IR 05000289/1978002

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IE Insp Rept 50-289/78-02 on 780223-24.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Shift Logs,Records,Facility Tour,Ler Followup & Previous Insp Followup
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/06/1978
From: Davis A, Haverkamp D, Kellogg P
Shared Package
ML19276H240 List:
50-289-78-02, 50-289-78-2, NUDOCS 7910150871
Download: ML19276H246 (10)



ort No. 50-2cc n8-02 D
cket No.

50-2cc License No.

DDR-50 Priority Category C



Metrocolitan Edison Cemaanv


P. O. :3cx 522 Readinc, Pennsylvania 19603 Facility Name:

Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Inspa: tion at:

Middletewn, Pennsylvania Inspection conducted: February 23-2a, 1978




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D. 1. Haverk x1, Reactor inspector cate signec y

3, G kV





/ cave signec 9.


g date signed


Approved by:

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A. B. Davis, Chief, Reactor Projects cate signed Section No. 1, RO&NS Branch



Insoection Summary:


Insoection on Februarv 23-22, 1978 (Recort No. 50-289/78-02)

Areas Inscected:

Routine, unannounced inspection of plant cperations including snift logs and records and faci.lity tour; licensee followup actions concernino selected licensee events; and licensee followup actions concernina previous


inspection findings.

The inspection involved 37 inspector hours.cnsite by two NRC inspectors.

Resu'l ts :

No items of r.encompliance were identified.

1419 021

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Persons Contacted Mr. T. Acker, Shift Foreman


Mr. K. Bryan, Shift Foreman

  • Mr. W. Cotter, Supervisor - Quality Control


Mr. G. Hitz, Shift Supervisor


  • Mr. G. Kunder, Superintendent - Technical Support Mr. L. Noll, Shift Foreman
  • Mr. J. O'Hanlon, Unit Superintendent Mr. M. Ross, Supervisor of Operations Mr. D. Shovlin, Superintendent - Maintenance Mr. H. Shipman, Operations Engineer Mr. B. Smith, Shift Supervisor The inspector also talked with and interviewed several other licensee employees, including members of the technical and engineering staffs, control rocm operators, and training group personnel.


  • denotes those cresent at the exit interview.


Licensee Action on Previous Inscection Findinas

I (Closed) Unresolved Item (289/76-20-02):

Coordination with off-site agencies. The inspector reviewed the implementing procedures


for the coordination with offsite agencies.

The concerns noted in the referenced inspection report had been incorporated into the revised procedures.

(Closed) Unresoived. Item (289/76-20-03):

Review and Updating of


Emergency Plan.

The revised station Emeraency Plan and implementing procedures were reviewed to verify that a state of adequate prepared-ness wculd be implemented by the Plan and procedures.

The inspector verified the plan covered all aspects of emergency planning as issued.

(Closed) Unresolved Item (289/77-22-01):

TS Chance to be submitted for error in bases. An amended page to the Technical * Specification bases was issued by NRR on January 5, 1978.

t i


14 i 7 OL22




(Closed) Inspector Followup Item (289/77-37-02):

Establish admini-strative controls to define normal time for jumper,.ifted lead, and temporary mechanical modification controls.

The licensee has initiated a review and evaluation of these items in effect longer than 12 months.

Additionally, periodic reviews of these items will be conducted to verify the continuiing appropriateness cf these items.

(Refer to Paragraph 3 of this report.)


(Closed) Inspector Followup Item (289/77-37-03):

Revised equipment lockout forms.

The revised form has been issued and is currently in use..

(Closed) Inspector Followup Item (289/77-37-05):

Recortability of entry into a degraded mode.

The inspector discussed entry into a.

degraded mode and the subsequent reportability with the licensee's s ta ff.

The context of this discussion is contained in Paragraph 6 of this report.

(Closed) Noncompliance. (289/77-37-06):

Failure to barricade and conspicuously post. The insoector verified the licensee had completed the corrective action as noted in his letter of January 6,1978.

Posting was observed during a plant tour and was found to be acceptable.


(Closed) Inspector Folicwup Item (289/77-37-07):

Boric acid leakage.

The inspector noted the boric acid leakage in the vicinity of the O

chemical addition pumps and in the borated spray pugp vaults had


been cleaned up er was in prdgress.


Review of Plant Ooerations a.

Shif t Loos and Ooeratino Records The inspector reviewed the following logs and records:

Shift Foreman Log, Control Room Log Book. Ocntrol Room ~


Operator's Log Sheets, Primary Auxiliary Operator's Log-Tour Readings, Primary Auxiliary Operator's Log-Liquid Waste Disposal Panels, Secondary Auxiliary Operator's Log Sheets, and Auxiliary Operator Log Sheets-Out-Building Tour; dated November 28, 1977 - February 22,,1978.

Shift and Daily Checks; dated November 27, 1977 - February


20, 1978.

9 08

Jumper, Lifted Lead, and Mechanical Modifications Log


(active and cleared); entries made curing December 1, 1977 - February 22, 1978.

Equipment Lockout Tag Log (active and cleared); entries


made during December 1,1977 - February 22, 1978.


Do Not Operator Tag Log; entries made during December 1,


1977 - February 23, 1978.

Unit 1 Superintendent's Operating Memo No. 1.


Operations Department (00) Memo 78-1, " Unit 1 Operations


Depart. ent Memo," dated January 3,1978.

OD Memo 78-2, " Instructions for Logoing Recirculation


Run Times on the Decay Heat Removal Pumps," dated January 14, 1978.

0D Memo 78-3, " Action to be Taken on Low or Empty Snubber


Fluid Reservoir," dated January 18, 1978.


OD Memo 78-4, " Review and Handling of Inservice Inspection



(ISI) Data," dated January 23, 1978.



y The logs an'd records were reviewed to verify the following





p Log keeping practices and log book reviews are conducted



in accordance with established administrative controls.

Log entries involving abnormal corditions are sufficiently




Operating orders do not conflict with Technical Specifica-r tions (T5s).

Jumoer log and tagging log entries do not conflict with




Jumper / lifted lead / mechanical modification and tacging ocerations are conducted in conformance with established


acministrative controls.

1419 024


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Problem identification reports ccnfim compliance with


TS reporting and LCO requirements.

Acceptance criteria for the above review included inspector judgement and requirements of applicable Technical Specifica-


tions and the following procedures.

Station Administrative Procedure (SAP)~ 1002, " Rules for


the Protection of Employees Working on Electrical and Mechanical Apparatus," Revision 12.


i SAP 1010 " Technical Specification Surveillance Procram,"


i Revision 12.

l SAP 1011. " Controlled Key Locker Centrol," Revision 15.



SAP 1012. " Shift Relief and Log Entries," Revision 8.



SAP 1013, " Bypass of Safety Functions and Jumper Centrol,"


Revision 7.



SAP 1016, " Operations Surveillance Program," Revision 12.


l SAP 1033, " Operating Memos and Standing O'rders," Original.



The inspector's findings regarding shift logs and operating l

records were acceptable, as noted belcw.



Shift Foreman Log and Centrol Rocm Lag Book entries



continued to be explicit and complete.




i SAP 1013, Revision 7, includes new requirements to evaluate



lifted leads, jumpers, and temporary mechanical modifica-l tions in effect for lancer than 12 months.

Licensee imple-i mentation of these requirements has been recently initi-i ated in response to internal audit findings.

The inspector i

had no further questions concerning this matter.


Plant Tcur



On February 24, 1978, the inspector conducted a tour of the following accessible olant areas.

1419 025



. - - -


Auxiliary Suilding



Turbine Building


Fuel Handling Building


Control Room


Switchgear Roo.7s


Inverter and Battery Rooms


Diesel Rocms


Sample Room



Chemical Addition Room


Make-up Pump Rooms



Building Spray Pump and Decay Heat Pump Vaults


Diesel Rocms


Thefollowingobservations/ discussions /determiitationswere



Control Room and local monitoring instrumentation for


various components and parameters was observed, includina reactor power level, reactor coolant flow, core flood tank level and pressure, boric acid mix' tank level and temperature, pressuiizer level, and sodium thiosulphate.

tank level and temperature.

Radiation controls established by the licensee, incitding


the p: sting of radiation and high radiation areas, tre condi*: ion of step-off pads and the disposal of protettive clothing, were observed.

Radiation work perpits usec for entry to radiation and controlled areas were reviewed.

Actual radiation level measurements were taken and ccmpared with posted values throughout the clant.


Plant housekeecino, including general cleanliness conditiens


and :crace of materiais and cc.m cnents to creven: safety anc # ire ia: arcs, were c: served.



l419 026




Systems and eouipment in all areas toured were observed


for the existence of fluid leaks and abnormal piping vibrations.

Selected DHR, RBS, MS, and FW system piping snubbers /


restraints were observed for proper fluid level and


condition / proper hanger settings.

The indicated positions of electrical power supply breakers


and selected RBS, RBECR, NSRP, DHR, DH, ar.d DHCC control board equipment start switches and remote-operated valves and the actual positions of DH, WDL, RBS, and MU manual-operated valves were observed.


Selected equipment lockout tags were observed for procer posting and the tagged equipment was observed for procer positioning. The items observed included tags and equip-ment associated with clearances 193, 202, 204, and 218.

The Control Board was observed for annunciators that nor.1 ally


should not be lighted during tha existing plant conditions.


she reasons for the annunciators were discussed with control room operators.

The licensee's policy and practice regarding plant tours


was reviewed.


Control Room manning was observed on several occassions during the inspection.

Acceptance criteria for the above items included inspector judgement and requirements of 10 CFR 50.54(k), Regulatory Guide 1.114, applicable Technical Specifications and the following procedures.

SAP 1002, " Rules for the Protection of Employees Working



on Electrical and Mechanical Apparatus," Pevision 12.

SAP 1003, " Radiation Protection Manual," Revision 12.


SAP 1008, " Good Housekeeping," Revision 2.



SAP 1009, " Station Organi ation and Chain of Cccrand,"

evision 3.


l 4 } ) !)2[

SAP 1020, " Cleanliness Requirements," Revision 4.


SAP 1028, " Operator at the Controls," Original.


The inspector's finding regarding the plant tours were acceptable.


In-Office Review of Licensee Event Recorts (LERs)



The LERs listed below were reviewed in the Region I office promptly following receipt to verify that details of the event were clearly reported including the accuracy of the descriptica of cause and the adequacy of corrective action. The LERs were also reviewed to determine whether further information was required from the licensee, whetner generic imolications were involved, whether the event should be classified as an Abnomal Occurrence, and whether the


event warranted onsite followup.

l The following LERs were reviewed.


  • --

Integrity when both doors of the reactor building personnel access hatch were open at the same time due to failure of the


interlock device and inadequate operator training.

  • --

LER 77-25/3L, dated flovember 18, 1977; Reactor, Coolant evapor-


ator seal water line fitting failure due to weakened hose connection.


  • --

LER 77-26/17, dated November 28, 1977; Quadrant power l'1t exceeded the Technical Specification limit of 2.66% for 4.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> due to failure to promptly recogni::e the tilt alarm and take corrective action.

  • --

LER 77-27/1T, dated December 15, 1977; Violation of Containment Integrity when the outer door of the reactor building personnel


access hatch and the inner door equali::ing valve were open at the same time due to a broken coor actuating cam rollec.


icenotes those LERs selected for onsite followup.

g 141?



LER 77-28/3L, dated December 28, 1977; Reactor Coolant Letdown


Sample Valve CA-V13 failed to close fully when actuated by a remote signal due to stem bushing thread wear.

  • --

LER 77-29/17, dated December 30, 1977; Error in methods used for calculating the volume of boron required to brino the reactor to cold shutdown.

  • --

LER 77-30/17, dated December 30, 1977; Error in ccmputer soft-ware methods used to calculate core imbalance.

  • --

LER 77-31/3L, dated January 20, 1978; Pinhole leak on Reactor Ccolant Makaup Pump MU-P-1B casing drain flange weld, and excessive gland leak c., pump isolation valve MU-V-748.


Except as noted in r'aragraph 5 belcw. the inscector had no further questions on these items.


Onsite Licensee Event Followuo For those LERs selected for onsite followup (denoted in Paragraph


4), the inspector verified that the reporting requirements of Technical Specifications and GP 4703 (Original) had been met, that

appropriate corrective action had been taken, that the event was reviewed by the. licensee as required by Technical Specifications, and that continued operation of the facility was conducted in con-fornance with Technical Specification limits.

The inspector's findings regarding these licensee events were acceptable, unless othersise noted below.

LER 77-25/3L described tne failure of a RC evaporator seal


water line fitting. The failure was attributed to a weakene'd hose connection caused by periodic connecting and disconnecting of the reclaimed water hose used to fill the tank.

A change modification has been initiated to provide, permanent piping for seal water tank makeup.

However, this modification has not yet been approved for accomplishment.

The licensee's corrective measures to reduce stress on the seal ' water lin.e by comp 1c-tino this change modification will be reviewed during a subsequent inspection.




'cenc es nose t.ERs selec ed fcr ensi e 'oll:wu::.


1117 029



Re ortability of Entry into a Decraded Mode The inspector discussed with the licensee's staff the following interpretation of the reportability of entry into a degraded mode.

The purpose of this thirty-day written report is to provide data on equipment failure, including inoperability.

Therefore, a report is required:


When the failure is detected while performing a test required by the Technical Specifications to demonstrate operability of the equipment-This is true even if the failure is detected


in a mode P which the Technical Specifications do not require operability si the equipment.


When the ' allure is detected while the facility is operating i

in a mode for which the Technical Specifications do not specifically state that operability of the failed equipment is not required for that mode (so that operability in that mode is required, either directly or by implication).


A thirty-day written report need not be submitted when equipment is


removed from service, for reasons other than failure, to enter alternate or degraded modes of operation consistent with the provisions of a technical specification.

G 7.



Exit Interview


The inspectors met with licensee representatives (denoted in para-I graph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on February 24, 1978.

the inspectors summarized the purpose and scope of the inspection


and the findings.








