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Rept of 850502 Interview W/Je Cummins Re Knowledge of 840308 Incident at Facility When QA Supervisor Allegedly Detained Eight QC Inspectors in Room,Searched Desks & Confiscated Insp Repts
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 05/06/1985
From: Mulley G
Shared Package
ML20154R138 List:
NUDOCS 8603280126
Download: ML20154R187 (2)


r U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMIS$10N Of fice of inspector and Auditor o,,, .. i,.. .. ..... Ma y 6 , 198 5 Report of Interview ,

James E. Cummins, Senior Resident Inspector for Construction, Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (SES), Region IV, NRC, was interviewed concerning his knowledge ~of a March 8, 1984, incident at Comanche Peak SES when allegedly a Texas Utilities Generating Company (TUGCO) Quality Assurance (QA) Supervisor detained eight quality control (QC) inspectors in a room and then searched their desks and confiscated inspection reports documenting numerous deficien-cies with electrical equipment. During the interview, Cummins provided the following infonnation: ,

Cummins' recollection of the circumstances surrounding the March 8, 1984, incident involving the QC inspectors at Comanche Peak was vague. He recalled that at about 11:00 a.m., March 8, 1984, he was in the office of Dennis L.

Kelly, the Senior Resident Inspector for Operations, when he answered an anonymous telephone call which asked that he go to the TUGC0 QC offices in the North Island area of Comanche Peak. The caller claimed that TUGC0 management had sequestered some QC inspectors in a room and were going through their desks. Cumias then telephoned his supervisor, Doyle Hunnicutt, Chief Reactor Project Section B, Region IV, NRC, and relayed the information to him. ,

Hunnicutt instructed Cummins to wait and not get involved in what appeared to be a TUGC0 labor-management issue. Hunnicutt later~ telephoned Cumins and stated he had talked to Region IV management personnel and the original instructions to not get involved still applied. "'

Hunnicutt instructed that TUGC0 should handle the incident.

Later that morning, when Cumins returned to his office at Comanche Peak, he spoke with Carl Oberg, a Region IV, NRC, inspector, who was at the Comanche Peak site. Oberg told Cumins that he had received a telephone call and a visit from a QC inspector who reported TUGCO's detention of QC inspectors and search of their desks. Oberg did not know the identity'of the person who called and visited him.

After his discussion with Oberg, Cumins received another telephone call requesting NRC involvement in the ongoing incident. Cumins was not able to obtain the name of this caller.

In the afternoon of March 9,1984, Cumins received telephone instructions '

from Hunnicutt to obtain all documents from the TUGC0 QC Supervisor, Ronald G.

Tolson, which had been confiscated by TUGC0 on March 8, 1984 Cumins com-plied with these instructions and secured the documents in the NRC trailer at Comanche Peak.

w.... ..on oo May 2, 1985 n Bethesda, MD ,,,,, 85-10

,,_ heo A. Mulley Jr. , Investigator, DIA o.,,,,,,,,.. May 6, 1985

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Early in April 1984, Cummins and Hunnicutt interviewed three or four of the TUGC0 QC inspectors who had been detained on March 8, 1984. The QC inspectors told Cummins and Hunnicutt that they were not trying to deliver a messaae by wearing the T-shirts and that TUGC0 management had overreacted to the situa-tion. The QC inspectors had worn the same T-shirts to work about a week earlier and nothing had been said. The QC inspectors all stated that'the work done at Con.enche Peak was in accordance with specifications.

Cummins commented that although his recollection of the T-shirt incident was now vague, he provided testimony before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board several months subsequent to the incident and this testimony contained detailed information. Cummins stated all information provided during his testimony was correct.
