IR 05000482/1988020

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Insp Rept 50-482/88-20 on 880701-31.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Status, Operational Safety Verification,Monthly Surveillance Observation & Physical Security Verification
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 08/11/1988
From: Bruce Bartlett, Chamberlain D, Skow M
Shared Package
ML20207E975 List:
50-482-88-20, IEB-88-005, IEB-88-5, NUDOCS 8808180194
Download: ML20207E977 (10)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-482/88-20 Operating License: NPF-42

, T _c et: 50-482 Licensee: Wolt Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (WCN00)

P. O. Box 412 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)

Inspection At: Wolf Creek Site, Coffey County, Burlington, Kansas .

Inspection Condt.cted: July 1 to 31, 1988 Inspectors: M&*/ W 7d -M B. L. Bartlett, Senior Resident Inspector, Date Projects Section A, Division of Reactor Projects 2- Y M. E. Skow, Resident Reactor Inspector,- .ta te(

Project Section A, Division of Reactor Projects J ///

Approved: _ /[dd[ -

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') D. D. Chambe'rlain, Chief, Pr'oject Secy'on A, /Dat(

Division of Reactor Projects


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-2-Inspection Summary inspection Conducted July 1-31, 1988 (Report 50-482/88-20)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection including plant status, operational safety verification, monthly surveillance observation, monthly maintenance observation, onsite event followup, review of licensee cvent reports, engineered safety features walkdown, physical security verification, and radiological protectio Results: Material conditions within the plant are good and continue to improve (paragraph 3), the control room air intake chlorine monitors continue to cause unnecessary control room ventilation isolation signals (paragraph 6), and the licensee has begun field testing of material in response to IE Bulletin 88-05 (paragraph 5). With- the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie .








-3-DETAHS Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Personnel

  • B. D. Withers, President and CEO
  • R. M. Grant, Vice President, Quality Assurance (QA)
  • G. D. Boyer, Plant Manager R. W. Holloway, Manager, Maintenance and Modifications 0. L. Maynard, Manager, Licensing
  • C. M. Estes, Manager, Operations
  • H. G. Williams, Manager, Plant Support A. A. Freitag, Manager, Nuclear Plant Engineering (NPE), WCGS
  • K. Peterson, Supervisor, Licensing
  • G. Pendergrass, Licensing
  • C. E. Parry, Manager, QA
  • N. Hoadley, Engineer, NPE
  • J. D. Stamm, Engineer, NPE
  • J. M. Pippin, Manager, NPE
  • C J. Hoch, QA Technologist
  • L. Litch, QA Clerk ,

The NRC inspectors also contacted other members of the licensee's staff


during the inspection period to discuss identified issues.

) * Denotes those personnel in attendance at the exit meeting held on August 1, 1988, Plant Status The plant operated in Mode 1, 100 percent power during the inspection period. On July 31, 1988, the licensee had 164 days of continuous power productio . Operational Safety Verification (71707]

The NRC inspectors verified that the facility was being operated safely and in conformance with regulatory requirements by direct observation-of licensee facilities, tours of the facility,' interviews and' discussions with licensee personnel, independent verification of saf;+v system status and limiting conditions for operations, and rey ew of facility record The NRC inspectors, by observation of randomly. selected activities and interview of personnel, verified that physical security, radiation



protection, and fire protection activities were controlle By observing accessible components for correct valve position and electrical breaker position, and by observing control room indication, _the


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-4-NRC inspectors confirmed the operability of selected portions of safety related systems. The NRC inspectors also visually inspected safety components for leakage, physical damage, and other impairments that could prevent them from performing their designed function Selected NRC inspector observations are discussed below:

Material conditions within the plant were good with continuing improvements evident during the inspection period. Licensee management has formed an inspection team which routinely conducts housekeeping tour No violations or deviations were identifie . MonthlySurveillanceObservation(617261 The NRC inspectors observed selected portions of the performance of surveillance testing and/or reviewed completed surveillance test procedures to verify that surveillance activities were performed in accordance with Technical Specification (TS) requirements and administrative procedures. The NRC inspectors considered the following elements while inspecting surveillance activities:


o Testing was being accomplished by qualified personnel in accordance with an approved procedure, o The surveillance procedure conformed to TS requirements, o Required test instrumentation was calibrated o TS limiting conditions for operation (LCOs) weh satisfied, o Test data was accurate and complete. Where appropriate, the NRC inspectors perfonned independent calculations of selected test data to verify accuracy, o The performance of the surveillaace procedure conformed to applicable administrative procedure o The surveillance was performed within the required frequency and the test results met the required limit Surveillances witnessed and/or reviewed by the NRC inspectors are listed below:

o STS RE-012, Revision 1, "QPTR Determination," performed on July 27, 1988 '

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o STS SE-001, Revision 8. "Power Range Adjustment to Calorimetric,"


performed on July 27, 1988 P

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-5-o STS NB-005, Revision 5, "Breaker Alignment Verification," performed on July 29, 1988 o STS IC-912, Revision 5, "Containment Hydrogen Analyzer GS-065A Calibration Test," performed on July 29, 1988 No violations or deviations were identifie . Monthly Maintenance Observation (62703)

The NRC inspectors observed maintenance activities performed on safety-related systems and components to verify that these activities were


conducted in accordance with approved procedures, TS, and applicable industry codes and standards. The following elements were considered by the NRC inspectors during the obse'?ation and/or review of the maintenance activi:ies:

o 8.COs were met and, where applicable, redundant components were operable, o Activities complied with adequate administrative controls, o Where required, adequate, approvad, and up-to-date procedures were used, o Craftsmen were qualified to accomplish the de:;ignated task, and technicalexpertise(i.e., engineering,healthphysics, operations)

was made available when appropriat o Replacement parts and materials used were pro)erly certified, o Required radiological controls were implemente o Fire prevention controls were implemented where appropriat o Required alignments and surveillances to verify post-maintenance operability were performed,



o Quality control hold potats and/or checklists were used when appropriate and quality control personnel observed designated work activitie Selected portions of the maintenance activities accomplished on the work requests (WR) listed below were observed and related documentation reviewed by the NRC inspector:

N Activity


WR 02219-88 EM Valves - Boric Acid Leaks WR 02842-88 Perform hydrostatic pressure teet on lines replaced on WR 02810-88 I-4n , ,

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-6-WR 03033-88 BB-191-HBC-4" RCP 0 motor upper bearing cooler return IEB 88-05 testing WR 02951-88 EF-139-HBC-30" IEB 88-05 testing WR 03041-88 Diesel Generator Air Compressor A/CKJ01A WR 04290-88 PEG 01A CCW Pump Selected NRC inspector observations are discussed below:

1988, the NRC inspector reviewed WR 02842-88. The shift On July 17,(SS) was also reviewing the WR prior to giving permission to supervisor start. The NRC inspector observed that for the low pressure hydro, Valves BG V-363 and BG V-364 would be ope The valves are on a system connected to the reactor coolant system, in a drain line outside of containment, and between Containment Penetration 23 and Valve BG HV-8152. Both the outboard containment isolation valve (BGHV-8152)andtheinboardcontainmentisolationvalve(BGHV-8160)

are listed in the TS as Phase A containment isolation valves. When questioned as to the operability of Penetration 23 the SS stated that BG HV-8160 would be maintained closed during the hydro. However, after dir.cussions with the NRC inspector, the SS realized that maintaining BG HV-8160 closed wnuld at completely satisfy the TS and the SS subsequently ensured that performance of the WR would not violate T No violations or deviations were identifie . Onsite Event Followup (92700)

The NRC inspectors perfonned onsite followup of nonemergency events that occurred during this report period. The NRC inspectors reviewed control room logs and discussed the events with cognizant personnel. The NRC inspectors verified that the licensee had responded to the events in accordance with procedures and had notified the NRC and other agencies as required in a timely fashion. The events that occurreo during this report period are listed in the table below. The NRC inspectors will review the


licensee event reports for these events and will report ary findings in a subsequent NRC inspection repor Date Event * Plent Status, Cause r 07/11/88 CRVIS Mode 1 Broken tape on GK AI-2 (100 percent)

07/28/88 CRVIS Mode 1 Master Fault on GK AI-2 (100 percent)

  • Event 1-

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CRVIS - Control room ventilation isolation signal Selected NRC inspector observations are discussed below:

The control room air intake chlorine monitors continue to cause unnecessary CRVIS events. The licensee intends to replace the existirg chlorine monitors with an improved type during Refueling Outage II No violations or deviations were identifie . Review of Licensee Event Reports (LERs) (92701)

During this inspection period, the NRC inspectors performed followup on Wolf Creek LER The LERs were reviewed to ensure:

o Corrective action stated in the report has been properly completed or work is in progress, o Response to the event was adequate, o Response to the event met license conditions, commitments, or other applicable regulatory requirements.-

o The information contained in the report satisfied applicable reporting requirements, o Generic issues were identifie The LERs discussed below were reviewed and closed:

o 86-60, "Sampling Not Performed Correctly With Radiation Monitor-Inoperable." Procedure STS CH-014, Revision 0, "Calibration of~

Monitors GT RE218 and GH RE108," was changed by Temporary Procedure


Change MA 86-0664 to prevent an accident signal from the wide range l gas monitors being sent to the p3rticulate and iodine monitors. The

change was noted to have been incorporated during review of STS

CH-014, Revision 2. A memo was also sent to the chemistry


technicians from the chemistry supervisor on November 12,1986, to alert them of the situation.


o 86-70, "Main Turbine Acceleration Causes Feedwater Isolation Signal."

A training module was' presented to counter and prevent this type of


l even o 87-26, "Late Performance of Spent Fuel Building Vent Tritium Analysis Caused By Personnel Arror." On July 8, 1987, a memo was issued from the chemistry supervisor tn the chemistry technicians to emphasize that surveillances must be performed on their due Cates. The


erroneous sanpli..g frequency has been removed from the sampling procedure. '


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i-8-o 87-29, "Required Testing Deleted From Surveillance Procedures."

Procedure ADM 07-100, Revision 32, "Preparation, Review, Approval, and Distribution of WCGS Procedures," has been revised to require that the effects on TS surveillance requirements be considered when procedure changes are made. This revision continues to be included in ADM 07-100, Revision 3 o 87-33, "Innperable Containment Isolation Valve Caused by Incomplete Retesting Following Maintenance Activity." Temporary Procedure Change NI 87-199 was issued to change Procedure MGE E00P-02, Revision 5, "Limitorque Adjustments, Repair, and Service." The changa established controls for performance of a local leak rate test prior to and after limit switch adjusument, o 87-34, "Failure to Effectively Communicate Allows An Open Door Creating a Control Room Pressure Boundary Breach." Temporary Procedure Change NI 87-195 was issued to ALR 00-063A, Revision 3

"Control Room Ventilation Isolation Signal (CP.VIS)." The change requires operators to ensure that certain control room fire dcors are shut should a CRVIS alarm be received in the control room. Signs have also been posted on the doors stating that control room oersonnel must be contacted prior to performing work that requires propping the doors ope o 87-36, "Inadvertent Release Of a Secondary Liquid Waste Monitor Tank (SLWMT) Without Prior Sampling Caused By Procedure Inadequacy."

Temporary Procedure Change NNSR 87-040 was issued for Procedure SYS HF-200, Revision 3. "Secondary Liquid Waste System Operations." This change provided additional isolation requirements for the SLWMT not being discharge . Engineered Safety Features (ESF) Walkdown (71710)

The NRC inspectors verified the operability of an ESF system by walking down selected accessible portions of the system. The NRC inspectors verified that valves and electrical circuit breakers were in the required position, power was available, and valves were locked where required. The i

NRC inspectors also inspected system components for damage or other


conditions that could degrade system performanc The ESF system walked down during this inspection period and the documents utilized by the NRC inspectors during the walkdown are listed below:

System Documents ComponentCoolingWater(EG) M-12EG01(Q), Revision 2, "Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

' Component Cooling Water System" b

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-9-M-12EG02(Q), Revision 1,"Pipingand Instrumentation Diagram Component ,

Cooling Water System" M-12EG02(Q), Revision 17,"Pipingand .

Instrumentation Diagram Component l Cooling Water System" Checklist CKL EG-120, Revision 9,

"Component Cooling Water System Valve, Switch, and Breaker Lineup" No violations or deviations were identified.

Physical Security Verification (71881)


The NRC inspectors verified that the facility physical security plan (PSP)

is being complied with by direct observation of licensee facilities and security personne '

The NRC inspectors verified by observation of randomly selected activities that search equipment was operable, the protected area barriers and vital ~

area barriers were well maintained, access control procedures were followed, and appropriate compensatory measures were followed when equipment is inoperabl No violations or deviations were identifie . RadiologicalProtection(71709)

By performing the following activities, the NRC inspectors verified that radiologically related activities were controlled in accordance with the licensee's procedures and regulatory requirements: *

o Reviewed documents such as active radiation work permits and the health physics shif t turnover lo ;

o Observed personneI activities in'the radiologically controlled area (RCA) such as:

. Use of the required dosimetry equipment, ,

, "Frisking out" of the RCA, and ,


. Wearing of appropriate ar.ti-contamination clothing where required, o Inspected postings of radiation and contaminated area '





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o Discussed activities with radiation workers and health physics supervisor No violations or deviations were identifie . Exit Meeting The NRC inspectors rnet with licensee personnel to discuss the scope and findings of this inspection en August 1, 198 .
