IR 05000219/1987019

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Safety Insp Rept 50-219/87-19 on 870521,22,27 & 28.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Gaseous & Liquid Radioactive Effluents Controls Program,Including Mgt Controls & Audits & Radiological Effluent Controls Program
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 06/18/1987
From: Davidson B, Pasciak W
Shared Package
ML20216F868 List:
50-219-87-19, NUDOCS 8706300969
Download: ML20216F893 (4)







Report N /87-19 Docket N License N DRP-16 Priority --

Category C l Licensee: GPU Nuclear Corporation i P.O. Box 388 l Forked River, New Jersey 08731 l

Facility Name: Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Inspection At: Forked River, New Jersey Inspection Conducted: May 21, 22, 27 and 28, 1987 Inspectors: kM S. Davids(n, M diation Specialist d:7-lT- Q

' date Approved by: dwa/9 k, TJ)ief dM V '

[p - I T- T 7 I date W.J.Pasci(diationProtectionSection Effluents Ra Inspection Summary: Inspection on May 21, 22, 27 and 28, 1987 (Inspection Report No. 50-219/87-19 Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced safety inspection of the Gaseous and Liquid Radioactive Effluents Controls Program including: management controls and audits, radiological effluent controls program, sampling measurement and monitor calibrations, and air cleaning system Results: No violations were noted in the areas reviewed.

l 8706300969 870619 1 PDR ADOCK 05000219.-





DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted 1.1 Licensee Personnel

  • J. N. Christian, Lead QA Auditor
  • R. F. Fenti, Manager - QA Mod / Ops
  • P. B. Fiedler, Vice President and Director - Oyster Creek '
  • C. Hager, Senior Chemistry Assessment Consultant
  • C. J. Halbfoster, Manager, Plant Chemistry /Radwaste
  • M. Heller, Oyster Creek Licensing Engineer
  • J. D. Kowalski, Oyster Creek Licensing Manager
  • M. Littleton, Radiological Engineering Manager
  • R. L. Stoudnour, Engineering, Senior II Other licensee employees were contacted or interviewed during this inspectio .2 NRC Personnel
  • W. H. Bateman, Senior Resident Inspector
  • J, F. Wechselberger, Resident Inspector
  • Denotes those individuals present at the exit intervie .0 Organization and Management Control The inspector reviewed the organization for administration of the plant chemistry section. The chemistry section's responsibilities include radiological and non-radiological chemistry. The chemistry section supervisory personnel include the Manager - Plant Chemistry, two senior chemists, one senior engineer and two groups of supervisors. Sixteen chemistry technicians support the progra All chemistry personnel report to the Manager - Plant Chemistry who reports to the Plant Operations Director The inspector reviewed the results of recent audits conducted by the Quality Assurance (QA) Departmen Periodic audits of the site chemistry and vendors performing activities on behalf of chemistry were found t comprehensive in scope. Methods are established to identify severity of problems, track open items and escalate actions where necessary. The '

Chemistry section conducted a Quality Control (QC) program internally and for vendors. With respect to vendor QC, the inspector noted that QC samples for wet chemistry analyses were not routinely made and discussed this with the licensee. The inspector stated that such samples would provide additional credibility to the results of the analyses, particularly for Sr-89 and Sr-90, for which chemical yield determinations j are a significant source of potential error The licensee was receptive 1 to the inclusion of such QC samples in its progra l




No violations were noted in this are .0 - Liquid Waste processing and Effluent Control The inspector reviewed licensee documentation to determine if reactor l coolant and liquid effluent sampling and analysis were conducted as required. The inspection reviewed weekly and monthly surveillance !

verification sheets to ensure that the required surveillances are performed. Completed sheets are reviewed by the Manager, Plant Chemistr The inspector selected various records covering 1987 to date and determined that all required analyses were complete Liquid effluent releases were not made in 1987 to date. The inspector reviewed the procedures which concern the liquid effluents' return to the hot well or discharge to the environment and found them acceptable. The overboard discharge. monitor was out of service, so grab samples are required if liquid releases are mad .0 Gaseous Waste Processing and Effluent Controls The gaseous radwaste treatment system responsible for minimizing releases to the environment is the Augmented Offgas System (A0G). The majority of gaseous wastes are collected and treated by the A0G prior to releas Previously, system inoperability and fuel leakage gave rise to significant releases with respect to 10 CFR 50 Appendix I design criteria. Licensee Event Report No.86-016, dated July 30, 1986, discussed this problem. The ^

inspector reviewed the semi annual effluent reports for the second half of 1985 and first half of 1986. These reports encompass the time periods in which the A0G problem and fuel failures occurred. Following shut down for refueling and repair of the A0G, the current gaseous effluent releases {

j have been well within the Appendix I dose limit J I

Chemistry personnel provide correlation factors which are used by the J environmental controls group to calculate and track release statu !

-Separate factors are used when the A0G is in operation or inoperable, typically at less than forty percent power. Radiation monitor strip chart ,

values are used in this determinatio ]

i Chemistry performs radiation monitor calibrations using samples with varying activities in the particulate and iodine channel and using decayed ,

offgas samples in determining the correlation factor ]

The inspector performed a walkdown of the A0G building and reviewed building monitor locations, annunciator panels and alarms. The stack monitoring equipment was also looked a No violation or deviations from FSAR equipment description were foun ____-


5.0 Standby Gas Treatment System (SGTS)

The inspector reviewed licensee procedures and records with regard to the SGT Particular attention was given to methyl iodide removal efficiency tests. Chemistry personnel acquire these samples which are then sent offsite-to a vendor for this analysi Subsequent to a test in July, 1986, which found a less than adequate value (81%, Train A) charcoal beds were replaced. Followup tests in September revealed that the new beds had more than 99% removal efficiency. The requirement is 90% or better. Train B was tested in October 1986 and found satisfactory. Following painting in the Reactor Building and NRC request, sampling was conducted and found sati s facto r No violations were found in this are .0 Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor Test and Calibration The inspector reviewed procedures and records of main steam line (MSL)

calibration and tests. This is conducted by the functional maintenance group. The inspector determined that the equipment was properly calibrated at'the required interval and that tests were made to initiate isolation and scram functions as necessar No violations were found in this are .0 Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee personnel-denoted in section one at the conclusion of the inspection on May 28, 1987. The inspector summarized the purpose and scope of the inspection as well as the inspection findings. At no time during this inspection was any written material given to the licensee by the inspecto i

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