IR 05000267/1987030

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Insp Rept 50-267/87-30 on 871102-06.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Deficiencies Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Status of Emergency Preparedness Program,Notifications & Communications & Public Info
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/08/1987
From: Fisher W, Hackney C
Shared Package
ML20237A872 List:
50-267-87-30, NUDOCS 8712150337
Download: ML20237A891 (5)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-267/87-30 Operating License: DPR-34 Docket: 50-267 Licensee: Public Service Company of Colorado (PSC)

2420 W. 26th Avenue, Suite 15c Denver, Colorado 80211 Facility Name: Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station (FSV)

Inspection At: FSV Site, Weld County, Platteville, Colorado inspection Conducted: November 2-6, 1987 Inspector: udb ($ ,N nehenA e

)J /Ff 9 7 t. A. Hackney, Emergency Preparedness Date /

Specialist Approved: hvws II / f.R /P/87 killi~ani L. Fisher, Chief, Nuclear Materials Date'

and Emergency Preparedness Branch Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted November 2-6, 1987 (Report 50-267/87-30)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of operational status of the emergency preparedness program, notifications and communications, public information, and licensee audit Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified. However, two deficiencies were identifie i 8712150337 871210 PDR ADOCK 05000267 g PDR

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DETAILS Persons Contacted PSC

  • Fuller, Station Manager
  • F. Borst, Manager, Support Services
  • 0. Clayton, Emergency Planning Coordinator
  • Ferris, Quality Assurance Operations Manager
  • F. Novachek, Technical / Administrative Services Manager
  • R. Millison, Emergency Planning
  • 0. Lee, III, Quality Assurance Auditing NRC
  • Farrell, Senior Resident Inspector P. Michaud, Resident Inspector K. Oh, Health Physicist
  • Denotes attendance at the exit intervie The NRC inspector also contacted other licensee personnel, including training staff and shift operations personne . Notifications and Communication (82203) I l The NRC inspector conducted this inspection to determine if the licensee was maintaining the capability for notifying and communicating among i licensee personnel, offsite supporting agencies and authorities, and the I population within the emergency planning zone in the event of an emergenc I The NRC inspector reviewed RERP-Control Room, RERP-Notifications and Communications, and discussed licensee notifications with selected station personne The licensee was to make initial notifications to the state within 15 minutes following the declaration of an emergenc The NRC was to be notified after notifying the state, and no later than 1 hou I The licensee had implemented a procedure for notifying emergency response personnel (ERP) during an emergency. It should be noted that the licensee  !

utilized the ERP notification system following a station fire on October 1, 1987. The licensee critiqued the response of emergency l personnel. The emergency preparedness staff made several recommendations


for response improvemen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _

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l The NRC inspector reviewed selected offsite message forms. The licensee message forms were complete and appeared to contain sufficient information i for initial notificatio The NRC inspector determined that persons having problems with a tone alert radio were to report the problem to one of the numbers listed on the tone alert radio. The listed numbers did not indicate that the telephone numbers were valid only during regular office hours. Further, one of the numbers had been discontinued. Interviewed personnel were not aware that the number had been discontinue The above constitutes a deficiency (267/8730-01).

The NRC inspector reviewed selected communication equipment and procedures for the emergency response facilities. Selected equipment was tested and the equipment functioned as required. The NRC resident inspectors'

Emergency Notification System (ENS) telephone was in a state of repair; ,

consequently, the ENS was not teste l The NRC inspector determined that the October 2, 1987, station fire had damaged the primary method for contacting emergency response personne The NRC inspector determined that the licensee had available both commercial and company owned microwave communication systems. Following the October 2, 1987 station fire, the licensee performed a review of the communications systems. The final routing of the communication lines had not been develope The NRC inspector discussed the following observations with the licensee during the exit interview: <

RERP notifications and control room, paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2, should be revised to reflect the wording in 10 CFR 50.72. Remove the word

" initial" from the procedur l

The notification message sheets should have an approval (signature, date, and time) space for the Emergency Coordinato The method for notifying the state duty officer via pager and the expected response by the state duty officer should be included in the notification procedur l The NRC resident inspectors' telephone, located in the TSC, should have telephone procedures and available telephone lines liste The call back hardware should be located in an area readily accessible by station personnel. The location should ensure that back shift personnel could review the list of persons that failed to respond to an emergency response personnel call out.

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The notification check list should have a space for recognizing that the verification number call back had been completed. Additionally, a space for the persons name that returned the call should be provide A general procedure should be developed for performing tone alert radio task; e.g., tone alert radio maintenance, method for distribution, and maintenance of the distribution lis . Public Information (82209)

i The NRC inspector conducted this inspection to verify that basic emergency


planning information had been disseminated to the public in the plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone on an annual basi The NRC inspector interviewed licensee personnel responsible for the offsite brochure mailing list. The brochure had been mailed to the public as committed by the license The licensee stated that there were not any public areas for camping, boating, or recreational use in the 5-mile emergency planning zon The NRC in3pector interviewed licensee media personnel and determined that the licensee had agreed to let the state operate the rumor control cente The licensee was not certain as to the number of telephones that would be 3 available for answering public concerns, or how many people would be available to participate in responding to public inquirie ;

The above constitutes a deficiency (267/8730-02).

The NRC inspector reviewed licensee commitments for disseminating i information to the public annually. The information had been distributed as committe . Licensee Audits (82210) q The NRC inspector conducted the inspection to determine that the licensee {

had performed an independent review or audit of its Emergency Preparedness l Progra The NRC inspector reviewed the Quality Assurance (QA) department 12 month -

emergency program audit. The audit was conducted from May 25 through June 30, 1987. The QA report was issued on July 31, 1987. Record. review indicated that the audit had been performed within the required 12-month .;

perio i The NRC inspector interviewed licensee personnel cnncerning offsite interface. Meeting records and interviews indicate a good state and local working relationship. The !icensee had performed critiques following drills and exercises.

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The NRC inspector noted that the QA department recommended providing copy ;

of the report to state and local governments. A copy of the report had been sent by licensee to above parties. Additionally, findings and observations are sent to corporate management for review. Findings require a response to QA within 30 day The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee program for deficiencies and corrective actio The NRC inspector reviewed QAAP-6 and Q-16. Both j documents address identification of weaknesses and appropriate corrective actio I a

The NRC inspector discussed the following observations with the licensee !

during the exit interview: )

j The annual audit reference list should include NUREG 0737; NUREG 0737, Supplement 1; 10 CFR 50 Appendix E; 10 CFR 50.54(q); and 10 CFR 50.7 The annual emergency program review should include a member on the l audit team who has previous emergency preparedness experienc )

Operational Status of the Emergency Preparedness Program (82701)

Independent Reviews / Audit (see 82210, Licensee Audits). Inspector Observations An inspector observation is a matter discussed with the licensee during the exit interview. Observations are neither violations nor unresolved items. Observations are suggested for the licensee's consideration, but have no specific regulatory requirement. Observations are identified in paragraph 2 and 4 of this repor l Exit Interview l i'

The NRC inspectors met with the NRC resident inspector and licensee representatives denoted in paragraph 1 on November 6, 1987, and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection as presented in this repor I


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