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OCT 181988 MEPORANDUM FOR:          William Kerr, Chaiman                                                              i Advisory Consnittee on Reactor Safeguards FROM:                  Victor Stello, Jr.                                                                ;
Executive Director for Operations
-                                              This is in response to your letter of September 14, 1988 to Chaiman Zech in the matter of the proposed restart of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.                                      ,
The staff acknuwiedges and appreciates the wide ranging review of the issues extant as Pilgrim is being cons Hered for restart. In par ^.icular, we wish to                            ,
respond to your coments on the station blackout rule as it applies to Pilgrim,                            :
the torus vent, and the current status of corrective actions for inadequacies in offsite emergency plans identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The Station Blackout Rule (and associated Regulatory Guide 1.155) requires that plants be capable of withstanding a total loss of generated ac power                                  -
(excludes inverter-produced ac). The current status of this issue for Pilgrim (and all plants) is that licensees are engaged in the preparation and submittal of an analysis of their plant design as it re!ates to factors identified as the main contributors to the risk of core melting. This submittal is required by April 17, 1989. Subsequent to veceiving the Boston Edison submittal, the staff will prepare a Pilgrim Safety Evaluation Report having implementation dates for                            !
specific actions based on Pilgrim's ability to cope with station blackout.
1-1 As you note in your letter, the hardened torus vent path is a generic issue for all Mark I primary containments. The staff review of this item is in                                  l 1                                              prooress and the ACRS will be kept apprised of the results of this review,                                b Regarding emergercy planning, Boston Edison has been working closely with                                  !
local officials and the Conronwealth of Massachusetts to correct the FEMA identified emergency planning deficiencies. Substantial progress has been                                ,
made in correctino these deficiencies. A status sumary is enclosed.                                        j j
If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Original signe3 ty                                            j
-l                                                                                          Vict er St r U -                                            l Victor Stello, Jr.                                              [
l Executive Director for Operations                n              [
(; M.. y  -                        !
As stated I  'l    !
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  ; DATE : 10/)V /88 jUPPICIA . RtWND CUPT
DISTRIBUTION FOR YELLOW TICKET NO. 0889182 Docket File NRC POR w/ incoming Local PDR w/ incoming S. Yarga (14E4)
B. Boger V.Stello(17D19)                                                  ,
EDO Reading T. Murley/J. Sniezek 12G18)                                      -
R. Wessman D. Mcdonald w/ incoming                                        i M. Rushbrook D. Mossburg, PMAS (12G16)
J. Taylor (17G13)
J. Hoyle (16G15)
E. Beckjord (NLOO7)
H. Therapson (6A4)
E. Jordan (PNCB 3302)
W. Russell, RI J. Murray (15B18)
EDO 3991 VStello Chaiman's Office                                                i i
      . s i
i j                            Pilgrim Offsite Essergency Planning Issues Status I
A nunber of emergency preparec' ness (EP) issues have been raised since the Pilgrim plant was shutdown in April of 1986. As a result of its self-initiated review (SIR) of the overall state of emergency preparedness at              !
Pilgrim, the Federal Emergency Managen.ent Agency (FEMA) identified (August l          1987) six areas of major concern in the emergency plans for the Pilgrim ten-mile emergency planning zone (EPZ).* Although separate from the technical and        !
:                                                                                              l
.          managenent issues which initiated plant shutdown by the licensee and NRC Con-
!          firmatory Action Letters, the NRC has indicated that the progress towards i                                                                                              ;
resolution of these issues will be considered by the agency as a part of a decision on Pilgrim restart.        Specifically the six significant emergency pre- !
paredness issues identified by FEMA are sunnarized below:                          \
,                                                                                              i i
: 1. Lack of evacuation plans for public and private schools and            ,
day-care centers.                                                      I i
4                2. Lack of a reception center for people evacuating to the North.        l
: 3. Lack of identifiable shelters for the beach population.                !
i                                                                                            l l                4. Inadequate planning for the evacuation of the special needs population.
l                5. Inadequate planning for the evacuation of the transportation-          i dependent population.                                                  l
: 6. Overall lack of progress in planning and apparent diminution in        !'
j                      erergency preparedness.
i 1
          *As a result of the specific issues identified in the existing Com onwealth ano i            local offsite emergency plans, FEMA withdrew (8/87) its interim adequacy finding  ,
i          on offsite er.ergency preparedness for Pilgrim. The adequacy finding en Common-  !
j            wealth and local response planning was issued by FEMA in Septenter 1982.
l I
s 2
The staff has been carrying out an engoing assessment of progress towards
;        resolving these issues. In evaluating the current status of emergency plan-ning, the NRC staff has reviewed the revised emergency plans and implementing procedures, available to the NRC staff, which have been developed through cooperative efforts by the utility, and Comonwealth and local governcents.
NRC staff efforts also included discussions with FEPA Region I staff, Comn.onwealth emergency planning officials and Boston Edison representatives, in addition, NRC ReCion I and Headquarters staff have made several visits to the site area to observe limited demonstrations, asssociated with emergency worker training, of evacuation plans for schools and day care centers, the transportation-dependent population and the special-needs population.
Considerable progress has been made in drafting plans and procedures for the plunie exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ) and reception center comunities to correct the FEttA-identified issues (Issues hos.1, 4 and 5).
The draft revised plans for all seven of the EPZ (5) and reception center (2) comunities have been submitted by the Comonwealth for inferral technical review by FEttA. FEMA and the hRC nreber of the Regional Assistance Comittee (RAC) have reviewed and corrented on the dr f t plans submitted by the Common-wealth for the EPZ consunities of Plypouth, Kingston, Carver and Duxbury, and the reception center corrunities of Taunton and Bridgewater. The FEMA coments, as well as adoitional ccc:nents from the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency (NCCA),
have been incorporated intc the plans and procedures orefted for these towns as                                  ,
well as the remaining EPZ comunity of Marshfielo. The status of the plans is                                    l suma*ized as follows:
: 1. Marshfield - the draf t Plan, Implementing Procedures (IPs) and Shelter Implementation Program were authorized by the Selectmen for submittal and have been forwarded to MCDA and transmitted to FEHA for review.
: 2. Taunton - the draf t Plan and Imslenenting Procedures were authorized by the Mayor for submittal and lave been forwarded to MCDA and trans.
mitted to FEMA for review.
: 3. Duxbury - all docurents are complete except for two IPs. These are in draft form and have been sent to the town planning connittee for review prior to submission to MCDA.
4    Plymouth - all documents are complete except for three IPs. These are in draft form and have been sent to the town planning committee for review prior to submission to MCDA.
: 5. Kingston - all documents are complete and were authorized by the                                    ;
Selectmen for subraittal to MCDA.                                                                  ;
.                          6. Carver - all docurents are cceplete and were authorized by the Select-men for submittal to MCDA.
: 7. Bridgewater - the draf t Plan and Irplementing Procedures were authorized by the Selectmen for submittal and have been forwarced to !!CDA and transmitted to FEMA for review.
The revised plans and procedures include; 1) identification of schocls, day.
4 care centers, the special needs population and the transportation-dependent population; 2) detailed evacuation procedures for these populations and 3)identificationoftransportationresources.          In support of the revised plans                            i and procedures, BECO has developed an evacuation time estimate (ETE) and traffic management plan update for the 10-mile EPZ which was submitted to FERA by the Correnwealth in I cch 1988 for review.        The ETE study was further updated and distributeo to the local planners and MCDA on August 26, 1986.                            BECO is also developing, for submittal to MCDA, a traffic management plan for certain areas beyond the EPZ.
i 4
In addition to the local plans, the revision of the MCDA Area !! emergency plan *                                              !
I and procedures and the revision of the Coninonwealth's state-wide plan emergency plan" and procedures which support local plans are essentially complete. The                                                    f MCDA Area !! plan has been transmitted by the Consnonwealth to FEMA for informal                                                  l technical review. The state-wide plan remains to be submitted by the Conven-wealth to FEMA for review, i
l l                                                                                                    Thus far the plans submitted by the Conanonwealth to FEMA have been submitted                                                    (
3 I                                                                                                  for "informal technical review." The Comonwealth while participating in the                                                      !
I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    i j                                                                                                    revised plan developnent process continues to characterize all of the revised                                                    i 1
i                                                                                                    plans as "draft'.                    In correspondence with the Co monwealth dated March 30, 1988 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    r j                                                                                                    and August 22, 1988 FEMA has recognized the progress being r.ade in improving                                                    {
\                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .
!                                                                                                  emergency plans for Pilgrim and has encouraged the developrent, by the Comon-                                                    :
i                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    !
wealth, of a schedule indirmting Comonwealth milestones for completing the i
)                                                                                                    overall planning process. The Coninonwealth has not yet indicated when revised                                                  !
.1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    !
A plans will be formally submitted to FEMA.                                                                                        l 4
I j                                                                                                    The revised plans and procedures for the EPZ and reception center towns are in                                                  l l
sufficiently final fcrm that training is being conducted in accordance with e                                                  !
I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I
* The MCOA Area !! Plan provides for coordination of response among EPZ and                                                    [
]                                                                                                                        reception center corrunities, and details hew State resources should be                                    i requested and provided to support local response.                                                          (
;                                                                                                    **The State Radiological Er.ergency Response Plan details overall coordination                                                  !
;                                                                                                                        of emergency response, the cuties of State agencies in support of local                                    !
response, and the relationships with Federal agencies and adjacent States.                                  ;
i                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I d
l 3
I 5-                                                                                          ,
9 training program approved by the Commonwealth. Almost all of the training                                                                                  ,
modules and lesson plans have been prepared, and training of emergency response personnel by Connonwealth certified instructors is well underway. General over-                                                                            [
'                                                                                                                                                                r l
View training has been conducted for many offsite organizations, and specific                                                                              !
1                                                                                                                                                              ;
training is being conducted including training for transportation providers.                                                                              l The NRC staff has reviewed the trM aing program, including the individual lesson plans, and has observed the training of bus and anbulance drivers from companies                                                                          j l    providing transportation for schools and daycare centers, special-needs popula-                                                                            I
  !    tion and transportation-dependent persons. The training includes use of                                                                                    I l    dosimetry and route maps, and travel on the actual routes to be used in an emer-                                                                          [
gency. The training program is currently ongoing and most erergency response                                                                              [
personnel are expected to be fully trained in their response duties by the end I                                                                                                                                                              f of the year.                                                                                                                                              ;
Regarding Issue No. 2, lack of a reception center for people evacuating to                                                                                j 1
the north, the Connonwealth has tentatively designated a state-run facility in                                                                            l the town of Wellesley as the northern reception center and is currently con-ducting a feasibility study to determine if the facility is suitable for a                                                                                [
s reception center. This study is expected to be completed in several weeks and,
!      if the results of the study are favorable, the Commonwealth has indicated that I                                                                                                                                                                i it will undertake capital improvements and procedure developa.ent. As a                                                                                    l i
I i
related matter, Boston Edison has perforned an analysis that concludes that
  ;    theexistingtworeceptioncenters(TsuntonandBriogewater),withappropriate renovations and additional equipment, have the capability to suppurt an evacua-                                                                            l tion tron the EPZ. The Ccanonwealth has not yet authorized these improverents
)      and has indicated that it will pursue developeent of a third reception center.
3 i
6-Regarding Issue No. 3, lack of identifiable shelters for the beach population.        l FEMA in a letter to the Cosa.onwealth dated August 22, 1968, reiterated its          t i
position, supported by the hRC, that "a range of protective actions" could be satisfied by evacuation alone for the beach population. The FEMA position on shelteis for the beach population was developed subsequent to the issuance of FEKA's Pilgrim report in August 1967. Thus the issue of shelters for the beach        l
;      population has been reinoved as a concern by FEMA. Prior to this determination,      [
i BECO completed a shelter survey and developed a shelter implan,entation program, including shelter identification, letters of agreeinent, M4 shelter procedures.      I BECO has indicated that FEMA's position notwithstanding, it will continue it's        !
f shelter program for the beach population.                                            !
1 l
Issue No. 6, overall lack of progress and support in emergency preparedness,          j is being resolved by the progress b2ing made in correcting the other specific        !
l FEMA-identified issues including the developn.ent of revised State plans.            l i
In suer..ary, the NRC review of the status of einergency preparedness at Pilgrim      ;
i indicates that while all tasks have not been completed, progress is being made
;      toward resolving the issues identified by FEMA in their August 1987 report, in j      particular, significant progress has been rade in improving the en.ergency plans and procedures for schools and day care centers and for the special-needs and        f transportation-dependent populations in the EPZ. The development of these            i i
plans ano procedures, in conjunction with the training program directed towatc        j the transportation providers responsible for evacuating school children and the special needs and transportation-dependent populations, indicates that the off-        ,
I l
e 7
site response plans include reasures to protect these sensithe groups. Tho hRC plans to continue to assess the progress made toward fully resolving the FEhA-identified issues in offsite preparedness.
Regarding the scheduling of an exercise, Boston Edison was grantea an exemption from conducting a full-participation exercise because ongoing improvement                                                                                                .
efforts in the offsite response plans were not complete. A full-participation energency preparact.ess exercise will be required to be conducteo, in accordance with the regulations, upon the completion and subo.ittal of the revised plans and procedures by the Cocur. wealth to FEMA.
i 6
FEMA ISSUE 5UET55UE                        ISSUE                                    STATUS OF CORRECTIVE ACTIOh5*
No.1          Private schools and daycare centers not            Plans and relevant procedures now contain lists which K!T-          identified in town plans.                          have been reviewed for accuracy by locals and Common-wealth.
No.1          Plans and procedures needed for above with        Plans and procedures in place for schools and daycare k.2            resources for evacuating children and staff.      centers. Evacuation arranged including notification, buses and maintenance of transportation requirements.
No.1          Plans and procedures needed for early dismissal    Plans describe early transfer of students before PAR K!3~          and evacuation of schools and daycare centers.      for general population.
No.1          Letters of Agreement needed for transportation    Total transportation required has been determined. LOAs K!4~          providers,                                        have been signed between contract and non-contract trans-portation providers and Boston Edison in excess of minimum number required. MCDA has yet to agree to the details of these arrangements.
No.1          Drivers must be trained as emergency workers.      Drivers are being trained in 1) Intro to Radiation.
A.S                                                                2) Intro to Emergency Response. 3) Intro to Transpor-tation. 4) School Van / Bus Driver and 5) Dosimetry training modules and "hands-on" training.
No.2          Reception center to replace Hanover.                Bosten Edison's "Reception Center Feasibility Analysis" ETT-                                                              stated two centers are adequate subject to renovations.
MCDA has not yet authorized these renovations. The town of Wellesley is being evaluated by the Commonwealth as a northern reception center location.
* The corrective actions cescribed have been provided by Boston Edison Company. The corrective actions listed have been verified on an audit basis by NRC through review of FEMA coms.ents. independent review of plans and procedures, discussions with Commonwealth of ficials, and by site visits / observation of training. For subissue C.4. the status of the LOAs has not been verified. For subissue F.2 only the MCDA Area 11 plan has been reviewed. For subissue F.4 the status of the tull PIB has not been verified. Corrective action for subissue F.5 has not been verified by NRC staff.
FEMA ISSUE                                                                                                                      ~
5UUI55UE                          ISSUE                                    STATUS OF CORRECTIVE ACTIONS No.2            Plans and procedures needed to register and        Plans and procedures have been developed.
B~T            monitor evacuees.
No.32          U: dated geographical description of beaches      "Pilgrim EPZ Public Beach Population Analysis" T              c.J their capacity.                                contains requested information. Inform '. ion incor-porated into plans and procedures for evacuating and sheltering beach population.
tio.32        Detailed analysis of beach population.            Above report contains requested information. Infor-E!2--                                                            mation incorporated into plans and procedures.
No.32          Updated estimate of time to evacuate beaches.      The revised ETE provides times for evacuating EPZ C.3                                                              sections encompassing the beaches.
No.32          List of capacities and distances for shelters      "Shelter Implementation Program Susanaries" contain C.4 -          for beaches.                                      available shelters and capacities for each beach.
LOAs have been signed, tone alert radios provided and procedures developed.
C.3*          Shelters not open to the public. =ust be          Shelter Implementation Program provides signs on CT5-          accessible.                                        beaches. EBS messages, route alerting to shelters.
progr.m to open facilities and beach evacuation before general population.
No.4          Procedures to identify mobiitty impaired          Plans and procedures have been developed to maintain D.1            and maintain current information.                  special needs information.
No.4          Resources for mobility impaired.                  Sufficient transportatian reso6rces have been arranged.
DT 1
I o Issue of shelters f or beach population has been eliminated as a c:mcern by FEMA in a letter to the Commonwealth dated August 22. 1988 in which FEMA stated that a "range of protective actions" could be satisfied by evacuation alone for beach population.
FEMA ISSUE                                                                                                              ~
50BT55UE                  ISSUE                              STATUS OF COItRECTIVE ACTIDIIS                      ,
No.4    1.etters of agreement for above resources. Letters of agreement have been signed between transpor-F.T                                                  tation providers and Boston Edison. MCDA has yet to agree to the details of these arrrangements.
No.5    Plans and procedures for transportation    ETE contains population numbers. Plans and procedures U        dependent population including number of    have been developed.
No.5    Resources for trar.sporation dependent. Sufficient transporation resources have been arranged.
W No.5    Letters of agreement for above resources. Letters of agreement have been signed between trans E.T                                                portation providers and Boston Edison. MCDA has yet to agree to tt.e details of these arrangements.
No.6    Failure to correct problems from a) 1981    Cross-reference tables have been prepared noting the U      PAC review, b) 1962 RAC review, c) 3/3/82  plans sections and procedures that address each out-exercise, d) 6/19/83 exercise and e) 9/5/85 standing issue as summarized in a 10/30/85 letter exercise.                                    to the Cosmonwealth.
No.6    Commonwealth has not updated plan or        Plans for state-wide and MCDA Area II have been developed E      notified FEMA annually of changes.          and the Area II plan has been forwarded to FEMA.
No.6    No implementation of training.              Training program developed and approved. Training F.T                                                  is ongoing.
No.6    Inadequate public and media information.    "Interim Public Information Brochure" disseminated.
Final issues for full PIB in process.
7 No.6    No Annual Letters of Certification for      Development of annual letter of certification to be T.T      1965 and 1986.                              addressed in the upgraded EP program.
No.6    Commonwealth representatives have stated    Cosmonwealth continues to state that plans are inade-W      that State and local plans are inadequate. quate, but officials have cooperated in improvement of EP at Pilgrim.
* ISSUE                                                                                                                                                                                      -
5UBT55UE                                                                                              ISSUE          STATUS OF ColtitECTIVE ACTIOfts                                      ,
16 0 . 6                                  Commonwealth representatives have been                            Commonwealth officials have participated in EP F 7-                                      unable to answer questions from public and                        improvement efforts. peCDA-approved training is being conducted for Consonwealth and local officials.                                  '
16 0 . 6 T                                        KI policy not clearly stated for institution-                    K! policy for institutionalized pecple has been 411 zed people.                                                  esti.blished by MCDA Massachusetts Department of                                        (
Public Health, Boston Edison and local of ficials.
Plans and procedures describing a ministration have                                    [
been developed.
l l
l l
og                          UNITED STATES a  rop action I \ , .,g    j              NUCLEAR REGULATCRY COMMISSION Cys: Stello
{,            a          ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS o                                    w AssiNoToN, D. C. 20S$5                          T lor g
            .....                                                                            Beckjord, RES September 14, 1988                    Thompson, NMSS Jordan, AE00 Russell, RI Murray, OGC Files The Honorable Lando W. Zech, Jr.
Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D.C. 20555
==Dear Chairinan Zech:==
PROPOSED RESTART OF THE PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATION During the 341st reeting of the Advisory Cemittee on Reactor Safe-guards, September 8-10, 19E8, we reviewed the proposed testart of the i Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. Members of the Comitiee visited the                            '
plant on August 25, 1555, and a reeting of our subcomittee on Pilgrim Restart was held in Plyrouth, Massachusetts, with represen-tatives of Boston Edison Corpany and the NRC staff on August 26, 1988. Durirg our 341st meeting, we had further discussions with nembers of the NRC staff and with representatives of the Boston Uison Company.      We received coments from representatives of the governments of the Corr onwealth of Passachusetts and nearby loca-lities, as well as individuals.          We also had the benefit of the ccuments referenced.
By the time of de Pilgrim plant shutdown in April of 1986, the NRC staff had developed serious reservations about the managetent of the                          t plant. We therefore gave special attention to this issue. More than half of the upper and middle level managerent personnel of the plant have been replaced since the plant last operated. The new management                          l group is made up of people of derenstrated competence. A new vice president with responsibility for Bcston Edison's nuclear power program was employed about a year ago.          He has assembled a team whose rubers have a variety of experience in naval and comercial nuclear power plant operation. We are favorably impressed by their creden-tials and by the changes in the physical plant and the organizational approach to operation that has occurred since the new group has been in place. Although there is a preponderance of navy as contrasted with comercial nuclear power plant experience, we found no reason for concern in the backgrounds of the present teem and in the ap-proach to ranagement and to operation that has been inaugurated.
l 4 l'9 89Q9920ft*
  ,.- g The Honorable Lcndo W. Zech, Jr.                  Septenber 14, 1988 Those r.:er.bers of the Committee who toured the plant were favorably impressed with decentamination of the plant which has occurred, with the way in which the operational staff is organized, and with the way in which operation and maintenance were being performed.
We also examined a number of systens that have been installed in an                              -
effort to improve the plant's and the operational staff's capability to avoid and to rnitigate the consequences of severe accidents.
During our visit to the training center, we observed the operation of the simulator that has been installed since plant shutdown. It is a modern and versatile system, and appears to have been effectively integrated into their training program.      Its capabilities are being used to train the operational staff in the application of the newly installed systems mentiened above. The sitroletor can be expected to have a marked positive influence on the readiness of the operational staff to deal with both norral and off-normal events.
Eecause of the history of weather-related loss of off-site power at this site, an assured source of emergency power or a demonstrated capability to provide errergency cooling in the absence of electric power is of special importance for the Pilgrim plant.          Since the shutdctn, a nurber of features have been added that contribute to increased safety of the plant. Arrong these are an additional emer-gency diesel generator and a system that permits water from the fire protection syster to be made available to the decay heat removal system. These added features should decrease the risk associated with the loss of electric power.      However, we are not sure, and the    ]
staff and licensee are not certain, that the plant systems now satisfy the statien blackout rule. We recomend that the staff give ! M-particular attention to this item as the rule is being irplewnted.      j' We understand that use of the hardened vent, for relieving possible torus overpressure during a seve e accident, will be reviewed by the hPC staff as a generic issue for all Mark I containrents.      We intend to review the matter in that context.          ,
A report, dated August 5, 1987, from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, states that tre Emerger cy Plan whir.h existed at the tine of plant shutdown has a rurber of inadequacies. Inforration provided to us indicates that s'gnificant progress has been made in correcting these deficiercies. We reco ..end that be' ore startup is approved, a c_learly definea program for early correction of these inadequacies be    i)/
available and be apprcved by the hF.C staff.
      ..      ,e
              .      The Honorable Lando W. Zech, Jr.                    September 14, 1988 We believe that, subject to the comments above, restart of the Pilgrim plant will not lead to undue risk to the public health and safety.
Sincerely, William Kerr Chaiman
: 1. NRC Confirratory Action Letter to Boston Edison Company dated April 12, 1986 and Supplementary Confimatory Action Letter dated August 27, 1986
: 2. NRC Memorandum dated July 27, 1988 transmitting Systematic Assess-ment of Licensee Performance (SALP) Board Report No. 50-293/87-99
: 3. Mercrandum dated June 17, 1987 from W. Russell, Regional Adminis-trator, NRC, to R. Bird, Boston Edison Company, trarsmitting Systeratic Assessrent of Licensee Perfomence (SALP) Report No.
: 4. Memorandum dated l'ay 23, 1986 from T. Murley, Regional Admini3tra-tor, hRC, to W. Harrington, Boston Edison Company, trarsmitting Systerratic Assessrent of Licensee Perforrrance (SALP) Report No.
: 5. Memorardum dated September 7. 1908 from T. Martin;, NPC Region 1 Office, to k.. Bird, Besten Edison Con.pany
Pilgrim Kuclear Pover Station Fcwer A0cension Program
: 6. Memorandum dated September 7,1988 from S. Collins. .iRC Region !
Office, to R. Bird. Boston Edison Cocpany, transmitting NRC Region
                            ! Inspectien Report No. 50-293/88-21, Integrated Assessrent Team Inspection
: 7. Memoranda dated May 17, 1988 and July 22, 1988 from R. Gallo NRC Region 1 Office, to R. Bird, Boston Edison Company,
Inspection No. 50-293/88-11
: 8. Memorandum dated December 31, 1986 from W. Kane, NRC Region 1 Office to J. Lydon, Boston Edison Company, Subject        Management l'c e ting 50/293/86-4
: 9. Boston Edison Company, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, ACRS Brief-ing books dated August 2,1988:
Volure 1. "htroduction and Restart Plan "
Volurte 2, "Appendices to Restart Plan,"
Volume 3, "Self-Assessrnent of Readiness for Restart,"
Volune 4 "Pewer Ascension Progritm (PAP),"
Volutte 5. "Safety Enhancement Program (SEP)"
The Henorable Lando W Zech, Jr.                    September 14, 1988
: 10. Testimony dated August 26, 1988 of Representative Lawrence R.
Alexander, House Chairman of Massachusetts' Joint Comittee on Energy to the Advisory Comittee on Reactor Safeguards
: 11. Staterrent dated August 26, 1988 of Dougles Hadfield, Director, Civil Defense for the Town of Plyriouth, before the ACRS, at Memor-ta' Hall, Plymouth, Massachusetts                                      '
: 12. Press Release dated August 26, 1988 by Steven Cemley representing "Ve the People, Inc."
: 13. Statement dated Aucust 26, 19E6 by J. Kriesbero, Research Director, Passachusetts Citizens for Safe Erergy to the ACRS Hearin9 on the Restart of the Filgrin Nuclear Plant 14  "Questien for inclusion in Corgressional Record of January 7,1968 Hearing on the Restart of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant * (un-dated); Submitted to Ad Hoc Subcomittee on Pilgrim Restart at its August 26, 1965 meeting
: 15. Testinony dated September 7, 1980 of Representative Lawrence R.
Alexander, Heuse Chairtran of Massachusetts' Joint Comittee on Energy, to the Advisory Comittee en Reactor Safeguards
: 16. Letter dated September 6, 1987 from C. Barry, Secretary of Public 56fety Correr. wealth of Massachusetts, to W. Kerr, Chairman, ACRS regardingreadiness(torestart]ofPilgrimStation
: 17. Memorandum dated August 6,1987 from R. Krim, FEMA, to F. Congel, NRC, transmitting: "Report of Self-Initiated Review and Interim Finding [ofoff-siteemergencyplanning]forthePilgrimNuclear Pewer Station," dated August 4, 1987
: 18. Report dated Decer.her 16, 1986 er, titled, "Feport to the Governor en Emergency Preparedrtss for an Accident at the Nigrim Nuclear Power Stetion" and Supplemental Report dated December 1987, submitted by C. V. Barry, Secretary of Public Safety, Commonwealth of Masscchusetts l  l ff a
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Latest revision as of 02:48, 30 December 2020

Responds to ACRS 880914 Review of Proposed Restart of Plant. Responses to Comments on Station Blackout Rule,Torus Vent & Current Status of Corrective Actions for Inadequacies in Emergency Plans Identified by FEMA Provided
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 10/18/1988
From: Stello V
To: Kerr W
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
RTR-REGGD-01.155, RTR-REGGD-1.155 NUDOCS 8810270094
Download: ML20205D292 (13)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .__ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ -

.., .~', .

OCT 181988 MEPORANDUM FOR: William Kerr, Chaiman i Advisory Consnittee on Reactor Safeguards FROM: Victor Stello, Jr.  ;

Executive Director for Operations



- This is in response to your letter of September 14, 1988 to Chaiman Zech in the matter of the proposed restart of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. ,

The staff acknuwiedges and appreciates the wide ranging review of the issues extant as Pilgrim is being cons Hered for restart. In par ^.icular, we wish to ,

respond to your coments on the station blackout rule as it applies to Pilgrim,  :

the torus vent, and the current status of corrective actions for inadequacies in offsite emergency plans identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

The Station Blackout Rule (and associated Regulatory Guide 1.155) requires that plants be capable of withstanding a total loss of generated ac power -

(excludes inverter-produced ac). The current status of this issue for Pilgrim (and all plants) is that licensees are engaged in the preparation and submittal of an analysis of their plant design as it re!ates to factors identified as the main contributors to the risk of core melting. This submittal is required by April 17, 1989. Subsequent to veceiving the Boston Edison submittal, the staff will prepare a Pilgrim Safety Evaluation Report having implementation dates for  !

specific actions based on Pilgrim's ability to cope with station blackout.

1-1 As you note in your letter, the hardened torus vent path is a generic issue for all Mark I primary containments. The staff review of this item is in l 1 prooress and the ACRS will be kept apprised of the results of this review, b Regarding emergercy planning, Boston Edison has been working closely with  !

local officials and the Conronwealth of Massachusetts to correct the FEMA identified emergency planning deficiencies. Substantial progress has been ,

made in correctino these deficiencies. A status sumary is enclosed. j j

If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Original signe3 ty j

-l Vict er St r U - l Victor Stello, Jr. [

l Executive Director for Operations n [



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DISTRIBUTION FOR YELLOW TICKET NO. 0889182 Docket File NRC POR w/ incoming Local PDR w/ incoming S. Yarga (14E4)

B. Boger V.Stello(17D19) ,

EDO Reading T. Murley/J. Sniezek 12G18) -


R. Wessman D. Mcdonald w/ incoming i M. Rushbrook D. Mossburg, PMAS (12G16)

J. Taylor (17G13)

J. Hoyle (16G15)

E. Beckjord (NLOO7)

H. Therapson (6A4)

E. Jordan (PNCB 3302)

W. Russell, RI J. Murray (15B18)

EDO 3991 VStello Chaiman's Office i i

. s i

i j Pilgrim Offsite Essergency Planning Issues Status I


A nunber of emergency preparec' ness (EP) issues have been raised since the Pilgrim plant was shutdown in April of 1986. As a result of its self-initiated review (SIR) of the overall state of emergency preparedness at  !

Pilgrim, the Federal Emergency Managen.ent Agency (FEMA) identified (August l 1987) six areas of major concern in the emergency plans for the Pilgrim ten-mile emergency planning zone (EPZ).* Although separate from the technical and  !


. managenent issues which initiated plant shutdown by the licensee and NRC Con-

! firmatory Action Letters, the NRC has indicated that the progress towards i  ;

resolution of these issues will be considered by the agency as a part of a decision on Pilgrim restart. Specifically the six significant emergency pre- !

paredness issues identified by FEMA are sunnarized below: \

, i i

1. Lack of evacuation plans for public and private schools and ,

day-care centers. I i

4 2. Lack of a reception center for people evacuating to the North. l

3. Lack of identifiable shelters for the beach population.  !

i l l 4. Inadequate planning for the evacuation of the special needs population.

l 5. Inadequate planning for the evacuation of the transportation- i dependent population. l

6. Overall lack of progress in planning and apparent diminution in  !'

j erergency preparedness.

i 1

  • As a result of the specific issues identified in the existing Com onwealth ano i local offsite emergency plans, FEMA withdrew (8/87) its interim adequacy finding ,

i on offsite er.ergency preparedness for Pilgrim. The adequacy finding en Common-  !

j wealth and local response planning was issued by FEMA in Septenter 1982.

l I

s 2

The staff has been carrying out an engoing assessment of progress towards

resolving these issues. In evaluating the current status of emergency plan-ning, the NRC staff has reviewed the revised emergency plans and implementing procedures, available to the NRC staff, which have been developed through cooperative efforts by the utility, and Comonwealth and local governcents.

NRC staff efforts also included discussions with FEPA Region I staff, Comn.onwealth emergency planning officials and Boston Edison representatives, in addition, NRC ReCion I and Headquarters staff have made several visits to the site area to observe limited demonstrations, asssociated with emergency worker training, of evacuation plans for schools and day care centers, the transportation-dependent population and the special-needs population.

Considerable progress has been made in drafting plans and procedures for the plunie exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ) and reception center comunities to correct the FEttA-identified issues (Issues hos.1, 4 and 5).

The draft revised plans for all seven of the EPZ (5) and reception center (2) comunities have been submitted by the Comonwealth for inferral technical review by FEttA. FEMA and the hRC nreber of the Regional Assistance Comittee (RAC) have reviewed and corrented on the dr f t plans submitted by the Common-wealth for the EPZ consunities of Plypouth, Kingston, Carver and Duxbury, and the reception center corrunities of Taunton and Bridgewater. The FEMA coments, as well as adoitional ccc:nents from the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency (NCCA),

have been incorporated intc the plans and procedures orefted for these towns as ,

well as the remaining EPZ comunity of Marshfielo. The status of the plans is l suma*ized as follows:


1. Marshfield - the draf t Plan, Implementing Procedures (IPs) and Shelter Implementation Program were authorized by the Selectmen for submittal and have been forwarded to MCDA and transmitted to FEHA for review.
2. Taunton - the draf t Plan and Imslenenting Procedures were authorized by the Mayor for submittal and lave been forwarded to MCDA and trans.

mitted to FEMA for review.

3. Duxbury - all docurents are complete except for two IPs. These are in draft form and have been sent to the town planning connittee for review prior to submission to MCDA.

4 Plymouth - all documents are complete except for three IPs. These are in draft form and have been sent to the town planning committee for review prior to submission to MCDA.

5. Kingston - all documents are complete and were authorized by the  ;

Selectmen for subraittal to MCDA.  ;

. 6. Carver - all docurents are cceplete and were authorized by the Select-men for submittal to MCDA.

7. Bridgewater - the draf t Plan and Irplementing Procedures were authorized by the Selectmen for submittal and have been forwarced to !!CDA and transmitted to FEMA for review.

The revised plans and procedures include; 1) identification of schocls, day.

4 care centers, the special needs population and the transportation-dependent population; 2) detailed evacuation procedures for these populations and 3)identificationoftransportationresources. In support of the revised plans i and procedures, BECO has developed an evacuation time estimate (ETE) and traffic management plan update for the 10-mile EPZ which was submitted to FERA by the Correnwealth in I cch 1988 for review. The ETE study was further updated and distributeo to the local planners and MCDA on August 26, 1986. BECO is also developing, for submittal to MCDA, a traffic management plan for certain areas beyond the EPZ.


i 4

In addition to the local plans, the revision of the MCDA Area !! emergency plan *  !

I and procedures and the revision of the Coninonwealth's state-wide plan emergency plan" and procedures which support local plans are essentially complete. The f MCDA Area !! plan has been transmitted by the Consnonwealth to FEMA for informal l technical review. The state-wide plan remains to be submitted by the Conven-wealth to FEMA for review, i

l l Thus far the plans submitted by the Conanonwealth to FEMA have been submitted (

3 I for "informal technical review." The Comonwealth while participating in the  !

I i j revised plan developnent process continues to characterize all of the revised i 1

i plans as "draft'. In correspondence with the Co monwealth dated March 30, 1988 1 r j and August 22, 1988 FEMA has recognized the progress being r.ade in improving {

\ .

! emergency plans for Pilgrim and has encouraged the developrent, by the Comon-  :

i  !

wealth, of a schedule indirmting Comonwealth milestones for completing the i


) overall planning process. The Coninonwealth has not yet indicated when revised  !

.1  !

A plans will be formally submitted to FEMA. l 4

I j The revised plans and procedures for the EPZ and reception center towns are in l l

sufficiently final fcrm that training is being conducted in accordance with e  !


  • The MCOA Area !! Plan provides for coordination of response among EPZ and [

] reception center corrunities, and details hew State resources should be i requested and provided to support local response. (


**The State Radiological Er.ergency Response Plan details overall coordination  !
of emergency response, the cuties of State agencies in support of local  !

response, and the relationships with Federal agencies and adjacent States.  ;

i I d

l 3


I 5- ,

9 training program approved by the Commonwealth. Almost all of the training ,

modules and lesson plans have been prepared, and training of emergency response personnel by Connonwealth certified instructors is well underway. General over- [

' r l

View training has been conducted for many offsite organizations, and specific  !

1  ;

training is being conducted including training for transportation providers. l The NRC staff has reviewed the trM aing program, including the individual lesson plans, and has observed the training of bus and anbulance drivers from companies j l providing transportation for schools and daycare centers, special-needs popula- I

! tion and transportation-dependent persons. The training includes use of I l dosimetry and route maps, and travel on the actual routes to be used in an emer- [

gency. The training program is currently ongoing and most erergency response [

personnel are expected to be fully trained in their response duties by the end I f of the year.  ;

Regarding Issue No. 2, lack of a reception center for people evacuating to j 1

the north, the Connonwealth has tentatively designated a state-run facility in l the town of Wellesley as the northern reception center and is currently con-ducting a feasibility study to determine if the facility is suitable for a [

s reception center. This study is expected to be completed in several weeks and,

! if the results of the study are favorable, the Commonwealth has indicated that I i it will undertake capital improvements and procedure developa.ent. As a l i

I i

related matter, Boston Edison has perforned an analysis that concludes that

theexistingtworeceptioncenters(TsuntonandBriogewater),withappropriate renovations and additional equipment, have the capability to suppurt an evacua- l tion tron the EPZ. The Ccanonwealth has not yet authorized these improverents

) and has indicated that it will pursue developeent of a third reception center.

3 i

6-Regarding Issue No. 3, lack of identifiable shelters for the beach population. l FEMA in a letter to the Cosa.onwealth dated August 22, 1968, reiterated its t i

position, supported by the hRC, that "a range of protective actions" could be satisfied by evacuation alone for the beach population. The FEMA position on shelteis for the beach population was developed subsequent to the issuance of FEKA's Pilgrim report in August 1967. Thus the issue of shelters for the beach l

population has been reinoved as a concern by FEMA. Prior to this determination, [

i BECO completed a shelter survey and developed a shelter implan,entation program, including shelter identification, letters of agreeinent, M4 shelter procedures. I BECO has indicated that FEMA's position notwithstanding, it will continue it's  !

f shelter program for the beach population.  !

1 l

Issue No. 6, overall lack of progress and support in emergency preparedness, j is being resolved by the progress b2ing made in correcting the other specific  !

l FEMA-identified issues including the developn.ent of revised State plans. l i

In suer..ary, the NRC review of the status of einergency preparedness at Pilgrim  ;

i indicates that while all tasks have not been completed, progress is being made

toward resolving the issues identified by FEMA in their August 1987 report, in j particular, significant progress has been rade in improving the en.ergency plans and procedures for schools and day care centers and for the special-needs and f transportation-dependent populations in the EPZ. The development of these i i

plans ano procedures, in conjunction with the training program directed towatc j the transportation providers responsible for evacuating school children and the special needs and transportation-dependent populations, indicates that the off- ,

I l

e 7

site response plans include reasures to protect these sensithe groups. Tho hRC plans to continue to assess the progress made toward fully resolving the FEhA-identified issues in offsite preparedness.

Regarding the scheduling of an exercise, Boston Edison was grantea an exemption from conducting a full-participation exercise because ongoing improvement .

efforts in the offsite response plans were not complete. A full-participation energency preparact.ess exercise will be required to be conducteo, in accordance with the regulations, upon the completion and subo.ittal of the revised plans and procedures by the Cocur. wealth to FEMA.

i 6




No.1 Private schools and daycare centers not Plans and relevant procedures now contain lists which K!T- identified in town plans. have been reviewed for accuracy by locals and Common-wealth.

No.1 Plans and procedures needed for above with Plans and procedures in place for schools and daycare k.2 resources for evacuating children and staff. centers. Evacuation arranged including notification, buses and maintenance of transportation requirements.

No.1 Plans and procedures needed for early dismissal Plans describe early transfer of students before PAR K!3~ and evacuation of schools and daycare centers. for general population.

No.1 Letters of Agreement needed for transportation Total transportation required has been determined. LOAs K!4~ providers, have been signed between contract and non-contract trans-portation providers and Boston Edison in excess of minimum number required. MCDA has yet to agree to the details of these arrangements.

No.1 Drivers must be trained as emergency workers. Drivers are being trained in 1) Intro to Radiation.

A.S 2) Intro to Emergency Response. 3) Intro to Transpor-tation. 4) School Van / Bus Driver and 5) Dosimetry training modules and "hands-on" training.

No.2 Reception center to replace Hanover. Bosten Edison's "Reception Center Feasibility Analysis" ETT- stated two centers are adequate subject to renovations.

MCDA has not yet authorized these renovations. The town of Wellesley is being evaluated by the Commonwealth as a northern reception center location.

  • The corrective actions cescribed have been provided by Boston Edison Company. The corrective actions listed have been verified on an audit basis by NRC through review of FEMA coms.ents. independent review of plans and procedures, discussions with Commonwealth of ficials, and by site visits / observation of training. For subissue C.4. the status of the LOAs has not been verified. For subissue F.2 only the MCDA Area 11 plan has been reviewed. For subissue F.4 the status of the tull PIB has not been verified. Corrective action for subissue F.5 has not been verified by NRC staff.


5UUI55UE ISSUE STATUS OF CORRECTIVE ACTIONS No.2 Plans and procedures needed to register and Plans and procedures have been developed.

B~T monitor evacuees.

No.32 U: dated geographical description of beaches "Pilgrim EPZ Public Beach Population Analysis" T c.J their capacity. contains requested information. Inform '. ion incor-porated into plans and procedures for evacuating and sheltering beach population.

tio.32 Detailed analysis of beach population. Above report contains requested information. Infor-E!2-- mation incorporated into plans and procedures.

No.32 Updated estimate of time to evacuate beaches. The revised ETE provides times for evacuating EPZ C.3 sections encompassing the beaches.

No.32 List of capacities and distances for shelters "Shelter Implementation Program Susanaries" contain C.4 - for beaches. available shelters and capacities for each beach.

LOAs have been signed, tone alert radios provided and procedures developed.

C.3* Shelters not open to the public. =ust be Shelter Implementation Program provides signs on CT5- accessible. beaches. EBS messages, route alerting to shelters.

progr.m to open facilities and beach evacuation before general population.

No.4 Procedures to identify mobiitty impaired Plans and procedures have been developed to maintain D.1 and maintain current information. special needs information.

No.4 Resources for mobility impaired. Sufficient transportatian reso6rces have been arranged.

DT 1

I o Issue of shelters f or beach population has been eliminated as a c:mcern by FEMA in a letter to the Commonwealth dated August 22. 1988 in which FEMA stated that a "range of protective actions" could be satisfied by evacuation alone for beach population.




No.4 1.etters of agreement for above resources. Letters of agreement have been signed between transpor-F.T tation providers and Boston Edison. MCDA has yet to agree to the details of these arrrangements.

No.5 Plans and procedures for transportation ETE contains population numbers. Plans and procedures U dependent population including number of have been developed.


No.5 Resources for trar.sporation dependent. Sufficient transporation resources have been arranged.

W No.5 Letters of agreement for above resources. Letters of agreement have been signed between trans E.T portation providers and Boston Edison. MCDA has yet to agree to tt.e details of these arrangements.

No.6 Failure to correct problems from a) 1981 Cross-reference tables have been prepared noting the U PAC review, b) 1962 RAC review, c) 3/3/82 plans sections and procedures that address each out-exercise, d) 6/19/83 exercise and e) 9/5/85 standing issue as summarized in a 10/30/85 letter exercise. to the Cosmonwealth.

No.6 Commonwealth has not updated plan or Plans for state-wide and MCDA Area II have been developed E notified FEMA annually of changes. and the Area II plan has been forwarded to FEMA.

No.6 No implementation of training. Training program developed and approved. Training F.T is ongoing.

No.6 Inadequate public and media information. "Interim Public Information Brochure" disseminated.

Final issues for full PIB in process.

7 No.6 No Annual Letters of Certification for Development of annual letter of certification to be T.T 1965 and 1986. addressed in the upgraded EP program.

No.6 Commonwealth representatives have stated Cosmonwealth continues to state that plans are inade-W that State and local plans are inadequate. quate, but officials have cooperated in improvement of EP at Pilgrim.


  • ISSUE -


16 0 . 6 Commonwealth representatives have been Commonwealth officials have participated in EP F 7- unable to answer questions from public and improvement efforts. peCDA-approved training is being conducted for Consonwealth and local officials. '

16 0 . 6 T KI policy not clearly stated for institution- K! policy for institutionalized pecple has been 411 zed people. esti.blished by MCDA Massachusetts Department of (

Public Health, Boston Edison and local of ficials.

Plans and procedures describing a ministration have [

been developed.


l l

l l




..... Beckjord, RES September 14, 1988 Thompson, NMSS Jordan, AE00 Russell, RI Murray, OGC Files The Honorable Lando W. Zech, Jr.

Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Chairinan Zech:


PROPOSED RESTART OF THE PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATION During the 341st reeting of the Advisory Cemittee on Reactor Safe-guards, September 8-10, 19E8, we reviewed the proposed testart of the i Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. Members of the Comitiee visited the '

plant on August 25, 1555, and a reeting of our subcomittee on Pilgrim Restart was held in Plyrouth, Massachusetts, with represen-tatives of Boston Edison Corpany and the NRC staff on August 26, 1988. Durirg our 341st meeting, we had further discussions with nembers of the NRC staff and with representatives of the Boston Uison Company. We received coments from representatives of the governments of the Corr onwealth of Passachusetts and nearby loca-lities, as well as individuals. We also had the benefit of the ccuments referenced.

By the time of de Pilgrim plant shutdown in April of 1986, the NRC staff had developed serious reservations about the managetent of the t plant. We therefore gave special attention to this issue. More than half of the upper and middle level managerent personnel of the plant have been replaced since the plant last operated. The new management l group is made up of people of derenstrated competence. A new vice president with responsibility for Bcston Edison's nuclear power program was employed about a year ago. He has assembled a team whose rubers have a variety of experience in naval and comercial nuclear power plant operation. We are favorably impressed by their creden-tials and by the changes in the physical plant and the organizational approach to operation that has occurred since the new group has been in place. Although there is a preponderance of navy as contrasted with comercial nuclear power plant experience, we found no reason for concern in the backgrounds of the present teem and in the ap-proach to ranagement and to operation that has been inaugurated.

l 4 l'9 89Q9920ft*

,.- g The Honorable Lcndo W. Zech, Jr. Septenber 14, 1988 Those r.:er.bers of the Committee who toured the plant were favorably impressed with decentamination of the plant which has occurred, with the way in which the operational staff is organized, and with the way in which operation and maintenance were being performed.

We also examined a number of systens that have been installed in an -

effort to improve the plant's and the operational staff's capability to avoid and to rnitigate the consequences of severe accidents.

During our visit to the training center, we observed the operation of the simulator that has been installed since plant shutdown. It is a modern and versatile system, and appears to have been effectively integrated into their training program. Its capabilities are being used to train the operational staff in the application of the newly installed systems mentiened above. The sitroletor can be expected to have a marked positive influence on the readiness of the operational staff to deal with both norral and off-normal events.

Eecause of the history of weather-related loss of off-site power at this site, an assured source of emergency power or a demonstrated capability to provide errergency cooling in the absence of electric power is of special importance for the Pilgrim plant. Since the shutdctn, a nurber of features have been added that contribute to increased safety of the plant. Arrong these are an additional emer-gency diesel generator and a system that permits water from the fire protection syster to be made available to the decay heat removal system. These added features should decrease the risk associated with the loss of electric power. However, we are not sure, and the ]

staff and licensee are not certain, that the plant systems now satisfy the statien blackout rule. We recomend that the staff give ! M-particular attention to this item as the rule is being irplewnted. j' We understand that use of the hardened vent, for relieving possible torus overpressure during a seve e accident, will be reviewed by the hPC staff as a generic issue for all Mark I containrents. We intend to review the matter in that context. ,

A report, dated August 5, 1987, from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, states that tre Emerger cy Plan whir.h existed at the tine of plant shutdown has a rurber of inadequacies. Inforration provided to us indicates that s'gnificant progress has been made in correcting these deficiercies. We reco ..end that be' ore startup is approved, a c_learly definea program for early correction of these inadequacies be i)/

available and be apprcved by the hF.C staff.


.. ,e

. The Honorable Lando W. Zech, Jr. September 14, 1988 We believe that, subject to the comments above, restart of the Pilgrim plant will not lead to undue risk to the public health and safety.

Sincerely, William Kerr Chaiman


1. NRC Confirratory Action Letter to Boston Edison Company dated April 12, 1986 and Supplementary Confimatory Action Letter dated August 27, 1986
2. NRC Memorandum dated July 27, 1988 transmitting Systematic Assess-ment of Licensee Performance (SALP) Board Report No. 50-293/87-99
3. Mercrandum dated June 17, 1987 from W. Russell, Regional Adminis-trator, NRC, to R. Bird, Boston Edison Company, trarsmitting Systeratic Assessrent of Licensee Perfomence (SALP) Report No.


4. Memorandum dated l'ay 23, 1986 from T. Murley, Regional Admini3tra-tor, hRC, to W. Harrington, Boston Edison Company, trarsmitting Systerratic Assessrent of Licensee Perforrrance (SALP) Report No.


5. Memorardum dated September 7. 1908 from T. Martin;, NPC Region 1 Office, to k.. Bird, Besten Edison Con.pany


Pilgrim Kuclear Pover Station Fcwer A0cension Program

6. Memorandum dated September 7,1988 from S. Collins. .iRC Region !

Office, to R. Bird. Boston Edison Cocpany, transmitting NRC Region

! Inspectien Report No. 50-293/88-21, Integrated Assessrent Team Inspection

7. Memoranda dated May 17, 1988 and July 22, 1988 from R. Gallo NRC Region 1 Office, to R. Bird, Boston Edison Company,


Inspection No. 50-293/88-11

8. Memorandum dated December 31, 1986 from W. Kane, NRC Region 1 Office to J. Lydon, Boston Edison Company, Subject Management l'c e ting 50/293/86-4
9. Boston Edison Company, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, ACRS Brief-ing books dated August 2,1988:

Volure 1. "htroduction and Restart Plan "

Volurte 2, "Appendices to Restart Plan,"

Volume 3, "Self-Assessrnent of Readiness for Restart,"

Volune 4 "Pewer Ascension Progritm (PAP),"

Volutte 5. "Safety Enhancement Program (SEP)"

The Henorable Lando W Zech, Jr. September 14, 1988

10. Testimony dated August 26, 1988 of Representative Lawrence R.

Alexander, House Chairman of Massachusetts' Joint Comittee on Energy to the Advisory Comittee on Reactor Safeguards

11. Staterrent dated August 26, 1988 of Dougles Hadfield, Director, Civil Defense for the Town of Plyriouth, before the ACRS, at Memor-ta' Hall, Plymouth, Massachusetts '
12. Press Release dated August 26, 1988 by Steven Cemley representing "Ve the People, Inc."
13. Statement dated Aucust 26, 19E6 by J. Kriesbero, Research Director, Passachusetts Citizens for Safe Erergy to the ACRS Hearin9 on the Restart of the Filgrin Nuclear Plant 14 "Questien for inclusion in Corgressional Record of January 7,1968 Hearing on the Restart of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant * (un-dated); Submitted to Ad Hoc Subcomittee on Pilgrim Restart at its August 26, 1965 meeting
15. Testinony dated September 7, 1980 of Representative Lawrence R.

Alexander, Heuse Chairtran of Massachusetts' Joint Comittee on Energy, to the Advisory Comittee en Reactor Safeguards

16. Letter dated September 6, 1987 from C. Barry, Secretary of Public 56fety Correr. wealth of Massachusetts, to W. Kerr, Chairman, ACRS regardingreadiness(torestart]ofPilgrimStation
17. Memorandum dated August 6,1987 from R. Krim, FEMA, to F. Congel, NRC, transmitting: "Report of Self-Initiated Review and Interim Finding [ofoff-siteemergencyplanning]forthePilgrimNuclear Pewer Station," dated August 4, 1987
18. Report dated Decer.her 16, 1986 er, titled, "Feport to the Governor en Emergency Preparedrtss for an Accident at the Nigrim Nuclear Power Stetion" and Supplemental Report dated December 1987, submitted by C. V. Barry, Secretary of Public Safety, Commonwealth of Masscchusetts l l ff a

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