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ClSTHT'rrri1"'r                     C   r>r.l       >U4rrS     CO'r   TES "ECETVEr:<Trv                 E'l Cl.
'vv rW/v'.,rv F lc Ag Ov VA l 1 I C COL 4D E.I'tr'R/OL UI I<v'>ET,R/i) o I/At,(<Rgrvi3 13 LI'i)i<"3 IL ,'33, Td 5 INDIANA L, MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P.O.BOX 18 BOWLING GREEN STATION NEW YORK, N.Y.10004 May 20, 1983 AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-315 and 50-316 License Nos.DPR-58 and DPR-74 FINAL RULE ON EQUIPMENT ENVIR011MENTAL QUALIFICATION (10 CFR 50.49)Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555  
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INDIANA       L,   MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P. O. BOX 18 BOWLING GREEN STATION NEW YORK, N. Y. 10004 May 20, 1983 AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316 License Nos. DPR-58 and DPR-74 FINAL RULE ON EQUIPMENT ENVIR011MENTAL QUALIFICATION (10 CFR 50.49)
Mr. Harold R. Denton,     Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C.       20555

==Dear Mr,==
==Dear Mr,==
Denton: This letter and its Attachments respond to the NRC's final rule 10 CFR 50.49,"Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants" puhlished in the Federal Register., Vol.48, No.13, dated January 21, 1983, pp.2729-2734, and to the clarification letter dated April 27, 1983 (Mr.S.A.Varga of the NRC to our Mr.J.E.Dolan).More specifically, we read 10 CFR 50.49(g)as requiring that we identify the electric equipment important to safety within the scope of the rule (that is, safety related, non-safety related, and certain post-accident monitoring equipment as defined in 10 CFR 50.49(b)(1) through (b)(3)), and those equipment items which we believe to be already qualified, and to establish a goal of final environmental qualification not to exceed the end of the second refueling outage after March 31, 1982, or by March 31, 1985 (whichever is earlier), for those equipment items for which qualification has not yet been established.
Furthermore, the clarification letter referenced, above requested us to indicate whether our previous submittals comply with paragraphs (a)and (b)of 10 CFR 50.49, to describe the methods used to identify the non-safety related electric equipment defined by 10 CFR 50.49(b)(2), and to establish any qualification programs not previously described for such non-safety related equipment.
This letter and its Attachments respond to the NRC's final rule 10 CFR   50.49, "Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants" puhlished in the Federal Register., Vol. 48, No. 13, dated January 21, 1983, pp. 2729-2734, and to the clarification letter dated April 27, 1983 (Mr. S. A. Varga of the NRC to our Mr. J. E. Dolan).
We must first note for the record that we have repeatedly attempted during the past few months to meet with the NRC staff in order to clarify and resolve the environmental qualification"deficiencies" identified in the Technical Evaluation Reports (TERs)prepared by the Franklin Research Center (FRC)under contract to the NRC (see our letter AEP:NRC:0775, dated January 24, 1983).To date, a meeting has not been scheduled so that we could achieve resolution with NRC staff on this important topic.Therefore, we reserve the right to amend this SGO5260281 830520 r'!3F<ADQCK 05000315 PDR Mr.Harold R.on-2-AEP:NRC: 0775C response until such time as we may discuss the FRC TERs with your staff and arrive at an understanding of present qualification requirements.
More specifically, we read 10 CFR 50.49(g) as requiring that we identify the electric equipment important to safety within the scope of the rule (that is, safety related, non-safety related, and certain post-accident monitoring equipment as defined in 10 CFR 50.49(b)(1) through (b)(3)), and those equipment items which we believe to be already qualified, and to establish a goal of final environmental qualification not to exceed the end of the second refueling outage after March 31, 1982, or by March 31, 1985 (whichever is earlier), for those equipment items for which qualification has not yet been established. Furthermore, the clarification letter referenced, above requested us to indicate whether our previous submittals comply with paragraphs (a) and (b) of 10 CFR 50.49, to describe the methods used to identify the non-safety related electric equipment defined by 10 CFR 50.49(b)(2), and to establish any qualification programs not previously described for such non-safety related equipment.
Furthermore, if as a result of other activities (either internally generated or in response to other regulatory issues, such as Generic Letter No.82-33)it is determined that additional equipment should be included within the scope of the final rule and/or it is determined that equipment items identified in Attachment 1 to this letter require upgrading, this letter will be correspondingly amended.With the above provisos, Attachm'ents 1 through 6 to this letter provide the information requested by 10 CFR 50.49(g)and the NRC clarification letter referenced above.Specifically, Attachment 1 provides a list of equipment which we presently believe to fall within the scope of the environmental qualification final rule.The Attachment provides a listing of equipment manufacturers and model/Plant item numbers, a brief description of each equipment item, Plant identification numbers, a reference to a System Component Evaluation Worksheet (SCEW)in our AEP:NRC:0578B submittal (dated June ll, 1982), and an indication regarding whether the equipment is believed to be qualified or if qualification has not yet been established.
We must first note for the record that we have repeatedly attempted during the past few months to meet with the NRC staff in order to clarify and resolve the environmental qualification "deficiencies" identified in the Technical Evaluation Reports (TERs) prepared by the Franklin Research Center (FRC) under contract to the NRC (see our letter AEP:NRC:0775, dated January 24, 1983). To date, a meeting has not been scheduled so that we could achieve resolution with NRC staff on this important topic. Therefore, we reserve the right to amend this SGO5260281       830520 r'!3F< ADQCK   05000315 PDR
Not all of these equipment items (such as certain cables and cable terminations identified as a result of the NUREG-0737 reviews)have been identified in our previous submittals on environmental qualification.
The equipment list in Attachment 1 references, in the case of equipment for which qualification has not yet been established, one or more of the other Attachments to this letter.Specifically, Attachment 2 discusses aging qualification required by Section 7.0 of the DOR Guidelines.
Mr. Harold R.         on                                       AEP:NRC: 0775C response until such time as we may discuss the FRC TERs with your staff and arrive at an understanding of present qualification requirements.
Attachment 3 discusses those equipment items presently identified as falling under the scope of our response to Generic Letter No.82-33 (see our letter No.AEP:NRC:0773, dated April 15, 1983).Attachment 4 discusses certain Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs)which will be replaced in connection with the program established to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R (see our letter No.AEP:NRC:0692E, dated March 31, 1983).Attachment 5 discusses the test qualification program currently underway.,with regard to our containment spray pump motors manufactured by Reliance Electric.Where applicable, requests for final environmental qualification schedular extensions under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g)are included in the Attachments to this letter.Attachment 6 to this letter provides a brief description of the methods used to identify the equipment defined by 10 CFR 50.49(b).
Furthermore,   if as a result of other activities (either internally generated or in response to other regulatory issues, such as Generic Letter No. 82-33)     it is determined that additional equipment should be included within the scope of the final rule and/or         it   is determined that equipment items identified in Attachment       1 to this   letter require upgrading,   this letter will be correspondingly       amended.
Mr.Harold R.~on 3 I AEP:NRC:0775C This document has been prepared following Corporate Procedures which incorporate a reasonable set of controls to ensure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.
With the above provisos, Attachm'ents     1 through 6 to this letter provide the information requested by 10     CFR 50.49(g) and the NRC clarification letter referenced above. Specifically, Attachment 1 provides a list of equipment which we presently believe to fall within the scope of the environmental qualification final rule. The Attachment provides a listing of equipment manufacturers and model/Plant item numbers, a brief description of each equipment item, Plant identification numbers, a reference to a System Component Evaluation Worksheet (SCEW) in our AEP:NRC:0578B submittal (dated June ll, 1982), and an indication regarding whether the equipment is believed to be qualified or     if qualification has not yet been established. Not all of these equipment items (such as certain cables and cable terminations identified as a result of the NUREG-0737 reviews) have been identified in our previous submittals on environmental qualification.
Very truly yours, Vice President RFH/os cc: J.E.Dolan-Columbus R.S.Hunter M.P.Alexich R.W.Jurgensen W.G.Smith, Jr.-Bridgman R.C.Callen G.Charnoff NRC Resident Inspector at Cook Plant-Bridgman Attachment 1 to AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 10 CFR 50.49()E ui ment List The enclosed table contains a list of those equipment items presently known to be installed at the D.C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos, 1 and 2 and which we believe to be within the scope of 10 CFR 50.49(b)(1) through (b)(3).The identified equipment items are relied on to remain functional during and following a design basis accident.For each equipment item identified, the following information is provided in the table: AEP:NRC:0578B submittal System Component Evaluation Worksheet (SCEW)reference(s).
The equipment   list in Attachment 1 references, in the case of equipment for which qualification has not yet been established, one or more of the other Attachments to this letter.         Specifically, Attachment 2 discusses aging qualification required by Section 7.0 of the DOR Guidelines. Attachment 3 discusses those equipment items presently identified as falling under the scope of our response to Generic Letter No. 82-33 (see our letter No. AEP:NRC:0773, dated April 15, 1983). discusses certain Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) which will be replaced in connection with the program established to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R (see our letter No.
This reference is not intended to imply that the AEP:NRC:0578B submittal, dated June 11, 1982, provides the most up-to-date qualification data.Rather, the reference is intended to provide guidance with regard to identifying those Plant systems which utilize the equipment item~(2)Identification of the D.C.Cook Plant Unit(s)in which the equipment is installed.
AEP:NRC:0692E, dated March 31, 1983). Attachment 5 discusses the test qualification program currently underway.,with regard to our containment spray pump motors manufactured by Reliance Electric. Where applicable, requests for final environmental qualification schedular extensions under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g) are included in the Attachments to this letter.
(3)Equipment manufacturer(s).
Attachment 6   to this letter provides a brief description of the methods used to   identify the equipment defined by 10 CFR 50.49(b).
(4)Equipment model or-"Plant item number(s).'*-(5)A brief description of the equipment item.(6)Plant identification (i.e., tag)number(s).
(7)An indication as to whether the equipment is qualified, or whether qualification has not yet been established.
Mr. Harold R. ~on                 3 I                   AEP:NRC:0775C This document has been prepared following Corporate Procedures which incorporate a reasonable set of controls to ensure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.
In the latter case, an entry has been made in the table which references at least one other attachment to this letter.The referenced attachment(s) provides a description of the open item(s)and, when applicable, a request for schedular extension under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g).
Very truly yours, Vice President RFH/os cc: J. E. Dolan Columbus R. S. Hunter M. P. Alexich R. W. Jurgensen W. G. Smith, Jr. Bridgman R. C. Callen G. Charnoff NRC Resident Inspector at Cook Plant Bridgman
UfVXT NOS.i AND 2 1 0 C F R 5'0.4'I(l)
Attachment 1 to AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.     1 and 2 10 CFR 50.49( ) E ui ment List The enclosed table contains a     list of those equipment items presently known to be installed at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos, 1 and 2 and which we believe to be within the scope of 10 CFR 50.49(b)(1) through (b)(3). The identified equipment items are relied on to remain functional during and following a design basis accident.
EQ.U j.PgE'NT LT.5T AEP:NRCi O57+8"SCEW" SHEET NUBBER, CC k CC3 CC5 CC4, CC7 Cc'I CCXO CZ" C r 3m.;t 1)~*m."" o.c.coog qN>j No(s).1 Q of i Q.EQ.OZPH Ehl l HANLlFAC TLlRER HODEL.NI.(ABER Continental Co~Uinentaf EIRO.hnac.Ja Continenta I"3IRO 3IRI General Electric 3I 2 I Continental General Electric C~tinental"3IM.3l 3.3 Cacnev al Electric 3I k 3 8".t.~r sul<teJ%i~Rockbestos Sainue.l Moore Continent.ta
For each equipment item     identified,   the following information is provided in the table:
/Boston, Ins'klan 4 Mire,"-3O64"'3o64"3OTS+30 l5 3075 General Electric,+3I RO Eaux PHENT'ESCtupTXON
AEP:NRC:0578B   submittal System Component Evaluation Worksheet (SCEW) reference(s). This reference is not intended to imply that the AEP:NRC:0578B submittal, dated June 11, 1982, provides the most up-to-date qualification data. Rather, the reference is intended to provide guidance with regard to identifying those Plant systems which utilize the equipment item ~
%/C,"lR Cu~mr oLC~Lle w/c")2 Cu C n4xg3 C 4Je+/c,"e.Cu c..C I S/C"lz Cu~trof fCagb 7/C.Ik Cu Ccwtro~a~f 7/C IR Cu~tvo]Coal IR/C~~lk Cu Coi.tfof Co,ble n/C"Ia.Cu Co~e~f 41k ls/c'2.Cu Co~yy~l c ale l5'/C l2.Cu~ant.r4 c bh 2/C.+I6 Cu rnstra~y.t C f Jg>/C"fa C r.p~gi deny C\fe 2 sTP'"'(.Cu Ir straiggw~Cn4]g 1.STP II)Cu Xz-.txuwent C..l le.1 STP IQ Cu instrument C f fe.PLANT''D WuVBER83 Various Various Various Various Various Vwioqs Various Var ious Various Various Various Various VariouS Various Various gALXFZCATrOQ gpT EsTABLZSIIEO Qg ALXFXED Attachment 2.Attach.le'en'8 Attoc hment 2.Attachment-k Amocl~en'.Attac4nen.t 2.Attachr ent Attac,k~ent
(2) Identification of the D. C. Cook Plant Unit(s) in which the equipment is installed.
~Att ac4nenh c Attachment X Attac l rien.t 2.httac,hyena 2 Attocl~en.4 k, Attockinemt al.Attach.ine>6 LZ-I TION S7AT"  
(3) Equipment manufacturer(s).
(4) Equipment model or-"Plant item number(s)     .'*-
(5) A brief description of the   equipment item.
(6) Plant identification   (i.e., tag) number(s).
(7) An indication   as to whether the equipment is qualified, or whether qualification   has not yet been established. In the latter case, an entry has been made in the table which references at least one other attachment to this letter. The referenced attachment(s) provides a description of the open item(s) and, when applicable, a request for schedular extension under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g).
UfVXT NOS.             i     AND 2 1 0   C F R       5'0.4'I(l)     EQ.U j. PgE'NT               LT. 5T AEP:NRCi O57+8 o. c. coog      EQ.OZPH Ehl    l      HODEL.        Eaux                      PLANT''D      LZ -I TION S7AT" "SCEW" SHEET    qN>j No(s). HANLlFACTLlRER        NI.(ABER               PHENT'ESCtupTXON WuVBER83            gALXFZCATrOQ NUBBER,                                                                                                  Qg ALXFXED  gpT EsTABLZSIIEO Continental                           %/C"lR Cu              Various              Attachment 2.
                                                                  ~mr oLC~Lle CC  k                         Co~Uinentaf              EIRO  . w/c    ")2    Cu          Various              Attach.le'en'8 C  n4xg3    C 4Je CC3                        General Electric,       +3I RO         +/c,   "e.                 Various              Attoc hment 2.
c     ..C Cu        I hnac. Ja              "3IRO          S/C     "lz Cu             Various              Attachment-    k
                                                                      ~troffCagb CC5            1  Q of      Continenta    I          3IRI        7/C. Ik Cu             Various              Amocl    ~en'.
Ccwtro~a~f CC4,                        General Electric          3I 2 I      7/C       IR Cu           Vwioqs              Attac4nen.t 2.
                                                                      ~tvo]       Coal CC7                          Continental            "3IM.          IR/C ~~lk Cu               Various              Attachr ent Coi.tfof Co,ble General  Electric                    n/C "Ia. Cu               Var ious              Attac,k~ent ~
Co~e~f       41k Cc  'I                      C  ~tinental            3l 3.3      ls/c     '2. Cu       Various              Attac4nenh    c Co~yy~l c ale CCXO                        Cacnev al Electric        3I k 3        l5'/C     l2. Cu         Various              Attachment X
                                                                  ~ant.r4         c   bh CZ"                        8".t.~ r    sul<teJ    "-3O64          2/C.   +I6 Cu           Various              Attac l rien.t 2.
                                %i~                              rnstra~y.t C f Jg Rockbestos              "'3o64        >/C     "fa C             Various              httac,hyena 2 r.p~gi   deny C \ fe C r 3m.;t 1)
* m.""
i  Q. Sainue. l Moore          "3OTS        2 sTP     '"'(. Cu Ir straiggw~Cn4]g VariouS              Attocl ~en.4 k, Continent.ta /        +30 l5      1. STP      II) Cu          Various              Attockinemt    al.
Xz-.txuwent C..l le.
Boston, Ins'klan 4        3075      1 STP IQ Cu                 Various              Attach.ine>6 Mire,                            instrument         C f fe.
AEP.-NRc.: os7e B          G. cooK    EeurPMEA/7      MODEL        EQuzl'HEA/7            PLAer    rD Q,t/I ALIT  7 "scEe" SIIEE7 D.
IANZ7 NO(5'3. M ANu FACTARER  NuH BER    OESCRr PTXON            Nues BER(S)                auh LrFr CA oN rr NuHBER                                                                                                  Q.unLx I=XED  hlov'STABLT5HED era                                  Cerro Wire L.
Cable 3077. 1 STQ, X~i~ee lk  Cu Calel p Various                  hctactepnent' Samuel    Moore "3O77. 1 STQ.       IG Cu        Various                  ht tackment:
K~~~en~Ca              e GER.Q                                Continental      vt PO77    i  STa,"I/ Cu            Various                  httach~en+ 2.
Kal ton rnsulaacJ G I is C,X 1 i(@nial)
H AVE&                    Penetrc Cion Feel-Ckrough Extension ACtac hmez4 K to      Tnsa lacer(
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c.zis(u.;          X                                            through Extension.
c.P  i                                Okonit;e                  3TC ~Q, Cu Powev Cap e.
Various                  hteach    e>e 2 CP 3      (t/;t 1)                    Esse,x        ~324        3Tc.    "Iz Cu          Various                  ht:tac men.'t CPi                                                                Pow~eCak I en'.
C P  ~
On t.'un;C 1.)    i ~2        04nit;e,      + 3'I'I    i/c p e C
: 3. Cu        Various                  ht;tach C P C P 5'<<;ti) 1,3.~un~tk Anaconda        ~RIOR    3 1/C "R hl eee~C[e.
Various                  httackn~enh
~~PPc  P ~          t
('-t; 1.)
                'e;e x3 Okoni  t e    '~el oa.  ~    i/C "~AI
VariouS                  ht;t,ackment    oL
C P  7 (I/nit:            1~2          Anac onJa                3    i/G 1o      Cu      Various                  ht:t-'achiest
                                                                    ~~ec~al          J c.p~ (u.;c1>                          Essex          "3I <<~    3 1/C        10 Cu        Various                  Attachment      2.
                                                                    ~PLee        C  Llo CPg (inta                              Keriae,          3llb-    3    1/c "10      C<      Various                  hCt'a>k~e t;    L o o      t -two                                              ~P~re        C  Q
c p i 0 (u;,t 1)                                      ~3I03-      '/C        "% nl                                    httachinen,t. 2.
CP1 1
eo '.I -'el.
Anaconcta Keritc          3I3.7    5 Pow5~~
1/c 4
2 Cg Various Various                  hht ac4ien6 Po~e~Cnb      Jg c P ik(u'ci)                          Cyprus          ~~B+7  . 3 Z/c        "2  Cu      Varioct S                Attack>~e)    t 2.'
: c. p +      (u.;c a.)                                                Povler  ( able
                                                              "7 AF P )NRC - 057'6B    D. C. C00K EQ.OXPMEAIT      iQODFL ~          EGAXPH EN 7          l'LANT Xl7                e.W r FXCA7 ron/  5TATas "SCEWn SHEET            nNZT NO(Q. MAWFACTHRE%      tNH8ER            DeSC RI;PTZON        AIIIrrtBERCS)                          RM A LIFZCA7rojtj NHt'1 BEE                                                                                                            6 WALXFXED    goT    E5'7ABLZS]IED cv is(u.;tQ                      Anaconda          3+7          3 1/C "a. Cu              Various                              Attachment 2.
CP5        n t2 C.j:  11                        Boston Znoulake~  "30-l7        Xnstruwcnt              VRYIONS                                nttacl,ment CZ    1 %
                                  ~i ycl R      ew        3I I I        R6 C+a 1.1 Atu Tric X  Various                                Abbacl ~en+    R, I. 4~e CZ 1+                            Continenta  I    304g          1.IC Ik Cu            VariouS                                A ttachmen,d
                                                                    ~nota ~~+XsL 3 TC ''I k C            Various                                Attac ment    2.
CF'7 Cyprus Cyprus,        "3loZ
31/C. "Z 1
nI      VariouS P PtD1                            Conn< Cor p.                    4-kv Electrical        VariouS                              Attachment    2.
c,~.tin  ~
EP OoL                            Cona.x, Corp. EP-> TI rough      600-v an)    Below    VcY ious                              Attachment EP-10            electric I QeStingt  ~1Se. TBOP            Fan    Motors          IIV-CEQ.-X                            Attachment uL- r  E~L l- 2. QestinghousC,                    Ilylrogev                oR-1                                  Attach.nugent o                  I X 1 X1$ X1'3 (II    it                            M  764 Lot1 D;Aerent al                BLP- IIO) 111)112)
Q;                                ITT    Bar tort. H 164 Lot 3. Pre.ssur e                  120>12I> 12'>
z1>xR>%13) r1g Q- t2.)                                                        TronStni tter            130> I 31> 13 2)                      A tatoL    e t 1+0) I%I ) I+2.
N FC    I IO> ill> 12'kl
                                                                                                  >130) 131) 14 0,i+I gJJ~~~~I5          ~154
* 3 (un t Q                  FoXhoro        EI30N-            Di Per cntia l      FFC-3.los.II) 220 A+tacgrne~C    k T 4 {Mnit k)                                  IlsAfll(IAGA) Pressure,                  H.l ) <<30) 331>
2 X 4(  1.                  Foxbcro      NE I 3-Orl- II-    DiAerev.tial        F Fg 210) 23.0)
X 5Glnit  2)                                  X- Ml-D          Pressure              230>240                                At+ackment 3-
AEPI NRCI 057% 8  D. C. C,oox. EaIAr PROEM    r  HODEL          . EGQXPHEAIT        PLANT XD              Q.HALzr-xcnrzohl sTArus "SCOW" SHZey      lANZT h/0 (.5). t"1hNW FAC URER  NMMBER            DESC RXPTXOIV NHM BER(S              )                Q.Ail LXFZCATXOhl NMH BER                                                                                                        Q.H ALEFXED YoT ESTABLXSIILD
TX I.(u;,tD                      FO>>I borO    EIIGIA-            Pressure        MPP 2IO>>All>220~
Z 1 5'uit 2)                                    IISACI (Hch) Ti.ansmi++er            22t,a30,23I,                      Abtack>>net>>4  oI.
* issuer    ~ho X 1.9>>X3.0) X21>>                                                                      MPP- l5'I I52 X23. X>3 XR4                      rTT Barton      '>>I765 Lot1 Pressure.                    l53                              hot cL~ent- 2 (II.;t s); x~o,                                    H 7f.3 Lo" 2. Tr ns                  UPS- IXI ling.>>
X21 T22)223>                                                                              I53
XR5>> ZXL>> 227                    H- E- Sost>> an. II%34 9 or        Res>>stance.      g T P- llo>> III >> I2o, (I,I;t 1); X2@,                  or RoSelnoanh      l74 KI->> .      Te>>  peratc re. I2I > isO> l3 I>                  AtCack>>nant k, X>7 (u.;t a)                                      ReSpectIVely      DeteetOr            llo>>I+I>klo>
2II 2M>2%I>
89o>> k3I >240>
II.E. Sost>> an. II9OI 5          Resistance        NTR-Ilo> i2O>
or RoseInount          KS>>
or'74 1 e~ perature        130>> H.O) 2IO>>                    Attack>>nen.b    +
Res ec>>ivel      Detector            >>>>~O~>>>>0 RA L51              1  k                              p EA 1%0            Li~t Ski to I  Li>>  I t  switches                  $ 44acl ~en.t R
                                                                                            <or hlRV-15 I >>
                                        'Pest>>ng house    5%osz              Pion>>    Ho Col  P P-050>>
                                                                  >              p 5'009 II >                          PP-oRG>>
op'I- 24 R,e>>ance        Frame              Pa>>n p
Hotol-  PP- oo9                            An.acl I~el  t  ~
                                                            "5%l.oZ                                                              ~Co,cb~~e nt 2oG-3%I-            Sole,no i 3    X.S0-2'I l,x9a A&CO              RRYM                Valve          2'I 3>> R'I4>>                      At.t,acl ~en',
205> klan~
gP- 'b3l O'-, Solewoi A            /50- I2>>Q. I>
S11,      >> 517  >
Asc. 0            ~wv,. V lve                        l3,I >> I 22>> I23>>                Attacli>>nent k,
  'Iv/g'o>- 450-32.0                                                                          I2+ I2.5> IRG, I+7 M.0>
503 > 505'>
AF P: AIRC: 05'7'i5 8 o. c cooK
                                ~        EeurPMERlr    HoDEL Eaur PMEhl T                                PLAMT ZD    G.H  LrrZCA rou    S7AYuS
    'SCElv" SllEET        Hhlx7 bio(50. HANAFACTHRER, NuMBER pFcC RrPTXoh/                              NuzSER.(S)              e.u ALz rscAmr ohl Nara DER                                                                                                        Q.L<ALxFx ED  NO7 EST/I BLZSHED Tci      ~
TC2.~                                                C..e" l C.l,le J men4 ot Tc.S    ~ TC+~              1  ~
2      N/A        Nl4        Ter v inatiov A t,                        N/A                    Abaca TC 10        T'C 11,                                              Valve Operator T'c, 12        c                                                                                                                  A&ac TC.Gq      TX3)                          N A        hf A      solid Rapt'on.
T'P  i                                                    spliced 7'o
                                                                  &t:randed K pea Inside Ho J - Hp TC7, Tr4->                                                      Str      e          K                                          AMac )n,end 2 TPot                                                                                pt'oli.e.l C.ble h~
T.';.Id Flood-  l<p        Ter>>inal riel cable              splice hl/A      Rt Ter>>inat;>on-                          A//A                  Att:ac(.penh 2.
Atear Valve Actual:ov- Or Cable Ter>>i~son hl/1      lib Terminal                                                    At+.acgvnent  ot.
T'C  17                          Cosa'.
Cable                                                  flttacl rie~5  0 TZ1,, rzq                                hl/A
Barrio~ Xnstru~ent                      hl A                  AtCgckvnen5 ot C~n hl ll:=,  Connection- To                                                  Attac4~enb ot Y'Z:5'3          1o                                  Al A  )'<  Fo<boro            Xnstr~-                                      Attachment cu~spJ'%is+
xns~rn>>ew5 Field hl/W                  Cable Splice                        To                          fieCackmene k.
t'enetral          io v Feed <1  ro~L Wive
AEP:NRC: os7 b B D. C. CoOK  EauXPHEHT        Vor EL        EauXPMENT                PLAINT        XD    Q.MALXFXC T Oh/ 5TATHS "SCE<v" &IIEET    HtJTT goCs) MANHFncTQRER IUQMBER DEscRZPTToh/                        IlIHH'BER(53                    sMALLFzcnTxoM MurlBER., .                                                                                                aHALZFXED Nol- ESTABLXSIIED T P3, TP5,                          M/A          IV/A        Te.ruination Motors>
A5                                      nba'ackmen8 TPG                                                  E,  Valve.
Fa~ Motors>
A>>d IlyJvoelem Poiv er Ca LIE'.
N/A          Terwi>>atio>>. A6                                            Ace cl    ei,e  Q SI16- I >      Valve                      Var)ous V1>  V3. V4-                Li~ieor~ue,    SMB-oo>        Motor                      l.'S< O;A:ere.e                Attacgsmen+
vS,VQ,V7,                                      Sr( S-Q.>  . O~erators                Ta~    rju~bers) v'f)Vio V  1x        >
SMB-OoO P.aye,4.n      "3'+ ~Cab            II e.
Various                      4&acLI    e,~e 2 N/n                          Brai4    ReIt.  <3ov4        Rc    II  0                Various                      heeack~eI.t,    2.
Cab Rayche.~        "3II 2        R.c  II Au                  Various s                    4tt;aCkI ieu,0 2 C  hie
BraD    R.ea  ~3I I 2      RGi II AH                    Var iou s                    4tgac,h~~en+
Branh Rex      + 305/        II.C~
                                                                    ~b 5"I B/H                Various                        Attahment      2.
4 RayJwew~                      R.C  51 a(v,                Vav ious                      attach>>en 4 Ca eje AEP Design. E-                Ca'hie Tevmi>>a.-
Cona)c  Corp.                +ion. a4 RM 5                                              Attract ~e~t 2.
Calque    Ters    i~-
AEP Design 0-      III/A      tion. oct Cl        arete        N/A                      Aaeacl. e~e  2 Conan Covg                    Conver4ev.
(ncou'tic        r"Ion.-
                                                                'to ug  7(g+ >      l3iFCeren.tia l          ALA-3Io XTT Bar +ov          7 6+    . Vressur e                NLE    - I I 0>IRO>I              AteackweIi4 9 Trans~ittrs                  III>IXI>I 3 I >
Y AEP:hlRG- 05'7%8        C. COOK  EG.UXPH EN T          HoDEL-      EQHEPHENT PLAAIT'D                    A,MALXFZCATXON STATUS
AIOI"1 BEF'.H EE7  urvXT NO(sk  rahrvu FncTl4RER      hfMMBER,    DE5CRXPTrON        NOH BER(S) glAQFZED Allh LXf'SCAT'Eohl AloT E&7ABLXSIIED N/h                              T~rgeC Rock.        79AB-007      So jenoig Ac<a~< tl50 Okf>>ORZ>>                  AekacL.niente 3 Corps                  lhe,Valve          O23>>OR4)
OQ) 04k)
                                                                                        ~0.3      o +
N                              Techno ops      for ZOO>> 5O'l Ag Pcous&ic  a ve  Q,R- lo7 A>>
        /L Energy>>            aR74) . Flow Monitorin)          lo78>> lo7D)                'lbbackment Endevco (via TEC) 22.73 AM I >> Syskew Co~t on-        lo7 6 o2&6-3<
V i c.h or ee.n-    %77-I  '-  Rt"1S DeCeccor VRQ - l3 l 0>>
141 0 CQni  5i)            Anzac.L~ene 3 VrA- Z3IO>>
Nh                              Eber    ine,      Ogl- @Ca. Rr~S  Detector  V RS  - I 0 I>>
1 1>O1(u .e    X)            Alt ach,~en.L 3 V R.S- 2 I 0 I) awol& eR)
Noge:      Plal,g "gee~    IVuw4rS Are, Xv 5o~e CaSeS)
I'resen4ecf Xns+eaoC Of Ho Jel Nui~i)ev g 0
Attachment  2 to AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and  2 in Qualification In Attachment 7 to the AEP:NRC:0578B submittal dated June 11, 1982, we committed to perform an aging analysis and to establish a surveillance/maintenance/replacement    program (based on the results  of the aging analysis) for equipment installed in a potentially harsh environment and within the scope of IE Bulletin No. 79-01B. To this end, we have contracted the serv'es of EDS Nuclear, Inc., to perform the aging analysis and, after review of D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant surveillance and maintenance procedures, to propose the necessary changes to these procedures so that a surveillance/maintenance/
replacement program will be established to bring the Plant into compliance with Section 7.0 of the DOR Guidelines (Enclosure 4 to IE Bulletin No. 79-01B, transmitted via letter dated January 16, 1980, J.
G. Keppler to J. E. Dolan).
In accordance with  10 CFR 50.49(g), we note that the schedule for final  environmental qualification of equipment items should, whenever possible, establish a goal of qualification by the end of the second refueling outage after Harch 31, 1982, or by Harch 31, 1985, whichever is earlier. The applicable dates for the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 are approximately September 1, 1983, and April 1, 1984,
,rgspectively, based on recent. estimates of refueling outage schedules..
At present, we do not know how many Plant surveillance and maintenance procedures will have to be revised as a result of the aging analysis findings. It is presently anticipated; however, that the aging analysis and input to be used in the revision of the surveillance and maintenance procedures will be completed by EDS Nuclear, Inc., on or before August 31, 1983. A complete revision to the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant surveillance and maintenance procedures and the establishment of the surveillance/maintenance/replacement      program will be completed by November 30, 1985.
Therefore, under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g), we hereby request a schedular extension to November 30, 1985 for the establishment of a surveillance/maintenance/replacement      program at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant. This request for extension applies to all those equipment items identified in Attachment 1 to this letter for which "Attachment 2" has been entered in the "Qualification Not Established" column.
Attachment  3 to AFP:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Generic Letter 82-33 and Regulatory Guide 1.97 (Rev. 2)
E ui ment Items Attachment 1 to this letter identifies certain equipment items for which "Attachment 3" has been entered in the "Qualification Not Established" column. The equipment items so identified are currently being reviewed in light of the guidance contained in Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2, and under the requirements of Generic Letter 82-33 (which provides for incorporation of this review into the integrated program established by NUREG-0737, Supplement 1).
As  committed to by our letter AEP:NRC:0773, dated April'15, 1983, we will provide    the NRC staff with a review and replacement schedule (if any) six (6) months following implementation of new Emergency Operating Procedures.      Until such time as these tasks are completed and the qualification test reports are received and reviewed for acceptability, a final schedule for qualification cannot be developed.
The replacement schedule    (if any) will, however, consider procurement lead times, test complications, installation problems, etc.
Therefore, in accordance witn the provisions oz 10 CFR 50.49 (g),
a request for schedular extension of final qualification to Novembe" 30, 1985, is hereby made. for those equipment items identified as relating to Generic Letter 82-33, Supple'.ent i to NUREG-0737, and Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide 1.97, This request for schedular extension applies to both Units of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant.
Furthermore,  if  (as a result of these reviews) additional equipment  i,tems are ident'fied  as being within the scope of the final rule and/or that equipment presently identified in Attachment 1 to this letter requires upgrading, this submittal will be amended.
Attachment 4 to AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 RTD Re lacement The H. E. Sostman Model 811901B and Rosemount Model /I'176KS Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) identified in our AEP:NRC:0578B submittal (see the System Component Evaluation Vorksheet, "SCEN" Z28) are being replaced in connection with the program established to meet the requirements of  10 CFR 50, Appendix R. As noted in our  letter AEP:NRC:0692E, dated Harch 31, 1983, completion    of this task is scheduled for August 1985.
Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g), a schedular extension to September 1, 1985, is hereby requested for final qualification of the RTDs identified above. This request is applicable to both Units of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant.

Attachment 5 to AEF:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.       1 and 2 Reliance Pump a~fotor  Qualif'ication An engineering review has been conducted to ascertain the environmental qualification for the Reliance Electric containment spray pump motor, in order to determine    if  this motor is qualified to perform its safety function in the radiation environment outside containment (following a LOCA inside containment).
os7e B"scEe" SIIEE7 NuHBER era GER.Q G I 1 i(@nial)C,X is (u.;+a.)C.Z 1 Z(u.;ti)c.zis(u.;X c.P i CP 3 (t/;t 1)CPi On C P~t.'un;C 1.)D.G.cooK IANZ7 NO(5'3.i~2 EeurPMEA/7 M ANu FACTARER Cerro Wire L.Cable Samuel Moore Continental H AVE&H Avat-Okonit;e Esse,x 04nit;e, MODEL NuH BER 3077."3O77.vt PO77 M/A~324+3'I'I EQuzl'HEA/7 OESCRr PTXON 1 STQ, lk Cu X~i~ee Calel p 1 STQ.IG Cu K~~~en~Ca e i STa,"I/Cu Kal ton rnsulaacJ Penetrc Cion Feel-Ckrough Extension K I to Tnsa lacer(Penetrafion.
Although the engineering review indicates that the pump motor will perform satisfactorily, the motor manufacturer has offered to perform a radiation test on a motorette built in the same fashion and with the same materials as those of the installed D. C. Cook Plant motor.         The test is not yet complete. Reliance Electric has, however,         informed us that test results will be available prior to Augus" 31, 1983. As such, a request for schedular extension is not being requested at this time.
Fcc l through Extension.
3TC~Q, Cu Powev Cap e.3Tc."Iz Cu Pow~eCak I i/c 3.Cu p e C PLAer rD Nues BER(S)Various Various Various Various Various Various Q,t/I ALIT 7 Q.unLx I=XED httach~en+
2.ACtac hmez4 AMack~en4 oI.hteach e>e 2 ht:tac men.'t ht;tach en'.auh Lr Fr CA rr oN hlov'STABLT5HED hctactepnent' ht tackment: C P 5'<<;ti)C P 1,3.~un~tk c P~('-t;t 1.)~~PP'e;e x3 C P 7 (I/nit: c.p~(u.;c1>CPg (inta~o o.t-two c p i 0 (u;,t 1)eo'.I--'el.CP1 1 c P ik(u'ci)c.p+(u.;c a.)1~2 Anaconda Okoni t e Anac onJa Essex Keriae, Anaconcta Keritc Cyprus~RIOR'~el oa.3 1/C"R hl eee~C[e.~i/C"~AI~p~e~c~g~3 i/G 1o Cu~~ec~al J 3 1/C 10 Cu~PLee C Llo 3 1/c"10 C<~P~re C Q'/C"%nl Pow5~~4 5 1/c 2 Cg Po~e~Cnb Jg"3I<<~3llb-~3I03-3I3.7~~B+7.3 Z/c"2 Cu Povler (able Various VariouS Various Various Various Various Various Varioct S httackn~enh ht;t,ackment oL ht:t-'achiest Attachment 2.hCt'a>k~e t;L httachinen,t.
2.hht ac4ien6 Attack>~e) t 2.'
AF P)NRC-057'6B D.C.C00K"SCEWn SHEET nNZT NO(Q.NHt'1 BEE cv is(u.;tQ CP5 n t2 C.j: 11 CZ 1%CZ 1+CPA.CF'7 EQ.OXPMEAIT MAW FACTH RE%Anaconda Boston Znoulake~~i R ycl ew Continenta I Cyprus Cyprus,"7 iQODFL~tNH8ER 3+7"30-l7 3I I I 304g"3loZ EGAXPH EN 7 DeSC RI;PTZON 3 1/C"a.Cu Xnstruwcnt C+a R6 1.1 Atu Tric X I.4~e 1.IC Ik Cu~nota~~+XsL 3 TC''I k C~~~1 31/C."Z nI l'LANT Xl7 AIIIrrt BERCS)Various VRYIONS Various VariouS Various VariouS 6 WALXFXED RM A LI FZCA7rojtj goT E5'7ABLZS]IED Attachment 2.nttacl,ment Abbacl~en+R, A ttachmen,d Attac ment 2.e.W r FXCA7 ron/5TATas P PtD1 EP OoL l-2.Conn<Cor p.Cona.x, Corp.QeStingt~1Se.QestinghousC, EP->TI rough EP-10 TBOP 4-kv Electrical c,~.tin~600-v an)Below electric I Fan Motors Ilylrogev o VariouS VcY ious IIV-CEQ.-X uL-r E~L oR-1 I Attachment 2.Attachment Attachment Attach.nugent X 1 X1$X1'3 (II it Q;z1>xR>%13) r1g Q-t2.)*3 (un t Q T 4{Mnit k)X 4( 1.X 5Glnit 2)ITT Bar tort.FoXhoro Foxbcro M 764 Lot1 H 164 Lot 3.D;Aerent al Pre.ssur e TronStni tter EI30N-IlsAfll (IAGA)NE I 3-Orl-II-X-Ml-D~Di Per cntia l Pressure, DiAerev.tial Pressure TYan'twitter BLP-IIO)111)112)120>12I>12'>130>I 31>13 2)1+0)I%I)I+2.N FC I IO>ill>12'kl>130)131)14 0,i+I gJJ~~~~I5~154 FFC-3.los.II) 220 H.l)<<30)331>2 F Fg-210)23.0)230>240 A tatoL e t A+tacgrne~C k At+ackment 3-AEPI NRCI 057%8"SCOW" SHZey NMH BER D.C.C,oox.EaIAr PROEM r lANZT h/0 (.5).t"1hNW FAC URER HODEL.NMMBER EGQXPHEAIT DESC RXPTXOIV PLANT XD NHM BER(S)Q.HALzr-xcnrzohl sTArus Q.Ail LXFZCATXOhl Q.H ALEFXED YoT ESTABLXSII LD~-TX I.(u;,tD Z 1 5'uit 2)X 1.9>>X3.0)X21>>X23.X>3 XR4 (II.;t s);x~o, X21 T22)223>~a~'xze..&-'
XR5>>ZXL>>227 (I,I;t 1);X2@, X>7 (u.;t a)FO>>I borO rTT Barton H-E-Sost>>an.or RoSelnoanh EIIGIA-Pressure IISACI (Hch)Ti.ansmi++er
'>>I765 Lot1 Pressure.H 7f.3 Lo" 2.Tr ns issuer II%34 9 or Res>>stance.
l74 KI->>.Te>>peratc re.ReSpectIVely DeteetOr MPP 2IO>>All>220~
22t,a30,23I,~ho~I*MPP-l5'I I52 l53 UPS-IXI ling.>>I53 g T P-llo>>III>>I2o, I2I>isO>l3 I>llo>>I+I>klo>2II 2M>2%I>89o>>k3I>240>Abtack>>net>>4 cL~ent-2 At Cack>>nant k, L51 1 k II.E.Sost>>an.or RoseInount
'Pest>>ng house R,e>>ance A&CO II9OI 5 or'74 KS>>Res ec>>ivel EA 1%0 p 5%osz>5'009 II>op'I-24 Frame"5%l.oZ 2oG-3%I-RRYM Resistance 1 e~perature Detector Li~t Ski to I Pion>>p Ho Col Pa>>n p Hotol-Sole,no i 3 Valve NTR-Ilo>i2O>130>>H.O)2IO>>>>>>~O~>>>>0 RA Li>>I t switches<or hlRV-15 I>>MR P P-050>>PP-oRG>>PP-oo9 X.S0-2'I l,x9a 2'I 3>>R'I4>>205>klan~Attack>>nen.b
+$44acl~en.t R An.acl I~el t~~Co,cb~~e nt At.t,acl~en', S11,>>517>'Iv/g'o>-450-32.0 Asc.0 gP-'b3l O'-, Solewoi A~wv,.V lve/50-I2>>Q.I>l3,I>>I 22>>I23>>I2+I2.5>IRG, I+7 M.0>503>505'>507 Attacli>>nent k,
AF P: AIRC: 05'7'i5 8'SCElv" SllEET Nara DER o.c~cooK EeurPMERlr Hhlx7 bio(50.HANAFACTHRER, HoDEL NuMBER Eaur PMEhl T pFcC RrPTXoh/PLAMT ZD NuzSER.(S)
Q.L<ALx Fx ED e.u ALz rscAmr ohl NO7 EST/I BLZSHED G.H LrrZCA rou S7AYuS Tci~TC2.~Tc.S~TC+~TC 10 T'C 11, T'c, 12 c TC.Gq TX3)T'P i TC7, Tr4->TPot T'C 17 TZ1,, rzq Y'Z:5'3 1o 1~2 N/A N A Cosa'.hl/A hl/W Nl4 hf A hl/A hl/1 hl ll:=, Al A)'<C..e" l C.l,le Ter v inatiov A t, Valve Operator solid Rapt'on.spliced 7'o&t:randed K pea Inside Ho J-Hp Str e K pt'oli.e.l T.';.Id C.ble h~Flood-l<p Ter>>inal riel cable splice Rt Ter>>inat;>on-Atear Valve Actual:ov-Or Cable Ter>>i~son lib Terminal AlAMCO L Sw>t J Cable Ter>>inatio~-Lll~Barrio~Xnstru~ent C~n Connection-To Fo<boro Xnstr~-cu~spJ'%is+
xns~rn>>ew5 Field Cable Splice To t'enetral io v Feed<1 ro~L Wive N/A A//A hl A Abaca J men4 ot A&ac AMac)n,end 2 Att:ac(.penh 2.At+.acgvnent ot.flttacl rie~5 0 AtCgckvnen5 ot Attac4~enb ot Attachment fieCackmene
: k.  

Attachment 6 to AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Hethods Used To Identify 10 CFR 50.49(b)   E uio, ent As required by   10 CFR 50.49(g), Attachment 1 to this letter contains a list of those equipment items presently known to be within the scope of 10 CFR 50.49(b)(1) through (b)(3). The identified equipment items are relied upon to remain functional during and following a design basis accident.
IlIHH'BER(53 Q.MALXFXC T Oh/5TATHS sMALLFzcnTxoM aHALZFXED Nol-ESTABLXSIIED T P3, TP5, TPG V1>V3.V4-vS,VQ,V7, v'f)Vio>V 1x M/A Li~ieor~ue, IV/A E, N/A SI16-I>SMB-oo>Sr(S-Q.>.SMB-OoO Te.ruination A 5 Valve.Motors>Fa~Motors>A>>d Ily Jvoelem Poiv er Ca LIE'.Terwi>>atio>>.
The actions taken to develop this list consisted of those initial actions performed for our AEP;NRC:0578B submittal (as described in to that submittal), review of NUREG-0737 requirements regarding environmental qualif'cation, and reconfirmation of postulated environments by review of the appropriate FSAR sections.
A6 Valve Motor O~erators Var)ousl.'S<O;A:ere.e Ta~rju~bers)nba'ackmen8 Ace cl ei,e Q Attacgsmen+
For each device   identified as being relied upon to remain functional   (i.e., pump and fan motors, solenoids, hydrogen recombiners, valve motor operators, etc.), the corresponding electrical installation which would have to w'thstand the harsh environment (i.e., cables, cable terminations, limit switches, etc.) was identified. These electrical installations have been incorporated into the equipment list in Attachment 1 to this letter.
N/n P.aye,4.n Brai 4 ReIt.Rayche.~BraD R.ea Branh Rex RayJwew~AEP Design.E-Cona)c Corp.AEP Design 0-Conan Covg XTT Bar+ov"3'+<3ov4 II~Cab e.Rc II 0 Cab"3II 2 R.c II Au C hie RGi II AH~b II.C~5"I B/H~4 R.C 51 a(v, Ca eje Ca'hie Tevmi>>a.-+ion.a4 RM 5 ZMe~<<~x,+Calque Ters i~-tion.oct Cl arete Conver4ev.(ncou'tic r"Ion.-'to~3I I 2+305/III/A ug 7(g+>l3iFCeren.tia l 7 6+.Vressur e Trans~ittrs Various Various Various s Var iou s Various Vav ious N/A ALA-3Io NLE-I I 0>IRO>I III>IXI>I 3 I>3II>3'>3%I 4&acLI e,~e 2 heeack~eI.t, 2.4tt;aCkI ieu,0 2 4tgac,h~~en+
    ,To date, our review of- elqctrical installations serving .safety or non-safety related actuating or monitoring devices has been limited to those devices which have been identified as falling within the scope of IE Bulletin No. 79-01B or 10 CFR   50.49(b)(l) through (b)(3).}}
Attahment 2.attach>>en 4 Attract~e~t 2.Aaeacl.e~e 2 AteackweIi4 9
AEP:hlRG-05'7%8'SCEN('H EE7 AIOI"1 BEF'.C.COOK urvXT NO(sk EG.UXPH EN T rahrvu FncTl4RER Y HoDEL-hfMMBER, EQHEPHENT PLAAIT'D DE5CRXPTrON NOH BER(S)A,MALXFZCATXON STATUS All h LXf'SCAT'Eohl glAQFZED AloT E&7ABLXSIIED N/h N/L Nh T~rgeC Rock.Corps Techno ops for Energy>>Endevco (via TEC)V i c.h or ee.n-Eber ine, ZOO>>5O'l Ag aR74).22.73 AM I>>o2&6-3<%77-I'-Pcous&ic a ve Flow Monitor in)Syskew Co~t on-Rt"1S DeCeccor Ogl-@Ca.Rr~S Detector 79AB-007 So jenoig Ac<a~<lhe,Valve tl50 Okf>>ORZ>>O23>>OR4)OQ)04k)~0.3 o+Q,R-lo7 A>>lo78>>lo7D)lo7 6 VRQ-l3 l 0>>141 0 CQni 5i)Vr A-Z3IO>>24)o~l)g~V RS-I 1 0 I>>1>O1(u.e X)V R.S-2 I 0 I)awol&eR)AekacL.niente 3'l bbackment Anzac.L~ene 3 Alt ach,~en.L 3 Noge: Plal,g"gee~IVuw4rS Are, Xv 5o~e CaSeS)I'resen4ecf Xns+eaoC Of Ho Jel Nui~i)ev g 0 Attachment 2 to AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 in Qualification In Attachment 7 to the AEP:NRC:0578B submittal dated June 11, 1982, we committed to perform an aging analysis and to establish a surveillance/maintenance/replacement program (based on the results of the aging analysis)for equipment installed in a potentially harsh environment and within the scope of IE Bulletin No.79-01B.To this end, we have contracted the serv'es of EDS Nuclear, Inc., to perform the aging analysis and, after review of D.C.Cook Nuclear Plant surveillance and maintenance procedures, to propose the necessary changes to these procedures so that a surveillance/maintenance/
replacement program will be established to bring the Plant into compliance with Section 7.0 of the DOR Guidelines (Enclosure 4 to IE Bulletin No.79-01B, transmitted via letter dated January 16, 1980, J.G.Keppler to J.E.Dolan).In accordance with 10 CFR 50.49(g), we note that the schedule for final environmental qualification of equipment items should, whenever possible, establish a goal of qualification by the end of the second refueling outage after Harch 31, 1982, or by Harch 31, 1985, whichever is earlier.The applicable dates for the D.C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 are approximately September 1, 1983, and April 1, 1984, ,rgspectively, based on recent.estimates of refueling outage schedules..
At present, we do not know how many Plant surveillance and maintenance procedures will have to be revised as a result of the aging analysis findings.It is presently anticipated; however, that the aging analysis and input to be used in the revision of the surveillance and maintenance procedures will be completed by EDS Nuclear, Inc., on or before August 31, 1983.A complete revision to the D.C.Cook Nuclear Plant surveillance and maintenance procedures and the establishment of the surveillance/maintenance/replacement program will be completed by November 30, 1985.Therefore, under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g), we hereby request a schedular extension to November 30, 1985for the establishment of a surveillance/maintenance/replacement program at the D.C.Cook Nuclear Plant.This request for extension applies to all those equipment items identified in Attachment 1 to this letter for which"Attachment 2" has been entered in the"Qualification Not Established" column.
Attachment 3 to AFP:NRC:0775C Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Generic Letter 82-33 and Regulatory Guide 1.97 (Rev.2)E ui ment Items Attachment 1 to this letter identifies certain equipment items for which"Attachment 3" has been entered in the"Qualification Not Established" column.The equipment items so identified are currently being reviewed in light of the guidance contained in Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2, and under the requirements of Generic Letter 82-33 (which provides for incorporation of this review into the integrated program established by NUREG-0737, Supplement 1).As committed to by our letter AEP:NRC:0773, dated April'15, 1983, we will provide the NRC staff with a review and replacement schedule (if any)six (6)months following implementation of new Emergency Operating Procedures.
Until such time as these tasks are completed and the qualification test reports are received and reviewed for acceptability, a final schedule for qualification cannot be developed.
The replacement schedule (if any)will, however, consider procurement lead times, test complications, installation problems, etc.Therefore, in accordance witn the provisions oz 10 CFR 50.49 (g), a request for schedular extension of final qualification to Novembe" 30, 1985, is hereby made.for those equipment items identified as relating to Generic Letter 82-33, Supple'.ent i to NUREG-0737, and Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide 1.97, This request for schedular extension applies to both Units of the D.C.Cook Nuclear Plant.Furthermore, if (as a result of these reviews)additional equipment i,tems are ident'fied as being within the scope of the final rule and/or that equipment presently identified in Attachment 1 to this letter requires upgrading, this submittal will be amended.
Attachment 4 to AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 RTD Re lacement The H.E.Sostman Model 811901B and Rosemount Model/I'176KS Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs)identified in our AEP:NRC:0578B submittal (see the System Component Evaluation Vorksheet,"SCEN" Z28)are being replaced in connection with the program established to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R.As noted in our letter AEP:NRC:0692E, dated Harch 31, 1983, completion of this task is scheduled for August 1985.Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g), a schedular extension to September 1, 1985, is hereby requested for final qualification of the RTDs identified above.This request is applicable to both Units of the D.C.Cook Nuclear Plant.
Attachment 5 to AEF:NRC:0775C Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Reliance Pump a~fotor Qualif'ication An engineering review has been conducted to ascertain the environmental qualification for the Reliance Electric containment spray pump motor, in order to determine if this motor is qualified to perform its safety function in the radiation environment outside containment (following a LOCA inside containment).
Although the engineering review indicates that the pump motor will perform satisfactorily, the motor manufacturer has offered to perform a radiation test on a motorette built in the same fashion and with the same materials as those of the installed D.C.Cook Plant motor.The test is not yet complete.Reliance Electric has, however, informed us that test results will be available prior to Augus" 31, 1983.As such, a request for schedular extension is not being requested at this time.
Attachment 6 to AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Hethods Used To Identify 10 CFR 50.49(b)E uio, ent As required by 10 CFR 50.49(g), Attachment 1 to this letter contains a list of those equipment items presently known to be within the scope of 10 CFR 50.49(b)(1) through (b)(3).The identified equipment items are relied upon to remain functional during and following a design basis accident.The actions taken to develop this list consisted of those initial actions performed for our AEP;NRC:0578B submittal (as described in Attachment 6 to that submittal), review of NUREG-0737 requirements regarding environmental qualif'cation, and reconfirmation of postulated environments by review of the appropriate FSAR sections.For each device identified as being relied upon to remain functional (i.e., pump and fan motors, solenoids, hydrogen recombiners, valve motor operators, etc.), the corresponding electrical installation which would have to w'thstand the harsh environment (i.e., cables, cable terminations, limit switches, etc.)was identified.
These electrical installations have been incorporated into the equipment list in Attachment 1 to this letter.,To date, our review of-elqctrical installations or non-safety related actuating or monitoring devices has been limited to those devices which have been identified as falling within the scope of IE Bulletin No.79-01B or 10 CFR 50.49(b)(l) through (b)(3).}}

Revision as of 12:53, 22 October 2019

Responds to NRC Final Rule 10CFR50.49 Re Electric Equipment Environ Qualification.Right to Amend Response Reserved Until Meeting W/Nrc Scheduled to Resolve Environ Qualification Deficiencies
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 05/20/1983
From: Hering R
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
AEP:NRC:0775C, AEP:NRC:775C, NUDOCS 8305260281
Download: ML17334A468 (21)


R 'iiuL i~ t'v'I-GHIlAT ID u OISTHI6v I 1 S I STF i (RIOS) bCCE,SSiu!i 1;oR::~30> Pu0 'Iil DuC.I)ATt: R3/05/Q4 IvTARIZLO: ISO OOCKFT I-AC ll:50-315 Oona o C. Coolc induc) ear ro~er P) anti Uni t 1 s Inn iana 1

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INDIANA L, MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P. O. BOX 18 BOWLING GREEN STATION NEW YORK, N. Y. 10004 May 20, 1983 AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316 License Nos. DPR-58 and DPR-74 FINAL RULE ON EQUIPMENT ENVIR011MENTAL QUALIFICATION (10 CFR 50.49)

Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr,


This letter and its Attachments respond to the NRC's final rule 10 CFR 50.49, "Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants" puhlished in the Federal Register., Vol. 48, No. 13, dated January 21, 1983, pp. 2729-2734, and to the clarification letter dated April 27, 1983 (Mr. S. A. Varga of the NRC to our Mr. J. E. Dolan).

More specifically, we read 10 CFR 50.49(g) as requiring that we identify the electric equipment important to safety within the scope of the rule (that is, safety related, non-safety related, and certain post-accident monitoring equipment as defined in 10 CFR 50.49(b)(1) through (b)(3)), and those equipment items which we believe to be already qualified, and to establish a goal of final environmental qualification not to exceed the end of the second refueling outage after March 31, 1982, or by March 31, 1985 (whichever is earlier), for those equipment items for which qualification has not yet been established. Furthermore, the clarification letter referenced, above requested us to indicate whether our previous submittals comply with paragraphs (a) and (b) of 10 CFR 50.49, to describe the methods used to identify the non-safety related electric equipment defined by 10 CFR 50.49(b)(2), and to establish any qualification programs not previously described for such non-safety related equipment.

We must first note for the record that we have repeatedly attempted during the past few months to meet with the NRC staff in order to clarify and resolve the environmental qualification "deficiencies" identified in the Technical Evaluation Reports (TERs) prepared by the Franklin Research Center (FRC) under contract to the NRC (see our letter AEP:NRC:0775, dated January 24, 1983). To date, a meeting has not been scheduled so that we could achieve resolution with NRC staff on this important topic. Therefore, we reserve the right to amend this SGO5260281 830520 r'!3F< ADQCK 05000315 PDR

Mr. Harold R. on AEP:NRC: 0775C response until such time as we may discuss the FRC TERs with your staff and arrive at an understanding of present qualification requirements.

Furthermore, if as a result of other activities (either internally generated or in response to other regulatory issues, such as Generic Letter No. 82-33) it is determined that additional equipment should be included within the scope of the final rule and/or it is determined that equipment items identified in Attachment 1 to this letter require upgrading, this letter will be correspondingly amended.

With the above provisos, Attachm'ents 1 through 6 to this letter provide the information requested by 10 CFR 50.49(g) and the NRC clarification letter referenced above. Specifically, Attachment 1 provides a list of equipment which we presently believe to fall within the scope of the environmental qualification final rule. The Attachment provides a listing of equipment manufacturers and model/Plant item numbers, a brief description of each equipment item, Plant identification numbers, a reference to a System Component Evaluation Worksheet (SCEW) in our AEP:NRC:0578B submittal (dated June ll, 1982), and an indication regarding whether the equipment is believed to be qualified or if qualification has not yet been established. Not all of these equipment items (such as certain cables and cable terminations identified as a result of the NUREG-0737 reviews) have been identified in our previous submittals on environmental qualification.

The equipment list in Attachment 1 references, in the case of equipment for which qualification has not yet been established, one or more of the other Attachments to this letter. Specifically, Attachment 2 discusses aging qualification required by Section 7.0 of the DOR Guidelines. Attachment 3 discusses those equipment items presently identified as falling under the scope of our response to Generic Letter No. 82-33 (see our letter No. AEP:NRC:0773, dated April 15, 1983). discusses certain Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) which will be replaced in connection with the program established to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R (see our letter No.

AEP:NRC:0692E, dated March 31, 1983). Attachment 5 discusses the test qualification program currently underway.,with regard to our containment spray pump motors manufactured by Reliance Electric. Where applicable, requests for final environmental qualification schedular extensions under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g) are included in the Attachments to this letter.

Attachment 6 to this letter provides a brief description of the methods used to identify the equipment defined by 10 CFR 50.49(b).

Mr. Harold R. ~on 3 I AEP:NRC:0775C This document has been prepared following Corporate Procedures which incorporate a reasonable set of controls to ensure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.

Very truly yours, Vice President RFH/os cc: J. E. Dolan Columbus R. S. Hunter M. P. Alexich R. W. Jurgensen W. G. Smith, Jr. Bridgman R. C. Callen G. Charnoff NRC Resident Inspector at Cook Plant Bridgman

Attachment 1 to AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 10 CFR 50.49( ) E ui ment List The enclosed table contains a list of those equipment items presently known to be installed at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos, 1 and 2 and which we believe to be within the scope of 10 CFR 50.49(b)(1) through (b)(3). The identified equipment items are relied on to remain functional during and following a design basis accident.

For each equipment item identified, the following information is provided in the table:

AEP:NRC:0578B submittal System Component Evaluation Worksheet (SCEW) reference(s). This reference is not intended to imply that the AEP:NRC:0578B submittal, dated June 11, 1982, provides the most up-to-date qualification data. Rather, the reference is intended to provide guidance with regard to identifying those Plant systems which utilize the equipment item ~

(2) Identification of the D. C. Cook Plant Unit(s) in which the equipment is installed.

(3) Equipment manufacturer(s).

(4) Equipment model or-"Plant item number(s) .'*-

(5) A brief description of the equipment item.

(6) Plant identification (i.e., tag) number(s).

(7) An indication as to whether the equipment is qualified, or whether qualification has not yet been established. In the latter case, an entry has been made in the table which references at least one other attachment to this letter. The referenced attachment(s) provides a description of the open item(s) and, when applicable, a request for schedular extension under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g).


UfVXT NOS. i AND 2 1 0 C F R 5'0.4'I(l) EQ.U j. PgE'NT LT. 5T AEP:NRCi O57+8 o. c. coog EQ.OZPH Ehl l HODEL. Eaux PLANTD LZ -I TION S7AT" "SCEW" SHEET qN>j No(s). HANLlFACTLlRER NI.(ABER PHENT'ESCtupTXON WuVBER83 gALXFZCATrOQ NUBBER, Qg ALXFXED gpT EsTABLZSIIEO Continental  %/C, "lR Cu Various Attachment 2.

~mr oLC~Lle CC k Co~Uinentaf EIRO . w/c ")2 Cu Various Attach.le'en'8 C n4xg3 C 4Je CC3 General Electric, +3I RO +/c, "e. Various Attoc hment 2.

c ..C Cu I hnac. Ja "3IRO S/C "lz Cu Various Attachment- k

~troffCagb CC5 1 Q of Continenta I 3IRI 7/C. Ik Cu Various Amocl ~en'.

Ccwtro~a~f CC4, General Electric 3I 2 I 7/C IR Cu Vwioqs Attac4nen.t 2.

~tvo] Coal CC7 Continental "3IM. IR/C ~~lk Cu Various Attachr ent Coi.tfof Co,ble General Electric n/C "Ia. Cu Var ious Attac,k~ent ~

Co~e~f 41k Cc 'I C ~tinental 3l 3.3 ls/c '2. Cu Various Attac4nenh c Co~yy~l c ale CCXO Cacnev al Electric 3I k 3 l5'/C l2. Cu Various Attachment X

~ant.r4 c bh CZ" 8".t.~ r sul<teJ "-3O64 2/C. +I6 Cu Various Attac l rien.t 2.

%i~ rnstra~y.t C f Jg Rockbestos "'3o64 >/C "fa C Various httac,hyena 2 r.p~gi deny C \ fe C r 3m.;t 1)


  • m.""

i Q. Sainue. l Moore "3OTS 2 sTP '"'(. Cu Ir straiggw~Cn4]g VariouS Attocl ~en.4 k, Continent.ta / +30 l5 1. STP II) Cu Various Attockinemt al.

Xz-.txuwent C..l le.

Boston, Ins'klan 4 3075 1 STP IQ Cu Various Attach.ine>6 Mire, instrument C f fe.

AEP.-NRc.: os7e B G. cooK EeurPMEA/7 MODEL EQuzl'HEA/7 PLAer rD Q,t/I ALIT 7 "scEe" SIIEE7 D.

IANZ7 NO(5'3. M ANu FACTARER NuH BER OESCRr PTXON Nues BER(S) auh LrFr CA oN rr NuHBER Q.unLx I=XED hlov'STABLT5HED era Cerro Wire L.

Cable 3077. 1 STQ, X~i~ee lk Cu Calel p Various hctactepnent' Samuel Moore "3O77. 1 STQ. IG Cu Various ht tackment:

K~~~en~Ca e GER.Q Continental vt PO77 i STa,"I/ Cu Various httach~en+ 2.

Kal ton rnsulaacJ G I is C,X 1 i(@nial)


H AVE& Penetrc Cion Feel-Ckrough Extension ACtac hmez4 K to Tnsa lacer(

I C.Z 1 Z(u.;ti) H Avat- M/A Penetrafion. Fcc l AMack~en4 oI.

c.zis(u.; X through Extension.

c.P i Okonit;e 3TC ~Q, Cu Powev Cap e.

Various hteach e>e 2 CP 3 (t/;t 1) Esse,x ~324 3Tc. "Iz Cu Various ht:tac men.'t CPi Pow~eCak I en'.

C P ~

On t.'un;C 1.) i ~2 04nit;e, + 3'I'I i/c p e C

3. Cu Various ht;tach C P C P 5'<<;ti) 1,3.~un~tk Anaconda ~RIOR 3 1/C "R hl eee~C[e.

Various httackn~enh

~~PPc P ~ t

('-t; 1.)

'e;e x3 Okoni t e '~el oa. ~ i/C "~AI


VariouS ht;t,ackment oL


C P 7 (I/nit: 1~2 Anac onJa 3 i/G 1o Cu Various ht:t-'achiest

~~ec~al J c.p~ (u.;c1> Essex "3I <<~ 3 1/C 10 Cu Various Attachment 2.

~PLee C Llo CPg (inta Keriae, 3llb- 3 1/c "10 C< Various hCt'a>k~e t; L o o t -two ~P~re C Q


c p i 0 (u;,t 1) ~3I03- '/C "% nl httachinen,t. 2.

CP1 1

eo '.I -'el.

Anaconcta Keritc 3I3.7 5 Pow5~~

1/c 4

2 Cg Various Various hht ac4ien6 Po~e~Cnb Jg c P ik(u'ci) Cyprus ~~B+7 . 3 Z/c "2 Cu Varioct S Attack>~e) t 2.'

c. p + (u.;c a.) Povler ( able

"7 AF P )NRC - 057'6B D. C. C00K EQ.OXPMEAIT iQODFL ~ EGAXPH EN 7 l'LANT Xl7 e.W r FXCA7 ron/ 5TATas "SCEWn SHEET nNZT NO(Q. MAWFACTHRE% tNH8ER DeSC RI;PTZON AIIIrrtBERCS) RM A LIFZCA7rojtj NHt'1 BEE 6 WALXFXED goT E5'7ABLZS]IED cv is(u.;tQ Anaconda 3+7 3 1/C "a. Cu Various Attachment 2.

CP5 n t2 C.j: 11 Boston Znoulake~ "30-l7 Xnstruwcnt VRYIONS nttacl,ment CZ 1 %

~i ycl R ew 3I I I R6 C+a 1.1 Atu Tric X Various Abbacl ~en+ R, I. 4~e CZ 1+ Continenta I 304g 1.IC Ik Cu VariouS A ttachmen,d

~nota ~~+XsL 3 TC I k C Various Attac ment 2.


CF'7 Cyprus Cyprus, "3loZ


31/C. "Z 1

nI VariouS P PtD1 Conn< Cor p. 4-kv Electrical VariouS Attachment 2.

c,~.tin ~

EP OoL Cona.x, Corp. EP-> TI rough 600-v an) Below VcY ious Attachment EP-10 electric I QeStingt ~1Se. TBOP Fan Motors IIV-CEQ.-X Attachment uL- r E~L l- 2. QestinghousC, Ilylrogev oR-1 Attach.nugent o I X 1 X1$ X1'3 (II it M 764 Lot1 D;Aerent al BLP- IIO) 111)112)

Q; ITT Bar tort. H 164 Lot 3. Pre.ssur e 120>12I> 12'>

z1>xR>%13) r1g Q- t2.) TronStni tter 130> I 31> 13 2) A tatoL e t 1+0) I%I ) I+2.

N FC I IO> ill> 12'kl

>130) 131) 14 0,i+I gJJ~~~~I5 ~154

  • 3 (un t Q FoXhoro EI30N- Di Per cntia l FFC-3.los.II) 220 A+tacgrne~C k T 4 {Mnit k) IlsAfll(IAGA) Pressure, H.l ) <<30) 331>

2 X 4( 1. Foxbcro NE I 3-Orl- II- DiAerev.tial F Fg 210) 23.0)

X 5Glnit 2) X- Ml-D Pressure 230>240 At+ackment 3-





TX I.(u;,tD FO>>I borO EIIGIA- Pressure MPP 2IO>>All>220~

Z 1 5'uit 2) IISACI (Hch) Ti.ansmi++er 22t,a30,23I, Abtack>>net>>4 oI.


  • issuer ~ho X 1.9>>X3.0) X21>> MPP- l5'I I52 X23. X>3 XR4 rTT Barton '>>I765 Lot1 Pressure. l53 hot cL~ent- 2 (II.;t s); x~o, H 7f.3 Lo" 2. Tr ns UPS- IXI ling.>>

X21 T22)223> I53


XR5>> ZXL>> 227 H- E- Sost>> an. II%34 9 or Res>>stance. g T P- llo>> III >> I2o, (I,I;t 1); X2@, or RoSelnoanh l74 KI->> . Te>> peratc re. I2I > isO> l3 I> AtCack>>nant k, X>7 (u.;t a) ReSpectIVely DeteetOr llo>>I+I>klo>

2II 2M>2%I>

89o>> k3I >240>

II.E. Sost>> an. II9OI 5 Resistance NTR-Ilo> i2O>

or RoseInount KS>>

or'74 1 e~ perature 130>> H.O) 2IO>> Attack>>nen.b +

Res ec>>ivel Detector >>>>~O~>>>>0 RA L51 1 k p EA 1%0 Li~t Ski to I Li>> I t switches $ 44acl ~en.t R

<or hlRV-15 I >>


'Pest>>ng house 5%osz Pion>> Ho Col P P-050>>

> p 5'009 II > PP-oRG>>

op'I- 24 R,e>>ance Frame Pa>>n p

Hotol- PP- oo9 An.acl I~el t ~

"5%l.oZ ~Co,cb~~e nt 2oG-3%I- Sole,no i 3 X.S0-2'I l,x9a A&CO RRYM Valve 2'I 3>> R'I4>> At.t,acl ~en',

205> klan~

gP- 'b3l O'-, Solewoi A /50- I2>>Q. I>

S11, >> 517 >

Asc. 0 ~wv,. V lve l3,I >> I 22>> I23>> Attacli>>nent k,

'Iv/g'o>- 450-32.0 I2+ I2.5> IRG, I+7 M.0>

503 > 505'>


AF P: AIRC: 05'7'i5 8 o. c cooK

~ EeurPMERlr HoDEL Eaur PMEhl T PLAMT ZD G.H LrrZCA rou S7AYuS

'SCElv" SllEET Hhlx7 bio(50. HANAFACTHRER, NuMBER pFcC RrPTXoh/ NuzSER.(S) e.u ALz rscAmr ohl Nara DER Q.L<ALxFx ED NO7 EST/I BLZSHED Tci ~

TC2.~ C..e" l C.l,le J men4 ot Tc.S ~ TC+~ 1 ~

2 N/A Nl4 Ter v inatiov A t, N/A Abaca TC 10 T'C 11, Valve Operator T'c, 12 c A&ac TC.Gq TX3) N A hf A solid Rapt'on.

T'P i spliced 7'o

&t:randed K pea Inside Ho J - Hp TC7, Tr4-> Str e K AMac )n,end 2 TPot pt'oli.e.l C.ble h~

T.';.Id Flood- l

>inal riel cable splice hl/A Rt Ter>>inat;>on- A//A Att:ac(.penh 2. Atear Valve Actual:ov- Or Cable Ter>>i~son hl/1 lib Terminal At+.acgvnent ot. T'C 17 Cosa'. AlAMCO Sw>t J L Cable flttacl rie~5 0 TZ1,, rzq hl/A -Lll~ Ter>>inatio~ Barrio~ Xnstru~ent hl A AtCgckvnen5 ot C~n hl ll:=, Connection- To Attac4~enb ot Y'Z:5'3 1o Al A )'< Fo<boro Xnstr~- Attachment cu~spJ'%is+ xns~rn>>ew5 Field hl/W Cable Splice To fieCackmene k. t'enetral io v Feed <1 ro~L Wive AEP:NRC: os7 b B D. C. CoOK EauXPHEHT Vor EL EauXPMENT PLAINT XD Q.MALXFXC T Oh/ 5TATHS "SCE<v" &IIEET HtJTT goCs) MANHFncTQRER IUQMBER DEscRZPTToh/ IlIHH'BER(53 sMALLFzcnTxoM MurlBER., . aHALZFXED Nol- ESTABLXSIIED T P3, TP5, M/A IV/A Te.ruination Motors> A5 nba'ackmen8 TPG E, Valve. Fa~ Motors> A>>d IlyJvoelem Poiv er Ca LIE'. N/A Terwi>>atio>>. A6 Ace cl ei,e Q SI16- I > Valve Var)ous V1> V3. V4- Li~ieor~ue, SMB-oo> Motor l.'S< O;A:ere.e Attacgsmen+ vS,VQ,V7, Sr( S-Q.> . O~erators Ta~ rju~bers) v'f)Vio V 1x > SMB-OoO P.aye,4.n "3'+ ~Cab II e. Various 4&acLI e,~e 2 N/n Brai4 ReIt. <3ov4 Rc II 0 Various heeack~eI.t, 2. Cab Rayche.~ "3II 2 R.c II Au Various s 4tt;aCkI ieu,0 2 C hie ~ BraD R.ea ~3I I 2 RGi II AH Var iou s 4tgac,h~~en+ Branh Rex + 305/ II.C~ ~b 5"I B/H Various Attahment 2. 4 RayJwew~ R.C 51 a(v, Vav ious attach>>en 4 Ca eje AEP Design. E- Ca'hie Tevmi>>a.- Cona)c Corp. +ion. a4 RM 5 Attract ~e~t 2. ZMe~<<~x,+ Calque Ters i~- AEP Design 0- III/A tion. oct Cl arete N/A Aaeacl. e~e 2 Conan Covg Conver4ev. (ncou'tic r"Ion.- 'to ug 7(g+ > l3iFCeren.tia l ALA-3Io XTT Bar +ov 7 6+ . Vressur e NLE - I I 0>IRO>I AteackweIi4 9 Trans~ittrs III>IXI>I 3 I > 3II>3'>3%I Y AEP:hlRG- 05'7%8 C. COOK EG.UXPH EN T HoDEL- EQHEPHENT PLAAIT'D A,MALXFZCATXON STATUS 'SCEN(' AIOI"1 BEF'.H EE7 urvXT NO(sk rahrvu FncTl4RER hfMMBER, DE5CRXPTrON NOH BER(S) glAQFZED Allh LXf'SCAT'Eohl AloT E&7ABLXSIIED N/h T~rgeC Rock. 79AB-007 So jenoig Ac<a~< tl50 Okf>>ORZ>> AekacL.niente 3 Corps lhe,Valve O23>>OR4) OQ) 04k) ~0.3 o + N Techno ops for ZOO>> 5O'l Ag Pcous&ic a ve Q,R- lo7 A>> /L Energy>> aR74) . Flow Monitorin) lo78>> lo7D) 'lbbackment Endevco (via TEC) 22.73 AM I >> Syskew Co~t on- lo7 6 o2&6-3< V i c.h or ee.n- %77-I '- Rt"1S DeCeccor VRQ - l3 l 0>> 141 0 CQni 5i) Anzac.L~ene 3 VrA- Z3IO>> 24)o~l)g~ Nh Eber ine, Ogl- @Ca. Rr~S Detector V RS - I 0 I>> 1 1>O1(u .e X) Alt ach,~en.L 3 V R.S- 2 I 0 I) awol& eR) Noge: Plal,g "gee~ IVuw4rS Are, Xv 5o~e CaSeS) I'resen4ecf Xns+eaoC Of Ho Jel Nui~i)ev g 0 Attachment 2 to AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 in Qualification In Attachment 7 to the AEP:NRC:0578B submittal dated June 11, 1982, we committed to perform an aging analysis and to establish a surveillance/maintenance/replacement program (based on the results of the aging analysis) for equipment installed in a potentially harsh environment and within the scope of IE Bulletin No.79-01B. To this end, we have contracted the serv'es of EDS Nuclear, Inc., to perform the aging analysis and, after review of D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant surveillance and maintenance procedures, to propose the necessary changes to these procedures so that a surveillance/maintenance/ replacement program will be established to bring the Plant into compliance with Section 7.0 of the DOR Guidelines (Enclosure 4 to IE Bulletin No.79-01B, transmitted via letter dated January 16, 1980, J. G. Keppler to J. E. Dolan). In accordance with 10 CFR 50.49(g), we note that the schedule for final environmental qualification of equipment items should, whenever possible, establish a goal of qualification by the end of the second refueling outage after Harch 31, 1982, or by Harch 31, 1985, whichever is earlier. The applicable dates for the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 are approximately September 1, 1983, and April 1, 1984, ,rgspectively, based on recent. estimates of refueling outage schedules.. At present, we do not know how many Plant surveillance and maintenance procedures will have to be revised as a result of the aging analysis findings. It is presently anticipated; however, that the aging analysis and input to be used in the revision of the surveillance and maintenance procedures will be completed by EDS Nuclear, Inc., on or before August 31, 1983. A complete revision to the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant surveillance and maintenance procedures and the establishment of the surveillance/maintenance/replacement program will be completed by November 30, 1985. Therefore, under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g), we hereby request a schedular extension to November 30, 1985 for the establishment of a surveillance/maintenance/replacement program at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant. This request for extension applies to all those equipment items identified in Attachment 1 to this letter for which "Attachment 2" has been entered in the "Qualification Not Established" column. Attachment 3 to AFP:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Generic Letter 82-33 and Regulatory Guide 1.97 (Rev. 2) E ui ment Items Attachment 1 to this letter identifies certain equipment items for which "Attachment 3" has been entered in the "Qualification Not Established" column. The equipment items so identified are currently being reviewed in light of the guidance contained in Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2, and under the requirements of Generic Letter 82-33 (which provides for incorporation of this review into the integrated program established by NUREG-0737, Supplement 1). As committed to by our letter AEP:NRC:0773, dated April'15, 1983, we will provide the NRC staff with a review and replacement schedule (if any) six (6) months following implementation of new Emergency Operating Procedures. Until such time as these tasks are completed and the qualification test reports are received and reviewed for acceptability, a final schedule for qualification cannot be developed. The replacement schedule (if any) will, however, consider procurement lead times, test complications, installation problems, etc. Therefore, in accordance witn the provisions oz 10 CFR 50.49 (g), a request for schedular extension of final qualification to Novembe" 30, 1985, is hereby made. for those equipment items identified as relating to Generic Letter 82-33, Supple'.ent i to NUREG-0737, and Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide 1.97, This request for schedular extension applies to both Units of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Furthermore, if (as a result of these reviews) additional equipment i,tems are ident'fied as being within the scope of the final rule and/or that equipment presently identified in Attachment 1 to this letter requires upgrading, this submittal will be amended. Attachment 4 to AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 RTD Re lacement The H. E. Sostman Model 811901B and Rosemount Model /I'176KS Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) identified in our AEP:NRC:0578B submittal (see the System Component Evaluation Vorksheet, "SCEN" Z28) are being replaced in connection with the program established to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R. As noted in our letter AEP:NRC:0692E, dated Harch 31, 1983, completion of this task is scheduled for August 1985. Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g), a schedular extension to September 1, 1985, is hereby requested for final qualification of the RTDs identified above. This request is applicable to both Units of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Attachment 5 to AEF:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Reliance Pump a~fotor Qualif'ication An engineering review has been conducted to ascertain the environmental qualification for the Reliance Electric containment spray pump motor, in order to determine if this motor is qualified to perform its safety function in the radiation environment outside containment (following a LOCA inside containment). Although the engineering review indicates that the pump motor will perform satisfactorily, the motor manufacturer has offered to perform a radiation test on a motorette built in the same fashion and with the same materials as those of the installed D. C. Cook Plant motor. The test is not yet complete. Reliance Electric has, however, informed us that test results will be available prior to Augus" 31, 1983. As such, a request for schedular extension is not being requested at this time. Attachment 6 to AEP:NRC:0775C Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Hethods Used To Identify 10 CFR 50.49(b) E uio, ent As required by 10 CFR 50.49(g), Attachment 1 to this letter contains a list of those equipment items presently known to be within the scope of 10 CFR 50.49(b)(1) through (b)(3). The identified equipment items are relied upon to remain functional during and following a design basis accident. The actions taken to develop this list consisted of those initial actions performed for our AEP;NRC:0578B submittal (as described in to that submittal), review of NUREG-0737 requirements regarding environmental qualif'cation, and reconfirmation of postulated environments by review of the appropriate FSAR sections. For each device identified as being relied upon to remain functional (i.e., pump and fan motors, solenoids, hydrogen recombiners, valve motor operators, etc.), the corresponding electrical installation which would have to w'thstand the harsh environment (i.e., cables, cable terminations, limit switches, etc.) was identified. These electrical installations have been incorporated into the equipment list in Attachment 1 to this letter. ,To date, our review of- elqctrical installations serving .safety or non-safety related actuating or monitoring devices has been limited to those devices which have been identified as falling within the scope of IE Bulletin No.79-01B or 10 CFR 50.49(b)(l) through (b)(3).