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PI&R RFI Final
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 01/21/2022
From: Ramirez F
NRC Region 4
To: Joseph Turner
Wolf Creek
Download: ML22025A361 (6)



Ramirez, Frances To:


Request for Information for Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection at Wolf Creek Generating Station Date:

Friday, January 21, 2022 9:52:00 AM Attachments:

2022 WC PIR Request for Information.docx Mr. Turner, The purpose of this e-mail is to transmit a request for information (RFI) in support of the Problem Identification and Resolution inspection at Wolf Creek Generating Station which will be conducted between March 14 and April 1, 2022. The team will prepare for the inspection the week of March 7, 2022, and as such, I request that the information be ready by March 1, 2022.

If you have any questions/concerns regarding this request, please contact me using the contact information below.

Thank you, Frances C. Ramírez Team Leader Inspection Programs and Assessment Team Ph: 817-200-1520 ML22025A361

Information Request Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Wolf Creek Generating Station January 21, 2022 Inspection Report: 50-482/2022010 Inspection Dates: March 14-18 and March 28-April 1, 2022 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic conditions within the state of Kansas, this inspection may be conducted remotely.

This inspection will cover the period from June 26, 2020, through April 1, 2022. All requested information is limited to this period or to the date of this request unless otherwise specified. To the extent possible, the requested information should be provided electronically in word-searchable Adobe PDF (preferred) or Microsoft Office format. If any information requested is determined to be sensitive, the specific handling of this information should be discussed in advance between the NRC inspectors and the Wolf Creek representatives assigned to the Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection to ensure appropriate handling.

Lists of documents (summary lists) should be provided in Microsoft Excel or a similar sortable format. Please be prepared to provide any significant updates to this information during the teams first week of inspection and then as new information becomes available. As used in this request, corrective action documents refers to condition reports, notifications, action requests, cause evaluations, and/or other similar documents, as applicable to Wolf Creek.

Please provide the following information no later than March 1, 2022:


Document Lists Note: For these summary lists, please include the document/reference number, the document title, initiation date, current status, and long-text description of the issue.


Summary list of all corrective action documents related to significant conditions adverse to quality that were opened, closed, or evaluated during the period


Summary list of all corrective action documents related to conditions adverse to quality that were opened or closed during the period


Summary list of all condition reports related to non-conditions adverse to quality that were opened or closed during the period


Summary list of all apparent cause evaluations (or equivalent) performed during the period; if fewer than approximately 40, provide full documents and attachments


Summary list of all currently open corrective action documents associated with conditions first identified prior to the beginning of the inspection period


Summary list of all corrective action documents that were upgraded or downgraded in priority/significance during the period (these may be limited to those downgraded from, or upgraded to, apparent-cause level or higher)


Summary list of all corrective action documents initiated during the period that identify an adverse or potentially adverse trend in safety-related or risk-significant equipment performance or in any aspect of the stations safety culture.


Summary lists of operator workarounds, operator burdens, temporary modifications, and control room deficiencies (1) currently open and (2) that were evaluated and/or closed during the period; this should include the date that each item was opened and/or closed.


Summary list of all prompt operability determinations or other engineering evaluations to provide reasonable assurance of operability; if fewer than approximately 20, provide full documents and attachments


Summary list of plant safety issues raised or addressed by the Employee Concerns Program (or equivalent) (sensitive information should be made available by appropriate means after discussion with the team lead)


Full Documents with Attachments


All root cause evaluations completed during the period; include a list of any planned or in progress


Quality Assurance audits performed during the period


Audits/surveillances performed during the period on the Corrective Action Program, of individual corrective actions, or of cause evaluations


Functional area self-assessments and non-NRC third-party assessments (e.g.,

peer assessments performed as part of routine or focused station self-and independent assessment activities; do not include INPO assessments) that were performed or completed during the period; include a list of those that are currently in progress


Any assessments of the safety-conscious work environment at Wolf Creek including any safety culture survey results; if none performed during the inspection period, provide the most recent


Corrective action documents generated during the period associated with the following:


NRC findings and/or violations issued to Wolf Creek ii.

Licensee Event Reports issued by Wolf Creek


Corrective action documents generated for the following, if they were determined to be applicable to Wolf Creek (for those that were evaluated but determined not to be applicable, provide a summary list):


NRC Information Notices, Bulletins, and Generic Letters issued or evaluated during the period ii.

Part 21 reports issued or evaluated during the period iii.

Vendor safety information letters (or equivalent) issued or evaluated during the period iv.

Other external events and/or operating experience evaluated for applicability during the period


Corrective action documents generated for the following:


Maintenance preventable functional failures that occurred or were evaluated during the period ii.

Adverse trends in equipment, processes, procedures, or programs that were evaluated during the period iii.

Action items generated or addressed by offsite review committees during the period


Logs and Reports


Corrective action performance trending/tracking information generated during the period and broken down by functional organization (if this information is fully included in item 3.b, it need not be provided separately)


Current system health reports, Management Review Meeting package, or similar information; provide past reports as necessary to include greater-than-or-equal to 12 months of metric/trending data


Radiation protection event logs during the period


Security event logs and security incidents during the period (sensitive information should be made available during the teams first weekdo not provide electronically) - Handling of this item will need additional discussion


Employee Concerns Program (or equivalent) logs (sensitive information should be made available during the teams first week of inspectiondo not provide electronically)


List of training deficiencies, requests for training improvements, and simulator deficiencies for the period Note: For item 3.c-3.d, if there is no log or report maintained separate from the corrective action program, please provide a summary list of corrective action program items for the category described.


Procedures Note: For these procedures, please include all revisions that were in effect at any time during the period.


Corrective action program procedures, to include initiation and evaluation procedures, operability determination procedures, cause evaluation procedures, and any other procedures that implement the corrective action program at Wolf Creek, including applicable corporate procedures


Quality Assurance program procedures (specific audit procedures are not necessary)


Employee Concerns Program (or equivalent) procedures


Procedures that implement/maintain a Safety Conscious Work Environment


Conduct of Operations procedure (or equivalent) and any other procedures or policies governing control room conduct, operator burdens and workarounds, etc.


Maintenance rule procedures and any procedures implementing any portion of the maintenance rule at Wolf Creek


Operating experience program procedures and any other procedures or guidance documents that describe the sites use of operating experience information




List of risk-significant components and systems, ranked by risk worth; if the list uses system designators, provide a list of the associated equipment/system names


List of structures, systems and components and/or functions that were in maintenance rule (a)(1) status or evaluated for (a)(1) status at any time during the inspection period; include dates and results of expert panel reviews and dates of status changes


Organization charts for plant staff and long-term/permanent contractors


Electronic copies of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (or equivalent),

technical specifications, and technical specification bases, if available


Table showing the number of corrective action documents (or equivalent) initiated during each month of the inspection period, by screened significance


For each day the team is inspecting,


Planned work/maintenance schedule for the station ii.

Schedule of management or corrective action review meetings (e.g.

operations focus meetings, condition report screening meetings,

Corrective Action Review Boards, Management Review Meetings, challenge meetings for cause evaluations, etc.)


Agendas and materials for these meetings Note: Please provide the items listed in 5.f on a daily basis All requested documents should be provided electronically (e.g., Certrecs IMS) where possible.

Frances Ramirez U.S. NRC Senior Reactor Inspector Inspection Program and Assessment Team Division of Reactor Safety, Region IV 1600 E. Lamar Blvd, Arlington, TX 76011