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Interim Deficiency Rept Re Power Surges in Solid State Protection Sys.Initially Reported on 820805.Test Procedure Changes Per Westinghouse 820806 Ltr Will Be Used Until Westinghouse Completes Review.Next Rept Provided by 830701
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/26/1983
From: Devincentis J
To: Starostecki R
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, SBN-435, NUDOCS 8302030563
Download: ML20083P658 (2)




% OfRee:

1671 Worcessor Road Pub 5c Service of New Hampshire Framinoham, Mossachu.eits o170i (617) - 872- 8100 January 26, 1983 SBN-435 T.F. Q2.2.2 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 Attention: Mr. Richard W. Starostecki, Director Division of Resident and Project Inspection


(a) Construction Permit CPPR-135 and CPPR-136, Docket Nos. 50-443 and 50-444 (b) Telecon of August 5, 1982, H. E. Wingate (YAEC) to Eugene Kelley (NRC Region I)

(c) PSNH Letter, dated September 2, 1982, " Interim 10CFR50.55(e) Report; Solid State Protection System Power Surge," J. DeVincentis to R. W. Starostecki (d) PSNH Letter, dated October 19, 1982, " Interim 10CFR50.55(e)

Report; Solid State Protection System Power Surge,"

J. DeVincentis to R. W. Starostecki


Interim 10CFR50.55(e) Report; Solid State Protection System Power Surge

Dear Sir:

In Reference (c) and (d), we filed interim 10CFR50.55(e) reports regarding power surges in the Solid State Protect ion System which may disable a protection circuit. It was also indicated that this item is considered j reportable under 10CFR5-).55(e).

l l In the attached Westinghouse letter, in which this item was reported to l the Director of the NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement, test procedure changes were provided and are to be used until Westinghouse completes a review of '_ts consideration of design changes.

Region I will be notified by July 1, 1983, as to the status of the Westinghouse consideration of design changes.


i J. De$h s dofIProjectManager ALL/fsf cc: Director, Office of Inspection and Enforcement Washington, DC 20555 g Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Service List 83020305hYB50136-~~ 'anchester,NHO3105 Telephone (603)669-4000 TWX7102207595 PDR ADOCK 05000443 S PDR

, , i ASLB SERVICE LIST Philip Ahrens, Esquire '

Assistant Attorney General Department of the Attorney General Augusta, ME 04333 Representative Beverly Hollingworth Coastal Chamber of Commerec 209 Winnacunnet Road Hampton, NH 03842 William S. Jordan, III, Esquire Harmon & Weiss 1725 I Street, N.W.

Suite 506 Washington, DC 20006 E. Tupper Kinder, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General 208 State House Annex Concord, NH 03301 Robert A. Backus, Esquire 116 Lowell Street P.O. Box 516 Manchester, NH 03105 Edward J. McDermott, Esquire Sat.dcrs and McDermott Professional Association 408 Lafayette Road Hampton, NH 03842 Jo Ann Shotwell, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Environmental Protection dureau Department of the Attorney General - - - -

One Ashburton Place, 19th Floor Boston, MA 02108

.. J

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. t Water Reactor Boxass CYzy~ Electric

. Westinghouse Corporation Divisions PittsburghPemsytvanials230 August 6, 1982 NS-EPR-26,38 .

Mr. Richard DeYoung, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conmission 7920 Norfolk Avenue

Dear Mr. DeYoung:

On August 4,1982 Mr. Ed Flack of your staff was notified by Westinghouse via telephone of a po.tential problem in its I and C protection system.

During review of a schematic diagram of the Solid State Protection System (SSPS), redrawn for purposes of consolidation, Westinghouse engineers uncovered an undetectable failure which could exist in on-line testing circuits for relays in the system. -

Nricaic testing of the SSPS includes actuation of master relays which t actuate Scfeguards systems. When a preselected master relay is energized, a proving lamp in series with the output (slave) relay coil confinns electrical continuity. Operation of the relay is prevented by reducing the circuit voltage from 120VAC to 15VDC during test. [ Refer to the sketch in Attach ~ ment I] Subsequent tests from the Safeguards Test Cabinets energize (120VAC) each output relay to confinn actuation of the Safeguards device. In those instances where actuation of the final device cannot be tolerated, a proving lamp in the Safeg' u ards test circuits verifies relay i

j contact movement, field wiring and electrical continuity through the final l device.

As mentioned above, output relay coil continuity is confirmed at the SSPS, without operating the relay, by reducing the circuit voltage to 15VDC from 120VAC. As shown in the sketch, operation of the master relay by means of the pushbutton test switch also removes the shunt from the SSPS proving lamp and allows the 15VDC to energize it to confinn the continuity of the output relay coil.

Upon completion of the master relay and output relay coil continuity tests,120VAC circuit voltage is restored. However, if the switch contacts which shunt the proving lamp should fail to reclose as expected, 120VAC would be applied to the lamp in event the system were called upon to operate. Depending on the output relay coil impedance and the number s

$ b u.: . ~ < -

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Mr. Richard DeYoung August 6, 1982

(( of output relays being operated by the master relay contacts, the current through the lamp could cause it to burn open before the output relay (s) energized. In such an instance associated Safeguards devices in the affected train would not actuate. Since, during circuit analysis, all identified nondetectable failures must be assumed to have occurred, the redundant Safeguards actuation train must be assumed to be similarly, if not identically, failed.

On August 3,1982, the WRD Safety Review Committee concluded that the potential for undetectable loss of any Safeguards actuation function constituted an Unreviewed Safety Question under 10CFR50.59 and a Potential Significant Deficiency under 10CFR50.55(e). The affected Westinghouse -

domestic plants notified are listed in Attachment II.

Although failure of the subject test switch contacts is highly improbable,


Westinghouse is recommending a minor revision to test procedures conducted from the Safeguards Test Cabinets where operation of the SSPS output relays is verified. The revision will ensure that the relay test circuits in the SSPS operated properly when the system was returned to its normal operating mode. The procedure changes are described in Attachment III and are recommended until Westinghouse completes a review of its consideration of design changes.

For additional information please contact my cognizant staff manager,

( Mr. George Butterworth, 412-373-5761.


[ft . Rahe, Manager NTD Nuclear Safety g2_

l FWM/anj 1

Attachments i

~ Powe ,== .


( . ' C>

J IV .

38I'1"' " 5 Device

-e e-- >

, S . ,

KORMAL l20 VAC e i

EST 15 voc .

Pusnouston i Test g .

SwitCn , 4 (Momentary) i 4, ,

  • g 5'I'[ ,' " 5 '
  • I Switen f

[ *

, e .

s i .

Y- '.

j .

toq1c .

1 (snown as contacts ,' *<

TEST for s1=oliciCY) ,

as v0C MORMAL l

( as voc .


  • NOTE: Switches shown in _

F E Normal (non-test) position NORMAt. OPER AT10't! Logic

  • contacts
  • slose to aten:vo Mester relay M.


' Master relay contacts close to acoly 120 YAC to Slave ref ar 5.

Slave relay contacts close to powe ene 54recuares device.


  • Relay noce selector switen (not snownl to TEST oosttton switenes slave relay oower fmve 120 VAC :o 15 voc. Master relay powe

! remains 4a VOC.


  • *usnoutton test switen contacts (1) oicz va master relay M (2) remves lare snunt so enat 15 voc is acot tea to Slave relay cot t enru creving lamo L/.

- Slave relay is not pictee uo occause of reouceo voltaoe or 15 70C.

Po0$LEM- [f contacts snunting oroving lamo L. oc not reclose wnett cusnoutton is releasea ano systeve is return to Normi, enen 120 YAC =culd De apolled to Slave relay cos t enru ene omviae Iano if 54 equarus act:Jatton wre callea for by one toqic :entact:; .

$ 5 - d f.

. PliNTS W1TH STANDARD 2-TRAIN SSPS Salem 1* and 2* -

Cook 1* and 2*

""( . + ' Ri nghal s 2*, 3, and 4 Fa rley 1

  • a nd 2*

Beaver Valley 1* and 2 Diablo Canyon 1 and 2 Troj a n*

+ Angra 1*

Byron 1 and 2 - -

Braidwood 1 and 2 Marble Hill 1 and 2 Sequoyah 1* and 2*

Watts Bar 1 and 2

+ Almaraz 1* and 2 '

+ Lemoniz 1 and 2

+ Asco 1 and 2 Virgil Summer

+ Ohi 1* and 2*

McGuire 1* and 2 {

Catawba 1 and 2 PLANTS WITH "NEW" 2-TRAIN SSPS .

Millstone 3 Seabrook 1 and 2

( Comanche Peak 1 and 2 l Wolfcreek 1 i Callaway 1 Shearon Harris 1 and 2

+ Krsko*

+ Ko-Ri.2

+ Maanshan 1 and 2 i Vogtle 1 and 2

+ Korea 5, 6, 7, and 8


South Texas 1 and 2 ,

l + Sayago 1 l


  • Operating Plant l + International Plant I



' Perform the test described below immediately following complet' ion of the Solid State Protection System (SSPS) Output Relay Testing.

(-( -

This test will ensure that the pushbutton or relay contacts used to shunt the output relay continuity lamps located on the Output Relay Test Panel have returned to the closed position.

To check the output relay continuity lamp shunts on the Output Relay Test Panel, utilize the Safeguards Test Cabinets as described belo'w:

1. For each of the output relay continuity lamps, select an output (slave) relay which has its continuity checked through the lamp.

'For plants with the standard 2-train SSPS this will be eight relays

  • per train and for plants with the "new" 2-train SSPS or the 3-train SSPS thi s will be sixteen relays per train. This selection can easily be perfome~d by using the Output Relay Test Panel Selections table located in the System Maintenance section of each SSPS Techaical Manual.
2. Using the Engineered Safeguards System Final Devise or Actuator Test Procedure select the sections of the test which pertain to the output relays selected above. This can easily be done by referring to the table of contents.
3. Before proceeding with the selected test sections, verify that all instructions pertaining to precautions, limitations and initial

( conditions have been followed.

l 4. Ensure that the" Mode selector switch on the SSPS logic train Output i

Relay Test Panel is placed in the Operate position.

5. From the Safeguards Test Cabinet (STC) proceed with the selected sections of the Engineered Safeguards System Final Device or Actuator Test Procedure. For each of the test sections verify that the output relay continuity lamps on the associated SSPS Output.

Relay Test Panel do not illuminate while rotating and depressing the

< STC test switches 7 Tf the SSPS output relay continuity lamps do not illuminate and the selected sections of the STC tests are successfully completed, all of the continuity lamp shunt contacts have properly returned to the closed position.

l 6. If an output relay continuity lamp illuminates during testing from the STC it i s an i ndication that the lamp's shunting contact i s open. Should this occur, remove the associated SSPS logic train from service and replace the Output Relay Test pushbutton (for "new" 2-train and 3-train SSPS, replace the relay whose contacts used for shunting the lamps f ailed to close). Af ter replacement, retest the master and output relays from the Output Relay Test Panel and perf om the tests listed above.


_ uno

. ' 7 '. If an output relay continuity lamp does not illuminate during testing from the STC and the STC test is unsuccessful it may be an indication that the continuity lamp shunt contact i s open and that the continuity lamp itself has opened. If this i s the case, replace

',i;( , the Output Relay Test pushbutton and the continuity lamp and f". retest. If the continuity lamp and its associated shunting contact are found operational, this i s an indication of a failure in the Final Device or its Actuation circuit.


l I

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