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#REDIRECT [[IA-86-793, Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.Forwards App O Records.Documents Already Available in PDR]]
| number = ML20196B613
| issue date = 02/09/1988
| title = Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.Forwards App O Records.Documents Already Available in PDR
| author name = Grimsley D
| addressee name = Epting R, Katz S
| docket = 05000400
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = FOIA-86-596, FOIA-86-793
| document report number = NUDOCS 8802120024
| package number = ML20196B615
| page count = 2
{{#Wiki_filter:U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMIS$10N                        N~c roa -tovist swetas, g                                                                  f f..          .\
FOIA-86-596 & 86-793 iESPOh$g Typ t f
i                                      RESPONS E i                  EED        OF                                          X I "*"                      I I "**
\ 4e ../                        INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST                                                              '''
                                                                                                                            =c m ~      a. S.m. _ e l {, p 4aco      -
Souts7e Robert Eptina (Steven Katd PART 1.-RECORDS RELEAS4D OR NOT LOCATED ISee checked bores)
Nc agerey records subsect to the roouest have been located.
Nc adomonal egency records subsect to the request have been located.
Apurn 'ecords mbrect to the request that are scentded in Appendia are already evadable for pubhc inspecten and copeng in the NRC P@ sic Document Room, 17*7 H Street. N.W., WesNngton, DC.
Apsro 'ecords subrect to the reques that are identifed in Appendia        0*          .re be,ng made e,s No fo, pusic inspect,on and co,ymg in ine NpC Puu.e Docu, nee X    b 1717 H Street. N W., WasNegton, DC, in a folder under the FOI A rv-te and requester name TN %v1propretary verseon of the proposalts) that you agreed to eccept m a tamve conversation wth a member of any staff a now being made evalaue *or pubhc enspecten DN cmq at the NRC Pubhc Document Room,1717 H Street. N W., Washrg.on DC. in a folder under tNs FotA number and roowester name.
Ercceed a eformaton on how you may obts n access to and the charges for ccoq records placed in the NRC PuNic Document Room.1717 H Street. N W . WasNngton DC Apiro 'ecords subsect to the rept are enclosed Any apphcable charge for ecces of the records provded and payment procedures are noted in the cor v ents secton.
Re:oros subsect to the roovest have been referred to another Federal agencyies *or reve* and d. rect respoese to you.
In      cv NRC's response to the roouest, no further acton a taken oc acewd netter dated PART 11 A-INFORMATION WTTkHELD FROM PUBLIC C'SCLOSURE Co-Ja rdormaton in the requested records is being withheM from pubhc decican pursuant to the FCIA enemptons described e and for the reasons sta od m Part it, sec.
txrs 8 C. a 4 D. Any redessed portens of the documents for wh+ch only paq at ce record is being withhe6d are being made avs4ste for pubhc espectice and copyeg m the NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H Street. N.W., Washington DC. m a ceper      a  under the FOIA number and requester name.
C.,. . . . e
* Copies of Appendix 0 records are also being placed at the Local Public Document Room 1313 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina. Please note that personal s                                          s privacy information relating to Ms. Patty Miriello has been deleted from the record identified at number 0-2 as noted on Appendix 0 to protect Ms. Miriello's personal privacy. This completes NRC's action on these requests.
8802120024 880209 PDR        FOIA KATZ86-596                          PDR n                                        s
  $'  A' *t D*f;70sl.c'-      C OF Ry(          p(CQ40s NRC FORM and e art n ilas:
  /.NUMBER DATE                                DESCRIPTION 1,  1/19/85          Calibration Data Sheets (10 pgs.)
: 2. 12/12/86          Memorandum for J. Nelson Grace from James Y. Vorse, subject: "Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant: Alleged    ,
Falsification of Radiation Exposure Records, and Alleged {
Discrimination (Q2-86-017)," with attachment: Report l                            of Inquiry. (38 pgs.) - Infornation Deleted l
l l
l l
l l
              \            g
      '                      ~
f .*      . C ca d .1.1 t i o n  for      A.1. t e r n a t i v e s          to Shearon          ll u r r i er C ASil 237 McCauley St.        Chapel 11111, NC 27514    919 - 9t> 7 - 6812 Mr. Harold L. Denton                                                              b Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                        FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Of fice of Reactor Regulation Washington, D.C. 20555                                              M REQU E
==Dear Mr. Denton,==
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 522, et. seq.),
the Coalition for Alternatives to Shearon Harris (CASH), and Wells Eddleman,, requests copies of any, and all, NRC rec.ords and information, including but not limited to notes, records, letters, memorana, drafts, miniutes, diaries, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions, engineering $lans, drawings, files, graphs, charts,  handwritten notes,        studies,      data sheets, interum and final reports, status reports, and any and all records relevent to and or generated in connestion with the Petition for the issuance of a Show Cause Order, pursuant to 10 CFR 2.202, as requested by CASH Petition to Institute Proceedings pursuant to 10 CFR 2.206, dated 2 July 1986.
This request includes but is not limited to information gathered                      .'
during the investigation into:
                                        .            s              .
: l. The activation of the Emergency Notification System, particularly the events of 28 June 1986, and the apparent noncompliance, by C.P.&L, and the North Carolina Emer'gency Management Office with the terms of 10 CFR Part 50, Appndx.
E, during that event;
: 2. The apparent dissemination of misinformation during the evening of 28 June 1986, by varrious organizations respon-sible under the Emergency Notification System (including but not limited to personel within SHNPP, Chatham County, Sheriffs Depattment, North Carolina Highway Patrol, and Mr. Mack Harris of the Media Department at C.P.&L; state the nature of the investigation, if any, which occured in light of the events of 28 June 1986.
: 3. The prospective changes in the Emergency Management Plan in light of the incident on 28 June 1986.
: 4. Give all documents, as stated in paragraph one of this request, which are relevent to the investigation of of C.P.&L.
and Ms. Mirriello; particularly information concerning the contentions, as stated in CASH's 2.202 request.
n>-nsnntd(- %)&
y ou om v i            ~        l h
                  \                    s
              ,a 2.
: 5. Give all documents relevent to the investication of pipe welds, as s ta t. 'l                in the Mirrelle en,te-tio    , ---.icut--1, t h e e v id an c e ., t t.-c'
                                                            '' t o C ' ' ' ' . ' '" ac t i t t o .
A. Any on
* eli eviS ce 'hich 'ms c'evelor;e? e' urin- th r 1 v:'ti 0. tion of t he ':irriello contntions or reinte'' investi .,tions en,cerni .                nos-sible violations of the .'.S"E Soiler end Pressure '!euwl cme,                  section
                            .'1, Artic le I'.'S 3^'"
insoection Manuel).              ( '9 V T.dition of the Shearon ''arris N o-Service I                          7 The Directors investir.ation and evaluation of the Psychole.ical Stress i
                            !.r s.umen t , and particular reference to the events at Cherno61e and 46                          2'l June 19 ^'s.
3 n
Cooies of any and all SALP reoorts concernine. the operation of
~_                            nuclear power plants bv C.P.6L. (Drunswick Plant), and plants under construction by C.?.6L. (Shearon . arris Plent).
CAP, requests that fees he staived, because findin t that the information er.n be con-sidered as crimatilly benefitinr. t' c oublic, pursuant to 5 USC 552 (a)(4)(a). CAS" is a non-profit, oublic interest orgent::ation enemitted to and concerned with the health and safety of it"s member, and of the surroundinc cocrnualties, and is corticularly con-cerned about the notential harm which may result if ader:uate protective ::sasures are not taken to correct t' e probicms outlined in CASM potition for Sho1 Cause.
For any documents or portions of documents which you may deny due to specific FOIA ex-ceptions, vit% eld. please        provide an .index itemizing and describinn the documents an'* portions
                      'the index should orovide a <*etailed: Justification foi your e. rounds for claimine each exemption, explaining uhy each exemption if justified and relevent to the portion of the document withheld.
(D.C.Cir.1973), cert. denied. 415 U.S.(This 1.dex is recuired by Vauchn v Rosen I, 4*4 T'!d 87.0 (1974).
Thank you for your continued cooperation, and we look forward to hearina. from you.
If I can be of an help please call at (919) 029-1870 or at the number listed on
_      the letterhead.
S ,cerely, Steven . Katz-C/ SH Le            Co::znitte e 1720 Allard Road Chanel Mill, !!C '' 75 cc:    Local Field Office Rer.ional 0Ffice
s Coalition for                Nove:ber 3          1956 Alienuthes to                Steven P. $ctz ice
* e    e      a Sheanin flarrk                CASH Legal Committee 237 EcCauley St.
unapel n111, w              67m (919) 929-1870 Donnie Grinsley Division of Rules and Records Of f ice of Administration US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555                                                        FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT RE00EST
==Dear Mr. Grimsley,==
( 'd I/~)2.-2 (a Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 522, _et. seq.),
the Coalition for Alternatives to Shearon Harris (CASH), and Wells Eddleman,, requests copies of any, and all, NRC records and information, including but not limited to                        notes, records, letters, memorana, drafts, miniutes, diaries, summaries,                            interview reports,        .
procedures, charts, instructions, engineering $lans, drawings, files, graphs, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, interum and final reports, status reports, and any and all records relevent to and or generated in response to:                                                      *
: 1. The investigation of allagations, complaints or arguments present-ed to the NRC, NRR, or the 10, by Ms. Patty Mirriello. Particelarly                                        ;
the investigation, which we understand is considered closed by the 10, of the        multiple affidavits presented by Ms. Mirriello concerning:
: a. harrascent, intimidation and blacklisting, by CP&L or it's agents at the Shearon Harris and Brunswick Nuclear Power Plants.
: b. documents related tothe inservice inspection process at the Shearon Harris Plant.
: c. documents related to Ms. Mirriello's personel radiation records while employed by CP&L or it's agents.
: 2. The CASH /Eddleman Brief, filed with the Commission on Oct6ber 6, 1986, and documentation concerning:
: a. Remedial action, additions, modifications either contemplat-                              ,
ed or taken by Carolina Power and Loght Co, the State of North Carolina, the varrious Counties and other quasi-govern mental entities involved in the planning for or participation                                !
in the Emer6ency Preparedness Plan (evacuation plan) for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, since the Full Scale                                      i Exercise of the plan in May of 1985; or,
: b. changes in the "on-sight prepared ness"for the SHNPP.
: 3. NRC investigation of incidences, allagations                                                        1 taken by the NRC, CF&L or it's a6ents in response, or                        to remedial    ' actionof the discharge CP&L or agents employees and subsequent Department of Labor investigatic s                                ,
1 Apex: 362-1717
* Cary: 828-0088,832 8558
* Ch.1pel Itill: 9(21112, %7 6812,968m67 Durham: 683 3209,683 3209
* liillsboru: 732 8245
* Pittstxiru: 542-411(
* Raleigh: 8284)088
$ h ! .10 4 O f M " 3 9 A -
                '                                        a in particular the McWeeney and VanBeck D.O.L. claims, investigations, and subsequent administrative actions, orders and appeals.
4    Provide the above requested documentation concerning the CASH /
Eddlemen 2.206 Show Cause Petition filed with the Director of Reactor Regulation on October 17, 1986 and any and all documentation generated which relates to:
: a. QA/QC arguments contained therein;
  ,          b. Wrongful discharge of employees as stated in the arguments contained therrin; and,
: c. informantion concerning arguments and allagations concerning the investigation of placement numbers and procedures fro: the confidential informant.
1 In our opinion, it is appropriate in this case that search charges be waived, pursuant to 5 USC 522(a)(4)(A),"...because furnishing the information can be considered as pricarily benefiting the ganeral public". CASH is a non-profit organization serving it's local mem-bers and the public at lar5e in the effort to assure that full public participation be had in the NRC's licensing and regulatory pro-Cess.
For any documents or portions of dscuments which you may deny due to specific FOIA Exceptions, please provide an index describing and doc-umenting the portions withheld, and a justification for claiming such an Exception as required by Vaughn v Rosen, 4S4 F.2d 820 (D.C.Cir, 1983).
We are looking forwpod to your prompt reply.
u Y                                                        -
,/ Steved P'. Katz CASH Legal Commit ee
1 0

Latest revision as of 07:51, 9 December 2021

Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.Forwards App O Records.Documents Already Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/09/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Epting R, Katz S
Shared Package
ML20196B615 List:
FOIA-86-596, FOIA-86-793 NUDOCS 8802120024
Download: ML20196B613 (2)


U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMIS$10N N~c roa -tovist swetas, g f f.. .\


FOIA-86-596 & 86-793 iESPOh$g Typ t f


i RESPONS E i EED OF X I "*" I I "**


=c m ~ a. S.m. _ e l {, p 4aco -

Souts7e Robert Eptina (Steven Katd PART 1.-RECORDS RELEAS4D OR NOT LOCATED ISee checked bores)

Nc agerey records subsect to the roouest have been located.

Nc adomonal egency records subsect to the request have been located.

Apurn 'ecords mbrect to the request that are scentded in Appendia are already evadable for pubhc inspecten and copeng in the NRC P@ sic Document Room, 17*7 H Street. N.W., WesNngton, DC.

Apsro 'ecords subrect to the reques that are identifed in Appendia 0* .re be,ng made e,s No fo, pusic inspect,on and co,ymg in ine NpC Puu.e Docu, nee X b 1717 H Street. N W., WasNegton, DC, in a folder under the FOI A rv-te and requester name TN %v1propretary verseon of the proposalts) that you agreed to eccept m a tamve conversation wth a member of any staff a now being made evalaue *or pubhc enspecten DN cmq at the NRC Pubhc Document Room,1717 H Street. N W., Washrg.on DC. in a folder under tNs FotA number and roowester name.

Ercceed a eformaton on how you may obts n access to and the charges for ccoq records placed in the NRC PuNic Document Room.1717 H Street. N W . WasNngton DC Apiro 'ecords subsect to the rept are enclosed Any apphcable charge for ecces of the records provded and payment procedures are noted in the cor v ents secton.

Re:oros subsect to the roovest have been referred to another Federal agencyies *or reve* and d. rect respoese to you.

In cv NRC's response to the roouest, no further acton a taken oc acewd netter dated PART 11 A-INFORMATION WTTkHELD FROM PUBLIC C'SCLOSURE Co-Ja rdormaton in the requested records is being withheM from pubhc decican pursuant to the FCIA enemptons described e and for the reasons sta od m Part it, sec.

txrs 8 C. a 4 D. Any redessed portens of the documents for wh+ch only paq at ce record is being withhe6d are being made avs4ste for pubhc espectice and copyeg m the NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H Street. N.W., Washington DC. m a ceper a under the FOIA number and requester name.

C.,. . . . e

  • Copies of Appendix 0 records are also being placed at the Local Public Document Room 1313 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina. Please note that personal s s privacy information relating to Ms. Patty Miriello has been deleted from the record identified at number 0-2 as noted on Appendix 0 to protect Ms. Miriello's personal privacy. This completes NRC's action on these requests.

8802120024 880209 PDR FOIA KATZ86-596 PDR n s

$' A' *t D*f;70sl.c'- C OF Ry( p(CQ40s NRC FORM and e art n ilas:



/.NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION 1, 1/19/85 Calibration Data Sheets (10 pgs.)

2. 12/12/86 Memorandum for J. Nelson Grace from James Y. Vorse, subject: "Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant: Alleged ,

Falsification of Radiation Exposure Records, and Alleged {

Discrimination (Q2-86-017)," with attachment: Report l of Inquiry. (38 pgs.) - Infornation Deleted l

l l

l l

l l

\ g

' ~

f .* . C ca d .1.1 t i o n for A.1. t e r n a t i v e s to Shearon ll u r r i er C ASil 237 McCauley St. Chapel 11111, NC 27514 919 - 9t> 7 - 6812 Mr. Harold L. Denton b Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Of fice of Reactor Regulation Washington, D.C. 20555 M REQU E

Dear Mr. Denton,

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 522, et. seq.),

the Coalition for Alternatives to Shearon Harris (CASH), and Wells Eddleman,, requests copies of any, and all, NRC rec.ords and information, including but not limited to notes, records, letters, memorana, drafts, miniutes, diaries, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions, engineering $lans, drawings, files, graphs, charts, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, interum and final reports, status reports, and any and all records relevent to and or generated in connestion with the Petition for the issuance of a Show Cause Order, pursuant to 10 CFR 2.202, as requested by CASH Petition to Institute Proceedings pursuant to 10 CFR 2.206, dated 2 July 1986.

This request includes but is not limited to information gathered .'

during the investigation into:

. s .

l. The activation of the Emergency Notification System, particularly the events of 28 June 1986, and the apparent noncompliance, by C.P.&L, and the North Carolina Emer'gency Management Office with the terms of 10 CFR Part 50, Appndx.

E, during that event;

2. The apparent dissemination of misinformation during the evening of 28 June 1986, by varrious organizations respon-sible under the Emergency Notification System (including but not limited to personel within SHNPP, Chatham County, Sheriffs Depattment, North Carolina Highway Patrol, and Mr. Mack Harris of the Media Department at C.P.&L; state the nature of the investigation, if any, which occured in light of the events of 28 June 1986.
3. The prospective changes in the Emergency Management Plan in light of the incident on 28 June 1986.
4. Give all documents, as stated in paragraph one of this request, which are relevent to the investigation of of C.P.&L.

and Ms. Mirriello; particularly information concerning the contentions, as stated in CASH's 2.202 request.

n>-nsnntd(- %)&

y ou om v i ~ l h


\ s

,a 2.

5. Give all documents relevent to the investication of pipe welds, as s ta t. 'l in the Mirrelle en,te-tio , ---.icut--1, t h e e v id an c e ., t t.-c'

t o C ' ' ' ' . ' '" ac t i t t o .

A. Any on

  • eli eviS ce 'hich 'ms c'evelor;e? e' urin- th r 1 v:'ti 0. tion of t he ':irriello contntions or reinte investi .,tions en,cerni . nos-sible violations of the .'.S"E Soiler end Pressure '!euwl cme, section

.'1, Artic le I'.'S 3^'"

insoection Manuel). ( '9 V T.dition of the Shearon arris N o-Service I 7 The Directors investir.ation and evaluation of the Psychole.ical Stress i

!.r s.umen t , and particular reference to the events at Cherno61e and 46 2'l June 19 ^'s.

3 n

Cooies of any and all SALP reoorts concernine. the operation of

~_ nuclear power plants bv C.P.6L. (Drunswick Plant), and plants under construction by C.?.6L. (Shearon . arris Plent).

CAP, requests that fees he staived, because findin t that the information er.n be con-sidered as crimatilly benefitinr. t' c oublic, pursuant to 5 USC 552 (a)(4)(a). CAS" is a non-profit, oublic interest orgent::ation enemitted to and concerned with the health and safety of it"s member, and of the surroundinc cocrnualties, and is corticularly con-cerned about the notential harm which may result if ader:uate protective ::sasures are not taken to correct t' e probicms outlined in CASM potition for Sho1 Cause.

For any documents or portions of documents which you may deny due to specific FOIA ex-ceptions, vit% eld. please provide an .index itemizing and describinn the documents an'* portions

'the index should orovide a <*etailed: Justification foi your e. rounds for claimine each exemption, explaining uhy each exemption if justified and relevent to the portion of the document withheld.

(D.C.Cir.1973), cert. denied. 415 U.S.(This 1.dex is recuired by Vauchn v Rosen I, 4*4 T'!d 87.0 (1974).


Thank you for your continued cooperation, and we look forward to hearina. from you.

If I can be of an help please call at (919) 029-1870 or at the number listed on

_ the letterhead.

S ,cerely, Steven . Katz-C/ SH Le Co::znitte e 1720 Allard Road Chanel Mill, !!C 75 cc: Local Field Office Rer.ional 0Ffice

s Coalition for Nove:ber 3 1956 Alienuthes to Steven P. $ctz ice

  • e e a Sheanin flarrk CASH Legal Committee 237 EcCauley St.

unapel n111, w 67m (919) 929-1870 Donnie Grinsley Division of Rules and Records Of f ice of Administration US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT RE00EST

Dear Mr. Grimsley,

( 'd I/~)2.-2 (a Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 522, _et. seq.),

the Coalition for Alternatives to Shearon Harris (CASH), and Wells Eddleman,, requests copies of any, and all, NRC records and information, including but not limited to notes, records, letters, memorana, drafts, miniutes, diaries, summaries, interview reports, .

procedures, charts, instructions, engineering $lans, drawings, files, graphs, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, interum and final reports, status reports, and any and all records relevent to and or generated in response to: *

1. The investigation of allagations, complaints or arguments present-ed to the NRC, NRR, or the 10, by Ms. Patty Mirriello. Particelarly  ;

the investigation, which we understand is considered closed by the 10, of the multiple affidavits presented by Ms. Mirriello concerning:

a. harrascent, intimidation and blacklisting, by CP&L or it's agents at the Shearon Harris and Brunswick Nuclear Power Plants.
b. documents related tothe inservice inspection process at the Shearon Harris Plant.
c. documents related to Ms. Mirriello's personel radiation records while employed by CP&L or it's agents.
2. The CASH /Eddleman Brief, filed with the Commission on Oct6ber 6, 1986, and documentation concerning:
a. Remedial action, additions, modifications either contemplat- ,

ed or taken by Carolina Power and Loght Co, the State of North Carolina, the varrious Counties and other quasi-govern mental entities involved in the planning for or participation  !

in the Emer6ency Preparedness Plan (evacuation plan) for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, since the Full Scale i Exercise of the plan in May of 1985; or,

b. changes in the "on-sight prepared ness"for the SHNPP.
3. NRC investigation of incidences, allagations 1 taken by the NRC, CF&L or it's a6ents in response, or to remedial ' actionof the discharge CP&L or agents employees and subsequent Department of Labor investigatic s ,

1 Apex: 362-1717

  • Cary: 828-0088,832 8558
  • Ch.1pel Itill: 9(21112, %7 6812,968m67 Durham: 683 3209,683 3209
  • liillsboru: 732 8245
  • Pittstxiru: 542-411(
  • Raleigh: 8284)088

$ h ! .10 4 O f M " 3 9 A -

' a in particular the McWeeney and VanBeck D.O.L. claims, investigations, and subsequent administrative actions, orders and appeals.

4 Provide the above requested documentation concerning the CASH /

Eddlemen 2.206 Show Cause Petition filed with the Director of Reactor Regulation on October 17, 1986 and any and all documentation generated which relates to:

a. QA/QC arguments contained therein;

, b. Wrongful discharge of employees as stated in the arguments contained therrin; and,

c. informantion concerning arguments and allagations concerning the investigation of placement numbers and procedures fro: the confidential informant.


1 In our opinion, it is appropriate in this case that search charges be waived, pursuant to 5 USC 522(a)(4)(A),"...because furnishing the information can be considered as pricarily benefiting the ganeral public". CASH is a non-profit organization serving it's local mem-bers and the public at lar5e in the effort to assure that full public participation be had in the NRC's licensing and regulatory pro-Cess.

For any documents or portions of dscuments which you may deny due to specific FOIA Exceptions, please provide an index describing and doc-umenting the portions withheld, and a justification for claiming such an Exception as required by Vaughn v Rosen, 4S4 F.2d 820 (D.C.Cir, 1983).

We are looking forwpod to your prompt reply.



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,/ Steved P'. Katz CASH Legal Commit ee


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