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Summary of Site Audit Related to the Review of the License Renewal Application for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/03/2011
From: Cooper P E
License Renewal Projects Branch 2
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Cooper P E, NRR/DLR, 415-2323
TAC ME4613
Download: ML110820276 (6)


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FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station


OF SITE AUDIT RELATED TO THE REVIEW OF THE LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 (TAC NO. ME4613) From March 8-10, 2011, a review team consisting of staff from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) and contractors from Argonne National Laboratories participated in a site audit at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 (DBNPS) related to the environmental review of the DBNPS license renewal application.

The primary goal of the site visit was to review documentation, gather information to ensure that the environmental requirements of license renewal as codified in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 51 (10 CFR Part 51) were met, and to interface with officials in Federal, State, and local government agencies to obtain related information.

Enclosed is a list of representatives from the NRC, Argonne National Laboratories, other Federal agencies, and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) who participated in the site audit. The audit began on March 8, 2011, with a kickoff meeting to introduce participants and to discuss logistics of the audit. Following the kickoff meeting, the environmental review team partiCipated in a general site tour of DBNPS with FENOC staff. The general site tour provided an ecological overview of the site and focused on areas relevant to the environmental review. During the remainder of the site audit, the environmental review team examined data used by FENOC in preparation of the Environmental Report and met in smaller groups with FENOC representatives with corresponding environmental expertise.

These groups partiCipated in various activities, including tours of onsite National Pollutant Discharge Elimination permitted outtalls; circulating water systems; in-scope transmission line rights-ot-way; radioactive waste processing and storage areas; meteorological towers and monitoring equipment; and Title V-permitted air emission points. The environmental review team also met onsite with officials from Fish and Wildlife Services and the Black Swamp Bird Observatory.

Information gathered through participation of these agencies will assist the environmental review team in its evaluation.

In addition, the team reviewed the FENOC process for identifying new and significant information (information that would challenge the generic conclusions reached in the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, NUREG-1437).

FENOC cited no new and significant information, and the team's independent review during the course of the site audit did not identify any either.

At the conclusion of the site audit, the environmental review team summarized the status of the review with FENOC representatives.

Most of the team's questions were answered through the conduct of the audit. Those that were not will be answered by FENOC as it responds to the team's request for additional information letter (ADAMS accession number ML 11 094A099).

While the NRC review team did not identify any significant issues during its site audit or during the meetings with other participants, the team indicated that the environmental review was ongoing and that any additional information necessary to support the review would be formally requested.

Paula E. Cooper. Project Manager Projects Branch 2 Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-346


As stated cc w/encl: Listserv LIST OF DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION ENVIRONMENTAL SITE March 8-10,2011 PARTICIPANTS Briana Balsam April BeBault Paula Cooper Bill Rautzen Allison Travers Rich Bulavinetz Young-Soo Chang Ron Kolpa John Quinn Konnie Wescott Steven Dort Cliff Custer Don Kosloff Allen McAllister Kathy Nesser Jim Hester John Thomas Larry Hinkle Vito Kaminskas Brian Boles John Dominy AI Percival Brian Kremer Gil Nordlund Jack Reuter Pat McCloskey Steve Chimo Vince Capozziello Polly Boissoneault Darrell Converse Pete Mainhardt Steve Couture Craig Gale Rebecca Spach ORGANIZATION U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) ANL ANL ANL FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FirstEnergy)

FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy

FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy

FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy ENCLOSURE PARTICIPANTS Christopher Hahn John Podnar Marjorie Twymon Bill Beach Vincent Conant Kim Kaufman Edward Pausch John Snooks -2 ORGANIZATION FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy FirstEnergy Black Swamp Bird Observatory Fish and Wildlife Services Areva

-2 At the conclusion of the site audit, the environmental review team summarized the status of the review with FENOC representatives.

Most of the team's questions were answered through the conduct of the audit. Those that were not will be answered by FENOC as it responds to the team's request for additional information letter (ADAMS accession number ML 11 094A099).

While the NRC review team did not identify any significant issues during its site audit or during the meetings with other participants, the team indicated that the environmental review was ongoing and that any additional information necessary to support the review would be formally requested.

IRA! Paula E. Cooper, Project Manager Projects Branch 2 Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-346


As stated cc w/encl: Listserv DISTRIBUTION:

See next page ADAMS Accession No ML 110820276

  • via email-OFFICE PM:RPB2:DLR LA:DLR* BC:RPB2:DLR PM:RPB2:DLR NAME PCooper IKing DWrona PCooper TE 05/31/11 03/24/11 06/01/11 06/03/11 OFFICIAL RECORD COpy Memorandum to FENOC from Paula Cooper dated June 3, 2011



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