IR 05000354/1987006

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Insp Rept 50-354/87-06 on 870224-26.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Power Ascension Test Program,Plateau Review,Test Results Evaluation,Outstanding Results Deficiencies,Qa Interface & Independent Measurements
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/23/1987
From: Eselgroth P, Wink L
Shared Package
ML20205G285 List:
50-354-87-06, 50-354-87-6, NUDOCS 8703310440
Download: ML20205G361 (11)


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Report N /87-06 Docket N I

, License No. NPF-57 Licensee: Public Service Electric and Gas Company 80 Park Plaza )

Newark, New Jersey 07101 Facility Name: Hope Creek Generating Station, Unit 1 Inspection At: Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey Inspection Conducted: February 24 - 26, 1987 Inspector: E .3 3[M

'L. 4 ink, actor Engineer ' d(te Approved by: usand 5fEW8?

[rtP.W.Eselgrq)6(Chief date Test Programs Section, 08, DRS Inspection Summary:

Inspection of February 24-26, 1987 (Inspection Report No. 50-354/87-06)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of the power ascension test program following the completion of testing activities including overall program, plateau reviev, test results evaluation, outstanding results deficiencies, QA interfuce, and independent measurements and verification Results: No violations were identifie Note: For acronyms not defined refer to NUREG-0544 " Handbook of Acronyms and Initialisms."

i 8703310440 870324 PDR ADOCK 05000354 O PDR


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Details 1.0 Persons Contacted Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G)

  • G. Chew, Power Ascension Results Coordinator R. Drewnowski, Manager-Nuclear System Engineering, Hope Creek
  • Farschon, Power Ascension Manager
  • Griffith, Sr. , Principal Engineer - QA F. Hughes, Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor I
  • P. Krishna, Assistant to the General Manager-Hope Creek Operations (HCO) -

L. Newman, Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor

  • R. Salvesen, General Manager-HC0
  • Schell, Technical Engineer C. Vondra, Operating Engineer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • Allsopp, Resident Inspector R. Borchardt, Senior Resident Inspector

The inspector also contacted other members of the licensee's operating and technical staf .0 Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Violation (354/86-53-01) Failure to comply with license condition C(10) and 10 CFR 50.59. The licensee took immediate corrective action to review all changes made to the power ascension test program in accordance with Site Engineering Instruction 4.6, Safety and Environmental Evalua-tion The inspector reviewed these evaluations and concurred with the licensee's determination that none of the changes made to the power ascension test program constituted an unreviewed safety question. During the current inspection the inspector reviewed the following administrative procedures:

SA-AP.ZZ-008 Station Design Changes, Tests and Experiments, Revision 4, approved October 22, 1986, SE-AP.ZZ-008 System Engineering Minor Design Change Process, Revision 0, approved October 24, 1986, and SE-AP.ZZ-100 Safety Evaluation Preparation, Revision 0, approved November 6, 198 The inspector concluded that these procedures established adequate administrative controls on the performance of safety evaluations in accordance with 10 CFR 50.5 The inspector had no further concerns in this are . .


3.0 Power Ascension Test Program (PATP)

3.1 References Regulatory Guide 1.68, Revision 2, August 1978, " Initial Test Programs for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants"

ANSI N18.7-1976, " Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants" Hope Creek Generating Station (HCGS) Technical Specifications, Revision 1, July 25, 1986 HCGS Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Chapter 14, " Initial Tests Program"

HCGS Safety Evaluation Report (SER), Chapter 14, " Initial Test Program"

Station Administrative Procedure, SA-AP.ZZ-036, Revision 3,

" Phase III Startup Test Program" Specification NEB 0 23A4137, Revision 0, " Hope Creek Startup Test Specification"

HCGS Power Ascension Test Matrix, Revision 8 3.2 Overall Power Ascension Test Program The inspector held discussions with the Power Ascension Manager (PAM)

and other members of the PATP staff to assess the licensee's close out of the PAT The last power ascension test (TE-SU.7Z-762, Confirmatory Test of Safety Relief Valve Discharge) was completed on December 20, 198 The final plateau review for 100% rod line testing was completed on January 16, 1987 and formally accepted by licensee management on January 27, 198 The inspector reviewed TE-SU.ZZ-007, Test Plateau Matrix Test Procedure for 100% Rod Line Testing and Warranty Run (Test Conditions

4, 5 and 6), Revision 3, and determined that all planned testing had been completed. TE-SU.ZZ-007 contained the documentation of all

, outstanding items from the PATP which have been transferred to other plant tracking mechanisms for final resolutio These outstanding items are further discussed in Section 3.4 of this repor Findings No unacceptable conditions were identified. The inspector concluded that the licensee had satisfactorily completed the Hope Creek Generating Station, Unit 1, Power Ascension Test Progra This inspection represents the final NRC Region I review of the Power Ascension Test Program.

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t 3.3 Power Ascension Test Results Evaluation Scope The power ascens' ion test results listed in Attachment A were evaluated for the attributes identified in Inspection Report 50-354/86-24. A summary of significant test results and identified results deficiencies is provided in the discussion belo The performance dates of these tests and full test titles are indicated on Attachment The test results listed in Attachment B were technically reviewed as part of the power ascension test witnessing discussed in Inspection Report 50-354/86-58. During the current inspection the inspector verified licensee management's review and acceptance of these test result Discussion TE-SU.SE-101. This test was performed to satisfy results deficiency (RDF) #92 following final IRM gain adjustments made during the IRM/APRM overlap verificatio All acceptance criteria were satisfie TE-SU.SE-10 This test was performed to satisfy results deficien-cies (RDFs) #108 and #10 All acceptance criteria were satisfied for all the IRMs with the exception of IRM 0, which was inoperable at the time of this tes RDF #108 was left open to track the repair and retest c# IRM TE-SU.BJ-153. This was the second cold quick start demonstration of HPCI to the RP!. All acceptance criteria were satisfied with a measured time to rated flow of 25.0 seconds (acceptance criterion <

27 seconds).

TE-SU.ZZ-17 This test was performed twice, once at rated conditions (Power - 97.2%, Pressure - 1005 psig and Core Flow - 98%)

and again at ambient shutdown conditions (pipe temperatures <150 F but >70 F). At rated conditions, 4 points on the feedwater lines were identified as being outside the level 2 acceptance criteria range (RDF #176), while at ambient shutdown conditions, 2 points on the feedwater lines were outside these limits (RDF #186). An engineering evaluation was performed of these identified deficiencies and they were accepted "as-is" based on the deterMnstion of a new baseline following several thermal shakedown cycle TE-SU.AE-234. This test was performed to confirm the licensing bases assumptions for maximum and minimum feedwater flows at various reactor pressure All acceptance criteria were satisfied and the following data obtained:


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Reactor Pressure Measured Flow limit 1075 psia 17.9Mlb/hr <19.07Mlb/hr 1071 psia 18.04M1b/hr >16.3M1b/hr 1021 psia 12.78M1b/hr >9.6M1b/hr (2 pumps)

1020 psia 19.28M1b/hr <20.63M1b/hr TE-SU.AE-23 This test was a re performance of a test originally run in Test Condition 1. All test acceptance criteria were satisfie TE-SU.CH-241. This test was performed to determine the maximum power level at which surveillance tests of the main turbine stop valves can be performed with adequate margins to all scram setpoints. The test was successfully performed at 99% power and the limiting scram margin occurred for neutron flux with a measured value of 18.5% (acceptance criterion 3 7.5%). Based on results from the main turbine control valve test, periodic surveillances will be conducted at 5 92.5%

powe TE-SU.CH-243. This test was performed at 90.8% power to demonstrate that periodic surveillance testing of the main turbine bypass valves can be performed at the power level recommended for testing of the main turbine stop and control valves. The test was successfully performed and the limiting scram margin occurred for neutron flux with a measured value of 25.7% (acceptance criterion 3 7.5%).

TE-SU.ZZ-33 This test was re performed to close RDF #185. During the original test run, two points on the main steam line drains exhibited unacceptably high accelerations. These readings were attributed to temperature effects on the accelerometers which were located in the main steam tunnel near a small steam leak in a RWCU flange. Following repair of the leak and replacement of the instruments, the test was satisfactorily repeate TE-SU.AE-345. All acceptance criteria were successfully verifie TE-SU.BB-352. This test was performed to verify that the recircu-lation system high speed mechanical and electrical stops were appropriately set to limit core flow to $102.5% of rated in the event of a signal failure. The mechanical stops were verified to be

$104.2% (single pump runout) and the electrical stops were verified to be $101.6% (dual pump runout).



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TE-SU .BC-71 This test successfully demonstrated that the heat removal capacity in the suppression pool cooling mode exceeded the design requirement TE-SU.BC-71 This test successfully demonstrated that the heat removal capacity in the shutdown cooling mode exceeded the design requirement TE-SU.GT-723. This test was performed following the full power generator load rejection test and successfully demonstrated adequate drywell cooling capability in a normal post-trip environmen TE-SU.EG-751. This test was performed to resolved RDF #130 for the

"B" Loop of SACS. The deficiency involved failure to meet the level 2 acceptance criterion for heat exchanger capacity. The retest was successful and the heat exchanger capacity of the "B" Loop of SACS was measured to be 224.7MBtu/hr (acceptance criterion 2201.4MBtu/hr).

This data were combined with data previously obtained for the "A" Loop to demonstrate that the combined capacity of both loops is 43 MBtu/hr (acceptance criterion 3 389.3MBtu/hr).

TE-SU.ZZ-762. This test was performed to confirm analytical assumptions and methodologies used in the Plant Unique Analysis Report (PUAR) and to show that the SRV discharge loads and torus responses presented in the PUAR are conservative. The test was performed at 94.9% power with a reactor pressure of 990 psi Following the test a preliminary analysis was performed on a sample of the data (approximately 25%) to verify acceptance criteria. All data were then forwarded to the NUTECH Corporation who will perform a complete analysis and issue a final report in April of 198 Findings No unacceptable conditions were identifie .4 Outstanding Items from the Power Ascension Test Program Scope The inspector reviewed all resolved results deficiencies from the 100% rod line test plateau for technical adequacy and administrative conformance. In addition , the inspector reviewed 24 outstanding items which remained open following the completion of the power ascension test program to verify that the licensee's plans for closures were appropriate and that adequate tracking mechanisms exis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ .

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Discussion The resolved results deficiencies evaluated were found to be technically acceptable and adequately documented. The outstanding items were found to have satisfactory action plans, clearly assigned responsibilities and acceptable tracking mechanism Of the 24 outstanding items, only ten (10) involve results deficiencies. The remaining 14 items are derived from the PATP Occurrence List which has been used to track unusual observations, equipment and instrumentation problems and other actions items during power ascension. 40% of the outstanding results deficiencies -

involved area temperature problems in the turbine building, reactor building and drywel Findings No unacceptable conditions were identifie .0 Independent Measurements and Verifications The inspector independently verified the licensee's determination of conformance to acceptance criteria for HPCI response time, feedwater pump runout flows, scram avoidance margins during main turbine stop and bypass valve testing, and RHR heat exchanger capacities during the evaluation of test results (Section 3.3). In all cases the inspector's measurements and verifications agreed with those of the license No unacceptable conditions were note .0 QA/QC Interface with the Power Ascension Program During the course of evaluating power ascension test results, the inspector verified that the test results packages had been reviewed by QA engineers and that their comments had been appropriately resolve The inspector also met with the QA engineer assigned to review the final startup report required by Technical Specification and verified that his comments and concerns were being adequately addresse No unacceptable conditions were identifie .0 Exit Interview At the conclusion of the site inspection on February 26, 1987, an exit meeting was held with licensee personnel (identified in Section 1.0).

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At no time during the inspection was written materials provided to the licensee by the inspector. Based on the NRC Region I review of this report and discussions held with licensee representatives during the inspection, it was determined that this report does not contain information subject to 10 CFR 2.790 restriction .

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ATTACHMENT A POWER ASCENSION TEST RESULTS EVALUATED TE-SU.SE-101 Source Range Monitor / Intermediate Range Monitor Overlap Verification, Revision 8, completed December 10, 1986, results accepted January 8,1987 TE-SU.SE-103 Intermediate Range Monitor / Average Power Range Monitor Overlap Verification, Revision 1, completed December 4,1986, results accepted December 12, 1986 TE-SU. BJ-153 High Pressure Coolant Injection System Reactor Pressure Vessel Injection -

Cold Quick Start, Revision 6, completed December 2, 1986, results accepted December 29, 1986 TE-SU.ZZ-176 Balance of Plant Systems Piping Expansion During Power Operations, Revision 4, completed November 13, 1986, results accepted December 16, 1986 TE-SU.ZZ-176 Balance of Plant Systems Piping Expansion During Power Operations, Revision 5, completed November 19, 1986, results accepted December 4, 1986 TE-SU.AE-234 Feedwater Pump Runout Capability Test, Revision 2, completed December 2, 1986, results accepted December 29, 1986 TE-SU.AE-236 Feedwater Startup Controller Test, Revision 7, completed November 30, 1986, results accepted December 29, 1986 TE-SU.CH-241 Turbine Stop Valve Surveillance Test, Revision 2, completed November 14, 1986, results accepted December 12, 1986 TE-SU.CH-243 Turbine Bypass Valve Surveillance Test, Revision 1, completed December 5, 1986, results accepted December 12, 1986 l TE-SU.ZZ-333 Balance of Plant Main Steam and Feedwater Piping Steady State Vibration, Revision 3, completed December 2, 1986, results accepted December 29, 1986 TE-SU.AE-345 Feedwater Piping Dynamic Response, Revision 3, completed December 2, 1986, results accepted December 16, 1986 TE-SU.BB-352 Recirculation System Maximum Flow Limit Verification, Revision 5, completed November 14, 1986, results accepted January 8, 1987 TE-SU.BC-713 Residual Heat Removal System Suppression Pool Cooling Mode, Revision 6, completed December 4, 1986, results accepted January 8, 1987 TE-SU.BC-714 Residual Heat Removal System Shutdown Cooling Mode, Revision 3, completed December 10, 1986, results accepted January 6,1987 _ _ _ _ _ _

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TE-SU.GT-723 Drywell Cooling Post Trip Performance Test, Revision 4, completed December 6,1986, results accepted December 17, 1986 i TE-SU.EG-751 Safety and Auxiliary Cooling System Operational Performance

Test, Revision 6, completed December 6,1986, results accepted January 5,1987 TE-SU.ZZ-762 Confirmatory Test of Safety Relief Valve Discharge, Revision 7, completed December 20, 1986, results accepted January 15, 1987 i



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TE-SU.BF-054 Control Rod Drive System Scram Testing During Planned Scrams, Revision 7, results accepted January 8,1987 TE-SU.AB-252 Main Steam Isolation Valve Full Isolation Test, Revision 3, results accepted December 17, 1986 TE-SU.BB-262 Relief Valve Response During Major Trips, Revision 3, results accepted December 17, 1986 TE-SU.AB-341 NSSS Main Steam Piping Dynamic Response, Revision 4, results accepted December 16, 1986 TE-SU.BB-343 BOP Main Steam Piping Dynamic Response, Revision 4, results accepted December 16, 1986 FULL LOAD REJECT SERIES (Performed December 6, 1986)

TE-SU.BF-054 Control Rod Drive System Scram Testing During Planned Scrams, Revision 7, results accepted December 29, 1986 TE-SU.BB-262 Relief Valve Response During Major Trips, Revision 3, results accepted January 8, 1987 TE-SU.CH-273 Full Power Generator Load Rejection Test, Revision 2, results accepted December 17, 1986 TE-SU.AB-341 NSSS Main Steam Piping Dynamic Response, Revision 4, results accepted December 16, 1986 TE-SU.BB-343 B0P Main Steam Piping Dynamic Response, Revision 4, results accepted December 16, 1986

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