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Decommissioning Update
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Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1999
Shared Package
ML20205K542 List:
NUDOCS 9904130263
Download: ML20205K544 (150)


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I Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 1

EXECUTIVE SUM ~ MARY This report comprises the 1999 Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update. The information and format is as required by the NDFC 93-1 Fourth Supplemental Order (Attachment A). In accordance with that order the following sections are provided on an annual basis.

Section I (Introduction) of this report provides basic information and definitions of terms related to the Seabrook Station Deconunissioning Fund and the assumptions underlying the fund and the funding schedule.

Section II (Financial) provides the Annual Report of the State Treasurer and North Atlantic to the Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Committee, including the Investment Consultant's report and the proposed funding schedule. The proposed funding schedule incorporates the total projected decommissioning cost and cost escalation factor presented in Section IV.

The current funding schedule proposed in the 1997 A.mual Decommissioning Update was approved by a vote of the Committee at a public meeting of the NDFC on November 6,1997 in the Town of Seabrook. The approved funding schedule was implemented on January 1,1998. To date the NDFC has r.ot issued a ruling on the funding schedules proposed by North Atlantic in NDFC proceeding 98-1.

Section III (Technical Issues Update) provides a summary status on Low and High Level Radioactive Waste Disposal issues, a review of State and Federal Regulatory issues and the status of decommissioned commercial nuclear reactors in the United States.

Section IV (Cost Update) provides information on proposed changes to the projected decommissioning cost arising from the Technical Issues Update. The proposed changes are Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 199 Page - 2

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' l incorporated in the proposed funding schedules in Section II. A comprehensive cost update as i submitted in 1998 and required every four years thereafter is not required for this March 1999 update. Therefore, the base site-specific estimate from TLG Sersices has not been updated.

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Seabrook Station Decommissi ning Update 3/99 Page - 3 l

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$ I. INTRODUCTION . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..6

1. GOVERNING STATUTE AND ORDER. . .. . . . . . . . ...............6
2. SEABROOK OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE.. . . . . . . . . . .....................7
4. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .. .. . . . . . ... . .. .... . . . . . . . . . ....8
6. DEFINITION OF TERMS .. ..... . . . . ... . ...... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...13
8. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVESTMENT GUIDELINES...... .. . . . .. .. ... .15 II. FINANCIAL.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................17 III. TECHNICAL ISSUES UPDATE..... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. I 8
3. DECOMMISSIONING REGULATORY REVIEW ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24
4. STATUS OF DECOMMISSIONED PLANTS . ... ..... ... ....... .... .. . . ... .. . . .. . 26 IV. COST UPDATE.... . .. ... ... . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................27
2. REVIEW OF COST ESCALATION.... ......................................28
3. UPDATE TO THE NRC MINIMUM DECOMMISSIONING COST... .. . .. . .... ... 28 V. Tabl e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................29 TABLE l- STATUS OF LLRW DISPOSAL SITES & COMPACTS.. . ..............30 Table 2-STATUS OF DECOMMISSIONED COMMERCIAL NUCLEAR REACTORS 34 Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 4 I .

TABLE 3- COMPONENTS OF COST ESCALATION .. .. . . .. ... .. .35 I i

TABLE 4- DRI COST ESCALATION FACTORS BY YEAR (%).. . . . . . . . .. 36 TABLE 5- LLRW DISPOSAL CONTINGENCY .... .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. ... 3 7 TABLE 6- OPERATING COSTS F r. SPENT FUEL STORAGE FACILITY. .37 TABLE 7- CAPITAL COSTS FOR DECOMMISSIONING PORTION OF THE SPENT l FUEL STORAGE FACILITY .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .... .. . .... . . . ... .......37 TABLE 8-DEVELOPMENT OF THE NRC MINIMUM DECOMMISSIONING COST.38 Table 9- RECONCILIATION OF THE SITE-SPECIFIC COST ESTIMATE AND THE l NRC MINIMUM VALUE ...... . .. ......... ......... . . .........................................39 ATTACHMENTS .. . . . . .. ...... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................40 l Attachment A: NDFC 93-1 Fourth Supplemental Order dated November 21,1995... . . 41 Attachment B: Annu-! Report from the NH State Treasurer and North Atlantic to the l Chairman of the NH Nudear Decommissioning Financing Committee... .. ... .... .... . ... 48 Attachment C: Seabrook Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Fund - Review of Funding Schedule and Investment Assumptions, by William M. Mercer Investment Consulting, Inc............................................................................................52 l

1 Attachment D: Joint Owner Proposed Funding Schedules . . ..... . . . ...... .. ... ........ .. . 62 l

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1. GOVERNING STATUTE AND ORDER New Hampshire RSA 162-F:14 - 26 provides the statutory requirements for establishment of the decommissioning committee and decommissioning fund. Specifically, RSA 162 -

l F:15 directs that a Nuclear Decommissioning Financing (the Committee) be established for each nuclear electric generating facility. As amended by Senate Bill 140' in June 1998, the Committee is to consist of:

l e one person from the town in which the facility is located to be appointed by the selectmen e the Chairman of the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission j e two senators, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Executive Departments and Administration Committee, or its successor, and one of whom shall be familiar with fiscal issues, to be appointed by the senate president e two house members, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Science, Technology, and Energy Committee, or its successor, and one of whom shall be  ;

familiar with fiscal issues, to be appointed by the speaker of the house i e the State Treasurer or designee.

j e the Commissioner of the Department of Health and Human Services or designee 1

e the Commissioner of the Department of Safety or designee, and e the Director of the Governor's Office of Energy and Community Services or designee.

l The Committee is to meet at least annually to review the adequacy of the Nuclear l Decommissioning Financing Fund and to establish or revise the funding schedule.

l This report is being submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Committee's Fourth Supplemental Order to NDFC 93-1 dated November 21,1995 (Attachment A).

The Order requires that an Annual Decommissioning Update be submitted to the Committee in the fonnat and with the information contained herein. It further requires 8

Additional information on Senate Bill 140 (1998 N.H. Laws 164:2) is provided in Section 111.3 Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 6

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that a Comprehensive Decommissioning Study be submit'ed in March,1998 and every fourth year thereafter. The Comprehensive Decommissioning Update includes the l contents of the annual report plus:

  • A review and recalculation as necessary of the decommissioning estimate and the submittal of a report delineating and justifying assumptions and changes.
  • A review of the escalation factor applied to the decommissioning estimate, e A review and justification for any changes made to the contingency or uncertainty factor applied to the decommissioning estimate.
2. SEABROOK OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE As provided in the Agreement for Joint Ownership, Construction and Operation of New Hampshire Units dated May 1,1973, as amended (Joint Ownership Agreement), the Seabrook Nuclear Project (Seabrook Station) is owned jointly as tenants in common with undivided interests and all Joint Owners are licensees. Ownership interests of the Project are:

Ownership Participants Share (%)

Canal Electric Company 3.52317 Great Bay Power Corporation 12.13240 Hudson Light & Power Department .07737 Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company 11.59340 Montaup Electric Company 2.89989 New England Power Company 9.95766 New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2.17391 North Atlantic Energy Corporation 35.98201 Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant .10034 The Connecticut Light & Power Company 4.05985 The United Illuminating Company 17.50000 Each Joint Owner is responsible to pay their respective ownership share of the 2

decommissioning costs by making monthly payments into the decommissioning fund , jg amounts in the ftmd are insufficient at the time Seabrook Station is taken out of service, the Joint Owners are responsible to pay the balance of the actual decommissioning costs.

  • Senate Bill 140 (1998 N.11. Laws 164:2) imposes additional funding assurance provisions as discussed in Section 111.3 Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Paae - 7


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l the NRC's funding usurance requirements. Since the Maich 1998 update, the NRC has ruled that the provisions of Senate Bill 140 regarding decommissioning funding assurance in the event of default of an owner without a franchise territory provide adequate assurance of funding for Great Bay Power.

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3. OBJECTIVE OF THE DECOMMISSIONING FUND l RSA 162 - F:19 directs that a nuclear decommissioning financing fund be established in
the office of the State Treasurer for each nuclear electric generating facility in the state.

The Committee is directed by the RSA to establish a regular monthly schedule for  !

l payment of moneys into this fund by the owners of the facility. The monthly payments l are to be adequate to reach the specified amount needed for decommissioning Seabrook l

i Unit I at th:: end of its energy producing life, as determined by the Committee. The '

Committee may adjust the amount of the funds at any time during the energy producing life of the plant for changes in circumstances, need or technological advances.

The Committee's Repo-t and Order dated June 30, 1995 states that for purposes of j funding for decommissioning, Seabrook's anticipated energy-producing life is equal to its licensed life. Seabrook's operating license expires in October,2026. The proposed funding schedule contained herein is therefore designed to ensure that sufficient funds are available to completely decommission and dismantle Seabrook Unit 1 at the end of its licensed life. 4 i




l State Treasmer-RSA 162 - F:20 mandates that the New Hampshire State Treasurer administer each nuclear decommissioning financing ftmd. Responsibilities of the State Treasurer, spelled out in RSA 162 - F and the Seabrook Nuclear Decommissioning l Financing Fund Master Trust Agreement (Master Trust Agreement), include providing approvals for:

  • Appointmer.t and replacement of the Trustee, the Investment Consultant, one or more Fund Managers and their respective compensation fee schedules.

l l e Revisions of the Investment Guidelines.

e Decommissioning Financing Fund Payment Schedule (Funding Schedule) which determines the monthly contribution of each Joint Owner.

l Seabrook Station Decomminioning Update 3/99 Page - 8 l

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In ac>;ordance with the Mas;er Trust Agreement, the State Treasurer reuews and fcrwards j

the Investment Consultunt's annual report to the Committee retlecting the performance of j the Decommissioning Fund for the preceding year. Aftei reviewing the Investment i Consultant'.; report, the State Treasurer and the Managing Agent then submit a joint annual repon (see Section 11 of this update) which includes the current inflation estimate, the estimated future earni-gs of the Decommissioning Trust and a statement on the ndequacy of the Funding Schedale. Monthly reports from the Trustee are r.lso reviewed and retained by the State Treasurer.

1 Managing Agent-North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation, a New Hampshire corporation (North Atlantic), pursuant to the Seabrook Project Managing Agent Operating Agreement, as amended (the Managing Agent Agreement), is the Managing Agent for the Seabrook Station Joint Owners. North Atlamic is responsible, under the terms of the Joint Ownership Agreement and the Managing Agent Agreement, for the development and modification of pisns and cost estimates for the eventual decommissioning of Seabrook Station Unit 1. North Atlantic, a wholly owned subsidiary of Northeast Utilities, is also responsible for certain administrative duties to include:

e the collection of funds from the Joint Owners and the depositing of such funds )

into the decommissioning ftmd. I e providing payment calculations and schedule of payments a acting as spokesman for the Joint Owners in dealings with the State of New Hampshire with respect to the Seabrook Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Fund.

Trustee -Two irrevocable trusts have been established for, and are independent of, each of the Seabrook Joint Owners for the purpose of holding and disbursing funds to be used in the decommissioning of Seabrook Station Unit 1. Trust "A" was established as a 3

nuclear decommissioning reserve fund under Section 468A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Trust "B"is not subject to the requirements of Section 468A.

8 NOTE: Code Section 468A relates to the tax deduc*ibility of a contribution to a nuclear decommissionin<; fund. Generally, an eligible tax payer is allowed a tax deduction in the year in which a cash contribution is made to a d commissioning fund. The deduction is limited to the lesser oli i) the amount of contributions i:.cluded in the taxpayer's cost of sersice for ratemaking purposes and actually collected from the raiepayer cr; ii) an IRS ruling amount. Contributions in excess of these amounts are not deductible in that tax yuir. Annual earnings are taxed at 20% rather than at normes corporate tax rates.

Distributions from the decommissioning fund are included in gross income of the eligible taxpayer at the time of the distribution. Tax deductions are allowed for decommissioning costs in the year when economic performance occurs.

Seabrook Station Decon,missioning Update 3/99 Page - 9

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l Under the terms of the Seabrook Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Fund Master Trust Agreement, as supplen'ented (Master Trust Agreement), Citizens Investment Services l Corp., a New Hampshire corporation, is currently the Trustee. The Trustce's l responsibilities include holding, investing, reinvesting, transferring funds between the j trusts, and disbursing principal and income of the trusts. The Trustee is also responsible  ;

for determining whether an investment direction by a Fund Manager (discussed below) is '

in compliance with the investment guidelines. Further right., mnd responsibilities of the Trustee are discussed in the Master Trust Agreement. .

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Investment Consultant-The Master Trust Agreement requires an independent investment consultant, appointed by the Managing Agent and approved by the State Treasurer. The investment consultant, who cannot be the Trustee or a Fund Manager, is l currently William M. Mercer Investment Consulting, Inc., of Boston, Massachusetts, who is responsible for: ,


. an annual review of the investment guidelines e revisions to the investment guidelines, as appropriate e at least an annual evaluation of the Trustee's or the Fund Manager's investment performance for the State Treasurer and Managing Agent e annual inflation estimates and earnings projections for each Trust to the Managing Agent and State Treasurer.

+ updates to the Funding Schedule.

Fund Manager-The Master Trust Agreement provides the Managing Agent with the authority to appoint, subject to approval of the State Treasurer, one or more Fund Managers to manage the investment activity of a designated portion of each Trust. The Fund Manager is subject to oversight from the Trustee to ensure that the investment direction taken is in compliance with the investment guidelines. Scudder, Stevens &

Clark, Inc., of Boston, Massachusetts, is currently the Fund Mrmager of the fixed income investments. Equity investments are currently invested in an equity S&P 500 Index mutual fund.

Interfaces -- The fo' lowing chart depicts the interfaces between and among the various entities described above under roles and responsibilities.

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Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 10

Roles and Responsibilities: Interfaces l

Nuclear Decommissioning New Hampshire Financing Committee state Treasurer t-4-s-II

. . - . . . . - . . . . . . t l

. i 4 North Atlantic Regulators l1 ,

(Managing  ; .

l Agent) -

1 L . .

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m P  !

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[n g.. *..._... _I I st Studes, oecommissioning Seabrook Station Legal Serv,ces i . Fund Joint Owners wsteetcusteen Consultants i

' i i

.. ~... .R. 3 I -

l g Decommissioning IRS "~ Fund investment Managers l

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l Legend for Interfaces, Communications  ;~

l Investment Consultant l Decommissioning Filings

  • ~*

! and Funding Contributions Investment and Administrative Shared Responsibilities (Treasurer:

Ultimate responsibility, NAESCO: Admin. responsibility)

, e--*---* Decommissioning Filings, Intervening Owners l

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 11

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5. COMPONENTS AND MECHANICS OF THE FUNDING SCHEDULE The Decommissioning Financing Fund Payment Schedule or Funding Schedule is an i annual payment scheme established by the NDFC pursuant to RSA 162 - F:19. The Funding Schedule, svhich is prepared by the Investment Consultant and approved by ,

Managing Agent and the State Treasurer, establishes the payment requirements of each Joint Owner that will provide sufficient funds to decommission Seabrook Unit I at the end ofits licensed life in 2026. To determine the contribution of each Joint Owner, the following process is conducted: ,

i a) The estimated cost of decommissioning Seabrook Station Unit 1 in present day dollars is determined. I i

b) The annual decommissioning cost escalation factor, currently 5%', is applied annually to the cost estimate to determine the total cost of decommissioning at the end of operating life in 2026.

c) The end of operating life decommissioning cost is allocated to the Joint Owners based upon their respective ownership share. A separate Funding Schedule for each Joint


Owner is then created. Each Joint Owner is responsible for its ownership share of the total cost.

d) Actual market values of investments within each trust for each Joint Owner are ]

compared to the fund's target balances. The difference between actual values and the j targeted balances are factored into future funding contribution calculations. j e) Individual Joint Owners elect investments from the available approved investment l funds. Future eamings assumptions for each fund, estimated by the Investment Consultant, are applied to fund balances.

f) Estimated taxes and expenses for administrative activities of the trust are deducted from fund balances. Such expenses include Trustee and Fund Manager fees, Investment Consultant billings, audit fees and routine administrative expenses of the Committee.

g) The appropriate funding methodology and inflation estimates are applied. Seabrook utilizes an escalated funding methodology. Contributions are increased annually by the overall rate of inflation, currently estimated at 4%, for the service life of the

  • The cost escalation has been recalculated for the March,1999 submittal. The update confirms that 5%

continues to be appropriate.

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 12

plant. Costs of decommissioning are thereby equitably distributed, in purchasing power terms, over all future generations of ratepayers.

The proposed revised funding schedule is provided in Attachment D.

6. DEFINITION OF TERMS Decommissioning-According to RSA 162 - F:14, decommissioning of a nuclear electric generating facility means, but is not limited to, any or all of the following:

A. Removal, relocation, shipment, containment, demolition, d'.smantling or storage or a combination thereof of any radioactive equipment, materials, nuclear wastes or contaminated structures and future and present storage of radioactive debris.

B. Restoration and rehabilitation of the physical ar.d aesthetic appearance of the decommissioning site.

The decommissioning cost estimate for Seabrook Station Unit 1 upon which the current and proposed funding schedule is based provides for the removal of structures and decontamination to the extent that the facility operator may have unrestricted use of the site with no requirement for an NRC license. It provides for the clearing of above-grade structures and site improvements and the return of the land to a state consistent with adjacent areas.

Inflation-An estimate of the overall rate ofinflation in the economy looking forward to the year 2026. The decommissioning funding schedule is designed such that Joint Owner contributions increase by the overall inflation rate each year. The rate that is currently used and that is recommended in this annual update is 4%.

Decommissioning Escalation-The projected annual rate ofincrease of the estimated cost to decommission Seabrook Station Unit 1 at the end oflicensed life in the year 2026.

The methodology for calculating decommissioning escalation rate is described in Section IV. The decommissioning escalation rate is applied to the current decommissioning estimate to calculate the actual amount of money needed in the fund when dismantling commences in the year 2026. Decommissioning escalation is not identical to inflation since the increase in certain components of decommissioning costs may be greater or less than the overall inflation rate. The composite decommissioning escalation rate used in this annual update is 5.0%. The columr. labeled ' Target Cost' in the funding schedule reflects the escalation of the decommissioning estimate at a rate of 5% per year.

Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) Contingency Factor-This is a contingency factor designed to account for the potential for incurring access fees and surcharges in i

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 13 l

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order to dispose of LLRW generated by decommissioning. The methodology for

calculating this contingency factor is described in Section IV.

Decommissioning Delay Contingency Factor-This is a contingency factor designed to account for the possibility that the absence of a permanent disposal site for spent fuel or emerging regulatory requirements will increase the decommissioning costs. The methodology for calculating this contingency factor is described in Section IV.

Escalating Funding-A method of funding whereby contributions increase every year.

For decommissioning purposes, annual contributions are escalated each year, at the overall rate ofinflation, so that each generation of rate payers pay the same proportional share of the ultimate cost of decommissioning. Escalated funding reflects funding in real dollars.

Levelized Funding-A method of funding whereby contributions remain constant every year. The total cost of decommissioning in the year 2026 would be funded in equal annual amounts although external factors, such as escalation rate or earnings fluctuations, could affect the ( ction levels. The current generation of ratepayers would bear a greater economic burden than future ratepayers since future dollars would be worth less in purchasing power due to inflation. Levelized funding reflects funding in nominal dollars.

Nominal Dollars-These are dollars associated with levelized funding. The dollar amount remains the same each year but current day ratepayers are paying more in terms of purchasing power than future ratepayers due to inflation.

Real Dollars-These are dollars associated with escalating funding. Each generation of Intepayers is paying the same real basis in inflation adjusted dollars. The purchasing power of what they are paying, therefore, remains constant over time. .

Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW)-Radioactive waste that is not classified as high level radioactive waste, transuranic waste, spent nuclear fuel, or byproduct material. l All radioactive products of decommissioning Seabrook Station are LLRW except the )

spent nuclear fuel which is high level radioactive waste. There is a small volume of LLRW identified in the decommissioning cost estimate, known as ' greater than Class C' LLRW, that may or may not be suitable for disposal at a near surface LLRW disposal facility. Greater than Class C (GTCC) is assumed to be High Level Radioactive Waste.

l I High Level Radioactive Waste-High level radioactive waste resulting from the decommissioning of Seabrook Station is nearly all spent nuclear fuel. A small percentage j of the high level radioactive waste consists of GTCC waste as described above.

l Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 14 l.

7. ACTUAL VS. TARGETFUND BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 31,1998 i As of year end 1998, the actual decommissioning fund market values exceeded the targeted balances in the approved Funding Schedule by $9.2 million, primarily as a result of better than targeted investment performance.

Actual Fund Market Values at 12/31/98(Trustee Reports) $94.4 million Targeted Fund Balances at 12/31/98 (Funding Schedule) $85.2 million The funding schedule submitted for approval with this Annual Decommissioning Update recognizes this difference and trues it up over the remaining life of the fund.

i A graph of historical and future comparisons can be found in the Investment Consultant's i Review of Funding Schedule and Investment Assumptions dated March,1999 provided with the joint report from the State Treasurer and Nonh Atlantic in Section 11.

Annual earnings received and expenses incurred, including taxes paid, for the year 1998 .

are provided in the following table, cFund sg "4 Eandags q JEspensesAJamespe l

@p WW ' / @i@yp* (tonsands"bfdedarsh Mahousands W M 6i)?

1 A (Qualified) 2463.1 873.7 j 1B (Qualified) 2417.6 44.0 2 (Non-Qualified) 964.7 92.1 3 (Non-Qualified) 38.5 2.8 4 (Non-Qualified) 10.4 1.0 5 (Non-Qualified) 809.5 18.0 Total 6703.8 1031.6

8. DESCRIPTION OF THEINVESTMENT GUIDELINES Investment Guidelines have been established, pursuant to the Master Trust Agreement, to control investment risk of the decommissioning funds while maximizing potential investment gains. Currently, the objectives of the current Investment Guidelines as approved by the State Treasurer are to:

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 15

i i, e Preserve the purchasing power of principal by achieving investment earnings in l l excess ofinflation.


  • Preserve the principal from market value erosion

. Employ multiple asset classes to allow for prudent diversification and the resultant lowering of return volatility

. Invest all assets so as to adhere to the prudent investor standard and to maintain the Fund's tax-qualified status, where appropriate.

The Guidelines are to be reviewed at least annually by the Investment Consultant and all revisions are approved by the Managing Agent and the State Treasurer.

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11. FINANCIAL The financial update consists of the following which are provided as attachments to this report:

l e Attachment B: Annual Report from the New Hampshire State Treasurer and North l

Atlantic Energy Service Corporation to Mr. Douglas L. Patch, Chairman, Nuclear Decommissioning Finance Committee dated March 31,1998.

e Attachment C: Seabrook Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Fund - Review of l

Funding Schedule and In.estment Assumptions, dated March,1998 by William M.

Mercer Investment Consulting, Inc.

. Attachment D: Joint Owner Proposed Funding Schedules l

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Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 17 i


1. LOWLEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL AT DECOMMISSIONING There continue to be three facilities that accept LLRW from commercial nuclear power plants: Envirocare, Barnwell and Hanford. The Hanford, Washington facility is only open to member states of the Northwest and Rocky Mountain Compacts. Envirocare is open to all as long as the LLRW meets its radiation and curie content standards.

Envirocare of Utah is permitted to accept only Class A' LLRW. In October 1998 the State of Utah approved a license renewal for Envirocare which allows the facility to )

i accept essentially all Class A LLRW. The current decommissioning cost update is based  !

upon the last comprehensive cost study by TLG in 1997. The 1997 study assumes the I more restrictive rules in effect before the license renewal, and is, therefore, conservative with respect to the portion of the LLRW waste that could be shipped to Envirocare. The l Barnwell, South Carolina facility accepts Class A, B, and C LLRW, and is open to all states except North Carolina.

! A summary of the status of these and other LLRW facilities and LLRW compacts with operating facilities or designated sites is provided in Table 1.

l North Atlantic has operational low level radioactive waste (LLRW) disposal contracts

with the Envirocare of Utah low radioactivity LLRW facility and the Barnwell, South l Carolina LI '.W facility operated by Chem Nuclear Systems (CNS). Most of Seabrook Station's LLRW generated since the plant went into operatior was shipped to Envirocare 6

in 1995 . LLRW from normal plant operations have continued to accumulate at a slow rate as a result of aggressive efforts at the plant to minimize the generation of this 7

material. In 1998 a LLRW shipment was made to Barnwell . Additional shipments will be made from time to time during operations. The decommissioning cost study assumes that LLRW generated during the operational phase of the plant will have been shipped off site for disposal prior to the start of decommissioning. No costs are included in the TLG l Sersices cost study for disposal of operational phase LLRW.

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LLRW are classified in accordance with a complex process per 10 CFR Part 61 which defines Classes A, B, and C according to the level of radioactivity, the specific radioactive isotopes involved, and the specific form of the waste. Class A wastes have the lowest concentrations of radioactivity. In 1995 about 9/% of the LLRW disposed of was Class A (NRC 1nformation Digest- NUREG/SR 1350, Vol. 9).

  • About 6600 cubic feet of Class A LLRW. -

' About 164 cubic of Class C LLRW.

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 18 k

After denying access to states outside the Southeast Compact in 1994, South Carolina re-opened the Barnwell facility in 1995 to all states except North Carolina with a $235 per cubic foot tax to pay for scholarships and other educational needs. Since mid-1997, CNS has been working with the nuclear industry to estabitsn a funding mechanism to satisfy g

the South Carolina tax expectations in light of the ever-reducing volume of LLRW ,

CNS proposed the establishment of a $1 billion fund to ensure South Carolina tax payments and improve the chance of Barnwell access for the next 25 years. CNS did not receive enough industry support to achieve the $1 billion target, and in December 1998, CNS announced that it was discontinuing this initiative. Since the March 1998 decommissioning cost update, North Atlantic has participated in an industry sponsored short-term initiative to ensure that CNS is able to meet its revenue commitments to the State of South Carolina. The current agreements will expire in July 1999, and North Atlantic projects that these short-term agreements will be extended. The costs for participation in this short term plan are opcrational costs. The decommissioning estimate does not include costs for any potential longer term plans to keep Barnwell open since these costs, if any, will also be treated as operational costs.

The election of a mw governor in the State of South Carolina has introduced some additional uncerudcty for Seabrook Station's long-term access to Barnwell. The new governor has inL..;d in the past that he is opposed to having his state continue to accept LLRW from an'f other states. There are also some indications that the governor might support a LLRW compact approach for which access could be limited to compact member states. At this point, no decisions have been made that would indicate that North Atlantic should change its assumptions in the current study which assumes that the Barnwell site, or another site with comparable costs, will contirue to be available.

No new private LLRW facilities have opened since the Mach 1998 report, however, industry acti vities for such private facilities have continued.

In October Waste Cantrol Specialists (WCS), a Texas-based company specializing in waste management services, announced that it was prepared to work with the Texas Natural Resource Conserva: ion Commission (TNRCC) in evaluating the use of an existing WCS facility in Texas as an alternative disposal site for the Texas LLRW compact. WCS operates a large waste treatment, storage, and disposal facility in Andrews County, Teras, near the New Mexico border. The existing WCS facility has a license from :he Texas Department of Health for low level radioactive waste treatment, processing, and storage and has a disposal authorization from TNRCC for naturally occurring radioactive material, but is not authorized to dispose of LLRW. WCS's

  • Overall volumes c,f LLRW disposed of at available facilities from all sources has been generally decreasing since 1985 when the total volume of disposal was nearly 2.7 million cubic feet. In 1995 this total volume was only about 0.7 million cubic feet. About 55% of this 1995 volume was from reactor sites.

About 70% of the total volume in 1995 went to Barnwell (NRC Information Digest- NUREG/SR 1050, Vol. 9).

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 19

majority owner is Valhi, Inc., a Dallas based Fortune 500 multinational corporati<,n.

Envirocare of Texas (sister company to Envirocare of Utah) has also expressed interest in being the operator of a disposal facility for the Texas compact, either at an existing Envirocare site in Texas or another site acceptable to the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority. Both the WCS and Envirocare initiatives hase arisen from the TNRCC's vote to deny approval of a permit requested by the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority's to build and operate a LLRW disposal facility in Hudspeth County, Texas.

In Utah the Tooele County Planning Commission rejected an appeal by Safety-Kleen to amend its conditional use permit to allow the company to dispose of LLRW at its site which currently serves as a hazardous waste landfill in Tooele County. Envirocare of Utah is also located in Tooele County. Safety-Kleen is a major waste service company in the United States and Canada providing collections, recycle, and disposal services for hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams. In 1998 Laidlaw Environmental Services.

Inc., acquired Safety-Kleen for about $2.2 billion, and the merged companies are now providing environmental sersices as Safety-Kleen. An independent consultant had concluded in a needs assessuent that two LLRW disposal facilities in the same Utah county could have a negative impact on waste disposal prices and county revenues.

Although the initiatives by Envirocare of Texas, WCS, and Safety-Kleen have not yet resulted in additional LLRW disposal facilities, these companies appear to have significant financial backing and appear to be seriously intereu l in providing additional LLRW disposal options.

2. HIGH LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL AT DECOMMISSIONING Department of Energy In December 1998, the U.S. Depanment of Energy (DOE) issued its viability assessment of a spent fuel and high level waste repository at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. DOE committed to is<;:e this assessment in 1996, and the 1997 Appropriations Act required that the assessment be prepared. The purpose of the viability assessment is to provide Congress, the President, and the public with information on the progress of the Yucca Mountain Site Charac:erization Project. Also the assessment identifies the critical issues that must be addresud before the Secretary of Energy can make a decision on whether or not to recommend that Yucca Mountain be developed as a repository. The viability assessment is not a decision on Yucca Mountain as a repository, not the formal site recommendation required by the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, and not a final DOE decision on Yucca Mountain. The Secretary of Energy described the assessment as a road map for future work necessary to support a decision in 2001 on whether to recommend the site to the President for development of a repository. The assessment has four components:

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 20

f l

I l

e A design for the critical elements of a repository and waste package e An evaluation of the predicted performance of the repository system to protect people l

I and the ensironment l

  • A schedule and cost estimate for remaining work required to complete a license l

application e A cost estimate for construction and operation of a repository.

The viability assessment concludes that no show stoppers have been identified to date at Yucca Mountain and that work should proceed toward a decision in 2001 whether to recommend the site for development as a permanent geologic repository. The assessment also concludes that uncertainties remain about key natural processes, the preliminary design, and how the site and design would work together. To address these matters DOE plans to improve the preliminary design and complete critical tests and analyses.

Th. viability assessment provides current estimates for the projected start of acceptance of spent fuel at the repository, the acceptance rate by year, and for DOE's schedule for resolving transportation issues to support delivery of spent fuG to the repository.

Assuming a positive recommendation from the Secretary of Energy in 2001, DOE's license submittal to the NRC in 2002, and successful repository licensing and resolution of a transportation infrastructure on a schedule which supports the DOE's major milestone schedule in the viability assessment, spent fuel acceptance and emplacement could begin by 2010. The viability assessment does not support North Atlantic's previous analysis which used DOE's estimate that it could begin to accept spent fuel at the repository in 2007 prior to emplacement in 2010. The projected annual rate for acceptance of spent fuel at the repository over the first several years of operation is also somewhat lower than North Atlantic assumed in the March 1998 decommissioning cost study. The overall effect of the information in the viability assessment is to change the l

projected year for the first spent fuel shipments from Seabrook Station from 2016 to  !

2020, a four year slip. Consistent with the contingency methodology introduced in 1996, North Atlantic has continued to assume an additional five year slip (to 2025) for initiating spent fuel removal from Seabrook Station.

A final point on the viability assessment as i: relates to the assumptions in the Seabrook Station decommissioning cost projections concerns the total quantity of spent fuel which is being considered for the Yucca Mountain evaluation. The Nuclear Waste Policy Act currently limits the repository spent fuel volume to 70,000 metric tons of uranium or high level wastes until such time that a second repository is in operation. Of this 70,000 metric tons, the viability assessment has allocated 63,000 metric tons to spent fuel from commercial nuclear power plants. If all of the currently operating commercial nuclear power plants operate to the end of their licensed lives, the total quantity of spent fuel will significantly exceed 63,000 metric tons.'

' The total is estimated to be about 82,700 metric tons. Information in the viability asses:ent indicates that 38,500 metric tons of speat fuel had been accumulated at commercial nuclear pow:r ph nts as of Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 21

1 l

l l

1 1

On February 25,1999, in remarks before the congressional Committee on Energy and l Natural Resources, Department of Energy Secretary Richardson provided a policy update on Yucca Mountain in which he discussed the current schedule projections for Yucca Mountain per the viability assessment. In his remarks to the committee he stated the Administration's continued opposition to interim storage at Yucca Mountain in advance of completion of the scientific and technical work necesssary to make a decision on whether it is a suitable site. The secretary aise indk ated that the Department of Energy would be taking a serious look at an alternative to centralized interim storage such as having the Department of Energy take title to spent fuel at reactor sites and assume management responsibility until such time as it can be placed in a permanent repository.

The potential cost ramifications of such an interim approach have not yet been addressed.

North Atlantic will continue to follow progress on interim and permanent spent fuel disposal approaches and will addoss any new information in future annual updates.

Legislation  !

I The March 1998 decommissioning cost study provided information on actions in the House and Senate in 1997 to pass their respective version of a Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1997. No progress was made since that time in resolving differences between the two j version of the legislation. l In January 1999, H.R. 45, the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1999 was introduced. The  !

language of the bill is virtually the same as previously approved and would resolve shortcomings of the existing Nuclear Waste Policy Act which is the basis for the DOE's current work on Yucca Mountain. The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1999 has bipartisan support and could be passed in 1999. Some of the key features of the legislation are:

  • It establishes an integrated used nuclear fuel management system, including the development of a temporary storage facility in Nevada.

. It establishes dates for facilities to begin operation. Temporary storage would begin by 2003 and a permanent repository would begin operation in 2010.

  • It sets th*; size of the temporary storage facility at 40,000 metric tons and allows the Secretary of Energy to determine the size of the permanent repository.

. Provides for transportation planning, training, and technical assistance to states, emergency responders and labor organizations.

December 1998. North Atlantic's calculations project that the 63,000 metric ton capacity will be reached before all of Seabrook Station's spent fuel has been removed from the site. The current decommissioning cost estimate assumes that this issue will be resolved by either a change in the current capacity limit for Yucca Mountain or by a second repository. Therefore, the current update assumes that DOE will continue to accept spent fuel at a rate of sbout 3000 metic tons per year for years after which the current projections indicate that the 63,000 metric ton capacity at Yucca Mountain has been used.

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 22

Litigation As of January 1999 ten utilities have cases pending in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.

In one case involving Yankee Atomic Electric Company the U.S. Coart cf Federal Claims has ruled that DOE is liable for failure to begin accepting spent fuel by January 31,1998, and that Yankee Atomic is not required to use DOE administrative proceedings dealing with resolution of contract disputes. Similar decisions have been handed down in cases involving Connecticut Yankee and Maine Yankee.

Other cases are pending in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (brought by five utilities), and the U.S. District Court in Minnesota (brought by a group of Northern States Power Company customers).

In November 1998, the Supreme Court declined to hear separate appeals by a group of states, state agencies, and municipal governments, and by DOE of The U.S. Court of Appeals decision that affirmed the DOE's unconditional obligation to begin removing used nuclear fuel by January 31,1998".

Seabrook Station The projections regarding the spent fuel pool capabilities remain unchanged from the assessment provided in the March 1998 decommissioning cost study. With the installed fuel pool and fuel pool storage rack design, Seabrook Station has the capacity to store

, spent fuel in its fuel storage pool until 2010. Beginning in 2011 some additional site storage capacity will be required to suppon operations. Available options are to implement an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) which would remove some spent fuel from the spent fuel pool and place it in a licensed dry fuel storage facility on site, or to implement design changes to the rack designs to increase capacity.

Modifying the Spent Fuel Pool using currently available rack designs, North Atlantic projects that Seabrook could store its spent fuel in the storage pool until 2017. As discussed above in the section on DOE and the Yucca Mountain viability assessment, North Atlantic projects that spent fuel would not begin to be removed from Seabrook.

Station until 2020 assuming that DOE meets its current projection of 2010 for initiating operation of a permanent repository. North Atlantic continues to apply a five year delay contingency, the most likely source of which would be further DOE delays in acceptance of spent fuel. The additional five year contingency corresponds to the start of removr.1 of spent fuel from Seabrook Station in 2025. Based upon currently available information North Atlantic considers that ISFSI will be required to support normal operations. ISFSI is also required to support a key assumption in the decommissioning cost study. The study assumes that all spent fuel will be ren,aved from the Spent Fuel Pool w: thin 26 months of the plant shutdown at the end ofits licensed life in 2026.

" The Appeals Court had rejected DOE's claim that a delay was unavoidable, and also concluded that utilities have potentially adequate remedies under their contracts with DOE.

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 23

In the March 1998 decommissioning cost study North Atlantic concluded that an ISFSI sized for about twenty-one (21) spent fuel storage canisters would be required to support l operations and that the ISFSI would need to be expanded to handle about fifty-four (54) spent fuel canisters". As a result of the additional slippage in the projected DOE schedule for removal of spent fuel from Seabrook Station, North Atlantic now estimates that an ISFSI sized for about thirty-seven (37) spent fuel canisters would be required to support normal operations and that the ISFSI would need to be expanded to handle about ninety-three (93) spent fuel canisters to support decommissioning. North Atlantic has scaled up the cost included in the March 1998 cost study to reflect the larger ISFSI. The cost impacts are provided in Section IV.

3. DECOMMISSIONING REGULATORYREVIEW Federal In September 1998, the NRC issued changes to the 10 CFR Parts 30 and 50 concerning financial assurance requirements for decommissioning nuclear power reactors.

Significant changes to these portions of the NRC regulations included the following:

. Identification of the following licensees that may use the external sinking fund method of financial assurance for decommissioning:

e those that recover, either directly or indirectly, the estimated total cost of decommissioning through rates established by " cost of service" or similar ratemaking regulation e those whose source of revenues for their sinking fund; is a "non-bypass.:ble charge", the total amount of which will provide funds estimated to be needed for decommissioning.

  • A provision allowing licensees to take credit for projected earnings on sinking funds (up to 2% annual real return) through the decommissioning period, including periods of safe storage, final dismantlement and license termination.
  • Requires licensees to report to the NRC -- by March 31,1999 and every two years i2 thereafter-- the status of their decommissioning funds . The scope of these reports is similar to the annual reports required by the NDFC.

" These projections assume that a spent 'uel canister could store a maximum of 24 spent fuel assemblies.

" Reports are required annually for plants within 5 years of projected end of operation, or where conditions have changed such that a plant will close within 5 years (before the end oflicensed life), has alread'; closed (before the end oflicensed life), or for plants involved in mergers or acquisitions.

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 24

l In December 1998, the NRC issued Revision 8 to NUREG-1307, Report on Waste Disposal Charges. This document includes guidance ca methods acceptable to the NRC for the escalation of decommissioning cost for the reference plants used as a basis for the minimum funding requirements per 10 CFR 50.75. Revision 8 includes a provision for a signincant reduction in the cost escalation factor applied to low level radioactive wete burial costs. Revision 8 has been applied to the calculation of the NRC minimum funding for Seabrook Station as presented in Table 8.

In January 1998, the IRS amended existing regulations under section 468A of the Internal Revenue Code to allow taxpayers to request approval of a formula or method for determining a schedule of ruling amounts for nuclear decommissioning reserve funds.

Prior to this change taxpayers were required to Die a request for a schedule of ruling amounts in actual dollars for each year.

State In June 1998 Senate Bill 140 concerning the obligations of joint owners to the nuclear decommissioning Snancing fund and changes to the membership of the Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Committee was enacted (1998 N.H. Laws 164:2). The membership chances were identined in Section I of this report. This act imposed several actions targeted at increased funding assurance for joint owners without a franchise territory".

e Thejoint owners of Seabrook Station are required to be proportional guarantors of the decommissioning obligations of any owner without a franchise territory.

e The NDFC is empowered to designate the joint owners as proportional guarantors of any joint owners wSo may be unable to meet their obligations as proportional guarantors of the decommissioning obligations of any joint owner without a franchise territory.

. Should an owner without a franchise territory default on its decommissioning  ;

l obligations, the act requires that the joint owners submit a plan to the NDFC to address the fulSilment of the defaulting owner's obligations.

These provisions will be repealed in the future should the Chairman of the NDFC certify to the Secretary of State that comprehensive funding assurance for decommissioning has been implemented.

" Great Bay Power is the only owner without a franchise territory as definc.i in the bill Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 25


L ]

4. STATUS OFDECOMMISSIONED PLANTS In July 1998, Connecticut Light and Power Company announced plans to pursue f' mal decommissioning of Millstone Unit 1. Information for Millstone Unit 1 has been added to Table 2, Status of Decommissioned Commercial Nuclear Reactors. Table 2 has been updated based upon iciormation in SECY-98-163, the NRC staff's annual report on the status of prematurely shut down plants, dated July 1,1998; information in the 1999 update of TIP24, another NRC report on decommissioning nuclear power plants; and North Atlantic's discussions with industry contacts.

i Seabrook St tion Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 26


1. ADJUSTMENT TO THE DECOMMISSIONING COST ESTIMATE A comprehensive cost estimate is not required for this annual update and has not been completed.

However, a= stated in Section III, North Atlantic's evaluation of the current projections for future removal of spent fuel from Seabrook Station indicate that some key assumptions in the March 1998 cost study need to be changed. North Atlantic now projects that there will be an additional four year delay in the initiation of spent fuel removal from Seabrook Station. The effect of this change and the five year delay contingency is to increase the size of the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) projected to be needed to support normal operations and decommissioning. The larger ISFSI projected to be needed adds capital costs for decommissioning, adds additional cost to operate the ISFSI for an additional four years, and also adds to the costs required to decommission the larger ISFSI after all of the spent fuel has been shipped to the Depsutment of Energy.

The following provides a development of the total projected cost for decommissioning in 1999 dollars. To minimize the effect of rounding, the individual components from the March 1998 report are provided in 1997 dollars consistent with the TLG cost study, and the total 1997 value is escalated to 1999 dollars using the 5% overall cost escalation factor. The results are:


. TLG Base Cost Estimate $439.7 million Less: Bamwell access fees in TLG estimate $ 19.1 million

. TLG Base Cost Estimate (excluding Barnwell access fee) $420.6 million Add: Special LLRW contingency $ 19.1 million Add: Special delay contingency $ 11.3 million u l

  • Total (1997 dollars) S451.0 million l

Add: Escalation: two years @ 5% $ 46.3 million  !

  • Total (1999 dollars) S497.2 million
  • Add: ISFSI capital $13.5 million
  • Add:ISFSI operations (4 yrs) $10.0 million
  • Total Updated Costs (1999 dollars) 5524.8 million

" This is based upon five years ofISFSI operational cops and is unchanged from the March 1998 report.

. Seabrook Station Decommissioning Updte 3/99 Page - 27


2. REVIEW OF COST ESCALATION l North Atlantic has reviewed the cost escalation methodology presented with the 1996 j decommissioning update and applied for subsequent updates and concludes that the methodology l remains valid for the current update. The March 1998 cost escalation calculation has been updated using the current DRI cost escalation factors provided in Table 4 The additional cost for the larger ISFSI were incorporated into the calculation. The cost escalation factor for LLRW is unchanged from the March 1998 study and is based upon an average of the costs from the disposal facility in Richland, Washington and Barnwell, South Carolina for the ten year period 1986-1996. In the March,1998 update North Atlantic indicated that the 1997 Barnwell cost data l was not included because it was judged to be an anomaly and not indicative of the long-term trend. North Atlantic believes that this is still the case. The 1998 Bamwell costs were essentially the same as the 1997 costs. This is further evidence that the 1997 data was not indicative of a long-term trend.

l The cost escalation results by cost category are provided in Table 3. The overall escalation rete l for this update is 4.84%. For purposes of the proposed funding schedules this value was rounded l to 5.0%, the same value as applied in the March 1998 report.

3. UPDATE TO THE NRC MINIMUM DECOMMISSIONING COST In December 1998 the NRC issued Revision 8 to NUREG-1307 which provides guidance to implement the minimum funding requirements of 10 CFR 50.75(c). In this revision the NRC has included provisions that recognize the significant cost savings achievable by the use of LLRW disposal vendors to reduce the volume of LLRW that must be buried at a disposal site. Nonh Atlantic's site-specific cost estimate has assumed these volume reduction methods would be l applied, but prior to issue of Revision 8 of the NUREG, the NRC minimum calculation did not l recognize these methods. As a result of this change in the NUREG, the LLRW cost escalation l factor applied to the 1986 reference PWR decommissioning cost estimate in the NUPIG is l sharply reduced. The resulting NRC minimum calculation for Seabrook Station is $290.7 million l (1999 dollars), down from the value of $489 million (1998 dollars) calculated in 1998 using the previous revision of the NUREG. The updated calculation is detailed in Table 8.

l l The Seabrook Station site-specific cost estunate of $524.7 million (1999 dollars) includes costs I for demolition and removal of uncontaminated areas of the plant, restoration of the site, and l spent fuel storage costs. These costs are not included in the NRC minimum calculation. The site-  !

specific estimate becomes $376.2 when adjusted for these excluded costs. The adjusted site- l specific estimate exceeds the NRC minimum value, and is the basis for the proposed funding i schedules in this decommissioning update. Table 9 provides a reconciliation of the site-specific estimate to the NRC minimum value.

1 Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 28 i

V. Tables Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 29

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Cost Category Escalation Rate )

Labor & Other 4.07 % l Material 1.89 %

l Transportation & Energy 5.11 % )

LLRW Disposal 10.6 %

Overall 4.84 %

l l

l l

l l


" This value was rounded to 5% for the current cost update.

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 35

E l-l 1


  1. eak sLa'tAFAi Maieriali jfdransh/Il jjears :/UANhik9 6Miteriki! 5Tmnsp/>

[Oth'e rs - ,


.[ y ii;OtNed * ~

. sp  ! En..ergyj T' >

lEnergyp 1999 3.5 0.3 -5.1 2013 3.5 1.5 5.3 2000 3.7 0.9 8.6 2014 3.7 1.7 5.3 2001 3.3 1.2 5.2 2015 3.9 1.9 5.3 2002 3.1 1.3 5.2 2016 4.1 2.0 5.4 2003 3.1 1.3 5.2 2017 4.7 2.2 5.4 2004 3.1 1.4 5.2 2018 4.6 2.4 5.5 2005 3.2 1.3 5.1 2019 4.9 2.6 5.5 i

2006 3.2 1.2 5.4 2020 5.2 2.9 5.6 i 2007 3.2 1.1 5.3 2021 5.4 3.1 5.5 2008 3.2 1.2 5.3 2022 5.7 3.3 5.8 2009 3.3 1.2 5.3 2023 5.9 3.4 5.6 1 1

2010 3.4 1.4 5.3 2024 5.4 3.0 5.6 2011 3.5 1.4 5.3 2025 5.5 3.1 5.6 2012 3.5 1.4 5.3 2026 5.6 3.2 5.6 Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 36

l l


,;f dfi'*? $;

W M*Iu9ep)yggAccess Feei Weighted . ' : Contingency


' B4 MS/CFD Access Fee w- - -

'm. 2, '

($/CF)' ' / ollars)'

d Barnwell 81,150 235" Envirocare 33,521 0 -

Total 114,671 $$$$f2$$ $166.30 19.1 TABLE 6- OPERATING COSTS FOR SPENT FUEL STORAGE FACILITY ltem Annual Cost Staffing" 1,426,438 NRC and EP Fees 422,122 Insurance 329,783 Energy 82.401 Total (1997 dollars) 2,260,744 Total (1999 dollars) 2,492,471 TABLE 7- CAPITAL COSTS FOR DECOMMISSIONING PORTION OF THE SPENTFUEL STORAGE FACILITY Item Cost Storage canisters and modules (1997 TLG study) 16,740,000 Stand-alone transfer facility (1997 TLG study) 7,338,240 4 Other (expansion of operational phase)(1997 TLG study) 3,743,358 Total (1997 dollars) (1997 TLG study) 27,821,598 -

Total (1999 dollars)(1997 TLG study) 30,673,310 Costs for additional canisters, larger ISFSI 13,471,111 Total (1999 dollars) 44,144,421

" Includes the Barnwell County fee. -

" includes utility staff and security staff.

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 37

1 TABLE 8-DEVELOPMENT OF THE NRC MINIMUM DECOMMISSIONING COST NRC Minimum = $105 million X (0.65L + 0.13E + 0.228)


$105 million is value for reference PWR in 1986 dollars s

L = labor escalation factor to current year E = Energy escalation factor to current year

20 B = LLRW escalation factor to current year E#- x  ; Item Description . m Yalue; 1 Labor escalation factor for Quarter 4,1998 139.5 2 Base adjustment factor from NUREG-1307 1.555 3 January,1986 escalation factor from NUREG-1307 130.5 4 L = #1 times #2 divided by #3 1.662241 5 Electric power escalation factor for December,1998 127.5 6 Electric power escalation factor for Jan.,1986 from NUREG- 114.2 1307 7 Fuel escalation factor for December,1998 39.2 8 Fuel escalation factor for Jan.,1986 from NUREG-1307 82 9 P = #5 divided by #6 1.11642 10 F = #7 divided by #8 0.478049 11 E = 0.58P + 0.42F per NUREG-1307 0.848329 12 Value of B from Table 2.1 of NUREG-1307 7.173 13 0.65L + 0.13E + 0.22B 2.7688 14 1986 minimum-millions ofdollars 105 15 December,1998 minimum-millions of dollars: #13 times 290,724

  1. 14

" NUREG 1307 specifies that source is Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Employment Cost Index, Series ecul3102i (Northeast Region).

" NUREG 1307 specifies that source is a weighted calculation using Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Producer Price Index-Commodities, Series wpu0573 (light fuel oils) and wpu0543 (industrial electric power).


  • NUREG 1307 provides a value for B in Table 2.1. In the December,1998 revision of the NUREG the value is 7.173 for Barnwell, assuming the application of waste vendor services to reduce burial volumes. No value is prov ded for Envirocare.

i I

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 38

i l

l l


1 l


1 i

Cost Category? iNRC Minimum :: 2 Seabrook Site-Specific -  !

Costs to terminate the NRC license $290.7 million (1999 dollars) $376.2 million (1999 dollars)

(remove contaminated systems, structures, eite surveys, etc.) per 10 CFR 50.7:i(c) and NUREG 1307 Cost to remove non-contaminated Not included $62.1 million (1999 dollars) portions of plant and restore site Spent fuel storage, removal Not included $86.5 million (1999 dollars)

Total $290.7 million (1999 dollars) 5524.8 million (1999 dollars)

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 39

i Attachments Attachment A: 'NDFC 93-1 Fourth Supplemental Order dated November 21,1995 Attachment B: Annual Report from the NH State Treasurer and North Atlantic to the Chairman of the NH Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Committee Attachment C: Seabrook Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Fund - Review of Funding Schedule and Investment Assumptions, by William M. Mercer Investment Consulting, Inc.

I Attachment D: Joint Owner Proposed Funding Schedules I

l 1

f Scabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 40


l l

Attachment A: NDFC 93-1 Fourth Supplemental Order dated November 21,1995 l

l i

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 41


. 0..

FOURTH SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER The Committee, in its Second Supplemental order dated June 20, 1995, included the following ceders:

FURTHER ORDERED, that the parties develop a recommanded

.t schedule for a more in-depth analynia and roepmsendations to


the Committee with regard to an apprope to escalatten facter to be applied in future preceedings 'and it im FURTHER ORDERED, that the parties develop a reeemmended schedule for a more in-depth analysis and reeemeendations to the committee with regard to an appropriate centingency facter to be applied in future preceedings; and it la FURTHER ORDERED, that the parties confer and attempt to develop agreement on what information ought to be put in future updates by' North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation in its annual filings required to be made pursuant to this ordert and it is FURTMER ORDERED, that the parties report their recommendations with respect to a schedule fer more in-depth analysis ~ of the esemistion and contingency factere and any agreement on input for annual filings by North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation en er before August 30, 1995.

gc30WE  %

~1-MAR 21 1996 Scab Page - 42 7 Station Decommissioniultbdate 3/99

W l

The parties complied with these orders and by letter j dated September 18, 1995 from Amy L. Ignatius, Esq., General Counsel for the N.B. Public Utilities Commission, jointly 1

filed suggestione and recommendations for the Committee's I consideration.

Thereafter, at a duly noticed meeting held on November 21, 1995, the committee received a report from the parties on their suggestions and recommendations on these issues.

At the meeting held on November 21, 1995, the Committee adopted the suggestions and recommendations of the parties and approved an order to be inaued to'f" implement the recommendations of the pabies - ',

suggestions and en these -

l issues, and it is CRDERED, that the Committee accepts and appreves the suggestions and reccamendations contained in the PUC Staff l 1etter dated September 18, 1995; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that the Annual Decommissioning Update vili censist of three sections: an intreduction, a financial reporting section, and a technical leeues update.

The contents to be included in these three sections are described below:

I. Introduction NAESCO vill compile a background document which will be submitted with each annual filing. It will provide general information about the Seabrook decommissioning fund and funding schedule as well as e description of the contents of the report. It will include the fo11cving:

Seabresk Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 43


1. A citation to the statute and/or NDFC ceder that I sets forth the requiremente for the repert.
2. Seabrook evnership structure, noting any changes i since the prior year.
3. objective of decommissioning fund.
4. Identification of Investment cenaultant, fund 1

manager and trustee' with a descriptien of their l


5. A brief description of the components and mechanica of the funding schedule.
6. Definition of terms (e.g., levelized, esenlating, I nominal, real, LLRW, infletion, contingency facter, i uncertainty factor, escalation, etc.)
7. A chart that illustrates actual vs. target fund schedule balances as well as prdected decommissioning cost on an annual basis. The chart should include a description of the source of information and of any calculations which are embedded in the chart. If the data reprenanted in the chart is previded elsewhere, then the relevant citatien should be made and be available to the Committee and to the parties.

II. Financial 4 This meetion ahn11 (nelude the fsnancial reports required by l l

the Master Trust Agreement (MTA) between North Atlantic and the State Treasurer and any additional financial information as may be ordsred by the NDFC. The infermation included la 3

Seabrook Station Decommissioni.,g Update 3/99 Page - 44

presented belev vith the pertinent paragraph of the MTA indicated in parentheses.

[lo.01.D and 10.01c] The state Treasurer fervards the Investment counsultant's Investment Performance Review Report to the NDFC. It includes:

1. the balance of the fund at year end
2. inecme for the preceding year
3. taxea and administrative expenses of the fund for the preceding year
4. current investments in the fund
5. the abeve information for each individual l trust within the fund, and
6. an investment performance review and evaluation of the fund I

[10.01El The joint report from the state Treasurer and the Managing Agent to the NDFC which includes:

1. a current estimate of inflation,
2. a current estimate of future earnings of the i fund, and 1
3. a statement whether in their opionien the funding schedule in in need of revision.

III. Technical Issues Update Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) Disposal at Decommissioning:

A summary report on LLRW disposal situation.

This shall include the status of New Hampshire's participation in a vaste compact or other disposal plan and the progress (or lack thereof) in LLRN disposal nationally.

High Level Radioactive Waste (ELRW) Disposal at Decommissioning:

A summary report on the ELRW disposal situation. This shall include the status of DOE litigation or negotiation regarding spent fuel obligatienst alternatives to a federal repository for spent fuel; and the status of opent fuel repository permitting and/or construction. ,

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 45

Other Events Affecting the Decemmissioning Estimates A summary report on other changes or events that have occurred since the prior-year.

This shall include, but not be limited to, changes in regulatory requirements, industry initiatives, nuclear decommissioning experiences, updates to the list of plants being decommissiened or avalting decommissioning er issues relating to escalation and contingency factor studies. and it is FURTHER CRDERED that the Comprehensive Decommissioning Study shall be submitted in March 1998 and every fourth year I

thereafter. It shall include the contents of the Annual i Report plus the fellowingt

1. Areviewandrecalculationasneceajaryofthe decommissioning estimate and the submittal cf .,

a report delineating and justifyingi. ' -

assumptiens and changes. 3

2. A review of the escalation factor applied to the decommissioning estimate.
3. A review and justification for any changes I made to the contingency or uncertainty facter l applied to the decommissioning estimates and it is j Comprehensive i

FURTHER ORDERED, that while the Decommissioning Study submitted by NAESCO may not include an exploration of the larger cenceptual issues such as an anticipated energy producing life of the plant, the mest appropriate way to decommission (prompt dismantlement, safestore, etc.), or funding method (levelized, escalated, etc.), these and other larger issues are among the issues which are mest appropriately addressed at the time of the comprehensive Decommissioning Study and not at the time of the Annual Decemmissioning Updates and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that regardless of whether NAESCO Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 46

addresses these issues in its cceprehensive Deccmmissioning Study, the other parties shall retain the ability to address these or other issues as appropriate.

By order of the Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Committee thd.s 21st day of November, 3995.

D- -

DougAas L. Patch,~ Chairman Public Utilities Commission GeorgimpThomaa.


N R a b4rr t B . Dun 6N '


Assistant miksie

- Depa men i Safety -

  • \ [- -,

a P.Fte$ysa Assistant commi ner a' h & Melfar partment

.P9Y Channing/ksrown, Chairman House Appropriations Committee bi Robert M. Roser North Atlantic Ener y Service cor ration l AA - -

Willard F; Boyle Town of Seabrook /

Representative Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 p,g, , 47

Attachment B: Annual Report from the NH State Treasurer and North Atlantic to the Chairman of the NH Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Committee Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 48


[f 'N =

North North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation P.O. Box 300 Seabrook, NH 03874 Allalllle (603) 4:4-9521 1

The Northeast Utilities Sptem March 31,1999 NA #990125 Mr. Douglas L Patch, Chairman Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Committee New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission 8 Old Suncook Ro.J Concord,New Hampshire 03301


Annual Reoort From The New Hampshire State Treasurer and North Auantic Energy Service Corporation (Managing Agent)

Dear Mr. Pateh:

Pursuant to Section 10.01(E) of the Seabrook Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Fund Master Trust Agreement, we are submitting to the Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Committee (NDFC) the 1999 decommissioning update report setting forth the following:

(1) A current estimate ofinflation.

l (2) A current estimate of future earnings of the Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Fund (the Fund)

(3) A statement whether, in our opinion, the funding schedule determined by the NDFC is in need of revision in order for the Fund to achieve the estimated amount needed for decommissioning, Seabrook Unit #1.

The proposed funding schedule, prepared by the Investment Consultant, Mercer Investm-nt Consulting, Inc., dated March 1999, has been revised to reflect modifications which include (1) a revised cost estimate prepared by TLG Smices Corporation dated March 1998, which has been updaed as I discussed in Section IV of the March 1999 update, (2) actual fund balances as of December 31,1998, (3)

I changes in fund elections by certain Joint Owners, and (4) new funding contribution levels effective January f 1999 per the funding schedule approved by the NDFC in November,1997, including accelerated funding of Great Bay Power Corporation. All other assumptions in the schedule consistent with those previously approved by the NDFC.

I l


Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 49


Mr. Douglas L. Patch March 31,1999 Nuclear Decommissioning Page 2 Financing Committee The following assumptions were used in the preparation of the revised funding schedule:

Decommissioning Cost (in 1999 Dollars) -- $524.8 Million (As of12/31/98)

Annual Cost Escalation -- 5.0%

Plant Shutdown - October 1,2026 Decommissioning Completed - October 1,2046 CPI Inflation Factor - 4.0%

Maximum Equity Allocation - 40%

Real Earning Rates Qualified Funds:

Fund 1-A -- 3.5% (Pre-Tax)

Fund 1-B -- 6.5% (Pre-Tax)

Non-Qualified Funds:

Fund 2 -- 3.5% (After-Tax)

Fund 3 -- 2.0% (After-Tax)

Fund 4 -- 0.8% (After-Tax)

Fund 5 -- 6.5% (After-Tax)

Post-shutdown -- 0.8%

The proposed schedule is attached.

The Managing Agent concurs with (1) the inflation estimate, and (2) the estimate of future earnings of the Fund as outlined in the attached repon " Review of Funding Schedule and Investment Assumptions" prepared by the Investment Consultant dated March 1999. We are, therefore, proposing no changes to the inflation estimate ud earnings assumptions. Furthermore, the revised funding schedule, prepared by the Investment Consultant cmd proposed by the Managing Agent, will achieve the estimated amount needed for decommissioning Seabrook Unit #1 based upon the assumptions described above.

Y b[ Af M- ^ -

l Ted C. Feigenbaum/

Executive Vice President and ChiefNuclear Officer North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation j

l Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 50

1 Mr. Douglas L. Patch March 31,1999 Nuclear Decommissioning Page 3 Financing Committee i

The New Hampshire State Treasurer concurs with (1) the inflation estimate, and (2) the estimate of future earnings of the Fund as outlined in the attached report " Review of Funding Schedule and Investment Assumptions" prepared b, the Investment Consultant dated March 1999. The revised funding schedule {

prepared by ,me Investment Consultant and proposed by the Managing Agent, will achieve the estimated amount needed for decommissioning Seabrook Unit #1 based upon the assumptions described above, but i subject to a review of such assumptions and final a decision of the NDFC during the proceeding 98-1. f A

Georgie # Thomas New Hampshire State Treasurer


i BAJ:bes Enclosure tcf90 )

l 1

f i

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 51 j

l l

4 l

l I

Attachment C: Seabrook Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Fund - Review of Funding Schedule andInvestment Assumptions, by William M. Mercer Investment Consulting,Inc.

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 52 l

c Seabrook Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Fund Review of Funding Schedule and f Investment Assumptions l

l l

March 1999 Ramelle M. Hieronymus William M. Mercer Investment Consulting 200 Clarendon Street Boston, MA 02116 617/450-6000 -

Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 53

r Review of Funding Schedule and Investment Assumptions As required in the Seabrook Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Fund Master Trust Agreement, William M. Mercer Investment Consulting, Incorporated has been retained to perform an annual review of the funding model assumptions for inflation and investment eamings and to provide updated individualjoint owner and composite funding schedules. This report presents our analysis of the investment assumptions and documents changes made to the funding schedules. An updated funding schedule is attached.

Inflation and Investment Return Assumptions In 1998, the Seabrookjoint owners had the option to direct their decommissioning investments into any of six investment funds. The funds are summarized in the following table:

Trust Structure Fund Investments Tax Status Assumed Tax Rate 1A Fixed Income Qualified 20 %

1B Core Equities

  • Qualified 20 %

2 Fixed Income (tax-exempt owner 1) Non-qualified 0%

3 Fixed Income (taxable owners) Non-qualified 0%

l 4 Short-Term Fixed Income Non-qualified 0%

5 Core Equities

  • Non-qualified 0%

l l

  • Subject to a 40*h maximum allocation l The non-qualified funds for taxable owners are subject to a 35% federal tax rate and may be subject to state tax in some jurisdictions. The funding model assumes a 0% rate on these funds because it has been the practice of the taxable owners not to withdraw tax payments from the trust. In addition, Fund 2 was established for tax-exempt owners and therefore would not be subject to taxes.

In 1998, the State Treasurer and NAESCO requested that Mercer undenake an asset allocation study to determine if the fund could benefit from the addition of new asset classes. As a result of the study, Mercer has recommended that:

a The maximum allowed equity allocation be increased to 60%,

a A maximum 20% exposure to small capit& tion stocks and intemational stocks be incorporated, and a The current fixed income manager be allowed to invest up to 20% of the fixed income portfolio in intemational stocks.

These recommendations are still under consideration, and any changes to the policy would not be effective before January 1,2000. .

William M. Mercer Investment Consulting Page 1 Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 54

Review of Funding Schedule and Investment Assumptions Current Assumntions Inflation and investment return assumptions for each of the funds have been developed by analyzing historical data on market indices that are indicative of the representative investments for each fund. The assumptions are designed to be conservative indicators of the expected investment retums over the remaining projected life of the unit (2026). As such, short-term variations in the l capital markets are discounted and the emphasis is placed o1 long-term trends. Conservative l earnings assumptions also serve to increase contributions, resulting in a more cautious funding strategy.

In developing the assumptions, returns are expressed as two components. He first is the inflation component, which is also used to escalate cont:ibutions annually, and the second is the real growth component, or the excess return over inflation. Together, the two components create the actual or

" nominal" retum.

I The cutrent inflation and investment return assumptions are shown in the following table: j Current Assumptions  ;

Nominal Fund Return Real Return' Basis l

l 1A 7.6% 3.!% Pre-tax

!B 10.8 6.5 Pre-tax 2 7.6 3.5 After-tax 3 6.1 2.0 After-tax 4 4.8 0.8 Afler-tax 5 10.8 6.5 After-tax

, Inflation 4.0% --

I (1+ nominal return /100)/(1+ inflation /100) .

The funding model computes pre-tax earnings on Funds l A and IB, and then separately computes an expense item for taxes.

Rsx.ic.w. of Current Assumntions i

The intent in establishing earnings and inflation assumptions is to utilize reasonable, yet l i

conservative, assumptions so as to minimize the risk of a funding shortfall. In verifying that the assumptions continue to meet these standards, the assumptions are compared to the, returns on Witilam M. Mercer Investment Consulting Page 2 Seabrook Station Decommissioning Upda e 3/99 Page - 55

I l

Review of Funding Schedule and Investment Assumptions various market indices. The indices selected for each fund reflect representative fund investments and whether the return is pre-tax or after-tax. The historic index real returns and inflation levels are summarized in Exhibit 1.

As noted in our previous annual reports, our essumed earnings and inflation rates tend to be lower than recent historical retums. This is due to the truly outstanding market environment that we have been experiencing. The past 20 years has been the best 20 year period ever in the history of the Standard & Poors 500 Stock Index. Interest rates have continued to fall, leading to strong bond market returns, and inflation remains low.

The fund has benefited from this environment, producing returns in line with the market indices (Exhibit 2). As a result, the trust had a balance of 594.4 million at year-end 1998 versus the

$85.2 million projected in the funding schedule (Exhibit 3). This overfunding will have the effect of reducing contributions in future years, all else being equal.

1 While this strong performance has been obviously beneficial, it is not reasonable to assume that it will continue for the remaining 28 year license life. We continue to believe that the earnings assumptions currently in use are reasonable long-term estimates of expected returns. They are l conservative, which h::,s the effect of increasing required contributions in early years. This provides protection against weak markets or other unforeseen events. 4 With regard to the inflation assumption, the assumed 4% rate is higher than recent experience l

and lower than long term averages. Again, a lower rate represents a more conservative l

assumption. Lower rates cause contributions to increase less rapidly, requiring higher initial I contributions. This causes more money to be contributed to the fund in early years, thus enhancing the funded status and future earnings of the fund.

l l

l l Funding Schedules l The funding schedules are constructed to determine the contribution level necessary to fund the I tiltimate cost of decommissioning. Contributions are assumed to increase annually with inflation in order to equitably distribute costs over the entire funding period. The schedule projects future fund earnings and expenses and reflects individual owners' elections and fund balances as of December 31, 1998. Contributions for 1999 are based on the previously approved funding schedule, adjusted for Great Bay's shortened funding period. New contribution levels begin in the year 2000.  ;

Due to an NRC change in its minimum funding computation, the decommissioning cost estimate is now based on the site-specific estimate. The current estimate is $524.8 million in 1999 dollars. This compares to last year's NRC minimum value of $489.0 (1998 dollars). The new estimate represents a 2.2% increase after cost escalation. The increase is due to a four-year l

William M. Mercer Investment Consulting Page 5 Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 56 I

l' .j

o l

Review of Funding Schedule and Investment Assumptions extension in the schedule for DOE acceptance of spent fuel and to updated projections for fuel discharges. As a result, the decommissioning completion date is now assumed to be 2046 versus 2042 in last year's filing. In addition, the following assumptions are used in the preparation of the

! schedules:

i Decommissioning Cost $524.8 million (as of 01/01/99)

Cost Escalation Factor 5.0%

Plant Shutdown 10/01/2026 Decommissioning Completed 12/31/2046 CPI Inflation Factor 4.0%

Real Eamings Rates j Fund 1 A 3.5% (pre-tax) l Fund IB 6.5% (pre-tax)

Fund 2 3.5% (after-tax)

Fund 3 2.0% (after-tax)

Fund 4 0.8% (after-tax)

Fund 5 6.5% (after-tax)

Post-shutdown 0.8%

l Maximum Equity Allocation 40%


The model also conti: ms to assume that Great Bay funds ver a 25 ,ar life.


Se impact of the new cost estimate was to increase year 2000 contributions from $13.4 2 m

..) S14.9 million. Exhibit 4 graphs the key funding schedule results. It displays the growtn u fund balances relative to the decommissioning cost target, as well as the breakdown of the balances.into contribution and net eamings componer". The full schedule is provided as Attachment D.

I i

Conclusions j' We. continue to believe that the current funding 2 aumptions represent realistic conservative expectations for future long-term inflation and inve anent performance. We do not recommend any changes to the assumptions at this time.

The funding schedule reflects the known parameters impacting the costs to administer tne fund and pay for ultimate decommissioning and spent fuel storage. Going forward, the annual "true up" of actual versus anticipated experience also serves to keep funding on schedule. While experience in any one year obviously will deviate from the projections, the assumptions, in aggregate, provide a rational projection of future long-term experience.

G W.NHYMIC\991T.STMYDOC William M. Mercer Investment Consulting Page 4 Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 57 ,


F Review of Funding Schedule and Investment Assumptions

- Exhibit 1 IIistoric Real Returns Periods Ending 12/31/98 Rolling Period Returns' Market Index 5 Yrs 10 Yrs 20 Yrs 10 Yrs 20 Yrs f

l Funds 1 A and 2 (assumed 3.5%)

2 l LB 1nterm. Government / Corporate 4.0% 5.2% 5.1% 4.6% 4.0%

LB Govemment' Corporate 4.7 0.0 5.4 4.9 4.2 LB Aggregate 4.7 5.9 5.4 6.0 4.7 Fund 3 (assumed 2.0%)

i l LB 5 Yr. General Obligation 2.8 3.7 -- 4,1 -

m --

LB 10 Yr. General Obligation 3.8 4.9 --

5.3 -

Fund 4.(as'sumed 0.8%)

Donogbue Tax Free Money Market 0.7 0.5 --

0.6 --

i l

l Funds IB and 5 (assumed 6.5%)

S&P 500 21.1 15.5 12.6 7.9 6.3 Inflation (assumed 4.0%)

I CPI-U  %. ul) 2.5 3.2 4.5 4.2 4.5

! 1 Aven,; of consecutive 10 end 20 year periods (e.g 1945-1954.1946-1955, etc.). Time periods vary by series b rginrting dates are:

LB GlC ar.d G/C Intm.- In3;lB Agg - ID6,5Yr. and 10Yr. G.O. 1/80, S&P 500 and Inflation 1/45; end Donoghue Institutional Tax Free Money Muket - 1 '81

! 2 Lehman Brothers i

l l

l l

<a William M. Mercer Investment Consulting j Page 5 Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 58 o i

f 1

I Review of Funding Schedule and Investment Assumptions Exhibit 2 Comparison of Actual Returns Since inception Rettrns '

Periods EndinrR?8 Fund / Benchmark Nominal Real 2

Fund 1 A 7.0% 4.5 %

Fund 2 7.5 5.0 Assumption 7.6 3.5 LB'Interm. Government / Corporate 6.1 4.0 LB Government / Corporate 6.8 4.7 LB Aggregate 6.9 4.7 Fund 3 5.9 % 3.4 *4 Assumption 6.1 2.0 LB 5 Yr. General Obligation 5.2 2.8 LB 10 Yr. General Obligation 6.2 3.8 i Fund 4 3.0% 0.6%

Assumption 4.8 0.8 l l

0.7 I Donoghue Tax Free Money Market 3.2 Fund IB ' 26.3 % 24.0 %

Fund 5 25.7 23.7 Assumption 10.8 6.5 S&P 500 28.8 % 26.3 Inflation Assumption 4.0%

CPI-U (nominal) 2.5%

1 Inception for current management of Funds I A.2,3. and 4 was 12/31/93 Inception for Funds IB and 5 was 3/31/96 l 2 Pre. tax returns l

William M. Mercer Investment Consulting Page 6 Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 59 l

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Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 399 Page - 61

I Attachment D: Joint Owner Proposed Funding Schedules l

l Seabrook Station Decommissioning Update 3/99 Page - 62


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Seabrook Station Decomniissioning Update 3/99 Page - 99 l l l L

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Enclosure 3 Seabrook Station Unit 1: Unit Contract between PSNII and North Atlestic Energy Corporation l l 2/18/99 1


                                . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            2
1. DESCRIPTION OF UNIT TERM; FERC APPROVAL , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.


3. PURCHASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l
                                   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           6
5. TRANSMISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7 l

6. CHARGES; PAYMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


8. METERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           12
10. INTERRUPTED OR DEFICIENT SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . .


11. INSURANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CHANGES IN RATES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . 15 12. 17

13. ACCOUNTS AND RECORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


14. SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


15. ASSIGNMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


16. INTERPRETATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                              . . . . . . . . . . . . .        10
18. NOTICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            26


1 1

21. MODIFICATIOF' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
22. MISCELLANEOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SCHEDULE I i

l L 1

I UNIT CONTRACT WITH RESPECT TO SEABROOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNI' NO. 1 THIS UNIT CONTRACT (" Agreement") dated as of June 1, 1992, by and between NORTH ATLANTIC ENERGY CORPORATION, a New Hampshire corporation (hereinafter " Seller"), and PUBLIC SERVICE COHPANY OF NEW HAHPSHIRE, a New Hampshire corporation (hereinafter " Buyer" and, together with the Seller, the " parties"). WITHESSETH: WHEREAS, each of Buyer and Seller is a regulated public utility and each has become an operating company of the Northeast Utilities ("NU") system pursuant to a Plan of Reorganization (the

  " Plan") filed by Northeast Utilities Service Company with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Hampshire in Case No. BK88-00043; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Plan Buyer proposes to transfer to Seller its interest in a nuclear-fueled steam-electric single-unit generating plant and appurtenant facilities, including a partially constructed second generating unit, at a site located in Seabrook, New Hampshire (the "Seabrook Plant"); and WHEREAS, upon the completion of such transfer, under the terms of the Plan, Seller and certain other parties will own the W

l l

r ownership shares in the Seabrook Plant, and Seller's share of ownership of the Seabrook Plant (Seller's " Ownership Share") will be 35.569424; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to provide for the terms and conditions pursuant to which Seller will sell to Buyer and , f Buyer will purchase from Seller all of the capacity and related I output of Seller's Ownership Share of Unit No. 1 of the Seabrook l Plant (the " Unit") during the term of this Agreement, and pursuant to which Buyer will make certain other payments to Seller if the Unit is taken out of service prior to the end of the term of this Agreement; and l WHEREAS, Buyer is a participant in the New England Power  ! Pool ("NEPOOL") and as such is subject to the terms and  ! l conditions of the NEPOOL Agreement dated as of September 1, 1971, as amended from time to time (the "NEPOOL Agreement"). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual agreements herein contained, the parties to this Agreement l covenant and agree as follows: l

1. RESCRIPTION OF UM.!,2 The Unit includes a single-unit Westinghouse pressurized water nuclear reactor and a turbine l

generator with a rated capacity of approximately 1,150 megawatts, I l

utilizing ocean water for condenser cooling purposes. Upon the


transfer of Buyer's interest therein to Seller, Seller and eleven cther New England utilities (the " Joint Owners") will jointly own the Seabrook Plant' pursuant to an Agreement For Joint ' - Ownership, construction and Operation of New Hampshire Nuclear Units dated as of May 1, 1973, and as amended to date (the " Joint Ownership Agreement"). It is expected that upon the approval of certain regulatory authorities the Seabrook Plant is to be operated and maintained on behalf of the Joint Owners by a newly-formed New Hampshire corporation (" Operator") which will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of NU. If NU so elects, Seller may be designated as such operator and in such event references hereto to Operator shall be deemed references to Seller.

2. TERMr FERC APPROVAL. This Agreement shall be effective l

at 0001 hours on the date (the " Effective Date") which is the l l


later of the date on which the Federal dnergy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") allows this Agreement to become effective or the date on which Seller acquires Buyer's Seabrook interest, and shall continue for a term (hereinafter called the " Term") which ends on the termination of the period for which the Unit is authorized to operats under its full power operating license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; provided that if the Unit is cancelled after the issuance of a full power operating license i but prior to the end of the license period, as then'in effect, I

(the date on which there is an affirmative vote under the Joint 1 Ownership Agreement to cancel or permanently' shut down the Unit is hereinafter referred to as the " Cancellation Date") the. term I shall and on the termination of such license period, whether or not the license is terminated, revoked or cancelled in the l meanwhile, but in no event earlier than 39 years after the date on which the full power operating license is issued. However, the applicable provisions of this Agreement shall continue in effect after termination hereof to the extent necessary to provide for final billing, billing adjustments and payments, and to the extent required for completing the payment of Decommissioning ExpSnses and Project Cancellation Costn (as defined in Schedule I) as set out in Section 6. Seller shall file this Agreement with the FERC as a " Rate Schedule" within the meaning of 18 C.F.R. Section 35.2(b), and shall comply with 18 C.F.R. Part 35 and both Seller and Buyer, shall support approval of this Agrement and, as appropriate,  ! provide any information reasonably required to comply with  ! I applicable filing requirements. Buyer and Seller recognize that j The State of New Hampshire ("NH") has participated in the negotiation of this Agreement, has approved the terms hereof and has agreed to support this Agreement before the FERC. If FERC does not accept this Agreement in substantially tha form in which it is agreed to by Seller, Buyer and NH and filed with FERC, then

l l l i . Seller and Buyer agree to use reasonable efforts to negotiate and Egree on revisions (approved by NH) to those provisions not l cceepted by FERC. Buyer or Seller shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon providing thirty (30) days' written l , notice to the other and NH if FERC does not accept the provisions of this Agreement in substantially the form filed with FERC and Seller, Buyer and NH are unable to revise to their satisfaction end. receive FERC approval of, the provisions not accepted by FERC in the first instance within 60 days after such non-acceptance by FERC. In such event, Buyer and NH agree not to oppose any action l by Seller to terminate and/or withdraw this Agreement under'the terms of the Federal Power Act. I

3. PURCHASE. As used herein, the term " Capability" shall have the meaning specified in, and shall be determined in accordance with, Section 15.6 of the NEPOOL Agreement, as in

effect at the date of this Agreement. As used herein, the term " Net Energy Output" means the gross energy generation of the Unit during any hour (expressed in kilowatthours) less that portion of such energy required for station service use. During the Term, the Buyer shall purchase and accept from Seller and Seller shall sell and deliver to Buyer all of Seller's

Ownership Share (Buyer's " Entitlement Percentage") of (i) the Capability of the Unit, and (ii) the act'ual Net Energy Output of the Unit.

4. OPERATION OF THE UNII. Seller shall, to the extent of its ability under the Joint Ownership Agreement, cause the Unit to be (a) operated to the maximum extent feasible consistent with good utility practice and the NEPOOL Agreement and to be maintained in accordance with good utility practice, (b) submitted for economic dispa*ch under the NEPOOL Agreement, and (c) scheduled for maintenance and refueling at times requested by Buyer and in accordance with the NEPOOL Agreement.

The Unit will be dispatched by the New England Power Exchange ("NEPEX"), or a satellite thereof, based on the load curve representing the aggregate load of the participants in NEPOOL, pursuant to the terms of the NEPOOL Agreement. Buyer agrees to accept its Entitlement percentage of the Net Energy output whenever the Unit operates. If at any time during the Term, the Unit is not dispatched by NEPEX pursuant to the NEPOOL Agreement or another regional pooling agreement containing dispatch provisions comparable to and consistent with those of the NEPOOL Agreement, Seller and Buyer shall consult (in consultation with Operator and

the Joint Owners) to establish mutually agreeable dispatch provisions.

5. TRANSMISSION. The quantity of electricity sold to the Buyer shall be as measured by the output meters located at.the Unit, appropriately adjusted for station service use. Seller will arrange for the delivery of such electricity to Buyer's transe(ssion system interconnection at the Seabrook Plant.
6. CHARGES! PAYMENT. For, and in consideration of, the sale by Seller to Buyer of Buyer's Entitlement Percentage in the
Unit, (a) Buyer shall pay monthly to Seller between (1) the the Effective Date and (ii) the earlier of (A) the Cancellation Date, i

if any, and (B) the end of the Term, Seller's Cost of Service (as defined in and calculated in accordance with Schedule I); and (b) in the event that the Cancellation Date occurs, Buyer shall pay monthly to Seller after the Cancellation Date and for , the remaining period of the Term Seller's Termination Costs (as  ! I defined in and calculated in accordance with Schedule I). l In the event the Term of this Agreement ends at a time when Seller continues to incur Decommissioning Expense or Project

l Cancellation Costs, Buyer will continue to pay such amounts each month to Seller for so long as Seller continues t6 incur such expense and costs, for deposit by Seller, if applicable, into any I reserve, escrow or trust fund created by or pursuant to law (New l i Hampshire or Federal) or prudent utility practice. l The obligations of Buyer to make payments under this Section 6 and to perform and observe all other agreements on its part contained in this Agreement are absolute and unconditional and shall not be affected by any circumstances, including, without limitation, (i) any insolvency, composition, bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, liquidation or similar proceedings relating to Buyer, Seller, any other Joint Owner of the Unit, or any affiliate thereof, (ii) any failure of the Unit to operate for any reason, (iii) any damage te or destruction of the Unit, including but not limited to any defect in the title, quality, condition, design, operation, or fitness for use of, or any loss of use of, all or any part of the Unit; provided, U.!ever, that in the event the Unit is damaged or destroyed, the Huyer shall i have the right to instruct the Seller as to how to vote on any repair or replacement of the Unit pursuant to the terms of the j Joint Ownership Agreement, (iv) any interruption or prohibition of the use or permission by Seller of, or any ouster or dispossession by paramount title or otherwise of Seller from, . 1 l l

J 4 all or any part of the Unit, or any interference with such use or possession by any governmental agency or authority or other . person or otherwise, (v) any inability to use the Unit because a necessary license or other necessary public authorization cannot be obtained or is revoked, or because the utilization of such a license or authorization is made subject to specified conditions that are not met, (vi) any invalidity or unenforceability or disaffirmance by Seller or Buyer of any provision of this l


Agreement or any failure, omission, delay, or inability of Seller to perform any of its obligations specified herein, (vii) any amendment, extension, or other change of, or any assignment or encumbrance of any rights or obligations under, this Agreement, ) or any waiver or other action or inaction, or any exercise or nonexercise of any right or remedy, under or in respect of this , Agreement, (viii) any inability of Seller to obtain regulatory approvals for financing Seller's Ownership Share of the Unit or for mesting any obligations under this Agreement, or (ix) any inability to start, complete, or use the Unit due to any other circumstance, happening, or event whatsoever, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable and whether similar or dissimilar to the foregoing, it being the intention of the parties hereto that all . amounts payable by Euyer in respect of this Agreement shall begin i to be payable and shall continue to be payable in all events in l the manner and at the time herein provided. In that connection,


Buyer hereby waives, to the extent permitted by applicable law, l

r-l any and all rights that it may now have or that may at any time hereinafter be conferred upon it (other than those expressly conferred in this Agreement), by statute or otherwise, to terminate, cancel or surrender any of its obligations under this Agreement, and agrees that if, for any reason whatsoever, this Agreement shall be term'inated in whole or in part by operation of i law or otherwise, Buyer will nonetheless promptly pay to seller amounts as required under this Section 6. Buyer shall not, a.nd hereby waives, to the extent permitted by applicable law, any and all rights to, set-off or apply any obligation owed or claimed to be owed to Buyer by Seller from time to time against any amounts l payable by Buyer hereunder. Nothing contained in the prior i centence, however, will prohibit Buyer from pursuing such other remedies as it may possess against Seller with respect to such amounts owed or claimed to be owed to Buyer. When net proceeds have been received by Seller from a total or partial taking of Seller's Ownership Share of the Unit in an eminent domain proceeding or from insurance (in the event of complete destruction of the Unit), Seller shall remit such payments to l Buyer and Buyer's obligation to make payments hereunder shall continue. l

7. BILLING. Seller shall submit to Buyer a bill for all j cpplicable charges under Section 6 within 30 days after the end of each month.

O l

l Each bill shall include information in such detail as Buyer may reasonably require to enable the' Buyer to determine the basis for the charges for the month. All bills shall be due and payable twenty (20) days after the bill is received by Buyer. i Any amount remaining unpaid after the date such amount is due shall bear interest at the annual rate of two (2) percentage points over the Primo Rate (sometimes called Base Rate) for commercial loans to large corporate customers then in effect at the main office of The First National Bank of Boston. Seller may make adjustments to any r, mount due under Section ] 6 in order to adjust for any differences between amounts billed as estimates and the actual amounts thereof, to reflect differences in charges resulting from Seller's receipt of more current data (including but not limited to costs of betterments, improvements, additions or retirements), to reflect any retroactive charges or assessments from regulatory or taxing authoritier, and to correct any computational errors. 1 If the Buyer, in good faith, disputes the amount of any bill it shall itemize the basis for its dispute in a notice to i

the Seller given on or before the date such bill is due. Upon i final resolution of any such dispute, interest shall be calculated at the rate set forth above on any amounts determined to be due and unpaid, from the date such amounts were due until paid.

8. METERING. Sellor shall cause to be provided and maintained suitable metering to determine the gross and net output of the Unit. If any of the metering equipment is found to be inaccurate at any time by more than two percent (2%), up or down, seller shall promptly cause such equipment to be made accurate and the meter readings for the period of the inaccuracy, so far as can be reasonably ascertained, shall be adjusted to correct for such inaccuracy so far as can be reasonably ascertained.

In addition to regular routine testing of the metering equipment by Seller or Operator, Buyer may request that the metering equipment be tested at any time in the presence of its representative. If such test indicates that the metering equipment is accurate within two percent (2%), up or down, then the expense of such testing shall be borne by Buyer.

9. FORCE MAJEURE. As used in this Agreement, " Force Majeure" means any cause beyond the reasonable control of, and 1

1 l l j i


I l without the fault or negligence of, the party claiming Force Majeure. It shall include, without limitation, sabotage, strikes, riots or civil disturbance, acts of God, act of public enemy, drought, earthquake, flood, explosion, fire, lightning, I landslide, or similarly cataclysmic occurrence. Economic hardship of either party shall not constitute a Force Majeure under this Agreement. If either party is rendered wholly or partly unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement because of Force 1 Majeure as defined above, that party shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by the Force Majeure, to the extent so affected, provided that (a) The nonperforming party promptly, but in no case longer than'five working days after the occurrence of the Force Majeure, gives the other party written notice describing the particulars of the occurrence. (b) The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is reasonably 1 required by the Force Majeure. l l (c) ' The nonperforming party uses reasonable efforts to l remedy its inability to, perform. j 1 l l L.

(d) Seller's obligation to provide energy shall be modified in proportion to the effect of Force Majeure conditions.

10. INTERRUPTED OR DEFICIENT SERVICE. This Agreement shall j not be interpreted to result in any responsibility by seller to i

Buyer in tort, contract, or otherwise, for any damages, costs, fines, penalties or claims whatsoever which may result from interruption or failure of service or deficiencies in the quality or quantity of service hereunder, and Buyer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Seller harmless from any and all damages, costs, fines, penalties or claims arising from or claimed to have arisen from such interruption, failure or deficiency. It is tha intent of the parties that Buyer shall assume the risks of interruption, failure or deficiency in quality or quantity of service to the same extent as if Buyer were itself a joint owner of the Unit for the purpose of supplying itself with electricity. l If insurance is provided to cover any such interruption, failure or deficiency, Buyer shall have the right to the insurance proceeds by virtue of having paid the costs incurred by Seller to secure insurance coverage. l

11. INSURANCE. Seller shall cause to be maintained liability and property insurance coverage with respect to its -

ownership interest in the Unit, and the operation and maintenance i of the Unit, as shall be required by the Atomic Energy Act and the rules and regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission thereunder, or as shall otherwise afford appropriate protection for the interest of both parties against those insurable hazards and risks covered pursuant to customary good electric utility practice. Seller shall have the right to cause any insurance or condemnation proceeds to be used to repair, restore or reconstruct the Unit in the event of any destruction, damage or partial condemnation thereof. To the extent that any insurance or condemnation proceeds are received for any insurable event occurring during the Term of this Agreement and are not used to repair, restore or reconstruct the Unit, or to reduce proportionately the costs incurred by Buyer pursuant to this l Agreement, Buyer shall be entitled to receive and retain that share of such insurance proceeds which is equal to the Buyer's i pro rata share of the costs of such insurance.


not, and hereby waives any right it may have to, file unilaterally with the FERC a change in rates or charges related

I l ! 1 l


l l l to service under this Agreement or to make any other change ! hereto pursuant to Section 205 of the Federal Power Act and the Rules and Regulatione of the FERC promulgated thereunder without the prior written consent of each of the Buyer and NH; provided, that as and to the extent permitted by Schedule I, Seller may file unilaterally with the FERC a change in rates to modify the Commen Equity T. ta nf Return (as defined in Schedule I). Further, Seller, Buyer and NH shall not, and each hereby i waives (to the extent it may lawfully do so) any right it may have to, file a complaint with respect to the rates charged under this Agreement or any other provisions of this Agreement l pursuant to Section 206 of the Federal Power Act and the Rules and Regulations of the FERC promulgated thereunder without the I prior written consent of each of the others, and each further I agreer that in any proceeding by the FERC under such Section 206 l l the FERC shall not change the rate charged under this Agreement unless such rate is found to be contrary to the public interest. Seller shall have no right to change Buyer's Entitlement Percentage in the Unit or to make any other change in its rights with respect to the Unit without the written consent of each of  ; 1 the Buyer and NH. 1 I

                                                                  -  I

The person authorized to act for NH under this Section and Section 2 hereof shall be its Attorney General.

13. ACCOUNTS AND RECORDS. Seller shall keep or cause to be kept complete and accurate records and meter readings of its operations hereunder, shall cause such data to be maintained for a period of at least tnree (3) years or such longer period as FERC may require after the final billing with respect to such 1

operations and shall promptly cause Buyer to be supplied with such copies or extracts of such data as Buyer may reasonably request from time to time. Buyer and/or an agent of Buyer shall have the right, at Buyer's expense and during normal business hours, to examine, inspect and audit all such records and meter readings. In addition, Seller will to the extent practicable and at Buyer's expense provide such additional information or l information in such different form as Buyer may reasonably request.

14. EEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS. A holding by any court having jurisdiction that any provision of this Agreement is i

invalid or unenforceable shall not result in invalidation or l 1 unenforceability of the entire Agreement but all remaining terms i shall remain in full force and effect.  ! l l

n l l 15. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall ir:re to the benefit of, and msy be performed by, the succer,4ves and assignees of the parties, except that no ! assignment, pledge or other transfer of this Agreement by either l party shall operate to release the assignor, pledgor, or transferor from any of its obligations under this Agreement i unless (i) the other party (or its successors or assigns) l ! consents in writing to the assignment, pledge or other transfer and expressly releases the assignor, pledgor, or transforor from its obligations hereunder, or (ii) the assignment, pledge or other transfer is to another company in the same utility holding company system as the assignor, pledgor or transferor and the assignee, pledgee or transferee expressly assumes the obligations of the assignor, pledgor or transferor, or (iii) such transfer, in the case of the Buyer, is incidental to a merger or consolidation with, or transfer of all (or substantially all) of the assets of the transferor to another person or business entity which shall, as a part of such succession, assume all the obligations of the transferor under this Agreement. No { atTignment, pledge, or transfer of this Agreement shall be made without the prior written consent of the other party and the NHPUC, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. f 4

16. INTERPRETATION. The interpretation and performance of this Agreement shall be in accordance with and shall be controlled by the laws of the State of New Hampshire.
17. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. Except as otherwise I provided in Section 10, each party agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the other party (including the other party's affiliated 1

companies, and any of the trustees, directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, and legal or financial j advisors of the party or any of its affiliated companies) harmless from and against any and all third party damages, costs, claims, liabilities, actions or proceedings arising from or claimed to have arisen from the negligent acts or omissions of its employees or agents. The parties hereby waive and release each other as well as the other party's affiliated companies, snd the. trustees, directors, officers, employees, and agents of each of them from any liability, claim, or action arising from damage to its property due to the performance of this contract.

18. NOTICES. Any notice, demand, or request permitted or required under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be l deemed to have been duly given when del. ered in person or transmitted by facsimile transmission or on receipt after l

l 1

                               ~20-dispatch by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to a party at the applicable address set forth below:

I To Buyers Public Service Company of New Hampshire 1000 Elm Street Manchester, New Hampshire 03105 To Sellers North Atlantic Energy Corporation Selden Street P-erlin, Connecticut 06037 Such addresses, and the person at such address to whom any notice should be directed, may be changed from time to time by written notice by either party to the other party.

19. DEFINITIONS. The following terms used herein and in Schedule I have the meanings assigned to them in the Section of this Agreement or of Schedule I indicated below:

A22yisition Effective Date -- Section F of Schedule I. l Administrative and Genega,1 Exoenst -- Section B of Schedule l I. l 1 AEURC -- Gection F of Schedule I.

    &greement -- Preamble to the Agreement.

Duver -- Preamble to the Agreement.

r I l . cancellation Date -- Section 2 of the Agreement. - Canability -- Section 3 of the Agreement. canital Addition cost -- Section F of Schedule I. l canital Additions -- Section F of Schedule I. l Common Ecuity Comoonent -- Section G of Schedule I. Common Ecuity Rate of Return -- Section G of Schedule I. contract Year -- Section G of Schedule I. Cost of Service -- Preamble to Schedule I. Decommissionins Excense -- Section E of Schedule I. Deferred Caoital Balance -- Section H of Schedule I. Deferred Caoital Exoense -- Section H of Schedule I. l Deferred Federal and State Income Tgxgg -- Section G of

  • Schedule I.

1 i l

Depreciation Allowance -- Section F of Schedule I. Effective Datt -- Section 2 of the Agreement. Entitlement Percentece -- Section 3 of the Agreement. Event of Default -- Section 20 of the Agreement. Exclusion Percentace -- Section G of Schedule I. First Effective Date -- Section F of Schedule I. FERC -- Section 2 of the Agreement. 1 Force Majeure -- Section 9 of the Agreement. Fuel ExDense -- Section C of Schedule I. In-Service DELE -- Section 6 of the Agreement. 1 Income Tax ExDense -- Section I of Schedule I. 1 Initial Plant -- Section F of Schedule I. l i Initial Plant Investm.gni -- Section F of Schedule I. l t

I i t l Investment Base -- Section G of Schedule I. l Investment Return -- Section G of Schedule I. l Joint Owners -- Section 1 of the Agreement. Joint Ownershio Acreement -- Section 1 of the Agreement. Lona-Term Debt Component -- Section G of Schedule I. Lono-Term Debt Rate of Return -- Section G of Schedule I. NEPEX -- Section 4 of the Agreement. l t NEPOOL -- Preamble to the Agreement. NEPOOL Acreement -- Preamble to the Agreement. Hgt Everev Outout -- Section 3 of the Agreement. Net Investment in Capital Additions --Section G of Schedule l


I. Net Investment in Initial Plant -- Section G of Schedule I. l l

l 1 I 1 HH -- Section 2 of the Agreement. MH -- Preamble to the Agreement. Doerations and Maintenance Exoense -- Section A of Schedule I. Operator -- Section 1 of the Agreement. Other Exoenses -- Section M of Schedule I. Other Taxes and Fees -- Section J of Schedule I. Ownershin Share -- Preamble to the Agreement. l Parties -- Preamble to the Agreement. Elan -- Preamble to the Agreement. r Preferred Eaulty Comoonent -- Section G of Schedule I. l l l Preferred Eaulty Rate of Return -- Section G of Schedule I. l i Proiset Cancellation Costs -- Section L of Schedule I.

i.  !

i I I oerty Tax Excense -- Section D to Schedule I. I i Recovery Period -- Section H of Schedule I. Seabrook Plant -- Preamble to the Agreement. Seller -- Preamble to the Agreement. , 1 Term -- Section'2 of the Agreement. Termination Costs -- Preamble to Schedule I. Transmission Excense -- Section K of Schedule I. i Unit -- Preamble to the Agreement. Weichted Averace Return Rate -- Section G to Schedule I. Workina Caoital -- Section G to Schedule I. Yankee Comeanies -- Section G to Schedule I.


20. DEFAULT. The occurrence and continuance of any one or more of the following shall constitute an " Event of Default" hereunder:

(a) If Buyer shall fail to pay when due any amount thut it has agreed to pay under any provision of this Agreement, and such failure shall continue for more than sixty (60) days after written notice thereof has been given to Buyer by Seller; (b) If. Buyer shall admit in writing its inability to pay i l its debts, or shall make a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; or any proceeding shall be instituted against Buyer (and is not dismissed within j sixty (60) days) or by Buyer, seeking to adjudicate it I i a bankrupt or insolvent, or seeking reorganization, arrangement, adjustment or composition of it or dts debt under any law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, or reorganization or relief of debtors or seeking appointment of a receiver, t'rustee or other similar official for it or for any substantial part of its property; or if Buyer shall take any action to authorize any of the actions set forth in this subparagraph (b); or

(c) If Buyer shall fail to perform any other obligation under this Agreement in accordance with the terms - hereof, and such failure shall continue for more than thirty (30) days after written notice thereof has been given to Buyer by Seller. If an Event of Default shall occur and be continuing, in addition to any other rights or remedies that it may have .against Buyer by reason thereof, Seller may, by written notice to Buyer, terminate this Agreement as of the date of such Event of Default, but this shall not affect the Seller's right to recover damages for the default.

21. MODIFICATIONS. Subject only to the Seller's right to file for a change in the Common Equity Rate of Return in accordance with Section 12 of this Agreement, this Agreement may be modified only by an instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto and accepted by the New Hampshire Attorney General on behalf of NH. The parties and NH agre's that approval  !

1 of modifications to correct ambiguities and make other technical changes shall not be unreasonab'.y withheld. I


l I (a) Each party shall prepare, execute and deliver to the other party any documents reasonably required to implement any cravision hereof. (b) Any number rJf counterparts of this Agreement may be executed and each shall Lave the same force and effect as the original, but all of such counterparts together shall constit'ite one and the same instrument. (c) This Agreement, together with the attached Schedule I, (1) shall constitute the entire understanding between the parties and shall supersede any and all previous agreements and understandings, both written and oral, between the parties pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement and (ii) are not intended to confer any rights or remedies hereunder upon any person other than the parties hereto and NH. (d) Either party hereto may (1) extend the time for the performance of any of the obligations or other acts of the other-party or (ii) waive compliance with any of the terms contained herein. Any agreement on the part , of a party here to an- such extension or waiver

F I l  ! I shall be valid only if set forth in an instrument in l writing signed by such party. Failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement or to j require performance by the other party of any of the provisions hereof, shall not be construed as a waiver of such provisions or affect the validity of this Agreement, any part hereof, or the right of either party to thereafter enforce each and every provision. (e) The table of contents and the descriptive headings of the several Sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and do not constitute a part of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller and Buyer have caused this j i Agreement to be signed by their respective duly authorized j representatives as of the date first above written. NORTH ATLANTIC ENERGY CORPORATION 4 By & Its Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE By -

                                            ///    /    f        '

Its President ' / L'


                                           !                                                I l                                           /

l Accepted: / THE STATE QF NEW HAMPSHIRE / By Its Attorney eral 'e be By(enior Aesistant ~' Attorney General I l l l l l l 1 l 1 t

l SCHEDULE I COST OF SERVICE and TERMINATION COSTF Cost of Service. For purposes of the Agreement, seller's Cost of Service for each month shall be the sum, without duplication, of the following expenses, costs and other amounts for such month, each as defined in and calculated in accordance with this Schedule I: A. Operations and Maintenance Expense B. Administrative and General Expense C. Fuel Expense D. Property Tax Expense E. Decommissioning Expense F.- Depreciation Allowance G. Investment Return H. Deferred Capital Expense I. Income Tax Expense J. Other Taxes and Fees K. Transmission Expense L. Project Cancellation Costs M. Other Expenses


                                -2S-1 Ig,tmination Costs. For purposes of the Agreement, Seller's Termination Costs for each month during the Term after the Cancellation Date shall be the sum, without duplication, of Property Tax Expense, Decommissioning' Expense, Depreciation Allowance, Investment Return, Income Tax Expense, Other Taxes and Fees, Project Cancellation Costs and Other Expenses for such month, each as defined in and calculated in accordance with this Schedule I, net of any tax benefit available to Seller as a       ;

I result of Cancellation. j Definitions and Calculations. In making the following j determinations for any period, the provisions of the Uniform System of Accounts prescribed by the FERC for Class A and B l Public Utilities and Licensees shall be controlling, to the extent applicable. 1 For all purposes of this Schedule I and Section 6 of the Agreement, Seller's Cost of Service and Termination Costs shall be determined on the basis of a calendar month. Seller's costs hereunder for any period less than a calendar month shall be prorated accordingly. A. Ooerations and Maintenance Excense. Means an amount equal to the sum of the following: 1


                       -3S-l (1)  the amount of Seller's share of the operations and      i maintenance expense with respect to the Unit during such month pursuant to Section 13 of the Joint Ownership Agreement; plus (2)   an amount representing any payments by Seller during such month relating to secondary financial protection arrangements under Price-Anderson, NEIL I or NEIL II or any comparable substitute or additional insurance arrangement entered into with respect to the Unit, to the extent not included in paragraph (1), above.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, for purposes of calculating charges to FERC Account 518 for the amortization of Seller's investment in fuel, the cost of any and all fuel owned by Seller upon the completion of the transfer of Buyer's interest in the Seabrook Plant shall be deemed to be zero.

  • l 4

B. Administrative and General Excense. Means an amount representing the administrative and general expenses of  ; Seller durir.g such month necessary to (i) administer i and comply with the terms of this Agreement, (ii) participate as a Joint Owner of the Unit and finance NA


fes Ownership Share of the Unit and (iii) maintain its corporate existence, including, but not limited to, the maintenance of directors' and officers' liability l insurance; orovided, that the expenses in clause (iii) shall be reduced proportionally to the extent Seller

! has operating revenue other than payments under this Agreement. , l C. Fuel Excense. Means an amount representing Seller's actual fuel expense with respect to the Unit for such month, to the extent not recovered under Operations and Maintenance Expense above, including, if Seller's Ownership Share of the fuel for the Unit is leased by or on behalf of Seller, the full leased cost of such l fuel for such period. D. Procerty Tax Excense. Means Seller's Ownership Share l l of those taxes or excise payments paid or, without duplication, accrued during such month that are bened j upon the assessed value of the Unit or estimates of the taxes or excises assignable to the Unit as determined l by or on behalf of the Joint Owners. E. Decommissionina Exoence. Means Seller's accrual of I decommissioning expenses for much month with respect to l

                         -5S-the Unit, or if not covered by such accruals, its j

j actual expenses, in either case as calculated in l compliance with applicable requirements of New Hampshire law and the Joint Ownership Agreement (to the extent not included in Operations and Maintenance l Expense, above). l l F. Decreciation Allowance. l (1) With respect to Seller's investment in the Unit at ! the Effective Date (the " Initial Plant"), means an amount aach month equal to one-twelfth of annual i straight-line depreciation of Seller's Initial l Plant Investment over the period of the remaining ! term of the full power operating license for the Unit, as in effect on the In-Service Date. For purposes of this Agreement, Seller's " Initial

Plant Investment" shall be equal to the value transferred to Seller pursuant to Section 2(b) of l

l the agreement between NUSCO and the State of New l Hampshire dated November 22, 1989. Seller's Initial Plant Investment shall be calculated without regard to costs incurred in constructing the Unit prior to July 1, 1990 or such later date


as may be fixed in accordance with the P'lan (the "First Effective Date"). l I l (2) With respect to capital additions to the Unit l after the Acquisition Effective Date (" Capital i Additions"), means an amount each month equal to one-twelfth of annual straight-line depreciation of the original cost of the Capital Additions, as shown on the books of the Seller (including AFUDC and the cost of any betterments, improvements, and additions thereto), (" Capital Addition Cost") over the remaining Term at the time of the Addition; provided, that for purposes of computing Seller's Termination Costs, Depreciation Allowance with respect to Capital Additions shall mean an amount each month equal to one-twelfth of annual straight-line depreciation over a period of five years from the CanceP ation Date of the amount of undepreciated Capital Addition Cost at the Cancellation Date. Buyer will at all times keep separate accounts with respect to Initial Plant Investment and Capital Addition Cost. l r

L l 1 AFUDC shall be an amount calculated by periodically multiplying the then-current Capital Addition Cost (including any previously accrued AFUDC), by the AFUDC rate calculated in accordance with the FERC Uniform System of Accounts, including interest on the Contingent Notes from the date such Notes accrue { interest according to their terms. l i G. Investment Return. Means with respect to any month an ) l } amount equal to one-twelfth of the product of (i) the Investment Base (described below) multiplied by (ii) the Weighted Average Return Rate (described below). The Investment Base for the Unit shall be the sum of l "a", "b" and "c" belows

a. The Net Investment in Initial Plant shall equal:
1) the projected average Initial Plant Investment  ;

for the current calendar year, multiplied by one minus the applicable Exclusion Percentage (as i defined below) for that month expressed as a 1 decimal equivalent; less the sum of: 2) I accumulated depreciation with respect to the projected average Initia'i Plant Investment for the j current calendar year, calculated as set out in F. l i


l i

                -9s-above; 3) an allowance to reflect accumulated Deferred Federal and State Income Taxes applicable to the projected average Initial Plant  ,

Investment for the current calendar year (the projected average balance for the current calendar year shall be developed consistent with the annual formula below and shall further reflect the appropriate Deferred Federal and State Income Taxes associated with the differences between the depreciable investment basis used in calculating depreciation for income tax purposes and the depreciable investment basis used in calculating the Depreciation Allowance); and 4) the projected average unamortized balance of utilized investment j l tax credits applicable to the projected average Initial Plant for the current calendar year (it being understood that the ratemaking treatment of j such credits may be modified during the Term to take into account any changes in applicable tax laws or regulations). To the extent that the actual average Initial Plant Investment for any year is different than the projected average amount used in billings for the year, an appropriate adjustment shall be made in billings for the following year to reflect the difference.

b. The Net Investment in Caoital' Additions shall equal: 1) the projected average Capital Addition Cost for the current calendar year; less the sum of: 2) accumulated depreciation applicable to the projected average Capital Additions, calculated as set out in F. above, for the current calendar year; 3) an allowance to reflect accumulated Deferred Federal and State Income Taxes applicable to the projected average Capital Additions for the current calendar year (the projected average balance for the current calendar year shall be developed consistent with the annual formula below and shall further reflect the appropriate Deferred Federal and State Income Taxes associated with the differences between the depreciable investment basis used in calculating depreciation for income tax purposes and the depreciable investment basis used in calculating the Depreciation Allowance);

and 4) the projected average unamortized balance of utilized investment tax credits applicable to projected average Capital Additions for the current calendar year (it being understood that the ratemaking treatment of such credits may be modified' during the Term to take into account any j i

                  -10S-changes in applicable tax laws or regulations).

To the extent that the actual average Capital Additions for any year is different than the projected average amount used in billings for the year, an appropriate adjustment shall be made in billings for the following year to reflect the difference.

c. Seller's Workino caoital shall equal the sum of (1), (ii) and (iii), belows (1) an allowance to reflect, without duplication, 45 days of the estimated annual Operation and Maintenance Expense, item (i) of Administrative and General Expense, and Fuel Expense exclusive of nuclear fuel owned by Seller; and (ii)'if at any time during the Term Seller owns its Ownership Share of the nuclear fuel for the Unit, but not otherwise, an amount equal to i Seller's e.verage beginning and ending balance of the prior month's actual investment in fuel for use in the Unit, including related capitalized fuel stock expenses applicable to such fuel in storage; and
                                     -11S-f l

l I (iii) an allowance, based on an average of the amount at the beginning of the calendar year and the estimated amount at the end of the calendar

year, for the cost of applicable materials and supplies normally carried in stock for the operation and maintenance of the Unit.

Deferred rpderal and State Income Taxes means the amount appropriate to reflect the annual cash generation created by use of a liberalized depreciation method rather than the straight I line method of determining the Federal Income Tax deductions during the life of this Agreement. Such amount is determined by the following formula: Annual Deferred Federal and State Income Taxes for the Unit = DIT, where DIT = TE (X-A), and where TE = the current effective combined Federal and State Statutory Income Tax rate. X= the accelerated depreciation used fcr Federal Income Tax purposes associated with the applicable ! vintage depreciated investment except to the extent the tax depreciation results'in a net i


                                  -12S-operating loss which cannot be recorded on the books of the seller.

A= the annual Depreciation Allowance as set forth in F. above. In the event of changes to the remaining Term, or changes to the Internal Revenue Code, or if Seller changes the Depreciation Allowance employed herein or tax depreciation, an appropriate adjustment shall be made in order to ensure a proper reflection of Seller's costs with respect to the Unit. The Exclusion Percentace shall mean for the period of twelve months beginning on the first day of the month in which occurs the First Effective Date (regardless of whether the i l Acquisition Effective Date has yet occurred), and for each l successive period of twelve months (each a " Contract Year") l through the end of the Term, the applicable percentage set out in ] the following table CONTRACT EXCLUSION YEAR EERCENTAGE 1 80.0% 2 60.0% 3 45.0% 4 30.0%  ; 5 15.0% 6 and thereafter 0.0%

l l l

                                -13S-                               I l

l The Exclusion Percentage shall be applied monthly to the portion of Investment Base described in paragraph "a" of the definition thereof. The Weichted Averace Return Rate shall equal the sum of (i) the Common Equity Component, (ii) the Preferred Equity Component and (iii) the Long-Term Debt Component, each determined as set out below. (1) The Common Eauity Comoonent shall equal (a) a fraction (expressed as a decimal number to four significant places), of which the actual common equity of Seller as of the last day of the l preceding calendar year shall be the numerator, and the sum of the common equity, preferred equity and long-term debt of Seller as of the last day of the preceding calendar year shall be the ! denominator, times (b) the Common Equity Rate of Return. The Common Equity Rate of Return for each of the first ten Contract Years shall be 12.53 percent; provided that Seller may file a change in rates with FERC under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act to be effective at any time on or after May 16, 1997 to increase prospectively the Common Equity Rate of Return for the balance of the first

                -14S-ten Contract Years to a percent not greater than 13.75 percent. The Common Equity Rate of Return after the first ten Contract Years shall not exceed the average of the returns on common equity then allowed by FERC for Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company, Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation and Yankee Atomic Electric Company, (collectively, the " Yankee Companies") so long as at least one Yankee Company is an operating utility under FERC jurisdiction. The Seller shall file a change in rates with FERC under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act to modify the Common Equity Rate of Return hereunder in accordance with Section 12 of the Agreement to be effective as of the beginning of the eleventh Contract Year and may make similar filings thereafter, subject in every case to the limitation specified above so long as at least one Yankee company is an operating utility under FERC jurisdiction; except that, if an appeal is taken from the FERC's decision in Docket Nos. EC90-10-004, ER90-143-004, ER90-144-044, ER90-145-004 and EL90-9-004 directing the elimination of the provision that automatically established th'e Common Equity Rate


                       -15S-of Return after the first ten Contract Years and, as a result, the FERC determines that it will allow an automatic return on common equity adjustment provision for this service, then the Seller shall submit a proposed change in rates with the FERC under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act to amend the Common Equity Rate of Return after the first ten Contract Years to be equal to the average of the returns on common equity then allowed for the Yankee Companies so long as at least one Yankee company is an

operating utility under FERC jurisdiction. (ii) The Preferred Equity Comoonent shall equal (a) a fraction (expressed as a decimal number to four significant places), of which the actual preferred equity of Seller as of the last day of the preceding calendar year shall be the numerator, and the sum of the common equity, preferred equity and long-term debt of Seller as of the last day of the preceding calendar year shall be the denominator, times (b) the Preferred Equity Rate of Return. The Preferred Equity Rate of Return shall be equal to Seller's actual. dollar-weighted cost of preferred. equity, determined in accordance with Section 35.13(h)(22) (State.nent AV - Rate of Return) of the regulations of FERC as in effect at the date of this Agreement.

                         -16S-1 l

i' (iii) The Lono-Term Debt Ccmponent shall equal (a) a fraction (expressed as a decimal number to four l significant places), of which the actual long-term debt, including contingent debt from the date interest accrues, of Seller as of the last day of the preceding calendar year shall be the numerator, and the sum of the common equity, i preferred equity and long-term debt of Seller as j of the last day of the preceding calendar year shall be the denominator, times (b) the Long-Term Debt Rate of Return. The Long-Term Debt Rate of  ! 1 Return shall be equal to Seller's actual dollar-weighted cost of long-term debt, determined in { accordance with Section 35.13(h)(22) (Statement AV - Rate of Return) of the regulations of FERC as in effect at the date of this Agreement. l H. Deferred Caoital Excense. Means an amount calculated as set out below, recovered monthly during the Recovery l Period: l DCE = R x (1 + R)N xp (1 + R)N _ 1 where:


                               -17S-                               l

DCE = the monthly Deferred Capital Expense; I l R = the then-current Weighted Average Return Rate, j l calculated as set out in Section G (net of applicable income tax effects of the Long-Term Debt Component of such rate); N = the number of months remaining in the Recovery Period; and P = the Deferred Capital Balance at the beginning of the month. . The Recovery Period shall begin on the date that is six months after the end of the " fixed rate period" (as that term is defined in the Agreement dated November 22, 1989 between Northeast Utilities Service Company, on behalf of NU, and NH) and shall end on the date that is ten years after the First Effective Date. The Deferred Caoital Balance shall be (1) the sum of the amounts of Investment Return not included in Cost of Service or Termination Costs in each of the first six Contract Years as a I i l 1 i


                                   -1BS-result of applying the Exclusion Percentage, compounded semi-annually by applying the then-current Weighted Average Return Rate to the then-current Deferred Capital Balance, net of (ii) any applicable deferred income taxes.      Beginning on the first day of the Recovery Period, the Deferred Capital Balance will be reduced each month by that portion of the Deferred Capital Expense included in Coat of Service or Termination Costs for such month which represents a return of the Deferred Capital Balance.

I. Income Tax Exnense. Means an amount each month equal to one-twelfth of the amount computed in accordance with the following formula

                      . TE  [EC-(X-A)+DIT + DCE) where:

1-TE TE TE = as previously defined in Section G. X = as previously defined in Section G. A = as previously defined in Section G. EC = the product of the allowable Investment Base times the sum of the Common Equity Component and the Preferred Equity Component; each as defined in Section G.

I 1

                       -195-DIT = annual Deferred Federal and State Income Tax as defined in Section G.

DCE = as previously defined in Section H. J. Other Taxes and Pegg. Means an appropriate allowance for the month to cover any tax on gross revenues, other taxes, or excises not recognized elsewhere in this Agreement, including but not limited to FERC fees which are or may become effective and applicable 1 to the Unit or to the revenues or sales hereunder during the Term, but not including any tax of any kind on operating revenues of Seller derived from sources other than this Agreement l K. Transmission Expense. Means Seller's expenses for such month under the terms of the Transmission Support Agreement dated May 1, 1973, among Public Service Company of New Hampshire, New England Power Company and the Joint Owners, as amended from time to time. L. Proiect Cancellation Costs. Means any and all costs incurred with respect to the cancellation of the Unit, including the net cost of disposition of

                       -20S-nuclear fuel, to the extent not included in Decommissioning Costs.

M. Ot!.>r Excenses. Means any additional charges and expenses incurred by Seller with respect to the Unit which are not covered by items A-L above. O l}}