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Responds to NRC Identifying Weaknesses Noted in Insp Rept 50-305/84-14 Re Audit of Emergency Response Facility.Corrective Actions:Routine Test Program Established for Atmospheric Cleanup Sys
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Site: Kewaunee Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 02/01/1985
From: Hintz D
To: Paperiello C
CON-NRC-85-17 NUDOCS 8502150179
Download: ML20106H104 (3)




NRC-85-17 WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION P.O. Box 1200, Green Bay, WI 54305 February 1, 1985 Mr. C. J. Paperiello, Chief Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Safety Branch U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Dear Mr. Paperiello:

Docket 50-305 Operating License DPR-43 Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Inspection Report 84-14


Letter from C. J. Paperiello (US NRC) to C. W. Giesler (WPSC) dated December 19, 1984, transmitting Inspection Report 50-305/84-14 The attachment to this letter details our response to the weaknesses identified as a result of the Emergency Response Facility audit conducted by your staff.

The weaknesses were identified in Inspection Report 84-14 (DRSS).

Very truly yours, D. C. Hintz 0-f Manager - Nuclear Power DSN/js Attach.


cc - Mr. S. A. Varga, US NRC i Mr. Robert Nelson, US NRC ) t f{Q O$$oh $ lggg

  • Sr. C. J. Paperiello N1-71.2 February 1, 1985 Page 1 Attachment Response to Weaknesses Inspection Report 84-14 ERF Weakness 1 A routine testing program should be established for the TSC/RAF atmospieric cleanup systems to verify the assumed removal efficiency.


Procedures TSP 67-1, TSC Ventilation HEPA Filter D0P Test, and TSP 67-2, TSC Ventilation Charcoal Filter Freon Test, were written to address this weakness.

The procedures were issued on September 27, 1984 and testing was performed on October 2 and 3, 1984. We expect to perform filter testing of the TSC/RAF atmospheric cleanup system on a biennial (every two years) basis.

ERF-Weaknessess 2 & 3 Quantitative Auxiliary Building vent stack flow rate information should be'made

-_available for dose assessment calculations by either installing a vent stack flow measuring device or developing a matrix showing various fan combinations.

Quantitative Reactor Building vent flow rate information should be made

, , available for dose assessment calculations. In addition, the dose assessment I

model should be revised to include this_as a-. potential release pathway.


We are currently evaluating the development of a flow matrix based on the various possible fan combinations so that plant personnel can better understand and more accurately estimate vent flow rates based on fan status.

The. evaluation will include a review of the Auxiliary Building Ventilation System and the Reactor Building Ventilation System. We also will explore the methods for determining a " chimney effect" flow in the event that no fans are running, b

Mr. C. J. Paperiello February 1, 1985 Page 2 The evaluation and investigation should be completed by August 1,1985 at which time we'will inform you of our recommended corrective actions.

ERF Weakness 4 An additional release pathway should be added to the dose assessment model that could represent any pathway not already addressed, whether it was from a stack, driven by a fan, monitored, etc.


We will modify the dose projection program such that a flow rate can be manually entered. This would allow coverage for any of a number of unexpected release paths and flows that might follow an accident. This could represent any other release pathway, whether or not it was from a stack, driven by a fan or calcu-lated by engineering analysis. We expect this capability to be available by May 1, 1985.

ERF Weakness 5 EP-TSC-6 incorrectly estimates cladding oxidation from hydrogen production and must be corrected. The licensee consnitted to correct this by January 1,1985.


Procedure EP-TSC-6, Assessment of Reactor Core Damage, was correct the discrepancy in estimating cladding oxidation based on hydrogen production.

The revised procedure was issued on December 28, 1984.

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