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Forwards Info Re Corporate Mgt & Technical Abilities Available to Anticipate,Preclude & Respond to Events Such as TMI-2,in Response to 790629 Request.Radiation Mgt Corp Provides Necessary Personnel to Meet Radiation Incident
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 08/06/1979
From: Finfrock I
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7908090408
Download: ML19242B791 (188)


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4W' Jersey Central Power & Light Company


.' Y .

Madison Avenue at Punch Bowi Road


Momstown, New Jersey 07960

" 01)455-8200 August 6, 1979 Director Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Sir:


Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Docket No. 50-219 Review of Managenent and Technical Resources The attached is in response to your Ictter of June 29, 1979 requesting information regarding corporate management and technical capabilities that are availabic to anticipate and preclude or respond to events such as the WI-2 incident.

General Public Utilities Corporation (GPU) is composed of three subsidiary operating companies and General Public Utilities Service Corporation (GPUSC). Jersey Central Power 6 Light Company, together with Metropolitan Edison Comp'ny and Pennsylvania Electric Company are the operating companics.

As a member of the GPU system, the technical and managerial resources of GPUSC are available to the Jersey Central Power 6 Light Company.

The organizational chart and position descriptions of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station as presented in this submittal are predicated on the existing organization. Please note that a change to our Technical Specifications has been requested, modifying the existing organization. This change, which was submitted April 10,1979 (identified as Technical Specification Change Request No. 70) will be implemented after NRC approval.

A contractual arrangement between Jersey Central Power 6 Light and Radiation Management Corporation (RMC) exists as described in our Emergency Plan. The Radiation Management Corporation was formed by several Eastern Utility companies for the expressed purpose of providing the necessary personnel and facilities to meet the needs of any radiation incident. RMC has professional healthy physicists and experienced medical personnel on the permanent staff.

Facilities are provided in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania at the University City Science Center for the specialized treatment of individuals involved in radiation incidents. They will also provide assistance and consultation services for all aspects of emergency planning and health physics programs for the member companies.

7 90809 04c>g g4 y,3 Jersey Central Power & L:ght Company is a Member of the General Pubhc Utihties System

If additional questions exist or further clarification is needed, plea:,e feel free to contact Jim Knubel, Supervisor, Nuclear Safety 6 Licensing (201-455-8753) or me.

Very truly you s, OIvanhhR. Finfro ,, Jr o

Vice Presider la

,1 , l cf,; ) (d w I


1. Jersey Central Power 5 Light Co. Sbnagement A. Organizational Chart B. Position Descriptions and Personnel Backgrounds
2. CPUSC Stanagement A. Organizational Chart B. Position Descriptions and Personnel Backgrounds
3. Position descriptions and personnel backgrounds of the President and Vice President-Generation of tietropolitan Edison Company and Pennsylvania Electric Company.


1. Oyster Creek Plant Staff A. Organizational Chart B. Position Descriptions C. Personnel Backgrounds
2. JCPSL Offsite Support A. Organi:ational Chart B. Department Descriptions and Summaries of Personnel
3. GPUSC Offsite Support A. Organi:ational Chart B. Department Descriptions and Summaries of Personnel



                                                                                              . ~


                                                                                              .v, un PRESIDENT DIRECTOR - MATERIALS                                                      V'P   - ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT                               V.P. - GENERATION F OiERATIONS i


PRESIDENT, JCPSL - S. Bartnoff This position manages all operational aspects of Jersey Central Power S Light by directing and coordinating engineering, generating, and operating functions, as well as determining overall policies for personnel, industrial relations, and purchasing. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. Contribute to the PROFITABILITY OF JCPSL through the effective management of engineering, operations and generating functions.
2. Ensure EFFECTIVE AND TIMELY DELIVERY OF SERVICE to JCPSL's customers by monitoring group performance and guiding the development and implementation of new and improved systems.
3. Develop and maintain an EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE which deploys managerial, professional and other personnel effectively to meet the Company's needs.
4. Provide COMPETENT AND MOTIVATED STAFF by directing its selection and development to meet current and ongoing commitments, and by ensuring the orderly development c f management succession.

S. Develop EFFECTIVE MANAGEMEh~ REPORTING SYSTEFG to provide accurate and timely information for critical decisions and to measure progress and results.

6. Ensure EFFECTIVE PERSONNEL AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS POLICIES by directing and coordinating that function.
7. Provide EFFECTIVE PURCHASING AND GENERAL SERVICES by capable management of the Staff.
8. Contribute to CORPORATE POLICY AND STRATEGY by counseling with top Company executives concerning external and internal influences and overall capabilities of GPU.

Educational Background Syracuse University, A,B, Math 1941 Syracuse University, M.A, Physics 1944 Sbss. Inst. of Tech., Ph.D. Physics 1949 [)93 C' I

Experience-9/72 to Present - President (JCPSL) 5/71 to 9/72 - Director Environnental Affairs (GPUSC) 12/69 to 5/71 - Manager Engineering (JCPSL) 3/68 to 12/69 - Manager Fuels - Nuclear Power Activities Group (JCPSL) 1955 - 1968 - Reliability Manager of the Advanced Reactor Division - Westinghouse 1948 - 1955 - Associate Professor and Executive Officer - Tufts University 1945 - 1948 - Teaching and research while working of Ph.D.

VICE PRESIDENT - GENERATION - I. Finfrock This position is accountable for directing the engineering, operation and maintenance of JCPSL's fossil fuel and nuclear power plants, and it is accountable for construction of additions to facilities. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. SAFE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR PLANTS through monitoring developing and implementing safety inspections and a quality assurance program.
2. EFFICIENT AND CONTINUOUS OPERATION OF THE COMPANY'S POWER PLANTS through the economical and timely maintenance of equipment and facilities.
3. TIMELY AND ECONOMICAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONS TO EXISTING GENERATING FACILITIES through cffective planning, scheduling, and management of personnel and rcseurces.

4 EFFICIENT AND TIMELY POKER GENERATION through the effective management of JCPSL's power plants.

5. COMPETENT AND MOTIVATED STAFF by directing its slection and development to meet current and ongoing commitments.
6. AN INFORMED TOP MANAGEMENT throagh timely and effective communication.

Educational Background Drexel University, B.S., EE, 1952 Argonne Nat'l Lab. - School of Nuclear Science G Engineering - Certificate 1956 Penn State University - Grad Extension Service - 9 credits - Math and Physics 1957-1959 Reactor Operator License 7/3/62, Saxton Power Reactor Senior Reactor Operator License - 11/2/63, Saxton Power Reactor Senior Reactor Operator License - 11/2/65, Saxton Power Reactor Experience 9/72 to Present - Vice President Generation (JCPGL) 5/71 to 9/72 - bbnager Nuclear Generation (JCPSL) 5/70 to 5/71 - Fbnager Nuclear Power Activities Group (GPUSC) 9/61 to 5/70 - Supervisor Reactor Plant Services - Saxton 3/61 to 9/61 - Nuclear Project Engr. - Saxton 9/59 to 9/61 - Nuclear Project Engr. - Met Ed 3/56 to 9/59 - Proj ect Engineer - Met-Ed 6/56 to 3/56 - Electrical Engineer Cadet - Met Ed

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VICE PRESIDENT - CONSUMER AFFAIRS - J. Leva This position is accountable for ensuring that the needs of the customers are met through (1) development of an equitable and adequate rate structure (2) operation of local business offices (3) reduction of the capital needs of the company by load management, and (4) effective communication of precise information about the Company. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. RECOVERY OF REVENUES FROM EACH CUSTOMER CLASS through effective and timely administration of the rate structure.
2. REDUCTION OF CAPITAL NEEDS OF THE COMPANY AND COST OF SERVICE TO THE CUSTOMERS through developing, implementing, and monitoring a load manage-ment program.
3. ESTABLISHMENT OF A POSITIVE IMAGE OF THE COMPANY through communication to customers, employees, and the public of adequate, precise, and timely information on the Company.
4. MAINTENANCE OF DIRECT CONTACT WITH customers through operation of field business offices.
5. A FULLY COMPETENT AND MOTIVATED STAFF that meets departmental objectives through effective direction, selection, and development of personnel.
6. AN INFORMED TOP MANAGEMENT THROUGH clear, timely and effective communication.



B.S. in Electrical Engineering Post Graduate Work - Management 64 Credits Toward - Juris Doctorate Experience: 3 years in Engineering Management - Electrical 27 years Total Utility Experience c 1! s O j i J

VICE PRESIDENT - ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS - G. P. Mundrane This position directs all operation, construction, and maintenance of JCPSL's electrical system from the generator to the customer by managing the transmission and distribution system. This position is accountable for planning, designing, scheduling, and construction of transmission and distribution facilities for JCPSL. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. FEETING THE CURRENT AND FUTURE POWER NEEDS OF THE CUSTOMERS OF JCPSL through planning and design of transmission and distribution systems.
2. MINIMUM COST OF ELECTRIC POWER by economic and efficient planning and design of transmission and distribution systems.
3. MINIMUM CAPITAL INVESTMENT through using the load forecasts to plan a construction budget while meeting the needs of the customers.
4. AN EFFECTIVE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT through the development of policies and procedures for design, planning, construction, and budgeting.

S. A MOTIVATED AND COMPETENT STAFF by directing its selection and develop-ment to meet current and ongoing commitments.

6. AN INFORMED TOP MANAGEMENT through timely and effective communcations.
7. RELIABLE AND SATISFACTORY ELECTRIC SFRVICE to all JCPSL customers through the effective management of the transmission and distribution system.
8. EFFICIENT AND CONTINUOUS OPERATION OF JCPSL'S TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM through the economical and timely maintenance of equipment and facilities.
9. TIMELY AND ECONOMICAL CONSTRUCTION OF TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES through the effective planning, scheduling, budgeting, and management of resources and personnel.
10. COMPETENT AND MOTIVATED STAFF by directing its selection and development to meet current and ongoing commitments.
11. AN INFORMED TOP MANAGEMENT through timely and effective communication.

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B.S. Electrical Engineering Experience: Total experience is in transmission and distribution engineering and operations. 19 years total experience in the utility field 14 years of the total 19 in engineering management r! EO' n y,)0 J/ d

DIRECTOR - MATERIALS 5!ANAGEMENT - C. DuFresne This position is accountable for managing the pcoeurement of all the material needs of JCPSL through planning, develol.hg, coordinating, and monitoring the materials management function. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. CONTRIBUTION TO EFFECTIVE OPERATION 0F T11E COMPANY by meeting the material needs of all functions.
2. CONTRIBUTION TO PROFITABLE OPERATION OF TifE COMPANY through maintenance of minimum desirable inventory levels of fuels, line, and other necessary items while meeting the needs of the company.
3. ECONOMIC AND TIMELY PROCUREMENT OF MATERIAL NEEDS OF THE COMPANY through purchasing / contracting and by developing policies and procedures for purchasing / contracting.
4. COMPETENT AND MOTIVATED STAFF by directing its selection and development to meet current and ongoing commitments.

S. AN INFORMED TOP MANAGEMENT through timely and effective communication. Educational


High School Graduate Graduate of Technical School of Electronics Various Technical Courses and Military Training Courses Completed Experience: _ 3 1/2 Years total utility experience A total of 10 years in Materials Management 13 Years as an engineer for Martin Marietta - Aerospace 3 Years as Superintendent of Range Operations for Cape Canaveral, Florida ga1 ) JlJ

VICE PRESIDENT PERSONNEL 6 SERVICES - J. McGalliard This position is accountable for: hiring and promoting top quality personnel within the legal setting; administering wage and salary programs; managing the labor relations process; training employees; maintaining buildings; bandling insurance claims; managing safety and security programs; managing the transportation system. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. TOP QUALITY PERSONNEL ARE HIRED AND PROMOTED THROUGHOUT THE COMPANY by managing the personnel function within the legal framework.
2. EFFECTIVE WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION by ensuring internal equity and external competitiveness in the pay structure.
3. EFFECTIVE LABOR RELATIONS PROCESS by managing both collective 'cargaining and the grievance procedure.
4. WELL-TRAINED EMPLOYEES THROUGHOUT THE CORPORATION by developing policies and procedures.
7. A SAFE WORKING ENVIRONMENT by developing and enfercing safety procedures.
8. THE PROPERTY OF THE COMPANY IS SECURED FROM TRESPASSING by developing and enforcing security procedures.
9. A COMPETENT AND MOTIVATED SERVICES STAFF by selecting, directing and developing its personnel.
10. AN INFORMED TOP MANAGEMENT through effective and timely communication.



High School Graduate 1 Year at Monmouth College Experience: 32 years in transmission and distribution


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e CFO 8137tCE CORFotATICE otc As tIATIC's 9042D CF DIRECT 33 Geirame 4 Gief tascutive of fleer 401 - Emeset tve W. C. EI'IES Frostaaet 6 Sted operettas of ficar 443 = operating E. N. DIECIAMF Enesotive Tice Free 1 dest T. E. Cosmos, Ja. 443 Fiamesial Asceumting 101 = General 103 = Deprestatise 107 - Coenral Acce= matin g 102 = Coestr. Aests. 104 = Tassa 10s = Sedgets (1) 8. J. 50trotst = T.F. 4 Ceest.


Tream w y 901 = ceneral 903 - Financial Flamming 905 - Forecastias 942 = Fayre11 904 - Feestmea J. C. CIAEAM = T.F. & Treas. 1sformattae Serviaeo SC4 = 1.3. General $0: - Edesaties/ Standards - $0J = Caneseer Af fair e App. 59. 50C = Data cancer cyerettesa S N = ta g . ap p . Develse . SM - Fin./Forecastist app. Dev. S. J. R&cLE = Mgr. S:D = Tecnetaal Servicae 541 - Cee./T&D AF,. Develop. SCL = seatnese ary. =, easy. 303 - Data Base adele. Internal Am41 ting 441 - Ceneral 444 - KTEL Auditing 444 Penalme Mittag 442 = Ceapoter Amditing 445 = Met =44 Aeditiag 447 = Aedittag Caerdinaties J. F. FA31 ELL.* Mgr. 443 = CFC3C Auditing and Centrek 2CA = org. Plea. & Ges* 1. ICI - Insuraese tida. Maat. 4 Services Admiatatratise 20E = Pereensel 6120 22 = Labor talactosa 121 226 = Bow Jereey 2W = Wege 6 salary 2Ct. - Carp. sa. vices 231-234 = e==de=s F. J. SMITI - T. F. 233 = Safety

  • 208 = Trainias 2CB = Security Ceemmeicatione 401 - General Inveeter Relatises Cov*t. Salattees 402 = Caesumer Servisee Publia Salatiesa Spesimi Frej ects W. 8. E"t2AT = T. F. Oescener Salatieem 7CA = ceneral 70F = Feele = Coal tassertoe 7CM = Lead Emeserre Corporate Flaastag FC3 - Fuete Flamaias 7CR = Sye. Plaaming Gee. 7CR = Lead Maassement 70C = Fuele = Nuclear 70J = Perecestf ag 70Q = Teca. Aseeee. invel.
3. E. CIE127 - T. F. 7'D = Feele = Create Ea s. 7CE = Supply Flamaing 705 - Strategie Flascias 703 = reesi - Fosell Rae.

301 = Administrattee 323 = testseering Management 334 = Maintesance Camerettee 311 = Cee. Frej ecto-mu elear 324 = Quality aneursace 341. Eevtressestal Af f aire 313 = Cee. Frej ecto. Foes 11 331 = opr. Support-St artup. 342 = Saf ety & Licenets:

1. C. AlmLD = T. F. 313 = Cee. Frej ecto-ade. Test. Tr a ta tas 343 - Water tamree.

321 = Engiamering 332 = Opr. hypert-stetem Lab. 364 = Constr. 4 matas. servie, e 322 - Destsa 333 - Freeuctivity 343 = sanerettes Liv. :n ppo r t Pseur Supply 451 = General 633 - Transportation 453 - Power - Castracts 452 - Cov't. asergy Felicy 654 - Telecameuaicatissa R. g. SIMS = T. F. Este Case managenaet 951 - General 932 = Estes F. D. RAFER = T. F. System operattans 60A = Ceneral 6C1 = T&D tagineering 4CE = T&D piamming 60C - Diepecc.atas MI = TLD Oper. E. rTVTC5. .'I . = T. F. Corporate secretary 131 = ceneral 133 = used Frecasetag 153 - tafeemettee Mesaseneet 154 = Craphise

                                                                  !$2 - Carp. aseerde E. N. GATDOS                                                                                                            .

Et (1) T.F. and Ceeptroller elee reporte directly to Board et Directors.

                                                                                                                                          -4 5O a           ,' V P #%                                                                             (O) udda     __          _.

d. FREDERICK GLICKMAN - Vice President - Materials Management This position contributes to the profitability of the corporation by ensuring that procurci.ient, distribution, and warehousing costs are reduced as low as possible while maintaining suf ficient supplies of material to operate the company. This position is accountable for the followirg end results:

1. Increased profitability of the Corporation by obtaining the maximum total value for the funds committed for purchases and leasing disbursements by Materials Ma:iagement.
2. Minimum investment in materials while meeting material needs of users.

3 Reflection of company plans in contracts and that performance by suppliers is in accordance with facilities availability requirements and cash flow objectives of the Company.

4. Increased efficiency in the operation of power plants through purchase and control of all nuclear fuel and long-term fossil fuel supply for the Sys tem.

5 Contributes to effective rate case management by ensuring that procurement procedures are defensible to outside parties.

6. A full competent and motivated staff through ef fective selection, direction,, and development of personnel .

7 Effective management of the Materials Manegement Divisions / by developing system wide policies and procedures for purchasing, contract administration and inventory control . EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND A. B. Economics from Brooklyn College - 1949 M. S. Business Administration from Columbia University - 1950 EXPERIENCE GPUSC - Vice President-Materials Management 8-1 Present

                             - Di rector - Materials Management            1-1 7-31-77
                             - Manager - Contracts                         2-5 12-31-75 GE     - Manager-Marketing & Contracts                1966 - 1974 GE     - Manager-Contracts                           11 2-66 US Navy Procurement Specialist / Contract Negotiator 1951   - 1953 Majestics Factors Corp - Ass't Credit Manager /       19;0 - 1951 Accountant Auditor
                                                                                          < r\

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i a CPU SitTICE CCLPctatt0E etC Ast t/.T!ce saa23 CF D11ECT33 Oat:esa 6 Otet Raecutive ofitser 401 = Esenet tve W. C. CEES Preetdent 6 Otef operettag of ficer 402 = operating

8. M. 91tLEAMP Ezesettre Tice Freendent T. E. Ccams. A. 443 - Finaastal Asseest tag 401 - Ceeeral 101 = repreciattee 107 = Geeeru Ac counties 102 = cemett. Asats. 104 - Tames 10e - Bedsets (1) 5. J. actCotts - T.P. & Campe.

Treamw? 901 - Cameral 903 - Ptammetal Flamatas 90$ = Forseastias 902 - Ferrell 904 - Feasisee J. C. MARAN = T.P. 4 "reas. Materiale namegeneet 471 - Ceeeral 473 = Freceresset 476 = centracte = See tse & Equip. 472 = Sterea 473 - Castrac ta = Coasts. 4 77 - Cast racts - Fee.s F. CLICDLAs - T. P. Taformattaa Servicae SCA - 1 5. General SGl - Edesetten/Steadasta . SCJ = Ceemamer Af f aire App. Dev. SOC = Das.a Center Operettesa SN = Eas. App. Develop. SCE = Fia./ Pe rec setis t Aa p. Dev. D. J. RACI.I - Mgr. S'B = Tecasical services SCI = Gee./*&D App. Develop. SQL = 8.sinese App. Develop. SCE - Deta saae Adnia. faternal Asaditing 441 - Ceeerel 464 = JCFEL Auditias 466 --Penelse Aa.ditist 462 - Caseoter Audities 465 - Met-ad Auditias 467 = Audittas Coordtaattee J. F. F a su re r . Mg r. 443 = CF"3C Audittag and Centrol MIF -f thh8 M,. - ---

                                                                                                                       - m           m                   $

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                                                                                                 ~                                            * * = " 32.2 w-                            ..

g y g. w 6 63 - - Qresers teetions 201 = Cesaral Invester talattees Gov' t . Balastems 802 - Ceemmer Serviceo Petlia Estattene special Frejects W. S. IL"1.IAT = T. P. Osetener ta tations 7CA - Ceeerst 7CF = Feela - Coal Raeoertem 7GE = Lead Resource Carperste Flamming 7CE - Feels Flaasing 7CE = lys. Plassing Gee. 70s - Laed Yseatement TCC = Fuele - peelear 7CJ = Ferocasting 70Q = Tech. As sese. Devel.

8. 3. CIItti = T. P. 73 - Fuelo - Craste te e. 70E - Sepply Plamatas 7CS - Strateste Flamatag 708 - Fuesi = Feesti tea.

301 - Adeletetration 323 - Eastseering Management 334 - Maiatenames Camerettes 311 - Gee. Proj ecto-evelaar 324 - Quality Assurance 341 - Eastrovmental Af f aire 312 - Gen. Pref ect o-Feee11 331 = Opr. Suppo rt-S t ar t ue . 342 - Sa f e t y 6 Lic eos to n R. C. ARE13 = T. P. 313 - Geo. Proj ects-Adm. Test. Tr a ta tas 343 = Weter Resources 321 - Eastseertas 332 - op r. hypert-f retse Lab. 3&4 - Casser. 6 Maist. Se rvic e s 322 - Deatge 333 - Freductivtry 343 = Generetten Div. krport Power Sepply 451 - General 653 = Transportation 633 - Power = Centracta 632 - Cov't. Ihnergy Felicy 654 = Telec- =ications R. E. SDt 3 - T. P. Bete Csee Management 951 = cesarel 93 2 - Ra tes F. D. gAFTI = Y. P. 97 stem Operattees &cA - Comersi 601 - T63 eng tseertag 6CE = TED Flamatag 60C = Dispatchtas 63J = T&D Oper. E. BTWTCW. JR. - T. P. "* Corporate Secretarf 131 - Ceestal 133 = uord Processing 133 = latestattee monasement 132 = Cary. Seeerde 134 = Creen ics E. N. CRATDCE El (1) T.F. Omd Caeptreller Slee reports directly to neard of 01 rectors. 4 O 2 iUb (j / J u 1

                                                              -- _-        n

Flevd J. Smith - Vice President - Administration This position is accountable for monitoring and administering the following activities: organizational planning, labor relations; human resource management and development: safety; security; Insurance; office-building contruction, operation, maintenance; and administrative services. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. Effective and orderly management succession through development and implementation of a documented organi- ,

zational plan for hiring and development of all GPU personnel in the future.

2. Motivated and satisfied corporate personnel through development, moni toring and implementation of a Compensation & Benefit administration program which is internally equitable and externally competitive.

3 Increased effectiveness of utilization of all human resources through development and implementation of equal employment opportunity programs.

4. Effective personnel administrative policies and procedures and coordination of all personnal activities in the GPU System.

5 Equitable and economic labor contracts through development, monitoring and implementation of policies and procedures for labor relations.

6. Maximum productivity of corporate personnel through development and implementation of effective training programs.

7 An informed top management through effective and timely communication.

8. Effective insurance coverage for GPU System Companies at lowest cost through purchase and monitoring of the insurance program.

9 A cost-effective buildings management staff to provide appropriate facilities for the efficient conduct of business.

10. A motivated and competent administrative services group to provide all such services not specifically assigned to other functional groups.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. S. Electrical from U. S. Naval Academy - 1946 e r umm,

FLOYD J. SMITH - Continued EXPERIENCE , GPUSC - Vice President Administration 5-1 Present Meted - Vice President - System Operations 4-1 4-30-73

                    - Manager - System Operations                4-1 3-31-67
                "   - System Personnel Manager 8-1 3-31-65
                    - Division Operating Superintendent          10-1 7-31-62
                    - Supt. Electrical Constr. & Maint.          9-1 9-30-59
                    - Supv. Electrical Constr. & Maint.          9-1 8-31-56 Furioughed for Active Duty from 1-15-52 to 6-15-53 Meted - Foreman                                    8-22 8-31-50
                    - Electrical Engineer Jr.                    1-1 8-21-49
                    - Electrical Engineer Cadet                  11-22 12-31-48 iu EJ33

CFW IRSTICE CDtFetATICE OSCAN11AT109 30AED OF D11ECTm3 Ostreme 4 31af taecettre of ficer 401 = tassative W. C. I:'WES Presideas 6 Stet Operettas Of f taer 442 = Operetiss E. M. BIECIAMP taeretite fice Preetdest T. S. CCEDDE. Ja. 403 = Pineestal asseustiag 101 = coeeral 103 - Depreciaties 107 - General acamenting 102 = Cemetr. acess. 104 = Tamee 404 - Seegets (1) 8. J. BetC3tal = T.F. 4 Comet. Tr enewy 901 = cenerea 903 = Piemmetal Flaestas 903 - Fortemessag 902 - Payroll 904 = Penetene J. C. 2AAAA = T.F. & Treas. notestale nanagement 471 = Ceeeral 473 = Proceroneet 474 - Centreete = Doetan & Egety. 472 = stores 473 - Centrasta = Constr. 477 = centreece = Peela F. CLICIMAE = T. P. Infocustsee Serviaes SQ& = 1 8. General SG1 = Edesattes/steederda SM = ceneumer At f aire App. Dev. 50C = Data Center Operations S GI = Ea s . se p . :evelee. 32 = Fin./ Forecastias Aep. Dev. D. J. RAGL2 - Mgr. SGB = Tecketaal Servitse SCI - Gee./T6D App. Develop. SCL = Bustsees app. Develey. SCE = Data name amate. Ieeertal Aedittag 444 = General 444 = JCP&L Aa.d tting 644 Petalee Aandising a42 = Casester an. dating 443 = Met =Ed aasdittag 447 - Anadities Coordinetten J. F. Fa rs r r_ = Mar. 443 - CF"l3C aandistas and Central 20a = org. Flee. 6 Cee*1. ICI = Imewaece 1143. Pges. 4 Services adotaiatrettes 2CE = Peresseel 6110 2CK = Later Balatione 221-226 - See Jersey 2:r = Wege 4 salary 23. - Corp. services 231-236 = taedtas F. J. 9t!T1 = f. P. 221 - Sa fe ty 23d = Traisias 2 3 = laterity 70A = Coseral 7CF = Poeta = cael Raestreee 708 - Lead Researce Coryerate Flametag FC3 = Peele Flamaing 705 = Sye. Planalag Ges. 731 = 14ed Management TOC = Fuele = suelear 7U = Forecasting 700 - Teca. asses s. Devel.

3. E. C111XT = T. F. 703 = Fuele = Creatus les. 7CE = Sepply Fleastag 705 = letstegic Flaastag 705 - Feesi - Feesti tee.

301 = Adelaistractee 323 = taateeertag Management 334 = Ma teteasoce Generettee 311 - Gee. Pre!eeta-e elser 124 = 'Anaatty Assersace 341 = Eartrommeetal Af f atto 312 = Cee. Proj ecto-Feestl 331 = op r. hypert=sterreo. 342 = Se f ety & Licesetas E. C. AA301Ji = T. P. 313 - Cee. Proj ect o-ade. Test, tretalag 343 = beter assearcos 321 = tastaeostag 332 = op r. %,per t=Sestes Lat. 3 44 = ce sse r . & *a s e t . se rvicae 322 - Doetan 313 = Predectivtry $45 = Ceeerectee Div. hppo r t Power Sepply 631 - Ceeeral 433 - Transportettee 655 = Power

  • Centracts 1

431 = Gev't. Energy Policy 654 - Telecomm etcattene

3. 3. SDis - T. P. l Sete Case Maassement 931 = General 932 = totoe F. D. BAFER = T. P.

Systee Operettees 60A = General 6CI = T&D testaserias 6CE = v&D Flaastag 60C = Diepeccktag 4CJ = T&D Oper. E. ETWTCs Ja . - T. P. l - * - - Corporate Seeretary 131 - Ceeeral 133 = used Proceostag 133 = tafossettaa nsesseseet 132 = Carp. Seeerde 134 = Crephise E. N. CEAfD05 I i

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WILLIAM B. MURRAY - Vice President - Communications This position is responsible for coordinating GPU-wide communi-cations with its customers, employees, shareholders, the financial community, regulatory agencies, appropriate State and Federal legis-lators, the media and the general public-at-large. These responsibilities relate to three organizational elements of the GPU System as follows: (1) Direct and sole communication responsibility for the GPU Corporation (2) Direct and sole communication responsibility for the GPU Service Corporation (3) Guidance, Review and Coordination of these communication functions in the GPU operating companies. This position is accountable for the following end results: (1) Effective customer service and business office operations throughout the Corporation with consequent favorable consumer relations through the internal monitoring and coordination.of these functions in the 3 operating companies. (2) High employee morale throughout the Corporation through accurate and timely dissemination of information on corporate policy, personnel issues, and company operations. (3) Favorable relations with the shareholders and the financial community through the dissemination of accurate and effective information about the company's financial status, security offerings, current and future operations and planning. (4) The passage of legislation and rulings creating a favorable environment in which GPU can operate through monitoring and developing effective relations with state governments, the Federal government, and regulatory bodies. (5) Effective communications and relations with the local and national media so as to obtain open, objective and fair treatment of the company's operations, policies and plans. (6) An informed top management through effective and timely reporting on communication issues. (7) A competent and motivated communications staff through effective direction, selection, and development of personnel.

                                                                       !  Id"

[3 (/ s

WILLIAM B. MURRAY Page 2 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. S. Engineering from the U. S. Military Academy - 1944 M. S. Nuclear Science from Princeton University - 1948 EXPERIENCE I GPUSC - Vice President-Communications 1-1 Present Atomics International, Rockwell Corp. 11-55 74

                  - Vice President Responsible for: Advanced Programs;
                   -Marketing; Business Development; Public Relations U. S. Army - Artillery & Ordinance Officer            6-44   -


                   '(Nuclear Technology)
                                                                          -     %nL gv0 Ql~()



BSAID OF DIRECTTE S Chairmee 4 Giaf taecettee of fleer 401 = 32ecet tve W. C. E:3ES FreeLeest 6 Q &et Opesettag Of fitas 642 = Operettsg

3. M. SIEE1 AMP Enesettee Ties President T. E. CCED0s. Jt. 443 = Finamatal ascountass 101 = Coseral 103 - Ferroelectee 107 = comeral Accowarte s 102 - Cemets. Acces. 104 = Tasma 104 = Sedsus (1) 8. J. act4CMBS = T.F. 4 Ceset. l Treasury 901 = cenersi 903 = Fiammetal Flarstas 903 - Forme.asting 902 = Ferrell 904 = Poestano J. C. MAEAN = T.F. 6 Treas.

Esterials Pennagement 471 = Cameral 473 - Precuraseet 476 - Centreete = Deeise 6 6-isv. l 4F2 - Stores 473 - Centrac ta - Comatr. 477 - Centras ta - Fee . F. CL:3M AS = T. F. l . Informatise Seretsee 504 = !.$. General SCC = tdesaties/8tandarde . $0J = Communer Af faire asp. Dee. SCC = cata Caeter coerattese SGI - Ees. Ap p. Dre a m . 53 = Fia./Foreesettaa ssp. Dee D. J. EA(.LI - Mgr. SrD = tecamleal servicae SCI - Gee./TnD app. bevotep. SCL = See Lases App. I. . SCI - Data asse again. Istarmal aediting 441 = ceneral 464 = JCP&L Andittag 464 =Posalee auditice 442 = Ceepeter 465 - Met-dd Andattag 467 = Aedities Coeran .t

  • J. F. Fa na r* L = Mg r. 443 = GFCSC and Centrol 2CA = org. Plan. 6 Ces*1. 2CI = tesurance tidg. #4ec. & services Admiaistrettee 205 = Ferseemel & !!O 22 - Later taletices 121-226 - Bow Jersey 2:r = Idage & Salary 23. - Corp. Services 131=236 = teedias F.J. DCTI-7. F. 2:G = la la c7 236 *ralsins 2CB = Secertet Communicatirea 801 - Ceteral Invester Relattoes Gov't. Relatises 802 = coesmer Services Public talatiees Special Frejec6 W. 8. MC11Af = T. F. Custceer ta tatiosa 7CA = Ceseral 7t? - Fuels - Coat taer arces 70t - Lead la seur c a Corporate Flaastag 7C3 = Fuele Flaastag 7CI = 5te. Flameing Gee. 708 - Lead Masatee.a :

7CC = Fuele = Nuclear 7CJ = Forecestieg 7CQ = Teen. As eees. Dee l.

3. E. CIIIIT = T. F. 7CD = Fuele = Crastus tae. 7CE = Supply FlameLag 7CE = Strategic Flanw rea = n.. 1 = Feee11 res.

5, % --n .J. K . M <~ -~ -_ , _ __ _= M. c ,

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a h Power ser,1r es t = ,eee.ral 653=Trene,ortados 435 = Power - Castrac

                                                                      . n - Cev t. org, Pell,,    . 3. = 1 1 _ i. .t i.e.
                                    .. .. .ai. = . ,.

i.te e. e.. t ,n = cenersi 932 = lates F. D. RAFT 1 - T. F. System Opeseriew, 60A = Geeeral 6CI = T&D Engimeertag 6CE = T&D Flaeslag 60C = Dispetettag 6CJ = T&D Oper. E. BTWTON. JE = T. F. ~ ^ * ' Coryerste secreter? 131 - General 133 - Word FTeeeeeing ISS = tafermetten Mar =r-*=nt 132 - Corp. Racerde 134 = t.reptise E. it. MATDOE Mt (1) 7.F. and Ceeptroller also reporte directly to heard of Direetere. [ (} ,  ! d j i J

ROBERT C. ARNOLD - Vice President - Generation This position is accountable for design, construction, and start up of new generating facilities for all the operating companies and supports them in the operation of the,. existing pcwcr plants. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. Meeting the current and future pcwer needs of GPU's customers through design, construction and start up of new pcwer plant  !


2. Contributes to efficient and continuous operation of the System's Power Plants by supporting the operating companies in efforts to increase the productivity of existing plant facilities through improved operating and maintenance practices and plant modifications.

3 Economic and efficient management of generation facility additions and operation of existing stations through monitoring and review of budgets and resour:es commitments.

4. A motivated and competent staff by directing its selection and development to meet current and ongoing commitments.

5 An informed top management through timely and effective communications. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. S. Engineering from University of Michigan - 1959 U. S. Navy Nuclear Power Training 10 9-64 EXPERIENCE GPUSC - Vice President - Generation 6-1 Present Meted

                     - Vice President - Generation                    1-1 5-31-77
                     - Manager - Generation                           1-1 12-31-73 Manager - Production                          1-1 12-31-72 Supervisor - Production
               "                                                      7-1 12-31-71 Engineer Senior                               9-2 6-30-71 USNavy - Lieutenant Commander                              9-59      69 USS Willis A. Lee-Electrical Officer          9-69      61 USS Kepler - Operations Officer               12 9-63 US Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit          10 11-66 USS Long Beach - Main Propulsion Ass't.       11 8-69
                                                                                     \ Ob 1         d C)O I ]

CPU SELVICS CCtfotATICs CRCAe11AftCe 30AED OF D112CTORS Osirues 6 Olet tzgresive Of ficer 401 - t.secutive W. G. ECEES President 4 Gael Operettag Mfiser 402 = operettag

5. M. 01EEAMP Raesstive Tito Preetdest T. S. CcuDos. Ja. 403 = Financial aa tsmat ta g 101 - Ceeeral 103 = Deprestattee 107 - General aseemeing 102 - Cemeer. Assts. 104 - Tamas 10s - sedgets (1) 5. J. 00tI0488 = T.P. 4 Ceest.

Treamwy 908 - Ceeeral 903 = Flamacial Pleestas 905 - Foreemettag 902 - Ferrell 904 = Foesteen J. C. c.RaAAM - f.F. &

  • rase.

Msteriala Managemeer 474 = Ceneral 473 - Procerameet 474 = Castratte - Dee13e & Equit. 472 = Stores 475 - Centreata = cemetr. 477 = camarnate = Feela F. CL23xAs = t. F. taformaties Servises S(A = !.3. General SQ3 = 8deastion/ Standards , SQJ = Cemetener Af felse App. Dee. 30C = Data Caster Operatissa 331 = te s. asp. Develop. SM - Fie./Feressettag app. Dev. D. J. RAJLE = Mgr. SS - Technical servisee 3CI = Gee./The App. Develer. SQL = Suainees app. Develet. SCE - Data Asse adata.

                                   !aternal &edistas                   441 = Geeersi                         444 - JC76L asedities                 444 Poseles Audities 442 = Ceepetar aanditing              443 = Met-44 aedittag                 447 = Amdattag Caer41aattee J. F. FA31EJ. Pa r.             443 = CFCSC audittag                                                                 and Centrol 204 = ora. Plan. & Ces*1.              2CI = laswante                       Ilds. Meet & Servisse edetstatretime                      ICE = Pereesnel & EZO                 22 = Later Salatione                    121-224 = 5ee Jeroep 2CF = Wege 6 Salary                    2:I. - Corp. Servicas                  231-234 = taading F. J. DEITE = T. P.                232 - Sa tery                          238 = Traistag
  • 231 - Security Cpeumeic at sene 801 = Ceseral lavester talattene Cbe*t. Relatteem 802 - Comeeer Servicae Pahlia Relations Spesial Freieste W. 8. MC11AT - f. F. Onatseer Salettens 7CA = cesoral 70F = Psale = Coal Saoestres 7CN = Lead Baseerte Corporate Flaastag FCS = Puole F1 maias 7CE = Sye. Planelas Cea. 705 - Lead Famagement FCC - Fuels - euelear 73J = Peressettas 700 = Tech aseees. Devel .
9. 8. Car 1If - T. P. 7en - Fuele = Ureate sae. 7CE = Supply 'lanetes 705 = st rategia Flamatas 7CE - Fveel = fossil Bae.


  • Adotaistrattee 323 = tagineertaa Management 334 - Maintenance Generatten 311 - Gen. Proj ecto-awelear 324 - Quality assurance 341 - tattroenmestal Af f aire 312 = Gee. Proj ecto-pose s t 3 31 - Op r. %,es et-6t ertue. 342 = sa f ety 6 Licenetst E. C. A1301JI = f. F. 313 = Cee. Proj ette-ade. Test. Tr ois tas 343 - Weter asseurces 321 = tastaaertas 332 = Op r. Support-$retse Lab. 344 - Cesatt. 6 e. stet. se rvit ee 322 - Dea 14e 333 - Preemettvity 343 - Ceeerattee Div. hapett
                                                                                .e-                 *
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4 . e a m4L <: -- -~-+ n c . Rate Caso nasagement 951 = cesaral 952 = Rates F. D. RaftE - T. P. ,' tystem operetteee 602 = ceneral 4CT = T&D tagtaoortag 6CE - T60 Plaestas 60C = Diepetehtag 4GJ - T&O Oper. E. EIVTON. JI . = T. F. Corporate Sevrecary 131 - Ceeeral 133 = uord Proceseta. 133 - Indesmettaa hinagement 132 = Carp. Racerda 134 = Crepetse E. II. MATDCe m . ,,, ..,. .m. .La. _ rte .,re.t,,to ear. ., ,tr tere. y5

                                                                                                                                               . -           s'1 ka     !

__. ._ *I*

Robert H. Sims - Vice President - Power Supply This position is accountable for power pauling agreements which contribute to meeting the power .denanJs of GPU's cur,tomers reliably, adequa tely, and economically, in a timely manner through Power Pooling Agrecments and the operations of inter-company and intra-ccmpany transfers, construction feasibility and coordinating studies, and negotiations oser transmission systems and utilization. Serves as CPU member of the Management Committee of PJM, Executive Board of MAAC, Administrative Committees under various Transmission Agreements. Also serves as Chairman of the CPU Operating Committee which administers CPU Power Pooling Agreements. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. Power demands of CPU's customers are met in an economic and timely manner. through the negotiation and opera tion of PJM Power Pooling Agreements and inter-ccmpany/ intra-company transfers of electricity.
2. Contributes to the reliable coordination of construction of generating and transmission f acilities of Mid -Atlantic utilities through analysis of data and reliability criteria.
3. Sufficient construction of transmission systems to meet the needs of the customers in an etonomic manner.
4. Adequate telecommunicatiens and transportation systems at the lowest cost.
5. An informed top management through effective and timely communication.
6. Motivated and ccmpetent staff through selection, direction and development of personnel.

EDUCATIONAL BACKCEOUND B.I.E. - Ohio State University - 1942 Public Utility Executive Program - University of Michigan - 1956 Utility Managers Program - Livingston Institute, Columbia University - 1959 EXPERITNCE CPUSC - Vice President - Power Supply 1/1/75 - Present Vice President - Operations 4/30/71 - 12/31/74 NJP&L)- Vice President 5/1/65 - 11/30/74 6 )- Superintendcat of Operations 1/1/60 - 4/30/65 JCP&L)- Superintendent-Transoission & Meters 5/1/59 - 12/31/59

          )- Ass't Superintendent-Transmission & Meters           6/1/58 - 4/30/59 JCPSL - Division Manager                                       1/1/57 - 5/31/53
           - Division Superintendent      '

10/16/54 - 12/31/56

           - Ass't General Supt. Tra ns , & Distr.                11/1/51 - 10/15/54
           - Technical Assistant to Vice President                9/1/50 - 10/31/51
           - Assistant Engineer                                   3/1/48 - 8/31/50 AT&T - Induction Coordinator Engineer                          7/46 - 2/48 US Army - Cept. Signal Corp.                                      11/42 - 5/46 AT&T - Student Engineer                                        7/42 - 11/42 J/ J

Og SIRTICS CDEFotAftCW c5GaallaTTCe 91&AD Of SIRET*R$ Chaisene & Otet Imerestve of f teer 601. Emes et tee S. G. EURIEB President & Gaet Operettag Of fiaer 642 = operettas E. m. sittIAxP mee.ettee ti.e Pro.1. .t f.1. CoutXM. JR. 443 - Flammatal asseuatlag 101 - Cameral 103 = tepreciattee 107 = comeral Accouattag 102 - Ceests. atas.g. 104 = Tames 108 = toegets (1) 8. J. R W.OtB8 = T.F. 6 reset. l' Treeswy 901 = ceneral 903 = F1messial Flamming 90$ = Forecastlag 902 = Peyre12 904 = Poesione J. C. ru mm = g.F. 6 Trees. Matertala Management 471 - Ceeeral 473 = Preeerenset 476 = centreets = Deatge 4 Egets. 472 - Steres , 473 = centras ta = Caestr. 477 = Caesseata = Feela Infernsttee Servises 304 = 1.1. Ceeeral SOC = Edesatime/ Standards 50J = Caesumer Af f aire app. Lee.

                                                                     $0c = Data Center Operettesa SCE = imT. App. Develes.           $a = F1../perossettas app. Dev.

S. J. hCLE = Mgr. Sal - Tocastaal seretees *N = Cee./Tha app. Develsy. SCL = Bestanee asp. Devole,. SCE = Seta Bees aamia. laternal endittag A41 = General 464 = KF6L auditing 446 --Peeslee audittas 442 = Ceepeter Aediting 443 = Met-44 Aediting 447 = Aedittas Caertiesties J. F. Fm r t. - Mg r. 443 = GPURC aediting and Centre 1 204 = org. F1.a. 6 Gee *1. 2Cf = 1 sew ance R143. Maat. & Servic ae ad='

  • Mrstise 2CE = Perseasel 6 810 2CK = 1aber talatiets 221-226 = See Jersey Fl? - Wege 4 5.lary 23. - Corp. Servtees 2Ja=234 = teedias F. J. SMITE = ?. F. 2G = Safety 2Cbt = frainias 23I . Seeertry Com me1cattees
  • Sol = ceeeral lavester talettoes Ce**t. Relettene SC2 - Casasmer Services Puttis Salatioes Special Frejecta l W. 5. ICt1AF = T. P Castaaer taistises 7CA = Ceeeral 70F = Peele = Cael taseertoe 7Gt = toad Baseerte Corporate Flamatas 7CB = Feele Flanales FCE = Sye. Flamelag Gee. 73 = Lead Management 70C = Fuele = uvelaar FCJ = Foreesettag 700 = *ecJn. M eese. Devel.
8. I. CIZ127 = f. F. 7CD = Fuels - Cr as tum Am e. 7CE = lepply Flemalag 70$ = Strategia Fleatas FCE = Feesi = Feesil tae.

301 - Adelatatrettee 323 - Essineettaa Menes smeet 334 - Matatemance Camerettee 311 = Gee. Proj ecto-mesisar 326 = osality aneuramee 341 - Eavireaneetal affaire 312 = Gee. Proj ecto-Fsee11 331 = op r. Suppers-5t artup. 342,= 1afett & Liceesias s R. C. A13Cl3 = f. P. 313 - Cee. Proj ect o-ade. Tast. Traialog 343 = We t6r Assearcos 321 - Eastseeries 332 = opr. hypert-sveten Lab. 3&a = Constr. a maint. servicae ' ~ 322 = Destga 333 - Freiectivity 345 = :. erettee Div. se ppe r t Powe 5 pp1F 631 = ceseral 453 = Traassertattse 433 = Peeer - Castracts 432 = Gov *t. Baergy Pelicy 634 - Telesammentastiana

   ,                                   R. E. S Dt 3 = f. F.

Bate Caen Manegement 951 = ceneral 932 = Lates F. D. RAFT 1 = v. F. v.% o.7. "My%m-%=J M i -

                                   'w :a                                                               w,.s        .a u g__,_gfyyjyg-ps.a.  , m po w - _ - - -

rs. w t w= n t mg mv.nargas wecmygeyese n- - - Csrporate secretary 131 = Casoral 133 = uord Preeeestas ISS = leformattae Mmeegemoet 132 = Cary. aseerde 134 = Crepaise

s. u. CE.afms
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EDMUND NEWTON JR. - V. ice President - System Operations This position is accountable for insuring delivery of power to the Syster customers in a continuous, economic and efficient manner through effect-ive operation of the' bulk power supply facilities of the System. A part of this accountability is to coordinate tt.e maintenance of the generation and transmission equipment to insure the availability of adequate equipment at all times; i t is further accountable for the economic dispatch of the available aquipment and the management and monitoring of the transmission and distribution facilities for the entire system in order to achieve that end. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. Meeting the power needs of GPU's customers efficiently and at lowest cost through load dispatch and interchange transfers.
2. Ef fective ard efficient operation of the transmission and distribution systems of the operating companies through planning, monitoring, and coordination.

3 Ensure that sufficient generating capacity is available at all times while maintenance is performed through effective scheduling of ma!ntenance of major power supply equipment.

4. A motivated and competent staff through selecting, directing, and developing personnel.

5 An informed top management through effective and timely communication. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B Electrical Engineering - Clemson University - 1952 ScM - MIT - 1954 EXPERIENCE GPUSC - Vice President - System Operations 8-1 Present

                      - Vice President - Planning & Economics      4-1 7-31-77
                      - Manager - Contracts & Rates                5-1 3-31-73 Meted - Manager - GPU Contracts & Rates               1-19 4-30-71
                      - Manager - Contracts & Rates                6-1 1-18-71
                      - Staff Engineer                             5-1 5-31-68
                      - Project Engineer                           6-1 4-30-62 Electrical Engineer Cadet                8-2 5-31-55 MIT       - Teaching Ass is tant                       9-15-52-6-15-54 i
                                                                                  ^ 7-r93 3       .

h-~, A,e5,4


                                                 } ', )

PRESIDENT (PENELEC) William A. Verrochi This position manages all operational aspects of Penelec by directing and coordinating engineering, generating, and operating functions, as well as determining overall policies for personnel, industrial relations, and purchasing. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. Contribute to the profitability of Penelee through the effective management of engineering, operations and generating functions.
2. Ensure effective and timely delivery of service to Penelec's custeme*s by monitoring group performance and guiding the development and imple-mentation of new and improved systems.
3. Develop and maintain an effective organizational structure which deploys managerial, professional and other personner effectively to meet the Company's needs.
4. Provide competent and motivated staff by directing its selection and development to meet current and ongoing commitments, and by ensuring the orderly development of management succession.
5. Develop effective management reporting systems to provide accurate and timely information for critical decisions and to measure progress and results.
6. Ensure effective personnel and industrial relations policies by directing and coordinating that function.
7. Provide effective purchasing and general services by capable management of the staff.
8. Contribute to corporate policy and strategy by counseling with top company executives concerning external and internal influences and overall capabilities of GPU.

Educational Background Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S. ME, 1947 Licensed Professional Engineer in Massachusetts, New Jersey and Pennsylvania Experience 6/77 to Present - President (Penelec) 12/74 to 6/77 - Vice President Generation (GPUSC) 5/71 to 12/74 - Vice President, Design S Construction (GPUSC) 10/69 to 5/71 - Special assignment from Penelee assuming responsibilities during the organization of GPUSC.

                                                                          \s.' '{


VICE PRESIDENT (PENELEC) Ralph W. Conrad This position directs the engineering, operation and maintenance of Penelec's nuclear and fossil fuel power plants. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. Safe, efficient and timely power generation through the effective manage-ment of generating plant operations.
2. Efficient and continuous operation of the company's power plants through the economical and timely maintenance of equipment and facilities.
3. Timely and economical design and construction of additions to existing generating facilities through effective planning, scheduling, and mange-ment of personnel and resources.
4. Compliance with federal and state regulatory requirements and minimized detrimental effects on the environment through effective management of quality assurance and licensing efforts.
5. Competent and motivated staff by directing its selection and development to meet current and ongoing commitments.
6. An informed top management through timely and effective communication.

Educational Background B.S. ME PE License C)h ")f

WALTER M. CREITZ - PRESIDENT This position manages all operational aspects of Metropolitan Edison by directing and coordinating engineering, generating, and operating functions, as well as determining overall policies for personnel, induscrial relations, and purchasing. This position is accountable for the following end results:

1. Contribute to the PRCFITABILITY OF MET-ED through the effective management of engineering, operations and generating functions.
2. Ensure EFTECTIVE I,UD TI3tELY DELIVERY OF SERVICE TO MET-ED's CUSTOMERS by nonitoring group perfcr ance and guiding the develop-cent and implementation of new and Lnproved systems.
3. Develop and maintain an EFFECTIVE CRGA'IIZATIONAL STRUCTURE which deploys canagerial, professional and other personnel effectively to meet the Company's needs.
l. . Provide COMPE"ENT AND MCTIVATED STAFF by directing its selection and development to teet current and ongoing commitments , and by ensuring the orderly development of canagement succession.
5. Develop EFFECTIVE MidiAGDENT REPORTI:!3 SYSTD'S to provide accurate and tinely information for critical decisions and to measure progress and results.
6. Ensure EFFECTIVE PER50s:iEL luiD IC:USTRIAL RELATIONS POLICIES by directing and coordinating that function.
      ?-  Provide EFFECTIVE PURCHASING A:iD GE:'EAL SERVICES by capable canagement of the Staff.
6. Ccatribute to corporate policy and strategy by counseling with top company executives concerning external and internal influences and overall capabilities of GPU.
dacational Eackrround Leicgh University, 3.S. EE, 19ho University of Michigan - Public Utility Executive Program - 1960 licensed Professional Engineer - PA - 1952 2xperience 3/72 to Present - President 7/71 to 1/72 - Vice President and Chief Engineer j/d9 to 7/71 - Vice President and Manager Western Division 2/Ci to 3/69 - Manager Western Division 6/62 to 2/65 - Operating Superintendent, J.'estern Division I/?6 tc 3/6C 3'{
                  -  System Distribution Engineer, Corporate          0; }   \ '

c/~f tu 2/56 - Electrical Engineer, Central and Corporate '

JOHN G. HERBEIN - VICE PRESIDENT - GENERATION This position direets the engineering, operation and maintenance of Metropolitan Edison Cc pany's nuclear and fossil fuel power plants. This position is accountable for che following end results:

1. Safe, efficient and timely power generation through the effective management of generating plant operations.
2. Efficient and continuous operation of the company's power plants through the economical and timely maintenance of equipment and facilities.
3. Ti=ely and economical design and construction of additions to existing generating facilities through effective planning, schedul-ing, and management of personnel and resources.
h. Compliance with federal and state regulatory requirements and minimized detrimental effects on the environment through effective canagecent of quality assurance and licensing efforts.

5 Co=petent and cotivated staff by directing its selection and develop-tent to meet current and on-going co=mittents.

6. An informed top =anagement through timely and effective co==unication.

Educational Background U. S. Naval Academy, B.S. Marine Engineering - 1960 U. S. Navy Anti-Submarine Warfare School - 1961 U. S. Naval Destroyer School - 1962 U. S. Navy Nuclear Power School, KAPL - 1965, qualified DlO Prototype as Engineer Officer of the Watch NUS Core Physics - 1969 G. E. and 31 ',7 Technical Schools while at TMI 1970 - 1975 Senior Reactor Operator License - Saxton Power Reactor 6/17/68, renewed 1970 Sr . Rcictor Operator License - TMI Unit No. 1 2/23/74 Experience 5/77 to present - Vice President - Generation 9/76 to 5/TT - Manager - Generation Operations 6/75 to 9/76 . Manager - Generation ^ - ations Nuclear - Responsible to V.P. Generation for day-to-day direction and supervision of TMI operations 1/TL to 6/75 - Superintendent - Nuclear Generating Station (Construction project to operating plant) 1/73 to 1/Th - Assistent Superintendent TMI 8/70 to 12/72 - Station Engineer at TMI - Responsible for instrument, electrical, techanical, nuclear, health physics & chemistry, site engineering and technical supervision. gn3 i*]

JOHN G. HERBEIN - VICE PRESIDE:IT - GE'!ERATION Page 2 Exterience (Continued) 5/70 to 8/70 - Supervisor er ...,. . _

                                    ~           W & es at Saxton Nuclear
                    %eri=entalC$pc ti[p 8/66 to 5/70      ' "            P #^ti n and  test at Sarte-9/67 to 8/68      - Sta^^ "8 i "**# ** S"Xton             -

5/67 to 9/67 - v.a kee Atomic as Assistant +o 0 "E*#YiSOP 1960 to 5/67 - Served 6 years on conventi " SPacities including Chief Engineer. One ye r at . , {

                                                                              ?  '1
                                                                            \   I'


OYSTgg CRegg p Q 119 593


5. Technical Engineer
24. Technical Supervisor 26. Chemical Supervisor
25. Engineer
27. Engineer
28. Engineering Associate
2. Chief Engi
29. Gros 0pervisorChe bical i
4. Maintenance Engineer
13. Engineer 14. Technical Analyst
15. Engineering Associate 16 . . Supervisor-Station Computer Programs Supervis r-Station Supervisor-Station
18. Analyst - Process Mechanical Maintenance 19. Instrument & Electrical 17 Control Maintenance 20* Cr UP Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor Croup Instrument and
21. Elect rical Maintenance Supervisor
35. "P2[suNIc u lity 37. Job Supervisor Quality Assurance
36. Specialists , 38. Area Supervisor I'

g ;, 7 3o - J / ,) Iw

i nt / l

22. Engineering Assistant
40. Fire Protection Specialist Supervisor 30*

Radiation Protection Engineering Group Supervisor

33. 31. Health Physicist 34.

Associate General Construction and Maintenance Gr up Radiation  ! 32. Protection Supervisor er 93* Engineering Associate i

1. Senior Administrator 3.

t Operations Engineer Technical Training i

2. Administrator - I Technical Training 6. Staff Engineer upe visor-Station 8.


7. Engineer 9. Group Shift Supervisor
10. Group Operating Supervisors
42. Safcty Representative 41. Supervisor-Stores
39. # "P 8"P"#"i" ' '

Construction - cc, , , < J.J i c. l


1. Superintendent - J. T. Carroll, Jr.

The Station Superintendent is responsible for the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. He is responsible for managing station operations in a manner that will not endanger the health and safety of the public.

2. Chief Engineer - J. L. Sullivan This position is accountable for the administration of the Operation, Maintenance and Training Departments and effective coordi-nation of related work efforts to ensure that all activities are conducted in a safe and efficient manner in order that maximum station capaability, consistent with license requirements, may be attained.
3. Operations Engineer - E. J. Growney This position is accountable for the administration and proper functioning of the Operations Department, directing the activities of the operations Supervisor and the Operations Department Engineering Group and for ensuring that all plant operations are conducted in a safe and efficient manner.
4. Maintenance Engineer - J. R. Molnar This position is accuntable for the administration and proper functioning of the Maintenance Department, directing tne activities of subordinates and for ensuring that all maintenance activities are conducted in a safe and efficient manner to promote maximum station availability.
5. Technical Engineer - K. O. E. Fickeissen This position is accountable for supervising station technical personnel involved in fuel management, radiological health and safety, chemistry and the engineering of plant modifications, changes and special test procedures. He has frequent contacts with consultants, State of New Jersey, and Federal Agencies regarding site environmental matters.

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6. Staff Engineer - T. E. Quintenz This position is accountable for assisting the Operations Engineer in administering the policies of the operations department and for coordinating the activities of the department's engineering personnel.
7. Engineer - J. E. Edelhauser C. Lefler R. McNair P. Cervanka This position is accountable for assisting the Operations Engineer in administering the policies of the Operations Department and the planning, coordination, and completion of proj ects associated with Nuclear Power Plant Operations as designated by the Operations Engineer.
8. Supervisor - Stations Operations - J. R. Maloney This position is accountable for supervising the operation, coordi-nating all functions that affect plant operations and training of all operating personnel to insure the efficient operations of the nuclear generating station within the scope of the plant license.
9. Group Shift Supervisor - R. McKeon B. J. Cooper R. Van Brakle J. R. Young H. Callahan G. Hicks This position is accountable for controlling the nuclear plant operations during assigned shifts by directing the work of others in operating the plant safely and economically.
10. Group Operating Supervisor - D. VanBlarcom C. Silvers R. Wenz N. Howey N. Boulware This position is accountable for assisting the Group Shift Supervisor in controlling the nuclear plant operations during assigned shifts by directing the work of others in operating the plant safely and economically.

E, O 'i '!,

11. Senior Administrator - Generation Technical Training - W. Stewart This position is accountable for administering, planning, organizing, coordinating, initiating, conducting and documenting various technical training programs at Oyster Creek as well as purchasing hardware, soft-ware and consumables required for the conduct of these training programs.

The position is also accountable for administering the Station Document Control Center.

12. Administrator - Generation Technical Training - R. Barrett D. Fawcett This position is accountable for assisting in the administering, planning, organizing, coordinating, initiating, conducting and documenting of various technical training programs at Oyster Creek, to include the purchasing and maintenance of hardware, software and consumables required for the conduct of these training programs.
13. Engineer - D. Jones M. Budaj G. Hinrich R. Lang R. Smith This position is accountable for assisting the Maintenance Engineer in administering the policies of the maintenance department and the planning, coordination, and completion of proj ects associated with nuclear power plant maintenance as designated by the Maintenance Engineer.

14 Technical Analyst - E. Roessler This position is accountable for assisting the Station Instrument and Electrical Maintenance Supervisor in the performance of his duties. This position is also accountable for reviewing trends and maintenance histories of various electrical and instrument components.

15. Engineering Associate - K. Eichenlau'o This position is accountable for the coordination, planning and completion of projects associated with nuclear power plant maintenance as designated by the Maintenance Engineer-Nuclear.
16. Supervisor - Station Computer Programs - W. Pelenski This position is accountable for the coordination, planning, and completion of projects associated with plant computer reauirements.

A i i C,Q ) s-

17, Analyst Process Control -E. I. Riggle This position is accountable for analysing and interfacing the computer uses with plant funct ions . This position alsa assists in analy ing the present instrumentation and control systems for improve-ment and reliability.

18. Supervisor - Station Mechanical Maintenance - F. H. Kossat:

This position is accountable for supervising the mechanical maintenance and repair of all stations equipment, buildings and grounds as well as implementing applicable portions of the Jersey Central Power S Light Company Operational Quality Assurance Plan.

19. Supervisor - Station Inst. and Electrical Maintenance - T. Johnson This position is accountable for supervising the instrument and electrical maintenance and repair of all station equipment, buildings and grounds; for supervising calibration facility operations; for ensuring the related maintenance and inspection records are prepared, reviewed and updated; and for implemenging applicable portions of the JCPSL Operational Quality Assurance Plan.
7. 0 . Group Supervisor - Mechanical Maintenance - D. Jenkinson F. Anderson K. Be11scheidt This position is accountable for directing a maintenance crew in repairing, replacing and maintaining equipment - nuclear, grounds and building :1 good physical condition to assure continual, efficient and economical nuclear plant operation.
21. Group Supervisor - Instrument S Electrical Maintenance - T. Gaffney D. LeRoy This position is accountable for the maintenance of all electrical equipment, reactor protection equipment and the substation equipment at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.
22. Engineering Assistant - R. A. Parshall This position is accountable for the coordination, surveillance and completion of administrative proj ects associated with the nuclear power plant as designated by the Station Superintendent.

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23. Engineering Associate - R. Bara,n This position is accountable for the coordination and surveillance of PORC activities and acts as an assitant t'o the Chief Engineer.
24. Technical Supervisor - A. H. Rone This position is accountable for the proper implementation of fuel management principles to assure safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the nuclear fuel within the limits of the plant license and fuel manufacturer's warranty This position is also responsible for preparing reports and performing various tests as required. by the Technical Specifications.
25. Engineer - R. Shaw M. Atkins F. Saksa J. Spadaro R. Thompson This position provides technical expertise in the areas of core nucleonics, chemistry control, radiological engineering, environmental monitoring, etc. Engineers in this group provide and interface between generation engineering and plant operations so that modifications, changes and tests are performed in an efficient manner accounting for both engineering as well as operc cional concerns.
26. Chemical Supervisor - J. R. Pelrine This position is accountable for supervising the Oyster Creek plant chemistry and environmental monitoring programs.
27. Engineer - R. B. Somers R. Stoudnour This position is accountable for the planning, coordination and completion of projects associated with nuclear power plant chemistry and environmental monitoring programs as designated by the Chemical Supervisor.
28. Engineering Associate - D. R. Weigle This position is accountable for the coordination, planning and completion of projects associated with nuclear power plant chemistry and environmental monitoring programs as designated by the Chemical Supervisor. g
                                                                        /    i 6 -}
29. Group Supervisor - Chemical - C. B. Konta This position is accountable for supervising the activities involved in sampling, analyzing and providing water treatment of the reactor and auxiliary systems to insure operations within prescribed limits.
30. Supervisor - Radiation Protection -

This position is accountable for administering and maintaining a Health Physics Program to ensure implementation and observance of radiological control procedures for personnel radiation safety, for compliance with state and federal regulatory agencies, and for assurance of the required personnel responses to emergency situations.

31. Health Physicist - L. Smialek This position is accountable for supervising 6e Group Radiation Protection Supervisors to ensure implementat ion of radiological pro-cedures and compliance with state and federal regulatory agencies.
32. Group Supervisor - Radiation Protection - D. Kaulback D. Arbach J. Cook M. Oberstaedt This program is accountable for supervising the activities in-volved in ensuring proper radiological control for personnel safety and coordinating compliance with the applicable federal and state regulations concerning radiological control and reporting require-ments.
33. Engineering Associate - R. A. Heffner This position is accountable for assisting in the planning, administration, coordination and personnel training as well as for the improvement of the Oyster Creek Health Physics Program.
34. Group Supervisor - General Construction 6 Mtce. - W. J. Spoulos This position is accountable for supervising the activities involved in maintaining the plant clean and orderly, preparation, packing, and shipping of all radioactive waste from the station and for training of personnel in the use of and the operation of equipment such as conveyors, hoists, cranes, fork lifts, etc.

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35. Supervisor - Quality Assurance - R. Dube This position is accountable for establishing and maintaining an effective and efficient Quality Assurance Inspection and Examination Program at Nuclear Generating Stations as well as assisting in the development. establishment and maintenance of an effective and efficient total Quality Assurance Program for the Jersey Central Power S Light Company. This position reports to the Manager of Quality Assurance who is located offsite.
36. Quality Assurance Specialist - L. Drummond W
                                       ,. Deck S. Fuller R. Tilton M. Goldie T. Dunn D. Robillard This position is accountable for evaluating the adequacy of specific programs used to train and test inspection, examination and test per-sonnel as well as reviewing and approving inspection, examination and testing procedures and evaluating the activities to accomplish the in-spection, examination and test objectives.         .

37, Job Supervisor - S. Pv:yblski T. Spence This position is accountable for supervising crews performing specific outage related iobs or modifications. This position reports to the Superintendent of proiect services who is located offsite.

38. Outage Area Supervisor - D. Holland This position is accountable for the planning, scheduling, and coordination of outage activities. This position reports to the Superintendent of project services who is located offsite.
39. Group Supervisor Construction - R. Keating This position is accountable for supervising the maintenance crew concerning plant improvements and modifications undertaken at the station. This position reports to the Supervisor Construction Craft who is located offsite.
                                                                   -  s; "uO

{).O I

40. Fire Protection Specialist - R. Durina This position is responsible for the administration of the fire protection program which includes periodic inspections to assure the availability and acceptability of fire protection systems and equip-ment, assisting in the training of the fire brigade and other personnel, and assuring that the objectives of the fire protection program are achieved.
41. Supervisor - G3neration Stores - Nuclear - D. Keith This position is accountable for the efficient planning, organizing, and administering of a storeroom in a nuclear generating station. This position reports to the Supervisor of Area Stores who is located offsite.
42. Safety Representative - A. Jackson This position is accountable for the OSHA related safe working conditions and safe working practices at the Oyster Creek site. This position reports to the Safety Director of Generation who is located o f f-s it e .

O 7 \L C 3'J

J. T. CARROLL, JR. A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Ocean County College - 1970-1971 ICS Course, Power Plant Engineering 1960-1962 Saxton Training Program - 10 M0nths G. E. San Jose Training and Humbolt Bay Training - 6 Weeks Oyster Creek Pre Operational Site Training - 135 Hrs. B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 13 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations B. Westinghouse - PNR 1 Year Nuclear Power Plant Operations
2. OTHER A. 17 Years - Fossil Power Plant Operations B. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - OC
                                                                          -o n h y'N


  • b

J. L. SULLIVAN, JR. A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S.M.E. - Newark College of Engineering-1965 ASME Course - Nuclear Engineering General Electric Course - Station Nuclear Engineering-1970-10 weeks B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - B.W.R.

6 years power plant operations 1 year plant chemistry G radiochemistry 1 year health physics 2 years nuclear fuels-core nanagement

             .5 year maintenance engineering
2. OTHER A. .5 year maintenance engineering-fossil power plant 3 years operations-fossil power plant B. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License- OC-(1975-Present)
                                                                            -  s s\

() ' )

E. GRONNEY A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S.M.E. - Stevens Institute of Technology - 1966 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering - 1969 - University of Michigan - 1 month G. E. Nuclear Engineering Training- 1970 - 10 weeks 25 credits toward M.S.M.E. at Stever.s Institute of Technology B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 3.8 years Nuclear Power Plant Operations 2 years Nuclear Engineering 2 Years Thermal-Hydraulic Engineering 1 year Plant Chemistry S Radiochemistry 1 year Nuclear Fuels
2. OTHER A. 3.2 Years Fossil Plant Operations B. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (1977-Present)
                                                                                  -, 7


J. MOLNAR A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND BA - Mathematics Rutgers University MS - >bthematics (20 credits toward) Stevens Institute of Technology Operator Training Program Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp. B. NORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - B.W.R 6 years Power Plant Operations 4 years Maintenance Engineering 3 years Training (Operator Licensing S Requalification)

B. Westinghouse - P.W.R. 1 year Power Plant Operations

2. OTHER A. 7 years Power Plant Operation - Fossil Power Plant B. NRC Reactor Operators License - 0.C.

NRC Senior Reactor Operators License-0.C.- (1973-Present)

                                                                         \ ,'

g( } J

K. FICKEISSEN A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S.M.E. Drexel University U.S. Navy - Electronics Technician School U.S. Navy - Nuclear Power School Training B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - B.N.R 4.5 years Power Plant Operations 1 year Nuclear Engineering 1 year Plant Chemistry 6 Radiochemistry 2 years Nuclear Fuel hhnagement
             .5 year Maintenance Engineering B. General Electric - S3G
             .5 years Power Plant Operations C. Westinghouse S5W 3.75 Power Plant Operations
2. OTHER A. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (April 1978 - Present)
                                                                             ~ !\
                                                                           \ , ~ '

E)O 1 -'

J. EDELILAUSER A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S.E.E. Northeastern University M.S.E.E. Northeastern University B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - B.W.R.

6 years Power Plant Operations 1 year Electrical Engineering

2. OTHER A. NRC Reactor Operator License - OC - (1973-Present)

([)l 3

C. LEFLER A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.F.M.E. - University of Rhodc Island - 1973 12 Credits Toward M.S.M.E. B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 3 Years As Startup and Test Engineer for Offgas Building and new Radwaste B. Newport News Shipbuilding 3 1/2 Years as Materials Engineer in Atomic Power Division
                                                                        ,   \ ., (Q Cy} ')

B. 51eNAIR A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S. Nuclear Science f, Engineering - SUNY Staritime College 51.B. A. Stonmouth College (12/79) B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - B.W.R 3 years Power Plant Operations
2. OTHER A. 1 year Power Plant Operations - Fossil Power Plant

cq5 3-

P. CERVENKA A. EDUCATIONAL BACKCROUND B. S. Nuclear Science-State University of New York Maritime College B. h'ORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General EIcetric - B.W.R.

1 year Power Plant Operations

             .5 year Equipment and Component Inspection
2. OlllER A. 1.5 years Equipment and Component Inspection - Fossil Power Plant n n p \j C- D

J. MALONEY A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2.5 years college - Electrical Engineering Westinghouse PWR Training - Walt: Mills, PA. G.E. BKR Training - San Jose, Calif. B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Elcetric - B.N.R.

13 years Power Plant Operations B. Westinghouse - P.W.R 6 years Power Plant Operations

2. OTHER A. AEC Reactor Operator License - Saxton Reactor NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (1969-Present)
                                                                             -, ^
                                                                        <4 '

c]J) 3

R. McKEON A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. S. in Applied Physics - Stockton State College Fundamentals of Nuclear Technology - S Weeks Physics for Reactor Operator Training - 1 Month 0.C. Onsite Systens Course - 1 Month Supervisory C)urse - Rutgers - 1 Neck B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR General Electric - BWR 12 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations Years as Startup and Test Supervisor for Offgas Building and New Radwaste
2. OTHER A. ' Years Power Plant Cperations - Fossil B. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (1970-Present)

A -

                                                                          ,' ' s Ef) b

B. COOPER A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Diploma Technical Courses (Nuclear 5 electronics) Management Courses B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - B.W.R.

13 years Power Plant Operations B. Westinghouse - P.W.R. 1 year Power Plant Operations

2. OTHER A. 11 Years Power Plant Operations - Fossil Power Plant B. Certified on Saxton Reactor NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. (1970-Present)

NRC Reactor Operator License-0.C. (1969-1970)


2'\ c o',) oe

R. VAN BRAKLE A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate 1955 Fundamentals of Nuclear Tech. - 1965 - Saxton Theory Course for Reactor Operators - Saxton Physics Course for Reactor Operators - 1966-0C Systems Course - 1967-0C B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Elcetric - B','!R 13 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations B. Westinghouse - PWR - Saxton 1 Year Nuclear Power Plant Operations
2. OTHER A. 5 fears Fossil Power Plant Operations B. NRC Reactor Operator License ( 1969-1977)
RC Senior Reactor Crerator License (1977-Present)
                                                                 < O.,3 v) e

J. YOUNG A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate 1954 Fundamentals of Nuclear Technology - 1965-Saxton Theory Course for Reactor Operators - Saxton Physics Course for Reactor Operators - 1906-0C Systems Course - 1967-0C B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 13 Years Nucicar Power Plant Operations B. Nestinghouse - PWR 1 Year Nuclear Power Plant Operations
2. OTHER A. SRC Reactor Operator License (1969-1974)

NRC Senior Reactor Operator License (1974-Present)

                                                                     ' ',,b c:1 b

H. CALLAllAN A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 3.5 years college - Physics U. S. Navy - Nuclear Power School B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Elcetric - B.W.R 9.5 years Power Plant Operations B. Westinghouse - P.W.R.

5 years Power Plant Operations

2. OTilER A. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (1977-Present)

NRC Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (1970-1977) g '. k


C)qE3 3

G. HICKS A. EDUCATIC _._ . MOUND liigh School Diploma Various Technical S bbnagement Courses B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - B.N.R 11 years Power Plant Operations B. Westinghouse - P.W.R 1 year Power Plant Operations
2. OTHER A. 9 years Power Plant Operations - Fossil Power Plant B. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (1974-Present)
                                                                            - '- \ i 1

D. VAN BLARCOM A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate Completed B.W.R Simulator Training Course B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 12 years Nuc1 car Power Plant Operations 2 Years Instrumentation 5 Controls Engineering
2. OTHER A. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (1978-Present)

NRC Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (1973-1978) i O Cf'

                                                                    ) '


C. SILVERS A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate U. S. Navy Nuclear School Supervisory Course - Rutgers - 1 Week Ocean County College - 1 Year - bbthematics B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 8 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations B. Westinghouse - PWR - Navy 6 Years Power Plant Operations -
2. OTHER A. NRC Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (1973-1978)

NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (1978-Present) s'l 593


1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - Bh1 12 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations
2. OTilER A. 9 Years Fossil Power Plant Operations B. NRC Senior Reactor Operators License - 0.C. -(1977-Present)

NRC Reactor Operator License - OC (1971-1977) n g0 1 \ 't d j/ J i

N. HOWEY A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Craduate Presently Enrolled at Stockton State College - 3 years Completed U. S. Nuclear Navy Power School B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 8 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations B. Westinghouse - PNR - Nuclear Navy 2 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations 2 Years Plant Chemistry S Radiochemistry 2 Years Health Physics
2. OTHER A. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (1977-Present)

NRC Reactor Operator License - OC - (1973-1977) C C: l 1 ' G Jl J l ~io

N. BOULWARE A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate U. S. Nuclear Navy Power School 1 Year College B. WORK EXFERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. Westinghouse - P.W.R. - Nuclear Navy 3.5 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations 3.5 Years Instrumentation and Controls Engineering B. General Electric - B.W.R 7 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations
2. OTHER A. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. - (197S-Present)

NRC Reactor Operator License - OC - (1973-1978) Q E J/O )7 1"V iv

B. STEWART A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. S. Civil Engineering - University of Kentucky - 1968 U. S. Nuclear Navy Power School - 1970 B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. Westinghouse - P.W.R. - Nuclear Navy 6 Years Power Plant Operations B. General Electric - B.W.R 3 Years - Training (Operator Licensing, and Requalification)
2. OTHER A. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. (1978-Present)

CC7 I' ) J/)

R. BARRETT A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. A. - Stockton State College - 1975 M.B.A. Candidate - Fairleigh Dickenson University U.S. Nuclear Navy Power School Electronics Technichn School - U.S. Navy B. WORK EXPERIENC_E

1. NUCLEAR A. Westinghouse - F.W.R - Nuclear Navy 3 1/2 Years Power Plant Operations 2 1/2 Years Instrumentation and Control Engineering B. General Electric - B.W.R.

6 Years Instrumentation and Control Engineering 31/2 Years Training (Operator Licensing and Requalification) C. General Atomic - Triga Mark F (Research) 2 1/2 Years Operations 1 Ye2r Instrumentation and Control Engineering

2. OTHER A. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - 0.C. -(1978 - Present)

NRC Senior Reactor Operator License - ARIGA 4 rq r07 1Jc J/J

D. FAWCETT A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. S. in Applied Physics - Stockton State College - 1976 U. S. Navy - Nuclear Power School Electronics Technician - A School - Navy B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 6 Years Power Plant Operations
            .5 Year Training (Operator Licensing and Requalification)

B. Westinghouse - PWR - Navy 2 Years Poacr Plant Operations 2 Years Instrumentation and Control Engineering

2. OTilER A. NRC Reactor Operator License - OC - (1973-Present) 7 i rj7)

CO) J!

D. JONES A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S.E.E. - Electrical and Electronic - Fairleigh Dickenson - 1971 12 Credits Toward M.S.E.E. G.E. Power Systans Coordination Course (Relays) - 1 Week I.R.D. Mechanalysis (Advanced) - 1 Week Biddle Test School for Hypoting - 1 Week Westinghouse Computer School - 9 Weeks B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 1/2 year Mechanical Engineering 1/2 Year Maintenance Engineering 2 fears Electrical Engineering
2. OTHER A. 1/2 Year Mechanical Eagineering - Fossil Plant .

1/2 Year Instrumentation and Control Engineering Possil Plant 1/2 Year !bintenance Engineering - Fossil Plant 1 1/2 Years Electrical Engineering - Fossil rf j' CO) J/

M. BUDAJ A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S.E.E. - Rutgers University - 1974

    .'eminar   " Nuclear Fuel Management" - M.I.T. - 1976 B. WORK EXPERIENCE
1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 4 Years Nuclear Fuels B. Westinghouse - PhR 1 Year Electrical Engineering P


G. IIINRICli A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. S. in Nuclecr Engineering - S.U.N.Y. Maritime College - 1975 B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 2 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations 1 Year Mechanical Engineering 1/2 Year hbintenance Engineering 1/2 Year Quality Assurance J/-


1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 1 Year Nuclear Power Plant Operations 4 Years Maintenance Engineering
2. OTHER A. 1 Year Systems Engineering 1 Year Electrical Engineering 1 Year Cost Engineering 4

593 IU7

R. S311711_ A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Baclielor of Engineering - N. Y. Staritime College B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - B.W.R 1 1/2 years .\!aintenance Engineering
2. OTiiER 2 1/2 years .\ technical Engineering
                                                             %   =

J / -- "

E. ROESSLER A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. A. in Business U. S. Nuclear Navy Power School U. S. Navy Transistor School U. S. Nav: Electronic School Westinghouse Reactor Systems Design School B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BNR 12 Years Instrumentation and Control Engineering B. Westinghouse - PhR 3 1/2 Years Power Plant Operations 3 1/2 Years Instrumentation 6 Control Engineering C07 J/) kJ9

K. EICHENLAUB A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Associate in Nuclear Engineering - 1975 - Penn State Oyster Creek ITC Instrumentation Course B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BhR 2 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations 2 Years Maintenance Engineering En7 J 'i J f v f)

W. PELENSKI A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S.E.E. - Rutgers University - 1969 G.E. - I.T.T. - Microwave Training - 4 Weeks Xerox - Sigma V Computer Training - 4 Weeks for Software , 15 weeks for Hardware Modcomp IV - Software Training - 4 weeks Prime 400 - Software Training - 2 Weeks B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 1 Year Instrumentation and Control Engineering 1 Year Systems Engineering
2. OTHER A. S Years Computer Systems Operations CD7 J7J )d)

E. RIGGLE A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND liigh School Graduate Electrical Engineering - 2 Years at Penn State University Nuclear Orientation - Saxton - Provided by Westinghouse Nuclear Instrumentation - Saxton- Provided by Westinghouse Radiation Monitoring and Shielding Design Course - Penn State University Design Technology and Nuclear Instrumentation for BWR's - General Electric Computer Science Course - Ocean County College Management Fraining Course - Rutgers University B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. General Electric - BWR 3 Years Mechanical Engineering 3 Years Instrumentation and Controls Engineering 1 1/2 Years Systems Engineering 3 Years Maintenance Engineering 3 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations
2. Westinghouse - PWR - Saxton 3 Years Instrumentation and Control Engineering 3 Years Maintenance Engineering
2. OTIIE_R A. 7 Years Maintenance Engineering 3 Years Electrical Engineering 6 Years Power Plant Operations - Fossil C

J/O '3 \bL

F. KOSSATZ A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND liigh School Graduate huc1 car Power Trrining Course - Saxton - 1 Week thintenance Training Course - Dresden Nuclear Power Plant - 2 Weeks Various AWS Sponsored Courses in Welding. Mettalurgy, and Materials B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BNR 6 Years Mechanical Engineering 7 1/2 Years Maintenance Engineering '
2. OTIIER A. 19 Years Maintenance Engineering - Fossil Plant 1 Year Operations - Fossil Plant 1, )

T. JOHNSON A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate U. S. Air Force Radar School Westinghouse Protective Relay School General Electric Instrument S Control Training (Pre-Startup) General Electric Switchgear Training School General Physics Instrument S Control School B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. Cencral Electric - BWR 6 Years Electrical Engineering 4 Years Instrumentation S Control Engineering 1 Year Maintenance Engineering
2. OTHER A. 3 Years Electrical Engineering 5 Y;ars Instrumentation S Controls Engineering CO7 1 /

J/J l c 'lr


1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BNR 3 Years Maintenance f.ngineering
2. OTilER 28 Year Fossil Plant Maintenance Engineering 1 I 0/ )7 iu)

K. BELLSCHEIDT A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND liigh School Graduate 3 Years of Non Credit Technical Courses B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric BWR 6 Years >bintenance Engineering
2. OTilER A. 20 Years 5fechnical Engineering 593 I "* f

T. CAFFNEY A. EDUCATIONAI, BACKGROUND 2 Years Electronic Institute of Eatontown 68 Credits Towards A.A.S. - Electronic Engineering Technology at Ocean County College - Completion 1979 B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General ectric - BWR 12 Years Instrumentation 6 Controls Engineering
                                                                      $ /

Col \di J/)

D. LeROY A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate Solid State Course - G.E. - 1 Week Motor Maintenance Course - G.E. - 1 Week 2 Years at Toms River Vocational School - Electronics B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. .\dCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 10 Years Electrical Maintenance Engineering
   ?. OTHER A. 15 Years as Instrument Test and Repair Technician j '/ 3 Id
  • R.A. PARSilALL A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND liigh School Graduate U. S. Navy Nuclear Power School B. WORK EXPERIENCE
1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 2 Years Maintenance Engineering 3 1/2 Years Station Administration Functions D. Westinghouse - PNR - Navy S Years Power Plant Operations 3 Years Instrumentation and Controls Engineering C. Westinghouse - FNR - Sa.\ ton 2 1/2 Years Instrumentation and Controld Engineering (j f) \O

R. BARAN A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Associate Degree - Nuclear Engineering - Penn State Associate Degree - Electrical Engineering - Penn State U. S. Navy Nuclear Power School B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 4 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations 2 Years Nuclear Engineering B. Nestinghouse - PWR 3 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations 2 Years Nuclear Engineering
2. OTliER A. Reactor Operator License - 0. C. -(1978 - Present)

C J/C ') )'0


1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BNR 3 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations 3 Years Nuclear Engineering 2 Years Systems Engineering 1 Year bhintenance Engineering
2. OTHER A. NRC Senior Reactor Operator License
                                                      ., T,T' E393

R. sH_AW A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S. Nuclear Engineering - Rensselaer Inst. M.S. Nuclear Engineering - Rensselaer Inst. B. h'ORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR
             .5 Year Nuclear Engineering B. Pool T)Te - Research Reactor 2.5 Years Health Physics l

E g () }

M. ATKINS A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. S. in Nuclear Enginee.*ing - Penn State Chemistry Credits at Shippenburg State College B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR
           .75 Year Nuclear Engineering 1.25 Year Plant Chemistry 5 Radiochemistry I'


F. SAKSA A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. S. Nuclear Engineering - Rensrelaer Inst. Exxon Training Session on BNR Loading Pattern NSC Training on Fuel Reliability Module B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Elcetric - BWR 2.75 Years Nuclear Engineering J/)


1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR
             .375 Year Nuclear Engineering
             .375 Year Nuclear Fuels h


R. THOMPSON A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. S. in Nuclear Engineering - Penn State = 1977 B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 1 Year Nuclear Engineering 1 Year Nuclear Fuels B. Westinghouse - PWR
            .5 Year Nuclear Engineering 5'i 3 I , o,

J. PELRINE A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate Chemistry Shjor at Union College Nuclear Reactor Technology Course Provided by G.E. Various Courses at Rutgers University in Instrumental Analysis and Computer Programming B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - PWR 7 1/2 years Plant Chemistry and Radiochemistry B. General Electric - BWR 7 1/2 Years Plant Chemistry and Radiochemistry 2 Years Power Plant Operations C. AMP Research Reactor 3 Years Healthy Physics .

6 Years Plant Chemistry and Radiochemistry CO' O/ ]') J

R. <,231ERS A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S. in Chemistry / Natural Science - High Point College M.S. in Environmental Science - Rutgers - With Major Area of Study in Radiological Physics B. WORK EXISRIENCE

1. NUCLE?.R A. General Electric - BWR 1 Year Plant Chemistry S Radiochemistry 1 Year >bintenance Engineering 1 1/2 year Environmental Monitoriag a,3

R. STOUDNOUR A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S. in Chemistry - Penn State - 1964 G. E. Training for BWR's - 2 Weeks Environmental Seminar - Georgia Tech - 1 Week B. WORK EXPERIENC'

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 6 Years Chemistry and Radiochemistry 3 Years as Startup Engineer for Offgas Building and new Radwaste Building
2. OTHER A. 3 1/2 Years at GPU Central Lab in Chemistry 2 1/2 Years in Operations at Fossil Generating Station

c03 j/

D. WEIGLE A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Associate Degree in Electrical Engineering - Penn State Associate Degree in Nuclear - Penn State B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 6 Years Plant Chemistry and Radiochemistry J!)

C. KONTA A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate 2 Years College Completed in Chemistry B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 9 Years Plant Chemistry and Radiochemistry 2 Years Health Physics O-.I tdi IJ

L. SMIALEK A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. A. in Bio-Premed - Merrimack Colle ge - 1965 M.S. in Radiological Health Physics - Rutgers - 1969 (Needs Defense of Thesis for Ph.D from Rutgers) Health Physics Traineeship - Brookhaven, N.L. - 1968 Reacts Program - Oak Ridge N.L. - 1976 B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 1 Year Health Physics
2. OTHER A. 3 Years Health Physics 5 Years Health Physics Teaching at M.S. Level.

g n ') [Og 'l d b


D. KAULBACK A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Associate in Engineering from Wyomissing Polytechnic General Electric Training for Oyster Creek Startup - 4 months at San Jose California B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 13 Years Health Physics B. Nestinghouse - PWR 5.5 Years Health Physics
           .5 Year Nuclear Engineering
2. OTHER A. 7 Years Electrical Engineering B. NRC Reactor Operators License at Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp.

p ~T h. (J /

D. ARBArH A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Rutgers University 1952-1954, 1956 R. A. Taft Engineering Center " Occupational Radiation Protection" - 1964 Rutgers University " Radiological Monitoring"- 1966 B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BNR 5.5 Years Health Physics B. SSM Research Reactor - AMF 3 Years Plant Chemistry and Radiochemistry 11.5 years Health Physics i'"t
7. h 59'h

J. COOK A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate 3.5 Years College Completed - Presently Attending NUS Advanced Technicians Training Course B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 13.5 Years Health Physics 2 Years Plant Chemistry and Radiochemistry B. Westinghouse - PWR 2 Years Plant Chemistry and Radiochemistry
2. OTHER A. 3 Years Civil Engineering - Non-Nuclear 1 Year Structural Engineering - Non-Nuclear 1 Year Electrical Engineering - Non-Nuclear

{} l b

.\l. OBERSTARDT A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate Presently attending Brookdale Community College N.U.S. Advanced Technician Training Course B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. '!UCLEAR A. General Electric - BNR 8.5 Years Health Physics
               .5 Years Plant Chemistry 6 Radiochemistry Lf ') \b

W. SPOULOS A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate U. S. Navy Nuclear Power School B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BNR 10 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations B. Westinghouse - PWR - Navy 8 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations C. Westinghouse - PWR - Saxton 4 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations
2. OTHER A. NRC Operators License - Saxton Test Reactor n7


R. DUBE A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate Technical School Graduate College Credits in Management Courses and Business Administration B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NLICLEAR A. General Electrl: - BWR 6 Years in Quality Assurance B. 6 Years as Civilian in Nuclear Navy Program in Quality Assurance
2. OTHER 5 Years in Quality Assurance for U. S. Navy - Non-Nuclear C03 3i

L. DRUMMOND A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND liigh School Graduate U. S. Navy Nuclear Power Program Operational Q. A. Seminar " Stat-A-Shtrix" B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 6 lears Quality Assurance B. Westinghouse - PWR - Navy 1 year Systems Engineering 3 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations 0

593 )Y


1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 3 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations 3 Years Nuclear Engineering 2 Years Systems Engineering 1 Year .\bintenance Engineering
2. OTHER A. NRC Sneior Reactor Operator License gO


1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 1 Year Quality Assurance B. Westinghouse - PWR 3 Years Quality Assurance C. Combustion Engineering - PWR 1 Year Quality Assurance b

q Gb i)

S. FULLER A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2 Years Chemical Engineering at University of Rhode Island U. S. Navy Nuclear Power Program B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 5 Years Quality Assurance B. Westinghouse - PNR - Navy 3 Years Maintenance Engineering 1 Year Plant Chemistry 5 Radiochemistry 2 Years Nuclear Plant Operations s

s,,Q 1


R. TILTO.N A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Graduate 1 Year College - Business Atministration B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 2.25 Years Quality Assurance B. Westinghouse - PWR 1 Year Quality Assurance r.1 N')

{3 i

M. GOLDIE A. EDUCATION?L BACKGROUND Associate of Science in Mechanical Engineering-1975 Bettis Development Engineering Program - 1974 Mechanical Design Technology Technician Program - 1965 B. KORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BNR 1 Year Quality As ance 1 Year Mechanical mngineering B. 2 Years Mechanical Engineering for General Dynamics Electric Coat Division - Nuclear 2 Years in Quality Assurance for United Nuclear Corp.

4 Years in Mechanical Engineering for United Nuclear - Reactor Design

2. OTHER A. 1 Year Mechanical Engineering
                                                                  -t s\ "# $\

C {g j J

T. DUNN A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND l'igh School Graduate U. S. Navy Nuclear School B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Elcetric - BWR 1 Year Quality Assurance B. Westinghouse - PWR - Navy 6 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations J

D. ROBILLARD A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND lilgh School Grad: tate U. S. Navy Nuclear Program Electrical Technology Morrisville Tech College - 196S-1969 Business Administration - Tompkins - Cortland Community College - 1969 B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 1 year Quality Assurance B. General Electric - PWR - Navy 6 1/2 Years Nuclear Power Plant Operations.

g - () 4 i i f[j J 3

S. PRZYBYLSKI A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND liigh School Graduate Technical Courses at Ocean County College B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Elcetric - BWR 3 Years Quality Assurance 1 Year Slechnical Engineering 1 Year >!aintenance Engineering
2. OTIIER A. 18 Years as Tool >b. - S Sbchinist
                                                        -1 q l


                                                   ) '


1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 1 Year Mechanical Engineering
2. OTilER A. 4 Years Civil Engineering in Construction of Nuclear Power Plants n' \i U C{j :)

D. HOLLAND A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B. S. in Nuclear Science - State University New York Maritime College B. h'ORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 1.5 Year .\hintenance Engineering B. 5.5 Years as Test Engineer for General Dynamics Electric Boat Division 1,a (f),)

R. KEATING A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND liigh School Graduate U. S. Air Force Electronics Training - 1260 lirs. B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 10 Years Maintenance Engineering
                                                             ,. }

t, - C)C-) )

R. DURINA A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND liigh School Graduate Credits in Fire Science Courses Attended Various Seminars on Fire Protection and Prevention B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. 14 Years Drafting Technician - Non Nuclear p n O

D. KEITil A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Associate Degree in Applied Science Mechnical Engineering Technology. U. S. Navy huelear Program B. WORK EXPERIENCE

1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR 2 Years Maintenance Engineering 1 Year hbterial Management B. Combustion Engineerinc, - PWR 1 Year Maintenance Engineering C. Westinghouse - PWR - Navy 3 Years Operations ,

2 Years Plant Chemistry and Radiochemistry 2 Years Health Physics (z ' )

                                                                         ", f  'I C3 i* )



1. NUCLEAR A. General Electric - BWR S Years Maintenance Engineering 2 Years as Safety Representative for Oyster Creek

(*. r J Cf}1


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GENERATION ENGINEERING Generation Engineering is accountable for the development, direction; and coordination of engineering activities for the generating stations. This group establishes mechanical, electrical, and structural engineering standards for modifications, additions, and non-routine maintenance activi-ties at all generating facilities.

1. Total Number of Professionals 24
2. By Educational


B.S. Military Science 1 B.S. Engineering 2 B.S. Electrical Engineering 6 B.S. Mechanical Engineering S B.S. Aerospace Engineering 1 B.S. Physics 1 B.S. Mathematics 1 B.S. Commercial Industries 1 M..S. Engineering Management 2 M.S. Mechanical Engineering 2 M.S. Electrical Engineering 2 M.B.A. (Production .'hnagement) 1

3. Technical Experience in Years F N A. Nuclear Power Plant Operations 20 -

B. Nuclear Engineering 5 - C. Mechanical Engineering 33 15.5 D. Electrical Engineering 23.5 31 E. Thermal Hydraulic Engineering 1 - F. Metalurgical Materials Engineering 1 7 G. Instrumentation and Controls Engineering 1 5 H. Systems Engineering 16 .5 I. Plant Chemistry 5 Radiochemistry 5 - J. Health P!ysics 5 - K. Maintenance Engineering 20 7 L. Project Engineering, Cost Engineering 3.5 21 M. Nuclear Safety 6 Licensing 6.5 - N. Power Plant Operations - Fossil - S.5 TOTAL 140.5 95.5

4. Other A. Five persons who attended U. S. Navy Nuclear Power School.

1 nah Ld 3 3

ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Environmental Affairs is composed of three separate groups; Environmental Licensing, Environmental Science and Monitoring, and Nuclear Safety and Licensing. Environmental Licensing is accountable for organizing, engineering, and appraising all environmen ally oriented projects. This includes environ-mental evaluttions and impact statements for company directed proj ects during planning and construction; environmental investigations, evaluations, monitoring programs, and stt. dies related to environmental problem areas of operating installations on a company wide basis. Environmental Science anC monitoring is accountable for directing all activities necessary for the 2esign, organization, implementation; and administration of biological and scientific studies and monitoring programs at the generating sites and other company facilities that are required to respond to aqueous discharge permits, facility operating licenses, or Environmental Impact Statements. Nuclear Safety and Licensing is accountable for directing the technical and administrative activities necessary to respond to the requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), to articulate Company positions to the NRC, to evaluate applicable federal regulations on nuclear energy and to prepare changes to the Operating License and Safety Analysis Report fo r the Company's nuclear facilities.

1. Total Number of Professionals 22
2. By Educational Background B. S. Engineering 2 B. S. Mechanical Engineering 3 B. S. Nuclear Engineering 1 B. S. Electrical Engineering 3 B. S. Physics 1 B. S. Environmental Resource Management 2 B. S. Environmental Engineering Technology 1 B. S. Chemical Engineering 1 B. S. Environmental Science 1 B. S. Marine Biology 1 B. S. Boilogy/ Earth Science 1 B. S. Biology 1 B. S. Biological Sciences 1 B. S. Geology 1 M. S. Nuclear Engineering 3 M. S. Radiological Health Physics 1 M. S. Ecology ng cu ]l 1

M. S. Geology 3 Ph.D. Geology C)'j ) 1 1 Associate Degree Nuclear Engineering 1 Associate Degree Electrical Technology 1


3. Technical Experience in Years: F N A. Nuclear Power Plant Operations 12.55 -

B. Nulcear Engineering 1 - C. Mechanical Engineering 3.5 6.25 D. Structural Engineering - 2 E. Electrical Engineering - 31 F. Thermal Hydraulic Engineering 7.5 .5 G. Metallurgical Engineering - - H. Instrumentation 6 Controls Engineering - 4.5 I. Systems Engineering 1 6.75 J. Plant Chemistry and Radiochemistry 4 1.5 K. Health Physics 5.5 L. Nuc1 car Fuels .2 M. Shintenance Engineering 4.5 4.75 N. Nuc1 car Safety 6 Licensing 28.95 - O. Environmental Science 5 7 P. Environmental Monitoring 8 TOTAL .'3.7 72.25

4. Other A. 3 Persons who have attended U. S. Navy Nuclear Power School B. 1 Person who held an N.R.C. Senior Reactor Operator License at Oyster Creek (4/75-4/79)
                                                               <;n,- ',

on} L'

CENERATION CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE. AND CONTRACTOR SERVICES Generation Construction, Maintenance and Contractor Services is composed of two groups; Generation-Construction Maintenance and Generation-Maintenance Services. Generation Construction Maintenance is accountable for providing proj ect/ outage management and supervision, planning and scheduling, and in house con-struction/ renovation labor. This section also handles contractor services which may be required. Generation 'daintenance services is accountable for maintenance services in the areas of gas turbines, welding, maintenance programs, and mobile maintenance administration.

1. Total Number of Professional Personnel: 11
2. By Educational


B. S. Mathematical Engineering 1 B. S. Chemical Engineering 1 B. S. Electrical Engineering 1 B. S. Mechanical - Aeronautical Engineering 1 B. S. Mechanical Engineering 1

3. Technical Experience in Years F N A. Nuclear Power Plant Operations 3 -

B. Mechanical Engineering 4 C. .\bintenance Engineering 26 104 D. Marine Power Engineering 4 E. Fossil Power Plant Operations 22 F. Plant Startup and Test Engineer 1 4.5 TOTAL 34 134.5 O nn} b


GENERATING STATIONS - NUCLEAR This group is responsible for administering the nuclear generating program of the company within the framework ofthe GPU System require-ments and in accordance with the provisions and limitations set forth in the licenses and permits of the jurisdictional agencies of Federal, State, and Local governments.

1. Total Number of Professionals 4
2. By Educational Background B. S. Mechanical Engineering 1 B. S. Electrical Engineering 1 B. S. Engineering 1 Associate Degree in Nuclear Engineering 1 M.S. Nuclear Engineering 1
3. Technical Experience in Years F N A. Nuclear Power Plant Operations 24 B. Nuclear Engineering 12 C. Mechanical Engineering 1 D. Structural Engineering E. Electrical Engineering 7 12 F. Thermal-Hydraulic Engineering 2 G. Metallurgical Materials Engineering 2 H. Instrumentation and Controls Engineering 12 I. Nuclear Fuels 2 J. Maintenance Engineering S Total 67 12
4. Other A. One person who held an S.R.0. from Penn State University - Reactor

Research. B. One Person who has attended U. S. Navy Nuclear Power School. e

                                                                 .            I J/J

QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality Assurance is accountable for ensuring the development, direction, coordination, and auditing of the Operational Quality Assurance Program. This program covers activities affecting quality including: operations, maintenance, repair, replacement, additions, modifications, refueling, engineering support, and procurement for nuclear generating stations; radioactive material packagings per 10 CFR 71; nuclear fire protection; and "R" stamp work at all stations.

1. Total Number of Professionals 4
2. By Educational Background B. S. Nuclear Engineering 1 B. S. Mechanical Engineering 2 B. S. Aeronautical Engineering 1
3. Technical Experience in Years F N A. Nuclear Power Plant Operations 4 -

B. Mechanical Engineering 17 C. >bintenance Engineering 2 2 D. Quality Assurance 30.5 TOTAL 36.5 19

4. Other A. One person who attended U. S. Navy Nuclear Power School n*\

c\ c>o



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TEQ L . D. s _

                                                    . - .;it,j TITLE OF SUCU::IT - Corpurate Planning Division
1. To tc1 ::o . ( !ana:;e rs , Engineers and Profescional Personnel) - 5
2. EDUC/sTIO!! BACKCROC::D BS 2h:c . Eng. 2 BS Civil Eng. 1 BS Mech. Eng. 2
     ':S    'u c . Eng.                      2 M. Bus. Madnin.                      I
     !!S M E                                 2                                         !

LICE:5 5 E.I.T. 1 3 TECH:!ICAL EXPERIE:!CE (a.) Ensincering (1) I;uclear Power Field 33 ( 2. ) Eag.acecing E daE* 7 (3) Total Utility E::perience 22 (b.) Fitid F G (1) Reactor Physica (2) Electrical Engineering (3) IIealth Phy.2ica (4) M2chanical Engineering 3 (3) M2 tallur;;ical and Materials (6) Instrusanta tion and Controls (7) Systees Engineering 10 (6) Thercal-Hyd raulic (9) Radiocheaistry (10) Structural Engineering (11) Nuclear Fuels 14 3 (12) !!aintenanza Engineering (c.) Military Muclear E>:cerience 6 (d.) Other 7 -  ! G'J f[rj s _)

b"'L'U' in'I0:1 DIVIsngy i e i i i l 1 I n,] i 1 Li c)0/3 l

                                      .'l__i ._. . t c .i t s T 3_
                                                                   , -ori.. -1 TITLE OF SUBU:IIT - Gen. Sr. Consu! tant
1. To t a l !!c . (Managers, Engineers and Prof essional Personnel) - 1
3. TECI!';[C AL F.XPERIESCE (a.) Enainaaring 1

! (l)

                    !dclear Pcser 7tald 27 u>

mtgineeric o . . ; n. . 13 (3) Total U:Liity C<aecience 11 (b.) Field p f g 1 , (1) Reactor Physics (2) Electrical Eagineering (3) Health Phystes (4) Machani. cal En3i neerin:; 27 (5) :'e talle r; Lcal and. Mueri2ia (6) Inst;uae natian and C.:ntrol3 (7) Systeri -.n,;b.e a r ia ; (b) Thercil- jd r :la (9) Radioch en t s :ry (10) Structural Engineering (11)  !;uclear Fuels (12) Maintenance Engineering (c.) Military !;uclear Exoerience (d.) Other , , ', h


{) } )


GPU SERVICE COPPO?.ATIe:i p i,.C u-=, . , ,. . .,., u.. p ,n , ACTIVITY DESCP.IPTION 1he PrvJc:ts Depar.% at is a hi,.dy technical and uanager.ent oriented dapartment which acts for the 01.mer Operating Companies in all matters relating to the de.;ica and conutruction of ne:7 annerating stations and aasigned cajor plant ccdificctions. The Project Departrcn: directs project construction activitica chrou'h g the Project staff. Th CPUCC proj ce t staff constata of a ..anc office cad a site er;;anizatica to canage projcct centrol, loi,tstic cupport, construction site nuagement, en'rironmental affairs ard operating Cc:f my liaison functions. The hcme office organization provides the overall direction, coordina-tion and control of project work, t.hile the site org inization provides the diraction, co m 'iation cd control of the constructica effort at the site. It ir in this OTrironment that the Projent Depnrtncnt functions, o~. o I j J / .) ""

T 1 "' .-: i ' / L _ 1 r .' mJf 4i u-u TITLE OF SUBU::IT_ - Generatton Projecta

1. To t a l l'o . (Manucers, Engineers ani Profea .ional TNcnonnel) - 15
2. EDUCATIO.': DA_CKCROU:iD BSML 6 BSCIV 2 B3 "arine Eng. 2 li 9 ; A 2

CSEE 2 BA viiy u . I  !

15 C i V 1 MSME 2 IIS"E i It S i" A 1 LICEN ES PE 3

SPO ( ? h' R ) , i

3. T7C MICAL EXPERIP.CE (a.) Enaineering (1) ::.: clear Pcuer Field i c, (2) En,;ineering Egtt.

1,4 p, (3) Total Utility Exp rience i g 7 t} (b.) Field F 3 (1) Reactor Pitysics 11 (2) Electrical End ineering 9 (3) IIcalth Physics (4) Mechanical EngineerinZ (> P; (5) Metallurgical and Macerials 63 (6) Instrumantation cad Cor. trol 3 21 4 (7) Systees Engineering 1 2 (8) Therral U.ydraulic (9) Radioche. mis t ry (10) Structural Engineering 11 8 (11) Nuclear Fuels (12) Maintenance EngineerinB 3 12 (c.) Itilitary Kuclear Ev.nertence 50 (d.) Other Construction 62 2. 2_ ) {} 'h .I. .

I 4,p., , . , C t*L.. s e e es

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e p J pl 7J '1 La' i '}

GPU SEPVICE CORPOPIsTIO:-i GE:IERisTIO:: OPEP1sTIO::ci CROUP ACTIVITY DESCRIPTTON 'nte pr t.ury functica of thc Generation Cperations Grouo in 3 to luentify ways of improver.ent in operatinc. reliability and productivity. This group alco prcv' cias laboratory Services to the Cporating Companies as well as the Technical Functions and Projects Groups within the Service Cor70rati:n on a variety of che.?.ical, chemical engineering, and metal-lurgic'.1 areas. c 0 7, n7 JiJ L'J

T ET'.ri_';I C AL ',T Ac .- (Of.-:,it;;; l TITLE 0" SU3';. IT - Generation Operations l, 1 Total 1o. (!!ana ge r s , Engineers and Prof nuaicnol Petconnel) - 16 { 2. EDUCATIO" BACrGROUND BS - :le t . Eng. 2 P IID N E 1 I BS - Bio 1 ESMC 4


us u 1 BS - Chen. 5 BA - ' :i t h 1 "S - Material Si'  ? a .; C 1 MS - Chen 2

               %                                    1 LICE:;SES SRO (Training 'Mc 7 tor)

I. 3 TECiP:CCAL EXPERILSCE (a.) Enr ineering d

   ,                   (1) Dicl:+ar ?"w r Field                                         96 (2)  Engiaecrin; l'act.                                          56 (3) Total Utility Experience                                    143 i

I (b.) Field r [ 1; d


1 e (1) Reactor Physics 10 j (2) Electrical Eagineering 1 (3) Health Physica 2 l (4) Machanical Engineering 3 (5) 1:2 tallurgical and ::a terials 5' f' (6) Instrt=e n ta tio n c.nd Controlo 27 3

  ;                    (7)  Sy s te m.s Eagineering                                     4i              3
                       '3)  The rnal-ayd rculic                                           '.

j (9) Radiocheniatry ' 32 l (10) Structurai Engineering 1 (11) Nuclear Fuels 4 (12) Maintenance Engineering 31 5 (c.) Military Mitclear Enparience 7 (d.) Oth q f, Cn ^ *' 1 s {' _:

      $5 1 MTION DIt/ISIn37 CE.N21tngs-   u,.,,.     ,.
              'y - u t ic,.,  suppe;;7 O

l i i l 1 i I f [ {} 7 ^t O J/J LLD

I STAFF (O f i-S i. < .: ) i TITLE OF SUBLSIT - Generation Operations Support 1. Total No. (>fa nage rs , Engineers and Prof essional Persennel) - 13

2. EDUCATION BACKCROUND DSEE 1 11 S !!aterial Eng. 1 US Chem. 7 BS Biology 1 DS .Ltallurgical Eng. 2 BS Mech. Eng. 1 SS >fath/ Gen. Eng. 1  !
S Nuc. Eng. 1 SIS E E I MS Chca 2
            ?!S    'a t. e r i a l S c i ,'. n c e   1 L I C E'.;.R.;

PC 1 i i 3 TECH;;ICAL EXPERIEUCC (a.) Encineering (1) Nuclear Power Fiald 34

 '                  (2) Ca 31uehu %.a .                                                  10 (3) Total Utilicy Experience                                       102 I


 ;         (b.) F '. 21d                                                                    F i

j U i g (1) Eaac tor T.'iysic3 2 i (2) Electrical l'agineerin3 3 (3) IIcalth Physics 1 (4) Mechanical Engineeri.:.7, 2 (5) Metallurgical and Ma terials

 '                                                                                      17      14 (6)     Instrucentation and Controls                                  3 (7)     Systecs Engineerin3                                           2      2 (8) Th ernl-Hyd ccul ic 3

(9) Radio ch enis t ry 19 2 (10) Structural Engineering 10 j (11) Nuclear Fuels (12) Maintenance Engineering i i 9 (c.) Military Nuclear Exoerlence (d.) Other I a c ., / ! , O .,< s 20 J/J " () i. ? F

I G E N E 11!;.1' ~ ~t. o l '! '. S ' ON C n"t

v. '3' 'e ' a'd' !%
      .           ' r ' 'L 1 I J' '.'
                                 . 41.
                                    ' e' l") .._'.'4'A'  .'"s e't' 'i v' b'
                                                                                .c)La ':-' L 'L' I'.,

hb , bb J/

GPU SERVICE CORPORATION CONSTRUCTION AMD MAINTE::A:CE SEP.VICE DEPI.2TMEMT ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The responsibility of this department .i c for crnft li'bor relations and coordination within the Generation f unc c' ions ~ for programs and efforts to 'T.e a s u re , c.o n ito r , and improve labor productivity. This departruent interfaces with the Projects Group on current and projected power plant con-struction efforts. non CO LLU J/

Ti.Cli' ICl,L SThy 0 f. ;-s iti. TITLE OF SUBUNIT - Construction 6 Maintenance Service bepartlent 1 To tal ?;o . (!!anage rs , Engineers and Prof essional Person ul) - 4

2. EDUCATIOi! BACKGROU!!D BSME 3 BS Industrial elations 1 MBA :!ga t . I MS:1E 1

_LICEtSES Prof. Eng. 1 3 TECH:HC AL EXPERItc.c.: (a.) hqineerinz (1) 1:uclear Power Field 15 (2) Engin nring M 3ct. 17 (3) Total Utility Experience 3 3 t; (b.) Field F I M (l) Reactor Physics (2) Electrical Engineerine, (3) Health Physica (4) Machanical Engineering 38 4 (5) Metallurgical and Materials (6) Instrumentction and Controls (7) Systeca EngLncering (0) Th ercal-Hyd rculic (9) Radiocheatstry (10) Structural Engineering (11) Nuclear Fuels (12) Maintenance Engineering 2 2 (c.) Militarv !;uclear Experience Neuport !!e us Atomic Pur. S!; (d.) Oth9r 13 31; n , l d/ lL

i CENERATION DIVISI_O_N. m O I' gg ,A 97 ^ -' q (J / J LvU

GPU SERVICE CORPOPATIO:: ENVIR0!IMEETAL AFFAIRS DEPARTME!;T ACTIVITY DE3CRIPTIO'.! The Evironmental Affairs Department is *:esponsible for the coordination Ercu within tiie GPU System to ensure compliance for licenses, permits, and other regulations that are neces-cary for the continued expansion of generating plants through-out the System. This departnent is alco responsible for the interpretation and inglenentation of regulatory recuire-ments as they apply throughcut the GPU System. This depart-nent co'sists of erriro r. ental, licercing, anS '..ter resonrces sections. 1 I A 7

                                                       ' d J/Y a

TECli:41 CAL ST.'.FJ (O f f-S it.el l TITLE OF SUCU:IT - En v i ronn:en t a l Affairu

1. Totat ::o. ( :anage ra , Engineers and Prof essicnal Personnal) - 10
2. EDUCATIO:; BACKGROU:!D AS Elect. Tech. I  ?!S Chen. Engr. 1
               .\ u - li s t / C h e n                        1            MS Enviro. Science                   1 BS Chen Engr.                                  1            MS IIc a l t h Physics               1 BS ::a r . Eng.                                1 BS Ceramic Eng.                                1 i' 3 r. ?                                      I                                                   !

n' B.icchonirtry 2 31 <m _ ,. o c / 3 t o ' u s; 1 B3 dus. Adnin. 1 MA Air Pollution Cont, l LIC E:.S E S US '!a v; RO 1

3. TECH:i! CAL EXPERIE: ICE (a.) Encineerin2 .

(1) Nuclear Power Field 60 (2) t.n31neering lignt. 26 (3) Total Utility Experience 47 i (b.) Field p { 3 l (1) Reactor Physics l (2) Electrical Engineering 3 (3) I!ealth Physics 23 2 l (4) Machanical Engineering j (5) ::etallurgical and !!atarials j (6) Instrunantation and controla 3

,                      (7)     Systets Engiacering                                             8 i                      (S)     Thermal-Hjdrrulic (9)     Rad 10chemis t ry

, (10) Structural Engineerin3 l (11)  !!uclear Fuela (12) llaintenance Engineering (c.) !!ilitary Muclear Experience 815 (d.) Other [ 36 13 9 [)' >O.)i

                                                                                                      "    c 1

s GE';ERATIO'; DJVISIO" GESFA\TIO:.' DIVISIO:i EUPPo!'I t l i l i i i t I i 4 ((, g ,6


( #'. ~7

  • J/J LJ

GPU SEIGICE CORPCEATIO:' t GENERATIC:! DIVISION SUPPORT DEPAP.TME'.!T t*c w'm p T.L . e . . m'3.' D -' c L m' e'. ,:. v..r-' -a .m, , The major function of this dagart ent a to cencrsliz= control and administrative func'c ions within the Generation Division. Part of this -leportnant is the Con::truction Controls Section which is responsi31a for tho forecasting of Generation project schedulac anc. cacts. Additio"at responsibilities of this d epartcer t include budgets and long-range divisio.- p ic nn t a .s . h t i


i t i n ,A C C) 7 [ , il Je 3 l L l h.

                                         .f c m ,

et : f e. - .r - , a.a TITLE OF SunU: IT - Generttion Division Support

1. To tal I o . (Managerc, Engineers and Prof enr.icac1 I'tra.: - 5 1)
2. EDUCf.TIO_: BACKrROU::D BA Economics 1 BS Indust'l Eng. 1 BS Civil Eng, 1 B .3 !adust. :'r.n r . 1 MS Induct'l Eng. 1 i

LICE.ain 3 T EC H M C. Ai, EXPERIE:;CE (a.) Em-ineering ' (1) :.uclear Pa:ter Field 10 (2) Engine a ring "gtt . 20 (3) Total Utility E):p erience ' (b.) Field F [  ;; i i I (1) Reactor Ehysics l (2) Electrical Engineerta; (3) Health Physics (4) "e c'.v.n ic al "a g ine e ring (5) !!a r;1 cal and !!a terials (6) Iaatr :aun ts. tion and Cont rols (7) Systes Ensin2cring (C) Th e rr.a l-rijd r aul ic (')) I2dicchanistry (10) Structural Eagineering (11)  ::uclear Fuels (12) Maintenance Engineering (c.) Militarv !!uclear Excerience #' n 'O 1 b# e. v J/0 ) (d.) Other 13 15

  bEdI f UN f)Ili 7 3 g s.

~1-.t r' t.. . ,.C.'.L FID;CT c ;q n? c o L, L'Q J/-

C n. U. 9 F. W. . . A' 'w' F. . n ?. . D ' ' > V. ', ' n M. TECli:IICAL rU::CTIC'!S GROUP C L,, c. O c, hl

                                                               .. -r 1,1Ut e It    ,.,

1 VI. 1,1 1 , The Tac:'aical Functicns Group in r in-houae org niz;.. tion u:a 'c n, re sp onsibl.c Zor engin-ecin_ .u :esiga, er,1 3.ering . r.o.nagem e n t , systems eagineering, and q ality c,curar. :a. This group ic respor.sible for una cechnical ad::qux'. of engineering and support of specific projects. Oth;r nrcas ,

,.culd include the defelopment of engineering cta.Mards z.3 uell as directing, r.onitoring, and revie.eing work by A/E's on GPU pouar plant projects.

9 1 C O .- gj/ J/

T!:CR. iCA!, ST/ r. ( O t r -:, . . . I TITLE OF SUBU::IT - Technical Function: I 1 To tal !!o . (tfanage rs , Engineers and Prof essional Perconnel) - 1

2. EDUCATIC': B ACKC ROT.!D dS Mech. E n 3; . 1 MS Mech. Eng. 1 LICEJSCS a.
m. .u.. .7. L, .,, L ,,...
                                 .,, ,t .,        .,-

m . y .. ..m (a.) Emzinearing (1) 1:uclear Power Field o (2) "aginacring ..:,at . 20 (3) Total Utility Experience p (b.) Field F


e t 4 ( 1.- Peactor 7';31 s i 3 (2) Electrical Enginaeria3 I (3) Health Physics

                  '4)         1techanica1 Engineering                                       15 (S) Me tallurgical and Ia terials                                           5 (6)         Instrumentation and Controls (7)         Syster.s Engineering                                          i (S) Thercal-Hydraulic                                                     !n     .

(9) Ra d i.o ch c 3.stry (10) Structural Engineering (11) I;uclear Fuels 10 (12) Maintenance Engineering 1 (c.) If tlitary ?!ucient Experience (d.) Other l'(17 L 'T b J/J 4

r , .., C ~o'"" 'n i i a:: o3173g ,0 ; 0"AL1'i nssgsa. .~u

                  , .        .. c o

a I I t 6 i i l t i F $, ') . eg [

                                     .g/~ )

Ti.Ci:i.iC/J. % /. (Of:-Site) TITLE OF SUEUt:IT - Qualtry 'ssurance

1. To tal I;o . (Itutage r s , Engineers and Prof essicnal Personnel) - 15 2 EDUCATIO:t EACKGROUND BS Metallurgical I:n g . 2 BS Elect, Eng. 2 SS Civil Eng. 1 SS Mech. Eng. 2 -
'BA - Business 1 MBA - Statistics 1 3
         >! S - Civil / Structural                1 LICF;SES PF                                       1 3   TECE'ICAL EXPE?IE!#

(a.) Engineering (1) 1;uclear Po er Field

                                                                       !125 (2)   Eaginu e t ir.3 Iq nt .                                .

(3) Total Utility Experience '. 7 3/4 (b.) Field F 4

                                                                                   !     U I

(1 ) Reactor rhysics s (2) Electrical Ea3 1neering 19 (3) Health Physics (4) Mechanical fagineering g (3) Me tallur;ical and ILi t _ rial" IS 5 (6) Instrunentation and Controls 3 (7) Systens Engineering (8) Th e rea l-HyrI raulic (9) Padioch2c utry (10) Structural Engineerin ; 3 7 i I (11) Nuclear Fual3 15 (12) Maintenance Engineering j (13) Quality Assurance 20 12 (c.) Military nucleir Exper. fence 27 7 l i (d.) Other 3 8 ?; 2 915 t i ! e M f . { J/J - '



     ..,,...,,-3,.,                             ,,
                            ,,,,-,.,'s.tL U s h') A.615'O.s$ s e 0 s'.L a's 'Z \ J .~.

s e 6 l [. O 2 L' . . JtJ < 1 i

TEL.i:;ICf.L Sp . c (0i<-Sitc) TITLE OF SUBlniIT - Cagineering Management

1. Total No. (!!a nage rs , Engineers and Prof eccionc.1 Pe rsonnel) - 5 2 EDitCATIO:! EACI:CROU"D 3S Math 1 BS Mech. Eng. 2 SSEE 1 ES Civil Eng. 1
          ':bA Buc. Admin.                         1
            '. S  '4 e c h . E n a, .              1                                        I
          ':S ':a n a g o m r= n L                 1 "3 S :1                                  1 L IC E'.:S E S
         ??                                        2 3   _IECP.:IICAL EXPEP.IENCE (a. ) Engineerin~

(1) !!uclear Field 375 (2) Engineering :get. 33h (3) To :1 Utility Experience 23 a (b.) Field F 1 IT i e f (1) Reactor Ihysics 5 (2) Electrical Engineerit g 4 i (3) Health Phystes 5 (4) ::echanical Engineering 1 3 '_ 22 (5) !!ctallurgical and tatarials 1 (6) Instrunea:c: ion and Controls 9 (7) Systercs Engineering 135 22 (C) Th e r=il-Hjd r 1alie 1 l' 22 (9) I2diochuru t ry 5

!                (10) Structural Engincaring                                              5 l                (11) 1;uclear Fuels                                        5 I

(12) Maintenance Engineering 6 i i l (c.) !!ilitary tinclear Experience i j 10 (d.) Other l 21 C O 'l ')

  • J/J !9 L

_CElIE3JTIO I DIVIS:0:, SYSTFl! 2.;c[:rggyI:;g

             - '         C)lOJ 7 L "c J
                                         .11 ,.t.. + 1. e I ' . d L i, .) i ' .  { ,) s .,
  • C L a y TITLE OF SUBU!!IT - Sy <; t e m 1:n g i n e e r i n g
1. To tal ::o . (Manat;e rs , Engineers and Prof essional P.>rsennel) - 21
2. EDIJCATIC:: B ACKGRC'J::D LA Bus. Admin. 1 MS :!u c . Eng. 2 BS Eng. Scien.e .

1 MS Chem. L 3S Physics 2  ?!S ?!a c h . E n t, . ' CS '!u e , Eng.  ? PHD M"c. Eng.  ? ES Ceramic E n ;, . 1 ES Chem. Eng. 4 BS M e t a l l u r;,2 c ci l T n g, . 1 3S 'le ch . Eng. 4 ES Eject. Eng. J MS Elect. Eng. 1 L IC r_'!S E S PC 3

       ';av y R0                                                  1 3    _TECil' ICAL EXPERIE!!C2 (a.) Enrineering (1) liuclear Pen.zr Field                                                                ial (2) Engine' ring-'hnt.                                                                    LO (3) Total Utili.ty Experienc>                                                             ') 6 (b.) I'I e l d                                                                                         y    :      ;;

h I (1) P.cactor Phys 4.cs 33 i (2) Electrical Engineering 3 14 (3) Health Physics 3 (4) Machanical Engineering 5 6 (5) Me tallurgical and I!a turi.als 1 (6) Instrumentati.on and Controls 169 32 (7) Systems Engineering  ? l !; 12 (8) Th erma1-::jd c;ulic 6'- (9) Radiccher ! :: ry 3 (10) Structur21 Enginearing 1 1 (11) uclear Fuels 65 (12) Faintenance Enginr>ering 2 (c.) Military !!ucienr E::nerience 23 ';- (d.) Other 42 CO7

  • L i '[


0 Gl:';FRATIO:: O p/ r :; p; ., E: !!!.Ell4 i.::C A:.'n I>L:, T q t g J g/ )' L r )"


                                                         'i D w . i U A L S '_ . . . (Otf-Site)

I t llTLE OF SUBU.:IT - E n g i n e e r i n g, and Design i Total Go. (!!an tr,e ro , Engineers and Professloaal Personnel) - e 1

   !                                                                                                                        +2
2. _EDUCATIO:.' BACEGROU. MD-M Metaiturgfca1 Sci, 1 MBA Management JS Elcer Eng. 4 8 US Bio Physics
  ,          BS Ph-             ic                                                                                                   I 1              MS Nuc.            I'. n c .

BS "arine Eng. L 'S 1 Ind. .1;: n t . US ..'ic. nng. 1 1

  '                                                                                  MS ltetallurgy                                 2
  ,          BS Ci vi 1 Cag.                                           3 iere. U n ',                                                IiS Mech. E n .9 .                             5  '

1 "s Eng. MS Structural Eng. 1 17 MS syctea3 t f < m t- 1 R C h e in . Enz 3 :13 I E i SS En3rg. I m;rE 1 LIC" . ' 2

                                                                                     . d .' i  l' t u i d l>y 1,.i n i e s          1
  ,i PF 16 I       k
        .  -ym,rrnu a w . r. . s   nu    - .v-k.          -

n . r. L ,, . < s-- 1 i (a.) _Enctncering u (1) Nuclear rovec F'. eld 33 (2) Ex.girin tra Mo .. 151 (3) To: 11 Ut i.l b.y Experience 335 i i' ( b . ', Field F t M i

                                                                                                                        .I (1) Enctor J ty3ica 16 (2)   Electrical EngineertC                                                        27 (3) Health Physica                                                                                     63 i7                  ;o (5) Mechanical Eacinearin3                                                        82                 212 (3) M2tallur;ical and "iterials 7                  29 (6)    Instreentn tion end Corit rols                                             67                   70 (7)   Syst22s En g l.1- e r !25 LO                   65 (8) "yd raulic 17                  33 (9)   aa di o ch er t a t ry (10)    Structural Engineeri ng                                                     42 (11)    "uclear Fueln                                                                                    39 5

(12) Maintenance Engin-erin 3 22 (c.) tillit.ary Muclear E <oerie. :e 69 2 (d .) Ot tier 51 110 I i cav J/J L. r U

CPU SERVICE C0aPotAftou r$ scan t ! ATIC's nosan nr Of B Frtoe s th e i tsen 4 th l e t ps erie t t v e HI f ir er 4H4 - D e c. e.t t v , W. f. . sun em Free ndens 6 O lof Oper atlas fM f icer 402 - Operatins

3. n. DitCI.AnF 1macutive Vice Free 1 dest T. R. cow 30 5. JR . 403 - Financial Ac c eve t tag til - General 103 - Depreciatf ee 107 - General Accouettag 8 02 - Co nst r. Ace tg. 104 - Tames 108 - Budgets i

(1) 2. J. WCII:)')E - V.P. & Comp t . Tr e sour F 901 - General 903 - Ficancial Plaan tas 905 - Forecasting 902 - Fayroll 90 4 - f enstone J. C. CI AAAM - V.P. 6 Tress. Materiale Namesement 673 - General 476 - Materials Maet. Sy s t ema 4T6 - Contr acre - Destga e Equip. 672 - Stores 475 - Contracts - Constr. 477 - Contracts - Fuels F. CLICIMAN - V. P. .7 3 - Proc urement Inf ernattee Services SGA - 1.3. General 50G - Education /Standarde 50J - Coneianer Af f aire App. Dev. 50C - Date Cancer Cyerations 5011 - En g. Ap p. Develop. SGt - Fla./ Po recast tag App. Dev. D. J. NAGLI - Ma r. SCD - Techetcal Se rvices 501 - Geo./T6D App. tevelop. SCL - Sveinese App. Develop. SCE - Data Ba se Adeia. Internal Audittag 441 - Canaral 464 - JCF6L Audities 466 - Penelec Audittag 462 - Computer Aud Lttre 465 = Me t-Ed Auditing 467 - Auditing Coordtaation J. F. FAARt14. - Mg r. 643 - CPUSC Auditing and Control 2CA - Or g. Plan. & Ces*1. 201 - In sur anc e 1143. Meet. & Services Adelsist r ation 2CE - Personnel & tro 2lX - Labor Ra tatione 221-226 - New Jersey 207 - Wa ge 6 salary 20L - Co rp. services 231-236 - Reading F. J. SMITE - T. P. 23: - 1s f o ry 231 - Trateing 2CH - Security Commuelc at tens 301 - General Investor Ratatione Gov't. Enlatione 802 - Conemer Services hblic Relatione Special Projects W. B. MCIL1AT - T. P. Customer Relations 7CA - Ceneral 7CF - Fuels - Coal Resources 731 - Lead Resource Carperste F1saning 703 - Fuele Planning 7CH - Sys. Planning Gee. 73 = lead Management 70C - Fuele - Nuclear 70J - Forecasting 70Q - Tech. As sess. Devel.

5. E. CIIHT - 7. P. 70D - Fuels - Crasta Ra
  • 7CE - Supply Planetag 705 - 5t rategic Flaaste.g .

702 - Fueel - Fees 11 las. 301 = Administratico 323 - Eastneering Management 334 - Ma tetenance Generation 311 - Cen. Proj ect e-N aclear 326 - Quality As surance 341 - Envirormental Af f aire 312 - Gen. Proj ec t o-Fo ssil 3 31 - Op r. Suppo rt-St artup. 342 - Sa f etF 6 LiceaeLag R. C. A1 Nota - T. P. 313 - Gee. Proj ecto-Adm. Test. Tr a tains 343 - Wa ter Rasources 321 - Engineering 3 32 - Op r. Support-Syetaan lab. 3 64 - Cons t r . & Me tat . Se rvic es 322 - Costge 333 - Productivity 345 - Generation Div. Su ppo rt Power Supply 651 - General 653 - Transpo rtettes 655 - Power - Contracto 652 - Gov't. Energy Felicy 656 - Teleccomanicatioca R . E. S DIS - T. F. Bate Case Managenaet 9 51 - Ge ne r al 952 - Rates F. D. MA rtl - V. F. Systen Operettens 6C A - Cene r al 6C1 - T6D tagineering 601 - T&3 Plannics 60C - Dispatching 6CJ - 760 Oper. E. NIVTON. .'t . - V. F. Corporate Secretary 151 - General 153 - Word Processing 155 - Information Management 152 - Co rp. Recorde 154 - Crephice N. M. CR ATDON gr (1) 7.P. and Comptroller also reports directly to Board of Cirectore. i o =n> i9 o my wm n, a s he o 491 A th SR W:%g uin EO7 n'7

                                                                                                    - 'J / J               c ,- /                           7/1/79                         '


CPU SER' LICE CORPORATION No . Emp. Div. Page Maard of Directurn 2 40 1 W. C. Kuhns Chairman & Chief Executive Officer H. M. Dieckamp 2 President & Chief Operating Officer 40 3 2 40 3 V. H. Condon. Jr. Executive Vice President 53

  • Comptroller - Accounting 10 4 P. J. Holcombe 21 90 5 J. G. Crahsm Treasurer - Treasurv 24 Vice President - Materiale Mar.agement 47 6 P. cifekman D . J . Na a l e 158 Director - Inf ormation Services 50 7 J . F. Farrell 35 46 4 Director - Ynternal Auditing 69 20 9 F. J. Smith Vice President - Ad=inistration W. B. Murray 14 80 10 Vice President - Communications
9. H. Cherry 48 Vice President - Corporate Planning 70  !!

R. C. Arnold 242 30 12 Vice President - Generation 20 Vice President - Pnwer Supply 65 13 R. R. St=s 16 Vice President - Rate Case Management 95 14 F. D. Hafer E . Newt or. , J r . 76 Vice President - System Onerations 60 15 15 16 H. M. Gravdon _19 Corporate Secretary Total $11

  • Comptroller also reports directly to Board of Directors.

Includes: 3 Part-Time (PT) 1 Temporary (T) Code Location No. Emp. 1 New York 2 Parsippany 425 Inte rpace (I) 112 Mt. Lakes (ML) 204 Hartz (H) 100 JCP&L (JC) 8 Albuquerque (A/ 2) 1 3 Reading 345 CPUSC (R) 337 Met-Ed (HZ) 8 4 Johnstown 14 Penelec (PE) 9 Conemaugh (C) 1 Homer City (HC) 4 5 TMI 5 6 Porked River (P/R) 22 Total 811 ( 7/1/79 [ () 7 ') 8

                                                                                   ~) i J            t. ,

GPU SERVICE CORPORATION EXECUTIVE DIVISION Div. 40 Div/ ha. Func M Bldg. Eno. rhetrman & Chief Executive Of ficer 401 2 I W. C. Kuhne 2 Secretary to chai rman 401 2 I M. A. Nalewako j s President & Chief Operating Of ficer 402 2 I H. M. Dieckamp 2 Secretary to President 402 2 I L. C. D'Angelo ( 6 l 1 l r Executive Vice President 403 2 I V.H. Condon, Jr. 2 i Executive St.retarv 403 2 I M. E. Arlet l Total 6 Code Location No. Emp. 1 New York 2 Parsippany 6 Interpace (1) 6 Mt. Lakes (ML) Hartz (H) JCP&L (JC) Albuquerque ( A/NH) 3 Reading CPUSC (R) Me t-Ed (ME) ' 4 Johnstown Penelec (PE) ' Conemaugh (C) Homer City (HC) 5 IMI 6 Forked River (F/R) Total 6 1 3_ 7/1/79 7 C [ () J

                                                                                   .) i       L. ' c ]'

CPU SERVICE CCRTCRATION ACCOUNTI!C DIVISiCS Div. 10 Div/ No . Fune Loc Blda. Fmp. Viec President & Comptroller 101 2 I E. J. Molcombe 6 Executive Secretarv 101 2 I M. C. Baker Secretary 101 2 I S. P. Philips Staf f Assistant - Finance 101 2 I F. B. Couanian Accountant Sr. - Staff 101 2 I T. J. Huber Accountant II - Finsnetal 101 2 I J. F. Muller Assistant Comptroller 101 2 I P. F. Dalev 15 Manaaer - Taxes loi '

                                                                             !    3. R. Thren Secretary                                        104   2    I    E . M . Ma r r es e Acenuntent Staff - Taxes                         104   2    I    R. N. Schein Accountint II - Taxes                            104   2    I    T. F. McGrath Accountant I - Tax e s                           104   2     I   S . J . Chevc a s ki e 104   2    I    M. E. Karkos Manager - Construction Ac-t.                           102    2   ML   T. C. Ross Secretarv                                        102    2   ML   H. Strand Asst. 1 M1 nager - Construction Acet.            102    '

ML D. J. Walsh Accoun*2nt III - Construction 102 2 ML A. P. Maybo Accountant Sr. - Construction 102 5 TMI B. Ha==ershock l Accountant III - Construction 102 5 TMI J. S. Denshuick Accountant Sr. - Ccnstruction 102 6 FR A. S. Tiger Acccuntant II - CPR 102 6 FR R. A. Straub Manaver - Specal Projects 101 2 I D. R. Worenecki 3 Accountant Sr. - Financial 101 2 I C. J. Halberstam Ansivst Sr. - Financial Analysis 101 2 I J.A. Sturm wanarer - Accountir? 107 2 I V. J. Cooke 17 Secretsrv Sr. 107 2 I N. A. Brennan Supervisor - Financial Staf f 107 2 I E. E. Hracho Acenunting Group i Accountant II - General Accounting 107 2 I D. M. Appel Accountant II - General Accountinz [G7 2 I E. R. Tbc=pson Accountant I - General Accounting 107 2 I D. M. Srmankiewicz Financial Reports Group Accountant II - Financial 107 Accountant I - General Accounting 107 2 I L. Ziezel ___ Accountin2 II Billing Group Accountant II - Genersl Accountina 107 2 I P. E. Lupfer Accountant III - General Acet. 107 2 I G. J. Krozser Adm. Clerk - Intermediste 107 2 I M. L. Poda Supervisor - Accounts Pavsble 107 2 I A. R. Cooke Controls Group Accountant II - General Accountine 107 2 I R. C. Erk Ad=inistrativa Clerk - Irt 107 2 I J. Insato ad=inistrativa clerk 107 7 I R. K. Thomas Disbursements Group [ Accountant III - General Ac- untire 107 2 I R. B. Mullick iAccountant I - General Accounting 107 2  ! V. 3. LavuRan Administrative Clerk - Inc. 107 2 I J. M. Crishuck i s/ 7/1/79 IO7 qr J i .) t- - {



Div/ No . Fune Loc Bldg. Emp. Budrets & Cost Analysis 2 Loirector - Budeeta 6 coat Anaiv.t. 10s 2 I a. E. cutzweiler. ar. Administrative Clerk - Int. 109 2 I R. Cabrera COMEC 4 l Inf ormat ion Sys t(ms Planning Mgr. 10R 2 I E. Dussinger Executive Secretsr* 109 2 I L. C. McKenna Consultant - Inf ormation Systems 108 2 I C. D. Betz Sve t em Coordinator - CnMEC 108 2 I D.A. Kaldet Operations Analysis ' Director - Operatione Ara 13ete 108 2 1 J. A. Kellev 1 Depreciatten Manaaer 103 2 I W. D. Carland_ 5 Sectetary 103 2 I G. G. Boylan Accountant Sr. - Staff 103 2 I G. A. Blair Ac coun t an t - Staff 103 2 I S.H. Chund 103 2 I v S. Sanders Total 53 Code Incation No. Emo. 1 New York 2 Parsippany 49 Interpace (I) 45 Mt . Lakes (ML) 4 Hartz (H) JCP&L (JC) Albuque rque ( A/ NM) 3 Pe ad ing CP'JSC (R) Met-Ed (ME) 4 Johnstown Penelec (PE) Conemaugh (C) Homer City (HC) 5 TMI 2 6 Forked River (F/R) 2 Total 53 i

                                                          - 4a -                            [ ('y 7     e. r jy/1/79
                                                                                            -) / ~)     La i

CPU SERVICE CORPORATION TREASURY DIVISION Div. 90 Div/ No . Fune Loe Bldg. . Vice President & Treasurer 901 2 I J. C. Craham 21 l Executive Secretary 901 2 I L. Y, Casale Assistent Treasurer 101 2 I M. Misurs Payroll and Cash Panseement [_Sgpe rvisor - Payroll /One 9G2 3 R T. W. No rman Administrat ir - Payroll 902 3 R A. M. Cavallucci Administrative Clerk 902 3 R M. L . Ko zlows ki 902 3 R D. L. Knapp _ Assistant Treasurer 903 2 I D. P. Baldassari Secretarv 903 Financinas & Regulatorv Filings Financings LSeart Aeststant Sr. II - Treasurv 903 2 I S. s. Somieb Deenlatory "ilings Staf f Assistent Sr. II 903 2 1 D. Rope Investor Relations - Banks & Rating Agencies Manager - Pensions 90; 3 R ,3. L. Vixen Suoe rvisor - Pensions 904 3 R f. E. Branch Administrativa Clerk Inr. 404 3 R M. E. Ereideess Staff Assistant II - Treasurv 404 3 R G. B. Kubovick Administrator - TRAESOP 904 3 R C. S. Webb Staff A1ststant II - Tressurv 904 3 R A. M. B rub ak e r L, ster - Finanet al Planning & Analvsta 905 2 I T. Howson Secretarv Q05 2 I D. L. McDoutle Financial Planning & Analysis Accountant - Staff 905 2 I J. M. Corcryes _ Staff Analyst - Financial Analysis 905 2 I V. T. Chin Staf f Pember Sr. - Inf ormation Systems 905 3 R F. T. Lutrer ___ Total 21 Ccde Location No. Emp. 1 New York 2 Parsippany 10 Interpace (I) 10 Mt. Lakes (ML) Hartz (R) JCP&L (JC) Albuquerque ( A/NM) 3 Re ading 11 GPUSC (R) 11 Met-Ed (ME) 4 Johnstown Penelec (PE) Conemaugh (C) Homer City (HC) 5 TMI 6 iorked River (F/R) Total 21 ( er , 7/1/79

                                                                                        ~' (/ ~'c)7!. s L$


CPU SERVICE CORPORATION MATERIALS MANAGEMENT Div. 47 Div/ No-Func & Bldg. F m; . Vice President - Materials Management 471 2 FL F. Cliekman 24 Executive Secreterv 471 2 ML A. J. Rhattigan Manater - Contrsets. Construction 475 2 ML M. Haimowit Secreterv 475 2 ML G. M. Somma Purchaston Manager 475 2 ML C. T. Schrock , Field Contracts 4dministrator 475 5 TMI T. s. J. Cilkema , f Manager - Contracts. Des 1Rn 4 Equipment 476 2 ML L. A. Russo Secretarv 476 2 ML M. A. Ballentine Fielda Contract iesinistrator 476 2 ML G. C. Gemian 476 2 M1 C. E. Buchan ManaRer - Contracts. Fuels 477 2 ML J. R. Rieksen. Sr.

  • Secretary 477 2 ML K. K. Palffy ,

Manater - Procurement 473 1 ML E. J. Murtagh Administrative Clerk Sr. 473 2 ML D. M. Galiger 473 2 ML L. E. Castoro Buver - Sr . 473 2 ML L. L. Padalino Buyer 473 2 ML T. T. Reilly Administrative Clerk 473 2 ML P.A. Paulson Manager waterials wgnneement Sveteen 474 2 ML G. F. Dvver Maca Ret - Stores 472 3 R M. M. Seeman Project Manager - Stores 472 3 R J. H. Engle rt . 472 3 R G. P. Naus l 472 3 R C. R. Rove i Administrator - Stores 472 3 R K. R. Mishler } Total 24 , I Code Location No. Emo. 1 New York 2 Parsippany IS Interpace (I) Mt. Lakes (ML) 18 Hartz (H) JCP&L (JC) Albuque rque ( A/NM) 3 Reading 5 GPCSC (R) 5 Mat-EJ (KZ) 4 Johnstown Penelec (PE) Conemaugh (C) Homer City (EC) 5 IMI 1 6 Forked River (T/R) Total 24 CO qr 7/1/74 l C) I

CPU SERVICE CORPORATION INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION Div. 50 Div/ No . Bldg. Emp. Func Loe 50A 3 R D. J. Naale 3  ! Director - Inf ormat ten S e rvic e s i Secretary Sr. 50A 3 R C. E. Beierschmitt Consultant 50A 3 R G. A. Bricker l J. H. Roberts 3 Supervisor - Staf f Services 50A 3 R Administrator - Information Services 50A 3 R F. L. Filbert Administrative Clerk - In t e rmed i a t e SOA 3 R D. L. Gracif Anst. wpr. - Appiteations Dev. 50A 3 R E. F. Muebonev 3 Secretary Sr. 50A 3 R D. A. Feener Staf f Member Sr. - Inf ormation Services 50A 3 R R. F. McLaren a 50L R R. L. Cowlev 25 Supervisor - Bustreas Arpitentions 3 e ran prar"ar 50L $ R F. R. Kopals 50L D. C. Ludwig Staf f Member Sr. - Inf ormation Services 3 R Analvst Sr. - Inf ormation Services $ct 3 R A. E. Sanchez Staf f Member - Inf o rma; ion Se rvices 50L 3 R D. P. Lubas SCL 3 R R. C. Jamieson  ! 50L 3 R S . O . My s ko ws ki [ 50L 3 R C. A. Speicher Analys t Sr . - Inf o rma tion Servic es 50L 3 R A. Naj artan 50L 3 R R. E. Spotts 50L' 3 R J . A . Kr ic k 50L 3 R J. H. Hanson Associate - Inf ormation S e rvic e s SQL 3 R M. A. Rissell St af f Wember Sr . - Inf ormation Se rvices 50L 3 R W. H. McKav Staf f Member Sr . - Inf ormation Se rvic es 50L 3 R W. E. Haves Staf f Member - Inf ormation Se rvic es SCL 3 R L. C. Biehl 50L 3 R T. H. Hunkele 50t 3 R M. T. Veener An al ys t Sr . - Inf o rmation Se rvices 50L 3 R S. G. Henry 50L 3 R M. C. Cruss 50L 3 R D. L. Moyer 5 )L 3 R J.M.watusrak Associate - Inf ormation Services SGL 3 R K. M. O'Routke l SOL 3 R J. L. Torbert i Analyst - Inf ormation Services 30L 3 R D. M. Coffin l S upe rvisor-Con su=e r Af f rs . App . Dev1pt . 50J 3 R K. W. Snyder. Jr. 19 . Stenographer 50J 3 R S. R. Nagle St af f Member Sr . - Inf orma tion Services 50J 3 R L. W. Shaffer Staff Member.- Inf ormation Services 50) 3 R S. J. Talarico An alys t Sr . - Inf o rma tion Se rv tw e s 50J 3 R L. J. 3rightbill 50J 3 R J. M. Mandereviez 50J 3 R R. L. Schrack St af f Meeber - Inf ormation Services 50J 3 R I. G. Rollman Analyst Sr. - Inf ormation Services 50J 3 R R. P. Homan Staf f Member - Inf ormation Se rvic es 50J 3 R R. F. Whitford 50J 3 R W . Kr,L..r . Jr . 50J T s. R. I. Meek A=sociate - In' E e rvi c e s 50J 3 R J. R. Hoffman Analyst - Inf: caation Se rr. es 50J 3 R N. S. Moeller, Jr. 503 3 P D. J. Belskv Staf f Member Sr. - Information Services 503 3 R R. L. Cable Analyst Sr. - Inf ormation Se rv . 50J 3 R D. D. Firestine Associate - Inf ormation Se rvices 50J 3 R J. F. Fritz III 50J 3 R K. M. Cushue (

   'i     g/

7/1/79 f! ) 7 or J (/ ) [ 0


    $ /\                                                       Div. 50 Div/                                               No
  • Emp.

Fune loc Blda . Supervisor-Fin .& Forecanting Arp. Dev. SOK 3 R J. H. Ireland 9 Staf f Member - Inf ormation Services 50K 3 R G. D. Gadrourts Coordinator - I/S Application Centrol 5CK 3 P E.R. Hilbert An alys t Sr . - Inf o rma tion Se rvices 5CK 3 R R. E. Shannon 50K 3 R V. L. Ketper Analvet - Inf ormation Services 5CK 3 R R. S. Wagner S t a f f Mamber - Inf o rmat t .n t+ rvices 50K 3 R D. L. Auman Staf f Member - Intormation Services SCK 3 R O. J. Patel Analyst - Inf ormation Services 50K 3 R B. N. Gehman Supe rvisor - Genera t ion and T&D App . 50I 3 R J. F. Lona 21 Administrative Clerk - Int. 50I 1 R K. 9. Sterter Staf f Member Sr . - Inf ormation Services 50I 3 R 2. L. Becker Analvet - Inf ormaticn Se rvices 50I 3 R S. D. Small St af f Member - inf ormation Services 50I 3 R J. E. Washington St af f Wember - Inf ormation Services 50I 3 R J. V. Zitrick. Jr. Staff Member - Inf o rmation Se rvices 50I 3 R P. D. Culshaw Analyst - Inf ormation Services 501 3 R W. D. Phillips 501 3 R M. T. Shestok 50I 3 R A. H. Stainecker. Jr. Staff Member Sr. - Inf ormation Services 50I 3 R B. L. Jones Staf f Wember - Inf ormation tervi-eg 50I 3 R J. F. Samay Staf f Member - Information Services 50I 3 R D. V. Legste Analyst Sr . - Inf ormation Se rvices 50I 3 R W. F. Lundgren St af f Member - Inf ormation Se rvice= 50I 3 R S. R. Rathman Analyst Sr. - Inf ormation Services 50I 3 R A. F. Jov Analyst - Inf przation Services 501 3 R T. P. Keltz 50I 3 R J. E. Oberiv Staf f Meet er - Inf ormation Services 50I 3 R R . H . Wa rmke s s e l Analyst S r .= Inf o r=a tion Se rviceg 50I 3 R J. R. Bucher Associate - Inf ormation Services SGI 3 P. V. P. Rhoads g[ - 7a - 7/1/79 r r "- J/

C7U SERVICE CORPORATION Ih70RMATION SERVICES DIVISION / b Div. 50 Div/ No . Emp. Fune Lee B l_d3 50D 3 R J. D. MAbrv 29 Supervisor - Technical Services Supervisor - Fneineering Application Develop. SOH 3 R S.M. Bauer Administrative Clerk 50K 3 R F. E. Strunk Analyst Sr. 50H 3 A. C. Lilly Staf f Member Sr .- Inf ormation Servt ces SOH R Analys t Sr . - Inf ormation Services 50H 3 R B . J . Foste r 50H 3 R J. B. Hiller 50H 3 R E. Teasdale Staf f Member - Inf ormation Services 50H 3 R T. F. Vernetti Associate - Inf ormation Services SCH 3 R R. J. Stowell Staff Member - Information Se rvic e s 50H 3 R T. P. Grady S t af f Member - Inf o rmation Se rvices 509 3 R R. C. Levesque Analyst Sr . - Inf o rmation Se rvices 50H 3 R C. H. Heiser 50H 3 R M. Timtishin Staf f Member - Inf ormation Services 50H 3 R J. C. Wagner As sociate - Inf e rmation Se rvices 50H 3 R T. Crater 50H 3 R D. M. Creen Consultant - Inf ormation Services 50D 3 R J A. Yoder Annivst Sr . - Inf ormation Services 50D 3 R B. A. Ruffner St a f f Member Sr . - Inf ormation S e rvic es 50D 3 R W. J. McCarthy Consultant - Inf ormation Se rvicas 50D 3 R G. I. Moll Coordinator - Word Processing 50G 3 R S. A. Leffler Staf f Member Sr. - Information Services 50D 3 R R. A. Machusick

                                                                      %CD   3     R  R. B. Fischer An alys t Sr . - Inf ormation Se rvices               50D    3    R  D. R. Eh rig 50D    3    R  C. F. Weida 500  3     R  R. D. Muir III I n f o rmation S e rvic e t Assistant                 5CD   3    R  M. E. Book Analvet - Inf ormarica Services                        50D   3    R  T. J. Sta11ean S taf f Member Sr . - Inf or=ation Services                   SOD   3    R  R. A. Seitz Supv. - Foucation & Standards                                       500   3    R  L. B. Shattuck      Jr.      2 l Staf f Member - Inf orestirn Sarvices                         50c   3    R  J. A. Wildev Supe rvisor-Data Base Adm.                                          50E   3    R  C . M1 gnc <.                8 Staf f Member Sr. - Inf ormation S e rvic e s                 50E   3    R  K. L. tisher Staf f Member - Inf ormation Services                  50E   3    R  W. E. Schmidt. Jr.

Associate - Inf ormation Services 50E 3 R J. A. Steinbiser Staff we .bar S r . - In f o r-a tion Se rvices SOE 3 R R. G. Fidler Inf ormation Services Assistant 50H 3 R M. K. Bickel Analyst Sr. - Information Services 50E 3 R K. J. Miller S t af f Member Sr . - Information Services 50E 3 R L. W. Anderson


r c -


{ .)


/%                                                                                                                        No .

Div/ E=p. Fune Loe Bldg. Anstatant F2r. - Computer Operations & Tech. Dev. E. S. Dealer 36 Supe rvisor - Compute r Operations 50C 3 R Staf f Member Sr . - Information Services 50C 3 R D. M. Herbein 50C 3 R W. H. Maurer 50C 3 R D. W. Henry Staf f Member - Inf ormation Services 50C 3 R J. P. Ross 50C 3 R L. M. Schlegel Shift Supervisor - In;ormation Services 50C 3 R R. D. Ventzel 50C 3 R J. L. Zeiber 50C 3 R R. G. Fair 5nc 3 R D. R. Flowers 5CC 3 R T.A. Tegley Compute r Ne twurk Analyst A. J. Kalenick, Jr. 50C 3 R 50C 3 R J. F. Laudera-50C 3 P G. R. Ludwir Comput er Network Associate 50C 3 R T. A. Brown 50C 3 R K.R. F1111oe 50C 3 R R. S. Steffy 50C 3 R K. A. Kr ame r 50C. 3 K  ?. S. Furrv Data Center operator SCC 3 R G. L. Carber 50C 3 R M. C. Cipprich 50C 3 R W. R. Lesher 50C 3 R R. L. Ulrich 50C 3 R W. A. He is t 50C 3 R R. C. Holland. Jr . SOC 3 R L. J. Oberholtze-Cata Center Trainee 50C 3 R B. I . No ll 50C 3 R A. F. Stricek 50C 3 R M. P. Moll Analvet Sr. - Inf ormation Services 50C 3 R E. H. Elbert revpunc5 Operator Sr. 50C 3 R A . M. Christ Keyounch Operator 50C 3 R S.A. Fillioe 50C 3 R P. A. Reifsnyder Sure rvisor-Remote Terminal 50C 2 I G.W. Fair kevpunch operator Sr. 50C 2 I D. R. Kwistek Keypunch Operator 50C 2 I N. L. Gowans Total 158 Code Location No. Emp. 1 New York 2 Parsippany 3 Interpace (I) 3 Mt . Lakes (ML) Hartz (H) JCP&L (JC) Albuquerque ( A/ 521) 3 Reading 155 GPUSC (R) 155 Me t-Ed ( ME) 4 Johnstown Penelec (PE) Cocemaugh (C) Homer City (HC) 5 TMI 6 Fo rked Rive r ( F/ R) Total 158 e3

                                                           -7c-                              r}

_' _ s - 7/1/7' E.'. C'. J/

CPU SERVICE CORPORATION Ih*IERNAI AUDITING DIVISION Div. 46 Div/ N) . Fune Loc Blda. Emp. Director - Internal Auditing 461 2 H J. F. Farrell 35 Secretary Sr. 461 2 H I. M. Jaggers Coordinator - Computer Auditing 462 3 R C. L. Hafer Auditor Sr. II 462 3 R S. L. Fakete Constr . ) Corp . Auditing Manager 463 2 H M. F. Delicce Auditor Sr. 17 463 2 H R. J. Melowie Auditor Sr. I 463 2 H L. E. Crill Auditor III 463 2 H R.W. u31q,5 Auditor 1 463 2 H J . J . Alexand e r  ! 463 2 H S. D. Scharksa Auditor Sr. I 4e7 2 H J.R. Cassidy Auditing Manaeer (JCP&L) 464 2 JC K. J. Fix Auditor Sr. I 464 2 JC C - A . De ?ree Auditor Sr. III 464 2 JC C. A. Heleberg Auditor II 464 2 JC G. Barkley 464 2 JC W. R. Hunsicker. III Auditor I 464 2 JC P. C. Cannizzo 464 2 JC R. P. Cartello 464 2 JC C. M. Szymialovicz Auditing Manager (Met-Fd) 465 3 ME D. L. O'#rien Auditor Sr. I 465 3 MI B. J. Corski 465 3 ME H. D. Hollenbacher Auditor II 465 3 MI L. J. Mangle 465 3 ME C. D. Peterson 465 3 ME J. E. Hess 465 3 ME E.W. Noll III Auditor I 465 3 ME S. J. Toczek Audi ine Manaeer (Penelee) 466 4 PE S. J. Stock Auditor Sr . I 466 4 PE T. J . Ott 466 4 PE A. L. Smith. Jr. Auditor II 466 4 PE R. H. Depp, Jr. 466 4 PE W. A. Shriv e r 466 4 PE J. P. Spicher 466 4 PE E. J. Waters Auditor I 466 4 PE E. C Pitchford - Total 35 Code Location No. Eme. 1 New York 2 Parsippany 17 Interpace (I) Mt . Lakes (ML) Hartz (H) 9 JCP&L (JC) 8 Albuque rque ( A/ NM) 3 Readits 10 CPUSC (R) 2 Me t- Ed ( ME) 8 4 Johnstown 8 Penelec (PE) 8 Conemaugh (C) Homer City (HC) 5 TMI 6 Forked River (F/R) c, F \ 7v,-rs 'I3 Total 35 e 7/1/79

CPU SERVICE CORPORATION ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Div. 20 Div/ No . Fune M Bldg. LE21 Vice President 20A 2 I F. J. Smith 2 E r e e's t iv e Secretarv 20A 2 I V. A. Cearhart Manarer Corporate Se rvice s 20L 2 H R. Pusso 46 Adm. Assistant - General Office 221 2 H R. W. Hasse System Librarian 225 2 ML W. F. Savers Librarian 225 2 ML J. A. Temple Administrative Clerk - Int. 225 2 ML D. L. Barr Secretarv 221 2 H M. I. Walther Rec ep tionis t 22 1 2 I F . H . Ch im ko 221 2 ML V. E. Lovarv Switchboard Operator 224 2 I L. B. Almgren

                   'eceptionist/Switchboac$ Operater                         22G  2    H  E.C.M. <mith Supervisor-Mail Se rvices                                          223  2    H  V. A. Belluscio, Jr.

Administrative Clerk Sr. 223 2 H G. A. McCleave Clerk - Mail 223 2 R A. L. Mendicino 223 2 KL D . M. Foley 223 2 H D. W. Jones 223 2 I L. M. Villia=s Coordinat or-Mail Se rvices 223 2 H G. J. Tvree Administrator-General Office 221 2 I B. D. Mullick Building Control Monitor Chief 226 2 H C. H. White Building Control Monitor (B) 226 2 H D. A. Welsch 22 6 2 H K. C. Hintz 226 2 ML R. J. Thomas Supt.-Building Se rvic es-P a r s ipp a ny 221 2 H J. G. Keegan Sup t . - Building Services - Reading 231 3 R F. F. Wvlerik. Jr. Ad=inistrator - Building Services 231 3 R R. C. Bell Ad=inistrative Clerk 231 3 R B. M.. Golden Xeregraphic Operator 231 3 R 3. E. Portner General Maintenance Man 232 3 R T. F. Schmidt General Repair 232 3 R H. P. Jockel Janitor 232 3 R C . F . C ambler . J r . (PT) Clerk-Mail 233 3 R F . J . To ro k 233 3 R G. S. Dennis Mail Courier 233 1 R G. E. Dunkelberger Rec ep t ion is t / Swi tc hboa rd Ope ra to r 234 3 R S. F. Grove 234 3 R M. A. Stoltzfus (PT) 234 3 R J. L. Rocktashel (PT) Building Control Monitor Chief 236 3 R E. S. Graczvk Building Control Monitor 236 3 R J . E. Bingaman 236 3 R J. M. Andrews 236 3 R C. L. Crove 236 3 R W. E. Kenney Safety & Health w anneer 20C 3 R R. C. Ritt5atel Administrative Clerk 20C 3 R V. T. Rurovier _ Industrial Hygienist 20C 3 R R. L. Witzke . Securiev Mangeer 20H 3 R R. A. Rice Analygt - Security 2CH 3 R R. G. Kavood r.I,

                                                                                                                            'J s/                                                                                                                c5c)15 7/1/79

j\ CP" S FRVICE CORPORATION ACMINISTFATION DIVISION Div. 20 Div/ N2. Fune Loc 31dx. Emp. Director - Human Resources 20A 2 H R. U. Haves 18 Secretary Sr. 20A 2 H C. 3. Fletcher I ManaRe r - Compen ma t ion & Benefita 20F 2 H W. M. Pammer D. W. Hollenbach i Administrater - Wire & Salarv 20F 2 M Analyst III - Ccreensation & Penefits 20F 2 H V. MorRan Analvet II - Compensatten & Benefits 20F 2 H D. J. Flek l Administrative Clerk Sr. 20F 2 H D. M. Parsenn l Administrative Clerk Int. 20F 2 H B. R. Wolf { Administrative Clerk 20F 2 H P. A. Lancaster 9 w ansger - Personnel 20E 2 H P. Comer

               *T  ecrotarv                                          'or 2    M   D. D. Dern Administrator - Frployee Benefits                               J. R. Greene                                   .

20E 2 H Area Personnel Manswer 20F 2 H J. Troebliver Administratar - Peraa"nel < election 2nE 2 ML B. Condersen l Area Personnel Manager 20E 3 R R. R. Purns StenoRrapher 20E 3 R F.M.werkel i Labor Relations Analyst l 20K w anneer - Trainire 4 Development 20M 3 R L. T. Renner lSecretarv 2CM 3 R R. F. Vanicheck Mana2er - Insurance and Claims 201 2 H H. F. Ceretv 3 Administrative Clert Sr. 20I 2 H N. L . Gever Administrator - Ingurance & Claims 2n1 2 H W. N. Moreau Total 69 Includes: 3 Part-Time (PT) Code tocatien No. E=3. 1 New Ya r K 2 Parsippany 42 Interpace (I) 6 Mt . Lakes (ML) 7 l Hartz (H) 29 l JCP&L (JC) . Albuque rque ( A/ NM) I 3 Re ad ing 27 i GPUSC (R) 27 Me t-Ed ( ME) 4 Johns to wn Penelec (PE) Conemaugh (C) Homer City (HC) 5 TMI 6 Forked River (F/R) Total 69 C

                                                                                                        <'s ,       c' o )

J >; J

                                                              - 9a -                                           7/1/79 l

GPU SERVICE CORPORATTON COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION Div. 80 Div/ No. Fune Loc Bl & Em Vice President 801 2 I V. B. Murray 14 Executive Secretarv (1) POL 2 I J. M. Petty Manager - Communications 801 2 I R. M. Esteves Secretary 801 Investor Publications Manager 801 2 1 J. A. Dunn Representative - Internal Communications 801 2 1 A. E. Arnold Administrative Clerk Int. 801 2 I J.R. Paiuette "anaz - Public Affairs 901 2 i F.C.ucMee u anager - Covernment Affairs Pol 4 PE J. E. Bearer Manager - Consumer Af f airs 802 2 H R. W. Smith S e c re t a ry Sr. 802 2 H C. H. Ferrert Director - Consumer Services P02 2 H N. A. Hagstrom Di r ec t o r - Tech . Se rv . Load Fgmt. 802 2 H C. A. Reeves Director - Consumer Services Training 802 2 H J. P. Parker Anslyst II - Economics 802 2 H D. M. Komar ___ Total 14 (1) Also Secretary For Manager - Public Af fairs Code Lecation No. Emp. 1 New York 2 Parsippany 13 Interpace (I) 7 Mt. Lakes (ML) Hartz (H) 6 JCP&L (JC) Albuque rq ue ( A/NM) 3 Re ading CPUSC (R) Me t-Ed (ME) 4 Jo hn st own 1 Penelec (PE) 1 Conemaugh (C) Homer City (HC) 5 TMI 6 Forked River (F/R) Total 14 n _) I b i 7/1/79

CPU SERVICE CORPORATION CORPORATE PLANNING Div. 70 Div/ No. Bldg. E mp . Fune Loc 70A 2 I B.H. Cherry 4 Vice President - Corporate Plannina Frecutive Secretarv 70A 2 I S. G. O'Brien i 70A A. J. MAEvar l Senior Consultant 2 I l Stratenic Planning Manager 70B Engineer III - Research & Development 70A 2 1 D. F. Russell Manager - Fuels 70B 2 I V. P. Zodiaco 20 Secretary Sr. 70B 2 1 P. A. Nevkirk t Fuel Resources Planning Manager 70B 2 I W. T. Rood Administrative Clerk - Int. 70B 2 I R. D. Singleton An a lys t III - Fuels 70B 2 I '. P. Patrene Fuel Analyst Sr. I 7CB 2 I P. J. Sipling 708 2 I T. Driscoll

              , Administrative Assistant - Fuelg                 7nB    2   I    M. E. Gannon Nuclear Fuel Pesources Manager                         70C    2    I   W. G. Runte. Jr.

Secretarv 70C 2 I P. K. Daniel Analyst Sr. I - Fuels 70C 2 I J. A. Vincent Fnvincer Sr. I - Uranium Specialist 70C 2 I R. H. Young Uranium Regnurces Supervisor - Field Of fice 7CD 2 A/NM B. Rubin Fossil Fuel Resources Manager 70F 2 I H. L. Goldstein  ; iAnalvet III - Fuel Cost 70F 2 I R.L. Buchholz Coal Resources Manaver 70F 3 R W. J. Kmetz Secretarv 70F 3 R B. A. Schover Engineer II - Coal Resourses 70F 3 R C. K. Blankenship Engineer I - Coal Resources 70F 3 R M. R. H a rvev Amalvet III - Fossil Fuel Resources 70F 3 R D. C. McIntire Directo? - Svet em Planning 70H 2 I T. A. Ferrar 24 Secratary Sr. 70H 2 I L. M. O rvig Manager orecasting & Surplv Planninz 70K 2 I M. Paber Secretarv Sr. 70K 2 I M. J. Sublette Generation Plannint Ma na ge r 70K 2 I E. F. Hunt, Jr. Engineer II - Plannint 7CK 2 I R.G. McMillian Fngineer III - Planning 7CK 2 I P. Yateko Engineerin2 Assoc. Sr. I - Planning 7CK 2 I R. W. Hasell Engineer Sr. II - Planning 70K 2 I R. G. Hyland Forecasting Ma na ge r 703 2 R T. V Jacob Secretarv 70J 2 H M. J. Daley Analyst Sr. II - Plannint 70J 2 H A. Costa Analyst I - Plannint 703 2 H B. K. Becker [)jJ () 7 -


(_ v '- T/ 7/1/79



Div/ No. Pune g Blda. h Manager - Demand Plannire (1) 700 J. F. McCcnnell. Jr. Lead Management Manerer Lead Research & Analysis Manager 70M 2 I J. M. Adnes Analyst Sr. - Economics 70M 2 I R. Winnewski Supervisor - Load Research 70M 3 R D.C. Steck ._ Analvgt III - Load Pegearch 70M 3 R P. L. Hav Administrator - Lond Research 70M 3 R C. R. Ma r t in  ! Administrative Clerk 70M 3 R B. J. Zieber Analyst I - Load Research 70M 3 R D. R. H a rtung Manazer - Technology Assessment & Development 700 2 H J. F. McConnell. Jr. Sec re t a ry 700 Technoloey Assessment Manager 700 2 H D. J. Roberts s Analyst III - Planning 700 2 H A. B. Brownstein ' R&D Proiect Manager i Engineer II - Pasearch & Develor-ent 7mo 2 R S. P. Kraft ___ Total 48 (1) J. F. McConnell, Jr. , Manager-Technology As sessment & Development, is also Acting Manager-Demand Planning. Code Location No. Fe,. 1 New York 2 Parsippany 38 Interpace (I) 29 Mt. La ke s (ML) Eartz (H) 8 j JCP&L (JC) i Albuquerque (A/NM) 1 3 Re ading 10 CPUSC (R) 10 Met-Ed (ME) 4 John s t ovo Penelec (PE) Conemaugh (C) Homer City (HC) 5 TM1 6 Forked River (F/R) Total 48

                                                                                                    - m       "r 95L! S      cv
                                                         - 11a -                                           7/g/79 i

GPU SERVICE CCR? ORATION GENERATION DIVISION Div. 30 Div/ No. Pune Loc Blda. Emp. Vice Freefdent 301 2 ML R. C. Arnold 3 Executive S e c r e t a ry 301 2 ML A. J. House Senior Consultant 301 2 ML R. L. Williamn Director - Generaticn Operations 301 2 ML J.L.C. Eachofer, Jr. 3 Confidential Secretary 301 2 ML K. E. Gaul Entineer Sr. I - Generation 334 2 ML D. V. Dyc k ma n Manager-Generation Operations Support 331 3 R D. E. Hetrick 30 Secretary Sr. 331 3 R L. B. Quint System Laboratcry Manager 332 3 R P.D. Hopkins Sup e rv i s o r-Env i ron , & Op. Che m. Sect. 332 3 3  ?. E. Allen Ch emis t III 332 3 R R. W. Ebert Lab Technician Sr. 332 3 R C. E. Faust 332 3 R R. L. Pickte Lab Technician 332 3 R A. Marulla Lab As91stant Sr. 332 3 R C. L. Stewart Ch emis t Sr. I 332 3 R A. N. Hevinz Supe rvisnr - Chemical Section 332 3 R P. S. Stoner Chemist III 332 3 R R. M. Glass Ch emi s t Sr. ! 332 3 R D. M. Bulgarelli Ch emis t II 332 Lab Technician Sr. 332 3 R W. C. Buchta 332 3 R S. A. Sabczak 332 3 R R. P. Pettit. Jr. Lab Technician 332 3 R S. T. Boyer 332 3 R E. N. Eid am 332 3 R D.A. Faust Lab As sistant Sr. 332 3 R R. E. Sentz 332 3 R R. L. Spradle= Student Trainee - Svstem Lab 33' Supe rvisor - Materials Section 332 3 R F. S. Cincobbe Engineer Sr. I - Metallurav 332 3 R R.L. Miller EnRiceer II - Metallurry 332 3 R J. W. Wood. Jr. Student Trainee - Sys t em Lab 332 Lab Technician Sr. 332 3 R D. A. Boarder Lab Assistant Sr. 332 3 R E. I. Boarder Administrative Clerk Sr. 332 3 R B. R. Ku'? Clerk Tvpigt 332 Laboratory Specialist 332 3 R W. C. Smith Clerk-Laboratorv 332 Engineer Sr. I - Start-up and Test 331 R C. P. Deltete Chemtat Sr. I 331 3 R K. H. Frederick Manager - Generation Prnductivite 333 2 H R. L. Lont 6 Secretarv Sr. 333 2 9 M. R. Gerster.mier Principal Engineer-Performance Aralvste Engineer Sr. I - Mech. E n t i r.c e r i c 2 333 2 H 0 Billingslev Engineer III - Generation 333 2 H R. K. Locke Statistician - Outage Records Engineer Sr. II - Maintenance Planning Engineer Sr. I Entineer III Technical Analyst Sr. I - Generation 333 2 H J. L. Weiser Technical Analyst II - Generation 333 2 H C. M. Niebo

                                                                                                                        "'   ,l c-c>o


CPU SERVICE CORPORATION CENERATION DIVISION Div. 30 Div/ No. Fune M Blda. Emp. Vice President Kanamer - Const ruction & Maintenant e Service 344 2 ML S. B. Palmeter 4 Sec r e t a ry St. 344 2 ML V. E. Sonnenberg Const ruction Se rvices Entineer Sr. I - Construction (Mda. Blde.) 344 2 KL S. Horner Administ rator-Constr/ Labor Relations 344 2 ML T. G. Relfrich Manater of Generation Division Sucport 345 2 ML J.G. Hover 14 S e c r e t a ry 345 2 ML J. L. Brunn Constructien controls Finster 345 2 ML E. J. Miller Secretarv 345 2 ML M. R. Sener Engineer Sr. I - Pro 9ect Control 345 2 ML G.N. Chainant Construction Pro 1ect Staffe Supervisor Project Control 345 Pro'eet Control Enar. Sr. I OT) 345 Engineer III - Schedule & Cost irR) 345 Ertineer II - Schedule & Cost ( Ft1 345 6 FR R. E. Herrmann Engineer II - Pro 1ect Control 345 2 ML P . R . O ma tx t o Budeet/ Finance /Special Proiectw i Technical Analyst III - Construction 345 2 ML C. J. Kelina Administrative Clerk - Sr. 345 2 ML C. E. Welch - Supervisor - Constructinn Controlo 345 2 ML C. E. M*ers

                         ' Supervisor - Proieet Cent rol             345   3   R   R. J. Williams Technical Analyst II - Pro 1ect Control 345     2    ML  J. M. Patterson Engineer I - Pro 1ect Control              345  2    KL  M. Fedish. Jr.

Entireer II - Schedule & Costs 345 2 ML J. T. Wu turervisor - Of fice Manasement Supervisor - Division Plannint Manaeer - Environmental Af f aire 341 2 ML J. R. Thorpe 19 _Syy re t a ry Sr. 341 2 ML A. S. Bell Environmental Manager 141 2 ML T. R . Sonev Engineer III - Envirenmental 341 2 ML D. M. O'Regan Engineer II - Environmental 341 2 ML M. E. Browne 341 2 ML D. Callahan 341 2 ML J. R. King Licensinz ManaRet 342 2 ML E. G. Vallace Engineer III - Safety & Licensing 342 2 ML P. S. Fe ldman 342 2 ML W. E. Riethle III 342 2 ML C. W. Smyth EnRineerieg Assoc. Sr. II - S & L 342 2 ML D.H. Reppert Engineer I - Safety & Licenster 342 2 ML R. M. Milford III An a lys t II - Licensine 342 2 ML S. L. Guibord Administrative Aset. I - Licensing 342 2 ML L.G. Smith Va ter Resources Manager 34 3 3 R R. C. Richert S ec reta ry Sr. 343 3 R B. E. Caples Engineer Sr. I - Water Resources 343 3 1 R. 1. Lachman 343 3 R J. C. Phillips r-

                                                                                                                  )  '

CG .I ~( Od if _) / O

                                                             - 12e -


CPU SERVICE CCRPORATION CENERATION DIVISION Div. 30 Div/ No. Func Loc Bida. Eeg. I Vice President - Director - Projects 301 2 ML W. H. Hirst 40 i Secretary Sr. 301 1 KL M. A. Poulter Manager - Proj ec t s 311 2 ML R. W. Hevard. Jr. Secretary Sr. 311 2 ML E. R. Holden Prodect S i t e Ma r.a g e r ( FR) 311 6 FR J. J. Barton Proiect Site Administrator 311 6 FR G. I. Porr Engineer Sr. I - Mech. Eng. (TMI 2) 311 2 ML R.C. Cutler Proicet Construction Mgr. 311 4 HC W. T. Gunn Fnaineer II - Generation (TMI 2 ) 311 5 TMI L. M. Zubey Tech. Analyst Sr. II ( FR ) 311 6 FR J. A. Barrett Surervisor - Site Lczistics ( FR) 311 6 FR C.J. Ferrell Pro tect Const ruction Manager ( FR ) 311 6 FR J. W. G ri e s t Engineer Sr. I - Construction (FR) 311 6 FR R . E. Battler 311 6 FR J. P. Kindrierski Entineer Sr. II - Generation ( FR ) 311 6 FR T. E. Hrecruch Cupervisor - Site Entineering ( FR ) 311 6 FR S. Levin Supervisor - Site Operations 311 6 FR J. A. Renshaw Proiect Manseer - Generation (TMT) 311 2 ML C. R. Montgomery M.anseer - Prn9ects 312 2 ML J. W. Hen ry S e c re t a ry Sr.

                                                                            '!?  2   ML   K. M. Grnham Protect w anager-Generation (Seva rd 7 /CCHO)           312  2   ML   D.R. Rees Engineer Sr.II - Construction                   312  4   HC   W. K. Avdelotte Proiact Congt. Supv. - Fossil                    312  4   HC   N. T. Foregito Engineerine Asst. Sr. III - Ccnstr.             312  4   HC   H.H. Hillard Letistics Support Manager                        312  2   ML   J. E. Mcdonald Prnieet w anarar - C*eeration (G11bart)                 312  2   ML   R. J. Sved Pro 9ect Surocrt Ma n a g e r                                 313  2   ML   M. K. Pastor Secretarv                                               313  2   ML   J. L. Smith Leetstics Supper _y.anneer                             313  2   ML   J. E. Kunkel Engineer Sr.       . Generation                  313  2   ML   A. J. Te rvo Engineer III - Generation                        313  2   ML   R.G. Karebee Engineering Asst. II - Generation                313  2   ML   G. M. Chukale Tech. Analyst Sr. II Proi. Ctrl.                 313  2   ML   H. C. Eisnaugle Ad=inistrative Clerk - Int.                      313  2   91   J . C. Heydt Sur e rvis or - Genera tion Ad=.                        113  2   ML   A. Brcwn Ad=inigtrator - Nuclear Gen.                     313  2   ML   E. A. Albert Administrative Clerk Sr.                         313  2   ML   J. E. Dr e sc he r 313  2   ML   E. C. Catelv Clerk File                                       313  2   ML   L.B. McCartnev Administrator - P roiects-Generation             313  2   M1   P. L. Dorvell n ,   '

CPU SERVICE CORPORATION GENERATION DIVISION Div. 30 Div/ No. E mp . Func Log Blde. Vice President ML R. P. Wilson 2 Director - Technical Punctions 301 2 S e c ret a ry Sr. 301 2 ML C. Perer 321 2 ML R. W. Kesten 27 Manater - Systems En71neerina Secretary Sr. 321 2 ML C. J. Schinski Nuclear Puels Manneer 321 2 ML C. R. Bond Se c re t a ry (1) 321 2 ML J. L. McLeod Enrineer Sr. I - Nuclear 321 2 ML M. Zukor Engineer III - Nuclear 321 2 ML R. V. Furia 321 2 ML J.D. McCarthe Fneinee - II - Nuclear 321 2 ML J . D . L u omo Engineer _I Nuclear 321 2 ML E. W. Earr 321 2 ML R. B. Le e 321 2 PL J. A. Easly Engineer Sr. I - Nuclear 321 2 ML R. W. Pensak 321 2 ML P. S. Valsh Plant Process control Manneer 32! 2 ML W. P. Hamilton Entineer III - Plant Process Control 321 4 C P. D. Piarra Engineer Sr. I - Electrical Engineerint 321 2 ML L. Coldstein Engineer Sr. I - Plant Prece== control 321 2 ML R. A. Vashick Engineer I - Plant Process Control 321 2 ML D. DeMaio control 5 Safety Analvois Manster 321 2 ML T. C. Breuehten Ene III - Safet* 6 Licensina 321 2 ML L. C. Lanese Eng. Sr. I - Generation 321 2 ML R. R. Lentz 321 2 ML E. J. Schuler Ent. Sr. I - S a f e ty Analysis 321 2 ML N. C. Trikouros Preliminary Ent. Manseer 321 2 ML D. 91 ear Engineer Sr. I - Generation 321 2 ML D. M. Smith 321 2 ML W. M. Bonert. Jr. Engineer S r. II - Mechanical Engineer 321 2 ML S.D. Svetr Engineerine Manneer - (FR) 323 2 ML J. C. Devine 10 tSecretarv 323 2 wt A.M. Loneo Engineering Assoc. Sr. I. 0A 323 2 ML D. Barcua Engineer III - Generation 323 2 ML T. A. Fischer III 323 2 ML B. M. McCutcheon 323 2 ML G. M. Staudt Engineer Sr. II - Generation 323 2 ML T.C.J. Colian Engineer Sr. I - Ger.eration 323 2 ML I. Pe inb erg 323 2 ML J. W. Langenbach 323 2 ML C. A. Ma s c a ri l Fntineering Manager - (Severd 7) 323 2 ML B.D. Elam . J r. 4 Secretary 323 2 ML M. R. Hornick Entineer Sr. I - Civil 323 2 ML J . Plynn Engineer III - Generstien 323 2 ML D. A. Cowdrick (1) Also Secretary for Plant Process Control V v

                                                                                                        )q/-   '[U
                                                               -12c-                                         7/1/79

CPU SERVICE CCRPORATION CENERATION DIVISION Div. 30 Div/ No. Fune Loc Blda. E mp . Vice President Director - Technical Functions (Cont'd) Manager - Engineerice & Design 322 2 Mi D. K. Croneberger 56 Secreta ry Sr. 32? 2 ML E. J. Meyer Engineer Sr. I.-Mech. Eng. 322 2 ML L. Garibian Eng'neering Mechantes Manager 322 2 ML A. P. Rochino [ Engineer III - Gene ration 322 2 ML S. D. Leshnof f 322 2 ML B. F. Sensinger 322 2 ML A. Ma ki t ka . Jr. Engineer Sr. I - Generation 322 2 ML K. M. Jasani 322 2 ML V. Y. Vace _133 t n e e r I I - Generstion 322 2 ML J. R. Volence Fngineering Standards Manager 322 2 ML J. A. Daniel Secretarv Sr. 322 2 wi R. A. Cover Enstneer III - Standards 322 2 ML P. E. Boucher Mechanical Design Manager 322 2 ML G. R . Ca pod anr3 Sec re t a rv 322 2 WL C.A. Ramirer Engineer II - Mech. Fng. 322 2 ML J. D. Abramovici Consulttet Eng.- Geveration 322 2 ML W. A. Crandall Engineer III - Mech. Engineering 322 2 ML T. M. D empsey _ Engineer Sr. II - Mech. Engineering 342 2 ML M. Ross Engineer Sr. I - Mech. Enginee ring 322 2 ML A. V. 93 ro kach 322 2 ML H. H. Shab 322 2 ML F . J. Mc Goey 322 2 ML M. Morrell Entineer Sr. I - Generation 322 2 ML G. L. LehmAnn Tagineer III - Mech. Engineerint 322 2 ML T. Lu Mechanical Components Engineering Manager 32] 2 ML J. P. Moore Secretarv 322 2 ML S.L. Picconi Engineer III - Mech. Enerne. 322 2 ML J. J. Correa Engineer Sr. I-Mech. Entrna. 322 2 ML W. F. Itschner Consulting Engineer - Gen. 322 2 ML M. H. Kostrey Engr. Sr. I - Mech. En g rng . 322 2 ML C. K. Im e 322 2 ML F. G. Ma us 322 2 P1 C.A. Ravanz Eng. Sr. I - Mech. Da g rug . 322 2 ML R. Spragg 322 2 ML B. M. Tundel 322 2 ML P.A. Zanis Engineer Sr. I - Generation 322 2 ML A. P. Sumallo Eng. Coor. - Flue Gas Desulf urization 322 5 TMI C. D. Good Electrical Pvr. & Instrum. Manager 322 2 ML V. F . S c hma us s Secretary 322 2 ML E. E. Konido Engineer Sr. I - Elect. Engineering 322 2 ML G. R. Braulke Enetneer Sr. II - Elect. Enetnearing 322 2 wi R. J. ~hisholm Enetneer III - Controls 322 2 ML S . R . Das hmukh Engineer Sr. II - Elect. En ginee ring 322 2 ML J. J. Gulati 322 2 ML J. A. Toreivia Enginee r Sr. I - Elect. Enginee ring 322 2 ML G. T. St e ue rva ld , Jr. 322 2 ML A. L. VaaRiper III 322 2 ML T. C. Menzel Engineer I'I - Electrical 322 2 ML B. Can Design & Draf ting Manager 322 2 ML E. C. Doncvan Draf ting Designer Sr. 322 2 ML E. Sartan 322 2 ML I. Kefer 322 2 ML D. J. Valleau Draf ting Designer III 322 2 ML L. R. Rillman 322 2 ML M. A. Libano Draf ting Designer I 322 2 Pi K. D. Itschner

                                                                                                                      *J  ?

v u c93 3

                                                          -12d-                                                7/1/79

CPU SERVICE CCRPCRATION CENERATION DIVISICN Div. 30 Div/ No. Func M MdA h Vice Preetdent Director - Technical Functione (Cont'd) Kaneter - Quality Ass ence 324 2 ML N. C. Karanas 24 t Secretary Sr. 324 2 ML K. I. Shepherd l l 19xineer Sr. II - CA 324 2 ML M. J. St rombers i Engtreer Sr. !-OA 324 2 ML P. 3. Wagttr Engineer III - QA 324 6 FR T . R. Eleck 324 2 ML T. E. Manning , 324 6 FR R. J. Skibins ki  ! 324 2 ML A. F. Perekh Sr. Site OA Auditor 324 6 FR R. F. Fenti , 3uality Assurance ManaRer 324 2 ML R. L. Wayne i Se c ret a ry 324 2 ML J. A. Rebhole Engineer III - QA 324 2 ML E. W. Allen 324 2 ML M. Go tthard 324 2 ML A. Salcido. Sr. Pro 9ect Site man 8Eer QA (FRI 324 b FR J. E. WrtRht Engineer Asst. III CA 324 6 FR G. L. Derk En3tneer III - QA 324 6 FR J. D. Godleski 324 6 FR R. W. Lisc am 324 6 FR T. L. Corrie Engineer Sr. I - OA 324 Ouality Agourance Manaver 324 2 wL D. C. Barlow Engineer 11 - QA 324 2 ML J. D. Banac h 324 2 ML M. E. Ourbeen Engineering Aast. III - QA 324 2 ML R. J. Coimond Engineering Associate Sr. I - CA 3*% 6 FR L . E . Lund st rom ___ To ta l

  • 242 Code Location No. Emp.

1 New York 2 Parsippany 180 Interpace (I) Mt. Lakes (ML) 174 Rartz (H) 6 JCP4L (JC) Albuque rque ( A/NM) 3 Re ading 35 GPUSC (R) 35 Met-Ed (ME) 4 Jobsstown 5 Penelec (PE) Conemaugh (C) 1 Homer City (HC) 4 5 TMI 2 6 Forked River (F/R) 20 Total 242 3, ( () 1 bO [J / J

                                                        - 12e -                                            7/1/19 I

CPU SERVICE CORPORATION POWER SUPPLY DIVISION Div. 65 No. Div/ Emp. Fune Loc Bldg. R. H. Sims 20 651 2 H Vice President - Power Supply P. D. Devlin Executive Secretary (1) 651 2 H 655 2 H R.O. Sriiht Manager Power SuppIv T. G. Seal 655 2 H Manaaer-Power Supply Cantracts M. D. Morgan Secretary (2) 655 2 H 655 2 d H. E. Blatcher Engineer Sr. II-Contracto J. E. Conway i 655 2 H AnalystM1perations Statistics 653 2 H J. L. William 9 Manager - Transportation H A. M. Rubino 653 2 Secretarv H W. Stewart Transportation Maintenance Mgr. 65? 2 653 2 H A. R. Murphv Administrative Asst. - TransN rtation 653 2 H V. Murphy Proiect Coordinator II - Transpor*ation H.W. Eisnaugle 653 2 H Administrative Clerk 653 2 H E. L. Anderson Engineer II - Transportation 654 2 H S. J. Loferski Manager - Telecommunications /Electrentes W. W. Bryant Engineering As=oc . III - Tele./Elec. 654 2 H 654 2 R K. D. Cupta Engineer III - Tele./ Elec . A54 2 H J. C. Nafer 654 2 H W. P. Delanev Engineering Asst. - Tele./Elec. 9 T . W. Cowan ___ 654 2 Fntineer Sr. I - Tele./Elec. Total 20 (1) Also Secretary for Power Supply (655) (2) Also Secretary f or Telecommunications-Electronics (654) tocation No. Emp. Code 1 New Y3rk Parsippany 20 2 Interpace (I) Mt. Lakes (KL) Rartz (H) 20 JCP&L (JC) Albuquerque ( A/NM) 3 Reading CPUSC (R) Me t-Ed ( ME) 4 Johns to wn Penelec (PE) Conemaugh (C) Homer City (RC) 5 TMI 6 Forked River (F/R) Total 20 n, -

                                                                                                       ~)        "

7/1/79 CPU SERVICE CORPORATION RATE CASE MANAGEMENT DIVISION Div. 95 Div/ No. Fune g SidR. h Vice President 951 2 I F. D. Hafer 16 Executive Secretarv 951 2 1 J.M. Barbieri , Administrative Assistant 951 l Formal Rate Case - Director 951 , Sr. Staff Analyst - Contracts 951 2 1 P. Gentfeu Analvet Sr. - Rates 951 2 I D. E. Carroll Fesearc'n Analyst 951 Jr. Research Analyst 951 Administrative Clerk 951 Assistant vice President 052 3 R F. P. Carter l Secretary Sr. 952 3 R J. A. VanKirk _ Regale Rates Regale Rates Manager 952 3 R S. E. Gorden Accountant - Staff 952 3 R Administrative Clerk 952 3 R G. O. Faust 952 3 R C. J. Destasio Student Trainee - Rates 952 Retail Fates l Supe rvisor - R at e Design 952 3 R R. J. Galgon Engineer Sr. I - Rates 952 3 R P. 3. Grunzia Analys t II - Kates 952 3 R R. G. Woodring 952 3 R J. F. McGeov Cost of service Supervisor - Cost Studies 952 3 R S.J. Solak iAnilvst II - Rates 952 3 R M.L. Kadilak Analyst I - Rat *s 952 3 R M. K. Campbell Total 15 Code Location No. Fmp. 1 New York 2 Parsippany 4 Interpace (I) 4 Mt. Lakes (ML) Hartz (H) JCP&L (JC) Albuquerque ( A/hM) 3 Reading 12 GPUSC (R) 12 Met-Ed (MI) 4 Johna to wn Penelec (PE) Cor.emaugh (C) Homer City (HC) 5 TMI 6 Forked River (F/R) Total 16 [ () 7 L. 1 3- )

7. . <

i i l

CPU SERVICE CORPORATION SYSTEM CPERATIONS DIVISION Div. 60 Div/ No. Fune Loc Bldg. E rp . Vice President - System Operatione 60A 3 R E. Newton. Jr. 3 Fxecutive Secretary (1) 60A 3 R R.G. Pirrutelli Staff Assistent - Operations 60A 3 R A. J. Nigrelli Assistant Vice President 60A 3 R R . W. Verts 1 Director - System Operations 60C 3 R J. D. Cansert 53

                'wanswer - System Operatione                           60C   3   R    J. R. Norton Supe rvisor - Syst em Operations               60C   3   R    G. P. Arent Group Load Director                      60C   3   R    R. M. Fink 60C   3   R    R. T. Karbel 60C   3   R    C. J. La wrey 60C   3   R    E. R. Niedrowski 60C   3   R    E. W. Schappell 60C   3   9    W. M. Stokes. Jr.

Assistant Group Load Director 60C 3 R N. W. Amole 60C 3 R M. W. Fishburn 60C 3 R T. C. McNazara 60C 3 R W. M. Smith 60C 3 R L. C. Ericker, Jr. 60C 3 R R. L. Schreader 60C 3 P R. P. 9travar Creup Load Cocrdinator 6CC 3 R R. S. Drager Aast. Group Lead Cnordicator e0C 3 R W. H. Sureconer Fnt. Asanc. II Trans. Plaening 6CT 3 R J. P. Soltymik. Jr. Supe rvisor-Svetem Operations Support 600 3 R J. E. Perer For. Asao. III - Svwtem Ooer. 60C 3 R J.G. Foller Ma n s Re r - Sys t em E c on ome 60C 3 R R. E. Sterer Coordinit'r-Interchanze Analv91e FCC 3 R R. I Stechens

                               !nterchange An alys t Sr.               60C   3   R    V. A. Coldren 60C   3   R    N. C. Ma s ter 60C   3   R    J. J. Sensenig ABC   3   R    P. C. Scrimshav Interchange Analyst                     60C   3    R   J. M. Do bi se s ky 6 0C   3  R    L. E. Nagle 60C    3  P    J. H. Willizason 60C   3   R    P. W. Albright 60C   3   R    M. E. Guerin Tech. An n ivs t II - System Crer.      60C    3  R    V. K. Rurdle Coordinator-Inte rchante Budgets               60C    3  R    J. P. Sensente i Engineering Asst. Sr. I                 60I    3   R   C. W. Be g rd Engineer I!! - Econ.                           60C    3   R   R. M. G rof f . Jr.
                      ,E_neineer III                                   60K    3   R   R. F. Pararella l Entit.eer Associate I - Econ.                  60C    3   R   J. S. Iwanowski Entineer Associate III                         60K    3   R   D. J. Pemian Manager-Sve t em Cont rol                             60C    3   R   L.A. Schmidbauer Sura rvisor-Prncess Control                    AOC    3   R   R.R. Matwiller Analyst Sr.                              60C   3   R   J. E. Le bo 60C   3   R   R. V. Stice An aly s t                               60C   3   R   J. B. Ne sbit t , J r.

60C 3 9 K. M. Satter S up e rvis o r-Co =m . & Electronic Maint. 60C 3 R P. C. Cardner Tech. An aly s t Sr. I-Div. Ele c t . 60C 3 R R. B. Eamilton 60C 3 R D. A. Young _Jech. Analyst III - Div. Elect. 60C 3 R J. C. Arentz Entin er Sr. II - Elect. Control 60C L u i.eer I - Elect. Control 60C MArager= System CPntrol Development 60C 3 R R. P. Whitesell Secretarv 60C 3 R M. E. Lewis

                        ?cgineer III - Elect. Control                  60C            R. W. 3rvant 3   R                          - zs r      m -' ")
                                                                                                                          '       ~

Admiciatrative Clerk Sr. 60C 3 R A. E. CelsicRet 3/ 7/1/79 l


       /\                                                           Div/                                              No.

Func Loc Blda. E ur . Mansper - System Plannina & Analysis 60K 3 R S. C. Thomas 11 Secretary 60K 3 R S. A. Dealer Supervisor - Transmission Planning 6CK 3 R V. B. Barrick Engineer III - Trans. Planning 60K 3 R M. A. Matij asich 6CK 3 R D. D. McKinney Engineer II - Trans. Planning 60K 3 1 R. A. Be nde r 60K 3 R M. A. Nazarek Supervisor - Interconnection F1soning 6CK 3 R K. T. Wrizht Engineer III - Trans. Planning 60K 3 R R. G. Brittgan 60K 3 R R. J. Hrabak en gineer Sr. IT - System Analvain 60K 3 9 J. R. Duncan Manager - Operations Trans. 6 Dist. 60J 3 R R. E. Dudlev 2 T & D const. Maint enance Mar. 60J 3 R C. M. Daniels Manager - Trans. & Dist. Enrieeerter 60I 3 R C.H. Huston 6 Secre t a r, S r. 601 3 R J.R. Brudereck Manager - Tra;;pission Engineering 60I 3 R D.E. Ma s sev Engineet S* II-Transmiesten Pls9. 60T 3 R P. L. Scarff. Jr. Manater - Dist* bution Engineering 60I 3 R C. E. Sneleca Supe rvis )r - Dis t . Ena. I Supervisor - Stds. Ent. AOI 3 R P. F. Jackson Total 76 (1) Also Secretary for Amst. V.P. , R. W. Werts, and for Consultant, E. S. Loane. p;de Location No. Emp. 1 New York 2 Parsippany Interpace (I) Mt. Lakes (ML) Eartz (H) JCP&L (JC) Albuquerque (A/KM) 3 Reading 76 CPUSC (R) 76 Met-Ed (ME)

  &     John stown Penelec (PE)

Conenaugh (C) Homer City (HC) 5 TMI 6 Porked River (P/R) Total 76

                                                                   -15a-f07 J  ~'       /' T 7/1/79

CPU SERVICE CORPORATION CORPORATE SECRETARY DIVISION Div. 15 Div/ No . Func toe Bldg. E re . 151 2 H H.M. Gravdon 7) Corporate Secretary Assistant Corporate Secretary 151 . H G. Wade Executive Secretarv 151 2 H __jb M. Coldstein Administrative Assistant - Corporate Secretary 151 2 H V. F. Leto ___ Administrative Asst. - Stockholder Relations 151 2 H D.A. Kent Secretary Sr. 151 2 H J.M. Adame 155 3 R R. E. Nevling Ma n a ge r - I n f o rm a t ion Mgs t . . Supe rvisor - Typist 153 2 H F. Jones Coordinator - Vord Proccostne 133 2 H F. A. James Word Processing Specialist Sr. 153 2 H C. O' Donnell 153 2 I L. M. Karrigan 153 2 H S. A. Od om 153 2 I V. A. Mishkin 153 2 K S. C. Schiller 153 2 ML E. M. Smisek 153 2 H E. C. DePaul 153 o _. L. Purer Coordinator - Word Processina 1 word Processing Specialist Sr. 153 3 R J. E. Smith , 153 3 R w. P. Clarier (T) Director - Records 152 2 H R. E. Clavcomb Coordinator - Records Management 152 2 H V. R. Correll. Jr. Supe rvisor - Records 152 2 H J. J. Aikran Clerk - File 152 2 H J. C. Thomas 152 2 H A. G. Pudnickv Staff Asst. II - Cerrorgte Secretarv 152 2 H R. L. Clayton Administrative Clerk - Inc. 152 2 H M.A. Delmonte Graphic Specialist 154 2 H J. H. Huston Administrative Clerk Sr. 154 2 H C. A. Palkovic 154 2 H D. R. Long ____ Total 29 In clud e s : 1 Temporary (T) Code tocation No . Emp . 1 New York 2 Parsippany 25 Interpace (I) 2 Mt. Lake s (ML) 1 Kartz (H) 22 JCP&L (JC) Albuquerque ( A/NM) 3 Reading 4 CPUSC (R) 4 Me t-Ed (MI) 4 John s town Penelec (PE) Conemaugh (C) Romer City (HC) 5 TMI 6 Forked River (F/R) Total 29 i

                                                                                         ,                               7/1/79}}