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Confirms That Util Procedure for Tracking low-level Radiologically Contaminated Asbestos Waste (Rcaw),Acceptable for Maintaining Compliance with Natl Emissions Stds for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Neshap) Regulations
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 01/08/1999
From: Faggert P
To: Daley J
NUDOCS 9901200330
Download: ML18152B599 (8)


Innsbrook Technical Center 5000 Dominion Boulevard

  • \.* Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 January 8, 1999

... Mr. John Daley (3WC32)

U. S.* Environmental Protection Agency Regionill.

1650 Arch Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

Dear Mr. Daley:

. This letter is being submitted pursuant to 40 CFR 61.150 (d)(4) and in accordance with your letter

  • dated July 1, -1994 confirming that Virginia Power's procedure for tracking low-level radiologically contaminated asbestos waste (RCAW) is acceptable for maintaining compliance with the National

. Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations. This is official notification that Surry Power Station (1) has not received a copy of a waste shipment record (WSR), signed by

  • the owner or operator of the designated waste disposal site within 35 *days since the waste was

. shipped off-site (inquiry requirement time period) and (2) will not receive the WSR within 45 days (notification requirement time period).

On December 1, 1998, RCAW (Shipment S-98-3) was shipped from Surry Power Station to GTS Duratek and was received by GTS Duratek on December 2, 1998 (a copy of the asbestos WSR and GTS Duratek's receipt notification are attached for your review). Once the interim process is complete, the waste will be shipped to either Barnwell Waste Management Facility in Barnwell, South Carolina for final burial-(see Line 3) or shipped to another licensed facility for burial. The interim*

process is taking longer than expected and the signed WSR was not returned to Surry Power Station within 35 days. Therefore, a search was initiated to determine the status of the waste shipment.

On January 5, 1999, the 35th day, Surry Power Station inquired to GTS Duratek about shipment S-98-3 and was informed by GTS Duratek in a telephone conversation that the waste shipment will be processed after ithe 35th day and will not be buried until after January 15, 1999, the required 45th reporting date. The waste shipmentis still located at GTS Duratek. A copy of a written notification dated January 5, 1999, from GTS Duratek to Surry Power Station was forwarded to Virginia Power's Environmental Policy and Compliance (EP&C) Department and is attached for your review.

Once Surry Power Station receives the waste shipment records, the EP&C Department will be notified and then will notify the EPA that the outstanding WSR has been received and closed.

  • j e.

Mr. John Daley Page No. 2 January 8, 1999 If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (804) 273-3467 or Russ Wood at (804) 273-3015.

Very truly yours, tl*t>>*,~y Pamela F. Faggert Manager Environmental Policy & Compliance Attachments cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Surry.Power Station Units* 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-280 and 50-281 License Nos. DPR-32 and DPR-37

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... e be: Mr. E. S. Grecheck - SPS Mr. R. L. Blount - SPS Mr. J. H. McCarthy - IN-2SE Mr. W. A. Thornton - SPS Mr. M. R. Olin - SPS Mr. J. A. Keithley - SPS Ms. S. Corbin- SPS Mr. B. L. Stanley - SPS Mr. M. A. Holland - SPS Mr. R. S. Wood - IN-iSE;f5pt/ /- 7-99 CONCURRENCE:

Mr. R. H. Blou~t Mr. J. H. McCarthy Mr. D. A. Sommers Mr. M. A. Holland

  • l e Verification of Accuracy
1. Regulatory requirement set forth in 40 CFR Part 61. (National Emission Standards for Hazardous ~r Pollutants (NESHAP) Subpart M-National Emission Standard for Asbestos.
2. On June 14, 1994, Mr. AW. Hadder issued a letter to Mr. John Daley, NESHAP Asbestos Coordinator for the EPA confirming the agreement to accept Virginia Power's procedure for tracking low-level radiologically contaminated asbestos waste (RCAW).
3. On July 1, 1994, Mr. John Daley, NESHAP Asbestos Coordinator for the EPA issued a letter to Mr. A. W. Hadder formally agreeing to Virginia Power's procedure for tracking low-level radiologically contaminated asbestos waste (RCAW).
4. On December 2, -1998, GTS Duratek issued a letter to the Surry Power Station with an acknowledgement of receipt of shipment S-98-3.
5. On January 5, 1999,.GTS Duratek responded to Surry Power Station's inquiry of the status of the intermediate processing and the expected burial of shipmentS-98-3.

Commitments/Action Plan 1; EP&C must notify EPA, with a copy to the NRC, that the outstanding waste shipment record (WSR) has been received by the station. . . .

Changes to the UFSAR or QA Topical Report None

. . .........:......., Page 1 e

Wednesday, December 21 1998 Jim Keithley Virginia Power, Surry 5570 Hog Island Road Surry, VA 23683

Dear Mr. Keithley:

In compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 201 Appendix G, Section Ill, C.1 1 the attached signed shipping manifest copies are your notice of receipt and acceptance of the radioactive waste materials specified on the manifests.

Manifest Number Date Received 241-$98-3 . 12/02/1998 This Is acknowledgement of receipt only. Any manifest discrepancies found during manifest review, unloading or processing will be llsted on page 2 of this letter. -

Thank you for your business.

    • ':Jjf~

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T. Fred Schulz Supervisor Shipping and Receiving cc: Manifest File Shipping and Receiving file- ....

888ZS9EL9L .o~LNO~ 1,LVW av~ A~~ns 9t:ot 66-LQ-UE

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Jan-07-99 10:16 SURRY RAD MAT'L CONTROL 7573652888 P.02


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  • SURRYPOWERSTATI- Form HP* 1072.050-5 Page 1 of 1 (ttev. 4)


2. . Operator's name and address Operator's telephone nuri'lbar Insulation Specialties, Inc. P.O. Box 127 (804) 458-1555 r.Av H well VA 23860
a. Wtite Dlsposal Site (WDS) name. mailing address. and physical site location wos telephone nurtibat Barn1'~ Waste Management Facility (803) 2S9-1181
f. o. :aot

~,.,,.,,... ..... *.. ..

- *.. . .. . "* 126,

. . * .. ;

Barnwell, South Carolina 29812

4. Nanle, atd address of responsible agency .
  • -* ... ~PJ.t:ttttent qf Labor and Industry, 13 South Thirteenth Street, Ric:hmondt Vtt ttia 23:119 __
5. De~loi\ of matelialif LSA 6, Containers no. and type 7. Total quantity tti3 (yd3)

.... Z, UN2912 Rad1oact1ve mater1a 1, , n.o.s., (l) B~ 25 Box

__ 2*55 m3 Friable Pipe Covering Containing 11 BA" *(bags)

8. Spe:cial handling Instructions and additional Information For Shipment to intermediate processor: GTS Duratek 1560 Bear Creek Rd.

Oak Ridge, TN 37331-2530 Telephone: (423) 481-0222


I hereby dedare .that the contents of this consignment are funy and accurately described above by proper shlpplt1a name, are classified, packed. marked, labeled. and are In au respects In proper condition fot transport by highway according to applicable lntematlonal and government regulations.

Piihted or typed name and title Si . nature Month Day Year 12/3/98

.. _;..

Month Day Year I.. . I -.. , ..

~ TelephOtte f1Uthbet

) ~ fJP. . -)+.Y:1.::lii>.#!.,

Month Day Year Telephone number

12. Discrepancy Indication space
13. Waste disposal site owner or operator: _

Certification of receipt of asbestos materials covered by thls manifest except as noted In Item 12~ ... _"

Prlhted or typed name and title* Signature Month Day Year vo*d 888ZS9ELSL

s,.-_----;.-.--* -.----

.tmiri~ cu16T*K

.-aA* t:i=**at< O~&~ATICJN&

1500 Boar Creek RoaCI P.O. Bo,. 2o~Q Oak R:dgt, TN 37831-25:;JO.

January 5, 1999

  • Mr Jim Keithly Virginia Power Company Surry Power State1on PO Sox i15 Surry, VA 23683 Uear Mr. Kaithly-;

Per yol,r request. this corre$pondenc~ will r.erve as written do~umtntat1on rega.l'ding the

  • status of asbestos ~hipped IO our Onk Ridge, TN faciliry on December 2, 1998. Ma*litest No. 241-S98-3. Because our p1*oc.:essing schedule is delermin<:d at }ea:st.30 days 111 advance due to bloc!< sched1Jling, and since we compact ,,sbt~~tos on campaigns. you1*

asbestos will not be buried within th!!! r:;:~1uestcd 45 days of cn.rr receipt. or Jnnuory 16, ..

1999. .

Please give me a call a.t (423) 220-161, if you require any additional inform,mun.


/ .

./ J ~ - ~

La\lra D. Acco*wit Executivi;-

~c: Susie Corbin, Dermis He-11nen tO"d ssszs9EL9L .o~iNo~ ,,ivw av~ A~~ns ts:so ss-90-u~r

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