IR 05000354/1986025

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Initial OL Review Rept 50-354/86-25
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 04/28/1986
Shared Package
ML20203P509 List:
50-354-86-25, NUDOCS 8605070378
Download: ML20203P510 (66)


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8605070378 860428 PDR ADOCK 05000354 G PDR  !

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SUMMARY FOR HOPE CREEK Inspection Date/No. of N Inspectors Areas Findings 73-05 11/27-20/73 Meeting to outline NRC inspec- Several 1 tion functions and review of storage de-storage procedures and their ficiencies implementation, were identi-fied both with records and equipment /19/74 QA program implementation

75-01 2/4-6/75 Long term storag Storage Vio-2 lations of:

10 CFR 50, Appendix Criterion XVI Criterion XVII /12-14/75 Long term storage and site QA 2 activitie /25-26-75 Determination of status of site None I construction and staffing and resolution of open item /15-16 Review of receipt inspection and None 1/22/76 handling procedures for reactor 2 pressure vesse /24-25/76 Environmenta None

76-03 3/5/76 Reactor vessel handling and None 1 related procedure /19-20/76 Dewatering, excavation, ground None 2 water control, and foundation requirement .

. Enclosure 4 2 76-05 9/22-24/76 QA manuals reviewed to determine None 2 the basic requirements of the QA program and consistency with PSAR commitment /18-19/76 Reactor vessel handling activi- None 1 tie /8-10/76 Dewatering, excavation, speci- None 12/13/76 fications for concrete batch I plant and test la /8-9/77 Document control and groundwater None 1 control procedures and site preparation work activities and quality rccord /22-25/77 Inspection of the quality aspects None 3/7/77 of the excavation and dewatering I work, work activities as related to foundations, concrete batch plant activities, and civil /

structural lab activitie /15-16/77 Environmental monitorin None

77-04 4/20-22/77 Dewatering, foundations, soils None 1 testing, backfill records, batch plant and solid test lab certi-fications, concrete specs, and civil QC inspection plan /5-6/77 Implementation of contractor's None 2 and subcontractor's QA manual /13-15/77 Reactor vessel storage and None 1 related records, implementation of concrete OA procedure /27-29/77 Onsite and offsite equipment None 1 storage, Bechtel and PSE&G QA audit /2-5/77 Installation of rebar and cad- None 1 weld splices for reactor basemat, review of cadwelder qualifications


and cadweld inspection requirements, l

backfill records.





Enclosure 4 3 77-09 8/9-11/77 QA program for primary containment None

_77-10 9/6-7/77 Concrete placement of basemat 1 Violation 9/12-14/77 section of power bloc Failure to 1 follow proce-dures during concrete placement 77-11 9/27-28/77 Bulletin and Circular Revie None

77-12 10/19-21/77 Storage and maintenance procedure None 3 reviews, installation of structural steel, storage of steel and equip-rrent, applicant's audit progra /7-10/77 Concrete placement, cadwelding, None-11/14/77 removal of defective concrete, 2 review of concrete record ' 12/14/77 Status review of construction None 1 and schedul /31/78 Concrete activities, rebar None 2/1-1/78 installation, ground water control I records, batch plant audit /15/78 In process work and records review None 2 of containment erection, st; rage, receivin /8-10/78 Environmental 1 Violation 1 Discharging motor oil to


the river 78-04 3/15-17/78


M&TE program, QC and audit Improper 2 personnel qualification records, issuance of QC subcontractor surveillance, material support instruction 78-05- 3/21-23/78 Concrete activities, concrete / None I soils test l' 78-06 4/11-14/78 QC program for reactor vessel None 2 storage,10 CFR 21 program,

vendor documentation for structural embedments, sub-



contractors' QA/QC procedure .


Endlosure4~ 4-78-07 5/2-4/78 Containment erection, concrete None 2 placement, backfil /24-25/78 Applicant's audit program, None Bulletin and Circular review, Dames & Moore QA program, and

,10 CFR 21 conformance progra /6-9/78 QC program.for concrete place- None 2 ment, cement storage, equipment stora5e, structural steel documentation, CDR reporting 78-10 7/11-14/78 QC program for mechanical None 1 equipment, spacer material for structural joint /31-8/3/78 Concrete placement activities, None I qualification and training of QC personnel, inspection of honeycomb voids in concrete partition wal /21-23/78 QC program for concrete place- None 3 ment, storage and maintenance of reactor vessel and reactor internal /16-18/78 Fabrication and installation None 1 of toru /18-30/78 QC programs for piping and None 4 structural steel, weld material control, examination of radio-graphs, soils, concrete lab QA program and its implementatio /30-2/1/79 QC program for structural steel None

79-02 2/27-3/1/79 QC program for installation of None 2 pipe hangers and supports, containment fabrication and i erection.

i 79-03 4/16-19/79 QC program for fabrication and 1 Viol.

2 installation of containment Inadequate

penetrations, structural steel storage of equipment supports, containment penetra--
weldin tion pipes l


. . . ~




.2 Enclosure 4 5-79-04- 9/12-14/79 Receipt, installation, and 1 Vio I welding of safety-related piping. . Failure to perform required surface examina-tion 79-05 6/18-21/79 QC program for structural welding; None 4' pipe welding; receipt and storage of equipmen /31-8/2/79 QC program for installation and- None 2 welding of piping 79-07 8/25-27/79 Bulletin and Circular review, ifVio review of ASME Certificates o Inade-Authorizatio quate correc-tive actions in response-to non-confor-mances 79-08 10/30-11/2/79 Structural integrity test None

79-09 11/26-30/79 Concrete placements and records, 1 Vio subcontractor QA program, Inadequate storage and storage records of concrete repair /-

poor records reactor vessel and internals.

. 79-10 12/19/79 Inspection of onsite facilities None 1 for Resident Inspector's Office.




' =


. Enclosure 4_ 6 80-01 1/14-17/80 Concrete placements, hanger and 1 Vio small bore pipe fabrication shop,- Inadequate subcontractor QA program, documen-dewatering settlement studies, tation of condi-tions adverse to quality 80-02 2/4-29/80 Concrete related activities, 1 Vio I reactor pressure vessel cleaning Improper activities, sandblasting and storage-painting inside the drywell, of storage and maintenance, welding, materials rebar fabrication, pipe joint f.itup, hanger installations, storage of radioactive source /3-28/80 Weld rod control, equipment None 1 maintenance and construction, structural. steel welding and bolting, reactor vessel nozzle-modification, pipe welding, . status of electrical wor /31-4/30/80 Reactor vessel nozzle modifica- 1 Vio I tion, pipe welding, equipment Failure supports, hanger and restrains, of QC bolting, torus vent line bellows program repairs, maintenance of installed execution



equipment, concrete activities for cadwelding, pipe specs, PQR's, preventing allegation investigation involving segregation paintin of concrete 80-05 4/21-25/80 Reactor vessel nozzle safe end None I replacement, safety related pipe

. welding.

L' Nonconformance control, trend 80-06 4/23-25/80 None 4/29/80 analysis, and control of field i- I change requests.




t .

. -Enclosure 4 7 80-07 5/5-30/80 RPV nozzle modifications, vent 3 Vio I line bellows repairs, equipment Welds made maintenance, structural steel without a welding, piping erection and procedure storage, backfill, cadwelds, bioshield welding, NDE records, Failure to containment penetrations, meet storage paintin allegatio requirements for RHR and core spray pumps Failure to identify .

weld defects and missing records for bioshield 80-08 5/12-16'80 Weld material control, RPV safe None I end welding, pipe weldin /2-27/80 RPV nozzle mods, vent line None 1 bellows repair, backfill and compaction, in place storage and maintenance, installation of torus piping, structural steel installa-



tion, containment welding.


80-10 6/30-8/1/80 Backfill, pipe fitup, torus None


2 welding, NDE of bioshield, storage of materials and equip-

ment, vent line bellows repair, drywell penetrations, structural

steel installation and welding,


core. boring, control rod drive i: housing restraint beam installa-tion, concrete repairs.

l 80-11 8/5/80 Information management meeting None

80-12 8/6-9/1/80 Backfill, storage, vent line None 1 repairs, concrete repairs, control rod drive housing support beam c installation, containment spray


header installation, pneumatic testing of drywell penetrations,


cadwelding, repair of defective bioshield welds, concrete placement.

i L .



l o

. Enclosure 4 8 80-13 8/26-29/80 Concrete placement for lower None


9/2,3,9/80 bioshield wall, heave / settlement 1 program, cadweld spliced rebar test program, and dewatering activitie /2-10/5/80 Vent line bellows repair, struc- 3 Violations 2 tural steel installation, back- Failure to fill operations, pipe welding, establish equipment storage, drywell code basis

. penetration testing, drawing for installa-drawing control, weld filler tion of CRDM material control, rebar housing sup-installation, and equipment port brackets lifting and handlin Failure to establish controls over welding preheat Failure to follow bolt tensioning procedures 1 Deficiency Failure to follow procedures for issuing weld filler material 80-15 9/9/80 Cable tray installation and QA None 80-16 10/6-11/2/80 Vent line bellows repair, struc- 3 Violations 1 tural steel installation, back- Failure to fill operations, pipe welding, correctly in-equipment storage, rebar stall SRV installation, biological shield piping installation, reactor vessel supports placement preparations, pipe support installation, NDE, and Failure to rebar splicin cap pipe spools Failure to identify and correct deficiencies


. Enclosure 4 9 80-17 11/4-7/80 Structural steel erection and None 1 handling and installation of major component /12-14/80 Receiving, storage, and mainten- None 1 ance of equipment, including associated QA record /3-30/80 Valve internals inspection, 1 Violation structural steel welding inside Failure to containment, structural steel follow pro-erection, containment upper spray cedures when header pipe support welding, making bolted storage, of piping, hangers, and connections equipment; pipe installation including rigging and welding, rebar installation including mechanical splicing, concrete pre-placement, placement and curing; load testing of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) lifting rig, upper bioshield welding and painting, and concrete test lab activitie /2-5/80 Concrete construction and inspec- 1 Violation 1 tor certification Improperly certified personnel 80-21 12/1/80 - Bioshield rework, bioshield and 1 Violation 1/4/81 reactor vessel placement, vent Failure to 1 line bellows repair weld testing, maintain structural steel welding inside internal containment upper spray header piping pipe support welding, storage of cleanliness piping, hangers, and equipment; pipe installation, and concrete batch plant activitie /4,13,22 QA and procedures for transport- None

&31/80 ing, lifting and setting the 2 reactor vesse /5-2/1/81 Vent line bellows repair testing, None 1 pipe handling, fitup and welding, concrete placement, weld preheat in cold weather, structural steel erection, and equipment storag ..

, Enclosure 4 10 81-02 2/2-3/1/81 Structural steel erection, pipe None 1 installation and repair, equip-ment storage, mechanical splicing of rebar, concrete placement, and upper bioshield installatio /5/81 Enforcement conference piping 2 subcontractor performance and responses to notices of violation /2-4/5/81 Reactor vessel internals instal- 2 Violations 3 lation, pipe hanger installation, Incorrect structural steel erection, pipe thickness installation and repair, equip- qualification ment storage and concrete placemen Failure to radiograph in accordance with procedure 81-05 4/6-5/3/81 Reactor vessel internals instal- 1 Violation 3 lation, pipe hanger installation, Defects in structural steel erection and ACME Embed welding, pipe installation, material storage, concrete place-ment, and electrical installation /30/81 SALP NA

81-07 5/4-31/81 Supplier QA program, safety None 2 relief valve piping, upper bio-shield welding, pipe whip restraint installation, house-keeping, equipment maintenance, and pipe hanger installatio /26-29/81 Structural steel erection, None 1 installation and documentatio /1-7/5/81 Upper bioshield welding, struc- None 2 tural steel erection, concrete placement, Cadweld program, hanger installation, batch plant material storage, cable tray and conduit installation, and pipe installation.


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. Enclosure 4 11 81-10 6/18,19,22- Structural-steel installation, 1 Viol.

26/81 - component maintenance and Failure to 2 storage, and reactor vessel document installation, maintenance inspections 81-11 7/6-8/2/81 Hydrostatic testing, piping None 2 installation, rebar installation, backfill activities, hanger installation, concrete-placement, equipment storage, electrical installation, diesel generator design, and batch plant operation /3-31/81 Concrete placement, reactor vessel 1 Vio I hold-down bolt tcrouing, and Failure to pipe and hanger installation, adequately-train pipefitters 81-13- 8/14-21/81 Concrete' placement and Q None

81-14 9/1-10/4/81 Structural steel installation, 1 Vio pipe and hanger installation,- Failure to material storage, reactor vessel add filler installation, HVAC duct installa- while welding tion, service water intake structure excavation, concrete placemen /5-11/1/81 Pipe and hanger installation, None 1 material storage, housekeeping, service water pipe backfill, reactor vessel internals installation, service water intake structure excavation, fluid head penetration installation, and contractor Q /2-30/81 Intake structure installation, None 2 rebar installation, equipment storage, housekeeping, testing of embedded piping, fire protec-tion, and radiograph ^



. ' Enclosure 4 12 81-17 11/12/81 SALP NA 81-18 12/1/81- Rebar splicing, structural steel 2 Vio /3/82 installation, pipe and hanger Failure to 2 installation, welder qualifica- implement tions, cable tray installation, corrective concrete placement, reactor action internals installation, material storage, fire protection, house- Failure to keeping, and wall pour operations, translate design basis into drawings /spe .

cifications 82-01 1/4-31/82 Intake structure foundation con- 1 Violation 2 struction and design, PSAR Failure to commitment implementation, pipe implement and hanger installation, reactor procedures vessel internals installation, for M&TE control rod drive pipe installation, control concrete placement, and response to NRC Bulletin /18-22/82 QA performance for ongoing work None 2 in the following areas: reactor internals, reactor controls supports, HVAC, and concrete placement; QA audits and surveillanc /1-28/82 Intake structure foundation None 1 cleanup, equipment storage and maintenance, structural steel installation, rebar installation, and valve installation, 82-04 3/1-4/4/82 Intake structure underwater con- 1 Violation-

-2 crete placement, structural Failure to steel welding, reactor internal implement installation, electrical penetra- weld filler tion installation, pipe and hanger material con-installation, ductwork installa- trol proce-tio dure L



c Enclosure 4 13


82-05 4/5-5/2/82 Upper bioshield placement pre- 2 Violations 1 parations, intake structure Failure to dewatering and concrete place- ' indicate in-ment, structural steel welding, spection HVAC duct installation, anchor status of ex-bolt installation, and electrical pansion penetration installatio anchor bolts Failure to initiate a design change ;

prior to modification 82-06 5/3-31/82 Cable tray supports, diesel None 2 generator installation, electrical penetrations, weld qualifications, and QC inspector qualification /1-7/3/82 Installation of reactor internals, 3 Violations 1 pipe and hangers, electrical Failure to '

penetration, and HVAC ductwork, bend test anchor bolting,.NDE, housekeeping, Nelson studs-and QC inspector qualification Failure to obtain excavation permi ~82-08 7/6-8/1/82 Structural steel erection, con- None 1 crete placement, service water -

pipe trench excavation, cable ,

tray and support installation, pipe whip restraints, and weldin _82-09 8/2-9/6/82 Bicshield installation, concrete None 1 placement, filler metal control, hanger and pipe installation, housekeeping, polar crane assembly, diesel generator installation and structural steel erectio /30-9/2/82 Electrical installation, instru- None 1 mentation, and field design contro /8-10/82 Welding on vessel internals and 1 Violation 2 reactor vessel cleanliness Failure to contro follow clean-liness controls




- . , ~


. Enclosure 4 14 82-12 9/9-10/3/82 Polar crane rail installation, 2 Violations 2 conciete placement, pipe and Failure to QC support installation, HVAC duct to inspect installation, rebar installation, MCC's backfill and compaction Failure activities, welding and ND to control weld activities 82-13 10/4-31/82 Cable tray installation, HVAC None 1 ductwork installation, pipe fit-up and welding, pipe support and pipe whip restraint welding, concrete curing, and structural steel weldin /25-12/1/82 Mobile Van (NDE) inspection None 2 involving independent measure-ments to verify adequacy of welding QC and NDE progra /1-12/5/82 Piping and support installation, 1 Violation 3 concrete curing, polar crane and Failure of QC reactor building dome installation, to identify housekeeping, HVAC ductwork pipe support installation, and QA audit deficiencies 82-16 12/6/82- Reactor internals installation, None 1/2/83 cold weather concreting, hydro-1 static testing, measuring and test equipment, and expansion anchor bolt testin /3-31/83 Cable tray installation, HVAC None 1 duct and support installation, materials storage, housekeeping, concrete activities, welding, and structural steel installatio /1-28/83 Reactor internals installation, 1 Violation 2 concrete curing, equipment Failure to storage, pipe and hanger follow proce-installation, and housekeepin dures for concrete curing 83-03 2/14-18/83 Design, procurement, receipt and None 1 installation of electrical component .

. Enclosure 4 15 83-04 2/28-3/4/83 Soil compaction testing, equip- None 1 ment storage, and construction deficiency correctio /1-4/17/83 Electrical cable storage and 1 Violation 1 installation, water-tight door Failure of QC installation, structural steel to identify weld inspection, HVAC ductwork HVAC ductwork installation, and housekeeping, deficiencies 83-06 3/14-18/83 Electrical component procurement, None 1 receipt inspection, qualification and installatio /18-22/83 Installation of electrical race- None I ways, cables, instruments, and valve /18-6/5/83 Structural steel bolting and 1 Violation 1 welding, cable tray and conduit Failure of QC installation, reactor vessel to identify cleanliness, materials trace- weld and in-ability, and pipe support stallation discrepancies 83-09 5/31-6/3/83 Electrical component and system None 1 installation and QA 83-10 6/6-7/4/83 Backfill activities, structural None 1 steel bolting and welding, housekeeping and concrete place-men /11-15,21/83 Pipe, pipe supports, and anchor None 3 bolts, QA/QC, and documentation of construction deficiencie /5-31/83 Pipe and hanger installation, None I housekeeping, response to NRC Bulletins and Circulars, and trainin /18-10/16/83 Battery charging, backfill None 1 activities, pipe and hanger installation, materials storage, and housekeepin .

. Enclosure 4 16 83-14 9/19-30/83 Regional Construction Team 1 Violation 10 Inspection of construction Failure of QC management, QA, design control, to identify electrical construction, welding raceway non-and piping, mechanical equipment, conformances procurement, and trainin /19-23/83 Preservice inspection (PSI) None 1 activitie /17-12/4/83 Torus modifications, installa- None I tion of instrument tubing, electrical cable trays and conduits, piping, pipe supports, HVAC ductwork, housekeeping, and Construction Deficiency Reportin /20-23/83 Welding and QA/QC for primary None 1 containment modification /4/83- HVAC ductwork and support 1 Violation 1/5/84 installation, rebar drawings, Failure of QC pipe and support installation, to identify torus modifications, and inadequate housekeepin weld prep 84-01 1/10-13/84 Procurement, installation, 1 Violation 2 inspection, and maintenance of Failure to electrical components and energize system diesel alternator heaters 84-02 1/9-2/20/84 Pipe and support installation, None 1 NRC trending, torus mods, house-keeping, documentation reviews, CDR's, potentially generic issues.


84-03 1/20/84 Corrective action on discrepan- None I cies identified in the original seismic analysis of the auxiliary buildin /21-4/1/84 Torus mods, pipe and hanger None 1 installation, implementation of snubber protection program, cable pulling, housekeeping, potentially generic issues, Bulletin and Circular revie _ _ _

_ _ _ . .


-o .-


. Enclosure 4 17 84-05 5/14-6/24/84 Torus mods, raceway and cable 1 Violation 1 installation, seismic II/I 4 Examples program, HVAC ductwork supports, Failure to instrumentation, housekeeping, maintain ty-NCR and SDR trending, hydrostatic wrap spacing testing, electrical terminations, pipe and hanger installation, Failure to Startup and Test program manual, ty-wrap COR' cables to


tray Failure of QC


to identify shim installation deficiencies Failure to follow rework control procedures 84-06 4/30-5/4/84 Pipe and support installation and 2 Violations 2 related QA/QC activitie QC acceptance of nonconforming -

snubber installation Failure to notify.QC of snubber removal 84-07 CANCELLED i

! 84-08 6/5-8/84 Heave / settlement measurement pro- None 1 gram records and actions taken

! and records generated relating to


the CDR of grout intrusion into the drywell air ga /11-15/84 Work observation and records None


4 associated with electrical cables and terminations and HVA /25-8/5/84- Equipment maintenance, turnover None

, I packages, seismic II/I program, l instrumentation, proposed drywell l- mod to accommodate reactor water level sensing lines, housekeeping, CDR's, allegation investigation, t





. Enclosure 4 18





'84-12 8/6-9/16/84 Hydrostatic testing, pipe hanger i Violation,-

1 installation,' torus sand blasting, 3_ Examples


core boring, startup group per- Failure of


sonnel qualifications, turnover startup pro-

' 1'.

packages, Bulletin and Circular gram to con-review,


trol action


items Failure to assure test autho attendance at PORC


Failure to implement '

adequate.PORC review 84-13 8/20-24/84 Safety-related equipment, vendor None l' documentation and QC records of-piping and equipment, QA audit



84-15 9/19-21/84 Piping. system as-built turnover None 9/26-28/84 inspection, welding, PSI /ISI 3 program.


, 84-16~ 9/24-28/84 QA program for turnover including None

3 QA/QC overview and interfacing activitie /1-4/84 -Preoperational environmental None 2 surveillance program, radio-

, logical environmental monitoring program, meteorological program, facilities and equipment, documentation, quality assurance, and contractor program /17-11/4/84 Mechanical and piping system None 1 walkdowns, instrumentation,


potentially generic issues,

~, falsification of records of soils test lab, QA audits of turnover packages, CDR's, SAFETEAM, piping system walkdown .





3 ,



Enclosure 4- [y 19




,w -




84-19 "

'10/29-11/2/84 Preoperational OA including None

'2 surveillances and audit , ,10/30-11/1/84- This inspection opened the None '

2 preop tdst progra /5-9/84 Norkfobservation and quality - 1 Violation, 4 recor_d review of the installa- 2 Examples tidd'of cabling and instrumen- Unsupported '

tation' systems and components cable in the areas of receipt inspec-c tion,r6uti,qg, storage, termina- '

' Bend , radius

.ttons, and maintenanc violation 84-22 L10/22/84 This'was a'second corpnrate NA management meeting to discuss construction status and Region I




activities during the preop-and



start lap phase '

84-2 /23-10/26/- Preo'p fostrumentation, manage- N_one 84 ment action to address;previously

, 1 - identified problems in the

[ instrumentation area, CDR' /5/84-12/ i Routine resident inspection of None-16/84L construction work in progress, preoperational testing and


C .freventative maintenance


84-25 11/14/84- , Preservice Inspection Program None-11/29/84 '

activities, personnel qualifica-V 1 tion records and'QA_ surveillance i reports -



'84-26 _L SALP~ .

84-27 12/10/84- System turnover process and None 12/14/84 s procedures '

, a-84-28'

12/17/84- Preoneration test prograte and None

. 12/20/84 procedures 3-


84-29 12/17/84- Routine resident inspection of- 1 Violation

- 1/27/85 preoperational test programs Faf,1ure to 2 '

and. ongoing construction . follow test



activit.ies equipment control

_~ - - procedures

. , -

s ,'

, . , , , , , - . -



. Enclosure 4 20 85-01 1/1/85- Preventive maintenance and 1 Violation 1/10/85 preparations for reactor vessel Failure to 4 hydrostatic tes maintain storage conditions for a heat exchange /8/85- Preoperational radiation protec- None 1/10/85 tion, chemistry, and radioactive waste program /14/85- Installation of safety-related 1 Violation 1/18/85 instrument components and 2 Examples of I systems, failure to follow procedure Cancelled 85-05 1/28/85- Routine resident inspection 1 Violation 3/3/85 of preoperational test program Control of 2 and ongoing construction fluid and activitie pipe temperatures during piping system flushe /12/85- Preoperational tests and con- None 2/15/85 struction work in progres /11/85 & Management Meeting on system None 2/15/85 turnover and control room N/A desig /8/85- Independent measurements of None 5/3/85 safety-related pipin '

85-09 Cancelled

. . . . -. .-- -.- . ,. . . - . - . ~ . - - -- , . .- -, . ,.

W o


. - Enclosure 4 21


4' 85-10 3/4/85- Safety re:ated electrical 1 Violation '

3/8/85 equipment Failure to  ;


1 maintain safet related

- cables and ,

trays in a .;


safe and clean-conditio /8/85- Quality Assurance Program for None


4/12/85 Preoperational and Startup 4 Testin ,


85-12 3/1/85- Reactor Vessel and Related None

! Piping Hydrostatic Tes /5/85 /12/85- Preoperational test review and None


3/15/85 verificatio .

85-14 3/14/85- Routine resident inspection of None 4/14/85 work in progress and pre-

, 3 operational testin . 3/18/85- Piping systems and supports, PSI - None ,


3/22/85 I 4 f


85-16 3/19/85- Preoperational radiation pro- None 3/25/85 tection-program.

1-85-17 4/15/85- Safety related electrical 1 Violation 4/18/85- system Failure to 3 perform i maintenanc e

in a L timely

manne /16/85- Preoperational test procedure None 4/19/85 review and verification. !


, ,+<,n-- -r- -,-,-.-...,-.wn., r-c., -- - ....v.,. _--,, -, ,--,-.- , -,~ ,.n ,-- , - ,,-r- me - -- , - , , - - ---


. Enclosure 4 22 85-19 4/15/85- Routine resident inspection of None 5/27/85 Preoperational testing, ongoing 5 construction work, and Emergency Planning program developmen /22/85- Class 1 small pipe and pipe None 4/26/85 support /29/85- Maintenance, Surveillance, None 5/3/85 Document Contro /29/85- Reactor Pressure Vessel None 5/3/85 Internals Installatio /13/85- Preventive Maintenance Program None 5/17/85 and installation of safety-2 related electrical equipment 85-24 5/20/85- Emergency Lighting and safe None 5/24/85 shutdown capability in the event 5 of a fire 85-25 5/14/85- Preoperational Security Program None 5/17/85 Review

85-26 6/10/85- Preoperational Testing None 6/14/85

85-27 5/28/85- Routine resident inspection of 1 Violation 7/7/85 preoperational testing and work Failure to 4 in progress follow procedures for implementing preoperation-al test /10/85- Pre-Service Inspection Program None 6/14/85

! ,

- - - _.

.. Enclosure 4 . 23 '

85-29 7/8/85- RO & SR0 Initial Cold License None 7/17/85 Examinations

85-30 6/24/85- Preoperational' Test Program None 6/28/85 Implementation

85-31 6/24/85- Soils and Foundations None 6/28/85

'85-32 5/8/85- Review of Independent Design 5/10/85 & Verification Program 6/4/85-6/6/85

85-33 7/8/85-7/12/ Quality Assurance Program for None 85 & 7/15/85- Operations 7/18/85

85-34 7/8/85- Safety related electrical .None 7/11/85 systems and equipment

85-35 .7/18/85- Routine resident inspection 1-Violation 8/11/85 of Preoperational testing and 3 ongoing construction work 85-36 7/22/85- Preoperational Testing Program' None 7/26/85

85-37 7/30/85- Preservice Inspection Program None 7/26/85 3-85-38 7/30/85- Operations Quality Assurance None 8/2/85 Program

85-39- 8/5/85- Instrumentation and controls None 8/9/85 support systems

85-40 8/12/85- Emergency Preparedness Program None 8/16/85 Appraisal



Enclosure 4 24 85-41 8/19/85- Readiness inspection for new 8/30/85 fuel receipt

85-42 8/12/85- Routine resident inspection of 1 Violation 9/23/85 New Fuel Receipt Preoperational Inadequate 3 Testing, and ongoing construction design work control 85-43 8/1/85 Management Meeting on operator None

< N/A licensing examination results 85-44 9/10/85- Preoperational Radiation Pro- None 9/13/85 tection, Chemistry, and 3 Radioactive Waste Program 85-45 9/24/85- Routine resident inspection of 1 Violation 10/27/85 new fuel receipt, preoperational Excessive 3 testing, and ongoing construc- cable tion work restraint spacing 85-46 9/23/85- Preservice Inspection Program None 9/30/85

85-47 9/25/85 and Preoperational Test Program None 10/1/85-10/11/85 3 4 85-48 10/14/85- Operator Licensing Examinations None 10/23/85

85-49 Cancelled 85-50 Cancelled 85-51 10/21/85- Instrumentation systems, com- 2 Violations 10/25/85 ponents, and control circuits Failure to 2 follow instructions, procedures, drawings; Inadequate design control 85-52 10/28/85- Preoperational Radiation Pro- None 11/15/85 tection and Radioactive Waste 1 programs

.- _ _ - _ _ __ - ___ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



, Enclosure 4 25 85-53 10/28/85- Observation of annual emergency None 10/30/85 exercise

85-54 9/30/85- Independent Design Verification None 10/3/85 Program Final Report

85-55 11/4/85- Preoperational Test Program and None 11/15/85 Startup Test Program

85-56 10/28/85- Routine Resident Inspection of None #

12/1/85 Preoperational testing and 5 ongoing construction work 85-57 11/12/85- Preoperational Security Program None 11/15/85 Review I

l 85-58 12/2/85- As-Built Team Inspection None t



85-59 11/18/85- Chemical and Radiochemical None 11/22/85 Measurements Programs

85-60 11/18/85- Preservice Inspection Program None 11/22/85


_ _ -

_o. Enclosure 4 26 85-61 12/1/85- Routine Resident Inspection of 2 Violations 1/12/86 Preoperational Test Program and Quality 2 ongoing construction activities Control witness points bypassed and procedure changed without proper controls; final QC inspection failed to identi fy substandard bolt installed in flange in safety-relat-ed system 85-62 9/9/85- Preoperational Testing and Local None 9/18/85 Leak-Rate Testing

85-63 12/16/85- Heave / Settlement Measurement None 12/19/85 and Program, HVAC Ductwork & Supports, 12/23/85 Pipe Support Designs

85-64 12/2/85- Technical Specification Review None 12/13/85 and As-built comparison

85-65 12/23/85- Integrated Leak-Rate Test 1 Violation 1/3/86 Review / witnessing Closure of 2 containment isolation valve by other than normal mode of motor operation i



( - ,


no-o- ; Enclosure 4' 27 85-66 12/30/85- ATWS Event Followup Items, QA None 1/3/86 Records and Measuring and Test 2 Equipment 86-0 /7/86- Fire Detection and Prevention None

.1/24/86 Program

-86-02 1/27/86- Administrative, Operations, and None 1/31/86 and Maintenance Procedures Review 2/3/86-2/7/

86 & 2/14/86

86-03 1/7/86- Preoperational Test Program None 1/17/86 Review

86-04- 1/7/86- Operations QA Program None 1/10/86 and 1/13/86-1/15/86

86-05 1/13/86- Water Chemistry Control Program Non /24/86 Review

86-06 1/13/86- Routine Resident Inspection of 1 Violation 2/9/86 Preoperational Testing Activities Failure to 6 fully demonstrate system functionality

!. 86-07 1/21/86- Health Physics *

! .' 2/14/86 L 86-08- 1/27/86- .Preoperational Security Program None i

1/30/86 Review i- 1 l 86-09 2/3/86- Emergency Planning *

<- 2/7/86


86-10 1/27/86- Pre-operational Testing *

2/7/86 a

86-11 1/27/86- Preservice Inspection Program None


1/31/86 Review



t .~

e a

.o Enclosure 4 28 86-12 2/10/86- Start-up Program 2/21/86 86-13 2/10/86- Open Item Closecut and Snubber None 2/14/86 Activity Review

86-14 2/3/86- Safeteam *

2/7/86 86-15 2/10/86- Routine Resident *

3/16/86 86-16 2/24/86- Operator Licensing *

4/24/86 86-17 2/24/86- Start-up Program *


86-18 3/3/86- Start-up Program 3/14/86 86-19 3/3/86- Bulletin /Open Items Closecut *


86-20 3/17/86- Routine Resident 4/30/86 86-21 3/12/86- Surveillance Testing / *

3/21/86 Start-up Program

  • Report Not Issued