L-2016-139, Fifth 10-Year Interval Inservice Testing Program Plan

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Fifth 10-Year Interval Inservice Testing Program Plan
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/06/2016
From: Summers T
Florida Power & Light Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16202A067 (158)


JUL 0 6 2016 L-2016-139 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-00001 Re: Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251 Fifth 10-Year Interval Inservice Testing (IST) Program Plan Enclosed please find the Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) Fifth 10-Year Interval Inservice Testing (IST) Program Plan for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 for your records.

The Fifth 10-Year IST Interval began on February 22, 2015, for Turkey Point Unit 3 and on April 15, 2015, for Turkey Point Unit 4.

The Fifth 10-Year Interval IST Program Plan for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 is based on the requirements of the ASME OM Code, 2004 Edition with Addenda though 2006.

The IST Relief Requests for the Fifth 10-Year IST Interval have been submitted separately.

If you have any questions please contact Mitch Guth at (305) 246-6698.


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Vice President Turkey Point Nuclear Plant SM Enclosure cc: Regional Administrator, Region II, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, USNRC, Turkey Point Plant fl 0 ~7 Florida Power & Light Company /J {?..

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Enclosure L-2016-139 Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Fifth 10-Year Interval Inservice Testing (IST)

Program Plan

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Units 3 & 4 Inservice Testing Program Fifth Ten Year Interval Revision 2 7/1/2016 Commercial Service Dates:

Unit 3 - 12/14172 Unit 4- 09/14173 Florida Power and Light Company Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page 1

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Pmgram Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION


1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 2.0 INSERVICE TESTING PLAN FOR PUMPS 2.1 Pump Inservice Testing Plan Description 2.2 Pump Plan Table Description 3.0 INSERVICE TESTING PLAN FOR VALVES 3.1 Valve Inservice Testing Plan Description 3.2 Valve Plan Table Description 4.0 ATTACHMENTS

1. List of Relief Requests
2. List of Valve Relief Requests
3. Cold Shutdown Justifications
4. Refuel Outage Justifications
5. Station Technical Positions
6. Inservice Testing Pump Table
7. Inservice Testing Valve Table Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page2

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan


1.1 Purpose To provide requirements for the performance and administration of assessing the operational readiness of those pumps and valves whose specific functions are required to:

  • To mitigate the consequences of an accident.

1.2 Scope The program plan was prepared to meet the requirements of the following subsections of the American Society .

of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) OM Code 2004 Edition with 2005 and 2006 Addenda, hereafter referred to as the "Code".

  • Subsection ISTA, "General Requirements" ISTA contains the requirements directly applicable to inservice testing including the Owner's Responsibility and Records Requirements.
  • Subsection ISTB, "Inservice Testing ofPumps in Light-Water Reactor Nuelear Power Plants" Establishes the requfrements for inse~ice testing of pumps in light-water reactor nuclear power plants.

The pumps covered are those provided with an emergency power source, that are required in shutting down a reactor to the safe shutdown condition, in maintaining the safe shutdown condition, or in mitigating the consequences of an accident. These pumps are either centrifugal or positive displacement type pumps.

  • Subsection ISTC, "Inservice Testing of Valves in Light-Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants" Establishes the requirements for inservice testing of valves in light-water reactor nuclear power plants.

The valves covered include those which provide overpressure protection and are required to perform a specific function, either actively by changing valve obturator position or passively by effectively maintaining required obturator position in shutting down a reactor to the safe shutdown condition, in maintaining the safe shutdown condition, or in mitigating the consequences of an accident.

  • Mandatory Appendix I, "Inservice Testing of Pressure Relief Devices in Light-Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants" Provides the requirements for performance testing and monitoring of nuclear plant pressure relief devices.

Methods, intervals, and record requirements for monitoring and testing are established, as well as guidelines for the evaluation of results. Applies to safety valves, safety relief valves, pilot-operated pressure relief valves, power-actuated pressure relief valves, nonreclosing pressure relief devices and vacuum relief devices, including all accessories and appurtenances.

  • Mandatory Appendix II, "Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program" Provides an alternative to the testing or examination requirements ofISTC-3510 through ISTC-5221. The purpose of this program is both to improve valve performance and to optimize testing, examination, and Revision Date: 07101116 Page3

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan preventive maintenance activities in order to maintain the continued acceptable performance of a select group of check valves.

The Fourth Ten Year IST Interval started on February 22, 2004 for Unit 3 and on April 15, 2004 for Unit 4.

An adjustment to the IST interval was previously made in 1984, in accordance with the ASME Code provisions to extend the interval by an equivalent time for the plant's continuous out of service time for the replacement of the Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 steam generators. The adjusted IST Intervals started on February 22, 1984 for Unit 3 and on April 15, 1984 for Unit 4.

By letter L-2014-040, Inservice Testing Program-Extension of Interval, dated February 13, 2014, FPL informed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) of the intent to extend the Fourth Ten Year Interval of the Inservice Testing Program for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 by one year. By invoking the provisions of ISTA-3130(d) for extending the IST Interval by one year, the Fourth Ten Year IST Interval expired on February 21, 2015 for Unit 3 and on April 14, 2015 for Unit 4. Therefore, the Fifth Ten Year IST Interval conmmenced,on February 22, 2015 for Unit 3 and on April 15, 2015 for Unit 4.

The Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant 5th 120-month interval Pump and Valve Inservice Testing Plan will be in effect as follows:

Begin End Unit3 February 22, 2015 February 21, 2025 Unit4 April 15, 2015 April 14, 2025 This plan will be updated as required in accordance with 10CFR 50.55a(f).

This program plan provides a complete listing of those pumps and valves included in the program per the requirements of: .

  • ISTA "General Requirements , "
  • ISTB "Inservice Testing ofPumps in Light-Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants"
  • ISTC "Inservice Testing of Valves in Light-Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants"
  • Mandatory Appendix I, "Inservice Testing of Pressure Relief Devices in Light-Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants"
  • Mandatory Appendix II, "Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program" The key features of this Plan are: Pump and Valve table listings, list of submitted and approved Relief Requests, Refueling Outage Justifications, Cold Shutdown Justifications, and Technical Positions.

Administrative procedures, surveillance testing procedures, and other records required to define and execute the Inservice Testing Program are all retained and available at Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan 2.0 INSERVICE TESTING PLAN FOR PUMPS 2.1 Pump Inservice Testing Plan Description This program plan meets the requirements of Code Section ISTB with the exception of referenced relief requests in Attachment 1.

2.2 Pump Plan Table Description The pumps included in the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant IST Plan are listed in Attachment 6. The information contained in these tables identifies those pumps to be tested to the requirements of the Code, the testing parameters and frequencies, and the associated relief requests. The headings for the pump tables are delineated below.

Pump Tag Unique pump identification number.

Category Pump group as defined in ISTB-2000.

Group A Continuous or routinely operated pumps Group B Standby pumps not operated routinely except for testing Safety Class ASME Code classification of the pump.

1 Class 1 2 Class 2 3 Class 3 SR Non-Code, Safety Related NS Non-Safety Related Pump Type Pump type.

Centrifugal Vertical Positive Displacement Pump Driver Pump driver type.

Motor Motor driven Turbine Steam turbine driven Engine Engine Driven Nominal Speed Pump speed for variable speed pumps only.

P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Drawing (PI&D) (Flow Diagram) on which the pump is represented.

P&ID Coor. The P&ID Coordinate location of the pump.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan 2.2 Pump Plan Table Description (Cont'd)

Test Type Measured pump test parameters.

N Speed DP Differential Pressure Q Flow Rate v Vibration PD Discharge Pressure a - Denotes a Group A Pump Test b - Denotes a Group B Pump Test c - Denotes a Comprehensive Pump Test Test Freq Frequency for performing the specified inservice test.

M3 Quarterly (92 Days) cs Cold Shutdown Y2 Biennially (2 Years)

Relief Request A relief request number is listed when a specific Code requirement is determined to be impracticable. Attachment 1 contains *a list of the relief requests submitted and approved.

Tech. Pos. A technical position number is listed when the requirements of the Code are not easily interpreted and clarifying information is needed. The technical position is used to document how Code requirements are being implemented at the station. Technical Positions' for pumps are prefixed with "TPp". Attachment 5 contains all of the Turkey Point Technical Positions.

Pump Name Descriptive name of the' pump.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan 3.0 INSERVICE TESTING PLAN FOR VALVES 3.1 Valve Inservice Testing Plan Description This plan establishes the test intervals and parameters to be measured to meet the requirements ofISTA, ISTC, Appendix I, and Appendix II.

Where the frequency requirements for valve testing have been determined to be impracticable, Cold Shutdown or Refueling Outage Justifications have been identified and generated. These justifications are provided in Attachments 3 and 4 respectively.

3.2 Valve Plan Table Description The valves included in the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant IST Plan are listed in Attachment 7. The information contained in these tables identify those valves that are required to be tested to the requirements of ISTC and Appendix I and II, the test parameters, frequency of testing, and the associated Cold Shutdown Justification or Technical Position. The headings for the valve tables are delineated below.

Valve Tag A unique identifier for the valve.

I Piping and Instrumentation Drawing (Flow Diagram) on which the valve is represented.

P&ID Coor. The P&ID Coordinate location of the valve.

Safety Class The ASME Class abbreviation.

1 Class 1 2 Class 2 3 Class 3 SR Non-Code, Safety Related NS Non-Safety Related The ASME OM Code category (or categories) as defined in ISTC-1300.

A Seat Leakage Limited.

B Seat Leakage Not Required.

c Self-Actuating Valves.

D Single Use Valves.

A/C Both Categories A and C.

B/C Both Categories B and C.

The nominal pipe size of the valve, in inches.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan 3.2 Valve Plan Table Description (Cont'd)

Valve Type The valve body style abbreviation.

BAL Ball Valve BTF Butterfly Valve CK Check Valve DAM Damper DIA Diaphragm Valve GA Gate Valve GL Globe Valve PLG Plug Valve RPD Rupture Disk RV Relief Valve SCK Stop Check Valve 3W 3-WayValve 4W 4-WayValve Act. Type The valve actuator type abbreviation.

AO Air Operator HO Hydraulic Operator MAN Manual MO Motor Operator SA Self-Actuating so Solenoid Operator Active/Passive Active or Passive function determination for the valve in accordance with ISTA-2000.

A Active p Passive Normal Position The normal position abbreviation. The valve's position during normal power operation. If the system does not operate during power operation, then the normal position is the position of the valve when the system is not operating.

c Closed LC Locked Closed DE De-energized (3-way and 4-way solenoid valves)

E Energized (3-way and 4-way solenoid valves) 0 Open LO Locked Open SYS System Condition Dependent Revision Date: 07101/16 Page 8

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan 3.2 Valve Plan Table Description (Cont'd)

Safety Position The safety function position(s). For valves that perform safety functions in the open and closed positions more than one safety function position may be specified.

c Closed DE De-energized (3-way and 4-way solenoid valves)

E Energized (3-way and 4-way solenoid valves)

DE/E De-energized and Energized 0 Open O/C Open and Closed Test Type The test type abbreviation.

AT-01 Seat Leakage Rate Test (low pressure air), Appendix J AT-02 Seat Leakage Rate Test (high pressure water), Pressure Isolation Valve BTC Exercise Test Closed BTO Exercise Test Open cc Exercise Test Closed- Check Valve 0 >

co Exercise Test Open- Check Valve< 1>

CP Partial Exercise Test - Check Valve< 1>

DT Rupture Disk Test FC Fail Safe Test Closed FO Fail Safe Test Open PIT Position Indication Test RT Relief Valve Test (I) Three letter designations may be used for check valve condition monitoring tests to differentiate between the various methods of exercising check valves. The letter following "CC", "CO", or "CP" should be "A" for acoustics, "D" for disassembly and examination, "F" for flow indication, "M" for magnetics, "R" for radiography, "U" for ultrasonics, or "X" for manual exercise.

Test Freq. The test frequency abbreviation.

App-J AppendixJ CM Condition Monitoring< 1>

cs Cold Shutdown M3 Quarterly OP Operating Activities<2>

RR Refueling Outage YX X Years (X = 1,2, ... , 10)

(!)Frequency is as indicated in respective Cond~tion Monitoring Plan for that valve group.


< >satisfied in accordance with IST Program Technical Position, TPv-01, "Bi-directional Testing of Check Valves".

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan 3.2 Valve Plan Table Description (Cont'd)

Relief Request A relief request number is listed when a specific Code requirement is determined to be impracticable.

Deferred Just. Deferred Test Justification. This section refers to Cold Shutdown Justifications .and Refuel Outage Justifications.

A Cold Shutdown Justification number is listed when the testing frequency coincides with Cold Shutdowns instead of being performed quarterly. Cold Shutdown Justification numbers for valves are prefixed with "CSJ". Attachment 3 contains all of the Cold Shutdown Justifications.

A Refueling Justification number is listed when the testing frequency coincides with Refueling Justification instead of being performed quarterly or during Cold Shutdowns. Refueling Justification numbers for valves are prefixed with "RJ". Note:

No Refueling Justifications have been generated for this interval.

Tech. Pos. A technical position number is listed when the requirements of the Code are not easily interpreted and clarifying information is needed. The technical position is used to document how Code requirements are being implemented at the station. Technical Positions for valves are prefixed with "TPv". Attachment 5 contains all of the Station Technical Positions.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan 4.0 ATTACHMENTS

1. List of Pump Relief Requests
2. List of Valve Relief Requests
3. Cold Shutdown Justifications
4. Refueling Outage Justifications
5. Station Technical Positions
6. Inservice Testing Pump Table
7. Inservice Testing Valve Table Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page 11

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan ATTACHMENT 1 LIST OF PUMP RELIEF REQUESTS FOR THE FIFTH 10-YEAR IST INTERVAL II ~ *~~f Description NRC Approval Date


-~'- Nn PR-01 Boric Acid Transfer Pump Fixed Resistance December 9, 2015 FPL Submittal, L-2015-098, Relief Request No. ML15328A108 PR-01,dated May 12, 2015 ML15148A536 (superseded)

FPL Submittal, L-2015-223, Relief Request No.

PR-01-Resubmittal, dated September 25, 2015, ML15299A348 PR-02 RHR Discharge and Suction Pressure Gauge January 22, 2016 -

Range Requirements ML16011A205 FPL Submittal, L-2015-099, Relief Request No.

PR-02, dated June 10, 2015, ML15188A030 (superseded)

FPL Submittal, L-2015-224, Relief Request No.

PR-02, dated September 25, 2015, ML15299A350 Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page 12

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan ATTACHMENT 2 LIST OF VAL VE RELIEF REQUESTSFOR THE FIFTH 10-YEAR IST INTERVAL No Valve Relief Requests were required Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page 13

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan ATTACHMENT 3 COLD SHUTDOWN JUSTIFICATIONS Cold Shutdown Description Justification No.

CSJ-01 NOT USED CSJ-02 NOT USED CSJ-03 I Safety Injection Hot Leg Injection Valve (MOV-*-866A/B) Exercising CSJ-04 I Safety Injection Pump Discharge Header Cross Tie Valve (MOV-878A/B) Exercising CSJ-05 I SI/CS Recirc to RWST Valve (MOV-*-856A/B) Exercising CSJ-06 RWST Outlet Isolation Valve (MOV-*-864A/B) Exercising NOT USED CCW to Containment Cooler Valve (MOV-*-1417/1418) Exercising CCW to RCP Valve (MOV-*-626/716A/B/730) Exercising CSJ-17 Exercisin CSJ-18 CSJ-19 CSJ-20 CSJ-21 CSJ-22 CSJ-23 lief Valve (PCV-*-455C/456) Exercising CSJ-24 d Vent Valve (SV-*-6318A/B/6319A/B/6611/6612) Exercisin CSJ-25 Reactor Coolant Pump Return Valve (MOV-*-381/6386) Exercisin CSJ-26 RHR Suction from RWST Isolation Valve (MOV-*-862A/B) Exercisin CSJ-27 Reactor Coolant System RHR Suction Valve (MOV-*-750/751) Exercising CSJ-28 RHR Alternate Discharge Isolation Valve (MOV-*-863A/B) Exercising NOT USED Main Steam Isolation Valve (POV-*-2604/2605/2606)Close Exercise Test RHR Alternate Low Head Safety Injection Valve (MOV-*-872) Exercising

  • Denotes either a number 3 designator for Unit 3 or a number 4 designator for Unit 4 Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page 14

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-03 Component Tag System Safety Class Category MOV-3-866A 062 1 A MOV-3-866B 062 1 A MOV-4-866A 062 1 A MOV-4-866B 062 1 A Function These motor operated valves must close or remain closed to isolate the hot leg injection line from the safety injection system during emergency conditions when hot leg injection is not required. This function ensures adequate core filling and cooling through the cold legs during a loss of coolant accident. The valve is maintained administratively locked closed with the breaker open to ensure valve closure since initial accident conditions require core cooling through the cold legs. This valve also receives a safety injection signal (SIS) to close to isolate containment from the safety injection system. The valve is required to open to provide a flow path from the safety injection pump to the reactor coolant system hot leg, during hot leg recirculation operation This function requires operator action to open the valve since it is normally closed with the breaker in the locked open position Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves open or closed during normal power operation since opening of this valve during normal power operations places the plant in an undesirable configuration.

Exercising this valve open or closed requires aligning the system in a configuration where the Class 1 reactor coolant system is isolated from the lower pressure Class 2 safety injection system by only one valve (simple check). This configuration would place the plant in an undesirable alignment and cause undue risk.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised open and closed during cold shutdowns when reactor coolant system pressure is below 600 psig.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-04 Component Tag System Safety Class Category MOV-878A 062 2 B MOV-878B 062 2 B Function These motor operated valves must remain open to provide a flow path from the safety injection pump to the opposite unit during the injection phase of safety injection following a loss of coolant accident. The valves are maintained in the open position during normal power operations due to single failure analysis requiring at least two safety injection pumps for injection into the reactor coolant system. These valves may be closed prior to switch over to the recirculation phase of safety injection to isolate the non accident unit piping from the contaminated recirculated water on the accident unit.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves closed during normal power operation since closure of this valve during normal power operations places the plant in an undesirable and unanalyzed configuration.

Exercising these valves closed places the plant in a condition where the shared safety injection pumps are not available as required. Closure of the valves solely for testing would place the plant in an undesirable alignment and cause undue risk.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised closed during cold shutdowns when the safety injection system is not required to be operable for the opposite unit.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-05 Component Tag System Safety Class Category MOV-3-856A 062 2 B MOV-3-856B 062 2 B MOV-4-856A 062 2 B MOV-4-856B 062 2 B Function These motor operated valves must remain open to provide a flow path from the safety injection and containment spray pumps to the RWST during the injection phase of an accident to prevent potential pump damage. Theses valves are maintained in the open position during normal power operations and do not receive any automatic actuation signals.

Theses valves may be closed prior to switch over to the recirculation phase of safety injection to isolate the RWST from the containment spray and safety injection pumps. This function prevents c6ntamination of the RWST.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves closed during normal power operation since closure of this valve during normal power operations places the plant in an undesirable and unanalyzed configuration.

Exercising these valves closed places the plant in a condition where the associated safety injection pump may be damaged, if started, since the recirculation line would be isolated. Closure of the valves solely for testing would place the plant in an undesirable alignment and cause undue risk.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised closed during cold shutdowns when the safety injection pumps and containment spray pumps are not required to be operable.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-06 Component Tag System Safety Class Category MOV-3-864A 062 2 B MOV-3-864B 062 2 B MOV-4-864A 062 2 B MOV-4-864B 062 2 B Function These normally open motor operated valves must remain open to provide a flow path from the R WST to the suction of the safety injection, containment spray, and residual heat removal pumps during the injection phase of an accident.

These valves are maintained administratively locked open with their breakers open to ensure the valve remains open during the injection phase. The valves must close prior to switch over to the recirculation phase of safety injection to isolate the RWST from the containment spray, safety injection and residual heat removal pumps. This function prevents contamination of the RWST.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves closed during normal power operation since closure of this valve during normal power operations places the plant in an undesirable and unanalyzed configuration.

Exercising these valves---,_ closed places the plant in a condition where the associated safety injection, residual heat removal, and containment spray pumps would all be inoperable due to an isolated suction path. Closure of the valves solely for testing would place the plant in an undesirable alignment and cause undue risk.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised closed during cold shutdowns when the safety injection pumps, containment spray pumps, and residual heat removal pumps are not required to be operable.

  • Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page 18

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-10 Component Tag System Safety Class Category MOV~3-1411 030 2 B MOV-3-1418 030 2 B MOV-4-1417 030 2 B

. MOV-4-1418 030 2 B Function These valves must close to provide containment isolation for the component cooling water supply/return line to the normal containment coolers and CRDM coolers. These valves close automatically on a Phase A containment isolation signal. The valve provides containment isolation for Penetrations 21 and 22. The valves are normally open to provide component cooling water to the normal .cont~inment coolers and CRDM coolers during normal plant operating modes and during plant fires. This open function is not required for safe shutdown or accident mitigation.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves closed during normal power operations since damage to plant equipment may, occur.

Exercising these valves closed during normal power operations would isolate the normal cooling water supply to the normal containment coolers, control rod drive mechanism coolers, and the primary shield cooling coils. Isolation of the cooling water supply to this equipment may cause severe damage due to overheating of the equipment. Failure of this equipment due to overheating during normal power operations would result in potential equipment damage and subsequent plant shutdown.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised closed during cold shutdowns when the associated equipment being cooled is not required to be in operation.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-11 Component Tag System Safety Class Category MOV-3-626 030 2 B MOV-3-716A 030 3 B MOV-3-716B 030 2 B MOV-3-730 030 2 B MOV-4-626 030 2 B MOV-4-716A 030 3 B MOV-4-716B 030 2 B MOV-4-730 030 2 B Function These valves close to provide containment isolation for the component cooling water supply/return line from the RCP bearing coolers. The valves close automatically on a Phase B containment isolation signal. These valves are normally open to provide cooling water to the reactor coolant pump seals and the main drive motors. The open function is not required for safe shutdown or accident mitigation.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves closed during normal power operations since damage to plant equipment may occur.

Exercising these valves closed during normal power operations would isolate the normal cooling water supply to reactor coolant pump seals and the main drive motors. Isolation of the cooling water supply to this equipment may result in degradation of the reactor coolant pump seals and motors, eventually resulting in potential damage to the reactor coolant pump and subsequent plant shutdown.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised closed during cold shutdowns when the associated reactor coolant pumps are not required to be in operation.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-13 Component Tag System Safety Class Category CV-3-1606 072 2 B CV-3-1607 072 2 B CV-3-1608 072 2 B CV-4-1606 072 2 B CV-4-1607 072 2 B CV-4-1608 072 2 B Function This valve is an air operated relief valve with a controllable setpoint. This valve is opened (non-faulted S/G) after a SGTR with a concurrent loss of offsite power to control reactor coolant system cooldown. The RCS cooldown allows RCS depressurization which will limit radioactive release to the faulted S/G. Theses valves are considered cohtainment isolation valves for Penetrations 26A/B/C. They are considered secondary system barrier since the Steam Generators are a closed loop inside containment. During accidents requiring the use of the AFW Turbine, these valves must remain closed to prevent diverting steam from the AFW Turbine. The valves must close or remain closed to isolate the Steam Generator from atmosphere during a SGTR (faulted S/G) because this mitigates the release of radioactivity to atmosphere. These valves also fail to the closed position on loss of power. The valves are opened during normal operations, and their setpoints are modulated, to control RCS cooldown to RHR entry conditions.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves open or closed during normal power operations since exercising these valves may result in a plant transient and subsequent reactor trip.

Exercising these valves during normal power operations to perform testing would cause a power transient during normal plant operations due to the amount of steam released when the valve is opened. Exercising the valve may be performed with the block valve closed to limit the amount of steam released, however, this aligllinent places the plant in an undesirable condition. Normal operations with the block valve closed woqld limit the capability of the plant to limit a pressure transient and prevent lifting of a safety valve in the event of a pressure transient.

  • Alternative Test These valves will be exercised open and closed during cold shutdowns when overpressure protection of the reactor coolant system is not required.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-14 Component Tag System Safety Class Category MOV-3-744A 064 2 B MOV-3-744B 064 2 B MOV-4-744A 064 2 B MOV-4-744B 064 2 B Function These valves must open automatically upon receipt of a safety injection signal to provide a flow path from the RHR pump to the reactor coolant system cold legs during the injection phase of an accident. These valves are also required to be opened/closed by remote manual operations during the recirculation phase of an accident to support hot/cold leg recirculation depending on reactor coolant system pressure. The valves are also opened during normal shutdown cooling operations to facilitate normal decay heat removal. These valves are required to close by remote manual operation to isolate the RHR system when the system is aligned for hot leg injection and alternate low head injection.

H;owever, this function is redundant to downstream check valves which are required to close to isolate the reactor coolant system pressure boundary.

_Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves open or closed during normal power operation since opening of this valve during normal power operations places the plant in an undesirable configuration.

Exercising these valves open or closed requires aligning the system* in a configuration where the Class 1 reactor coolant system is isolated from the lower pressure Class 2 residual heat removal system by two check valves. This configuration would place th~ plant in an undesirable alignment and cause undue risk.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised open and closed during cold shutdowns when reactor coolant system pressure is below residual' heat removal system design pressure (600 psig).

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-15 Component Tag System Safety Class Category MOV-3-865A 064 2 B MOV-3-865B 064 2 B MOV-3-865C 064 2 B MOV-4-865A 064 2 B MOV-4-865B 064 2 B MOV-4-865C 064 2 B Function These valves must remain open to provide a flow path from the safety injection accumulator to the reactor coolant system during injection when the reactor coolant system pressure falls below the accumulator pressure. During normal operation, this valve is maintained in the open position with it's power removed to prevent inadvertent operation.

Since these valves are not required to change positions to perform this function, the open position is considered

' passive. These valves must close by remote manual operation to isolate the safety injection accumulator from the reactor coolant system after injection is complete to assist in maintaining the safe shutdown condition.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves open or closed during normal power operation since closing this valve during normal power operations places the plant in an undesirable configuration.

Exercising these valves closed during normal plant operations requires the safety injection accumulator to be isolated.

Isolating the a safety injection accumulator during normal power operations places the plant in an undesirable plant configuration and an unanalyzed condition.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised closed during cold shutdowns when the safety injection accumulators are not required.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-16 Component Tag System Safety Class Category CV-3-204 047 2 A CV-4-204 047 2 A Function This air operated valve must close automatically to isolate containment from the chemical volume control system letdown line. This valve provides containment isolation for Penetration 14. The valve closes automatically upon receipt of a Phase A containment isolation signal and fails closed on loss of electrical power or pneumatic supply. The valve is open during normal power operations to provide a letdown flow path from the reactor coolant system and regenerative heat exchanger to the non regenerative heat exchanger via the letdown orifices.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise this valve closed during normal power operation since closing this valve during normal power operations may result in a plant trip.

Exercising this valve closed during normal plant operations would causes pressurizer level fluctuations and potential chemical volume and control system transients which would result in a potential trip of the plant.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised closed and fail safe tested during cold shutdowns when reactor coolant system normal letdown is not required.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-17 Component Tag System Safety Class Category FCV-3-478 074 2 B FCV-3-488 074 2 B FCV-3-498 074 2 B FCV-4-478 074 2 .B FCV-4-488 074 2 B FCV-4-498 074 2 B Function These normally open valves must close automatically on a Feedwater Isolation Signal (FWIS) during accident conditions requiring feedwater isolation. The valves are required to close within 9.0 seconds upon receipt of a Safety Injection signal and they fail closed on loss of pneumatic supply or electrical power. The valves are used to throttle flow in response to a signal from the Steam Generator Water Level Control System. These valves are opened to allow flow into the associated steam_generator during normal power operations.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves closed during normal power operation since closing this valve during normal power operations would result in a plant trip.

Exercising these valves closed during normal plant operations would causes a severe steam generator level transient and subsequent reactor trip. '\

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised closed and fail safe tested during cold shutdowns when feedwater flow control is not required.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-18 Component Tag System Safety Class Category FCV-3-479 074 2 B FCV-3-489 074 2 B FCV-3-499 074 2 B FCV-4-479 074 2 B FCV-4-489 074 2 B FCV-4-499 074 2 B MOV-3-1407 074 NS B MOV-3-1408 074 NS B MOV-3-1409 074 NS B MOV-4-1407 074 NS B MOV-4-1408 074 NS B MOV-4-1409 074 NS B Function These valves must close automatically on a Feedwater Isolation Signal (FWIS) during accident conditions requiring feedwater isolation. These valves are required to close within 13.0 seconds upon receipt of a safety injection signal and fails closed on loss of electrical power or pneumatic supply. The valves are opened to bypass the main feedwater regulating valve to allow flow into the associated S/G during low power operations.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves closed during normal power operation since exercising this valve during normal power operations would result in a plant trip.

To exercise these valves closed requires opening the valve to perform the close and fail safe tests. Opening of these valves during normal plant operations may cause a severe steam generator level transient and subsequent reactor trip.

Additionally, this testing requires the installation of electrical jumpers to defeat various safeguards logic which could also lead to an inadvertent plant transient or trip.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercis~d closed and fail safe tested during cold shutdowns when feedwater flow control is not required.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-19 Component Tag System Safety Class Category HCV-3-121 047 2 B HCV-4-121 047 2 B Function This air operated valve opens to provide a flow path from the charging pump to the reactor coolant system via the regenerative he;it exchanger during emergency boration. The valve is required to open to provide a flow path to the RCS during a rod cluster control assembly accident requiring emergency boration. During normal power operation, this valve is open to provide the normal return flow path from the charging pump to the reactor coolant system via the regenerative heat exchanger to support processing of the water let down from the reactor coolant system. The valve does not receive any automatic actuation signals and fails open on loss of electrical power or pneumatic supply. The valve is closed when the charging system is removed from service (charging pumps not operating).

Justification It is impracticable to exercise this valve open during normal power operation since exercising this valve during normal power operations would result in a potential plant trip.

To exercise this valve open requires closing the valve to perform the open stroke time and fail safe open tests. Closing of this valve during normal plant operations would disrupt the normal charging return flow and result in reactor coolant pump seal flow loss and pressurizer level oscillations which may result in a reactor trip.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised open and fail safe tested during cold shutdowns when charging is not required and the charging pumps are not in operation.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-20 Component Tag System Safety Class Category LCV-3-115B 047 2 B LCV-4-115B 047 2 B Function This nonnally closed air operated valve must open during emergency boration to provide a backup borated water suction source from the RWST to the charging pumps. This valve is opened by remote manual operation in the event that the boric pumps fail to start. This valve .opens automatically upon receipt of a low level in the volume control tank to provide a flow path from the RWST to the charging pump suction for automatic makeup of borated water to the reactor coolant system. Upon initiation of a low volume control tank level the normal suction for the charging pumps is isolated by LCV-*-1 lSC, which closes. To ensure a suction path is available to the charging pumps, the valve is interlocked such that LCV-*-1 lSC will not begin to close until LCV-*-1 lSB is full open. The valve may also be opened by remote manual operation.

This valve must remain closed to isolate the charging pump suction piping from the RWST during normal power operations and during emergency boration when the boric acid pumps are providing emergency boration. This function is considered passive since the valve is not required to change position to perform this function. The valve fails closed on loss of electrical power or pneumatic supply.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise this valve open during normal power operation since exercising this valve during normal power operations would cause a power transient and potential plant trip.

To exercise this valve open requires injection of refueling water storage tank borated water into the react9r coolan~

system. During normal power operations, this test would cause a severe power transient which may lead to a plant trip.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised open and fail safe tested during cold shutdowns when the chemical volume and control system is not required to be in operation.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-21 Component Tag System Safety Class Category LCV-3-115C 047 2 B LCV-4-115C 047 2 B Function This valve closes automatically upon receipt of a low level in the volume control tank to isolate the volume control tank. Valve LCV-*-115B opens to provide a flow path from the RWST to the charging pump suction for automatic makeup of borated water to the reactor coolant system. To ensure a suction path is available to the charging pumps, the valve is interlocked such that LCV-*-115C will not begin to close until LCV-*-115B is full open. The valve is required to be closed by remote manual operation during emergency boration in the event of a failure of the boric acid pumps, when the RWST is aligned to the charging pump suction. The valve opens/remains open during normal operations to provide a flow path from the VCT to the charging pump suction.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise this valve closed during normal power operation since exercising this valve during normal power operations would cause a power transient and potential plant trip.

To exercise this valve closed requires aligning the charging pumps take suction from the refueling water storage tank during normal operation. This would cause injection of refueling water storage tank borated water into the reactor coolant system. During normal power operations, this test would cause a severe power transient which may lead to a plant trip.

Alternative Test This valve will be exercised closed during cold shutdowns when the chemical volume and control system is not required to be in operation.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-23 Component Tag System Safety Class Category PCV-3-455C 041 1 B PCV-3-456 041 1 B PCV-4-455C 041 1 B PCV-4-456 041 1 B Function This normally closed air operated valve must close to maintain the RCS pressure boundary in order to *contain the coolant under operating temperature and pressure conditions. This valve must open during reactor heat up and cooldown when the Overpressure Mitigation System is in operation. During OMS operation, the reactor temperature and pressure are below normal operating bands. The lower temperature of the RCS requires lower relief setpoints to avoid brittle fracture. During these conditions the PORV setpoints are varied by the OMS according to system conditions. The subject valve must open to allow a relief path since the Safety Valve setpoints are too high to provide protection during these conditions. This valve will also automatically open at 2335 psig during normal operations (normal operating temperature and pressure) to mitigate pressure transients during a SGTR or an Appendix R fire.

This function is considered important to safety but does not support safe shutdown or accident mitigation since the Pressurizer Safety Valves (RV-*-551A/B/C) are relied upon for overpressure protection of the reactor coolant system.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise this valve open and closed during normal power operation since exercising this valve during normal power operations may cause equipment damage or a plant trip.

Exercising this valve during normal power operations would cause a rapid depressurization of the reactor coolant system causing a pressure transient and subsequent trip of the plant. Additionally, exercising this valve each quarter at power would eventually damage the valve seat.

Alternative Test This valve will be exercised open and closed and fail safe tested during cold shutdowns when the reactor coolant system pressure is depressurized.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-24 Component Tag System Safety Class Category SV-3-6318A 041 2 B SV-3-6318B 041 2 B SV-3-6319A 041 2 B SV-3-6319B 041 2 B SV-3-6611 041 2 B SV-3-6612 041 2 B SV-4-6318A 041 2 B SV-4-6318B 041 2 B SV-4-6319A 041 2 B SV-4-6319B 041 2 B SV-4-6611 041 2 B SV-4-6612 041 2 B Function Valves SV-*-6318A/B and SV-*-6319A/B must open during post-accident conditions to vent the vessel head and pressurizer so that the non-condensible gas bubble does not disrupt cooling to the core by inhibiting natural circulation.

The reactor vessel head vent system provides a means of venting the vessel head to either the containment sump or the pressurizer relief tank. These valves must remain closed during normal operations to establish the RCS pressure boundary. These valves are administratively maintained closed when RCS temperature exceeds 200F by locking their control switches and removing the fuses to the valves' power supply. These valves isolate the reactor vessel head from downstream piping which leads to the containment sump, containment atmosphere, pressurizer relief tank or a sample connection. These valve fail closed on loss of electrical power.

Valves SV-*-661116612 must open during post-accident conditions to vent the vessel head so that the non-condensible gas bubble does not disrupt cooling to the core by inhibiting natural circulation. The reactor vessel head vent system.

provides a means of venting the vessel head to either the containment sump or the pressurizer relief tank. These valves isolate the reactor vessel head vent from piping which leads to either the containment sump or containment atmosphere. These valve fail closed on loss of electrical power.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves during normal power operation since exercising these valves during normal power operations may result in a loss of coolant in excess of allowable limits. Exercising these valves during normal power operations may lead to a loss of coolant in excess of allowable limits and potential plant shutdown. These valves are administratively maintained closed to isolate the Class 1 reactor coolant system pressure boundary. Failure of these valves during testing at normal power conditions would require a containment entry and potential shutdown of the plant.

Alternative Test The SV-*-6318A/B and SV-*-6319A/B will be exercised open and closed and fail safe tested closed during cold shutdowns when the reactor coolant system pressure is depressurized. Valves SV-*-6611/,6612 will be exercised open and closed and fail safe tested closed during cold shutdowns when the reactor coolant system pressure is depressurized.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-25 Component Tag System Safety Class Category MOV-3-381 047 2 A MOV-3-6386 047 2 A MOV-4-381 047 2 A MOV-4-6386 047 2 A Function These motor operated valve must close automatically to isolate containment from the chemical volume and control system seal water injection return line. These valves provide containment isolation for Penetration 25. The valves close automatically upon receipt of a Phase A containment isolation signal. These valves may also be closed by remote manual operation.

The valves are open during normal power operations to provide a return flow path from the reactor coolant pump seal injection system (and excess letdown if in operation) to the volume control tank. This function is not required for safe shutdown or accident mitigation since the reactor coolant pumps (and letdown) are not required for safe shutdown or accident mitigation. -

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves during normal power operation since exercising these valves during normal power operations. may result in damage to the reactor coolant pump seals.

Exercising these valves closed during normal power operations would interrupt flow from the reactor coolant pump seals. Loss of reactor coolant pump seal flow with the reactor coolant pump in operation would damage the seals due to overheating.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised closed during cold shutdowns when the reactor coolant pumps are not in operation.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-26 Component Tag System Safety Class Categon:

MOV-3-862A 050 2 B MOV-3-862B 050 2 B MOV-4-862A 050 2 B MOV-4-862B 050 2 B Function These normally locked open motor operated valves must remain open to provide a flow path from the RWST to the suction of the residual heat removal pumps during the injection phase of an accident. These valves are maintained administratively locked open with the breaker open to ensure the valves remain open during the injection phase. The valves are maintained in the open position during normal power operations and does not receive any automatic actuation signals. After the valves are closed during the recirculation phase, they are not required to be reopened to support any accident analysis events. Therefore, the open function is considered passive.

These valves must close prior to switch over to the recirculation phase of safety injection to isolate the RWST from the residual heat removal pumps. This function prevents contamination of the RWST. The valves are closed by remote manual operation in accordance with procedure. These valves are also closed when RHR is initiated for normal plant cooldown (shutdown cooling). The valves are interlocked such that when they ares open, the shutdown cooling isolation valves (MOV-*-750/751) are closed.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves closed during normal power operation since closure of either valve during normal power operations places the plant in an undesirable and unanalyzed configuration.

Exercising these valves closed places the plant in a condition where the shared residual heat removal pumps are not available as required. Closure of the valves solely for testing would place the plant in an undesirable alignment and cause undue risk.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised closed during cold shutdowns when the residual heat removal pumps are not required to be in operation.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-27 Component Tag System Safety Class Category MOV-3-750 050 1 A MOV-3-751 05,0 1 A MOV-4-750 050 1 A MOV-4-751 050 1 A Function These normally closed motor operated valves must open to provide a flow path from the reactor coolant system hot leg to the suction of the residual heat removal pumps during alternate hot leg recirculation operations. This function is initiated by the operator following switchover from the R WST to containment sump and requires opening the valve by remote manual operation. These valves are also opened when RHR is initiated for normal plant cooldown (shutdown cooling). The valves are maintained in the closed position during normal power operations and do not receive any automatic actuation signals. The valves are interlocked such that they can not be opened until the RWST suction isolation valves (MOV-*-862A/B) are closed. Additionally, the valves are interlocked with reactor pressure such that they will automatically close and can not be opened with reactor pressure greater than 525 psig.

These valves must close to isolate the reactor coolant system from the lower pressure residual heat removal system during emergency conditions when hot leg recirculation is not required to be in service. These valves are considered a pressure isolation valve, required to maintain the RCS pressure boundary. The valves must close to limit leakage to

<1.0 gpm.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves open or* closed during normal power operation since exercising this valve during normal power operations places the plant in an undesirable and unanalyzed configuration.

Exercising these valves open/closed during normal operations would require defeating the reactor pressure interlock and RWST suction valve interlocks to cycle the valves open and closed. This testing would place the plant in an undesirable alignment and cause undue risk.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised open and closed during cold shutdowns when the residual heat removal system is not required to be in operation and reactor pressure is less than 525 psig.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-28 Component Tag System Safety Class Category MOV-3-863A 050 2 B MOV-3-863B 050 2 B MOV-4-863A 050 2 B MOV-4-863B 050 2 B Function These normally locked closed motor operated valves must open by remote manual operation to provide a flow path from the discharge of the RHR heat exchanger to the suction of the safety injection pumps during recirculation. This function is initiated by the operator following switchover from the RWST to containment sump and requires opening the valve by remote manual operation after the RWST suction valves (MOV-*-862A/B and MOV-*-864A/B) are closed. These valves are also opened to provide a flow path to the containment spray pumps and/or alternate low head injection path in the event that the safety injection pump can not be started.

The valves are required to remain closed to prevent divergence of injection flow to the RHR pump suction during the injection phase of an accident. These valves do not receive any automatic actuation signals and are administratively maintained closed with the breaker locked in the off position. Since these valves are not required to be closed to support any accident conditions after being open during recirculation, the closed position is considered passive.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves open during normal power operation since exercising these valves during normal power operations places the plant in an undesirable and unanalyzed configuration.

Exercising these valves open during normal operations would require alignment of the plant in a undesirable configuration in which the residual heat removal system could not perform its function.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised open during cold shutdowns when the residual heat removal system is not required to be in operation.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-30 Component Tag System Safety Class Category POV-3-2604 072 2 B POV-3-2605 072 2 B POV-3-2606 072 2 B POV-4-2604 072 2 B POV-4-2605 072 2 B POV-4-2606 072 2 B Function These valves must close to isolate containment from the Steam Generators (closed loop inside containment) from the Main Steam Header. These valves are a secondary system barrier since the Steam Generators are a closed loop inside containment. These valves are required to close in the event of a Main Steam Line Break or Steam Generator Tube Rupture. The valves will close in response to a Main Steam Isolation Signal. These valves open during normal operation. These valves held open by an air actuator. The open function does not support safe shutdown or accident mitigation.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves closed during normal power operation since exercising this valve during normal power operations would cause a plant trip.

Closing these valves for testing during normal power operations would interrupt steam flow from the steam generator to the main steam/turbine systems. Exercising these valves closed would isolate the steam generator which would result in a severe power transient in the steam and reactor coolant systems which would lead to a subsequent trip of the plant.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised closed during cold shutdowns when the main steam system is not required to be in operation.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Cold Shutdown Justification CSJ-31 Component Tag System Safety Class Category MOV-3-872 050 2 B MOV-4-872 050 2 B Function These normally closed motor operated valves must open by remote manual operation to provide a flow path from the discharge of the RHR heat exchanger to the alternate low head safety injection points in the event that the safety injection pump can not be started. This function is initiated by the operator following switchover from the RWST to containment sump and requires opening the valves by remote manual operation after the RWST suction valves (MOV-

  • -862A/B and MOV-*-864.A'!B) are closed.

The valves are considered containment isolation valves for penetration 11, however, they are exempt from Appendix J Type C testing since they are connected to a penetration which is considered essential and may be in service post accident. These valves do not receive any automatic actuation signals and are operated by remote manual operation..

Since the valves are not required to be closed to support any accident conditions after being open to support alternate low head injection, the closed position is considered passive.

Justification It is impracticable to exercise these valves open during normal power operation since exercising this valve during normal power operations places the plant in an undesirable and unanalyzed configuration.

Exercising this valve open during normal operations would require alignment of the plant in a undesirable configuration in which the residual heat removal system could not perform its function.

Alternative Test These valves will be exercised open during cold shutdowns when the residual heat removal system is not required to be in operation.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan ATTACHMENT 4 REFUELING OUTAGE JUSTIFICATIONS No Refueling Justifications were required for the Fifth Interval Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page 38

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan ATTACHMENT 5 STATION TECHNICAL POSITIONS Technical Description Position No.

ffi:-01 Bi-directional Testing of Check Valves TPv-02 Check Valve Condition Monitoring TPv-03 I Passive Valves Without Test Requirements I TPv-04 I Fail Safe Testing of Valves I TPv-05 I Classification of Skid Mounted Components I TPv-06 NOT USED 1~0708 NOT USED NOT USED TPv-09 Testing of Power Operated Valves with both Active and Passive Safety Functions TPv-10 Breathing Air Check Valve Considered Passive TPv-11 NOT USED TPv-12 Method for Establishing Acceptance Criteria for Power Operated Valves TPv-13 Stroke Time Testing of Containment Purge Valves TPp-01 NOT USED TPp-A Categorization ofIST Pumps (Group A or B)

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-01 (Page 1 of3)

Bi-directional Testing of Check Valves Purpose The purpose of this Technical Position is to establish the station position for the verification of the non-safety direction exercise testing of check valves by normal plant operations.

Applicability This Technical Position is applicable to testing of the non-safety function (direction) of check valves which are included in the Inservice Testing Program. This position applies to those check valves required to be tested in accordance with Subsection ISTC -and Appendix II - "Condition Monitoring" of the Code. This Technical Position does not apply to testing of the safety function (direction) of check valves included in the Inservice Testing Program.


The Code Section ISTC-3550, "Valves in Regular Use", states:

"Valves that operate in the course of plant operation at a frequency that would satisfy the exerc1smg requirements of this Subsection need not be additionally exercised, provided that the observations otherwise required for testing are made and analyzed during such operation and recorded in the plant record at intervals no greater than specified in ISTC-3510."

Section ISTC-3510 requires that check valves shall be exercised nominally every 3 months with exceptions (for extended periods) referenced.

Section ISTC-5221 (a)(2) states:

"Check valves that have a safety function in only the open direction shall be exercised by initiating flow and observing that the obturator has traveled to either the full open position or to the position required to perform its intended function(s) (see ISTC-1100), and verify closure."

Section ISTC-522 l(a)(3) states:

"Check valves that have a safety function in only the close direction shall be exercised by initiating flow and observing that the obturator has traveled [to] at least the partially open position, 2 and verify that on cessation or reversal of flow, the obturator has traveled to the seat.;'


" The partially open position should correspond to the normal or expected system flow."

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-01 (Page 2 of3)

Normal or expected system flow may vary with plant configuration and alignment, however, the open "safety function" of a check valve typically requires a specified design accident flow rate. Since Turkey Point Operations staff is trained in recognizing normal plant conditions, Operator judgment is acceptable in determining the check valve non-safety direction by obtaining normal or expected flow rates for the plant operating condition.

In summary, check valve non-safety function direction is satisfactorily demonstrated by verifying closure or passing normal or expected flow as applicable.

Position Turkey Point will verify the non-safety position of check valves included in the Inservice Testing Program using the plant surveillance program. In lieu of a dedicated surveillance to perform the non-safety direction testing, the following alternate verifications may be performed as follows:

I. An appropriate means shall be determined which establishes the method for determining the open/closed non-safety function of the check valve during normal operations. The position determination may be by direct indicator, or by other positive means such as changes in system pressure, flow rate, level, temperature, seat leakage, etc. This determination shall be documented in the respective Condition Monitoring Plan for the specific check valve group. For check valves included in the Inservice Testing Program and not included in the Condition Monitoring Plan, this determination shall be documented in the IST Bases Document for the specific check valve group.

2. Observation and analysis of plant processes that a check valve is satisfying its' non-safety direction function may used. As an example, a check valve that has a safety function only in the closed direction and normally provides a flow path to maintain plant operations. If the check valve is not open to pass flow, an alarm or indication would identify a problem to the operator. The operator would respond to take appropriate actions.

A Condition Report would then be generated for the abnormal plant condition which would identify the check valve failure.

3. Observation and analysis of plant logs and other records satisfied by Operator or Engineering reviews may be an acceptable method for verifying a check valves non-safety direction during normal plant operations.

The open/closed non-safety function shall be recorded at a frequency required by ISTC-3510, nominally every 3 months, with exceptions as provided, in plant records such as Turkey Point Operating Logs, Electronic Rounds, chart recorders, automated data loggers, etc. The safety function direction testing requires a Quality Record in the form of a surveillance test. Records as indicated above in I through 3 are satisfactory for the non-safety direction testing. A condition report shall be generated for any issues regarding check valve operability.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-01 (Page 3 of3)

Justification This Technical Position requires that the method of determining the non-safety position be established and documented in either the Condition Monitoring Plan or the IST Bases Document. The plant systems and operator actions provide for the observations and analysis that the valve is satisfying its' non-safety function. Additionally, the recording of parameters which demonstrate valve position is satisfied at a frequency in accordance with ISTC-3510. These actions collectively demonstrate the non-safety position of Inservice Testing Program check valves in regular use as required by ISTC-3550.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-02 (Page 1 of5)

Check Valve Condition Monitoring Purpose The purpose of this Technical Position is to document Turkey Point's position on establishing and implementing a Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program in accordance with mandatory Appendix II of the Code. The Condition Monitoring Program specified in Appendix II provides certain flexibility in establishing test types, examinations, and preventive maintenance activities along with their associated intervals, when justified based on check valve performance and operating condition.

Applicability This Technical Position is applicable to certain valves or groups of valves as permitted by ISTC-5222, Condition Monitoring Program.


The Code provides an alternative in section ISTC-5222, Condition Monitoring Program, to the testing requirements of ISTC-3510, ISTC-3520, ISTC-3530, ISTC-3550, and ISTC-5221. This section specifies that the program shall be implemented in accordance with Appendix II, Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program.

Position Turkey Point will implement a Check Valve Condition Monitoring program for selected valves or groups of valves in accordance with ISTC-5222 and Appendix II. The following guidelines will be adhered to for administering this program. Additionally, ifthe Appendix II program is discontinued for a valve or group of valves, then the requirements ofISTC-3510, ISTC-3520, ISTC-3530, ISTC-3550, and ISTC-5221 shall be implemented.

1. Purpose The purpose of the Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program is to improve check valve performance and to optimize testing, examination, and preventive maintenance activities in order to maintain the continued acceptable performance of a select valve or group of valves.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-02 (Page 2 ofS)

2. Scope The Turkey Point Valve Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program will be applied to individual check valves or groups of check valves which are either candidates for improved performance or candidates which will be monitored for improved valve performance.
a. Candidates for improved valve performance are those check valves which may exhibit one or more of the following attributes: *
i. The valve(s) exhibits an unusually high failure rate during inservice testing or operations; ii. The valve(s) can not be exercised under normal operating conditions or during shutdown;
m. The valve(s) exhibits unusual, abnormal, or unexpected behavior during exercising or operations.
b. Candidates for monitoring for improved valve performance using optimization techniques, examination, and preventive maintenance activities are those check valves with documented acceptable performance that:
i. Have had their performance improved under this program; ii. Cannot be exercised or are not readily exercised during normal operating condition or during shutdown; iii. Can only be disassembled and examined; or iv. It is decided that all of the associated activities of the valve or group will be optimized.
3. Groupings For valves which are grouped together the following valve attributes shall be considered:
a. Valves shall be of the same manufacturer, design, size, service media, materials of construction, and orientation.
b. Maintenance and modification history shall be reviewed.
c. Test history and results shall be reviewed.
d. System design shall be considered to determine potential flow instabilities, degree of disassembly, and the need for tolerance and dimensional measurements Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page 44

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-02 (Page 3 of 5)

4. Analysis An analysis of the test and maintenance history shall be performed to establish the basis for specifying inservice testing, examination, and preventive maintenance activities. This analysis shall include the following:
a. Identify any common failure mode or corrective maintenance patterns.
b. Analyze these common patterns to determine their significance and to identify potential failure mechanisms:
i. Determine if certain preventive maintenance activities would mitigate the failure or maintenance patterns; ii. Determine if certain condition monitoring activities are possible and effective in monitoring for these failure mechanisms; iii. Determine if periodic disassembly and examination would be an effective method in monitoring for these failure mechanisms.

iv. Determine if the valve grouping is required to be changed. ,

5. Condition Monitoring Activities
a. Performance Improvement Activities
i. If sufficient information is not available or the results of the analysis performed in 4 above are not conclusive, an interim period not to exceed 2 refueling outages shall be established to determine the cause of the failure or maintenance patterns. The following activities shall be performed at sufficient intervals over the interim period. *
1. Identify interim tests (e.g. nonintrusive) to assess the performance of the valve of group of valves.
2. Identify interim examinations to evaluate potential degradation mechanisms.
3. Identify other types of analysis to be performed which will assess check valve condition.
4. Identify which of these activities will be performed on each valve.
5. Identify the interval of each activity.

ii. Complete or revise the condition monitoring test plans to document the check valve program performance improvement activities and their associated frequencies.

iii. Perform these activities at their assigned intervals unit:

1. Sufficient information is obtained to permit an adequate analysis.
2. Until the end of the interim period (2 refueling outages or 3 years, whichever is longer).

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-02 (Page 4 of5) iv. After performance, a review shall be performed for each activity to determine if changes to the program are required. If changes are required, the program shall be revised before the next performance of the activity.

b. Optimization of Condition Monitoring Activities
i. If sufficient information is available to assess the performance adequacy of the check valve or group, then the following activities shall be performed:
1. Identify appropriate preventi~e maintenance activities including the intervals that are required to maintain the continued acceptable performance of the check valve or group of check valves.
2. Identify the applicable examination activities including the interval that will be used to periodically assess the condition of each check valve or group of check valves.
3. Identify the applicable test activities including intervals that will be used to periodically verify the acceptable performance of each check valve or group of check valves. *
4. Identify which of these activities, including the interval, will be performed on each valve in the group.

ii. Revise the condition monitoring plans to document the optimized condition monitoring program activities and associated intervals for each activity.

iii. Continue performance of these activities at their associated intervals.

iv. Review the results of the performance of each activity to determine if changes to the optimized condition monitoring program are required.

6. Test Requirements and Frequency The following requirements apply when implementing the above plans for a single valve or group of valves
a. Valve opening and closing functions must be demonstrated when flow testing or examination methods (nonintrusive, or disassembly and inspection) are used.
b. The initial interval for tests and associated examinations may not exceed two fuel cycles or 3 years, whichever is longer.
c. Extension of the initial interval may not exceed one fuel cycle per extension with the maximum interval not to exceed 10 years.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-02 (Page 5 of5)

d. Trending and evaluation of existing data must be used to reduce or extend the time interval between tests.
7. Documentation The condition monitoring program shall be documented per the Check Valve Condition Monitoring Administrative Procedure. The plan for each check valve or group of check valves shall be documented in the Condition Monitoring Tab and shall contain as a minimum the following information:
a. The list of valves in each group including the group basis. .
b. Date the valve or group of valves was evaluated for inclusion or exclusion from the condition monitoring program.
c. Safety function of valve or valve group.
d. Analysis/justification which forms the basis for the program.
e. Identification of the failure or maintenance patterns for each valve
f. . Condition monitoring activities including intervals for each valve or valve group.
g. Expert Panel review results and comments Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page 47

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-03 (Page I of I)

Passive Valves Without Test Requirements Purpose The purpose of this Technical Position is to establish the station position for valves which perform a passive safety function, however, no testing in accordance with ISTC is required.

Applicability This Technical Position is applicable to valves which perform a passive function in accordance with ISTC-2000 and do not have inservice testing requirements per Table ISTC-3500-1. This position is typical of Category B, passive valves which do not have position indication.

"An example is a manual valve which must remain in its normal position during an accident, to perform its intended function."

Typically, manual valves, which perform a safety function, are locked in their safety position and administratively controlled by TPN procedures. These valves would be considered passive. If they do not have remote position indicating systems and categorized as B, they would not be subjected to any test requirements in accordance with Table ISTC-3500-1.

Position The TPNP Inservice Testing Program, Valve Tables - Attachment 7, will not list valves which meet the following criteria.

  • The valve is categorized B (seat leakage in the closed position is inconsequential for fulfillment of the valves' required function(s)) in accordance with ISTC-1300.
  • The valve is considered passive (valve maintains obturator position and is not required to change obturator position to accomplish the required function(s)) in accordance with ISTC-2000.
  • The valve does not have a remote position indicating system which detects and indicates valve position.

Justification Valves which meet this position will not be listed in the TPNP Inservice Testing Program, Valve Tables - Attachment 7, however, the basis for categorization and consideration 'of active/passive functions shall be documented in the IST Program Basis Document.

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-Technical Position TPv-04 (Page 1of1)

/ Fail Safe Testing of Valves Purpose The purpose of this Technical Position is to establish the station position for fail safe testing of valves in conjunction with stroke time exercising or position indication testing.

AppIica bility This Technical Position is applicable to valves with fail safe actuators required to be tested in accordance with ISTC- _.



The Code Section ISTC-3560 requires; "Valves with fail-safe actuators shall be tested by observing the operation of the actuator upon loss of valve actuating power in accordance with the exercising frequency ofISTC-3510."

Section ISTC-3510 states; "Active Category, Category B, and Category C check valves shall be exercised nominally every 3 months ... "

Position In cases where normal valve operator action moves the valve to the open or closed* position by de-energizing the operator electrically, by venting air, or both, the exercise test will satisfy the fail safe test requirements and an additional test specific for fail safe testing will not be performed.

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant will also use remote position indication as applicable to verify proper fail safe operation, provided that the indication system for the valve is periodically verified in accordance with ISTC-3700.

Justification Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Inservice Testing Program valves that fail open or closed upon loss of actuator power use the fail safe mechanism to stroke the valve to its safety position. For example, an air operated valve that fails closed may use air to open the valve against spring force. when the actuator control switch is placed in the closed position, air is vented from the diaphragm and the spring moves the obturator to the closed position.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-05 (Page 1 of2)

Classification of Skid Mounted Components Purpose The purpose of this technical position is to clarify requirements for classification of various skid mounted components, and to clarify the testing requirements of these components.


The Code allows classification of some components as skid mounted when their satisfactory operation is demonstrated by the satisfactory performance of the associated major components. Testing of the major component is sufficient to satisfy Inservice Testing requirements for skid mounted components. In section 3.4 of NUREG 1482, the NRC supports the designation of components as skid mounted:

"The staff has determined that the testing of the major component is an acceptable means for verifying the operational readiness of the skid-mounted and component subassemblies if the licensee documents this approach in the IST Program. This is acceptable for both Code class components and non-Code class components tested and tracked by the IST Program."

In the 1996a addenda to the ASME OM Code (endorsed by 10CFR 50.55(a) in October 2000), the term skid-mounted was clarified by the addition ofISTA paragraph 1.7:

ISTA 1.7 Definitions Skid mounted components and component sub assemblies - components integral to or that support operation of major components, even though these components may not be located directly on the skid. In general, these components are supplied by the manufacturer of the major component. Examples include: diesel skid-mounted fuel oil pumps and valves, steam admission and trip throttle valves for high-pressure coolant injection or auxiliary feedwater turbine-driven pumps, and solenoid-operated valve provided to control the air-operated valve.

This definition is further clarified in the 1998and 2004 Editions of the ASME Code:

ISTA-2000 DEFINITIONS Skid mounted pumps and valves - pumps and valves integral to or that support operation of major components, even though these components may not be located directly on the skid. In general, these pumps and valves are supplied by the manufacturer of the major component. Examples include:

(a) diesel fuel oil pumps and valves; (b) steam admission and trip throttle valves for high-pressure coolant injection pumps; (c) steam admission and trip throttle valves for auxiliary feedwater turbine driven pumps; (d) solenoid-operated valves provided to control an air-operated valve.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan

\ Technical Position TPv-05 (Page 2 of2)

Additionally the Subsections pertaining to pumps (ISTB) and valves (ISTC) includes exclusions/exemptions for skid mounted components;

  • ISTB-1200(c) Exclusions Skid-mounted pumps that are tested as part of the major component and are justified by the Owner to be adequately tested.

ISTC-1200 Exemptions Skid-mounted valves are excluded from this Subsection provided they are tested as part of the major component and are justified by the Owner to be adequately tested.

Position The Code definition of skid mounted should be used for classification of components in the Turkey Point Inservice Testing Program. In addition, for a component to be considered skid mounted:

  • The major component associated with the skid mounted component must be surveillance tested at a frequency sufficient to meet Code test frequency for the skid mounted component.
  • Satisfactory operation of the skid mounted component must be demonstrated by satisfactory operation of the major component.
  • The IST Bases Document should describe the bases for classifying a component as skid mounted, and the IST Program Plan should reference this technical position for the component.

Justification Classification of components as skid mounted eliminates the need for testing of sub components that are redundant with testing of major components provided testing of the major components demonstrates satisfactory operation of the "skid moµnted" components.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant


IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-09 (Page 1 of2)

Testing of Power Operated Valves with Both Active and Passive Safety Functions

.Purpose The purpose of this Technical Position is to establish the testing requirements for power operated valves which have both an active and passive safety function.

Applicability This Technical Position is applicable to power operated valves which have an active safety function in one direction while performing a passive safety function in the other direction. The following valves apply to this situation at TPNP:

Valve Tag No. Active Safety Passive Safety Direction Direction LCV-*-115B Open Closed MOV-*-350 Open Closed MOV-*-535 Closed Open MOV-*-536 .. Closed Open MOV-*-749A/B Open* Closed MOV-*-856A/B Closed Open MOV-*-860A/B Open Closed MOV-*-861A/B Open Closed MOV-*-862A/B Closed Open MOV-*-863A/B Open Closed MOV-*-864A/B Closed Open MOV-*-865A/B/C Closed Open MOV-*-872 Open Closed MOV-878A/B Closed .Open


The IST Program requires valves to be exercised to the position(s) required to fulfill their safety function(s). In addition, valves with remote position indication shall have their position indication verified. The Code does not restrict position indication to active valves.

Position Several valves included in the plant are designed to perform passive safety functions during accident conditions, and then based on plant accident response, are designed to change positions to perform another (active) function. Once in their final position, there exist no conditions in which they would be required to be placed in their original passive position.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-09 (Page 2 of2)

These valves are typically emergency core cooling system valves, which require changing position during different phases of the accident. After the original passive safety function (e.g. provide flow path) is performed, the valves are repositioned to perform the active,safety function (e.g. provide containment isolation or to allow injection from another water source). The valves are not required to return to their original position.

Power operated valves with passive functions in one direction and active in the other, will be exercised and stroke timed to only their active position. If these valves have position indication, the position indication verification will include verification of both positions.

Justification Code Interpretation 01-02 (response to inquiry OMI 99-07) addressed this issue.

Question: If a valve has safety functions in both the open and closed positions and is maintained in one of these positions, but is only required to move from the initial position to the other and is not required to return to the initial position, is stroke timing in both directions required?

Reply: No Revision Date.' 07/01/16 Page 53

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan

  • Technical Position TPv-10 (Page 1 of2)

Breathing Air Check Valve Considered Passive Purpose The purpose of this Technical Position is to establish the station position for classification and categorization of the Containment Breathing Air Check Valve as Passive category A.

Applicability This Technical Position is applicable to Containment Breathing Air Check Valve:

BA-4-201 This check valve must close to isolate containment from the breathing air system. This valve provides, containment isolation for Penetration 30. Penetration 30 is considered a non essential penetration which is not required to be in service post accident. This valve opens to provide a flow path from the breathing air receiver to containment during cold shutdown or refueling. This function is not required for safe shutdown or accident mitigation. The breathing air system is only required to function during cold shutdown or refueling. Additionally, upstream air operated valve CV-

  • -6165 outside containment is administratively maintained in the locked and pinned closed position during normal plant operation.


The ASME OM Code 2004 through 2006 Addenda section ISTC-2000 provides a definition of passive valves.

passive valves: valves that maintain obturator position and are not required to change obturator position to accomplish the required function(s)"

The Code also provides valve category definitions as follows:

"Category A - valves for which seat leakage is limited to a specific maximum amount in the closed position for fulfillment of their required function" "Category C - valves that are self-actuating in response to some system characteristic, such as pressure (relief valves) or flow direction (check valves) for fulfillment of the required functions" Position TNPP classifies this valve as passive since it is not required to change position to perform its intended function. The valve has been categorized as Category A since it is not self actuated due to the downstream line being isolated.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-10 (Page 2 of2)

Justification This penetration is isolated during all modes of operation when containment integrity is required and is not in service during any emergency or post accident conditions [O-OP-101]. Therefore, this valve only performs a containment isolation function and is not required to open or close for any other safety function. Since the valve is normally closed, with the upstream piping administratively locked and pinned closed by CV-*-6165, and a dead leg exists downstream, this valve is considered passive. No exercising testing is required since the valve is considered a category A valve based on ISTC-1300, Valve Categories.

The valve is seat leakage tested in accordance with Appendix J requirements.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-12 (Page 1 of2)

Method for Establishing Acceptance Criteria for Power-Operated Valves Purpose The purpose of this Technical Position is to establish the station position for establishing the stroke time acceptance criteria for power operated valves, including the Limiting Stroke time.

Applicability Power Operated Valves Requiring Stroke Time Testing


The IST Program requires that a valves' stroke time reference value be established in accordance with ASME OM Code 2004 through 2006 Addenda section ISTC-3300. In accordance with the definition in ISTC-2000, reference values are defined as follows:

"one or more values of test parameters measure when the equipment is know to be operating acceptably."

Acceptable ranges are then determined based on these reference values in accordance with ISTC-5114 for Power Operated Relief ValVC(S, ISTC-5122 for Motor Operated Valves, ISTC-5132 for Pneumatically Operated Valves, ISTC-5142 for Hydraulically Operated Valves, and ISTC-5152 for Solenoid Operated Valves.

In accordance with the Valve Stroke Testing requirements for the various operator types, the limiting value(s) of full-stroke time of each valve shall be specified by the Owner. Subsection ISTC does _not provide specific guidance on determining the limiting value(s). In accordance with NRC Generic Letter 89-04, "Guidance on Developing Acceptable Inservice Testing Programs" the limiting value should be a reasonable deviation from this reference stroke time based on the valve size, valve type, and actuator type. The deviation should not be so restrictive that it results in a valve being declared inoperable due to reasonable stroke time variations. However, the deviation used to establish the limit should be such that corrective action would be taken for a valve that may not perform its intended function. When the calculated limiting value for a full-stroke is greater than a Technical Specification (TS) or safety analysis limit, the TS or safety analysis limit should be used as the limiting value of full-stroke time.

Position Turkey Point Nuclear Plant will use Table TPv-12-1 to establish Acceptable Ranges in accordance with ISTC-5114 for Power Operated Relief Valves, ISTC-5122 for Motor Operated Valves, ISTC-5132 for Pneumatically Operated Valves, ISTC-5142 for Hydraulically Operated Valves, and ISTC-5152 for Solenoid Operated Valves. Table TPv 1 will also be used as general guidance to establish the Limiting Value(s) for power-operated valves. Establishment of Acceptable Ranges and Limiting Value(s) will be as follows:

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-12 (Page 2 of2)

  • T Ref is the reference value in seconds of a valve when it is know to be operating acceptably
  • Reference values may be rounded off to the nearest tenth of a second. Acceptable Ranges may be rounded off to the nearest tenth of a second. Calculated IST Limiting Values may be rounded off to the nearest whole number. Standard rounding techniques are used when rounding (e.g., 10.45 rounds to 10.5, and 10.44 round to 10.4).
  • The most conservative limiting value between the IST calculated limit (as determined from Table TPv 1), UFSAR limit, or Technical Specification limit should be used as the Maximum/Limiting stroke time.

Any deviations from these criteria will be evaluated.


  • When a valve or its control system has been replace, repaired, or has undergone maintenance that could affect the valve's performance, a new reference value shall be determined or the previous value reconfirmed by an inservice test run before it is returned to service or immediately if not removed from service.

Table TPv-12-1 Valve Operator Reference Stroke Time Acceptable Range Limiting Stroke Time (Seconds)

Motor TRef> 10.0 0.85TRef - 1.15TRef l.25TRef Motor TRef:::; 10.0 0.75TRef - 1.25TRef l.50TRef Pneumatic"' TRef> 10.0 0.75TRef - l.25TRef l.75TRef Pneumatic"' TRef:::; 10.0 0.50TRef - L50TRef 2.00TRef All (Optional) TRef< 2.0  ::;; 2.0 seconds > 2.0 seconds 1

Adjustment of stem packing, limit switches, or control system valves, and removal of the bonnet, stem assembly, actuator, obturator, or control system components are ex.amples of maintenance that could affect valve performance.

2 Pneumatic operators are air, hydraulic or solenoid operator types.

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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPv-13 (Page 1 of2)

Stroke Time Testing of Containment Purge Valves Purpose The purpose of this Technical Position is to establish the station position for stroke time testing of the Containment Purge Valves Applicability Containment Purge Valves Stroke Time Testing Component Tag System Safety Class Category POV-3-2600 053 2 A POV-3-2601 053 2 A POV-3-2602 053 2 A POV-3-2603 053 2 A POV-4-2600 053 2 A POV-4-2601 053 2 A POV-4-2602 053 2 A POV-4-2603 053 2 A


The Containment Purge Valves are normally closed, quick-closing air operated butterfly valves that act as purge isolation valves and are capable of closing in less than five seconds on receipt of the containment isolation signal or high activity signal from the air particulate and gas monitor close automatically upon receipt of a Containment Ventilation System (CVS) Isolation signal or high activity signal from the air particulate and gas monitor. The valves fail closed on loss of electrical power or pneumatic supply. These valves are opened for purge system operation for pressure control, for environmental conditions control, for ALARA and respirable air quality considerations for personnel entry and for surveillance tests that require the valve to be open. This function is not required for safe shutdown or to mitigate the consequences of an accident.

The Containment Purge Valves are Containment Isolation Features and classified as Category A valves subjects to the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix J program. Valve cycling may result in excessive leakage outside the Appendix J allowable limits.

ASME OM Code 2004 through 2006 Addenda section ISTC-3510 requires that Active Category A, Category B, and Category C check valves be exercised nominally every 3 months, except as provided by ISTC-3520, ISTC-3540, ISTC-3550, ISTC-3570, ISTC-5221, and ISTC-5222. Subsection ISTC-3520 provides guidance for testing valves during cold shutdown or refueling outages if it is impractical to test during operation. Additional guidance is provided in NUREG 1482 Rev 2.

Impractical conditions justifying test deferrals may include the following situations that could result in an unnecessary plant shutdown, cause unnecessary challenges to safety systems, place undue stress on components, cause unnecessary cycling of equipment, or unnecessarily reduce the life expectancy of the plant systems and components:

  • inaccessibility
  • testing that would require major plant or hardware modifications Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page 58

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan

  • testing that could cause system or component damage
  • testing that could create excessive plant personnel hazards
  • existing technology that will not give meaningful result" Although justifications for deferral are not limited to the list provided in NUREG 1482 Rev 2, deferring exercising of the Purge Valves due to chronic seat leakage, does not constitute impracticality or a hardship for the station. For this reason the exercising requirements of testing the Containment Purge Valves at the nominal 3 month frequency shall be followed.

ISTC-3570 provides another exception to the e~ercising require:µient of ISTC-3510 for Valves in Systems Out of Service. The requirements are that for valves in a system declared inoperable or not required to be operable, the exercising test schedule need not be followed. Within 3 months before placing the system in an operable status, the valves shall be exercised and the schedule followed in accordance with requirements of this ISTC. Since the usage of the Purge Valve is so infrequent and limited due to the potential effect on seat leakage, it is more practical to declare the valve out of service and as such be exduded from the exercising requirements ofISTC-3510.

Position The Containment Purge Valves are subject to the requirements ofISTC-3510 for exercising at the nominal frequency of 3 month if the system is operable or required to be operable. The valve will not be subject of the exercising requirements if declared out of service in accordance with ISTC-3570.

Should the valve be required to be opened to perform purging operations, the valve will be declared operable in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 3.0.6. To demonstrate Valve operability a stroke time test demonstrating closure within 5 second, shall be performed. Additionally, the leakage testing requirements for the valve(s) per Technical Specifications 3.6.l.2 and 3.6.l.7 shall be verified to be met. The valve may .be declared operable and used for containment purge under the applicable administrative controls. Testing at the nominal 3 month frequency will resume in accordance with the requirements of ISTC-3510 and ISTC-3570. Appendix J testing will remain at the frequency established by the Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program. Should the valves be removed subsequently after usage, the valves shall be As-Left Tested in accordance with the requirements of the Appendix J Program.


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Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPp-A (Page 1 of3)

Position Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant has categorized the pumps required to be included in the Inservice Testing Program as either Group A or Bin accordance with the requirements ofISTB-1300/2000.

Group A pumps are pumps that are operated continuously or routinely during normal operation, cold shutdown, or refueling operations. The following pumps are categorized as Group A at Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant:

Pump Number Class Group Function 3P201A 2 A Charging 3P201B 2 A Charging 3P201C 2 A Charging 3P203A 2 A Boric Acid Transfer 3P203B 2 A Boric Acid Transfer 3P210A 2 A Residual Heat Removal 3P210B 2 A Residual Heat Removal 3P211A 3 A Component Cooling Water 3P211B 3 A Component Cooling Water 3P211C 3 A Component Cooling Water 3P9A 3 A Intake Cooling Water 3P9B 3 A Intake Cooling Water 3P9C 3 A Intake Cooling Water 4P201A 2 A Charging 4P201B 2 A Charging 4P201C 2 A Charging 4P203A 2 A Boric Acid Transfer 4P203B 2 A Boric Acid Transfer 4P210A 2 A Residual Heat Removal 4P210B 2 A Residual Heat Removal 4P211A 3 A Component Cooling Water 4P211B 3 A Component Cooling Water 4P211C 3 A Component Cooling Water 4P9A 3 A Intake Cooling Water 4P9B 3 A Intake Cooling Water 4P9C 3 A Intake Cooling Water Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page 60

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Technical Position TPp-A (Page 2 of3)

Group B pumps are those pumps in standby systems that are not operated routinely except for testing.

The following pumps are categorized as Group B at Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant:

Pump Number Class Group Function P2A 3 B Auxiliary Feedwater P2B 3 B Auxiliary Feedwater P2C 3 B Auxiliary Feedwater 3P214A 2 B Containment Spray 3P214B 2 B Containment Spray 3P215A 2 B Safety Injection 3P215B 2 B Safety Injection 4P214A 2 B Containment Spray 4P214B 2 B Containment Spray 4P215A 2 B Safety Injection 4P215B 2 B Safety Injection Group A Pump Tests - Group A tests are performed quarterly for each pump categorized as A.

The following inservice test parameters are measured for each Group A pump test:

  • Speed (if pump is variable speed)
  • Differential Pressure
  • Discharge Pressure, (for positive displacement pumps)
  • FlowRate
  • Vibration Group B Pump Tests - Group B tests are performed quarterly for each pump categorized as B.

The following inservice test parameters are measured for each Group B pump test.

  • Speed (if pump is variable speed)
  • Differential Pressure(!)
  • Flow Rate< 1l (I) For positive displacement pumps, flow rate shall be measured or determined, for all other pumps, differential pressure or flow rate shall be measured or determined.

Comprehensive Pump Tests - Comprehensive pump tests are performed biennially for all pumps in the Inservice Testing Program.

The following inservice test parameters are measured for each Comprehensive pump test:

  • Speed (if pump is variable speed)
  • Differential Pressure
  • Discharge Pressure, (for positive displacement pumps)
  • FlowRate
  • Vibration Revision Date: 07/01/16 Page 61

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The following instrument accuracy requirements apply to each test type:

Parameter GrounA GrounB Comnrehensive Pressure +/-2.0% +/-2.0% +/- 0.5%

Flow Rate +/- 2.0% +/-2.0% +/-2.0%

Speed +/-2.0% +/- 2.0% +/- 2.0%

Vibration +!- 5.0% +!- 5.0% +/- 5.0%

Differential Pressure +/-2.0% +/- 2.0% +/- 0.5%

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Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 1 Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Pump Table Safety Pump Nominal P&ID Test Relief Tech.

Pump Tag Class Pump Type Driver Speed P&ID Coor. Category Test Type Freq. Request Pos.

3P201B 2 Positive Displacement Motor 1745 5613-M-3047-2 FS Group A Na M3 Ne Y2 PO a M3 POc Y2 Qa M3 Qc Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: 3B Charging Pump 3P201C 2 Positive Displacement Motor 1745 5613-M-3047-2 05 Group A Na M3 Ne Y2 PO a M3 POc Y2


Qa M3 Qc Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: 3C Charging Pump 3P203A 2 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5610-M-3046-1 06 Group A OPa M3 OPc Y2 Qa M3 PR-01 Qc Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 PR-01 Pump Name: Boric Acid Transfer Pump 3A 3P203B 2 Centrifugal Motor 1800 561 O-M-3046-1 ES Group A OPa M3 OPc Y2 Qa M3 PR-01 Qc Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 PR-01 Pump Name: Boric Acid Transfer Pump 38 Revision Date: 6/14/2016 _) Page2


Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Pump Table Safety Pump Nominal P&ID Test Relief Tech.

Pump Tag Class Pump Type Driver Speed P&ID Coor. Category TestType Freq. Request Pos.

3P210A 2 Centrifugal Motor N/A 5613-M-3050-1 C3 Group A DP a M3 PR-04 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: 3A Residual Heat Removal Pump 3P2108 2 Centrifugal Motor N/A 5613-M-3050-1 E3 Group A DPa M3 PR-04 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: 38 Residual Heat Removal Pump 3P211A 3 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5613-M-3030-1 F5 Group A DP a M3 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Component Cooling Water Pump 3A 3P2118 3 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5613-M-3030-1 F3 Group A DPa M3 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Component Cooling Water Pump 38 3P211C 3 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5613-M-3030-1 F2 Group A DPa M3 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Component Cooling Water Pump 3C Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page3

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Pump Table Safety Pump Nominal P&ID Test Relief Tech.

Pump Tag Class Pump Type Driver Speed P&ID Coor. Category Test Type Freq. Request Pos.

3P214A 2 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5613-M-3068-1 03 Group B Dpb M3 DPc Y2 Qb M3 Qe Y2 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Containment Spray Pump 3A I 3P214B 2 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5613-M-3068-1 G3 Group B DPb M3 DPe Y2 Qb M3 Qe Y2 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Containment Spray Pump 38 3P215A 2 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5613-M-3062-1 E3 Group B DPb M3 DPe Y2 Qb M3 Qe Y2 Ve Y2 Pump Name: High Head Safety Injection Pump 3A 3P215B 2 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5613-M-3062-1 G3 Group B DPb M3 DPe Y2 Qb M3 Qe Y2 Ve Y2 Pump Name: High Head Safety Injection Pump 38 3P9A 3 Vertical Motor 5613-M-3019-1 F1 Group A DP a M3 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Intake Cooling Water Pump 3A Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page4

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Pump Table Safety Pump Nominal P&ID Test Relief Tech.

Pump Tag Class Pump Type Driver Speed P&ID Coor. Category Test Type Freq. Request Pos.

3P9B 3 Vertical Motor 5613-M-3019-1 01 Group A DP a M3 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Intake Cooling Water Pump 38 3P9C 3 Vertical Motor 5613-M-3019-1 81 Group A DP a M3 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Intake Cooling Water Pump 3C 4P201A 2 Positive Displacement Motor 1745 5614-M-3047-2 G5 Group A Na M3 Ne Y2 PDa M3 PDe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: 4A Charging Pump 4P201B 2 Positive Displacement Motor 1745 5614-M-3047-2 F5 Group A Na M3 Ne Y2 PD a M3 PDe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: 48 Charging Pump Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page5

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Pump Table Safety Pump Nominal P&ID Test Relief Tech.

Pump Tag Class Pump Type Driver Speed P&ID Coor. Category Test Type Freq. Request Pos.

4P201C 2 Positive Displacement Motor 1745 5614-M-3047-2 D5 Group A Na M3 Ne Y2 PD a M3 PDe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: 4C Charging Pump 4P203A 2 Centrifugal Motor 1800 561 O-M-3046-1 E5 Group A Dpa M3 DPe Y2 Qa M3 PR-01 Qc Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 PR-01 r

Pump Name: Boric Acid Transfer Pump 4A 4P203B 2 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5610-M-3046-1 F4 Group A Dpa M3 DPc Y2 Qa M3 PR-01 Qc Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 PR-01 Pump Name: Boric Acid Transfer Pump 4B 4P210A 2 Centrifugal Motor N/A 5614-M-3050-1 C3 Group A DP a M3 PR-04 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qc Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: 4A Residual Heat Removal Pump Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page6

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Pump Table Safety Pump Nominal P&ID Test Relief Tech.

Pump Tag Class Pump Type Driver Speed P&ID Coor. Category Test Type Freq. Request Pos.

4P2108 2 Centrifugal Motor N/A 5614-M-3050-1 E3 Group A DPa M3 PR-04 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: 48 Residual Heat Removal Pump 4P211A 3 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5614-M-3030-1 F5 Group A DP a M3 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Component Cooling Water Pump 4A 4P2118 3 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5614-M-3030-1 F3 Group A DPa M3 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Component Cooling Water Pump 48 4P211C 3 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5614-M-3030-1 F2 Group A DP a M3 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Component Cooling Water Pump 4C 4P214A 2 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5614-M-3068-1 C3 Group B DPb M3 DPe Y2 Qb M3 Qe Y2 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Containment Spray Pump 4A Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 7

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Pump Table Safety Pump Nominal P&ID Test Relief Tech.

Pump Tag Class Pump Type Driver Speed P&ID Coor. Category TestType Freq. Request Pos.

4P214B 2 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5614-M-3068-1 F3 Group B Dpb M3 DPe Y2 Qb M3 Qe Y2 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Containment Spray Pump 48 4P215A 2 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5614-M-3062-1 E3 Group B DPb M3 DPe Y2 Qb M3 Qe Y2 Ve Y2 Pump Name: High Head Safety Injection Pump 4A 4P215B 2 Centrifugal Motor 1800 5614-M-3062-1 G3 Group B DPb M3 DPe Y2 Qb M3 Qe Y2 Ve Y2 Pump Name: High Head Safety Injection Pump 48 4P9A 3 Vertical Motor 5614-M-3019-1 F1 Group A DPa M3 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Intake Cooling Water Pump 4A 4P9B 3 Vertical Motor 5614-M-3019-1 01 Group A DP a M3 DPe Y2 Qa M3 Qe Y2 Va M3 Ve Y2 Pump Name: Intake Cooling Water Pump 48 Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 8


Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST program Plan Pump Table Safety Pump Nominal P&ID. Test Relief Tech.

Pump Tag Class Pump Type Driver Speed P&ID Coor. Category Test Type Freq. Request Pos.

4P9C 3 Vertical Motor 5614-M-3019-1 81 Gro~p A DPa M3 DPc Y2 Qa M3 Qc Y2 Va M3 Ve ,y2 Pump Name: Intake Cooling Water Punip 4C Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 9


Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Instrument Air/Service Air (013) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal . Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3-40-204 561 O-M-3013-1 D6 2 A 2.0 GA MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: Serv Air to Cntmt lsol 3-40-205 5610-M-3013-1 DB 2 A 2.0 GA MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: Isolation Valve for Service Air !nside Containment 3-40-336 5613-M-3013-7 83 2 A/C 2.0 CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Instrument Air to Containment Check Valve 3-40*340A 5613-M-3013-7 83 2 A/C 2.0 SCK ,SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Instrument Air to Containment Check Valve 4*40-204 5610-M-3013-1 F6 2 A 2.0 GA MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: Serv Air to Cntmt lsol 4-40-205 5610-M-3013-1 F7 2 A 2.0 GA MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: Service Air to Containment Manual lso Valve 4-40-336 5614-M-3013-7 D3 2 A/C 2.0 . CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Instrument Air to Containment Check Valve 4-40*340A 5614-M-3013-7 D3 2 A/C 2.0 CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Instrument Air to Containment Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 1

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Condensate Storage (018) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3*20*401 5613-M-3018-1 03 3 c 8.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Condensate Storage Tank Outlet Check Valve 4*20*401 5614-M-3018-1 E6 3 c 8.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Conde,nsate Storage Tank Outlet Check Valve


Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page2

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Intake Cooling Water (019) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3*50*311 5613-M-3019-1 F2 3 c 24.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: ICW Pump 3A Disch Check Valve 3*50-315 5613-M-3019-1 C3 3 8 8.0 GA MAN A c c 8TC Y2 Valve Name: ICW/TPCW Basket Strainer Isolation Valve 3*50*321 5613-M-3019-1 02 3 c 24.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: ICW Pump 3B Disch Check Valve 3*50-331 5613-M-3019-1 82 3 c 24.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: ICW Pump 3C Disch Check Valve 3*50*335 5613-M-3019-1 F4 3 8 8.0 GA MAN A c c 8TC Y2 Valve Name: ICW/TPCW Basket Strainer Isolation Valve POV*3*4882 5613-M-3019-1 84 3 8 30.0 8TF AO A 0 c 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: ICW/TPCW Isolation Valve to Hx 3A POV-3-4883 5613-M-3019-1 F4 3 8 30.0 8TF AO A 0 c 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: ICW/TPCW Isolation Valve to Hx 3B 4-50-311 5614-M-3019-1 F2 3 c 24.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: ICW Pump 4A Disch Check Valve 4-50-315 5614-M-3019-1 F4 3 8 8.0 GA MAN A c c 8TC Y2 Valve Name: ICW/TPCW Basket Strainer Isolation Valve 4-50-321 5614-M-3019-1 02 3 c 24.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: ICW Pump 4B Disch Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 3

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Intake Cooling Water (019) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

4-50-331 5614-M-3019-1 82 3 c 24.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: ICW Pump 4C Disch Check Valve 4-50-335 5614-M-3019-1 C4 3 8 8.0 GA MAN A c c 8TC Y2 Valve Name: ICW/TPCW Basket Strainer Isolation Valve POV-4-4882 5614-M-3019-1 F4 3 8 30.0 8TF AO A 0 c 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: ICW/TPCW Isolation Valve to Hx 4A POV-4-4883 5614-M-3019-1 84 3 8 30.0 8TF AO A 0 c 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: ICW/i'PCW Isolation Valve to Hx 48 Revision* Date: 6/14/2016 Page4

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Primary Water Makeup (020) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3*10-567 5613-M-3020*2 05 2 NC 2.0 CK SA p c c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Primary Water to Containment Line Check Valve 3-10-582 5613-M-3020-2 06 2 A 2.0 GA MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: Primary Water to Containment Line Isolation Valve RV-3-302 5613-M-3020-2 06 2 NC 0.75 RV SA A c O/C AT-01 App-J RT Y10 Valve Name: Primary Water to Containment Line Relief Valve 4-10-567 5614-M-3020-2 cs 2 NC 2.0 CK SA p c c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Primary Water to Containment Line Check Valve 4-10-582 5614-M-3020-2 C6 2 A 2.0 GA MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: Primary Water to Containment Line Isolation Valve RV-4-302 5614-M-3020-2 86 2 NC 0.75 RV SA A c O/C AT-01 App-J RT Y10 Valve Name: Primary Water to Containment Line Relief Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page5

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Emergency Diesel Generator (022) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3*70*274A 5613-M-3022-1 C2 SR c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: 3A EOG Air Receiver Tanks C & O Inlet Check Valves 3-70-2748 5613-M-3022-2 C2 SR c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc CM

  • TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: 38 EOG Air Receiver Tanks C & O Inlet Check Valves 3*70*276A 5613-M-3022-1 02 SR c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: 3A EOG Air Receiver Tanks A & 8 Inlet Check Valves 3*70*2768 5613-M-3022-2 03 SR c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: 38 EOG Air Receiver Tanks A & 8 Inlet Check Valves RV*3*210A 5613-M-3022-1 84 SR c °' RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 3A EOG Air Receiver Tank A Relief Valve RV*3*2108 5613-M-3022-2 84 SR c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 38 EOG Air Receiver Tank A Relief Valve RV*3*211A 5613-M-3022-1 84 SR c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 3A EOG Air Receiver Tank 8 Relief Valve RV*3*2118 5613-M-3022-2 84 SR c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 38 EOG Air Receiver Tank 8 Relief Valve RV*3*212A 5613-M-3022-1 83 SR c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 3A EOG Air Receiver Tank C ~elief Valve RV*3*2128 5613-M-3022-2 83 SR c RV SA ,A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 38 EOG Air Receiver Tank C Relief Valve RV*3*213A 5613-M-3022-1 83 SR c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 3A EOG Air Receiver Tank O Relief Valve RV*3*213B 5613-M-3022-2 83 SR c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 38 EOG Air Receiver Tank 0 Relief Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page6

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Emergency Diesel Generator (022) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

RV*3*214A 5613-M-3022-5 86 SR c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 3A EOG Main Lube Oil Pump Disch Relief Valve RV-3-2148 5613-M-3022-6 86 SR c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 3B EOG Main Lube Oil Pump Disch Relief Valve 4*70*530A 5614-M-3022*1 02 3 c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc M3 co OP TPv-01 Valve Name: 4A EOG Air Receiver Tanks A & B Inlet Check Valves 4-70-5308 5614-M-3022-2 02 3 c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc M3 co OP TPv-01 Valve Name: 4B EOG Air Receiver Tanks A & B Inlet Check Valves 4*70-531A 5614-M-3022-1 03 3 c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc M3 co OP TPv-01 Valve Name: 4A EOG Air Receiver Tanks C & D Inlet Check Valves 4-70-5318 5614-M-3022-2 03 3 c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc M3 co OP TPv-01 Valve Name: 4B EOG Air Receiver Tanks C & D Inlet Check Valves RV*4*1450A 5614-M-3022-3 86 3 N/A 1.0 RV SA N/A c N/A RT Y10 Valve Name: 4A EOG Diesel Oil Transfer Pump Disch Relief Valve RV-4-1451A 5614-M-3022-5 E4 SR c 1.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 4A EOG Cooling Water Expansion Tank Relief Valve RV*4*14518 5614-M-3022-6 E4 SR c 1.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 4A EOG Cooling Water Expansion Tank Relief Valve RV*4*1452A 5614-M-3022-5 85 SR c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 4A EOG Main Lube Oil Pump Disch Relief Valve RV-4-14528 5614-M-3022-6 85 SR c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 4B EOG Main Lube Oil Pump Disch Relief Valve RV*4*1456A 5614-M-3022-1 82 3 c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 4A EOG Air Receiver Tank A Relief Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page?

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Emergency Diesel Generator (022) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

RV-4-14568 5614-M-3022*2 82 3 c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 48 EOG Air Receiver Tank A Relief Valve RV*4*1457A 5614-M-3022-1 83 3 c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 4A EOG Air Receiver Tank 8 Relief Valve RV-4-14578 5614-M-3022-2 83 3 c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 48 EOG Air Receiver Tank 8 Relief Valve RV*4*1458A 5614-M-3022-1 84 3 c RV SA A c O/C Rt Y10 Valve Name: 4A EOG Air Receiver Tank C Relief Valve RV*4*14588 5614-M-3022-2 84 3 c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 48 EOG Air Receiver TankJ: Relief Valve RV-4-1459A 5614-M-3022-1 84 3 c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 4A EOG Air Receiver Tank O Relief Valve RV-4-14598 5614-M-3022-2 84 3 c RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: 48 EOG Air Receiver Tank O *Relief Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 8

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Component Cooling Water (030) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3-2185 5613-M-3030-6 A-6 3 B 8 CK SA A 0 c cc M3 co M3 Valve Name: SCS AOV ISOLATION VLV 3*702A 5613-M-3030-1 E4 3 c 16.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: CCW Pump 3A Discharge Check Valve 3-7028 5613-M-3030-1 E3 3 c 16.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPy-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name:

  • CCW Pump 3B Discharge Check Valve 3*702C 5613-M-3030-1 E2 3 c 16.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: CCW Pump 3C Discharge Check Valve 3-721A 5613-M-3030-5 E6 3 c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02
  • Valve Name: CCW Supply to Thermal Barrier Cooler Valve 3-7218 5613-M-3030-5 86 3 c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: CCW Supply to Thermal Barrier Cooler Valve 3*721C 5613-M-3030-5 C6 3 c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: CCW Supply to Thermal Barrier Cooler Valve 3-738 5613-M-3030-5 03 2 c 3.0 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPV-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: CCW Check Valve to Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger CV*3*2216 5613-M-3030-6 C-6 3 B 8 GL AO A 0 c BTC M3 FC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SCS AOV ISOLATION VLV CV*3*2903 5613-M-3030 03 2 8 10.0 BTF AO p 0 0 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3B Emergency Containment Cooler Inlet Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 9

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Component Cooling Water (030) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. - Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV*3*2904 5613-M-3030-4 C3 2 B 10.0 BTF AO p 0 0 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3C Emergency Containment Cooler Inlet CV*3*2905 5613-M-3030-4 83 2 B 10.0 BTF AO p 0 0 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3A Emergency Containment Cooler Inlet CV-3-2906 5613-M-3030-4 G3 2 B 10.0 BTF AO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 FO M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 38 Emergency Containment Cooler Outlet CV-3-2907 5613-M-3030-4 F3 2 B 10.0 BTF I AO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04\

FO M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3C Emergency Containment Cooler Outlet CV-3*2908 5613-M-3030-4 E3 2 B 10.0 BTF AO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 FO M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3A Emergency Containment Cooler Outlet CV*3*739 5613-M-3030-5 C2 2 B 3.0 GA AO A 0 c BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger Outlet MOV-3-1417 5613-M-3030-5 82 2 B 10.0 GA MO A 0 ,C BTC cs CSJ-10 PIT Y2 Valve Name: CCW to Normal Containment Cooler *.

MOV-3-1418 5613-M-3030-5 F2 2 B 10.0 GA MO A 0 c BTC cs CSJ-10 PIT Y2 Valve Name: CCW to Normal Containment Cooler

~evision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 10

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Component Cooling Water (030) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

MOV*3*626 5613-M-3030-5 H3 2 8 3.0 GA MO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-11 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCP Seal Cooling Water Outlet MOV-3-7168 5613-M-3030-5 E2 2 8 6.0 GA MO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-11 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCP CCW Inlet MOV*3*730 5613-M-3030-5 G3 2 8 6.0 GA MO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-11 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCP Bearing CCW Outlet MOV*3*749A 5613-M-3030-2 F7 3 8 16.0 GA MO A c 0 8TO M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3A RHR Heat Exchanger Component Cooling Outlet MOV-3-7498 5613-M-3030-2 F7 3 8 16.0 GA MO A c 0 8TO M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3B RHR Heat Exchanger Component Cooling Outlet RV-3-1423 5613-M-3030-4 D5 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: ECC Relief Valve RV*3*1424 5613-M-3030-4 C5 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: ECC Relief Valve RV*3*1425 5613-M-3030-4 85 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: ECC Relief Valve RV-3-1426 5613-M-3030-5 E4 3 c 1.5 RV SA p c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: NCC Thermal Relief Valve RV-3-1427 5613-M-3030-5 E4 3 c 1.5 RV SA p c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: NCC Thermal Relief Valve RV*3*1428 5613-M-3030-5 C4 3 c 1.5 RV SA p c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: NCC Thermal Relief Valve RV-3-1429 5613-M-3030-5 A4 3 c 1.5 RV SA p c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: NCC Thermal Relief Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 11

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Component Cooling Water (030) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

RV*3*1430 5613-M-3030-5 D4 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Rod Drive Cooler Thermal Relief Valve RV*3*1431 5613-M-3030-5 84 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O!C RT Y10 Valve Name: Rod Drive Cooler Thermal Relief Valve RV-3-707 5613-M-3030-1 C7 3 c 3.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Surge Tank Relief Valve RV*3*715 5613-M-3030-5 C3 3 c 3.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger Relief Valve RV*3*722A 5613-M-3030-5 E7 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: RCP Thermal Barrier Cooler Thermal Relief Valve RV-3-7228 5613-M-3030-5 87 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: RCP Thermal Barrier Cooler Thermal Relief Valve RV-3-722C 5613-M-3030-5 C7 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: RCP Thermal Barrier Cooler Thermal Relief Valve RV-3-729 5613-M-3030-5 F7 3 c 3.0 RV SA A c O!C RT Y10 Valve Name: RCP Oil Coolers Relief Valve RV-3-747A 5613-M-3030-2 E7 3 c 1.0 RV SA A c OIC RT Y10 Valve Name: RHR Hx Thermal Relief Valve RV-3-7478 5613-M-3030-2 EB 3 c 1.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: RHR Hx Thermal Relief Valve 4-702A 5614-M-3030-1 E4 3 c 16.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: CCW Pump 4A Discharge Check Valve 4-7028 5614-M-3030-1 E3 3 c 16.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: CCW Pump 4B Discharge Check Valve 4-702C 5614-M-3030-1 E2 3 c 16.0 CK SA A SYS OIC cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: CCW Pump 4C Discharge Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 12

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Component Cooling Water (030) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

4-721A 5614-M-3030-4 E6 3 c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: CCW Supply to Thermal Barrier Cooler Valve 4-7218 5614-M-3030-4 86 3 c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: CCW Supply to Thermal Barrier Cooler Valve 4*721C 5614-M-3030-4 D6 3 c 1.5 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: CCW Supply to Thermal Barrier Cooler Valve 4-738 5614-M-3030-4 03 2 c 3.0 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: CCW Check Valve to Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger CV-4-2903 5614-M-3030-3 03 2 B 10.0 6TF AO p 0 0 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4B Emergency Containment Cooler Inlet CV*4*2904 5614-M-3030-3 C3 2 8 10.0 8TF AO p 0 0 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4A Emergency Containment Cooler Inlet CV-4-2905 5614-M-3030-3 83 2 B 10.0 8TF AO p 0 0 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4C Emergency Containment Cooler Inlet CV-4-2906 5614-M-3030-3 G3 2 8 10.0 8TF AO A c O/C 8TC M3 8TO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 FO M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4B Emergency Containment Cooler Outlet CV*4*2907 5614-M-3030-3 F3 2 I 8 10.0 8TF AO A c O/C 8TC M3

'8T0 M3 FC M3 TPv-04 FO M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4A Emergency Containment Cooler Outlet Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 13

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Component Cooling Water (030) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV-4-2908 5614-M-3030-3 E3 2 8 10.0 8TF AO A c O/C 8TC M3 8TO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 FO M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4C Emergency Containment Cooler Outlet CV-4-739 5614-M-3030-4 ! C2 2 8 3.0 GA AO A 0 c 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger Outlet MOV-4-1417 5614-M-3030-4 82 2 8 10.0 GA MO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-10 PIT Y2 Valve Name: CCW to Normal Containment Cooler MOV-4-1418 5614-M-3030-4 F2 2 8 10.0 GA MO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-10 PIT Y2 Valve Name: CCW to Normal Containment Cooler MOV-4*626 5614-M-3030-4 H3 2 8 3.0 GA MO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-11 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCP Seal Cooling Water Outlet MOV-4-7168 5614-M-3030-4 E2 2 8 6.0 GA MO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-11 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCP CCW Inlet MOV-4-730 5614-M-3030-4 G3 2 8 6.0 GA MO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-11 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCP Bearing CCW Outlet MOV*4*749A 5614-M-3030-2 F6 3 8 16.0 GA MO A c 0 8TO M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3A RHR Heat Exchanger Component Cooling Outlet MOV-4-7498 5614-M-3030-2 F7 3 8 16.0 GA MO A c 0 8TO M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 38 RHR Heat Exchanger Component Cooling Outlet Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 14

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Component Cooling Water (030) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve'Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

RV-4-1423 5614-M-3030-3 05 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: ECC Relief Valve RV-4-1424 5614-M-3030-3 85 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: ECC Relief Valve RV-4-1425 5614-M-3030-3 85 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: ECC Relief Valve RV-4-1426 5614-M-3030-4 E4 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: NCC Thermal Relief Valve RV-4-1427 5614-M-3030-4 D4 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: NCC Thermal Relief Valve RV-4-1428 5614-M-3030-4 84 3 c 0/5 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: NCC Thermal Relief Valve RV-4-1429 5614-M-3030-4 A4 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: NCC Thermal Relief Valve RV-4-1430 5614-M-3030-4 04 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Rod Drive Cooler Thermal Relief Valve RV-4-1431 5614-M-3030-4 C4 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10

,Valve Name: Rod Drive Cooler Thermal Relief Valve RV-4-707 5614-M-3030-1 C7 3 c 3.0 ' RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Surge Tank Relief Valve RV-4-715 5614-M-3030-4 C3 3 c 3.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger Relief Valve RV-4-722A 5614-M-3030-4 E7 3 c ., 0.75 RV

  • SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: RCP Thermal Barrier Cooler Thermal Relief Valve RV-4-7228 5614-M-3030-4 87 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: RCP Thermal Barrier Cooler Thermal Relief Valve RV-4-722C 5614-M-3030-4 C7 3 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: RCP Thermal Barrier Cooler Thermal Relief Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 15

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Component Cooling Water (030) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

RV-4-729 5614-M-3030-4 F7 3 c 3.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: RCP Oil Coolers Relief Valve RV*4*747A 5614-M-3030-2 E6 3 c 1.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: RHR Hx Thermal Relief Valve RV-4-7478 5614-M-3030-2 EB 3 c 1.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: RHR Hx Thermal Relief Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 16

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Sampling (036) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor*. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV-3-951 5613-M-3036-1 A2. 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer Steam Space Sample Isolation Valve CV-3-953 5613-M-3036-1 82 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer Liquid Space Sample_lsolatiori Valve CV-3-955C 5613-M-3036-1 02 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3A Accumulator Sample Valve CV-3-9550 5613-M-3036-1 E2 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 38 Accumulator Sample Valve CV-3-955E 5613-M-3036-1 E2 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3C Accumulator Sample Valve CV*3*956A 5613-M-3036-1 A3 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer Steam Space Sample Isolation Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 17

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Sampling (036) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

ValveTag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV-3-9568 5613-M-3036-1 83 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04

\ PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer Liquid Space Sample Isolation Valve CV-3-9560 5613-M-3036-1 E3 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J

  • 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Accumulator Sample Isolation Valve RV*3-300 5613-M-3036-1 83 2 NC 0.75 RV SA A c O/C AT-01 App-J RT Y10 Valve Name: Pressurizer Liquid Space Sample Line Relief Valve RV,3-301 5613-M-3036-1 03 .2 NC 0.75 RV SA A c O/C AT-01 App-J RT Y10 Valve Name: Accumulator Sample Line Relief Valve SV*3*6427A 5613-M-3036-1 C2 2 A 0.375 GA so A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCS Loop A Hot Leg Sample Isolation Valve SV-3-64278 5613-M-3036-1 C2 2 A 0.375 GA so A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCS Loop B Hot Leg Sample Isolation Valve SV-3-6428 5613-M-3036-1 C3 2 A 0.375 GL so A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCS Hot Leg Sample Isolation Yalve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 18

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Sampling (036) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq, Request Just. Pos.

CV-4-951 5614-M-3036-1 A2 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer Steam Space Sample Isolation Valve CV-4-953 5614-M-3036-1 82 2 A 0.375 GL AO A *c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer Liquid Space Sample Isolation Valve CV*4-955C 5614-M-3036-1 02 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4A Accumulator Sample Valve CV-4-9550 5614-M-3036-1 E2 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4B Accumulator Sample Valve CV-4-955E 5614-M-3036-1 E2 2 A

  • 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4C Accumulator Sample Valve CV-4-956A 5614-M-3036-1 A3 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer Steam Space Sample Isolation Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 19

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Sampling (036) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV*4*956B 5614*M*3036'1 83 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer Liquid Space Sample Isolation Valve CV-4-9560 5614-M-3036-1 E3 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Accumulator Sample Isolation Valve RV-4-300 5614-M-3036-1 83 2 NC 0.75 RV SA A c O/C AT-01 App-J RT Y10 Valve Name: Pressurizer Liquid Space Sample Line Relief Valve RV*4*301 5614-M-3036-1 D3 2 NC 0.75 RV SA A c O/C AT-01 App-J RT Y10 Valve Name: Accumu.lator Sample Line Relief Valve SV*4*6427A 5614-M-3036-1 C2 2 A 0.375 GA so A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCS Loop A Hot Leg Sample Isolation Valve SV*4*6427B 5614-M-3036-1 C2 2 A 0.375 GA so A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCS Loop B Hot Leg Sample Isolation Valve SV-4-6428 5614-M-3036-1 C3 2 A 0.375 GL so A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCS Hot Leg Sample Isolation Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 20

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Reactor Coolant System (041) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request

  • Just. Pos.

CV*3*516 5613-M-3041-2 G2 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Cont lso Viv PRT to GA CV*3*519A 5613-M-3041-3 AB 2 A 3.00 DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: PW Supply to Containment CV*3*5198 5613-M-3041-3 A2 2 A 3.00 DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: PRT Makeup Valve CV*3*522A 5613-M-3041-3 87 2 A 0.75 DIA *AO A c c* AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04

, PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3A RCP Stand Pipe Fill CV*3*5228 5613-M-3041-3 87 2 A 0.75 DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 38 RCP Stand Pipe Fill CV*3*522C 5613-M-3041-3 Cl 2 A 0.75 ~ DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3C RCP Stand Pipe Fill MOV-3*535 5613-M-3041-2 86 8 3.00 'GA MO A 0 O/C 8TC M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer PORV Stop Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 21

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Reactor Coolant System (041) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

MOV*3*536 5613-M-3041-2 C6 8 3.00 GA MO A 0 O/C 8TC M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer PORV Stop Valve PCV-3-455C ' 5613-M-3041-2 C7 8 3.00 GL AO A c O/C 8TC cs CSJ-23 8TO cs CSJ-23 FC cs CSJ-23 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer PORV PCV*3*456 5613-M-3041-2 87 8 3.00 GL AO A c O/C 8TC cs CSJ-23 8TO cs CSJ-23 FC cs CSJ-23 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer: PORV RV*3*551A 5613-M-3041-2 85 c 4.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Pressurizer Safety Valve A RV*3*5518 5613-M-3041-2 84 c 4.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Pressurizer Safety Valve B RV*3*551C 5613-M-3041-2 83 c 4.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Pressurizer Safety Valve C RV*3*6587 5613-M-3041-4 C3 SR c 0.50 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: N2 Supply Relief RV-3-6588 5613-M-3041-4 F3 SR c 0.50 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: N2 Supply Relief SV-3*6318A 5613-M-3041-2 07 2 8 1.00 GA so A c O/C 8TC cs CSJ-24 8TO cs CSJ-24 FC cs CSJ-24 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Reactor Vessel Head Vent Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 22

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Reactor Coolant System (041) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P{!.ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

SV-3-63188 5613-M-3041"2 E7 2 B 1.00 GA so A c O/C \ BTC cs CSJ-24 BTO cs CSJ-24 FC cs CSJ-24 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Reactoryessel Head Vent SV*3*6319A 5613-M-3041-2 06 2 B 1.00 GA so p c O/C BTC cs CSJ-24 BTO cs CSJ-24 FC cs CSJ-24 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer Vent

  • SV-3-63198 5613-M-3041-2 E6 2 B 1.00 GA so p c O/C BTC cs CSJ-24 BTO cs CSJ-24 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer Vent SV*3*6385 5613-M-3041-2 G2 2 A 0.375 GA so A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3

) .

FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: PRT to Gas Analyzer SV*3*6611 5613-M-3041-2 F7 2 B 1.00 GA so A c O/C BTC cs CSJ-24 BTO cs CSJ,24 FC cs. CSJ-24 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCS Vent to Atmosphere SV*3*6612 5613-M-3041-2 F6 2 B 1.00 GA so A c O/C BTC cs CSJ-24 BTO cs CSJ-24 FC cs CSJ-24 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Vent to PRT CV*4*516 5614-M-3041-2 G2 2 A 0.375 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Cont lso Viv PRT to Gar Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 23

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Reactor Coolant System (041) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV-4-519A 5614-M-3041-3 AB 2 A 3.00 DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: PW Supply to Containment CV-4-5198 5614-M-3041-3 A2 2 A 3.00 DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: PRT Makeup Valve CV-4-522A 5614-M-3041-3 87 2 A 0.75 DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4A RCP Stand Pipe Fill CV-4-5228 5614-M-3041-3 C7 2 A 0.75 DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 48 RCP Stand Pipe Fill CV-4-522C 5614-M-3041-3 87 2 A 0.75 DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4C RCP Stand Pipe Fill MOV-4-535 5614-M-3041-2 86 8 3:00 GA MO A 0 O/C 8TC M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer PORV Stop Valve MOV-4-536 5614-M-3041-2 C6 8 3.00 GA MO A 0 O/C 8TC M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer PORV Stop Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 24

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Reactor Coolant System (041) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

PCV*4*455C 5614-M-3041-2 Cl 8 3.00 GL AO A c O/C 8TC cs CSJ-23 8TO cs CSJ-23 FC cs CSJ-23 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer PORV PCV*4*456 5614-M-3041-2 87 8 3.00 GL AO A c O/C 8TC cs CSJ-23

  • ~-

8TO cs CSJ-23 FC cs CSJ-23 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer PORV RV-4-551A 5614-M-3041-2 85 c 4.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Pressurizer Safety Valve A RV-4-5518 5614-M-3041-2 84 c 4.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Pressurizer Safety Valve B RV*4*551C 5614-M-3041-2 83 c 4.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Pressurizer Safety Valve C RV-4-6587 5614-M-3041-4 C3 SR c 0.50 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: N2 Supply Relief RV-4-6588 5614-M-3041-4 E3 SR c 0.50 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: N2 Supply Relief SV*4*6318A 5614-M-3041-2 07 2 8 1.00 GA so A c O/C 8TC cs CSJ-24 8TO cs CSJ-24 FC cs CSJ-24 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Reactor Vessel Head Vent SV-4-63188 5614-M-3041-2 E? 2 8 1.00 GA so A c O/C 8TC cs CSJ-24 8TO cs CSJ-24 FC cs CSJ-24 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Reactor Vessel Head Vent Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 25

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Reactor Coolant System (041) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

SV-4-6319A 5614-M-3041-2 06 2 B 1.00 GA so p c O/C BTC cs CSJ-24 BTO cs CSJ-24 FC cs CSJ-24 TPv-04 Valve Name: Pressurizer Vent SV-4-63198 5614-M-3041-2 E6 2 B 1.00 GA so p c O/C BTC cs CSJ-24 BTO cs CSJ-24 FC cs CSJ-24 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Pressurizer Vent SV-4-6385 5614-M-3041-2 G2 2 A 0.375 GA so A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: PRT to Gas Analyzer SV-4-6611 5614-M-3041-2 F7 2 B 1.00 GA so A c O/C BTC cs CSJ-24 BTO cs CSJ-24 FC cs CSJ-24 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCS Vent to Atmosphere SV-4-6612 5614-M-3041-2 F6 2 B 1.00 GA so A .C O/C BTC cs CSJ-24 BTO cs CSJ-24 FC cs CSJ-24 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Vent to PRT Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 26

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Boric Acid (046) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just Pos.

105 561 O-M-3046-1 C5 2 B 2.0 GL AO A c c BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 Valve Name: Boric Acid Storage Tank Recirculation Control Valv 110 561 O-M-3046-1 C7 2 B 2.0 GL AO A c c BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 Valve Name: Boric Acid Storage Tank Recirculation Control Valv 3*397A 561 O-M-3046-1 07 2 c 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Boric Acid Pump Discharge Check Valve 3-3978 561 O-M-3046-1 E6 2 c 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Boric Acid Pump Discharge Check Valve 104 561 O-M-3046-1 C4 2 B 2.0 GL AO A c c BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 Valve Name: Boric Acid Storage Tank Recirculation Control Valv 4-397C 561 O-M-3046-1 ES 2 c 2.0 CK SA A SYS 'O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Boric Acid Pump Discharge Check Valve 4-3970 . 561 O-M-3046-1 F4 2 c 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Boric Acid Pump Discharge Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 27

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Chemical and Volume Control (047) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3*298A 5613-M-3047-3 F4 PJC 2.0 CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: 3A RCP Seal Injection Check Valve 3*2988 5613-M-3047-3 84 PJC 2.0 QK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: 38 RCP Seal Injection Check Valve 3*298C 5613-M-3047-3 04 PJC 2.0 CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: 3C RCP Seal Injection Check Valve 3*312A 5613-M-3047-2 CB c 3.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Charging Line Check Valve 3*3128 5613-M-3047-2 AB c 3.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Loop C Charging Line Check Valve 3-312C 5613-M-3047-2 E7 PJC 3.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Charging Line Check Valve 3-351 5613-M-3047-2 F1 2 c 2.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Emergency Boration Check Valve 3.357 5613-M-3047-2 F3 2 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Emergency Makeup to Charging Pumps Check Valve CV-3-200A 5613-M-3047-1 A2 A 2.0 GL AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Letdown Orifice Stop Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 28

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Chemical and Volume Control (047) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV-3-2008 5613-M-3047*1 82 A 2.0 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Letdown Orifice Stop Valve CV*3-200C 5613-M-3047-1 C2 A 2.0 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Letdown Orifice Stop Valve CV-3-204 5613-M-3047-1 C4 2 A 2.0 GL AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC cs CSJ-16 FC cs CSJ-16 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Letdown Line Isolation Valve CV*3*310A 5613-M-3047-2 Cl 8 2.0 GL AO A 0 0 8TO M3 FO M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Loop A Charging Isolation Valve CV-3-3108 5613-M-3047-2 A? 8 2.0 GA AO A c 0 8TO M3 FO M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Charging Line Stop Valve Loop C CV*3*311 5613-M-3047-2 87 8 2.0 GA AO p c c PIT Y2 Valve Name: Auxiliary Spray Isolation Valve CV*3*387 5613-M-3047-3 88 8 0.75 GL AO A c c 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Excess Letdown Isolation Valve FCV-3-1138 5613-M-3047-2 03 2 8 2.0 PLG AO A c c 8TC M3 FC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Blender Flow to Charging Pump Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 29

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Chemical and Volume Control (047) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

RV-3-283C 5613-M-3047-2 C5 2 c 0.75 RV SA A c OIC RT Y10 Valve Name: Charging Pump 3C Discharge Relief Valve RV-3-303 5613-M-304 7-3 G4 2 NC 0.75 RV SA A c O/C AT-01 App-J RT Y10 Valve Name: RCP Seal Return Relief Valve RV-3-304 5613-M-3047-3 DB c 0.75 RV SA A c OIC RT Y5 Valve Name: Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger Relief Valve 4-298A 5614-M-3047-3 F4 NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: 4A RCP Seal Injection Check Valve 4-29B8 5614-M-3047-3 84 NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02

,Valve Name: 48 RCP Seal Injection Check Valve 4-29BC 5614-M-304 7-3 04 NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: 4C RCP Seal Injection Check Valve 4-312A 5614-M-3047-2 CB c 3.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Charging Line Check Valve 4-3128 5614-M-3047-2 A7 c 3.0 CK SA A SYS OIC cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Loop C Charging Line Check Valve 4-312C 5614-M-3047-2 E7 NC 3.0 CK SA A SYS OIC AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 Cb CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Charging Line Check Valve 4-351 5614-M-304 7-2 F1 2 c 2.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Emergency Boration Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 31

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Chemical and Volume Control (047) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

4.357 5614-M-3047*2 F3 2 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Emergency Makeup to Charging Pumps Check Valve 4-3878 5614-M-3047-3 88 c 0.5 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Excess Letdown Thermal Relief Check Valve CV-4-200A 5614-M-304 7-1 A2 A 2.0 GL AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Letdown Orifice Stop Valve CV*4*2008 5614-M-304 7-1 82 A 2.0 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Letdown Orifice Stop Valve CV*4-200C 5614-M-3047-1 C2 A 2.0 GL AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Letdown Orifice Stop Valve CV-4-204 5614-M-3047-1 C4 2 A 2.0 GL AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J BTC cs CSJ-16 FC cs CSJ-16 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Letdown Line Isolation Valve CV*4-310A 5614-M-3047-2 C7 B 2.0 GA AO A 0 0 BTO M3 FO M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Loop A Charging Isolation Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 32

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan

.Chemical and Volume Control (047) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV-4-3108 5614-M-3047-2 A7 8 2.0 GA AO A c 0 8TO M3 FO M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Charging Line Stop Valve Loop C CV-4-311 5614-M-3047-2 87 B 2.0 GA AO p c c PIT Y2 Valve Name: Auxiliary Spray Isolation Valve CV-4-387 5614-M-3047-3 88 8 0.75 GL AO A c c 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Excess Letdown Isolation Valve FCV-4-1138 5614-M-3047-2 03 2 8 2.0 PLG AO A c c 8TC M3 FC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Blender Flow to Charging Pump FCV-4-1148 5614-M-3047-2 82 SR B 2.0 PLG AO A c c 8TC M3 FC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Blender Flow to VCT HCV-4-121 5614-M-3047-2 F7 2 8 3.0 GL AO A 0 0 8TO cs CSJ-19 FO cs CSJ-19 TPv-04 Valve Name: Charging Flow to Regenerative Heat Exchanger LCV*4*1158 5614-M-3047-2 F4 2 8 4.0 BTF AO A c O/C 8TO cs CSJ-20 TPv-09 FC cs CSJ-20 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Emergency Makeup to Charging Pumps LCV-4*115C 5614-M-3047-2 C4 2 8 4.0 GL MO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-21 PIT Y2 Valve Name: VCT Outlet Isolation Valve MOV-4-350 5614-M-3047-2 F1 2 8 2.0 GA MO A c O/C 8TO M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Emergency Boration Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 33

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Chemical and Volume Control (047) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

MOV-4-381 S614-M-3047-3 H3 2 A 3.0 GA MO A 0 c AT-01 App-J BTC cs CSJ-2S PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCP Seal Water Return and Excess Letdown lsol MOV-4-6386 S614-M-3047-3 H4 2 A 3.0 GA MO A 0 c AT-01 App-J BTC cs CSJ-2S PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCP Seal Return lsol RV*4*203 S614-M-3047-1 A3 2 AIC 2.0 RV SA A c O/C AT-01 App-J RT Y10 Valve Name: Letddown Line Relief Valve RV*4*283A S614-M-3047-2 GS 2 c 0.7S RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Charging Pump 4A Discharge Relief Valve RV-4-2838 S614-M-3047-2 ES 2 c 0.7S RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Charging Pump 48 Discharge Relief Valve RV*4*283C 5614-M-3047-2 cs 2 c 0.7S RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Charging Pump 4C Discharge Relief Valve RV-4-303 S614-M-3047-3 G4 2 AJC 0.7S RV SA A c O/C AT-01 App-J RT Y10 Valve Name: RCP Seal Return Relief Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 34

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Residual Heat Removal (050) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3-2052 5613-M-3050-1 A7 2 c 1.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc . CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Containment Spray Suction Relief Line Check Valve 3-741A 5613-M-3050-1 07 2 B 2.0 GL MAN A LC . OIC BTC Y2 BTO Y2 Valve Name: RHR Recirc Line Isolation Valve 3*752A 5613-M-3050-1 C2 2 B 14.0 GA MAN A LO OIC BTC Y2 BTO Y2 Valve Name: RHR Pump 3A Manual Suction Stop Valve 3-7528 5613-M-3050-1 E2 2 B 14.0 GA MAN A LO OIC BTC Y2 BTO Y2 Valve Name: RHR Pump 38 Manual Suction Stop Valve 3-753A 5613-M-3050*1 C4 2 c 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: RHR Pump 3A Discharge Check Valve 3.7539 5613-M-3050-1 E4 2 c 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: RHR Pump 38 Discharge Check Valve HCV-3-758 5613-M-3050-1 C6 2 B 12.0 BTF AO p o. 0 FO Y2 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Hx Outlet Flow Valve MOV-3-750 5613-M-3050-1 FB A 14.0 GA MO A c O/C AT-02 Y2 BTC cs CSJ-27 BTO cs CSJ-27 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Loop 3C RHR Pump Suction Stop Valve MOV-3-751 5613-M-3050-1 F7 A 14.0 GA MO A c O/C AT-02 Y2 BTC cs CSJ-27 BTO cs CSJ-27 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Loop 3C RHR Pump Suction Stop Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 35

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Residual Heat Removal (050) Valve Table


P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

MOV*3*860A 5613-M-3050-1 A6 2 8 14.0 GA MO A c O/C 8TO M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment South Recirculation Sump lsol Valve MOV-3-8608 5613-M-3050-1 86 2 8 14.0 GA MO A c O/C 8TO M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment North Recirculation Sump lsol Valve MOV*3*861A 5613-M-3050-1 AS 2 8 14.0 GA MO A c O/C 8TO M3 TPv..09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment South Recirculation Sump lsol Valve MOV-3-8618 5613-M-3050-1 85 2 8 14.0 GA MO A c O/C 8TO M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment North Recirculation Sump !sol Valve MOV-3-862A 5613-M-3050-1 E1 2 8 14.0 GA MO A LO O/C 8TC cs CSJ-26 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Suction from RWST MOV-3-8628 5613-M-3050-1 E1 2 8 14.0 GA MO A LO O/C 8TC cs CSJ-26 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Suction from RWST MOV*3*863A 5613-M-3050-1 F5 2 8 8.0 GA MO A LC O/C 8TO cs CSJ-28 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Alternate Disch !sol MOV-3-8638 5613-M-3050-1 F5 2 8 8.0 GA MO A LC O/C 8TO cs CSJ-28 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Alternate Disch !sol MOV-3-872 5613-M-3050-1 G6 2 8 8.0 GA MO A c O/C 8TO cs CSJ-31 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Alternate Low Head SI 4-2052 5614-M-3050-1 A7 2 c 1.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Containment Spray Suction Relief Line Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 36

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Residual Heat Removal (050) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

4-741A 5614-M-3050-1 07 2 B 2.0 GL MAN A LC O/C BTC Y2 BTO Y2 Valve Name: RHR Recirc Line Isolation Valve 4*752A 5614-M-3050-1 C2 2 B 14.0 GA MAN A LO O/C BTC Y2 BTO Y2 Valve Name: RHR Puinp 4A Manual Suction Stop Valve 4-7528 5614-M-3050-1 E2 2 B 14..0 GA MAN A LO O/C BTC Y2 BTO Y2 Valve Name: RHR Pump 48 Manual Suction Stop Valve 4-753A 5614-M-3050-1 C4 2 c 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: RHR Pump 4A Discharge Check Valve 4-7538 5614-M-3050-1 E4 2 c 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: RHR Pump 48 Discharge Check Valve HCV-4-758 5614-M-3050-1 C6 2 B 12.0 BTF AO p 0 0 FO Y2 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Hx Outlet Flow Valve MOV-4-750 5614-M-3050-1 F8 A 14.0 GA MO A c O/C AT-02 Y2 BTC cs CSJ-27 BTO cs CSJ-27 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Loop 4A RHR Pump Suction Stop Valve MOV-4-751 1 5614-M-3050-1 F7 A 14.0 GA MO A c O/C AT-02 Y2 BTC cs CSJ-27 BTO cs CSJ-27 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Loop 4A RHR Pump Suction Stop Valve MOV*4*860A 5614-M-3050-1 A6 2 B 14.0 GA MO A c O/C BTO M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment North Recirculation Sump lsol Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 37

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Residual Heat Removal (050) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

MOV-4-8608 5614-M-3050-1 86 2 8 14.0 GA MO A c O/C 8TO M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment South Recirculation Sump lsol Valve MOV-4-861A 5614-M-3050-1 A5 2 8 14.0 GA MO A c O/C 8TO M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment North Recirculation Sump lsol Valve MOV-4-8618 5614-M-3050-1 85 2 8 14.0 GA MO A c O/C 8TO M3 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment South Recirculation Sump lsol Valve MOV-4-862A 5614-M-3050-1 E1 2 8 14.0 GA MO A LO O/C 8TC cs CSJ-26 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Suction from RWST MOV-4-8628 5614-M-3050-1 01 2 8 14.0 GA MO A LO O/C 8TC cs CSJ-26 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Suction from RWST MOV-4-863A 5614-M-3050-1 FS 2 8 8.0 GA MO A LC O/C 8TO cs CSJ-28 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Alternate Disch lsol MOV-4-8638 5614-M-3050-1 FS 2 8 8.0 GA MO A LC O/C 8TO cs CSJ-28 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Alternate Disch lsol MOV-4-872 5614-M-3050-1 G6 2 8 8.0 GA MO A c O/C 8TO cs CSJ-31 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Alternate Low Head SI Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 38

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Containment Purge (053) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3-2025 5613-M-3053-1 A6 2 A 0.75 GL MAN p LC c . AT-01 App-J Valve Name: Isolation Valve for Penetration 65B 3-2026 5613-M-3053-1 86 2 A 0.75 GL MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: Isolation Valve for Penetration 65C CV-3-2819 5613-M-3053-1 E7 2 A 2.00 GL AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Instrument Air Bleed Control Valve CV-3-2826 5613-M-3053-1 E6 2 A 2.00 GL AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Instrument Air Bleed Control Valve POV*3*2600 5613-M-3053-1 C6 2 A 48.0 BTF AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 TPv-04 FC M3 TPv-04/13 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Purge Supply Isolation POV-3-2601 5613-M-3053-1 C7 2 A 48.0 BTF AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC *, M3 TPv-13 FC M3 TPv-04/13 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Purge Supply Isolation POV-3-2602 5613-M-3053-1 06 2 A 54.0 BTF AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 TPv-13 FC M3 TPv-04/13 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Purge Exhaust Isolation Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 39

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Containment Purge (053) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

POV*3*2603 5613-M-3053-1 07 2 A 54.0 BTF AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 TPv-13 FC M3 TPv-04/13 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Purge Exhaust Isolation 4-2025 5614-M-3053-1 A3 2 A 0.75 GL MAN p LC c AT-01 App.J Valve Name: Isolation Valve for Penetration 65C 4*2026 5614-M-3053-1 83 2 A 0.75 GL MAN p LC c AT-01 App.J Valve Name: Isolation Valve for Penetration 65B CV-4-2819 5614-M-3053-1 F2 2 A 2.00 GL AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Instrument Air Bleed Control Valve CV-4-2826 5614-M-3053-1 F3 2 A 2.00 GL AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Instrument Air Bleed Control Valve POV*4*2600 5614-M-3053-1 83 2 A 48.0 BTF AO A c c AT-01 App.J BTC M3 TPv-13 r FC M3 TPv-04/13 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Purge Supply Isolation POV*4*2601 5614-M-3053-1 82 2 A 48.0 BTF AO A c c AT-01 App.J BTC M3 CSJ-02 TPv-13 FC M3 CSJ-02 TPv-04/13 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Purge S1Jpply Isolation Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page40 I


Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Containment Purge (053) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

POV*4*2602 5614-M-3053-1 03 2 A 54.0 BTF AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC cs TPv-13 FC cs TPv-04/13 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Purge Exhaust Isolation POV-4-2603 5614-M-3053-1 02 2 A 54.0 BTF AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 TPv-04 FC M3 TPv-04/13 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Purge Exhaust Isolation Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 41

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Liquid Waste Disposal System (061) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV-3-2821 5613-M-3061-1 H6 2 A 3.0 GL AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Cntmt Sump Pump Disch Line Cntmnt lso Valve CV-3*2822 5613-M-3061-1 H5 2 A 3.0 GL AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Cntmt Sump Pump Disch Line Cntmnt lso Valve CV*3*4658A 5613-M-3061-1 86 2 A 1.0 DIA AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCDT to VH Line Cntmt lso Viv CV-3-46588 5613-M-3061-1 86 2 A 1.0 DIA AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCDT to VH Line Cntmt lso Viv CV*3*4659A 5613-M-3061-1 D6 2 A 0.75 DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCDT to Gas Analyzer Cntmnt lso Viv CV-3-46598 5613-M-3061-1 D6 2 A 0.75 DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCDT to Gas Analyzer Cntmnt lso Viv Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page42

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Liquid Waste Disposal System (061) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV*3*4668A S613-M-3061-1 GS 2 A 3.0 DIA AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCDT Pump Disch Cntmt Isolation Valve CV-3-46688 S613-M-3061-1 G6 2 A 3.0 DIA AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCDT Pump Disch Cntmt Isolation Valve CV-4-2821 S614-M-3061-1" H6 2 A 3.0 GL AO A 0 c. AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Cntmt Sump Pump Disch Line Cntmnt lso Valve CV-4-2822 S614-M-3061-1 HS 2 A 3.0 GL AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Cntmt Sump Pump Disch Line Cntmnt lso Valve CV-4-4658A S614-M-3061-1 86 2 A 1.0 DIA AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCDT to VH Line Cntmt lso Viv CV-4-46588 S614-M-3061-1 86 2 A 1.0 DIA AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCDT to VH Line Cntmt lso Viv Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page43

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Liquid Waste Disposal System (061) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV*4*4659A 5614-M-3061-1 D6 2 A 0.75 DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCDT to Gas Analyzer Cntmnt lso Viv CV-4-46598 5614-M-3061-1 D6 2 A 0.75 DIA AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCDT to Gas Analyzer Cntmnt lso Viv CV*4*4668A 5614-M-3061-1 GS 2 A 3.0 DIA AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCDT Pump Disch Cntmt Isolation Valve CV*4*4668B 5614-M-3061-1 G6 2 A 3.0 DIA AO A 0 c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RCDT Pump Disch Cntmt Isolation Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 44

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection (062) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3-867 5613-M-3062-2 C4 2 8 4.0 GA MAN A LO O/C 8TC Y2 8TO Y2 Valve Name: SI Boundary Isolation Valve 3-874A 5613-M-3062-1 C7 NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: SI Hot Leg Injection Loop A Check Valve 3-8748 5613-M-3062-1 F7 NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS 0/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: SI Hot Leg Injection Loop B Check Valve 3-874C 5613-M-3062-1 F2 2 c 2.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: SI Pump Minimum Flow/Test Return Check Valve 3-879A 5613-M-3062-1 G5 2 c 3.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Safety Injection Pump 38 Discharge Check Valve 3-8798 5613-M-3062-1 E4 2 c 3.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Safety Injection Pump 3A Discharge Check Valve 3*893A 5613-M-3062-1 F4 2 c "0.75 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Safety Injection Pump 38 Minimum Flow Check Valve 3-8938 5613-M-3062-1 E4 2 c 0.75 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Safety Injection Pump 3A Minimum Flow Check Valve 3*946A 5613-M-3062-1 EB 2 c 0.375 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPV-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Bonnet Equalizing Line Ck Viv for MOV-3-869 3-9468 5613-M-3062-2 C6 2 c 0.375 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Bonnet Equalizing Line Ck Viv for MOV-3-843A/B Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page45

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection (062) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3-946C 5613-M-3062-2 86 2 c 0.375 *CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Bonnet Equalizing Line Ck Viv for MOV-3-843A/B 3-9460 5613-M-3062-1 E6 2 c 0.375 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Bonnet Equalizing Line Isolation Ck Viv for 3-990 3*946E 5613-M-3062-1 07 c 0.375 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv..()2 co CM TPv..()2 Valve Name: Bonnet Equalizing Line lso Ck Viv for MOV-3-866A 3*946F 5613-M-3062-1 F7 c 0.375 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv..()2 Valve Name: Bonnet Equalizing Line lso Ck Viv for MOV-3-866B 3-990 5613-M-3062-1 E6 2 8 3 GA MAN A LC O/C 8TC Y2 8TO Y2 Valve Name: Hot Leg Safety Injection Stop Bypass Valve MOV-3*843A 5613-M-3062-2 86 2 8 4.0 GA MO A c O/C 8TC M3 8TO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SI Cold Leg Injection Valve MOV-3~8438 5613-M-3062-2 C6 2 8 4.0 GA MO A c O/C 8TC M3 8TO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SI Cold Leg Injection Valve MOV*3*856A 5613-M-3062-1 81 2 8 2.0 GL MO A 0 O/C. 8TC cs CSJ-05 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: HSSI Pump Recirculation to RWST MOV*3*856B 5613-M-3062-1 81 2 B 2.0 GL MO A 0 O/C BTC cs CSJ-05 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: HSSI Pump Recirculation to RWST MOV*3*864A 5613-M-3062-1 C4 2 B 16.0 GA MO. A LO O/C BTC cs CSJ..()6 TPv..()9 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RWST Outlet Isolation Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 46

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection (062) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

MOV-3-8648 5613-M-3062-1 C4 2 B 16.0 GA MO A LO OIC BTC cs CSJ-06 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RWST Outlet Isolation Valve MOV-3-866A 5613-M-3062-1 D7 A 2.0 GA MO A c O/C BTC cs CSJ-03 BTO cs CSJ-03 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Loop A Hot Leg Safety Injection Isolation Valve MOV-3-8668 5613-M-3062-1 F7 A 2.0 GA MO A c O/C BTC cs CSJ-03 BTO cs CSJ-03 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Loop B Hot Leg Safety Injection Isolation Valve MOV-3-869 5613-M-3062-1 E6 2 B 3.0 GA MO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Loop A & B Hot Leg Safety Injection Valve MOV-878A 5613-M-3062-1 D5 2 B 4.0 GA MO A 0 O/C BTC cs CSJ-04 TPv-09 PIT Y2' Valve Name: SI Pump Discharge Header Unit Cross Tie Vlave MOV-8788 5613-M-3062-1 D5 2 B 4.0 GA MO A 0 O/C BTC cs CSJ-04 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SI Pump Discharge Header Unit Cross Tie Vlave RV-3*6511 5613-M-3062-1 F8 2 c 1.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Safety Injection Hot Leg Relief Valve RV-3-857 5613-M-3062-2 cs 2 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Safety Injection Cold Leg Header Relief Valve 4-867 5614-M-3062-2 D4 2 B 4.0 GA MAN A LO OIC BTC Y2 BTO Y2 Valve Name: SI Boundary Isolation Valve 4-874A 5614-M-3062-1 CB NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: SI Hot Leg Injection Loop A Check Valve Revjsion Date: 6/14/2016 Page 47

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection (062) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

4-8748 5614-M-3062-1 GB NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: SI Hot Leg Injection Loop B Check Valve 4*874C 5614-M-3062-1 F2 2 c 2.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: SI Pump Minimum Flow/Test Return Check Valve 4-879C 5614-M-3062-1 E4 2 c 3.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Safety Injection Pump 4A Discharge Check Valve 4-8790 5614-M-3062-1 GS 2 c 3.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Naine: Safety Injection Pump 4B Discharge Check Valve 4*893C 5614-M-3062-1 E4 2 c 0.75 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Safety Injection Pump 4A Minimum Flow Check Valve 4-8930 5614-M-3062-1 F4 2 c 0.75 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Safety Injection Pump 4B Minimum Flow Check Valve 4-946A 5614-M-3062-1 E6 2 c 0.375 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Bonnet Equalizing Line Ck Viv for MOV-4-869 4-9468 5614-M-3062-2 06 2 c 0.375 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Bonnet Equalizing Line Ck Viv for MOV-4-843A/B 4-946C 5614-M-3062-2 C6 2 c 0.3.75 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Bonnet Equalizing Line Ck Viv for MOV-4-843A/B 4-9460 5614-M-3062-1 E6 2 c 0.375 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Bonnet Equalizing Line Isolation Ck Viv for 4-990 Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 48

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection (062) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

4-946E 5614-M-3062-1 08 c 0.375 CK SA A SYS O!C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Bonnet Equalizing Line lso Ck Viv for MOV-4-866A 4-946F 5614-M-3062-1 F8 c 0.375 CK SA A SYS OIC cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Bonnet Equalizing Line lso Ck Viv for MOV-4-866B 4-990 5614-M-3062-1 E6 2 8 3 GA MAN A LC O/C 8TC Y2 8TO Y2 Valve Name: Hot Leg Safety Injection Stop Bypass Valve MOV*4*843A 5614-M-3062-2 C6 2 8 4.0 GA MO A c OIC 8TC M3 8TO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SI Cold Leg Injection Valve MOV-4-8438 5614-M-3062-2 06 2 8 4.0 GA MO A c OIC 8TC M3 8TO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SI Cold Leg Injection Valve MOV*4*856A 5614-M-3062-1 81 2 8 2.0 GL MO A 0 OIC 8TC cs CSJ-05 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: , HSSI Pump Recirculation to RWST MOV-4-8568 5614-M-3062-1 81 2 8 2.0 GL MO A 0 O/C 8TC cs CSJ-05 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: HSSI Pump Recirculation to RWST MOV*4*864A 5614-M-3062-1 C4 2 8 16.0 GA MO A LO O/C 8TC cs CSJ-06 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RWST Outlet Isolation Valve MOV-4-8648 5614-M-3062-1 C4 2 8 16.0 GA MO A LO O/C 8TC cs CSJ-06 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RWST Outlet Isolation Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page49

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection (062) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

MOV*4*866A 5614-M-3062-1 07 A 2.0* GA MO A c O/C BTC cs CSJ-03 BTO cs CSJ-03 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Loop A Hot Leg Safety Injection Isolation Valve MOV*4*8668 5614-M-3062-1 F7 A 2.0 GA MO A c O/C BTC cs CSJ-03 BTO cs CSJ-03 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Loop B Hot Leg Safety Injection Isolation Valve MOV-4-869 5614-M-3062-1 E6 2 B 3.0 GA MO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Loop A & B Hot Leg Safety Injection Valve RV-4-6511 5614-M-3062-1 FB 2 c 1.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Safety Injection Hot Leg Relief Valve RV*4*857 5614-M-3062-2 C4 2 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Safety Injection Cold Leg Header Relief Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 50

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection Accumulators (064) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3*873A 5613-M-3064-1 82 NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Loop A Cold Leg Branch Line Check Valve 3-8738 5613-M-3064-1 82 NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Loop B Cold Leg Branch Line Check Valve 3-873C 5613-M-3064-1 82 NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc* CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Loop C Cold Leg Branch Line Check Valve 3-875A 5613-M-3064-1 DB NC 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02

  • Valve Name: Loop A Cold Leg Injection Check Valve 3-8758 5613-M-3064-1 ES NC 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv.Q2 Valve Name: Loop B Cold Leg Injection Check Valve 3-875C 5613-M-3064-1 EB NC 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv.Q2 Valve Name: Loop C Cold Leg Injection Check Valve 3-8750 5613-M-3064-1 G7 c 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv.Q2 Valve Name: SI Accumulator 3A Check Valve 3-875E 5613-M-3064-1 GS c 10:0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv.Q2 Valve Name: SI Accumulator 3B Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 51

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection Accumulators (064) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3-875F 5613-M-3064-1 G3 c 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: SI Accumulator 3C Check Valve 3-876A 5613-M-3064-1 H7 NC 8.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02


co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: RHR Cold Leg Injection Check Valve 3-8768 5613-M-3064-1 G5 NC 8.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: RHR Cold Leg Injection Check Valve 3*876C 5613-M-3064-1 G3 NC 8.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: RHR Cold Leg Injection Check Valve 3-8760 5613-M-3064-1 G5 NC 8.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Alternate Low Head Injection Line Check Valve 3-876E 5613-M-3064-1 G3 NC 8.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Alternate Low Head Injection Line Check Valve 3*945E 5613-M-3064-1 82 2 NC 1.0 SCK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: N2 Supply to Accumulators Check Valve CV*3-851A 5613-M-3064-1 Cl 2 B 1.0 GL AO A c c BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3A Accumulator Makeup Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 52

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection Accumulators (064) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV-3-8518 5613-M-3064-1 C5 2 B 1.0 GL AO A c c BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 38 Accumulator Makeup Valve CV-3-851C 5613-M-3064-1 C3 2 B 1.0 GL AO A c c BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3C Accumulator Makeup Valve MOV-3-744A 5613-M-3064-1 H3 2 B 10.0 GA MO A c O/C BTC cs CSJ-14 BTO cs CSJ-14 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Discharge to Cold Leg Isolation Valve MOV-3-7448 5613-M-3064-1 G3 2 B 10.0 GA MO A c O/C BTC cs CSJ-14 BTO cs CSJ-14 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Discharge to Cold Leg Isolation Valve MOV-3-B65A 5613-M-3064-1 F6 , 2 B 10.0 GA MO A 0 O/C BTC cs CSJ-15 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SI 3A Accumulator Discharge Isolation Valve MOV-3-8658 5613-M-3064-1 F4 2 B 10.0 GA MO A 0 O/C BTC cs CSJ-15 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SI 38 Accumulator Discharge Isolation Valve MOV-3-865C 5613-M-3064-1 F2 2 B 10.0 GA MO A 0 O/C BTC cs CSJ-15 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SI 3C Accumulator Discharge Isolation Valve RV-3-706 5613-M-3064-1 G2 2 c 2.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: RHR to SI Cold Leg Relief Valve RV-3-858A 5613-M-3064-1 06 2 c 2.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: SI 3A Accumulator Relief Valve RV-3-8588 5613-M-3064-1 D4 2 c 2.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: SI 38 Accumulator Relief Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 53

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection Accumulators (064) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

RV-3-858C 5613-M-3064-1 02 2 c 2.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: SI 3C Accumulator Relief Valve 4-873A 5614-M-3064-1 82 NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 cb CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Loop A Cold Leg Branch Line Check Valve 4-8738 5614-M-3064-1 82 NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Loop B Cold Leg Branch Line Check Valve 4-873C 5614-M-3064-1 82 NC 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Loop C Cold Leg Branch Line Check Valve 4*875A 5614-M-3064-1 DB NC 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Loop A Cold Leg Injection Check Valve 4-8758 5614-M-3064-1 EB NC 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Loop B Cold Leg Injection Check Valve 4*875C 5614-M-3064-1 EB NC 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Loop C Cold Leg Injection Check Valve 4-8750 5614-M-3064-1 G7 c 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: SI Accumulator 4A Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 54

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection Accumulators (064) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

4*875E S614-M-3064-1 GS c 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: SI Accumulator 48 Check Valve 4*875F S614-M-3064-1 G3 c 10.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: SI Accumulator 4C Check Valve 4*876A S614-M-3064-1 H7 A/C 8.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: RHR Cold Leg Injection Check Valve 4-8768 S614-M-3064-1 GS A/C 8.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: RHR Cold Leg Injection Check Valve 4*876C S614-M-3064-1 G3 A/C 8.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: RHR Cold Leg Injection Check Valve 4*8760 S614-M-3064-1 GS A/C 8.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Alternate Low Head Injection Line Check Valve 4*876E S614-M-3064-1 G6 A/C 8.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-02 Y2 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Alternate Low Head Injection Line Check Valve 4*945E S614-M-3064-1 C2 2 A/C 1.0 CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: N2 Supply to Accumulators Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 55

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection Accumulators (064) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV*4*851A 5614-M-3064-1 C7 2 B 1.0 GL AO A c c BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4A Accumulator Makeup Valve CV-4*8518 5614-M-3064-1 cs 2 B 1.0 GL AO A c c BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 48 Accumulator Makeup Valve CV-4-851C 5614-M-3064-1 C3 2 B 1.0 GL AO A c c BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4C Accumulator Makeup Valve MOV-4-744A 5614-M-3064-1 H3 2 B 10.0 GA MO A c O/C BTC cs CSJ-14 BTO cs CSJ-14 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Discharge to Cold Leg Isolation Valve MOV-4-7448 5614-M-3064-1 G3 2 B 10.0 GA MO A c O/C BTC cs CSJ-14 BTO cs CSJ-14 PIT Y2 Valve Name: RHR Discharge to Cold Leg Isolation Valve MOV-4*865A 5614-M-3064-1 F6 2 B 10.0 GA MO A 0 O/C BTC cs CSJ-15 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SI 4A Accumulator Discharge Isolation Valve MOV-4-8658 5614-M-3064-1 F4 2 B 10.0 GA MO A 0 O/C BTC cs CSJ-15 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SI 48 Accumulator Discharge Isolation Valve MOV-4-865C 5614-M-3064-1 F2 2 B 10.0 GA MO A 0 O/C BTC cs CSJ-15 TPv-09 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SI 4C Accumulator Discharge Isolation Valve RV-4-706 5614-M-3064-1 G2 2 c 2.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: RHR to SI Cold Leg Relief Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 56

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Safety Injection Accumulators (064) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

RV*4*858A 5614-M-3064-1 06 2 c 2.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: SI 4A Accumulator Relief Valve RV-4-8588 5614-M-3064-1 04 2 c 2.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: SI 48 Accumulator Relief Valve RV*4*858C 5614-M-3064-1 02 2 c 2.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: SI 4C Accumulator Relief Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 57

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Nitrogen and Hydrogen (065) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3.3449 5610-M-3065-1 C6 2 A 0.375 GA MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: N2 to RCDT PCV-*-1014 Sensing Line Isolation Valve 3.4539 561 O-M-3065-1 C6 2 A 0.75 DIA MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: N2 Supply to RCDT Isolation Valve 3-4656 5610-M-3065-1 C7 2 A 1.0 DIA MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: N2 Supply to RCDT Isolation Valve 3-518 561 O-M-3065-1 D7 2 NC 0.75 CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: N2 Supply to Pressurizer Relief Tank Check Valve 3*519 561 O-M-3065-1 D6 2 NC 0.75 CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: N2 Supply to PRT Stop Check Valve CV-3*855 5610-M-3065-1 E6 2 A 1.0 GA AO A c c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: N2 Supply to SI Accumulators Isolation Valve 4.3449 5610-M-3065-1 A6 2 A 0.375 GA MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: N2 to RCDT PCV-*-1014 Sensing Line Isolation Valve 4*4639 561 O-M-3065-1 86 2 A 0.75 DIA MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: N2 Supply to RCDT Isolation Valve 4*4656 561 O-M-3065-1 87 2 A 1.0 DIA MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: N2 Supply to RCDT Isolation Valve 4-518 561 O-M-3065-1 A7 2 NC 0.75 CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02

~o CM TPv-02 Valve Name: N2 Supply to Pressurizer Relief Tank Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 58

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Nitrogen and Hydrogen (065) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

4-519 561 O-M-3065-1 A6 2 AJC 0.75 CK SA A SYS c AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: N2 Supply to PRT Stop Check Valve CV*4*855 5610-M-3065-1 E3 2 A 1.0 GA AO A c c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: N2 Supply to SI Accumulators Isolation Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 59

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Containment Spray (068) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred - Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3*883M S613-M-3068-1 cs 2 A 1.0 GL MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump 3A Test Line lsol 3*883N S613-M-3068-1 ES 2 A 1.0 GL MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump 38 Test Line !sol 3-890A S613-M-3068-1 06 2 NC 6.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump Diacharge Check Valve 3*8908 S613-M-3068-1 G6 2 NC 6.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump Diacharge Check Valve MOV*3*BBOA S613-M-3068-1 OS 2 A 6.0 GA MO A c O/C AT-01 App-J BTC M3 BTO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump Discharge Isolation Valve MOV*3*BBOB S613-M-3068-1 GS 2 A 6.0 GA MO A c O/C AT-01 App-J BTC M3 BTO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump Discharge Isolation Valve RV*3*871 S613-M-3068-1 C2 2 c 0.7S RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump Suction Relief Valve 4-883M S614-M-3068-1 cs 2 A 1.0 GL MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump Test Line Isolation Valve 4*883N S614-M-3068-1 OS 2 A 1.0 GL MAN p LC c AT-01 App-J Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump Test Line Isolation Valve 4*890A S614-M-3068-1 C6 2 NC 6.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump Diacharge Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 60

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan-Containment Spray (068) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

4-8908 5614-M-3068-1 F6 2 AJC 6.0 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump Diacharge Check Valve MOV*4*880A 5614-M-3068-1 C5 2 A 6.0 GA MO A c O/C AT-01 App-J BTC M3 BTO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump Discharge Isolation Valve MOV-4*8808 5614-M-3068-1 F5 2 A 6.0 GA .MO A c O/C AT-01 App-J BTC M3 BTO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump Discharge Isolation Valve RV*4*871 5614-M-3068-1 G2 2 c 0.75 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: Containment Spray Pump Suction Relief Valve Revision Date: Page 61

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Main Steam System (072) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3*10-004 5613-M-3072-1 G7 SR c 26.0 SCK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Main Steam Header A Check Valve 3-10-005 5613-M-3072-1 07 SR c 26.0 SCK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Main Steam Header B Check Valve 3*10-006 5613-M-3072-1 87 SR c 26.0 SCK SA A SYS, c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Main Steam Header C Check Valve CV-3-1606 5613-M-3072-1 F4 2 8 6.00 GL AO A c O/C 8TC cs CSJ-13 v 8TO cs CSJ-13 FC cs CSJ-13 TPv-04 Valve Name: Aimosheric Steam Dump A


CV-3-1607 5613-M-3072-1 04 2 8 6.00 GL AO 'A c O/C 8TC cs CSJ-13 8TO cs CSJ-13 FC cs CSJ-13 TPv-04 Valve Name: Atmospheric Steam Dump B CV-3-1608 5613-M-3072-1 84 2 8 6.00 GL AO A ' c O/C 8TC cs CSJ-13 8TO cs CSJ-13 FC cs CSJ-13 TPv-04 Valve Name: Atmosheric Steam Dump C MOV-3-1400 5613-M-3072-1 F6 2 8 2.00 GL MO A c c 8TC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: MSIV A Bypass Isolation Valve MOV*3*1401 5613-M-3072-1 06 2 8 2.00 GL MO A c c 8TC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: MSIV B Bypass Isolation Valve MOV*3*1402 5613-M-3072-1 86 2 8 2.00 Gl MO A c c 8TC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: MSIV C Bypass Isolation Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 62

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Main Steam System (072) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

POV-3-2604 S613-M-3072-1 G6 2 8 26.0 SCK AO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-30 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Main Steam Header A Isolation Valve POV-3-260S S613-M-3072-1 06 2 8 26.0 SCK AO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-30 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Main Steam Header B Isolation Valve POV-3-2606 S613-M-3072-1 86 2 8 26.0 SCK AO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-30 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Main Steam Header C Isolation Valve RV-3-1400 S613-M-3072-1 GS 2 c 12.00 RV SA A c O/C RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header A* Safety Valve RV-3-1401 S613-M-3072-1 GS 2 c 12.00 RV SA A c O/C RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header A* Safety Valve RV-3-1402 S613-M-3072-1 HS 2 c 12.00 RV SA A c O/C RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header A - Safety Valve RV-3-1403 S613-M-3072-1 FS 2 c 12.00 RV SA A c O/C RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header A* Safety Valve RV-3-1405 S613-M-3072-1 E5 2 C, 12.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Main Steam Header B - Safety Valve RV-3-1406 5613-M-3072-1 OS 2 c 12.00 RV SA A c O/C RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header B - Safety Valve RV-3-1407 S613-M-3072-1 ES 2 c 12.00 RV SA A c O/C RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header B

  • Safety Valve RV-3-1408 S613-M-3072-1 DS 2 c 12.00 RV SA A c O/C RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header B
  • Safety Valve RV-3-1410 S613-M-3072-1 8S 2 c 12.00 RV SA A c O/C RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header C - Safety Valve RV-3-1411 S613-M-3072-1 8S 2 c 12.00 RV SA A c O/C RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header C
  • Safety Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 63

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Main Steam System (072) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

RV*3*1412 5613-M-3072-1 C5 2 c 12.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Main Steam Header C - Safety Valve RV-3-1413 5613-M-3072-1 A5 2 c 12.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Main Steam Header C - Safety Valve 4-10-004 5614-M-3072-1 G6 SR c 26.0 SCK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Main Steam Header A Check Valve 4*10*005 5614-M-3072-1 06 SR c 26.0 SCK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Main Steam Header B Check Valve 4-10*006 5614-M-3072-1 86 SR c 26.0 SCK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Main Steam Header C Check Valve CV-4-1606 5614-M-3072-1 F4 2 8 6.00 GL AO A c- O/C 8TC cs CSJ-13 8TO cs CSJ-13 FC cs CSJ-13 TPv-04 Valve Name: Atmosheric Steam Dump A CV-4-1607 5614-M-3072-1 04 2 8 6.00 GL AO A c O/C 8TC cs CSJ-13 8TO cs CSJ-13 FC cs CSJ-13 TPv-04 Valve Name: Atmosheric Steam Dump B CV-4-1608 5614-M-3072-1 84 2 8 6.00 GL AO A c 0/C 8TC cs CSJ-13 8TO cs CSJ-13


FC cs CSJ-13 TPv-04 Valve Name: Atmosheric Steam Dump C MOV*4*1400 5614-M-3072-1 F6 2 8 2.00 GL MO A c c 8TC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: MSIV A Bypass Isolation Valve MOV*4*1401 5614-M-3072-1 06 2 8 2.00 GL MO A c c 8TC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: MSIV B Bypass Isolation Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 64

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Main Steam System (072) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

MOV-4-1402 5614-M-3072-1 A6 2 B 2.00 GL MO A c c BTC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: MSIV C Bypass Isolation Valve POV*4*2604 5614-M-3072-1 G6 2 B 26.0 SCK AO A 0 c BTC cs CSJ-30 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Main Steam Header A Isolation Valve POV*4*2605 5614-M-3072-1 06 2 8 26.0 SCK AO A 0 c BTC cs CSJ-30 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Main Steam Header B Isolation Valve POV*4*2606 5614-M-3072-1 86 2 8 26.0 SCK AO A 0 c BTC cs CSJ-30 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Main Steam Header C Isolation Valve RV-4-1400 5614-M-3072-1 G5 2 c 6.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Main Steam Header A - Safety Valve RV*4*1401 5614-M-3072-1 G5 2 c 6.00 RV SA .A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Main Steam Header A - Safety Valve RV-4-1402 5614-M-3072-1 H5 2 c 6.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Main Steam Header A - Safety Valve RV*4*1403 5614-M-3072-1 F5 2 c 6.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5

'- Valve Name: Main Steam Header A - Safety Valve RV-4-1405 5614-M-3072-1 E5 2 c 6.00 RV SA A c O/C 1 RT Y5 Valve Name: Main Steam Header B - Safety Valve RV-4-1406 5614-M-3072-1 05 2 c 6.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Main Steam Header B - Safety Valve RV-4-1407 5614-M-3072-1 E5 2 c 6.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Main Steam Header B - Safety Valve RV-4-1408 5614-M-3072-1 05 2 c 6.00 RV SA A c O/C RT Y5 Valve Name: Main Steam Header B - Safety Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 65

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Main Steam System (072) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

RV*4*1410 5614-M-3072-1 8S 2 c 6.00 RV SA A c O/C RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header C - Safety Valve RV-4~1411 S614-M-3072-1 8S 2 c 6.00 RV SA A c O/C *RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header C - Safety Valve RV-4-1412 S614-M-3072-1 cs 2 c 6.00 RV SA A c OIC RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header C - Safety Valve RV-4*1413 S614-M-3072-1 AS 2 c 6.00 RV SA A c O/C RT YS Valve Name: Main Steam Header C - Safety Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 66

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Slowdown (074) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV-3-6275A 5613-M-3074-4 G2 2 8 6.0 GA AO A 0 c 8TC M3 FC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3A Steam Generator Slowdown Stop Valve CV-3-62758 5613-M-3074-4 E2 2 8 6.0 GA AO A 0 c 8TC M3 FC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3S Steam Generator Slowdown Stop Valve CV-3-6275C 5613-M-3074-4 C2 2 8 6.0 GA AO A 0 c 8TC M3 FC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3C Steam Generator Slowdown Stop Valve MOV-3-1425 5613'M-3032-1 02 2 8 1.0 GA MO A 0 c 8TC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3C Steam Generator Liquid Sample Valve MOV-3-1426 5613-M-3032-1 C2 l 2 8 1.0 GA MO A 0 c 8TC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3S Steam Generator Liquid Sample Valve MOV-3-1427 5613-M-3032-1 A2 2 8 1.0 GA MO A 0 c 8TC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 3A Steam Generator Liquid Sample Valve CV*4*6275A 5614-M-3074-4 G2 2 8 6.0 GA AO A 0 c 8TC M3 FC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4A Steam Generator Slowdown Stop Valve CV-4-62758 5614-M-3074-4 E2 2 8 6.0 GA AO A 0 c 8TC M3 FC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4S Steam Generator Slowdown Stop Valve CV*4*6275C 5614-M-3074-4 C2 2 8 6.0 GA AO A 0 c 8TC M3 FC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4C Steam Generator Slowdown Stop Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 67

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Slowdown (074) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

MOV*4*1425 5614-M-3032-1 02 2 B 1.0 GA MO A 0 c BTC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4C Steam Generator Liquid Sample Valve MOV-4-1426 5614-M-3032-1 C2 2 B 1.0 GA MO A 0 c BTC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 48 Steam Generator Liquid Sample Valve MOV*4*1427 5614-M-3032-1 A2 2 B 1.0 GA MO A 0 c BTC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: 4A Steam Generator Liquid Sample Valve


Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 68

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Main Feedwater (074a) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3*20-137 5613-M-3074-3 G6 2 c 0.50 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: A S/G FW chem Injection Check Valve 3*20*237 5613-M-3074-3 E6 2 c 0.50 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: B S/G FW chem Injection Check Valve 3-20-337 5613-M-3074-3 86 2 c 0.50 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: C SIG FW chem Injection Check Valve FCV-3-478 5613-M-3074-3 G4 2 8 12.0 GL AO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-17 FC cs CSJ-17 PIT Y2 Valve Name: A S/G FW Control Valve FCV*3*479 5613-M-3074-3 H4 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c c 8TC cs CSJ-18 FC cs CSJ-18 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: A S/G FW FCV Bypass Valve FCV-3-488 5613-M-3074-3 04 2 8 12.0 GL AO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-17 FC cs CSJ-17 PIT Y2 Valve Name: B S/G FW Control Valve FCV-3-489 5613-M-3074-3 E4 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c c 8TC cs CSJ-18 FC cs CSJ-18 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: B S/G FW FCV Bypass Valve FCV*3-498 5613-M-3074-3 84 2 8 12.0 GL AO A 0 c 8TC cs CSJ-17 FC cs CSJ-17 PIT Y2 Valve Name: C SIG FW Control Valve FCV-3-499 5613-M-307 4-3 C4 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c c 8TC cs CSJ-18 FC cs CSJ-18 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: C SIG FW FCV Bypass Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 69

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Main Feedwater (074a) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

MOV-3-1407 5613-M-307 4-3 G4 NS B 14.0 GL MO A 0 c BTC cs CSJ-18 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Stm Gen 3A FW lsol MOV-3-1408 5613-M-3074-3 E4 NS B 14.0 GL MO A 0 c BTC cs CSJ-18 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Stm Gen 3B FW lsol MOV-3-1409 5613-M-3074-3 B4 NS B 14.0 GL MO A 0 c BTC cs CSJ-18 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Stm Gen 3C FW lsol POV-3-477 5613-M-3074-3 G3 NS B 6 BAL AO A 0 c BTC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SIG A FW Bypass FCV-3-479 Inlet lso Viv POV-3-487 5613-M-3074-3 E3 NS B 6 BAL AO A 0 c BTC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SIG B FW Bypass FCV-3-489 lso Viv POV-3-497 5613-M-3074-3 C3 NS B 6 BAL AO A 0 c BTC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SIG A FW Bypass FCV-3-499 Inlet lso Viv 4-20-137 5614-M-3074-3 G6 2 c 0.50 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: A S/G FW chem Injection Check Valve 4-20-237 5614-M-307 4-3 D6 2 c 0.50 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: B S/G FW chem Injection Check Valve 4-20-337 5614-M-307 4-3 B6 2 c 0.50 CK SA A SYS c cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: C SIG FW chem Injection Check Valve FCV-4-478 5614-M-3074-3 G4 2 B 12.0 GL AO A 0 c BTC, cs CSJ-17 FC cs CSJ-17 PIT Y2 Valve Name: A S/G FW Control Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 70

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Main Feedwater (074a) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

FCV-4-479 5614-M-3074-3 H4 2 B 4.0 GL AO A c c BTC cs CSJ-18 FC cs CSJ-18 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: A S/G FW FCV Bypass Valve FCV-4-488 5614-M-3074-3 04 2 B 12.0 GL AO A 0 c BTC cs CSJ-17 FC cs CSJ-17 PIT Y2 Valve Name: B S/G FW Control Valve FCV-4-489 5614-M-3074~3 E3 2 B 4.0 GL AO A c c BTC cs CSJ-18 FC cs CSJ-18 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: B S/G FW FCV Bypass Valve FCV-4-498 5614-M-3074-3 84 2 B 12.0 GL AO A 0 c BTC cs CSJ-17 FC cs CSJ-17 PIT Y2 Valve Name: C S/G FW Control Valve FCV-4-499 5614-M-3074-3 C4 2 B 4.0 GL AO A c c BTC cs CSJ-18 FC cs CSJ-18 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: C S/G FW FCV Bypass Valve MOV-4-1407 5614-M-307 4-3 G3 NS B 14.0 GL MO A 0 c BTC cs CSJ~18 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Stm Gen 4A FW lsol MOV-4*1408 5614-M-3074-3 03 NS B 14.0 GL MO A 0 c BTC cs CSJ-18 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Stm Gen 4B FW lsol MOV-4-1409 5614-M-3074-3 83 NS B 14.0 GL MO A 0 c BTC cs CSJ-18 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Stm Gen 4C FW lsol POV-4-477 5614-M-307 4-3 G3 NS B 6 BAL AO A 0 c BTC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SIG A FW Bypass FCV-4-479 lso Viv Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 71

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Main Feedwater (074a) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

POV-4-487 5614-M-3074-3 E3 NS B 6 BAL AO A 0 c BTC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SIG B FW Bypass FCV-4-489 Inlet lso Viv POV-4-497 5614-M-3074-3 C3 NS B 6 BAL AO A 0 c BTC M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SIG A FW Bypass FCV-4-499 Inlet lso Viv r

Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 72

  • Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Auxiliary Feedwater (075) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.20-143 5610-M-3075-2 C7 3 c 6.0 CK SA A SYS OIC cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Pump A Discharge Check Valve 20-243 5610-M-3075-2 E7 3 c 6.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Pump B Discharge Check Valve 20-343 561O-M-3075-2 G7 3 c 6.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Pump C Discharge Check Valve AFSS-0038 561O'M-3075-1 04 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Pump B Turbine Steam Supply Check Valve AFSS*003C 5610-M-3075-1 F4 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Pump C Turbine Steam Supply Check Valve RV*6401A 5610-M-3075-2 84 3 c 1.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: AFW Pump A LO Cooler Cooling Water Relief Valve RV-64018 5610-M-3075-2 04 3 c 1.0 RV SA A c O/C RT Y10 Valve Name: AFW Pump B LO Cooler Cooling Water Relief Valve RV-6401C 5610-M-3075-2 F4 3 c 1.0 RV SA A c OIC RT Y10 Valve Name: AFW Pump C LO Cooler Cooling Water Relief Valve 3-10-083 5613-M-3075-1 C7 3 c 4.0 CK - 'SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW A Train 1 Steam Supply Check Valve 3-10-087 5613-M-3075-1 F7 3 c 4.0 CK SA A c 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Train 1 Steam Supply Check Valve 3-10-381 5613-M-3075-1 G4 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Steam Supply Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 73

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Auxiliary Feedwater (075) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just: Pos.

3*10*382 5613-M-307 5-1 E4 3 c 4.0 CK SA A ,SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Steam Supply Check Valve 3*10*383 5613-M-3075-1 C4 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Steam Supply Check Valve 3-20-140 5613-M-3075-2 F7 2 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Auxiliary Feedwater Pump S/G Supply Check Valve 3-20-142 5613-M-3075-2 C2 3 B 6.0 GA MAN A LO O/C BTC Y2 BTO Y2 Valve Name: AFW Pmp A Train 1 Disch lsol 3*20*240 5613-M-3075-2 07 2 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM .. TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Auxiliary Feedwater Pump SIG Supply Check Valve 3*20*340 5613-M-3075-2 87 2 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Auxiliary Feedwater Pump S/G Supply Check Valve 3*20-456 5610-M-3075-2 A6 *3 c 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc M3 co M3 Valve Name: AFW Pump Recirculation to CST Check Valve AFPD*3*010 5613-M-3075-2 H3 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Auxiliary Feedwater Pump S/G Supply Check Valve AFPD*3-012 5613-M-3075-2 E3 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Auxiliary Feedwater Pump S/G Supply Check Valve AFPD*3*014 5613-M-3075-2 C3 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Auxiliary Feedwater Pump S/G Supply Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 74

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Auxiliary Feedwater (075) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

AFSS-3*005 5613-M-307 5-1 86 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Pump Turbine Steam Supply Check Valve AFWU-3-017 5610-M-3075-2 A6 3 c 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Pump LO Cooling Water Return Check Valve CV-3-2816 5613-M-3075-2 F7 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c O/C 8TC M3 8TO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Train 1 SIG A Feed Flow Control Valve CV*3*2817 5613-M-3075-2 07 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c O/C 8TC M3 8TO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Train 1 S/G B Feed Flow Control Valve CV-3-2818 5613-M-3075-2 87 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c O/C 8TC M3 8TO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Train 1 S/G C Feed Flow Control Valve CV-3-2831 5613-M-3075-2 G7 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c O/C 8TC M3 8TO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Train 2 AFW Flow to 3A S/G CV-3-2832 5613-M-3075-2 E7 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c O/C 8TC M3 8TO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Train 2 AFW Flow to 38 S/G Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 75

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Auxiliary Feedwater (075) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Saf~ty Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV-3-2833 5613-M-3075-2 C7 2 B 4.0 GL AO A c OIC BTC M3 BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Train 2 AFW Flow to 3C SIG MDV-3-1403 5613-M-3075-1 G3 2 B 4.0 GL MO A c OIC BTC M3 BTO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SIG A Stm Supply to Aux Fd Pumps MOV-3-1404 5613-M-3075-1 E3 2 B 4.0 GL MO A c OIC BTC M3


BTO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SIG B Stm Supply to Aux Fd Pumps MOV-3-1405 5613-M-307 5-1 C3 2 B 4.0 GL MO A c OIC BTC M3 BTO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SIG C Stm Supply to Aux Fd Pumps RVD-3-001 56.13-M-307 5-3 A7 SR D RPD SA A c ~

0 DT Y5 Valve Name: N2 Supply Header Rupture Disk RVD-3-002 5613-M-3075-3 F7 SR D RPD SA A c 0 DT Y5 Valve Name: N2 Supply Header Rupture Disk 4-10-083 5614-M-3075-1 A7 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv.02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW A Train 1 Steam Supply Check Valve 4-10-087 5614-M-3075-1 D7 3 c 4.0 CK SA A c 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Train 1. Steam Supply Check Valve 4-10-381 5614-M~3075-1 F4 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS OIC cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Steam Supply Check Valve Revision Date: 6/1412016 Page 76

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Auxiliary Feedwater (075) yalveTable P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

4-10-382 5614-M-3075-1 04 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Steam Supply Check Valve 4-10-383 5614-M-307 5-1 I 84 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Steam Supply Check Valve 4-20-140 5614-M-3075-2 F7 2 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Auxiliary Feedwater Pump S/G Supply Check Valve 4-20-142 5614-M-3075-2 82 3 8 6.0 GA MAN A LO O/C 8TC Y2 8TO Y2 Valve Name: AFW Pmp A Train 1 Disch lsol 4-20.240 5614-M-3075-2 D7 2 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Auxiliary Feedwater Pump S/G Supply Check Valve 4-20-340 5614-M-3075-2 87 2 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02


co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Auxiliary Feedwater Pump S/G Supply Check Valve 4-20-458 5610-M-3075-2 G6 3 c 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc M3 co M3 Valve Name: AFW Pump Recirculation to CST Check Valve AFPD-4*009 5614-M-307 5-2 H3 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Auxiliary Feedwater Pump SIG Supply Check Valve AFPD-4*011 5614-M-3075-2 E3 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Auxiliary Feedwater Pump S/G Supply Check Valve AFPD-4-013 5614-M-3075-2 C3 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv.02 Valve Name: Auxiliary Feedwater Pump S/G Supply Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 77

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Auxiliary Feedwater (075) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

AFSS*4*005 5614-M-3075-1 F5 3 c 4.0 CK SA A SYS 0 cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Pump Turbine Steam Supply Check Valve AFWU*4*016 5610-M-3075-2 G6 3 c 2.0 CK SA A SYS O/C cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: AFW Pump LO Cooling Water Return Check V<Jlve CV*4*2816 5614-M-3075-2 F7 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Train 1 S/G A Feed Flow Control Valve CV*4*2817 5614-M-3075-2 07 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Train 1 S/G B Feed Flow Control Valve CV-4-2818 5614-M-3075-2 87 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Train 1 S/G C Feed Flow Control Valve CV-4-2831 5614-M-3075-2 G7 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c O/C BTC M3

' BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Train 2 AFW Flow to 4A SIG CV-4-2832 5614-M-3075-2 E7 2 8 4.0 GL AO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Train 2 AFW Flow to 4B SIG Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 78

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Auxiliary Feedwater (075) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

CV-4-2833 5614-M-3075-2 C7 2 B 4.0 GL AO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Train 2 AFW Flow to 4C SIG MOV-4-1403 5614-M-3075-1 F3 2 B 4.0 GL MO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SIG A Stm Supply to Aux Fd Pumps MOV-4-1404 5614-M-3075-1 03 2 B 4.0 GL MO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SIG B Stm Supply to Aux Fd Pumps MOV-4-1405 5614-M-3075-1 83 2 B 4.0 GL MO A c O/C BTC M3 BTO M3 PIT Y2 Valve Name: SIG C Stm Supply to Aux Fd Pumps RVD-4-001 5614-M-3075-3 A7 SR D RPD SA A c 0 DT Y5 Valve Name: N2 Supply Header Rupture Disk RVD-4-002 5614-M-3075-3 F7 SR D RPD SA A c 0 DT Y5 Valve Name: N2 Supply Header Rupture Disk Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 79

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Post Accident Hydrogen Monitors (094a) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

PAHM*3*001A 5613-M-3094-1 83 2 A 0.75 GL MAN A LC O/C AT-01 App-J 8TC Y2 8TO Y2 Valve Name: Hydrogen Monitor Outlet Isolation PAHM-3-0018 5613-M-3094-1 82 2 A 0.75 GL MAN A LC O/C AT-01 App-J BTC Y2 BTO Y2 Valve Name: Hydrogen Monitor Outlet Isolation PAHM*3*002A 5613-M-3094-1 04 2 A 0.75 GL MAN A LC O/C AT-01 App-J 8TC Y2 8TO Y2 Valve Name: Hydrogen Monitor Inlet Isolation PAHM-3-0028 5613-M-3094-1 C3 2 A 0.75 GL MAN, A LC O/C AT-01 App-J 8TC Y2 8TO Y2 Valve Name: Hydrogen Monitor Outlet Isolation PAHM-4-001A 5614-M-3094-1 82 2 A 0.75 GL MAN A LC O/C AT-01 App-J BTC Y2 8TO Y2 Valve Name: Hydrogen Monitor Outlet Isolation PAHM-4-0018 5614-M:3094-1 83 2 A 0.75 GL MAN A LC O/C AT-01 App-J 8TC Y2 8TO Y2 Valve Name: Hydrogen Monitor Outlet Isolation PAHM-4*002A 5614-M-3094-1 05 2 A 0.75 GL MAN A LC O/C AT-01 App-J BTC Y2 BTO Y2 Valve. Name: Hydrogen Monitor Inlet Isolation PAHM-4-0028 5614-M-3094-1 C4 2 A 0.75 GL MAN A LC O/C AT-01 App-J 8TC Y2 8TO Y2 Valve Name: Hydrogen Monitor Outlet Isolation Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 80

J Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Post Accident Sampling (094c) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active I Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

3*11-003 5613-M-3094-1 82 2 NC 1.00 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-01 App-J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Cont. Air Monitor Exhaust Check Valv~

HV*3*1 5613-M-3094-1 H2 2 A 2.0 DIA MAN A LC O/C AT-01 App-J 8TC Y2 8TO Y2 Valve Name: PACV Penetration 16 *Upstream Isolation HV*3*3 5613-M-3094-1 G2 2 A 2.0 DIA MAN A LC O/C AT-01 App-J 8TC Y2 8TO Y2 Valve Name: PACV Penetration 53 - Upstream Isolation SV*3*2911 5613-M-3094-1 A3 2 A 1.00 GA so A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 8TO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Solenoid Valve for Cont. Air Monitor Inlet SV-3*2912 5613-M-3094-1 83 2 A 1.00 GA so A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 8TO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Solenoid Valve for Cont. Air Monitor Outlet SV-3*2913 5613-M-3094-1 A3 2 A 1.00 GA so A 0 c AT-01 App-J 8TC M3 8TO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Solenoid Valve for Cont. Air Monitor Inlet 4-11-003 5614-M-3094-1 82 2 NC 1.00 CK SA A SYS O/C AT-01 App.J cc CM TPv-02 co CM TPv-02 Valve Name: Cont. Air Monitor Exhaust Check Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 81

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Post Accident Sampling (094c) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

HV-4-1 5614-M-3094-1 H2 2 A 2.0 DIA MAN A LC O/C AT-01 App-J BTC Y2 BTO Y2 Valve Name: PACV Penetration 16 - Upstream Isolation HV-4-2 5614-M-3094-1 H4 2 A 2.0 DIA MAN A LC O/C AT-01 App-J Valve Name: PACV Penetration 16- Downstream Isolation HV-4-3 5614-M-3094-1 G2 2 A 2.0 DIA MAN A LC O/C AT-01 App-J BTC Y2 BTO Y2 Valve Name: PACV Penetration 51 - Upstream Isolation SV-4-2911 5614-M-3094-1 A3 2 A 1.00 GA so A 0 c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Nam~: Solenoid Valve for Cont. Air Monitor Inlet SV*4*2912 5614-M-3094-1 83 2 A 1.00 GA so A 0 c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Solenoid Valve for Cont. Air Monitor Outlet SV-4-2913 5614-M-3094-1 A3 2 A 1.00 GA so A 0 c AT-01 App-J BTC M3 BTO M3 FC M3 TPv-04 PIT Y2 Valve Name: Solenoid Valve for Cont. Air Monitor Inlet Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 82

Turkey Point Nuclear Plant IST Program Plan Breathing Air (101) Valve Table P&ID Safety Valve Act. Active/ Normal Safety Test Test Relief Deferred Tech.

Valve Tag P&ID Coor. Class Cat. Size Type Type Passive Position Position Type Freq. Request Just. Pos.

BA-4-201 5614-M-3101-1 03 2 NC 2.5 CK SA p c c AT-01 App-J TPv-10 Valve Name: Containment Breathing Air Isolation Check Valve CV*4*6165 5614-M-3101-1 02 2 A 2.5 GA AO p LC c AT-01 App-J PIT Y2 Valve Name: Containment Breathing Air Isolation Valve Revision Date: 6/14/2016 Page 83