IR 05000289/1978017

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IE Insp Rept 50-289/78-17 on 780814-17 & 21-22.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Housekeeping & Cleanliness Controls,Plant Operations,Safety Injection Sys Reset Feature & Licensee Followup Actions to LERs
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/07/1978
From: Haverkamp D, Keimig R, Stavely J
Shared Package
ML19276H219 List:
50-289-78-17-01, 50-289-78-17-1, NUDOCS 7910150843
Download: ML19276H220 (17)





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Recer: Nc. 50-299/73-17 i



C::ket Mc. 50-239


Catescry C

License No. CPR-50 Priority



Metr:colitan Edison Cercany P. O. Box 542 Reading, Pennsylvania 19603 Facility Name:

Three Mile Island Nuclear Statien, Unit 1 Inscecticn at:

Middletown, Pennsylvania Inspection conducted: Ai gust 14-17 and 21-22,1978.


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If, R. HavirF'.mp, P. toy ns pec:O r cate signec


J. M.

.avely. Reacto Ins ect:r C -cc ca:e signec



ca:e signec


Accreved by:

14txlf h~ Y~ b R. R. K

, Chie' xeactor ? rejects ca-A signec Sectic 1, R S Branch Ins:ection Surinarv:

Inscection en Aucus: 12-17 and 21-22,1978 (Recor: No. 50-289/73-17)_

Areas ins:ec:ec:

Rcutine, unanncuncec inspec:1cn y a regional cased inspec:Or or nousexeeping and cleanliness controls; plant ocerations including shift logs and records and facility ::ur; SIS reset feature; licensee folicwuo actions concerning selected previcus inspection findings,'licacsee events and IE Sulletins and Circulars; measures established to implement Part 21 recuirements; and selected licensee :eriedi: and s:ecial recorts.

The inspection involved 20 inspect:r-heurs

nsi e y cre NRC regi:nal based ins:ect:r.

Resul s:

':c items of r.cncemoliance were i:entifiec.

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Persens contacted i,


Metre:clitan Edison Ccmoany Mr. T. Acker, Shift Foreman

  • Mr. R. Earley, Unit 1 Lead Mechanical Engineer Mr. J. Chwastyk, Shift Supervisor Mr. D. Deiter, Shift Foreman I

Mr. R. Dubiel, Supervisor of Radiation Protection and Chemistry Mr. C. Hart: nan, Unit i Lead Electrical Engineer



Mr. G. Kunder, Unit i Superintendent-Technical Suppcrt

  • Mr. T. Mackey, Sucervisor of Quality Control



Ms. C. Nixdorf, Office Supervisor

  • Mr. J. O'Hanlon, Unit 1 Superintendent
  • Mr. M. Ross, Unit 1 Superviser of Cperations


  • Mr. M. Shatto, Unit 1 PORC Secretary


The inscector also talked with and interviewed several other licensee employees during the inspection.

They included technical and engineering staff personnel, quality centrol personnel, control recm operatort maintenance personnel and general office personnel.


  • denotes those present at the exit interview.



Licensee Action on Previous Inscection Findincs (Closed) Inspector Followuo Item 239/75-25-04:

Precedures for calibration of monitors.

Maintenance precedures IC-59, " Calibration



of Eberline Hand and Foot Mcnitor Model HFM3," and IC-60, Calibration


of Portal Monitor Model PMC 48," have been issued.

The inspector reviewed these precedures and had no further questions concerning



this item.


(0 pen) Inspector Folicwup Item 239/75-25-05:

Repl.acement of tempor-


ary decrs and lccks at hign radiation area entrances.

Change Mcdification (C/M) No. 538, fer installation of a cer anent dcor to the decant slurry pump recm, has been satisfactorily ::mpleted.

C/M No. 541, for installation cf a :ernanent decr to the makeup systam valve alley, has been initia:ac but net ye: 1;creved for


A C/M for installa:icn f a snap-leck, vice a :adlock,

r tre ::n:aminatet ::ci s rage -: m *.as net yet been 'nitiatec.

A liter.sae e:resenta:ive s:2a tha 1:or:0-il a.cci#ica-ions

nisa ::crs aculd be ::m:Istac Oy CC:::er 31. I E 3.

~he 'ns eC P

  • 1


UT:ner cuesti:ns Concer*1ing this item 1: :nis tite.

1414 415


I (Coen) Unresolved Items 289/77-09-02 and 77-09-03:

Revision / issuance of snubber visual insocetion and functional testing procedures.

A licensee recresentative stated that the snubber visual surveillance procedure SP i301-9.9 would be revised by September 30, 1978, and that a snucber functional testing procedure would be issued by November 1, 1978. The inspector noted the extension in the licensee's c:mpletion date for incorporation of previous c:mments en snubber surveillance and had no further questions concerning these items at this time.

(Closed) Nonccmpliance 239/77-24-01:

Failure to calculate leak rate using absolute values of temperature, pressure and vapor pressure corrected for instrument error.

The 1978 Integrated Leak Rate Test Report included applicable instrument error corrections applied to the raw data.

The licensee's corrective measures to prevent recurrence of this item were satisfactory.

(0 pen) Unresolved item 298/77-29-02:

Cesign change for installation


of electrical cable penetration seals.

A licensee representative stated that resealing of the applicable cable penetration seals would be c mpleted by September 30, 1978.

The inspeci;or noted that the licensee'.s resealing progress was satisfact:ry and had no further cuestions at this time.

This item will remain unresolved pending licensee ccmoletion of penetrations resealing and NRC review of the licensee's actions during a subsequent inspection.

(0 pen) Noncr,coliance 289/77-35-01:

tecord storage did not meet the requirements of ANSI N45.2.9.

The licensee's interim corrective measures, as described in MEC letter to NRC Region I, Serial GCL 1778, dated December 28, 1977, have been ccmpleted.

Per:anent corrective actions for compliance with ANSI N45.2.9, scheduled for c:mpletien by June 1979, will be reviewed during a subsequent inspection.

(0 en) Noncemoliance 239/77-35-02: As-built drawings were not a ntained up to date.

The licensee's corrective' measures have uNeen ceccleted as described in MEC letter to NRC Region I,.eria FL 1773 dated Cecem::er 23, 1977.

The inspector reviewed QC E veillanc;a Ir Recort 73-10, performed during January 25-recruary 2,

u-cVerse.-Q. ifv c mciiance with AP TC01, "Decumen-C:n rei.






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planned corrective actions for these findings were acceptable


with one exceptien.

The licensee's revision of the master index to reflect preper drawings / drawing revisions was scheduled for


ccmpletien by Oc::ber 15, 1979.

This c moletion date conflicts with the licensee's c mmitment to NRR to be in ccmpliance with ANSI Na5.2.9 by June, 1979 (refer to.Nonc:moliance 239/77-35-01 above).

This mat er was discussed with both site and ccrporate licensee representatives.

Licensee ccmpletien of corrective acticns for NCR 78-24 ar.d NCR 78-25 will be reviewed during a subsequent inspec-ti en.

(Ocen) Unresolved Item 239/77-37-01:

Revision of Technical Scecifi-cations to reflect current ensite organiza icn.

A new organization chart has been included with Technical Scecification Change Recuest No. 31 (MEC letter to NRR, Serial GGL 1051, dated June 16, 1973) as part of the STS submittal.

This item will remain unresolved pending review by NRR of the preposed change.



(Closed) Inspect:r Follcwup I em 2S9/78-03-04:

Ventilation balance at entrances to centaminated areas.

The ventilatien system has been ficw balanced, and the licensee determined that all ficws were as per the design cojective. The inspector had no.further questions concerning this item.

(Closed) Unresolved Item 289/78-04-01:

Apcarent cracks in the spent fuel pool storage rack welds.

The licensce completed an engineering evaluation of the questionaole welds and determined that the discon-tinuites would not cause degradation of the storage rack structural integrity.

The evaluation results were reviewed at the NRC Regicn I office and discussed with NRC/NRR :ersonnel.

The inspector had no further questions concerning this item.

'(Closed) Unresolved Item 289/78-07-01:

NES calibration of ficwmeters for CILRT.

The ficwmeter used for the 1978 CILRT supplemental veri-fication test was sent to the vender for NES traceaole calibration after the leak tas: was cpmoleted.

The calibration data were used for evaluation of the CILRT results.

The ins:ector had no further questions c:ncerning this item.






(Closed) Unresolved Item 289/78-07-02:

Temporary tube rupture



during CILRT and loss of pressurizer level.

The inspect:r reviewed Ocerating Precedure 1103.2, "Reac:ce Ccolant Fill and Vent," Revision 20, and Surveillance Precedure 1303-7.1, " Reactor Building Integrated Leak Rate Test,: Revision 7.

The revised precedures include accro-priate checks of the temporary tube level indicator root valves to ensure that inadvertent RCS system draining will be precluded during future leak rate testing.

The inspector had no further questions concerning this item.


(Closed) Unresolved Item 2S9/78-07-05:

Control and c: ordination of maintenance activities and CILRT valve lineups.

The licensee evaluated the RCS leakage path thrcugh the make-uo pump casing drain fcund during the 1973 CILRT.

The RCS leakage path sas established since two containment isolation check valves did not c meletely seat with 50 psid.

Upen discovery, te leak was immediately isclated.

Since no procedures were violated and because special evolutions such as the ILRT by their nature require increased monitoring of


RCS water inventory changes, problems of this nature in the future will be reduced by operators investigating changes in Pressurizer and Auxiliary Building sump level changes.

Based on the above, the licensee concluded that no additional preventat.ive action is required.

The inspectae had no further questions cencerning this item.

(Closed) Noncompliance 239/73-07-04:

Vent valve shut when required to be open during CILRT.

The licensee's corrective measures were completed as described in MEC letter to NRC Region I, Serial GCL 0959, dated May 19, 1978.

Surveillance Procedure SP 1303-6.1,

" React:r Building Integrated Leak Rate Test," Revision 7, included the requirement to brief all operaticns department ::ersennel on not repositioning any valves tagged for ILRT without shift foreman /snift superviser approval.

The inspector had no further questions concerning this item.

(Closed) Noncemoliance 289/78-12-01:

Failure to approve a temporary precedure by PCRC.

The licensee's corrective actions have been ecmoleted as described in MEC letter to NRC Region I, Serial GCL 1258, dated July 25, 1978.

The ins:ector reviewed the licensee's additional administrative controls for tem;orary cnanges to orecedures, deternined that selected tem:crary ctanges had been precerly reviewec and had nc further questiens ::ncerning tnis item.



(C en) Inspector Followup Item 2S9/78-13-02:

Corrective action for


LSR 78-17/IT.

Reduced RCS High Pressure Trip setpoints were submitted with Technical Specification Change Recuest No. Sa (MEC letter to


NRR, Serial GQL 1044, dated June 25,1978).

NRR aperoval of the precosed change will be reviewed during a subsequent inspection.

(Closed) Noncempliance 239/78-14-03:

Failure to initiate a pro-cedure change to deviate from an a: proved precedure.

The licensee's corrective actions were c:mpleted as described in MEC letter to NRC Region I, Serial GOL 1249, dated July 21, 1978.

The inspector reviewed Surveillance Precedure 1303-3.1, "C:ntrol Red Mcvement,"

Revision 3, issued June 15, 1973 and Revision 4, issued June 29, 1978, and had no further questions concerning this itam.

(Closed) Unresolved Item 289/73-14-04:

Corrective actions for multi le rod drop incident of June _21,1978.

The licensee submitted LER 78-20/IT, dated June 23, 1978, which reported the subject occurrence.

Corrective actions related to the rod drop were satis-


fac:crily c:mpleted as described in Paragra hs 6 and 7 of this report.

The inspector had no further questions concerning this e,

i tem.




The inspec cr reviewed the licensee's implementation of administrative controls fcr housekeeping and cleanliness for confomance with applicable Technical Specifications and the following precedures.

Station Administrative Precedure (SAP) 1008, "Gcod Mcusekeeping,"


Revision 3.

SAP 1020, " Cleanliness Requirements," Revision 1


SAP 1030, " Control of Access to Primary System Openings,"


Revision 1.


Health Physics Precedure 1511, " Area and Equipment Cec:ntamina-


tien," revision 5.

Maintenance ?recedure 1110-Y-26, " Welding and Cutting ?recedure


f:r Fire Safety," Revisi:n 3.





"The inspector determined that licensee personnel questioned were


cognizant of the above procedures and verified during a plant tour (discussed in Paragraph 4.5) tnat the administrative centrol program was effective.

No items of ncnc mpliance were identified.

Review of Plant Ooerations a.

Shift Locs and Oceratina Records The inspector reviewed the following logs and records:

Shift Foreman Log, Centrol Recm Log Scok, Centrol Rocm


Operator's Leg Sheets, Primary Auxiliary Operator's Log Waste Disposal Panels, Secondary Auxiliary Operator's Log Sheets, and Auxiliary Operator Log Sheets-Out-Building Tour; dated June 1-August 13, 1978.



Shift and Daily Checks; dated May 23-August 8,1978.


Jumper, Lifted Lead, and Mechanical M.cdifications Leg


(active and cleared); entries made during June 1-August 15, 1978.

Applications for Apparatus to be Taken Out of Service;


those active on August 15, 1978, and those cleared, dated Jely 10-August 15, 1978.

Do Not Operate Tag Log; entries made during June 2,-August


15, 1978.

Unit 1 Operations Depar ment Memos 78-8 and 78-10.


The logs and records were reviewed to verify the folicwing i tems.


Logkeeping practices and leg book reviews are conducted


in accordance with establisned acministrative centrols.

Lc; entries involving a:ncr al concitions are sufficiently



,o l -



Coerating orders do not c nflict with Technical Specifica-


tions (TSs).

Jumper log and tagging log entries do not conflict with



Jumper / lifted lead / mechanical modification and * tagging


coerations are conducted in confermance with established administrative centrols.

Problem identification reports confirm compliance with TS


reporting and LCO requirements.

Acceptance criteria for the above review included inspec:cr judgement and requirements of applicable Technical Scecifications and the following procedures.

Station Administrative Procedure (SAP) 1002, " Rules for


the Protection of Employees '4crking on Electrical and Mechanical Apparatus,"

Revisien 12.

SAP 1010, " Technical Specification Surveillance Program,"


Revision 12.

SAP 1011, " Controlled Key Lccker Control," Revision 16.


SAP 1012, " Shift Relief and Log Entries," Revision 8.



SAP 1013, " Bypass of Safety.: unctions and Jumcer Centrol,"


Revision 7.


SAP 1016, " Operations Surveillance Program," Revision 12.


SAP 1033, " Operating Memos and Standing Crders," Original.


SAP 1037, " Control of Caution Tags," Original.


The inspector's findings regarding shif t logs and records were acceptable, as noted below.

0 reman Leg anc Cen:r:1 Rcca L:g entries were Shif: 2


exciici and :cmclete.

ini kh


ihe Transient Cycle Log Scok did not include entries for



all recent transients.

Licensee representatives stated that the log book wculd be reviewed and entries would be included for approcriate transients.

The inspec:cr had no further questions concerning this item.

A minor discrepancy was noted regarding the administration


of centrols for lifted leads.

A lifted lead for a ncn safety-related system was res:cred and the associated control tag was lost.

Tnis item was discussed with licensee representatives and acministratively corrected prior to comoletion of the inspection.


periodic licensee verification of both lifted lead and jumper installation and identification is planned c ensure proper administrative controls are maintained.

The inspecter had no further cuestions concerning tnis item.


Plant Tour At varicus times during August 14-17, 1973, the inscec:cr G

conducted tours of the following accessibl.e plant areas.

Auxiliary Building


Turbine Building


Fuel Handling Suilding


Control Recm


Switchgear Rooms


Inverter and Sattery Rects


C:e a

ddition Rccm


Yakeuc ? ump Rects



Suilding 3:: ray ?;me and.'ecay 2ea Oume 'laults


.C Eva: crit:r Rcem 1414 27_7







-f The following observations /discussiens/ determinations were


Centrol Recm and lccal menitoring instrumentation for



varicus compcnents and parameters was ::serted, including reactor power level, core ficod tank level and pressure, diesel fuel oil levels, and control red positicns.

Radiation controls established by the licensee, including


the posting of radiation and high radiation areas,.the condition of step-off pads, and the dis:csal of protective clothing, were observed.

Radiaticn work p:rnits used for entry to radiation and centrolled areas were reviewed.

Actual radiation levels were measured and c:mpared with posted values throughcut the plant.

Plant housekeeping, including general cleanliness condi-


tions and st: rage of materials and ccmcenents to prevent safety and fire ha:ards, was cbserved.


Systems and equipment in all areas t:ured were cbser/ed


G for the existence of fluid leaks and abncr nal piping vibrations.

Selected piping snubbers / restraints were observed for


proper fluid level and conditicn/prcper hanger settings.

i The indicated positions of electrical pcwer supply breakers




and selected centrol board equipment start switches and i

remote-operated valves and the actual positions of. selected manual-operated valves were cbser/ed.

i Selected equipment lcckout tags, cautien tags, and Co-



Not-Operat: tags were observed fer proper posting and the

tagged equipment was observed for preter positiening, where applicable.


Selected jumper and lifted lead markers were observed for


proper identification and the effected wiring cnanges were observed for proper :::::letion.

The Centrol Scard was 0:ser/ed f r annun:ia :rs -hat


nor ally shoul: nc

e li;n.ed duri ; - e exis-ing :lant

-' e eas:ns #:r ne annur.:"a :rs were :iscussec



di n con *.r:I* Cm :: erat:rs.

1414 323


l, Il a


The licensee's policy and practice regarding plant tours


was revieved.

Control Room manning was observed :n several occasions


during the inspection.

Acceptance criteria for the above items included inspector Judgement and recuirements of 10 CFR 50.54(k), Regulatory Guide 1.114, applicable Technical Scecifications, and the following procedures.

SAP 1002, " Rules for the Protection of 5moloyees Working

- - -

on Electrical and Mechanical Apparatus," Revision 12.

SAP 1C03, " Radiation Protection Manual," Revision 12.


SAP 1008, " Good Housekeeping," Revision 3.


SAP 1C09, " Station Organization and Chain of Cer=and,"



Revision 3.

SAP 1028, " Operator at the C:ntrol s," Original.


SAP 1037, " Control of Caution Tags," Original.


The inspector's finding regarding the plant t urs were accept-able, as noted below.

The inspector noted that general cleanliness conditions


in the auxiliary building had improved since the 1.ast inspection in this area.

However, cleanliness and material sterage conditions in the SS and HD vaults recuire correction.

Licensee representatives were aware of the conditions in these areas and have scheduled acor:priate cleanup and removal of excess material.

The inspector had no futher questions concerning this matter at thi.s time.


SIS Reset Feature Review The ins:ector reviewed the design ca: ability for resetting a safety injection signal folicwing a LOCA.

The con rol system cesicns at cartain ::her ?WR faci'ities "cluce a SIS esat feature that, if



1414 324




' actuated, wculd prevent proper ESF sequencing operation after a loss of offsite power folicwing a LOCA.

The emergency safeguards design at TMI-I includes a bypass function of each ESF actuation circuit.

The ESF bypass functions and their effects are similar, but not identical, to the SIS reset function at other facilities.

Tne inspecter reviewed the follcwing Unit 1 emergency precedures.

EP 1202-6, " Loss of Reacter Ccolant/Reac :r C: alan: Pressure,"


Revision 7.

EP 1202-2 & 2A, " Station Blackout and Station Blackcut with


Loss of Both Diesel Generators," Revision 9.

These procedures adequately control the insertion and removal of ESF bypass functions.

No items of noncompliance were ident fied.




In-Office Review of Licensee Event Recorts (LER'sl The LER's listed below were reviewed in the Regjon I office premptly fell.; sing receipt to verify that details of the event were clearly reported including the accuracy of the description of cause and the adequacy of corrective action.

The LER's were also reviewed to determine whether further information was required frem the licensee, whether generic implications were involved, whether the event should be classified as an Abnormal Occurrence, and whether the event warranted cnsite followup.

The fol-lowing LER's were reviewed.

LER 78-18/IT, dated June 2, 1973, Piping restraints Mark SVH-

  • --

11 and SVH-12 were not installed en the discharge of steam supply to emergency feed pump turbine relief valves, as designed.

LER 78-10/3L, dated June 22,1973;RS-V-7failedtoccerate


during surveillance testing due to a bicwn fuse in the control circuit caused by a failed voltage spike sup:resscr.

  • --

LER 73-20/:T, dated June 23, 1973; Seven of ne nine c:n r:1 r:cs in red gr:u: 3 inadver ently dre;:ec in:: he core, resultir.g in ::eration with.cre : nan ne ine:erable safety grou rec.


[414 425






  • --

LER 73-22/3L, dated Augus 11,1978; "A" Emergency Diesel Generator air valve was tagged shut for I&C System maintenance, rendering the "A" Diesel inocerable, without imediately tes-ing the redundant diesel.

The above LERs were closed based on satisfactcry review in the Region I office, except those LERs selected for ensite followup.


  • denotese these LERs selected for ensite followup.


Onsite Licensee Event Folicwuo For those LER's selected for onsite follcwup (denoted in Paragraph 6), the inspector verified that the reporting requirements of Technical Specifications and GP 4703 (Original) had been met, that appropriate correceive action had been taken, that the event was reviewed by the licensee as required by Technical Specifications, and that continued operation of the facility was c:nducted in con-for.ance with Technical Specifications limits.

The inspector's findings regarding these licensee events were

'O acceptable.





IE Bulletin and Circular Follcwuc The inspector reviewed the licensee's follewup actions regarding the IF bullet. ins and Circulars listed belcw.

IE3 78-06 " Defective Cutler-Hanner Type M Relays with CC


Coils," dated May 31, 1978.

IES 78-10, "Sergen-Paterson Hydraulic Shock Suppresscr Accumulat:r


Spring Coils," dated June 27, 1978.

IEC 73-04, " Installation Error That Could Prevent Closing of


Fire Doors," dated May 18, 1978.


IEC 78-05, " Inadvertent Safety Injection During Cecidewn,"


dated May 26, 1978.

IEC ~3-C6, "F tential Comen Mcde Ficcding of ECC3 Ecui: men-


v y 31, 1975.

hems at EWR Facilities," ca:ec a



'= = s % a g,


IEC 78-07, " Damaged C:mpenents en a Bergen-patterson Series




25000 Hydraulic Test Stand," dated May 31, 1978.

IEC 78-09, " Arcing of General Electric C:mpany NEl% Si:e 2



Centracters," dated June 8, 1978.

IEC 78-13, "Inoperability of Multiple Service Water Pumes,"


dated July 10, 1978.

The review included discussions with licensee :ersennel, review of selected facility records, and Observation of selected facility equipment and components.

With rescect to the above Bulletins, the ins:ector verified dat licensee management forwarded c: pies of the bulletin response to appropriate onsite management representatives, that information and corrective action discussed in the reply was accurate and effected as described, and that the reply was su:mitted within the time



period described in the bulletins.

With respect t: the above Circulars, the inspector verified that G

the circular was received by approcria:e licensee management, a review for applicacility was perferned, and thac action taken er planned is approcriate.

Acceptance criteria for the above review included inspector judge-ment and requirements of apclicable Technical Specificatiens and facility procedures.

Licensee folicwup to the above Bulletins and Circulars was acceptable, unless otherwise noted belcw.

The licensee's onsite review of IEC 78-C6 and IEC 78-07 was


still in progress at tne time of this inspection.

C:mol etion of licenses review of these ciruciars for acclicability and determination of apcropriate action is c:nsidered an Unresolved Item (289/78-17-01).



In-Office Review of Yeasures Estaclished : I cl een: 10 CFR part 21.Recuirements

~he ;enera-icn precedures li3:sc bel:w were reviewed in -he :egion


    1. i:e.

^? CC'5, Revisi:n C, ["ange I i ve :er

'3, 13~7',.

'Re:O r.i ng


  1. Cef'ac 3 an: "cnc:: :'iance as : scut sc :y i CFR 21.'

G s

1414 327







GP 0029, Revision 3 (January 2,1973), " Generation Division

Nonconfomances. "

GP OC63, Revision 0, Change 3 (March 13, 1973), " Record Centrol."


GP 1009, Revision 1, Change 3 (April 10,1978), "Precurement


Document Control."

GP 1011, Revision 1, Change 2 (Octcber 18,1977), "Prepartion,


Changing, and Issuance cf Specifications and Bills of Material."

GP 1024, Revision 3, Change 2 (February 23,1978),"Icentifi-


cation and Evaluation of Materials, Parts, and Ccmponents."

GP 4C04, Revision 2, Change 3 (February 15,1978), " Review of


Procurement Cocuments."

GP 4012, Revision 4, Change 2 (May 8,1978), "Nonconformance


Reports, and Stop Work Orders."

GP 4414, Revision 0 (February 14,1973), ", Receipt Deficiency



GP 4705, Revision 0 (December 3,1977), " Licensing Reviews for


Reportabil i ty. "

The procedures were reviewed to verify that the procedures or controls listed below have been established and are adecuate to assure implementation of 10 CFR Part 21 recuirements.

Controls or precedures for posting (21.5).


Procedures for evaluating deviations or informing the licensee


or purchaser of deviations (21.21(a)).


Procedures for informing a director or responsible officer of:


1) deviations evaluated to be a defect, or 2) failure to c: moly relating to a substantiated safety hazard (21.21(a)).

Con rols or prececures wnich will assure tha a director er


es: nsible officer wili infce the C: mission as recuirec wner receivir.g inf:rma:icn f a :efec: cr re:cr atle failure

  • : CCly 2$.2i[b)),

1414 328'

Controls or precedures to assure that each crocurement dccument

  • ~


for a facility or basic component, when a:clicable, specifies



that provisions of 10 CFR Part 21 apply (21.31).

Controls or precedures to assure licensee maintenance of



records (21.51(a)).

Controls or procedures to assure the preparation and appropriate


disposition of records (21.51(b)).

No items of nonccmpliance were identified.


In-Office Review of Periodic and Scecial Recor s The pericdic and special reports listed below were reviewed in the Region I office to verify that the report included informatien required to be reported and that test results and/or supoorting infomation discussed in the report were consistent with design predictions and performance specifications, as applicable.



reports were also reviewed to ascertain whether planned corrective i

action was adequate for resolution of identified problems, wnere


aoplicable, and to detemine whether any information contained in the report should be classified as an Abnormal Occurrence.

The following TMI periodic reports were reviewed.

May Operating Report, dated June 14, 1978.


June Operating Report, dated July 13, 1978.


July Operating Report, dated August 15, 1978.


The following TMI I spectial report was reviewed:

TMI I Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test


Report April 1978 (Cover letter GGL 1197, dated July la, 1978).


The above re; orts were cisced based on satisfactory review at the Region I office.





2 11.

Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more infomation is required


in order to ascertain whetner they are acceptable items, items of ncnc moliance, or deviations.

An unresolved item disclosed during the inspection is discussed in Paragraph 3.


Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1) at the concisuion of the inspection en August 22, 1978.

The in-spector sumarized the purpose and scope of the inspecticn and the findings.





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