NUREG-0881, Advises That Util Analysis Re Elimination of Protective Devices Against Dynamic Loads Resulting from Ruptures of Primary Coolant Loops,Acceptable Per GDC 4.However,changing Load Support Path Design Raises Unreviewed Safety Question

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Advises That Util Analysis Re Elimination of Protective Devices Against Dynamic Loads Resulting from Ruptures of Primary Coolant Loops,Acceptable Per GDC 4.However,changing Load Support Path Design Raises Unreviewed Safety Question
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1986
From: Oconnor P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Schnell D
RTR-NUREG-0881, RTR-NUREG-881 NUDOCS 8610300157
Download: ML20215M312 (2)



Docket No. 50-483 Mr. Donald F. Schnell 2 8 00T 1986 Vice President - Nuclear Union Electric Company Post Office Box 149 St. Louis, Missouri 63166

Dear Mr. Schnell:


CALLAWAY STATION - ELIMINATION OF LARGE PRIMARY LOOP PIPE RUPTURES By letter dated May 31, 1984, you submitted WCAP-10500 and WCAP-10501 on the application of " leak-before-break" technology as a basis for the elimination of protective devices against the dynamic loads resulting from postulated ruptures of the Callaway primary coolant loops. By letter dated October 26, 1984 you supplemented the'above submittal by submitting WCAP-10690 and WCAP-10691 in response to NRC staff's concerns.

On April 11, 1986, a final rule was published (51 FR 12502), effective May 12, 1986, amending 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, General Design Criterion (GDC) 4.

The staff has reviewed your submittals and finds that your analysis is adequate to demonstrate compliance with GDC-4 as revised.

The staff's related safety evaluation documenting our review of the SNUPPS submittal applicable to both Wolf Creek and Callaway was published in Supplement No. 5 to NUREG-0881 issued by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation in March 1985.

In accordance with the supplemental information published with the revision of GDC-4, the Commission indicated that changing load support path design would involve an unreviewed safety question. Accordingly, you should not apply the new rule for this purpose without prior approval by the NRC.

If you require any clarification of this matter, please contact me at (301) 492-7330.

8610300157 861028 n eh, PDR ADOCK 05000483 P PDR Paul W. O'Connor, Project Manager PWR Project Directorate #4 Division of PWR Licensing-A cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION:

' Docket File P0'Connor local PDR OGC NRC PDR ACRS(10)

PRC System JPartlow NSIC EJordan PWR#4 Reading BGrimes

  • See previous concurrences BJYoungblood Reading MDuncan hM- A'p s

PWR#4/DPWR-A PWR#4/DPWR-A OGC-Beth EB/DPWR-A PWR#f IWR-A P0'Connor/ rad *MDuncan *MKarmen *TSullivan BJYoa/ngblood 10/6/86 10/23/86 10/24/86 10/17/86 10/g86

. Mr. D. F. Schnell Callaway Plant Union Electric Company Unit No. I cc:

Mr. Nicholas A. Petrick Lewis C. Green, Esq.

Executive Director - SNUPPS Green, Hennings & Henry 5 Choke Cherry Road Attorney for Joint Intervenors Rockville, Maryland 20850 314 N. Broadway, Suite 1830 St. Louis, Missouri 65251 Gerald Charnoff, Esq.

Thomas A. Baxter, Esq. Ms. Marjorie Reilly Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge Energy Chairman of the League of 2300 N Street, N. W. Women Voters of Univ. City, M0 Washington, D. C. 20037 7065 Pershing Avenue University City, Missouri 63130 Mr. J. E. Birk Assistant to the General Counsel Mr. Donald Bollinger, Member Union Electric Company Missourians for Safe Energy Post Office Box 149 6267 Delmar Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63166 University City, Missouri 63130 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Mr. Dan I. Bolef, President Resident Inspectors OfMce Kay Drey, Representative RR#1 Board of Directors Coalition Steedman, Missouri 65077 for tne Environment St. Louis Region Mr. Donald W. Capone, Manager 6267 Delmar Boulevard Nuclear Engineering University City, Missouri 63130 Union Electric Company Post Office Box 149 St. Louis, Missouri 63166 Chris R. Rogers, P.E.

Penager - Electric Department 301 W. High

. Post Office Box 360 Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 Regional Administrator U. S. NRC, Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Mr. Ronald A. Kucera, Deputy Director Department of Natural Resources P. O. Box 176 Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 Mr. Glenn L. Koester Vice President - Nuclear Kansas Gas and Electric Company 201 North Market Street Post Office Box 208 Wichita, Kansas 67201 1