ML14023A387 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Cook |
Issue date: | 01/30/2014 |
From: | Lauren Gibson NRC/NRR/JLD/PSB |
To: | William Reckley NRC/NRR/JLD/PSB |
Gibson L, NRR/JLD, 415-1056 | |
References | |
Download: ML14023A387 (5) | |
January 30, 2014 MEMORANDAM TO: William D. Reckley, Chief Policy and Support Branch Japan Lessons-Learned Project Directorate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Lauren K. Gibson, Project Manager /RA/
Policy and Support Branch Japan Lessons-Learned Project Directorate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
OF JANUARY 14, 2014, PUBLIC JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING TO DISCUSS ACTIVITES RELATED TO LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE FUKUSHIMA DAI-ICHI NUCLEAR POWER PLANT EVENT On January 14, 2014, a Category 2 public meeting was held between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Steering Committee and the Industry Steering Committee for applying the lessons-learned from the events at Fukushima Daiichi. The meeting was held in the Commission Hearing Room, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland. The meeting notice and agenda, dated August 5, 2013, are available in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at Accession No. ML13347A906. The NRC slides used in the meeting are available at ADAMS Accession No. ML14015A116. A list of participants is provided as an Enclosure to this document. The meeting was webcast and can be found at the following link for video archives:
After introductory remarks by the NRC and industry, the NRC presented the slides on seismic and flooding hazards.1 For the flooding walkdowns, the NRC recently issued a request for information to licensees concerning their Available Physical Margin. Most responses are expected by January 31, 2014. The NRC review is progressing fairly well. The Flood Hazard reviews for the Category 1 sites are ongoing. The Category 2 plants are expected in March 2014. If applicable, a dam failure assessment is required for a site. If licensees need information from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE), they should contact the NRC, as 8 sites have already done. The NRC has arranged with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, through an interagency agreement, to provide those licensees a set of hydrographs near the site.
CONTACT: Lauren K. Gibson, NRR/JLD 301-415-1056 1
Note that the NRC slides were not presented in order.
W. Reckley Those hydrographs will not be ready in time to support the March 2014 submittals, so the affected licensees will be granted additional time to complete the review. The exact time depends on when the USACE will be able to provide the information. In the meantime, the NRC expects all the affected licensees to complete their work on the other hazards and to implement the appropriate interim actions. The industry noted that there has been good communication on flooding issues.
The seismic walkdown reports are progressing well. A pilot staff assessment was issued for DC Cook on December 9, 2013. The seismic hazard reevaluations are due March 31, 2014. A public meeting is being planned to discuss the operability and reportability issues should a plants reevaluated hazard exceed their current licensing basis. The NRC is also planning to issue a letter addressing operability and reportability concerns. This letter will be similar to one that was previously issued for flooding hazards (Dated, March 1, 2013 ADAMS Accession No. ML13044A561). The industry noted that they have been working on a template for responding to the NRC. During the next two public meetings, NRC and the industry will seek a mutual understanding of what information the NRC requires. Those meetings are tentatively scheduled for January 23 and February 5, 2014.
Next, the NRC Staff discussed the status of the Mitigating Strategies Order. Most of the generic concerns have been resolved. The interim staff evaluations to date have been issued on or ahead of schedule. Three relaxation requests have been approved. One, Crystal River, is because the plant is decommissioning. The other two grant an additional refueling outage for implementation, but still require that the order be fully implemented by the end of 2016. Industry indicated that they are working on a template for requests for relaxation.
The NRC staff then explained the key steps for order compliance and closure. The post-Interim Staff Evaluations will occur 2-6 months prior to compliance. The final safety evaluation is expected to be issued 3 months after all units at the site are in compliance. Post-compliance inspections will occur after that. The NRC is still considering options for long-term oversight.
The NRC staff then discussed how the appropriate, long-term regulatory pedigree and significance of the licensees overall program document for complying with the order has not yet been determined. The NRC and industry discussed the possibility of having a plant that is farther along in developing the overall program document submit it as a pilot. No decision was made, however.
The NRC staff then discussed the Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation Order. All of the Interim Staff Evaluations with Requests for Information were sent to licensees on schedule. Since the resolution of eleven of the requests depends on vendor information, the NRC is planning to audit four vendors. A public meeting is being planned for the last week of January. The NRC staff plans to issue the final staff evaluation six months prior to the licensee compliance due date.
The NRC staff reviewed the status of recommendations 5 (Filtering Strategies Rulemaking) and 8 (Onsite Emergency Response Capabilities Rulemaking). In response to the NRCs request for the Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Owners Groups (BWROG) and Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Owners Groups (PWROG) Emergency Procedure Guidelines/Severe Accident Guidelines, Revision 3 (EPG/SAG Rev 3) and an NEI white paper, the industry had proposed a workshop. The NRC is concerned that if these documents are not received in a timely manner,
W. Reckley then it could affect the rulemaking schedule. The industry noted that the review would probably go more efficiently if the industry walked the NRC through the EPG/SAG Rev. 3. Furthermore, the industry is concerned about the context in which the NRC will be using the documents. This issue will be further discussed in a recommendation-specific public meeting to be planned.
The upcoming milestones were then discussed. The NRC staff is developing the next 6 month update to the Commission. In accordance with Commission direction, this update will include a proposed revised charter for the Japan Lessons-Learned Steering Committee. The details are still under development.
The industry asked for clarification on the schedule for reviewing the seismic reevaluations. The NRC will perform a prioritization in the first 30 days after receiving the hazards. Then, the more detailed reviews will take approximately one year, depending on the complexities and issues involved. Some NRC staff and industry commented that one year is optimistic.
Several items were discussed as focus areas until the next Joint Steering Committee. They were: the March milestone for seismic reevaluations; the safe, timely, and effective implementation of the Mitigating Strategies and Spent Fuel Pool orders; the identification and implementation of interim actions for seismic and flooding; sharing information in the correct way, especially pertaining to Recommendation 5; and the implementation of all the items overall.
The next Joint Steering Committee Meeting will be held in approximately one month.
Members of the public were in attendance in the room and through the teleconference. Public Meeting Feedback forms were not received.
Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-1056 or
List of Participants
ML14023A387 (Summary) *concurrence via e-mail OFFICE NRR/JLD/PSB/PM NRR/JLD/LA* NRR/JLD/PSB/BC NRR/JLD/PSB/PM NAME LGibson SLent WReckley LGibson DATE 1/ 23 /2014 1/22/2014 1/28/2014 1/30/2014 LIST OF ATTENDEES JANUARY 14, 2014 JOINT STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING The participants from the NRC included:
- Michael Johnson, Deputy Executive Director for Operations
- Eric Leeds, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
- Scott Flanders, Division Director, Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis, Office of New Reactors
- David Skeen, Director, Japan Lessons Learned Directorate (JLD) , NRR
- Jack Davis, Director, Mitigating Strategies Directorate, NRR
- Lauren Gibson, Project Manager, JLD/NRR
- Greg Casto, Branch Chief, Balance of Plant Branch, Division of Safety Systems, NRR The participants from the industry included:
- Maria Korsnick, Chief Nuclear Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC
- Pete Sena, President and Chief Nuclear Officer, First Energy Nuclear Operating Company
- Joseph Pollock, Vice President, Nuclear Operations, Nuclear Energy Institute
- Anthony Petrangelo, Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Nuclear Energy Institute
- David Heacock, President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Dominion Nuclear Additional NRC staff members, industry representatives, and members of the public were in attendance in person or through the teleconference.