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Insp Rept 50-416/88-05 on 880307-11.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Offgas Sys Hydrogen Control & Offsite Dose Assessments During Charcoal Bed Bypass
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/07/1988
From: Kahle J, Marston R
Shared Package
ML20151E619 List:
50-416-88-05, 50-416-88-5, NUDOCS 8804150357
Download: ML20151E725 (14)

See also: IR 05000416/1988005



    '     ,/# " "'*'
                                                 UNITED STATES
                                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                                    REGION ll
         4,                                    101 MARIETTA ST., N.W.
               .....,o                        ATLANTA GEORGIA 30323
                                                APR 0 71988
         Report No.:       50-416/88-05
         Licensee: System Energy Resources, Inc.
                         Jackson, MS 39205
         Docket No.:       50-416                                     License No.:  HPF-29
                                                                                .          .
         Facility Name: Grand Gulf
         Inspection Conducted: March 7-11, 1988
                           R. R. Marston
                                                                                   Date Signed
         Accompanying P,ers nnel:       C. A. Hughey
         Approved by:
                                 . Kahle, Section Chief
                                                                                   Date 6igned
                               ision of Radiation Safety and Safeguards
         Scope: This special, announced inspection was conducted in the areas of offgas          '
         system hydrogen control and offsite dose assessments during charcoal bed
         Results:       No violations or deviations were identified.


           hDR AB8Fofo882T6    DCD
                                                                                                                  REPORT DETAILS
                                                                                1.   Persons Contacted
                                                                                     Licensee Employees
                                                                                     R. Brinkman, Radiological Engineer
                                                                                    *J. Cross, Site Director
                                                                                    *C. Elisaesser, Operations Coordinator
                                                                                    *R. Hutchinson, General Manager
                                                                                     J. Lassetter, HP/ Chemistry Specialist
                                                                                    *A. McCurdy, Manager, Plant Operations
                                                                                    *J. Parrish, Chem / Rad Superintendent
                                                                                     G. Smith, Plant Chemist
                                                                                    *J. Summers, Compliance Coordinator
                                                                                     Other licensee employees contacted included engineers, technicians,
                                                                                     cperators, and office personnel.
                                                                                     Other Organizations
                                                                                     L. Nesbitt, General Electric Company
                                                                                     Nuclear Ragulatory Commission
                                                                                    *R. Dutcher, Senior Resident inspector
                                                                                    *J. Mathis, Resident Inspector
                                                                                    * Attended exit interview
                                                                                2.   Exit Interview
                                                                                     The inspection scope and findings were summarized on March 11, 1988, with
                                                                                     those persons indicated in Paragraph 1. The inspector described the areas

- 4.nspected and discussed in detail the inspection findings listed below. ,

                                                                                     No dissenting conments were received from the licensee.   The licensee did
                                                                                     not identify as proprietary any of the material provided to or reviewed by
                                                                                     the inspector during this inspection.

l 3. Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters

                                                                                     This subject was not addressed in the inspection.


                                                                                4.   Introduction
                                                                                     On February 27, 1988, while changing from the "B" to the "A" steam jet air
                                                                                     ejector (SJAE), operations personnel noticed a sudden loss of offgas Flow
                                                                                     and spiking of the hydrogen (H,) inline analyzers located in the offgas
                                                                                     system.   This was caused by a sudden burn of excess 2H within the offgas

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                system. Although this burn apparently caused only minor equipment damage,                                                         l
                there was a potential for major equipment damage and personnel injury,
                exposure, and contamination.
                The following paragraphs include a description of the event, the causes
                and corrective actions related to the burn and the dose assessment

l relating to the increase in gaseous radioactivity discharged from the

             5. General System Description
                a.                           Design Objectives
                                             The offgas system at Grand Gulf was designed to meet the following
                                             regulatory objectives:
                                                   The ALARA objectives of 10 CFR 50, Appendix 1
                                             -     The dose restrictions of 10 CFR 20, Appendix B
                                             -     General Design Criteria No. 60 (Control of Releases of
                                                   Radioactive Materials to the Environment) and No. 64 (Monitoring
                                                   of Radioactive Releases) of 10 CFR 50, Appendix A
                                             The primary design objectives of the system were:
                                             -     To recombine hydrogen and oxygen gases produced in the reactor
                                                   by the radiolytic decomposition of water and therefore reduce
                                                   explosion hazards.
                                             -     To provide sufficient hold-up time for radioactive activation
                                                   products and fission products to decay prior to release.
                                             -     To minimize the release of the particulate daughter products of
                                                   noble gases.
                                             -     To provide for the controlled release of radioactive gases to
                                                   the environment during nonnal and off-normal operating
                b.                           System Description
                                             The inspector reviewed system description:. from the FSAR and current
                                             plant drawings, held discussions with licensee representatives, and
                                             performed a walkdown of the system with a cognizant licensee
                                              (1) There were two redundant offgas processing system trains, each
                                                   one capable of processing the entire offgas flow from the plant
                                                   (A and B trains). Each train was composed of systems to process
                                                   noncondensable gases and to control the release of radioactive
                                                                                  _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _     - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                               effluents to the env'ronment. The condenser air removal system                          ,
                               and the offgas system perform these functions. Neither train                            )
                               contains rotating parts.
                          (2) Condenser Air Removal System
                               The condenser air removal system consists of a first stage steam
                               jet air ejector (SJAE), an intercondenser and a second stage
                               SJAE. Main steam flows to the air ejectors to:
                               -     Pump noncondensable gases from the main condenser
                               -     Provide the motive force for the offgas system
                               -     Dilute the offgas stream to less than 4% hydrogen
                                     concentration, and
                               -     Remove noncondensables from the offgas flow.
                               An intercondenser is located between the first and second stage
                               SJAEs.     The intercondenser is cooled by plant service water
                               (PSW) and functions to remove moisture from the offgas flow.
                               The significant gaseous wastes removed from the main turbine
                               condenser by the SJAEs consist of the following:
                               -     Radiolytic hydrogen and oxygen
                               -     Condenser air inleakage
                               -     Nitrogen-13, Nitrogen-16, and Oxygen-19
                               -     Krypton, Xenon, and Iodine isotopes
                               These gases are produced in the core region and travel to the
                               main condenser along with the main steam.
                          (3) Offgas System
                               The offgas system begins at the outlet of the second stage SJAE
                               and ends at a connection to the radwaste ventilation system.
                               The following is a brief sequential discussion of the major
                               system components and their operating functions.
                                (a) The offgas reheater (heat exchanger) superheats the gases
                                     and steam from the second stage SJAE to about 300*F before

l entering the recombiner. This increases the recombiner

                                     catalyst efficiency by eliminating moisture. Main steam is
                                     used as a heat source.
                                (b) The catalytic recombiner recombines the hydrogen and oxygen
                                      produced by radiolytic decomposition by passing the process
                                      flow over trays of a platinum alloy catalyst.                          The water
                                      vapor temperature at the exit of the recombiner is normally
                                      in excess of 600'F. Gas flow rate prior to the recombiner
                                      is in excess of 100 standard cubic feet per minute (SCFM)
                                      and is 20 SCFM as it exits the recombiner. This latter
                                                             _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                    flow rate remains constant through the rest of the offgas
               (c) The superheated water vapor and inleakage air mixture from
                    the recombiner flows through the offgas condenser where the
                    bulk of the water vapor is cooled (160 F), condensed and
                    removed.    This condenser (heat exchanger) is cooled by
                    Turbine Plant Cooling Water (TPCW) flow through the tube
               (d) The process flow enters a water separator where entrained
                    water droplets are removed as the flow passes through a
                    stainless steel wire mesh de-entraining element.
               (e) Two redundant inline hydrogen analyzers continuously
                    monitor the H7 concentrations in the offgas process flow
                    prior to entering the hold-up line. If a preset value on
                    the monitors is exceeded, a main control room annunciator
                    is actuated. An inline pretreatment radiation monitor also
                    monitors the radioactivity of the process flow prior to
                    entering the hold-up line. A more detailed discussion of
                    these monitors is included in Paragraph 5.c.
               (f) A hold-up line, consisting of a straight run of piping
                    500 feet long and 6 inches I.D. provides a delay of
                    approximately seven and one-half minutes to allow for the
                    decay of short-lived radionuclides.
               (g) The cooler condenser (heat exchanger) cools the process
                    flow by means of a glycol refrigeration system to as low as
                    possible without freezing (35 F).      This removes moisture
                    from the process flow.

l (h) Another moisture separator removes any moisture droplets in

                    the process ficw that are not removed in the cooler
               (i) A high efficiency particulate air prefilter element
                     (aluminum separator and glass fiber filter elements)
                     removes particulate daughter products of fission product
                    gases from the process flow.
               (j) Any additional moisture is removed by passing the process
                     flow through one of four desiccant dryer beds. The dryer
                     beds are regenerated on a regular basis using an electric
                     heater / dryer chiller system. The dewpoint of the process
                     flow after the desiccant cryers is normally about -80 F.
               (k) Two redundant dewpoint analyzers continuously monitor the
                     process flow relative humidity.     Excess moisture in the
                                                                                _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _


                      process flow reduces the adsorption efficiency of noble
                      gases on the charcoal beds.
                (1) . The gas coolers further cool the process flow prior to
                      entering the charcoal adsorber beds by means of a glycol
                      refrigeration system. This cooling helps increase charcoal
                      adsorption efficiency.
                (m) Eight charcoal adsorber vessels, each containing about
                      three tons of charcoal, adsorb radioactive fission product
                      gases (xenon and krypton) thereby allowing significant
                      delay and allowing for their decay.                 Any particulate
                      daughter products, aloag with radioactive isotopes c~
                      iodine, are retained in the charcoal beds. The gas coolers
                      and adsorber beds are enclosed in a refrigerated vault kept
                      at 0 F.
                      A bypass line is constructed around the gas coolers and
                      adsorber beds and is used during startup.
                (n) Two redundant post-treatment radiation monitors
                      continuously monitor radiation levels within the process
                      stream. These monitors provide for automatic termination
                      of offgas releases in case of high radiation levels in the
                      process stream.     A more detailed discussion of these
                      monitors is included in Paragraph 5.c.
                (o) The process flow is then filtered through high efficiency
                      particulate air (HEPA) after-filters to remove any
                      remaining particulate daughter products and carbon dust.
                (p) The final effluent from the offgas system is incorporated
                       into the radwaste ventilation system which is monitored for
                       radioactivity prior to release to the environment. A more
                      detailed discussion of the radiation monitors is included
                       in Paragraph 5.c.
                (q) Several water-filled loop seals are located along each
                       train to prevent gas escape from the process flow through
                      various system drains.
        c. Radiologicai Monitoring Systems
           The following systems were evaluated:
           (1) Offgas Pretreatment Radiation Monitoring System
                This system monitors radioactivity in the condenser offgas at
                the inlet to the hold-up piping after it has passed through the
                offgas condenser and moisture separator. A continuous sample is
                extracted from the offgas pipe via a sample line.                        It is then
                                             - - - , _ _ - -..-.,,,-,., ,      ,-n..~.-,            - , , - - - - . ~ . -


                passed through a sample chamber and sample panel before being
                returned to the suction side of the steam jet air ejector
                (SJAE). The sample panel can be purged with room air to check
                detector response to background radiation. The sample panel
                measures and indicates sample line flow. A Geiger-Muller (GM)
                tube is positioned adjacent to the vertical sample chamber and
                monitoring is provideg locally and to the control room. The
                monitor range is 1-10 mR/hr on a six decade log scale. The
                principal gases detected are Kr-85, Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe-133m, and
                Xe-135.    Three trip circuits provide alarm functions only.
                Readings are displayed on a r9diation monitor and actuate the
following control room annunciators
Offgas high-high, offgas
                high, and offgas downscale. High or low sample line flow
                measured at the sample panel actuates a control room offgas


                sample high-low flow annunciator. The radiation level output of


                the monitor can be directly correlated to the concentration of
                the noble gases by using the semiautomatic vial sample panel to
                obtain a grab sample. The sample is analyzed in the plant
                counting room with the multichannel analyzer (MCA) and the
                results correlated with the monitor reading.
           (2) Carbon Bed Vault Monitor
                The carbon vault is monitored for gross gamma radiation levels
                with a single channe16 GM tube monitor. The monitor reads out
                over a range of 1-10 mR/hr over a six decade logarithmic scale.
                The principal nuclides detected are Xe-135, Xe-135m, Kr-87, and
                Kr-88.    The channel includes a sensor and converter, an
                indicator and trip unit, and a locally mounted auxiliary
                The indicator and trip unit is located in the control room. The
                channel provides for both loeg1 and remote readout of gama
                radiation over a range of 1-10 mR/hr. The indicator and trip
                unit has one adjustable upscale trip for alarm and one downscale
                trip.    The trip circuits may be verified by means of test
                signals or through use of portable gamma sources.      A licensee
                representative stated that the decector was located near the
                room ventilation exhaust duct.
           (3) Offgas Post-treatment Radiation Monitor
                This system monitors radioactivity in the offgas piping
                downstream of the offgas charcoal adsorbers and upstream of the
                offgas system discharge valve. A continuous sample is passed
                through the offgas post-treatment sample panel for monitoring
                and sampling and returned to the effgas system piping.       The
                sample panel has a pair of filters (one for particulate
                collection and one for halogen collection) in parallel (with
                respect to the flow) with two identical gross radiation
                detection assemblies (for determination of noble gases).      Each
                gross radiation detection assembly consists of a shielded
                chamber, a set of GM tubes and a check source.     Two radiation


             monitors in the control room displag the measured gross
              radiation level over a range of 10-10 over five decades on a
              logarithmic scale.    The principal nuclides detected are Kr-85
              and Xe-133.
              The sample panel shielded chambers can be purged with room air
              to check detector response to background radiation. The sample
              panel measures and indictes sample line flow. A check source
              for each detection assemoly operated from the control room can
              be used to check operability of the gross radiation chamber.
              Each radiation monitor has three trip circuits:      two-upscale
              (high-high-high, and high) and one downscale (low).     Each trip
              is visually displayed on the radiation monitor.      These three
              trips actuate corresponding control room annunciators: offgas
              post-treatment high-high-high radiation offgas post-treatment
              high radiation, and offgas post-treatment downscale. A trip
              circuit on the recorder actuates an offgas post-treatment
              high-high radiation annunciator.      High or low sample flow
              actuates a control room annunciator.
              A trip auxiliary unit in the control room takes the
              high-high-high and downscale trip setpoint and initiates closure
              of the offgas system discharge and drain valves if its logic is
              satisfied. A vial sampler panel similar to the pretreatment
              sampler panel is provided for grab sample collection to allow
              isotopic analysis and gross monitor calibration.
         (d) Offgas and Radwaste Building Ventilation Radioactivity
              Monitoring System
              The system monitors for gaseous radioactivity in the offgas and
              Radwaste Building discharge, including radwaste storage tank
              vents for gross radiation level, and collects halogen and
              particulate samples. The gross radiation detection assembly
              consists of a shielded chamber, a beta sensitive GM tube, and a
              check source. A radiation monitor in the control room analyzes
              and visually dgsplays the measured gross radiation level over a
              range of 10-10 cpm. The sample panel shielded chamber can be
              purged with room air to check detector response to background
              radiation. The sample panel measures and indicates sample line
              flow. /, check source operated from the control room can be used
              to check operability of the gross radiation channel.
              The   radiation
              (high-high  and monitor
                              high) andhas
                                         onethree trip (circuits;
                                             downscale   low). two upscale


       6. Event Description
          On Friday, February 26, 1988, at approximately 1630 hours, preparations
          were begun by operations personnel for changeover from "B" SJAE to "A"
          SJAE.     A 20 SCFM air purge was placed through the "A" SJAE until the
          changeover froa the "B" SJAE at about 1700 hours the. next evening,
          Saturday, February 27, 1988. At the time of the changeover on' Saturday,
          the following conditions existed:
          -      Plant was at 100% power
                 Preheater "B" outlet temperature was 305*F
                 Preheater "A" outlet temperature was 295 F
                 Recombiner "A" outlet temperature was 395 F
                 Recombiner "B" outlet temperature was 600*F
                 Preheater "B" steam pressure was 110 psig
                 Preheater "A" steam pressure was 100 psig
          -      Offgas flow rate was 40 SCFM (including purge flow)
          -      Post-treatment radiation monitor was indicating 60-65 cpm
                 "A" H analyzer was in auto in "zero purge" mode
                 "B"     analyzer was in manual and "sample" mode reading 0.2-0.5 H2
                 conce tration.
          After placing the second stage of the "A" SJAE in service, the steam
          supply pressure was being raised to the normal operating pressure of
           130 psig, when operations personnel received a second stage low steam flow
          alarm.     Steam supply pressure was reduced to 80 psig while instrument
           (I&C) technicians were called to vent the pressure transmitters.      This
          venting cleared the alarms and steam supply pressure was brought back up
          to 130 psig.
          The final step in changcover from the "B" to the "A" SJAE was begun by
           "bumping" open the suction valve (F003A) from the low pressure condenser
           to the first stage "A"    SJAE, as per procedure. As offgas flow to "A"
           recombiner increased "B" recombiner temperature started to decrease as
          expected. However, there was no corresponding incresse in "A" recombiner
           temperature. (The 2H,+0   9 to 2H
                                           9 0 recombination is an exothermic reaction).
          The "A" reconbiner pressure differential was normal; therefore, operations
           personnel continued to "bump" open F003A in an attempt to increase offgas
           flow and therefore raise "A" recombiner outlet temperature.
           At about 1745 hours, operations personnel noticed spiking of both in-line
           hydrogen analyzers (analyzers indicate 0-5% 9H ) and a loss of offgas flow.
          Water induction into the recombiner was sGspected at that time.
           OperaLions personnel opened the "B" drain valves and then the "A"
           recombiner drain valves as per procedure. Subsequently, offgas flow
            indication returned. The hydrogen monitors were reset within ten minutes
           after flow return.      The " A" recombiner outlet temperature quickly
            increased to 600'F (normal operating tenperature) from an indicated 400*F.
            It was later discovered that the recorder could not indicate below 400'F
           because of recorder mechanical problems.
                .                            _                    _                                              _       .
                                          The first charcoal adsorber beds in each of the two parallel trains were
                                          determined. to be hot imediately after the burn.                         Charcoal adsorber bed
                                          D012B was at 140 F and and D012A was at 110'F. (Offgas flows in parallel
                                          through two trains of four charcoal beds and one gas cooler each).
                                           Inline dewpoint indicators also pegged out high. It was later determined
                                          that high system temperature during the burn had destroyed the electrodes
                                          associated with the instruments.
                                          Because of the hydrogen burn, plant power was reduced to 75%. Health
                                          physics personnel were requested to survey offgas system areas. No
                                           significant increases in airborne radiation levels were detected,
                                           indicating that no offgas system loop seals had been blown. This was also
                                           an indication that no major pressure transients occurred during the burn
                                          because any system pressure exce.eding approximately six (6) psig dould
                                          have blown loop seals. Normal system operating pressure was one (1) psig.
                                           By 1845 hours, the charcoal treatment system was bypassed. Plant power
                                          had been reduced to 55% to help ensure that offgas process flow radiation
                                           levels stayed below radiation monitor trip-points.
                                           By 1945 hours, nitrogen purging of the charcoal adsorber beds had begun.
                                          Temperatures peaked at 443'F in bed D012A and 700'F in bed 0012B at about
                                           2300 hours. By March 1, 1988, the bed temperatures had decreased to the
                                           20-30*F range with the nitrogen purge continuing.

1 On March 2,1988, at about 0900, three beds of the "A" charcoal train were

                                           placed back in service. Nitrogen purging of D012A and all of "B" train
                                           beds continued.
                                           Radiological Significance of Event
                                           The inspector evaluated the radiological aspects of the event through
                                           discussion with licensee representatives, review of records, and
                                           examination of radiation sampling, monitoring, and analysis equipment used
                                           in conjunction with the offgas system. The inspector also reviewed
                                           calculations of monitor setpoints and dose assessment for releases during
                                           the event.

) While the offgas flow was bypassed the Radwaste Building Ventilation

                                           Exhaust Radiation Monitor reading peaked at 2.0 E+3 counts per minute
                                           (cpm) at 0645 CST on February 29, compared to a pre-event reading of
                                           1.0 E-2 cpm.

1 The maximum effluent rate (61.9 microcuries per second) occurred at i 0327 CST on February 29. The effluent monitor gross reading peaked at a '

                                           later time due to increasing background radiation. The instantaneous dose
                                           rate at the plant boundary corresponding to the maximum source term was
                                           2.10 mrem per year, well within allowable limits.

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                              The inspector reviewed Technical Specification and procedural requirements
                               for the:
                                        Offgas Pretreatment Monitor;
                                        Carbon Bed Vault Radiation Monitor;
                                        Offgas Post Treatment Monitor;
                                        Offgas and Radwaste Building Ventilation Exhaust Radiation Monitor;      -{
                                        Hydrogen Analyz es; and
                               *        Charcoal and HEPA filter testing (Offgas Af ter Filters and Radwaste
                                        Building Ventilation Exhaust filters).
                               Operating and surveillance requirements for the offgas pretreatment
                               monitor, the offgas post-treatment monitor, the offgas and radwaste
                               monitor, and the hydrogen analyzers were found in Technical Specification         (
                               Tables, ano Technical Specification Table 4.4.5-1
                                provided additional surveillance requirements for the offgas pretreatment
                               monitor. Technical Specification Tables and provided
                                operating and surveillance requirements for the carbon bed vault radiation
                               monitor, and Technical Specification Tables and
                                orovided additional operating and surveillance requirements for the Offgas
                                and Radwaste Building ventilation exhaust radiation monitor. Technical
                                Specification Sections 3.11.2 and 4.11.2 also provided operating and
                                surveillance requirements for the monitors and 'ie hydrogen analyzers.
                                The inspector selectively reviewed procedures implementing the Technical
                                Specification requirements and reviewed licensee documentation showing
                                that surveillances (calibrations, functional tests, filter testing, and
                                dose calculations) had been performed within the required frequencies.
                                The radiation monitors appeared to have been functioning properly at the
                                 time of the event. The hydrogen analyzer recorders went offscale (greater
                                 than 5 percent) at the time of the event, so grab samples were taken and
                                 analyzed.      Procedure 06-CH-IN62-0051, "Offgas Hydrogen Concentration,"
                              ' Revision 23, was used for this operation. The first sample was taken at
                                 7:47 pm on February 27. Since licensee personnel were concerned about the
                                operability of the gas chromatograph, a "pop" test was conducted on the
                               ' tampl e.    The test indicated that the concentration of hydrogen in the
                                 Ople was less than 4 percent by volume. Two more samples were taken
                                 over the next five hours and were analyzed on the gas chromatograph, which
                                 had tven determined to be operational and and had been functionally
                                 checkJd. The results indicated concentrations by volume of 0.03 percent
                                 hydrogen and 0.04 percent hydrogen.         The hydrogen analyzers were reading
                                 b ck on scale by this time.
                                 CauseW Conclusions / Corrective Actions
                                 After the event, tre licensee assembled a task force consisting of the
                       e     , Manager-Plant Opera.tions, key onshift personnel involved with the event,

0, .'

                             i various pynt derFtment representatives and a vendor (GE) expert in the
                         -        design ani, operation of the offgas system to determine the root causes,
     i'                           condusio' )! /and cor.'ective actions.


                                             l)    l\     ,
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               a. Equipment Damage
                  As a result of the ignition, the licensee noted the following
                  equipment damage:
                  (1) The inservice prefilter had been damaged with partial melting of
                       the aluminum separator material. The filter was subsequently
                       removed and the other filter was placed in service.
                  (2) The inline dewpoint indicator electrodes had been destroyed.
                       (These electrodes were considered to be possible ignition
                  (3) About 25 pounds total of charcoal (calculated value) was burned
                       in the charcoal beds. Each bed contains approximately 3 tons of
                       charcoal. The licensee considered this an insignificant loss
                       and did not plan to replace or add charcoal.


               b. Causes and Corrective Actions
                  (1)  Intercondenser Fouling


                       During the week prior to the ignition, plant performance
                       monitoring personnel had noted a degradation of plant
                       efficiency. Low pressure (LP) condencer pressure had equalized
                       with intermediate pressure (IP) condenser pressure resulting in
                       a 5-6 megawatt loss in plant electrical output.         This
                       degradation was the result of fouling problems within the
i                      intercondenser of the inservice "B" SJAE. Flow through both
                       intercondensers is cooled by Plant Service Water (PSW).
                       Biological fouling within the Intercondenser (tube-side) lowered
                       its ability to condense first stage SJAE effluent and therefore
                       maintain sufficient pressure differential across the air
                       ejector. This degradation was the main reason for initiating


                       the swap to the "A" SJAE.
                       Biocides and dispersants added to the PSW in the past had been
                       ineffective in preventing intercondenser fouling. Periodic
                       mechanical or hydraulic cleaning had been required to keep these

. '

heat exchangers clean. The licensee had very recently changed


                       to a different biocide / dispersant treatment regime in order to
                       reduce fouling. Biological fouling (macro and micro) had been
an ongoiag problem in general at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.
                  (2) Recombinor Wetting


                       Wetting and subsequent cooling of the "A" recombiner catalyst

j resulted in the buildup of H 7 in the offgas system prior to i ignition. This wetting occurred as a result of the proccdural

                       sequence for opening a arain valve in a low area between the




             preheater and recombiner. Condensation collects in this area
             due to piping configuration and needs to be drained.
             Wetting of the recombiner catalytt not detected during the
             event because the recombiner temperature recorder (located in
             the main control room) had pegged low at about 400'F due to a
             mechanical failure of the recorder. Temperature history of the
             recombiner below 400'F cannot, therefore, be reproduced.
             The licensee had subsequently revised System Operating
             Instructions 01-1-01-N62-1, Offgas System, to: (a) revise the
             sequence for opening the offgas header to the recombiner drain
             valves to ensure that any condensation and moisture had been
             drained prior to initiating offgas flow and (b) establish
             procedural holdpoints for verification of proper recombiner
             temperature profile.
        (3)  Ignition Source
             At the time of the inspection the licensee had not positively
             identified the f gnition source.    Because of the stoichiometric
             concentrations   v.  hydrogen, oxygen and humidity in the process
             flow at the time of ignition only a small amount of energy would
             have been required to ignite the mixture.        The licensee
             suspected that the ignition occurred in the area of the
             desiccant dryers. The licensee and the inspector agreed that by
             insuring proper recombiner operation, ignition sources become a
             secondary consideration.
        (4) Preheater Steam Supply Pressure
             Several design problems existed in the main steam supply to the
             preheaters. Sufficient steam pressure could not be supplied to
             both A and B preheaters to allow simultaneous operation of both
             of the condenser air removal /offgas trains or to make a rapid
             changeover between trains. Insufficient steam supply to the
             preheaters reduced their ability to preheat process flow to the
             proper recombiner inlet temperature. A rapid switch from one
             train to another could slug the recombiner with water.
             To alleviate this problem, a Design Change Request (No. 87/113,
             dated 9/25/87) had been previously authorized to redesign the
             piping runs between the main steam equalizing header and the
             preheaters to allow sufficient steam supply pressure with both
             preheaters inservice.
             The licensee had also experienced cycling problems with solenoid
             valves in the steam supply lines to the preheaters. During
              plant startup in January 1988, with the plant at 3% power, a
             valve in the steam supply line to the inservice preheater
              inadvertently closed, shuttir, off steam supply to the
                ..#                                                    L


,                             preheater.   Subsequent wetting of the recombiner resulted in H2
                              concentration of 14% in the offgas system.       There was ne
                              ignition at that time.
                              Design Change Request No. 87/113 also included provisions for
                              replacing each solenoid valve with two manual valves. The

. J.

                              licensee indicated that modifications described in the DCR would
                              be completed during the next refueling outage. The inspectors
                              urged the licensee to ensure that these modifications be
                              completed as scheduled.
               8.   Radiological Considerations
                    The licensee performed an analysis of the radiological output from the
                    plant which could result from operating with only three charcoal beds
                    operating in the offgas treatment system instead of the normal eight. The
                    analysis showed that the plant could be expected to. operate within


                    Technical Specification limits for effluents.
               9.   Sumary and Conclusions


                    The hydrogen burn took place in a system which was designed to contain
                    such burns and detonations. .The burn was fully contained.

, j The licensee was still in the process of evaluating the event at the time ! of the inspection. The integrity of the offgas system boundary did not

                    appear to have been violated. The licensee had identified contributing

, i causes of the incident, though the ignition source had not been ,



                    The licensee had evaluated the event and had identified corrective

' actions, some definite and some tentative, depending on what further

analysis might reveal. No radiological effluent restrictions were

5 exceeded during the event.

                    No violations or deviations were identified.

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