IR 05000443/1979002

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IE Insp Repts 50-443/79-02 & 50-444/79-02 on 790124-25. No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Allegation That Frozen Water Was Present on Previously Placed Concrete Prior to Subsequent Concrete Placement
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/13/1979
From: Folsom S, Mcgoughy R
Shared Package
ML19282C343 List:
50-443-79-02, 50-443-79-2, 50-444-79-02, 50-444-79-2, NUDOCS 7903300055
Download: ML19282C349 (7)




50-444/79-02 50-443 Docket No.

50-444 CPPR-135 A

License No. CPPR-136 Priority Category A



Public Service Company of New Hampshire 1000 Elm Street Manchester. New Hampshire 03105 Facility Name:

Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2 Investigation at: Seabrook, New Hampshire Investigation conducted:

January 24-25, 1979 Investigators:


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2.fi3 l 79 Seth A. Folsom, Reactor Inspector

' date signed date signed


date signed date signed 4 fil

2 Approved by:




II. W. McGaughy, Chief, Projects Section, date signed RC&ES Branch Investigation Summary:

Investigation on January 24-25,1979 (Combined Report Nos. 50-443/79-02 and 50-444/79-02)

Areas Investigated: Unannounced investigation by a regional based inspector of an allegation that frozen water was present on previously placed concrete prior to subsequent concrete placement. This investigation involved 8 inspector-hours onsite by one NRC regional based inspector.

Results: The concrete placement was found ',o be non-safety related. The con-struction joint had been dried and heated prior to the subsequent concrete placement. No items of noncompliance were identified.

79033000ST Region I Form 143 (Rev. October 1977)




Details II. Allegation as Understood by NRC III. Investigation IV. Conclusion V.

Exit Interview





Persons Contacted Yankee Atomic Electric Company

  • Mr. J. H. Herrin, Site Manager
  • Mr. J. W. Singleton, Field Quality Assurance Manager Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory Mr. H. L. Ruffner, Site Manager, Test Laboratory Supervisor Perini Power Constructors Mr. P. E. Bruce, Superintendent, Quality Assurance Mr. S. E. Hamiston, Quality Control Engineer Mr. J. W. Klemarczyk, Quality Control Engineer United Engineers and Constructors Mr. J. F. Vought, Resident Construction Manager
  • denotes those present at the exit intervie.

II. ALLEGATION AS UNDERST0OD BY NRC On January 23, 1979, the NRC received a telephone call alleging that concrete was to have been placed at the site on that date over frozen concrete. The alleger did not know whether the placement had actually taken place. He was concerned that ice, observed early on the 8-4 shift, had not been re-moved from the construction joint.

The inspector examined batch plant, quality control and placement records and examined all concrete placements that had been performed at the site on January 23, 1979.

The placements were:

Unit No.1 Administration Building Stack Foundation, Placement A3B,


Elevation 21 ft., 61 cubic yards, started 12:40 PM, completed 2:30 PM.

Unit No.1 Condenser Pads, C Bay North, Placement 1TPM-8D, 5 cubic


yards, started 2:30 PM, completed 3n0 PM.

The documentation aviewed included:

Perini Daily Concrete Schedule, January 23, 1979. This schedule lists


Placements A3B and ITPM-80 as the only concrete placed on that date.


Perini Concrete Placement Checkout Cards for Placements A3B and 1TPM-8D.

Perini Quality Assurance Batch Plant Log, January 23, 1979. This log


includes 24-hr. ambient temperature (32-380F) and concrete design strength (4000 psi).

Perini Batch Tickets, Nos.18134 through 18141, January 23, 1979,


which contained placement locations, mixing times, weights, concrete composition, track numbers, temperature and test cylinder numbers.

United Engineers and Constructors Superintendents and Supervisors


Daily Report, January 23, 1979, which showed 2 concrete placements:

Unit No. 1 Administration Building Stack Foundation and Unit No. 1

"C" Bay Condenser Pads.

Perini Concrete Placement Checkout Card for Lift No.1TPM-8D, Jar.uary


23, 1979.

Perini Concrete Placement Checkout Card for Lift No. A3B, January 23,


197 Construction supervision, quality control and qual.ity assurance personnel involved in the January 23, 1979 placements were interviewed by the in-spector.

Each of these persons were found to be fully familiar with the details of their placements, including the steps taken to remove the small patches of ice that had formed over the previously placed concrete, the use of space heaters in the placement areas prior to placement, the use of portable propane torches to dry surface water remaining on the pre-viously placed concrete, and the measurement by quality control personnel of the concrete surfaces prior to placement, to assure that minimum place-ment temperatures were exceeded.

The Seabrook Station Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) lists in Table 3.2-1 all Category I structures.

Neither the Administration Build-ing nor the Turbine Bulding were included in this listin IV.

CONCLUSION The concrete placements on January 23, 1979 were not in safety-related (Category I) structures, and therefore are not within the purview of the Nuclear Regulatory Comission. As to the allegation that frozen water was observed on the previously placed concrete prior to the place-ment of concrete on January 23, 1979, this appears to have been a valid observation at the time. However, this observation of ice on the con-crete was made at least four hours prior to the placements.

It is common practice to heat the placement area, and to dry the previously placed concrete prior to concrete placement. There was evidence that these operations had been performed prior to the January 23 placements in accordance with the licensee's quality assurance program.

No items of noncompliance were identifie.

s V.

EXIT INTERVIEW The inspector met with the licensee's representatives (denoted in " Persons Contacted") at the conclusion of the investigation on January 24, 1979.

The inspector summarized the purpose, scope and findings of the investi-gation.
