NUREG-1437, Public Scoping Meeting Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (NUREG-1437)- August 19 and 27, 2020
ML20227A094 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 08/27/2020 |
From: | Jennifer Davis, Jeffrey Rikhoff Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
To: | |
Davis J | |
References | |
NUREG-1437 | |
Download: ML20227A094 (14) | |
Public Scoping Meeting Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (NUREG-1437) 1 Jennifer Davis, GEIS Project Manager Jeffrey Rikhoff, Technical Issues Lead U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission August 19 and 27, 2020 Technical Difficulties? Please email
2 Introductions & Agenda
- Welcome
- Purpose for the GEIS
- Review and scoping process
- Results of NRC's preliminary review
- Submitting comments
3 The GEIS
- Summarizes findings from a detailed inquiry into the environmental impacts of license renewal
- Identifies and evaluates generic impacts (same or similar) at all nuclear plants
- Identifies nuclear plant/site-specific impacts needing to be addressed in supplements to the GEIS
4 Environmental Impacts Meteorology, Air Quality, and Noise Ecology (Terrestrial & Aquatic)
Human Health (Radiological and Nonradiological Hazards);
Socioeconomics Environmental Justice Land Use and Visual Resources Historic and Cultural Resources Geology and Soils Hydrology (Surface Water and Groundwater)
5 The Review
- Basis for review:
- Appendix B to Subpart A of NRC regulations, 10-year review and update, if necessary
- Findings summarized in Table B-1 in Appendix B
- Categorization of impact issues
- Category 1
- Impacts same or similar at all nuclear plants
- Category 2
- Requires nuclear plant/site-specific analysis
The Review cont'd 6
- Incorporate lessons learned from previous plant-specific environmental reviews
- Identify new environmental impact issues
- Incorporate changes to environmental laws and regulations
7 Review and Update Notice of Intent Scoping Process (public comment)
Decision to proceed with update and rule Prepare Draft GEIS
& Proposed Rule Address Public Comments and Issue Final GEIS & Rule Green boxes - opportunities for public participation Issue Draft GEIS
& Proposed Rule for public comment
8 Scoping Process
- Identify environmental issues and concerns that need to be evaluated and updated in the GEIS
- Consider proposals for other changes to the GEIS and in license renewal environmental reviews
9 NRCs Review
- Should GEIS address the following:
-Greenhouse Gas Emissions (new issue)
-Groundwater quality degradation (plants with cooling ponds in salt marshes)
(revise existing issue)
-Threatened, endangered, and protected species and essential fish habitat (revise existing issue)
10 10 NRCs Review Cont'd
- Should GEIS address the following:
-Subsequent (second) license renewal
-Revised guidance on evaluating radiological doses to aquatic and terrestrial biota
-NEI 17-04 guidance and revised BEIR VII report
-Define new and significant information
11 11 NRCs Review Cont'd
- Should GEIS address the following:
-New light water reactors constructed after June 30, 1995 (e.g., Vogtle 3 & 4)
-Advanced and/or small modular reactors (SMRs)
-Environmental impacts of license renewal beyond the 20-year license renewal term up to a maximum of 40-years
12 12 How to Comment
- Use one of the following methods:
- Email comments to:
- Submit comments: Go to and search for Docket ID NRC-2020-0175
- Mail comments to: Office of Administration, Mail Stop TWFN-7-A60M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001
- At this meeting: Comments are recorded at this meeting. By Phone - Press
- then 1. By WebEx -
send WebEx chat to All Panelists
13 13 Next Steps
- Public scoping comment period closes November 2, 2020
- Review public comments and recommendations
- Determine whether to proceed with GEIS update and rulemaking
- Issue notice
14 Jennifer Davis, GEIS Project Manager Division of Rulemaking, Environmental, & Financial Support Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Email: Phone: 301-415-3835 Jeffrey Rikhoff, Technical Issues Lead Division of Rulemaking, Environmental, & Financial Support Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Email: Phone: 301-415-1090 Contact Information