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Transcript of Interview of Kh Seger on 820617 Re Allegations.Pp 1-17.Transcript of Interview of RB Keith on 820617 Encl (Pp 1-17)
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/1982
From: Seger K
Shared Package
ML20079P594 List:
FOIA-83-161, FOIA-83-A-9 NUDOCS 8506030288
Download: ML20128N472 (29)





In the matter of:

Interview'of Kenneth H. Seger Docket No.



Location: Pages:

Date: June 17, 1982 L

4 1

TAYLOE ASSOCIATES Court Reporters 1625 I Street, N.W. Suite 1004 Washington, D.C. 20006 8506030288 831110


PDR FOIA (202) 293-3950 -


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7 Interview of Kenneth'H. Seger-

. :g.

, 9- . ,

June'17,.1982 ~ ,

10 Palo'-Verde Nuclear Station .


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. 1' 4 - ' Investigators: E. J'. Power 5


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  1. 5;idnA , 1" ... wrap of, double'wrapLof 130C and then a. wrap of 23.

. .<N -


['v).dh . 2 VOICE:- (Inaudible) under these climatic conditions 31 it?should --

4 VOICE: Yes.

5 INVESTIGATOR:: Okay, let.'s go on to point-

'6- .here. Have you-ever had any terminations,' Ken,'.wherer _


. . .J 7 you've got a -- you've made terminations,.I'm sure,lout of- ,


'8~ different motors,3 haven't you?

9. MR. SEGER: Yes.


- 10 ' INVESTIGATOR: -Well,'as I. understand the terminology 11 for the line_that comes off the motor is referred'to' commonly 12 in the. trade as a pecker-head, --

D .13 . MR. SEGER: That's-right.

- O.. .

14 INVESTIGATOR: -- where you have like a one bolt


15 lug coming'off the pecker-head, and then you have your pull 16 in ,youi- +>lizie andf it's ;got

. t A, s ja two-bolt lug. ever had


17 ; anyqconnec,tions  ;

you do that way?' Where you've got a1 1

18 - ' t o bolt? liig ' to a one-bolt! Iug.


MR. SEGER-[Th5y]haveblacklugs.builttofit,'


19 i-20 : and they have one-bolt lugs and they have two-bolt lugs.-

'21 So you'can usually get*some kind of combination that will fit

- 22 l on smaller wire, or'use a regular (inaudible). Or amp.

23 connectors.

f% -

124 ~ INVESTIGATOR: What the concern was here was - -


w): - . 25 -

.and.this is on,-I_think~primarily on high voltage connections, k-- o _ :. __ _ ___u_ u . _ _ _ . _

. ~

1 ,

. 3 1 'but --1the party felt that maybe there was an attempt to yy -


b_/ 4

2. cover lup because there:was one-bolt lug coming: off 'the motor

.3 and a two-bolt lug on the line, and the electricians were 4' . putting a. bolt through the empty hole. Do you follow me?

5- MR.,SEGER: Uh-huh.


  • INVESTIGA'IOR: So that if you were'to feel the wrap


. '7 after it'had been all completed, it might feel like you got ll. a two-bolt connection 1when in fact you only had one.

9 MR ~. SEGER:- Well, the vendor specs the motor. and 10 guarantees the-motor,' and if they put a one-bolt stake on-i 11 or connector on-it,=I'. don't see why anybody should-want1to 12 'pu't/a second bolt to mislead-anybody, because.there's no.


u .

13 reason'for it.- The motor's tested and it's approved,


-14 certified and everything else. I don't see any reason for-ls - a second bolt. - . , ,


_16 _ Ken, next question relates to QC

- 17 inspectors 'that inspect the ho'rk being done by your crowd.

t  : p 18 Do you, feel,they are prop,erly trained, the inspectors'that

',, p, 19 you work with?

20 MR. SEGER: Well, I don't-know how much training.


21 they'haveLor where they come from,oor what. But they seem to-22 Ldo aniample-job around here.- Oh, they.probably get screwed-M up just like you and I do, but.they always --

24 INVESTIGATOR: The adequacy; do you feel they do-7-<;

i i,j M~ :an adequate job?


~. ~ , . ,

~~ , ~,- <



o f - -

3 ,


', , , e 4 ^. .


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Il MR.?SEGER:- I think-that.--

.a,-l;, ..L,


, Y.L ,


They watch _what the: craft's doing,' -

z e .

m;." .. .. .

J 3'


, - 'make'atsthey are complying with the spec. That's -- -

t .

.MR.zSEGER: JYes',lthey' inspect every que. cable?

,- '4

, 'l5 ! Lor; every ;q'ue . termination; in certain cases' they 'have . to be'

% y s'  :6


'th'ere .1 I" " ' 17 , INVESTIGATOR: , 1To.. carry on'our conversation with g;; <

. quality control [ inspectors, do you; feel,-or.have you obs~erved:

~ ~

_ - 8 -o o -


, 1}or' heard of:an'y situations where< construction--- and?I'm-

[~2 -

10 tiAlk'ing about a fo' reman . normally -- has overriden QC inspectors?

i 11 - s ~MR. SEGER: No.

fE ' -

1- JINVESTIGATOR: Do ' you feels that QC: here isiable to-E l .


' - A/ -

13I /doithcir job without beingtintimidated?

p - . 14 : .MR.iSEGER:- I've.never heard'of one'offthem!being; }


g ,

15.- intimidated.i .'^2 5;t ~



c M ' 4. O J i t..


>s f?:J t z -


.16 ' INVESTIGATOR:..Okay. - Have you ever-.been' involved,

-,p y fa yg '

p- -

k M xx; 17 --

iKen in hig$15 pot > tiestirig? ;On'e


of the allegations' concerns i .

. 18 s line'lbeincf,; high,T. pott. ed imory than one ; time f and the ireason -

u t .. <

that. the party :that"made this _ allegation wais : concerned was



e 18 20 - they told:us that the specifications were'-Anaconda Copper.

, 3; -

[W ,

21 ' :lineskcables, state that they will~only: guarantee theiri p,, . < , ' 22 product for one'h'igh pot test.- - Have you ever observed. o'r: -

P~ _

23 l 'known of excessive high potting?

I i 24 - MR~. SEGER: .No , I have never seen a -- it's not lQ ' ?. . . -. .


.-.Q[ '

125 l customary to high pot a line twice, or piece of equipment.

l -

g-s" ir )

@ll ~ , -

___ =n _ _ _-- - - - _ _ = _ _ --__.:_-______-____-_____________ _-_ _ -_ ____-___________---

u r n- , r: .

, e a

5 1 ..

1= .But=I'm not into all.of it; you know.they a'ssigned us every

, ,m


dayj-- you go here) you go there. .


.N 2:

3 INVESTIGATOR: You_ don't-. care what's going on in~

p 4 someplaces. .

5' - MR'.' SEGER:

Yes', right.


Well, the;information given to us',

- 7 -is that you. folks, craft in some-cases does the h'igh' potting-1 8- .and-then after it's done, start-upfcomes along and does it.


8' .again.

10 MR. SEGER: Well, if suchacase ' has happened to ~ this i

- 11 engin'eer'in_QC or foreman in'the GF,-and-there's_a whole bunch

'._. 12 - [o'f'theminvolvedinit, and I don't-believe that this happens.

' 13 - It~might.have happened --


y 14' INVESTIGATOR: Yes,.you know.

s- , .s , . s ., ,, . . ,

i' !


, MR.LSEGER *-- unde,r yery odd circumstances, but I se s .,.-s -

16 Jcan' t'see itr youf kriow, ,a .hi,gh pot' without an engineer, or QC ,

, .. I h- 's :c ,

17 . man; Iit! _dehends on~ what"you' re doing. -

A <  %- .

. 3. ; .. , , 7g-

. gM * .

-18 i INVESTIGATOR: ,..NextIsubject is the ' admission of a

- '18 Ithe use.of O rings. .And!what'-I'm talking about'specifically,

--20 L Ken,ris where you" terminate a line'into a box, control panel-


21. .of:some kind,.and becauselthere are,probably some. types.of' l

22' water- pipelines overhead, - they want! . water -integrity in case


. 23 ' c there's any rupture'so they don't get water:and get a'short.

' ;,q ;


And haveiyou' worked on any terminations,where you have to use C4 25 an O ringidevice.that. seals:where the cable goes.into the box?

s 1

, . . . ~


- 1 MR. SEGER: Well,.they usually seal the conduit.



  • 2- -The.O going.'on.the conduit.


/4 ~ MR. SEGER: That fits on the box. All-right,'so 5 3the-water won't.into the. cubicle itself.


7- MR..SEGER: No, but once a while we have to take

-8. one looseLand there's -- I'd say th'ere's an O ring on there.-

9. INVESTIGATOR: Okay, well,.the information given.

10- .to us..was that there was a period of time for-about,six months ,

"11- when Bechtelfdidn't have O._ rings --

12 MR. SEGER: *O rings?

[/ ')'


'13 INVESTIGATOR: -- and the men wers directed to just 14 keep on' piping.- So .they put them in without O rincjs. . This g v. . .v e . .

- 15 :is'supp,osed to be;100 foot: elevation ~in the-control building ~.-

16 - ') MR.~ SEGER: A. visual inspection would show that.

n ~~.. <d ., l-
  • 17 ' INVESTIGATOR:[We'willbe'checkingit. Our men-
y  ;- p u ,.
18 are'already-doing<it. 1 19 MR. SEGER: Ifco~uldn't'say one way or.the other

. 20 wrether they were putting them in or not.

21- INVESTIGATOR: But you never personally;have had

[ 22 any experience-like'this?

23 , MR. SEGER:- No. I've run try little pipe up in' 24 there.


t I

'a 255 , INVESTIGATOR: Have you observed any drilling'l'ik'e P

7 ka_ - . _ _ . - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

__.___1. -


3 ;

pOc '

c :). '

- 1:-

where a' conduit 0has been hit when'they're drilling,--core

3. ,- -.

-V 2- drilling:to run:new lines through some of the walls,' damaged



3 .- the conduit?

4 '- MR. SEGER: I've'never'seen any damage. I've'seen


5 -- 'dri11, core; drilling, but'I've.never seen any damage.

6' INVESTIGATOR:' Have you worked in Unit 2 at-ahy


=7 ~ time?

No. 'Well,' I take that back. For about.




9' La week I worked in Unit 2. We.were changing some vendor 10 equipment.


.11 INVESTIGATOR: The reason I ask.that is we have~an


12 allegation concerning' craft working over there, that apparent 1 /.


-13, some animosity allegedly had built up between some-of the v-

- , ' 14 - craftsmen and electricians and their QC inspectors.

, , y

<v7 -


, -,s x+

II d'onUt think about it. I've only 15 i' '* -MR.;SEGER r .r , ,. . . .

' 16 beed down ther'e abont fou{ or'five days one time and( probably-

. ::: - D +* ,

17 .three another. That's been a year and a half ago.

. c , , ~. ; , , (7 ( .;.


18 I'NVESTIGATdR: Well, th'e.~last issue we

.19 .ask you'.about,= Ken,'was-your knowledge, whether,it's direct-

.or indirect of the use of. controlled drugs on site; what I'm



' h. ' .

. talking about is smoking pot, marijuana, hashish --

L 21

- 22. MR. SEGER: It has been done on --'you can smell.

23 it occasionally. It's.not as bad now as it used'to'be.

24 I think Bechtel's cleaned house a little bit.

'A] L' 25 INVESTIGATOR: Is it primarily amongst the younger i-je '

W * '

._L .: _ . - _ . . _ - - _ _ _ .- - . . _ _ _ .

r u -l 8

1. crowd?' That's the.way it usually'is.

f ^,

' \ '1 - 2

MR. SEGER:. .I don't know.

'At the 120rlevel, you 3 .could smell it coming up in the control room.- And they'd 4 start raising hell and by the time somebody got there, they 5 .were ,gone.



INVESTIGATORi The 120 level, that's where all the

7. -cable trade'--

8 MR.'. SEGER: Yes.

9 . INVESTIGATOR: They go in there in the trade area, 10 do-they?:

~ 11 ' MR. SEGER: .It goes-up in to the 140 level's.


' INVESTIGATOR: . Comes up through the pipe runs?

L-13 '- MR. SEGER: Comes up'through the'-- penetration.

(vb y

I4' 7 Yl '; INVESTIGATOR: Well, you've worked on a lott of

[' e +/ + ,'

_( st m e 2 ,,,, .,

15 f other big' jobs, I'm sure, other than nuclear. How would you

) -

16' sahithatc_this ~ plEnt" site ,is ' compared with the ~ use- of drugs;.

, 17. is it'wbrse',thersame? -

18 MR. SEGER: Oh, its about the same.

q 1SF INVESTIGATOR': Dean, do'you have'any




additional questions for. Ken?-


M MR. SEGER: Some--- you know, you (inaudible) his 24 jg, eyesfare a little glassy or something,'you-look at him, you'd Js -


' swear that guylwas'on' drugs, yet he's not.




?. '

[ ~ -1' INVESTIGATOR: Yes. Well, it's a real concern, lE i l2 'K e n', b e c a u s e ', - -

'3 MR. SEGER: Oh, I, I --

L. 4 INVESTIGATOR: You know, the public, L they' re Escared u l


5L .to death of these plants -in general, and' if they .think - that; m ~6 craftsmen:are working-~on safety related systems-particularly 7' 'and they-don't-have all.their faculties-about them,f they've

_ '8 got a right to be concerned. We'd like to make sure~there 9 wasn't-drugs-used. It's almost impossible to stamp out.


.10- But as you said, you' feel it's gotten1better.

11 MR. SEGER: Well, I don't -- I haven't-smelled 12- any marijuana for-a long time now.

L j)

U 13 INVESTIGATOR: Well that's good. ',

1 .. . .. ., l 14 a - 2. .MR. (SEGERd . ';Butithere was a time when 'it was -

15 qfihe ffreqEent'. ' <

'l F

.. , ) b,  ? '

16 _INVESTIGATORi Isthere anything, Ken,'that you-t {r v ,' ~

r .?

17 .know 'df, 'from' your ' observations either directly or indirectly .

18 'that you feel the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ought to11ook

'19 at in this plant that you think maybe hasn't been given the

',1 20 proper scrutiny? Are you satisfied with what you see?

21' MR. SEGER: I think it -- I don' t see anything 22 - the matter with it. I think -there's been every ef fort made 23 to put it in writing, and the stuff that they -- that somebody 's 24

/-q goofed on, they're back there tearing it out and

~- Q 25 INVESTIGATOR: Gene, any other questions?

. , . . . . , _ .- . . . , - , - 4.,



O 2 INVESTIGATOR: Ken, we really appreciate your time l

3 and your frankness in trying to help us in the situation.

4 We'll cicse this interview, and the time is now 10:25 a.m.

5 --_

6 7

8 9 ,

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ,

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0 25

=== i- i .__

w 1

O- 2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9

10 11 12 13 14

' 15 16 17 18 i

19 20


21 22 23.

i 25


4 5

l 6 7 Interview of Richard B. Keith, Jr.

8 10 June 17, 1982 l

t Palo Verde Nuclear 11 Station 12 13 '

14 Investigators: E..J. Power.

15 -Owen Shackleton 16 '

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 O 25

2 1 E EE EEI EEE O 2 INVEST GATOR: This is an interview f Mr. Richard B. Keith, Jr. Mr. Keith is a high voltage foreman working 3

4 for Bechtel Power Corporation assigned to Unit 1 of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.

5 6 Present to conduct this interview from the Nuclear 7

Regulatory Commission is E. J. Power and myself, O. C. Shackle--

8 ton, Investigators from Region V.

9 Mr. Keith, do we have your permission to record 10 this interview on tape?

g MR. KEITH: You most certainly do.

12 INVESTIGATOR: Thank you.

13 , ch,lI've gp a list of concerns dat were ghen 14 to the Commission, and I'm going to go down them to get your 15 comments. And the first one has to do with the use of 16 terminat' ion records,'the' termination cards that your craftsmen 17 are given when they make a termination.

18 And the allegation that we received is that in 19 some cases, termination cards are lost and some of the foremen 20 have directed craftsmen to complete a second card, a duplicate 21 card for work that they did not perform. Do you know of 22 any occasions like that?

23 MR. KEITH: To my knowledge, no.

24 INVESTIGATOR: What normally happens when you lose 0 25 a card?

MR. KEITH: When the card's lost, you can't do the l

.-. s s


.e s

1~' work,' firs't of all. That's So what we have toLdo ym, e <

cx / -2' is go back,- the computer makes another card. If it's lost,-

13C 'we have to go out, take.the work apart, inspect it, and redo-4 the work.; It's'the only way itican be done properly'.' lit's 5 lunder, I think'it's 13 EM;306 of our specs.

6' INVESTIGATOR: What'sithe spec again?

';' r

'7 13 EM 306. . That's our termination




,. 8 specifications for, for terminations. .That's our bible, you g


-9 cmight say.-

10 I'NVESTIGATOR: Okay. Do you maintain some kind of 11 a record:as a foreman of the cards'that are issued?


12 MR. KEITH :- Yes, I do.

( y j , -a .. ,

N'y l13 - 'INVESTIGATORh~;And-haveyou'donethat:sinceyou've



14 been~emplSyed'as.a foreman'her$?


, y c- i~e ' <

15 MR. KEITH: We started it about three years ago.

- -~;.


. . i !! ' ' > 'J: 0 ,,,,s 16 It's been an ongoing' situation. Yes,'I have maintained 17 records like that.

r 18 - . INVESTIGATOR: Gene, do you have any questions on 19 .the termination cards?c t.

L M- INVESTIGATOR: (Inaudible . ) .

f p



' 21 ~ INVESTIGATOR: Next issue is the improper splicing 22 of quality class safety related cables. Do you know of any I

/ M~ ~ occasions either hearsay or direct observations where'there

,-( 24 _has been. splicing of safety-related cable?

I ix ,)

ji 2- MR. KEITH: Now you're talking about Q quality s



, 4 ,.

s  % -

.'4 _

r 7 Y 1  : cable?

n s k) '2 INVESTIGATOR:' .Right.

'O -3 MR. KEITH: Cannot do it.

4 INVESTIGATOR: The allegation we have, Rich, is 15 - Llthatxthere was some_ overhead welding done'without putting a 16' welding blanket on the ceble tray and hot slag came down',

7z burned the cables ,and' allegedly some individuals,. rather tihan


  • 8 -report:it and de-terminate and pull-the cable and put.a;new

.- 9 one in,.they-lgot1a shrink tube kit and-covered up the; damaged y ,

10 part, and'then pulled cable's over.the top of it so it.wasn't 11' visible. ,



12 ' . -j ~ MR.]KEITH1 .No. TMy' area, it's just a no-no. You 1 + ., - as.-

I:(N . 13 'cannot yplice any;Q quality cable. Never been done in my t/

t ,

, f- r

.. . * , , 1 presence'oroany othe r time. 9 14

c. y .. ,

6DIfDsomedody - ode'of the procedures thatsthere 15 -

16 'is no-identifiable. damage to a cable, or there's'a -- -

17' (inaudible) okay, I will ~ report it, usually to my general-18 foreman-and to.the superintendent,.also engineering is involve :1; s

19 l the' resident-engineer usually goes-off and'~looks it along

'20 with:the engineer-and'we had one case, the cable came out,

. 21 lit was redone. ,

When was this?



23 MR. KEITH: I'd have to say two years ago.

g-. 24 INVESTIGATOR: Okay.

k  : 25 VOICE: The records; you'd have to go to the . record s.

1 i <

- _ = ._ . _ . _ _ _

r h ,- -

, . 7 x . '5 1 p,.-


-s v

, s 1 INVESTIGATOR:' ,Andiif there.areLdamage cases, is


V - , . -

2 Lthere a~ procedural requirement-to document them? An NCR and a disposition?


13 4'- MR. KEITH: That:Lis. correct. Your proper paperwork

/ -

5 be.done..

6~ INVESTIGATOR: aware.of any'such:so-called 7 splices;of cable -- January of this year?

8- ,

. MR. KEITH: Certainly:not.

'9  : INVESTIGATOR: .I mean, that could have been

~ damaged 6~ -10 1 documented an' occurrence,-some -/ Q class. cable that somebody.. .

11 could get the wrong idea, it wasn't properly. documented-

m. s
7 '

) 3

.12 ' disposition?fA W A >s>

w. ~~ ,

?MR.iKEITH: -1.have:no knowledge ofLthat,. sir.

13 v.

['f x/


- w

.. a v, ,~

, m --

a r 14 - . INVESTIGATOR: You take care ofrall the high


s'! _f-


'. .-  ;-y

?15 , voltage terminations?, ,


. 16 - MR. KEITH: I've been-taking care'of most of the.


17 S'and.15'thousand volt people'.

18 ' INVESTIGATOR: tWouldIthere have been another crew-

- 19;, or'are you:the'only.--

t 20 MR. KEITH: --Just - about ~ the only crew.

21 . ' INVESTIGATOR:~ .You're thejonly one? Okay.

22 " INVESTIGATOR: I.'.m not aware. Bear with us; we're ,

23 investigators --'

-1 24 . MR. KEITH: We have done I would say about 99 and  ;

.h-V 25 two-tenths percent of the'(inaudible.)

-I i


-r. e , . -, , e .e n ,-,e - , , - , - ,,--,.m,.-, ,,n w r ,r-.-, +m',--- - - - w-e,wr-----,,,'-

6' 4

  • 1. INVESTIGATOR: - The-next:one,--Ridhard,Eis relating .


2 .to' allegations concerning startup.' And what this concern -

3 Ewas is that the craftsman goes ahead and makes a termination,.

2 ;4 it's boughts off, and then .for one reason .or another-it may 5 be back'in the sameJareafand sees.that it's been----there's 6 been'a dehermination made, there's no documentation' allegedly:


7 :done by startup, Rand it's been terminated again but not;done 8 too= legally or maybe not done properly. Has'this been any;

'9 . problem [for.'you or your ' crew?l

'10 M

..R. KEITH: Well, high voltage does-not (inaudible) .

11 0 ~*


-INVESTIGATOR: Have;you had any problems, Richard, i- - ,. <, <

  1. . 5,7 8 ' .-1 12 with.the insulating material used on the high voltage termina-7, 3-: C ,1 .; . .

.tions?t:The!'r.ea' son,forithis question ~-is that one individual ~


'). . '

114 -

said~that'".f.or;sa n , , whileLthey,.were c ,1 ;z using Scotch Fill product,

'15 and when it got real hot this would begin to run and melt' 16 down the -- I. guess you'd call it the termination was coming. '



- 17 outside, an'd~that they eventually 1ch'anged to another product.

18 LWere you in'volved in the use of this product?-

~18 MR. KEITH: ~ .Let's see... Scotch. Fill was changed M :about~a year,< year and one-third C, I

21 INVESTIGATOR: . Is_that under  ?


22. .MR. KEITH: It's a higher related temperature;.it.

L U ,can take higher' temperatures.

l c, . 24 INVESTIGATOR: So it doesn'tl melt and run~down - . _

'M MR. KEITH: That's correct.

s ,

7: #


. 7.

m 1 EINVESTIGATOR: -Was there a retrofitting at.the f.(. .

(2 i 2-- time, do you remember?

3 -MR. .- KEITH : .This you'd have to' relate to engineering.

4 1They had a. full room.' They hadia' -information:to 5: rework it.

6' INVESTIGATOR: What.was specifically in' engineering *


7 '; .Is . there ' a normal- contact that ---has high voltage that we could '

8 ~ask that question of?

9i MR. KEITH: Well, I-think the headDof the' engineers L10 is Paul.Nitko (?). Yes. He makes all our' decisions; you.

11 'know,1 ifl there 's a decision .

- >a ' .: ~ .


,S y

11'R. + KEITH i : '-- if' he ican ' t make it, he. calls the

,[\{ 13 ,


..x-14 residentl, engineer; r ' <

"T J . ,

.i i ~ 1 ,


16 MR. KEITH: A lot of times you, you'know --


18 - INVESTIGATOR: Another concern, though, that was 19 given~ to us is where you have' a termination like onto a motor.

5 2F And I understand that the terminology is, it's called a pecker -

21 ' head where you have a lug comes off and you get your cable, 22 -field cable comes in to connect and where the connecting 23 point on the motor.has'only got a one-bolt lug, and the field


. p44 24 cable's got a two-bolt ~ lug. Have you had anything like that?

L) - Wi MR. KEITH: Yes, .

q, '

a -8 pyh ,




1- INVESTIGATOR: .And how.'do c you normallyJhandle those?-

p .-(y ( . .

k): :2 'MRE -' KEITH : What;we do,we put the extra bolt-in so

'3 ,'ecan,.p'tourprop'erwrap-~-;and;Ishouldsayourhroper w u ,

~ 4i l procedure -- it"makes a;better looking'spliceisI.should~say ' .




.'5 termination,-note splice,'but termination. We do add ~the one'

  • ~

6 bolt. .



7- INVESTIGATOR: :The ~ reason is ' really ' for f.il1.

8- +

INVESTIGATOR: Yes.~1Well'-the reason thatlthis H !9. 'came up,. Richard,;i~s that one' individual felt this'was'al

' coverup,to make~it look like it was a-two-bolt connection.,

10' ill-~ Yd'u,can't'do-it.

12 fi1 - -



.I realize th'at.

it .  ;=

  1. 'MR.'KEYTH: 'Ybu,rehily.can't do it,Jbecause on
, ~ 14
.;Q class cable,!yousrecall the control person is right'there
15 . with you; 16 . . INVESTIGATOR: Yes. We just wanted to hear what-



17 - your experience had been.
18 MR. KEITH: Yes, we do it. ,

19  : INVESTIGATOR: And'this was an accepted.p'ractice?;.

- 20 MR. KEITH: Yes. (Inaudible) mainly because we-21 would h. ave-to fill another gap like this.

A 22 ' INVESTIGATOR: Is-there.anything in writing-that-

, 23 Jany procedgre was, or is this just a. practice that- .

24 was adopted?


.( -

+ - 25 MR. KEITH: I think you'd have to ask -- I think i.

~ ~ ' ~ ' ,- - - m---

r w - '  ; .- ..-

'N[t 7 i

, ]; *

  • l p. * , y. ; - .

e - ,

_ # 9, ,

J 1 WT~y -' w .

y,s. _

pQ, . - ,

I, y,.,

q' ?


fg re'diask Paul.Nitko- a b o u t : t h'a t . -

& n+

. 3 s.

, .q y 4

( O.g , -2C .: INVESTIGATOR: .Was.he the' engineer?'

~ <


].$ ' .. ,,

43- ,

'MR. KEITH: ~He's'the e'ngineerL f*..d*A j 41 -

7 INVESTIGATOR: Paul' Nidk'if E(?)' ~ Do yourknow!how.

.he spellsThisJlast name?'


y. ' 5) q j

~ ~ -

, J -6 MR. KEITH: - (No .' response . ) '


71 - ' INVESTIGATOR':l . We. _ can.(do Iit 'p'honetically. -



' . s .e .

JAnd'.he's the one-that'.s-y - ;8f fkiffJ-- probably;k-i-f-f;?Midkiff.

t '

~w ,

,?,.e h " . ,' n

?9- responsible fck whati you people :do regarding those kindsf of f J


T 10 ' tierminations?~;~ -

. v. -


7 :~,.,r y 3 .,

,r, , ,, y y as - , .~ .

l y

, "ig j ,

aL4MR[KEITH: W Well,iwe?- Joperations,  !.

~- p- 3 m. .~ , . m, . ,_ .

, g

- INVESTIGATOR: : The ' riext- issue , . ' Richard, is having-

- 12 1 l

. [- e k , L. , ii , "'n /X Q g _ ,1 ,
l - N J13' ;toid:a with QC inspectors. Whether or'notSyou' feel the_QC

, ,Q .

pp ; pv ; g 1 .(;

.' u 3 s- >



t- . ,

~ -14 people.who were assigned tio ' inspect yourFjourneymen areldoing 415' , Lan' adequate job;-that they're qualified to do their work.

m. . ,

!!6 .H'averyoulhad any problems inithat area?l w _

} - ,. ,.

'l~' ", _

' - 17 'MR. KEITH: :I.feeltlike:they'reJgualified, yes.- ,

. .c .

r., .

z 118 I'never had .any problems. with' anything. ,

J - 319l ' INVESTIGATOR: j'But they're sufficiently knowledgeable [ .


' $ 20- that they. perform the double checks', which is the, you know- 1 L nr - ,

lp s 21 MR. KEITH
. They stay right-with our people, y .-

mj 22 -especially with ~ high voltage,' they. stay right with our people mm 4 's

( 23 from. t he . st' art of. the termination to the end, they -wrap it F

/ ' ( 24 up 100 ~ percent. .




n, 25 -INVESTIGATOR: Have youever utilized any of your _

- _j b

  • J'# .~

r.G _

t -b ' w t-g-- , ,m,-,y w,,- .4, %g,- ...,#m ,

,,,,,w.,..,,.4,y,_,,,,,,,,,_,,,y,v,_,, ,4,,,.m,.,,,q , , ,,1,v p, m q__,,,pm ,,m, .

rmq m. ,m_,_ ,,p,,,p,,, ,

10 1 crew to train QC inspectors?

2 MR. KEITH: Train?

3 INVESTIGATOR: Train, perform a function or let 4 them observe --

5 INVESTIGATOR: Teach them how a termination is 6 supposed tc look.

7 INVESTIGATOR: Everybody has to learn sometime.

8 MR. KEITH: I was going to say, not per se that 9 we've used our people for training but they were at

'10 attendance at (inaudible) training session when we first 11 start'e'd our'high' voltage. See, we had a training program to 12 start off. I'think we-had three sessions of (inaudible)came 13 in here and trained our personnel, and most people already 14 had the high voltage experience anyway. So it was just a 15 (inaudible).



17 MR. KEITH: QC wasn't. QC came in on our training 18 program.

19 INVESTIGATOR: The next question also relates to 20 QC people, and this is a problem that allegedly in some cases 21 foremen, superintendents or GS have overridden QC. Like, QC 22 hangs a red tag and they tell them to take it off, and they're 23 intimidated by it and they remove the tag.

24 MR. KEITH: (Inaudible).


25 INVESTIGATOR: It's never happened in your

my . _ .


- u _s g

-( ,


-lUf ,.

'e (y, 11 - experience' h'ere? .

'( } ' >

,f :v':" :2 : MR. KEITH: 'No.

7 .,.



The'next issuelconcernshigh pot

.Y ~ '


4- testing. .Have your. people done some high. potting?

-- c.. .1


'5' IMR.'KEITH: -(Inaudible). . <

" " ~

6' ' INVESTIGATOR:: Have you found a--problem.--:thi's;isj


[i 1


h .7 .theLallegation',Cthat some of-t!he lines are being high. potted

p. s

-7 8: - more'than:one; time.' Have you.found any excessive.high potting ?-

T 49, LWhere you'reihigh. potting'and somebody else comes along.and~

9 10 later.does it'again?- >

_ .s a su e;,2 * ,, ,,


11 MR. KEITH: The only time .we high pot aLsecond'timt

, , . p. 3 -


- .,  : y_ .y', , i "'(.

i --

'isLif there's:,a lfitilure - iaiid; that' was a number .of pumps,

, ~

..  : p , ,

'[t.v. ,

131 (Inaddible)".j ' ifr

'14 -- INVESTIGATOR: (Inaudible) excessive ' hight _ potting


'15 -is. damaging to (inaudible) ?

16 ' MR. KEITH:- Well, it's not. good.

'17 INVESTIGATOR:- See, the allegation which is that

< 18 ' Anaconda cable, and41 haven't verified this yet, we';ve got E


19 - three engineers out runn'ing a lot'of these things down.- But.


  • the specs on the Anaconda-cable allegedly. state that they'll 1

. 21 only guarantee the cable for one high pot. And the person 22 who's/ issued'the concern said that in some cases, things have

< 23 been high potted quite a few times; one or two, more than K) k 24 three'sometimes. 'And what they're alleging is that there 26; - hasn'.t been proper documentation or controls' ott the part of x

y ,


1 --startup, and you-come in and high-pot' lines after construction

's ~

~/ _

2 _has already'done~the high. pot test.


.3 LMR.=KEITH:':I know nothing about what sta'rtup does.

x L4 They're'a separate' entity. LI prepare my work,1and startup.

5 ~ takes: care of their end of-it, so they're just';a separate-


6 entit'y, really.

7 ~- INVESTIGATOR: The next pointLhas to do with the 8 ' omission of'the use of O rings.- And the, 9 Bechtel has!not always used.~O rings on a conduit, the; cabinet

, . 10 - ' connectioiic< as. required;in cabinets downstairs in the control 11 .<the-r100 foot elevation. ever worked in.

[ .: .. _ 3 , j .. .

. 12 that aroti? i


-a(] - 13 .

And I these c'abinetis are -located underneath piping 14 . systems, and the' cabinets ~are_ required to have water. integrity ,.

15 and they were out'of O rings,~according to the' allegation,~for

~16 six months and were directed to just keep piping, and so we're

'17 told, if we go down there, there's a. lot of cabinets that do

' .18 .not have O rings, which we will b'e doing.

19 Have you ever had a problem like that?

20 - MR. KEITH: Not to my knowledge. We fill our 21 high voltage terminators, we call the pot head with the epoxy.

22 INVESTIGATORS: I think, I'm not sure we're

' 23 talking about where a conduit comes into a real box --

24 MR. KEITH: -- where a cable comes in, and it is V

25 waterproof, quite waterproof where the cable comes in.


13 1 INVESTIGATOR: With an epoxy-type fill?'

.2 'MR. KEITH: Yes.


4 VOICE: You always_need the epoxy.

5 INVESTIGATOR: Rich, have you ever observed or

-6 heard even from hearsay where there has been core drilling 7- to run new lines through walls and inadvertently, somebody has 8 drilled'into conduit?

9 MR. KEITH: I've never -- of course, this is, I'm 10 not - .you:know?,not part of my work out here.

-11 I wouldn't even beiaround it,anywhere.

12 INVESTIGATOR: Do you know whether or not there is


13 a specific crew, if thad did occur? '

14 MR. KEITH: Core drilling?

15 INVESTIGATOR: No, to repair core drilling where 16 they hit a conduit.

17 MR. KEITH: It would have to be (inaudible).

18 I guess Hector and Noonez would be the best ones to ask that 19 question of.

20 VOICE: He's been (inaudible) longer than I have, 21 but I would say that if there has been any damage, to --

22 certainly it will have to be repaired on (inaudible) documen-23 tation.

-m 24 INVESTIGATOR: Is there a -- do you know, is there 25 a, I don't think we've verified this yet; is there a procedure ,

r ,

^ '

'j- -

_ 14-wwa il requirement that'. terminations-have X-rayed',-or --

y-m-L/ 2 MR. KEITH: Not in'my specs.

3-  ! INVESTIGATOR: Not in your' specs.


4 :And.the~last: area that weLwanted;to' talk:to you-

6 about Lwas the" use- of ~ controlled drugs on ~ site. .And we~ realize 1

s 61 f.that" everyplace you've gotra large group of'the United States.

.7 .

today_you've got drugs.. .We wondered what.your; observations



1are,as to whether, how bad a problem,'s,a problem here



'on'~ site.7 T

- (. - ~:+ ,+

& i. uw, ' C e

'3g 10' MR.,KEITH: Smoking pot is not a problem ~with~my

, 5g E u, >

.11 crew.1 1 b?':  !!


{;,'"! INVESTIGATOR'.*Have'you

smelled smoking of pot on.

13 - th'e site; the work areas, or --

t . s.x l(]

14 '


la INVESTIGATOR: -- observed it?

r 16 MR. KEITII: Not"in;my work areas,.no.

17 INVESTIGATOR: .Not in your work areas. But you 18

- have in other areas, Rich?


, MR. KEITH: Not really.- _I mean, I could'say it's-

  1. - not'-- of course,.by the time we go in to do,our termination,

~21-4 most of the, all'the rest of the crafts are out of there. So ,

22 -

i _

we're not -- it's just our people that.are in there. -So I ,


- would say'no.


24 INVESTIGATOR: Well how about gossip? llave you 26 heard any guys talking about dope on site or' sale of drugs?


n, .- _~ .

o-- _



- v, .

1 , MR. KEITH: No.. I have-not eve,r heard that.

" ,Q -

2 ' . INVESTIGATOR: Gene,-do you have any?

} ~J ' ' ~

'3- INVESTIGATOR': The only thing I'd like to know:is,.


.'4- swho's on your, crew at the present. time, the~ names?

L5 MR. - KEITH : . Should bring my time book.with me. .

6 INVESTIGATOR:. Okay,.let's see.

7~ MR.-KEITH:~ Forest.


" 9

  • 1MR.'.KEITH:* Thall's on:my crew.

, .) .) . s.  : l. u "' ,

10 , , , INVESTIGATOR: We talked to Forest yesterday.

c t -

a f

' ' '~

<f '

-  ; VOICE: YSchuh. -


12  ;

_i I.MR~.[KEITH: Schuhlis on my crew, yes.:


- y- (] '-

14 , MR. KEITH: Lefebre is on my crew.


16 MR. KEITH: ' Swan is on my crew.


,18 MR. KEITH: Salami (?)

19 INVESTIGATOR: How many men do you have on your-E ,

20 - crew?

21 MR. KEITH: I have eight right now.

s 22 (Simultaneous discussion. )

.23 INVESTIGATOR: How about the fellows that we


f 24 weren't able to locate? Maybe he might know where they are.

- () .- '

25 ~Norstrum? Is that --




[- ; 'l . MR. .KEITH: I think Norstrum was transferred to.




'2 containment. 1But I do not think he's on the site. _

. L3- -INVESTIGATOR: Was he high' voltage, cur --

4 ~MR. KEITH: Not'really.

.5- INVESTIGATOR.: Do you know who his close friends

6 .are? Someone who-might know where he's. located? Do youLhave


17 a buddy that you know of-that - . 1 8 MR. KEITH: No.

~. . r a . . ,,

Hbw;about Acuff? '


s 4,

~10 j3  ? MRl KEITH: Acuff, worked for me. They were trans-

, . 3 ,s 2  : i l .

11 ferred al at the samd time.


- rve f  ; ,

p 12 i INVESTIGATORJ:'4Acuff, and you don't know --

(' i 13 MR. KEITH: I couldn't --

i A .-

L-14 INVESTIGATOR: Does he have any close friends,


15 Acuff, that you could -- you know here on site that might _

16 'know where he is?



~ 17 ~ INVESTIGATOR: Gunderson. I understand Gunderson:

18 was high voltage, and he's gone, too?

19 MR. KEITH: Yes.

- 20 INVESTIGATOR: He's also -- (break in recording) ioida B. 21 - -- are being overlooked and the commission should 22 look into. Any concerns yoa have on the plant; on the construc-23 tion of safety-related systems?

l L - 24 MR. KEITH: No, I feel like the engineering, I f3_

$_] #- feel like the termination group is doing the best job they


i l

l I

.- .n. _ .. ._ -

+ o.. ,

.c ~

,e .


.. . e

.y ;

J1- 'can do.= IJthink~they aredoing'an'excellentejob.- 'A fin'e job, ,

_f\ . .

D1 2: ?an'd;I.'think1 wit $ the two groups.cdmbinedLyou're' find .

. :3- ~ 'a m i n i m u m ' a m o u n t;._ o f (inaudible)f. ~ Very high praise for .my /


T-4 . people..

-5 . INVESTIGATOR: ' Good;


6' ,

-Isdon't'have:-any further questions. .We thank'you 7~ very.much,.. Richard, for your; time.

_( :8 . . - -

l ', Y 7 1,- 1 j'* 73i'.*

~ ' - . , s  ; .4 m 7.. , fp ,f j w *

% 5- , s. _ > , s ,_ ) , y. E i

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, .( . . ] ,

m - -


.11 t

,u y, ,  ; , . _ , . , ,<

i. 5f -' . t i t f, _; ', ,l,

, " 12 l-  :

L' 13

-A 14 15 - _

16 I ; :i . , 17 18 19 -


21 .

p i


e . r.

[. 23  :

.. 24 -

c10 Q.

25 e 4 -m _ _ _ _ _ __ _-.____m _u___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . _ _ _ -_________._______._____--____.__._______m.a__ __ _ . _ _ _ - _ _ . _ - -
