IR 05000289/1978005

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IE Insp Rept 50-289/78-05 on 780328-31.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Preparation for Refueling, Refueling,Maint During Outage & Outage Recovery Preparations
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/19/1978
From: Coleman W
Shared Package
ML19276H257 List:
50-289-78-05, 50-289-78-5, NUDOCS 7910150883
Download: ML19276H261 (7)



por: No. 50-289/78-05 Cocket No. 50-289 License No. CPR-50_



Category C


Metrocolitan Edisen Comoany


P. O. Box 542 Reading, Pennsylvania 19603 Facility Name:

Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Inspection at:

Middletown, pennsylvania Inspection conducted: March 28-31, 1978 Inspectors:




W. Coleman, Reactor Inspector

cate signec


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j, j, date signed



Approved by:

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D. L. Capttton, Citief, Nuclear

'cate signec Support Section No. 1, RO&NS Branch


Inscection Summary:


Inscection on March 28-31,1978 (Recort No. 50-289/78-05)


Areas Inscected:

Routine, unannounced inspection of preparation for refueling, refueling activities, maintenance conducted during the outage, and outage recovery preparations.

This inspection began during the midnight to 8:00 a.m. shift.

The inspection involved 25 inspector-hot;rs onsite by one NRC inspector.

Resul ts :

No items of noncompliance were identified.


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Persons Contacted


T. Acker, Shift Foreman W. Corbin, B&W Engineer

  • W. Cotter, Quality Assurance Supervisor D. Curry, Reactor Engineer Assistant C. Hartman, Lead Electrical Engineer J. Hillbish, Reactor Engineer R. Laxton, Catalytic Engineer R. Neidick, QC Engineer L. Noll, Shift Foreman
  • J. O'Hanlon, Unit 1 Superintendent R. Patterson, Catalytic Engineer B. Smith, Shift Supervisor H. Wilson, I&C Foreman The inspector also talked with other licensee personnel in the


Quality Control, Health Physics, and Operation Department during this inspection.

  • denotes those present at the exit interview.




Refuelina Preparations The inspector reviewed the licensee's procedures for the refueling


in the area of fuel receipt and inspection, fuel transfer, and core verification.

The inspector also reviewed the receipt and inspection records for the fuel received for this refueling.

The items were reviewed.

RP 1505-1, Revision 2, Refueling Procedure Core Assembly, dated January 14, 1977 with TCM 78-90 and 78-91.

SOP 78-013 Special Precautions for Refueling Fuel Handling Operaticns, dated March 15, 1978.


RP 1503-1, Revision 4, Receiot, Inspection, Fit-up and Storage of New Fuel and Control Ccmponents, dated January 27, 1973.

RP 1501-1, Oevision 1, Fuel L:ading Limits and :recautions,

ated January 27, 1.073.

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Completed SW Forms A, Report Nos. 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32.

Completed Forms 1503-1A for the period November 30, 1977 to January 12, 1978.


No unacceptable conditions were noted during this review.


Refuelino Activities



pre-Fuel Handlina The inspector verified by record review, observation, and discussions with plant personnel that the following refueling prerequisites were completed.

(1) Technical Specification Requirements 3.3.1 thru 3.8.10.

(2) Fuel handling equipment functional cht;ks including


interlock testing.



Fuel handling prerequisites delineated in Rp 1505-1,


Revision 2.



No inadequacies were noted during this review.


Fuel Handlina Activities


The inspector verified by direct observation and record review that fuel handling activities were being conducted ir, accordance with approved procedures and Technical Specification require-j ments.

Items inspected included:

(1) Core monitoring during refueling area as required by Technical Specifications (TS).


Shutdown margin was maintained by maintaining a boron concentration of at least 1800 pop in the


reactor coolant.


Fuel insertion and removal was conducted in accordance with procedure Rp 1505-1, Revision 2.

O 1419 084



(4) Fuel accountability was being maintained in accor-dance with procedure RP 1505-1, Revision 2.


Refueling area housekeeping was controlled to prevent loose articles from falling into the core.



Refueling crew staffing met Technical Specification and licensee requirements.


Refuel Pcol and Spent Fuel Pool water level was


maintair.ed as required by plant procedures.


A Senior Reactor Operator with no other concurrent duties directly supervised all fuel handling in con-tainment and a licensed operator monitored fuel handling from the contrcl room.


Comunication was maintained between the refueling operator, spent fuel operator and the control rocm.

(10) Containment integrity was being maintained as required


by Technical Specifications.

O The inspector observed fuel handling activities,l Room.

in the Reector Building, the Spent fuel area, and in the Contro Inspector observation of fuel handling activities began during E

the night shift on March 28, 1978.


No inadequacies were noted during thase observations.


Outace Maintenance a.

References (1) Work Request flo. 22625 - Decay Heat Removal System (2) Work Request Procedure titled, " Assembly and Disassembly of Decay Heat Pumps", dated liarch 11, 1978



Work Request tio. 23128 - Diesel CPLS replacement (a)

Procedure la3C y-4, Revision 0, dated November 16, 1977, Pressure Switch Re: air and Calibration O

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O (5)

Change Modification fio. 299, dated May 3,1975 (5) Change Modification tio.1061, dated March 18, 1978 (7) Work Request tio. 23215, Letdown Cooler - Intermediate Cooling, dated March 18, 1978 (S)

Work Request flo. 20021, Replace IC-VIA Intermediate Cooling, dated March 22, 1978 (9) Work Request tio. 22317, Make-up and Purification Letdown Cooler, dated March 22, 1978 t

(10) AP 1026, Revision 5, dated February 23, 1978, Corrective Maintenance and Machinery History.


(11) AP 1002, Revision 12, dated flovember 23, 1977, Rules for the Protection of Employees Working on Electrical and Mechanical Apparatus b.



The inspector chose three safety-related maintenance items G

scheduled for this outage.

During procedure raview and discussion witn plant personnel, the following aspects of each maintenance activity were noted.

k (1) The administrative system used for removing a system from service and returning it to service


(2) QA inspection / audit functions



Post maintenance testing (d) Valve and Switch lineups (tagging requirements)

(5) Maintenance deficiene/ reporting



Findings (1)

Cecay Heat Pu o Shaft Reolacement The shafts of the Decay Heat cumos are being reolaced to orevide #:r a differen: design of the <ey way connec-ing the snaf

<.i-h tne imoeller.

his medi#i:a-icn was 1419 086


necessary as a result of a shaft failure on an identical pump at another facility.

References (1) and (2) were reviewed with respect to the scope stated above.

Additionally, the inspector observed part of the maintenance activity at the pump location. At the time of this inspection,


the area in which the pump was located had been contaminated and airborne activity required the use of respiratory equipment.

The inspector noted that plant operations personnel were taking action to secure the source of contamination.

The inspector also reviewed CC records concerning the receipt inspection of the new shafts to insure the keyway met purchase specifications.

Except for item (4) below, the inspector had no futher questions on this item.


Diesel Generator OplS Reclacement The OPLS (Lube Oil Pressure Switch) was replaced on the A Diesel Generator and the plans were to replace this switch on the B Diesel Generator later in the outage.


The previously installed model of switch had experienced failure in the past and the licensee is switching to a O

more reliable type of switch.

References (3), (4), (5),

and (6) were reviewed with respect to the scope stated above.' Except for item (4) below, the inspector had no further questions on this item.


Reclacement of One Letdown Cooler The licansee was replacing letdown cooler MU-C-1B; the previously installed cooler had experienced tube leakage.

References (7), (8), and (9) were reviewed with respect-to the scope stated above.

The inspector had no further questions on this item.


Start Work Acoroval During review of items (1) and (2) above, the inspector noted that the Shift Foreman's approval to start work was not indicated on the Work Request Form.

The inspector reviewed References (10) and (11) for licensee requirements O

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concerning Operations Department control of engoing maintenance.

The inspector concluded that Ccerations personnel were aware of maintenance in progress by means of the tag control system, however, maintenance personnel were not complying with administrative procedures to get


Shift Foreman approval on the Work Request.

The inspector discussed this item with the Plant Superintendent.

The Plant Superintendent ccmmitted to issuing a memo to plant personnel to stress the importance of ccmplying with the administrative controls of Reference (10).

This item (289/78-05-01) will be reviewed during a subsequent inspection.


Outace Recovery Precarations The inspector reviewed procedures pertaining to overall plant startup for the post outage recovery.

The inspector noted that supervisory personnel are required to sign ccmpleted checklists for system lineups and that checklists insure that systems disturbed during the outage have been returned to normal.


The inspector also reviewed the overall start up physics program with respect to Technical Specification requirements and NRC ccm-

mittments. The program planned for this startup is the same as the one for the last outage.

However, procedure changes have not yet been made to account for differences in Cycle 4.

Start up physics testing will be reviewed during a subsequent inspection.

The following procedures were reviewed:

OP 1103-2, Revision 17, dated December 3,1976, Reactor Coolant System Filling and Venting OP 1102-1, Revision 27, dated February 9, 1978, Plant Heat-up to 525*F RP 1550-01, Revision 2, dated April 15, 1977, Controlling Procedure for Physics Testing.


The inspector had no further questions on this item.


Exit Interview


The inscec cr met with licensee representatives (denctec in caragra:n 1, en " arch 31, 1973.

The ins;ec::r su mari:ed :he fincings of the

'r.scection and tne licensee recresen a:ives acknewiec;ec :nese fincings.

Me :: :-itmen: ncted in :aragra:n 2 was als



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