IR 05000482/1985036

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Insp Rept 50-482/85-36 on 850930-1004.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Corporate & Onsite Organizations & Mgt Controls,Staffing & Staff Qualifications & Chemistry/Radiochemistry Program
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/1985
From: Murray B, Nicholas J, Wise R
Shared Package
ML20137K899 List:
50-482-85-36, NUDOCS 8512030316
Download: ML20137K919 (18)



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NRC Inspection Report: STN 50-482/85-36 Docket: STN 50-482 License: NPF-42 Licensee: Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E)

P. O. Box 208 Wichita, Kansas 67201 Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)

Inspection At: WCGS Site, Burlington, Kansas .,

Inspection Conducted: September 30-October 4, 1985 Inspectors:

J.,flairNicholas,\SeniorRadiation Rf/rfff Date '

Mpecialist, Facilities Radiological Protection Section 0. A WulAa Rpjfsell Wise, Radi'ation Specialist, uhkr Date UFacilities Radiological Protection Section Approved: 40 OA'N[

BlaineMurray, Chief,/ Facilities

////f/8f Ddte '

Radiological Protection Section Inspection Summary '

Inspection Conducted September 30-October 4, 1985 (Report STN 50-482/85-36)

Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection of the licensee's chemistry / radiochemistry program including review of corporate and onsite organizations and management controls, staffing and staff qualifications, training program, chemistry / radiochemistry program, quality assurance (QA)

program of chemistry / radiochemistry activities, facilities and equipment, 0512030316 851115 PDH ADOCK 05000432 G PDN

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postaccident sampling system (PASS), quality control of analytical measurements, and whole body counting system confirmatory measurement The inspection involved 84 inspector-hours onsite and eight inspector-hours offsite by two NRC inspector Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie .


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Details Persons Contacted

  • F. T. Rhodes, Plant Manager
  • D. Boyer, Superintendent, Technical Support
  • L. F. Breshears, Health. Physics Supervisor
  • Chernoff, Licensing Engineer 0. A. Dominques, QA Technician K. R. Ellison, Regulatory, Quality, and Administration J. D. Hartley, Chemistry Technician J. D. Hawthorne, Secondary Chemistry Supervisor
  • S. A. Henry, Primary Chemistry Supervisor
  • C. J. Hoch, QA Technician R. L. Hoyt, Emergency Planning Administrator
  • J. A. Ives, Site Health Physicist
  • R. L. Logsdon, Site Chemist
  • A. S. Mah, Superintendent :f Training
  • C. Manwaring, Instrume.t-s and Controls (I&C)

J. A. Moore, Chemistry Technician

  • T. S. Morrill, Radiochemist
  • M. Nichols, Superintendent of Plant Support C. L. Palmer, Radwaste Chemistry Supervisor
  • C. E. Parry, Superintendent of Quality Systems Engineering C. G. Patrick, Superintendent of Quality Evaluations
  • J. Pendergrass, Licensing Engineer
  • K. R. Peterson, Lead Licensing Engineering C. C. Reekte, QA Auditor B. D. Reischman, Senior Engineer (Nuclear Chemist), Nuclear Services
  • C. Rise, Health Physics Operations Supervisor H. Stubby, Chemistry Training Instruc+or C. A. Swartzendrubec, Manager of Radiological Services P. E. Turner, Manager of Nuclear Training
  • D. Walsh, Maintenance Services Supervisor
  • R. W. Wollum, I&C Coordinator
  • J. A. Zell, Superintendent of Operations
  • G. Williams, Superintendent of Regulatory, Quality, and Administration Others
  • B. L. Bartlett, NRC Resident Inspector
  • J. E. Cummins, Senior NRC Resident Inspector
  • Denotes those present during the exit briefing on October 4, 198 .

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4 Chemistry / Radiochemistry Organization and Management Controls The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's corporate and onsite organizations and staffing regarding chemistry / radiochemistry activities to determine compliance with commitments in Chapter 13, " Conduct of Operations," in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and requirements in Section 6.2, " Organization," in the Technical Specifications (TS) and WCGS administrative procedure The NRC inspectors verified that the organizational structures of the corporate radiological services section


l and the onsite chemistry / radiochemistry section (C/RS) were as defined in the FSAR, TS, and WCGS administrative procedures. The NRC inspectors reviewed the corporate and WCGS management control procedures and position descriptions for the assignment of responsibilities for the management and implementation of the WCGS chemistry / radiochemistry progra The NRC inspectors verified that the administrative control responsibilities specified by the WCGS procedures were being implemente The NRC inspectors reviewed the staffing of the corporate radiological services nuclear chemistry section and the onsite C/RS and noted that the corporate nuclear chemistry section was fully staffed and the two staff members were the same as reported in previous NRC inspection reports.

t Since the previous NRC inspection in April 1985, the onsite C/RS had los its secondary chemistry supervisor and one chemistry technician. The secondary chemistry supervisor position had been filled by one of the senior chemistry technicians leaving 14 chemistry technician positions


filled and two vacancies. The site chemist was actively recruiting to fill the staff vacancie No violations or deviations were identifie . Chemistry / Radiochemistry Personnel Qualifications The NRC inspectors reviewed the qualifications of tha corporate radiological services nuclear chemistry personnel and onsite C/RS personnel to determine compliance with commitments in Cnapter 13 " Conduct of Operations," in the FSAR and requirements in Section 6.3, " Unit Staff Qualifications," in the TS.


The NRC inspectors reviewed the resumes for each of the corporate nuclear chemistry technical support personnel and verified that they met the I required qualifications specified in the FSAR and position descriptions.

l Based on the review of the onsite C/RS staff resumes, the NRC inspectors determined that the site chemist, radiochemist, and the three laboratory supervisors met the ANSI /ANS 3.1-1978 qualifications as committed to in the FSAR and TS. Eight of fourteen chemistry technician positions were filled with personnel who satisfied the ANSI /ANS 3.1-1978 qualification The C/RS has eight shift qualified technicians, three technicians who should be shift qualified by December 1985, and three newly hired i


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technicians who were presently in qualification trainin The NRC inspectors determined that the C/RS shift rotation was composed of ANSI and shift qualified personne No violations or deviations were identifie . Chemistry / Radiochemistry Training Program The NRC inspectors. reviewed the licensee's chemistry / radiochemistry training program to determine compliance with commitments in Chapter 13.2,

" Training," in the FSAR, and requirements in Section 6.4, " Training," in the TS, 10 CFR Part 19.12, and WCGS administrative procedure The NRC inspectors reviewed the training program for C/RS personnel with the nuclear training manager and the C/RS training coordinator. The nuclear training department had added to its staff an instructor with expertise in nuclear power plant chemistry / radiochemistry. The NRC inspectors inspected the new training facilities and training chemistry laborator .

The NRC inspectors reviewed the nuclear training department procedures which had been completed and approved and determined that several WCGS administrative procedures were still being used to direct nuclear training department activities until all training department procedures have been completed. The licensee's program for qualification and training of WCGS chemistry staff is described in WCGS Procedure ADM-04-004, " Chemistry Group Training Program," Rev. 6, August 15, 1985. The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's program and found it being implemented in accordance with the above procedur The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's task analysis for C/RS personnel which was in progres The nuclear training department had developed a health physics / chemistry technician course in cooperation with local universitie The NRC inspectors reviewed the course lecture outline and study material The NRC inspectors reviewed the C/RS individual staff training records and qualification cards and found that training was being completed and documented as per procedur No violations or deviations were identifie . Chemistry / Radiochemistry Program The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's chemistry / radiochemistry program to determine compliance with commitments in Chapter 5, " Reactor Coolant System and Connected Systems;" Chapter 9, " Auxillary Systems;" and

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Chapter 11. " Radioactive Waste Management;" and requirements in Section 3/4.4.7, " Chemistry," in the TS and C/RS procedure The NRC inspectors' review of the chemistry / radiochemistry program found that the licensee had completed and approved all identified administrative procedures, surveillance procedures, chemical control procedures, instrument calibration and performance check procedures, sampling procedures, and analytical procedures. A review of selected procedures, logs, and analytical data indicated that the C/RS had established sufficient administrative and analytical procedures to meet the requirements of the FSAR and T The NRC inspectors verified that the secondary chemistry laboratory instruments and the primary chemistry laboratory instruments had been calibrated according to procedures and a quality control program had been implemente The NRC inspectors reviewed the status of the chemical and reagent inventory program and found the C/RS staff implementing the program in the laboratories according to procedur No violations or deviations were identifie . Quality Assurance Program The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's QA organization and audit / surveillance program regarding chemistry / radiochemistry activities to determine compliance with commitments in Chapter 17, " Quality Assur-ance," in the FSAR, requirements in Section, " Audits," in the TS, and QA manual procedure The NRC inspectors. reviewed the QA department organization, selected QA audit and surveillance procedures, audit plans for 1985 and 1986, QA auditor qualificatibns, and audit and surveillance reports. Audit and surveillance reports generated from QA activities during 1984 and 1985 in the areas of chemistry and radiochemistry, chemistry personnel qualifications, chemistry instrument calibration and quality control, and system chemical control were reviewed for scope to ensure thoroughness of program evaluation and timely follow-up of identified deficiencies. The NRC inspectors found that the audit plans and checklists generated from a list of essential elements and attributes dealing with chemistry / radiochemistry activities were comprehensive and that the responses and corrective actions to QA findings were timely. It was noted that the chemistry / radiochemistry audits were being performed by an audit team which included a lead auditor qualified to the requirements of ANSI /ASME N45.2.23-1978 and a qualified technical specialist knowledgeable

! in chemistry / radiochemistry activities at a nuclear power facilit No violations or deviations were identified, f


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7 Facilities and Equipment


The NRC inspectors inspected the secondary chemistry laboratory and sampling area, primary chemistry laboratory and sampling area, radiochemistry counting room, postaccident sampling area, and radwaste laboratory and sampling area. The laboratories were equipped with the necessary chemicals, reagents, standards, labware, and analytical instrumentation to perform the required analytical procedure At the time of the inspection, it was noted that three of the four high purity germanium (HPG) detectors connected to the Nuclear Data gamma spectroscopy system and located in the radwaste laboratory and radiochemistry counting room were temporarily out-of-service for electronic malfunction The NRC inspectors noticed during the inspection that every process instrument located on the secondary chemistry instrument panel (RM-171)

was not operational. These process instruments included the sodium analyzers, dissolved oxygen analyzers, conductivity meters, pH cells, and associated recorders. The NRC inspectors discussed their concerns with this instrument problem with the licensee and it was emphasized at the exit briefing that this panel and associated instruments be kept in current calibration and routine operation to maintain current status of secondary chemical parameters and provide documentation of secondary chemistry trends. The licensee acknowledged the NRC inspectors' concerns with the inoperable instrumentation and stated that the instruments would be checked and repaired prior to November 8, 1985, subject to availability of needed part No violations or deviations were identifie . Postaccident Sampling System The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's PASS to determine compliance with the requirements of NUREG-0737, Item II.B.3, and Section 6.8.4.d,

"Postaccident Sampling," in the T The NRC inspectors inspected the areas in the plant where the PAS!

hardware is installed. The NRC. inspectors verified that the equipment and associated procedures satisfied the requirements of NUREG-0737, Item II.B.3, and TS for representative sampling and analysis of reactor coolant and containment atmosphere following a reactor incident. The licensee had completed operator training as part of shift qualification training for chemistry technicians and had established an instrument calibration and maintenance program in compliance with TS requirement The NRC inspectors reviewed the in-line instrument calibration and quality control records. The licensee demonstrated PASS operability by collecting a sample of reactor coolant and performing required analyses including

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gamma isotopic, pH, boron, and conductivit The licensee also collected a sample of containment atmosphere and performed a gamma isotopic analysi The licensee demonstrated to the NRC inspectors the use of the manual local control panel for obtaining an undiluted grab sample for analyses. The NRC inspectors noted that the reactor coolant system hydrogen analyzer was out-of-service for repair and the dissolved oxygen analyzer was due for cell reconditioning. The NRC inspectors verified that work orders had been issued to maintain these instruments and place them back in service. The NRC inspectors determined that the licensee's procedures, analytical sensitivities, and analytical results of chemistry parameters were consistent with PASS requirement '

l No violations or deviations were identifie .


Quality Control of Radiological Analytical Measurements



The NRC inspectors inspected the radiochemistry counting room and reviewed the licensee's program for calibration and quality control of radiological


analytical measurements to determine compliance with the requirements in Section 6.8, " Procedures and Programs," in the T The NRC inspectors examined the licensee's radiochemistry counting room instrument calibration and quality control procedures, counting instrument calibration data and performance check data, and other documentation of instrument performance. Data for the period January through September 1985 were reviewe No violations or deviations were identified.

h 10. -Analytical Measurements

, Confirmatory Measurements Confirmatory measurements were performed on the following samples and standards in the Region IV mobile laboratory at the WCGS site during the inspection: NRC Particulate Filter Standard (SRS-17818-109) Containment Atmosphere Charcoal Cartridge Liquid Radwaste Effluent (Waste Tank TH8078) Reactor Coolant System Gas Reactor Coolant System Degassed Liquid Reactor Coolant System Iodines




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  • Ccc.tainment Atmosphere (1 Liter Gas Marinelli)

. Containment Atmosphere (30 cc gas bulb) NRC Face Loaded Scott Charcoal Cartridge (SRS-17817-109)


1 NRC Tritum Sample


The confirmatory measurements counting arrangements are essentially

, the same as those discussed in NRC Inspection Report 50-482/84-4 Attachment 1 contains the criteria used to compare result ' Results The licensee maintains three HPG detectors in the radiochemistry counting room and two HPG detectors in the radwaste laboratory. All-five detectors are used for routine isotopic analysis of radioactive samples to demonstrate compliance with TS and regulatory requirements. At the time of the inspection the two HPG detectors in the radwaste laboratory and one HPG detector in the radiochemistry counting room were out-of service. The two in-service HPG detectors were cross-checked on selected count!ag geometries. The HPG detector labeled (1) is maintained by the C/RS and the HPG detector labeled (2) is maintained by the health physics section. The analytical results from the two detectors were compared with the NRC results, as well as with each other. The licensee performed the tritium sample analysis on their liquid scintillation counting syste The individual sample analyses and comparison of analytical results of the confirmatory measurements are tabulated in Attachment The licensee's gamma isotopic results from the listed samples in Attachment 2 showed 94 percent agreement with the NRC analysis results based on 58 agreement results out of 62 nuclides identified and compare The licensee's tritium result on the NRC tritium sample was in agreement with the NRC analysis result. The licensee's results cross-checked with 100 percent agreement between the two HPG detectors for all counting geometries compare Confirmatory measurements were performed by the licensee on a liquid unknown sample prepared by Radiological Environmental Sciences Laboratory using known nuclide concentrations of sosp, soSr, tritium, and gamma emitting nuclide The licensee analyzed the sample and reported the results as requeste The licensee's analytical results were compared to the known sample activities and t he results of the comparisons are presented in Attachment 2, sample 11. The licensee's results were in 100 percent agreement with the certified activities in the sampl No violations or deviations were identified.


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l 11. Whole Body Counting System l The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's whole body counting system to I

determine compliance with 10 CFR Part 20.103.

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The NRC inspectors reviewed the health physics procedures which provide guidance in the operation, calibration, and quality control of the whole body counting system. The licensee's calibration program and QA program l for the whole body counting system were reviewed. The licensee i


participates in a cross-check program on a qudrterly basis with a commercial vendor who supplies unknown activities in the phantom

configuration used by the license The NRC inspectors supplied the 1icensee with a whole body counting phantom to perform confirmatory measurements in their chair style whole

! body counting system. The counting arrangements were essentially the same as those discussed in NRC Inspection Report 50-482/84-40. The results of the body positioning test and the comparison of the analytical results of ,

the confirmatory measurements against the standard activities are tabluated in Attachment The results of the body burden activity measurements were approximately the same as experienced during the tests performed during the NRC inspection conducted in October 1984. In general, the licensee's results were approximately 50 percent lower than the certified activities of the NRC standard No violations or deviations were identifie . Exit Briefing Tne NRC inspectors met with the NRC resident inspectors and licensee representatives identified in paragraph 1 of this report at the conclusion of the inspection on October 4, 1985. The NRC inspectors summarized the scope of the inspection and discussed the inspection findings including the results of the confirmatory measurements performed on various intercomparison samples and the whole body counting system. The licensee committed to repair the secondary chemistry process instrumentation on panel RM-171 by November 8, 1985, subject to availability of needed parts and have all the instruments calibrated and operational.


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triteria for Comparing Analytical Measurements . !

l The following are the criteria used in comparing the results of capability l i tests and verification measurements. The criteria are based on an empirical ~

{ relationship established through prior experience and this program's

, analytical. requirements.

!. In these criteria, the judgement ifmits vary in relationship to .the comparison

1 of the resolution.

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Comparisons are made by first determining the resolution and then reading

{ across the same line to the corresponding ratio. The following table shows  !

the acceptance values.




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<4 0.4 - ;



4-7 0.5 - 2.0

! 8 - 15 0.6 - 1.66 '

16 - 50 0.75 - 1.33 i 51 - 200 0.80 - 1.25 ' >200 0.85 - 1.18


{ The above criteria are applied to the following analyses:

(1) Gamma Spectrometry.


} (2) Tritium analyses of 11guld samples, q (3) Iodine on absorber l 3 (4) noSr and 'OSr determinations.


(5) Gross Beta where samples are counted on the same date using the same l j reference nuclide.


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ATTACHMENT 2 Confirmatory Measurements Results NRC Particluate Filter Standard (SRS-17818-109)

(Standardized 11:00 CDT, July 1,1985)

WCGS WCGS Results NRC Results WCGS/NRC Comparision-Nuclide De (uci/ Sample) (uCi/ Sample) Ratio Decision


57Co (1) 1.6610.02E-02 1.9210.01E-02 0.87 Agreement (2) 1.7910.03E-02 0.94 Agreement SOCo (1) 4.5210.06E-02 4.7410.04E-02 0.96 Agreement (2) 4.8110.08E-02 1.02 Agreement (

ssY (1) 1.0910.13E-01 1.1010.01E-01 0.99 Agreement !

(2) 1.1310.02E-01 1.03 Agreement '

108Cd (1) 1.0410.01E+00 1.3110.01E+00 0.80 Disagreement (2) 1.1310.01E+00 0.86 Agreement 118Sn (1) 6.5210.07E-02 7.1010.04E-02 0.92 Agreement (2) 7.3510.09E-02 1.04 Agreement 137Cs (1) 4.1810.05E-02 3.6110.02E-02 1.16 Agreement (2) 4.4610.06E-02 1.24 Agreement '


taoCe (1) 3.0910.03E-02 3.3910.02E-02 0.91 Agreement (2) 3.4010.04E-02 1.00 Agreement 20sHg (1) 5.7210.08E-02 6.1910.05E-02 .0.92 Agreement (2) 6.2710.12E-02 1.01 Agreement t Containment Atmosphere Charcoal Cartridge (Sampled 12:00 CDT, October 2, 1985) ,

WCGS WCGS Results NRC Results WCGS/NRC Comparision Nuclide De (uCi/ Sample) (uCi/ Sample) Ratio Decision 1811 . (1) 5.1210.18E-03 5.5810.06E-03 0.92 Agreement l tas! (1) 1.3510.17E-03 1.5310.0SE-03 0.88 A0reement ;

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! Liquid Radwaste Effluent (Waste Tank TH8078)

(Sampled 16:45 CDT, September 30, 1985)

l l WCGS WCGS Results NRC Results WCGS/NRC Comparision l Nuclide Oe (uC1/ml) (uCf/ml) Ratio Decision stCr (1) 2.9710.44E-06 2.9910.39E-06 0.99 Agreement


54Mn (1) 1.3910.31E-07 Not Identified --

No Comparison 1 i ssCo (1) 6.6810.19E-06 6.5110.13E-06 1.03 Agreement .

88Fe (1) 4.2910.86E-07 5.2910.63E-07 0.81 Agreement osZr (1) 3.1410.81E-07 2.4410.66E-07 1.29 Agreement 1811 (1) 4.4610.71E-07 5.7310.50E-07 0.78 Agreement 1831 (1) 6.0710.79E-07 6.0710.52E-07 1.00 Agreement 140La (1) 7.0111.05E-07 8.6410.64E-07 0.81 Agreement 187W (1) 2.0710.30E-07 2.0710.20E-07 1.00 Agreement E! No nuclide identification was made by the NRC. Nuclide activity was less than 10 percent of the isotopic value for liquid as stated in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II; therefore, no '

comparison was mad t 4. Reactor Coolant System Gas (Sampled 16:55 CDT, October 1, 1985)

WCGS WCGS Results NRC Results WCGS/NRC Comparision ,

Nuclide De (uCf/cc) (uCi/cc) Ratio Decision 41Ar (1) 4.0710.04E-02 1# --

No Comparison

"S"Kr (1) 1.4410.05E-03 1.2710.02E-03 1.13 Agreement a7Kr (1) 2.9410.14E-03 2.4010.09E-03 1.23 Agreement !

anKr (1) 3.8810.17E-03 3.2510.07E-03 1.19 Agreement l

ssXe (1) 3.7410.12E-03 3.5510.05E-03 1.05 Agreement 186*Xe (1) 4.0310.35E-03 2/ --

No Comparison

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-3-135Xe (1) 6.7210.08E-03 5.8410.04E-03 1.15 Agreement 188Xe (1) 7.58E-03 2/ --

No Comparsion 1 Isotopic peak was present in the spectial data; however, the gas efficiency calibration used for the analysis did not include efficiencies for gamma energies greater than 514 ke Therefore, no NRC analysis was made and no compariso Isotopic activity had decayed to below the lower level of detectability at the time of sample analysi . Resctor Coolant System Degassed Liquid (Sampled 15:14 COT, October 1, 1985)

WCGS WCGS Results NRC Results WCGS/NRC Comparision Nuclide De (uct/ml) (uCi/ml) Ratio Decision 24Na (1) 1.8110.05E-03 1.9110.03E-03 0.94 Agreement naCo (1) 5.6710.42E-04 4.9310.23E-04 1.15 Agreement anRb (1) 5.7810.43E-03 2.2210.27E-02 0.26 Disagreement 80Rb (1) 5.6110.27E-03 1/ --

No Comparison

'8Nb (1) 2.7510.33E-04 1.4410.19E-04 1.91 Disagreement

"7Nb (1) 9.78E-05 8.9112.56E-05 1.10 Agreement 388Cs (1) 1.1010.02E-02 1.2610.02E-02 0.87 Agreement 188Ba (1) 1.2410.23E-03 1.6810.16E-03 0.74 Agreement 187W (1) 4.52E-04 9.7911.05E-04 0.46 Disagreement 1 Primary line for nuclide identification was not present; therefore, no nuclide identification and no compariso . Reactor Coolant System lodine Analysis

"(Sampled 16:14 CDI, October 1,198b)

WCGS WCGS Results NRC Results WCGS/NRC Comparision Nuclide De (uci/ml) (ucf/ml) Ratio DecIsfon tan! (1) 2.4710.24E-04 2,4810.15E 04 1.00 Agreement

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I 1s21 (1) 5.1410.07E-03 4.6610.05E-03 1.10 Agreement 1881 (1) ,

3.0110.04E-03 2.7510.02E-03 1.09 Agreement 184I (1) 1.0710.02E-02 1.1410.02E-02 0.94 Agreement 185I (1) 5.64 0.15E-03 6.3910.11E-03 0.88 Agreement Containment Atmosphere (1 Liter Gas Marinelli)

(Sampled 10:25 CDT, October 2,1985)

WCGS WCGS Results NRC Results 'WCGS/NRC Comparision Nuclide De (uct/ Sample) (uCf/ Sample) Ratio Decision 41Ar (1) 1.8710.12E-06 1! --

No Comparison (2) 1.6010.13E-06 183Xe (1) 9.8110.15E-06 9.7310.19E-06 1.01 Agreement (2) 9.6510.19E-06 0.99 Agreement tasXe (1) 9.8511.42E-08 8.94tl.95E-08 1.10 Agreement (2) 9.41tl.64E-08 1.05 Agreement 1 Isotopic peak was present in the spectral data; however, the gas efficiency calibration used for the analysis did not include efficiencies for gamma energies greater than 514 ke Therefore, no NRC analysis was made and no compariso . Containment Atmosphere (30cc gas bulb)

(Sampled 10:18 COT, October 2,1985)

WCGS WCGS Results NRC Results WCGS/NRC Comparision Nuclide De (uCi/cc) (uC1/cc) Ratio Decision ;

183Xe (1) 4.1810.61E-06 4.31tl.01E-06 0.97 Agreement


' NRC Face Loaded Scott Charcoal Cartridge Standard (SRS-17817-109) "

(Standardized 11:00 COT, July 1,1985)

WCGS WCGS Results NRC Results II WCGS/NRC Comparision Nuclide De t ._ (uct/ Sample) (uci/ Sample) Ratio Decision 87C0 (2) 1.6410.03E-02 1.95E-02 0.84 Agreement soCo (2) 4.9910.08E-02 4.99E-02 1.00 Agreement w

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asY (2) 1.2010.02E-01 1.18E-01 1.02 Agreement 108Cd (2) 9.5510.09E-01 1.26E+00 0.76 Agreement 218Sn (2) 7.2610.11E-02 7.42E-02 0.98 Agreement 137Cs (2) 4.5710.07E-02 4.75E-02 0.96 Agreement 188Ce (2) 3.2110.05E-02 3.54E-02 0.91 Agreement 20sHg (2) 6.6510.13E-02 7.08E-02 0.94 Agreement 1!


! NRC results were taken from the standard certification supplied to the Region IV office by the commercial vendor and traceable to the National Bureau of Standard . NRC Tritium Sample (Sampled 16:31 CDT, October 1, 1985)

WCGS Results NRC Results WCGS/NRC Comparision Nuclide (uC1/ Sample) (uCi/ Sample) Ratio _ Decision


8H 2.96E-01 2.90E-01 1.02 Agreement 11. RESL Unknown Liquid Sample (Standarized 12:00 MSi, January 11, 1985)

WCGS Results NRC Results 1 WCGS/NRC Comparision Nuclide (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Ratio Decision 8H 6.8910.39E-05 6.5410.13E-05 1.05 Agreement soSr 3.1210.09E-04 2.7510.08E-04 1.13 Agreement 80Sr 2.2810.19E-05 3.0310.12E-05 0.75 Agreement is7Cs 1.3810.06E-05 1.3610.03E-05 1.01 Agreement 60Co 1.2610.07E-05 1.2210.02E-05 1.03 Agreement 1 NRC results were taken from the standard certification supplied to the Region IV office as prepared by RESL and traceable to the National Bureau of Standard ,



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L ATTACHMENT 3 Whole Body Countina System Confirmatory Measurements Positioning Verification Test


NRC Whole Body Phantom With 5 Percent Lung Burden Standard

' Tests (1), (2), and (3)

WCGS Result WCGS Result WCGS Result Standard Nuclide Test (1) Test (2) Test (3) Average Deviation 60Co 0.274 0.292 0.310 0.292 0.018 Analytical Measurements Luna Test NRC Whole Body Phantom With Various Lung Organ Burden Activities of Cobalt-60 WCGS Results NRC Results* WCGS/NRC Test N % MP08 (uC1) (uC1) Ratio 4 5% 0.307 0.500 0.61 5 10% 0.572 1.000 0.57 6 50% 2.488 5.000 0.50 7 100% 4.584 10.000 0.46 8 200% 9.040 20.000 0.45 Thyroid Test NRC Whole Body Phantom With Various Thyroid Oraan Burden Activities of Barium-133 as Mock Iodine-131 WCGS Results NRC Results* WCGS/NRC Test N % MPOB (uci) (uCl) Ratio 9 5% 0.016 0.036 0.44 10 10% 0.033 0.070 0.47 _ .

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-2-11L 50% 0.168 0.350 0.48 12 100% 0.363 0.700 0.52 13 200% 0.686 1.400 0.49 Luna and Thyroid Scan NRC Whole Body Phantom With Various Combinations of Luna and Thyroid Organ Burden Activities of Cobalt-60 in the Lunas and Barium-133 as Mock Iodine-131 in the Thyroid WCGS Results NRC Results* WCGS/NRC Test N Nuclide % MP0B (uCI) (uC1) Ratio 14 133Ba 200% 0.709 1.400 0.51 60Co 10% 0.517 1.000 0.52 r 15 183Ba 100% 0.335 0.700 0.48 l SoCo 10% 0.507 1.000 0.51 '

I 16 183Ba 100% 0.332 0.700 0.47 '

60Co 5% 0.263 0.500 0.53 17 188Ba 5% 0.018 0.036 0.50 ,

ooCo 5% 0.263 0.500 0.53 Luna ' Text (mixed isotopic standards)

NRC Whole Body Phantom With Various Luna Organ ,


Burden Activities of Cesium-137 and Cobalt-60 '

WCGS Results NRC Results* WCGS/NRC Test N Nuclide % MPOB (uC1) (uC1) Ratio ,

18 837Cs 5% 0.825 1.570 0.53 80Co 5% 0.201 0.502 0.40 19 187Cs 10% 1.677 3.130 0.53 80Co 10% 0.457 1.000 0.46 20 137Cs 50% 7.51 15.70 0.48 80Co 50% 2.03 5.02 0.40

NRC values were taken from the standard certificates supplied with the standards as prepared by a commercial vendor and verified by the NRC's reference laborator RESL, in Idaho Falls, Idaho, t

