 52f\

s N

Total group activity = 353 m at Os
b. Group 2. Hal 31 min to hr l
 ,                                                                                                                                    l Effectiv h      life    53 min N

~ I Weighted E.= 110f0 To@[gtt>u ac i 6 mci at t = 0 l {

c Group 'f-li 3.1 hr to 10 hr Effective -life = 8.5 hr ei mean DCF- 258 Total group activity = 233 mci at t = 0 g d. Group 4. Half-life - 11 hr to a Effective half-life = 5.38 days Weighted mean DCF = 142 4

Total group activity = 204 mci r One group iodine approximation at Effective half-life = 15 hrs Weighted mean DCF - 1.05 x 106 rem /pCi cm3/hr 12

3 Total activity (3% halogen release) of t = 0 = 5.0 mci

     . The pool room thyroid dose rate at t = 0 using the one group approximation, is 5.3 rem /hr which is comparable to the 5 rem given in table 5.

Pool Room Dose at t = 0 Using Four Group k Activity Pool Room DCFe vernper Dose in Group mci pCi/cm3 pCI/ m3/ftr mrem /hr 1 353 3.53 x 104 h21 182 2 126 1.76 x 104 1 211 3 233 2.33 x 104 , 2{ % 60 4 205 2.04 x 104 82 29 Total 482 The previous result shown in table 5 is 371 nVhra east. t = 0 the group method is conservative. [


Q N / % .~ 4 Normal Ventilatr trSystem. Operation Mode. In the case that theventifatjo 9 stem is left in the normal operation mode, radioactive decayis,an nsignificant ?nsideration because the volume of the air in the pool room is exhausted over se en in in one h[ . The only significant effect is the dilution by the exhaust system. In this case the envir me dose rate outside the facility as a ftmetion of time is given by D(t) = 1 D(t=0) e@)t where D(t=0) is the dose rate at t = 0,/= exhaust rate, v = pool room volume, and t is the time. I l i 13 1 1


  • l I


(min) Thyroid Whole Body
$                   0                          1                           1                            17                   1.28               '

10 1.28 .28 .9 .36 i 20 2.56 .08 .10 30 3.84 .021 (4.04 .003 1 60 7.68 .00046 ~8 0 120 15.76 2.13 x 10 7



                                                                                                               \             0 Assume 100% nobel gas release and 3% halogen reley s


(b) Dilution Mode Operation j In the dilution mode, Pool Room a diluted with airha ng from outside the facility by N

a factor of 6.67 before being discharged into Ir'on T. Also the air is passed through a HEPA filter which will rem esil articulate tter as well as most of the halogens. However, for worst case calculati urp b

                                                                , it will be assumed that the dilution effect is the only 2

mitigating effect. ~~f TABLE 11 ' N - WORS CASE ENVIRONMENTAL WHOLE BODY DOSE NCTIOftOF TIME WITH THE VENTILATION SYSTEM OPERATING j AS AyJBigD1 LUTE MODE, HEPA FILTER NOT FUNCTIONING Time y (A + //v)t D(t)/D(t=0) D(t)in mrenVhr (hrs) Whole Body 0 1 1 .19 1 .0132 .986 .19 4 .0527 .949 .18

8 .1055 .90 .17 24 .3164 .729 .14 48 .6327 .531 .I1 96 1.268 .282 .05 144 1.898 .15 .03 320 4.218 .015 .03 4

I i 4 14

l l l l

                                                              . TABLE 12                                                           .


                    .5                          .2603                    '771
                                                                          .                         . 08 1                             .521                      .594                       h60 2                           1.042                       .353                           .95s 4                          2,984                        .124 -                         .J 8                         4.168                         .   .
                                                                                                         .Q4-12                          6.252                            1                          .0051 24                                                                                 0 12.50 (a) Total dilution effect at t = 0 is 1962.                                      .
     - (b) (A + 1/v) = .521 hr-1                               'N N w N



OF RESULTS OF D.B. . The preceding calculdh the conse uences of the D.B.A. indicate that the only significant worst caseg ia T 7 ex ge is the t yroid dose to a person in the pool room. The conditions necessary to p e bisexpo are the failure of the cladding of one fuel rod along , with a com 'o I wate e maximum possible radiation exposure to an individual outsidea filcility under th postulated conditions is minimal. Thus, no realistic hazard to the


general public oold re ' rom the Design Base Accident. ,



1. " Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents," EPA-  ;

I 400-R-92-001, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, May 1992.

2. " Summary of TRIGA Fuel Fission Product Release Experiments," Gulf-EES-A10801, September 1971.

, i 4

3. " Energy Release from the Decay of Fission Products," Nuclear Science and Engineering,  ! '

! Vol. 3, Pg. 726,1968, Perkins, J.F. and King, R.W. i i 1 15 5

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