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Significant Deficiency Rept SD-370/82-01 Re Use of Incompatible Diaphrgm 5B-77 W/Diesel Generator Fuel Oil, Initially Reported on 820128.Piping Isometric Drawing Revisions Will Be Issued by 820401
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire
Issue date: 02/26/1982
From: Parker W
To: James O'Reilly
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, NUDOCS 8203180314
Download: ML20049J532 (3)




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"" " 4a e, ,,",$,7,"' # February 26', 1982 r,,, ,,,,,3 . 70.

$7,aae Pn90VCTiose 373-4083 g \ Uf lir Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission S (h,

Region Il D,IY .93 -

101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 --

f,gg a Atlanta, Georgia 30303 E tu m , 7 982 5 t, fyNuYtn ' i},

Re: McGuire Nuc1 car Station \

Unit 2 Si g( @

Docket No. 50-370

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55e, please find attached Significant Deficiency Report SD 370/82-01 concerning the use of diaphragm valves in applications that caused diaphragm degradation.

Very truly yours,

, k' William O. Parker, Jr.

PBN/jfw Attachment cc: Director Mr. P. R. Bemis Office of Inspection and Enforcement Senior Resident Inspector-NRC U..S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission McGuire Nuclear Station Washington, D. C. 20555 B203180314 820226 g ,,7,,1C E COP'lb PDR ADOCK 05000370 S PDR g

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, Report No.: SD-370/82-01 Report Date: February 26, 1982

' Facility: McGuire Nuclear Station, Unit 2 i

Identification of Deficiencyr Grinnell Diaphragm Valves, use of incompati* ole diaphragm material with system fluid.

Initial Report:

On January 28, 1982, , J. Bryant, NRC Region II, was notified of the deficiency by W. O. Henry, P. R.-Herran, and'H. R.'Gibson of Duke Power Company.-

Description of Deficiency:

Valves 2FD 140 through 2FD 147 diaphragms were found to be defective. These valves-isolate the standby diesel fuel oil transfer filters from the rest of the system. Inspection showed swelling of the diaphragms, preventing proper operation.

Further_ inspection indicated the srong valve item number (5B-77) had been installed. The installed diaphragm material is not suitable for fuel oil service. The valve documentation package and valve cross reference (VCR)


indicated that valve item number 5B-213'should have been installed.

This problem is due to Construction not having procedures to assure Construc-tion piping isometric drawings are revised as a result of VCR revisions.

Analysis of Safety Implications:

I Incompatibility of fuel oil with the installed diaphragm material (EPT) will

cause the diaphragm to deteriorate over a long time period. This deterioration could cause blockage of downstream fuel oil meter components, eliminating diesel fuel supply and thus limiting diesel generator operation to one hour. If not corrected this could have adversely affected safety of operation.

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. s Corrective Action:

Diaphragms in valves 2FD 140 through 2FD 147 have been changed and documented.

The fuel oil in the downstream day tank will be analyzed, and the fuel oil system operated to assure that no diaphragm debris remains _in the system to pose a blockage hazard. This will be completed by May 1, 1982.

All Unit 2 piping isometric drawings were checked for agreement with the VCR.

Discrepancies identified were then reviewed for safety significance.' Results of this review verified that there were no additional hardware or significant safety problems.

Unit i valves had been reviewed earlier for agreement between VCR and installed valves with no problems identified.

Construction procedures are being revised to assure VCR revisions are included in piping isometric drawings at the site. This procedure will be issued by April 1, 1982. In the interim, new VCR revisions will be checked by-Construc-tion.

A review of other Duke station procedures for similar problems has been initiated.

NRC will be advised if any deficiencies are identified.

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