IR 05000295/1986015

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Insp Repts 50-295/86-15 & 50-304/86-14 on 860702.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Resolution of IE Bulletin 83-03, Check Valve Failures in Raw Cooling Water Sys of Diesel Generators
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 07/17/1986
From: Danielson D, David Jones
Shared Package
ML20207G598 List:
50-295-86-15, 50-304-86-14, IEB-83-03, IEB-83-3, NUDOCS 8607230133
Download: ML20207G615 (2)




Report No: 50-295/86015(DRS);50-304/86014(DRS)

Docket No: 50-295; 50-304 License No. DPR-39; DPR-48 Licensee: Comonwealth Edison Company P. O. Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 Facility Name: Zion Station, Units 1 & 2 Inspection At: Zion Site, Zion, Illinois Inspection Conducted: July 2, 1986

. E. Jones 7 /7 6 Inspector Date Approved By: D. H. Danielson, Chief '7f7[84 Materials & Processes Section Date Inspe_ction Sumary Inspection Areas on. July Inspected:


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Results: No violations or deviations were identifie e607230133 e60717 PDR ADOCK 05000295 G PDR


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Details 1. Pe_r_ sons _ Contacted


Comonweal th E,d,1, son,,Cpmp,a,ny_ (CE_Coj M. Madigan, ISI Coordinator

  • B. Soares, ISI Engineer U.S. Nuclear Resul_a_tp,ry_Cpngj_ssion (NRC)

M. Holzmer L. Kanter

  • Denotes those present at the exit interview on July 2, 198 . Lic,en_see Action on an IE Bulletin (Closed) IE Bulletin (295/83-03-BB, 304/83-03-88): IE Bulletin 83-03,

" Check Valve Failures in Raw Water Cooling Systems of Diesel Generators."

Followup on this item is documented in NRC Inspection Report N /83-13; however, additional followup was required to verify the completion of the bulletin requirements. The inspector reviewed the licensee's final response dated May 6,1986. The licensee identified five check valves for both Units 1 and 2 which are included in their modified IST Program which complies with the requirements of the IE Bulleti Initial valve verification testing was completed, and two valves were discovered to be stuck in the open position, due to a combination of wear and corrosion. Both valves were cleaned and the valve disc holder hanger was replaced in one valve. Both valves were reinstalled. Although the two valves were found stuck in the open position, the licensee's evaluation concluded that it was not of safety significance since the diesel generator coolers were always supplied with cooling wate . Exjt Interview The inspector met with site representatives (denoted in persons contacted paragraph) at the conclusion of the inspection. The inspector sumarized scope and findings of the inspection noted in this report. The inspector also discussed the likely informational content of the inspection report with regard to documents or processes reviewed by the inspector during the inspection. The licensee did not identify any such documents / processes as proprietar .
