TXX-3995, Outlines Low Power Test Program Per SER (NUREG-0797) Open Item I.G.1,which Includes Loss of Offsite Power Test, Comparable Facility Test Data Utilization & Training on Validated Simulator.Program Will Be Incorporated in FSAR

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Outlines Low Power Test Program Per SER (NUREG-0797) Open Item I.G.1,which Includes Loss of Offsite Power Test, Comparable Facility Test Data Utilization & Training on Validated Simulator.Program Will Be Incorporated in FSAR
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 07/07/1983
From: Schmidt H
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0797, RTR-NUREG-797 TXX-3995, NUDOCS 8307110350
Download: ML20079S201 (2)



TEXAS UTILITIES SERVICES INC. Log # TXX-3995 an imm uma muaawx.w mou-July 7,1983 Mr. Harold R. Denton U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Washington, D.C. 20555



DOCKET NOS. 50-445 AND 50-446 ,

LOW POWER TEST PROGRAM CPSES SER (NUREG-0797) OPEN ITEM I.G.1 REF: (1) H. R. Denton letter to E. P. Rahe, October 23, 1981 (2) E. P. Rahe letter to H. R. Denton, July 8,1981

Dear Mr. Denton:

In your letter to Mr. E. P. Rahe of Westinghouse (Reference 1), you recognized the revised Westinghouse Low Power Test Program and the provisions for carrying it out. Specifically you agreed that the testing and training could be accomplished on a validated simulator and by use of data generated by comparable plants.

In consideration of the direction you have provided, CPSES will conduct a test program as outlined below:

1. Testing at CPSES will include a turbine generator trip with coincident loss of offsite power. The objective of this test is to demonstrate the proper plant response following a plant trip with no offsite power available. This will be accomplished by placing all 6900v normal and safeguard busses on the unit auxiliary transformer, blocking bus transfer to the startup transformers and manually tripping the reactor from between 10 and 12% power. The diesel generators will auto start and the vital loads will sequence on. Forced circulation will terminate approximately 30 seconds after the reactor trip and natural circulation will commence when the thermal driving head is I

established. Secondary side feedwater can be maintained by the motor driven or the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pumps.

To ensure that natural circulation is occuring, the RCS hot leg temperature is verified to be stable or slowly decreasing via control room indication, the core exit temperatures are verified to be stable or slowly decreasing and the RCS is verified to be subcooled greater than 600F based on pressurizer pressure and core exit temperatures.


S307110350 930707 PDR ADOCK 05000445 E PDR


2. Further testing to demonstrate the length of time required to stabilize natural circulation, core flow distribution, ability to establish and maintain natural circulation with or without onsite and offsite power, the ability to uniformly borate and cool down to tot shutdown conditions using natural circulation, and subcooling monitor performance have been performed at the Sequoyah 1 and Salem 2 facilities, which are comparable prototype plants. The data from these plants will be utilized to the extent practical at CPSES.
3. A training program has been developed to supplement operator training. Training has been completed at the Westinghouse Zion Unit 1 simulator, which has been evaluated as capable of providing valid training in support of natural circulation testing. Modifications were made at the Zion simulator to allow the use of the CPSES Emergency Operating Procedures and to incorporate the training specified in Attachment 5 of Reference
2. This program demonstrates the length of time required to stabilize natural circulation, reactor coolant flow, and operator ability to establish and maintain natural circulation.

Each operator to be licensed has experienced by direct observation the initiation, maintenance and recovery from natural circulation conditions on the simulator. Furthermore, operators are trained to recognize when natural circulation has stabilized and to control saturation margin, reactor coolant system pressure, and heat removal rate without exceeding specified operating limits.

In conclusion, a sound low power test program exists at CPSES which includes a loss of offsite power test, utilization of test data from comparable facilities, and training on a validated plant simulator.

This program, as described above, will be incorporated into the CPSES Final Safety Analysis Report via a future amendment.

erely, H. C. Schmidt RWH:grr cc: S. B. Burwell W. O. Long

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