ML21061A341 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Wolf Creek ![]() |
Issue date: | 02/25/2021 |
From: | Division of Nuclear Materials Safety IV |
To: | Wolf Creek |
References | |
IR 2021002 | |
Download: ML21061A341 (5) | |
See also: IR 05000482/2021002
The following items are requested for the
Occupational Radiation Safety Inspection
at Wolf Creek
Dates of Inspection: 04/05/2021 to 04/09/2021
Integrated Report 2021002
Inspection areas are listed in the attachments below.
Please provide the requested information on or before Friday, March 19, 2021.
Please submit this information using the same lettering system as below. For example, all
contacts and phone numbers for Inspection Procedure 71124.01 should be in a file/folder titled
1-A, applicable organization charts in file/folder 1-B, etc.
The information should be provided in electronic format or a secure document management
service. If information is placed on a secured document management system, please ensure
the inspection exit date entered is at least 30 days later than the onsite inspection dates, so the
inspectors will have access to the information while writing the report.
In addition to the corrective action document lists provided for each inspection procedure listed
below, please provide updated lists of corrective action documents at the entrance meeting.
The dates for these lists should range from the end dates of the original lists to the day of the
entrance meeting.
If more than one inspection procedure is to be conducted and the information requests appear
to be redundant, there is no need to provide duplicate copies. Enter a note explaining in which
file the information can be found.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Natasha Greene at 817-200-1154 or via
e-mail at
This letter does not contain new or amended information collection requirements subject
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing information
collection requirements were approved by the Office of Management and Budget,
control number 3150-0011.
Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls (71124.01) and
Performance Indicator Verification (71151)
Date of Last Inspection:
March 2, 2020
List of contacts and telephone numbers for the Radiation Protection Organization Staff
and Technicians, as well as the Licensing/Regulatory Affairs staff. Please include area
code and prefix. If work cell numbers are appropriate, then please include them as well.
Applicable organization charts including position or job titles. Please include as
appropriate for your site, Site Management, RP, Chemistry, Maintenance (I&C),
Engineering, and Emergency Protection. (Recent pictures are appreciated.)
Copies of audits, self-assessments, LARs, and LERs written since the last inspection
date, related to this inspection area
Procedure indexes for the radiation protection procedures and other related disciplines.
Please provide procedures related to the following areas noted below. Additional
procedures may be requested by number after the inspector reviews the procedure
1. Radiation Protection Program
2. Radiation Protection Conduct of Operations, if not included in #1.
3. Personnel Dosimetry
4. Posting of Radiological Areas
5. High Radiation Area Controls
6. RCA Access Controls and Radiation Worker Instructions
7. Conduct of Radiological Surveys
8. Radioactive Source Inventory and Control
9. Fuel Pool Inventory Access and Control
Please provide a list of NRC Regulatory Guides and NUREGs that you are currently
committed to relative to this program. Please include the revision and/or date for the
commitment and where this may be located in your current licensing basis documents.
Please provide a summary list of corrective action documents (including corporate and
sub-tiered systems) since the last inspection date.
1. Initiated by the radiation protection organization
2. Assigned to the radiation protection organization
NOTE: These lists should include a description of the condition that provides sufficient
detail that the inspectors can ascertain the regulatory impact, the significance
level assigned to the condition, the status of the action (e.g., open, working,
closed, etc.) and the search criteria used. Please provide in document formats
which are sortable and searchable so that inspectors can quickly and
efficiently determine appropriate sampling and perform word searches, as
needed. (Excel spreadsheets are the preferred format.) If codes are used,
please provide a legend for each column where a code is used.
List of radiologically significant work activities scheduled to be conducted during the
inspection period. (If the inspection is scheduled during an outage, please also include a
list of work activities greater than 1 rem, scheduled during the outage with the dose
estimate for the work activity.) Please include the radiological risk assigned to each
Provide a summary of any changes to plant operation that have resulted or could result
in a significant new radiological hazard. For each change, please provide the
assessment conducted on the potential impact and any monitoring done to evaluate it.
List of active radiation work permits and those specifically planned for the on-site
inspection week.
Please provide a list of air samples taken to verify engineering controls and a separate
list for breathing air samples in airborne radiation areas or high contamination work
areas. Please include the RWP the breathing air sampling supports.
Please provide the current radioactive source inventory, listing all radioactive sources
that are required to be leak tested. Indicate which sources are deemed 10 CFR Part 20,
Appendix E, Category 1 or Category 2. Please indicate the radioisotope, initial and
current activity (w/assay date), and storage location for each applicable source.
Please provide the last two leak test results for all required/applicable radioactive
sources. Please specifically indicate the sources that have failed its leak test within the
last two years. Provide any applicable condition reports.
A list of all non-fuel items stored in the spent fuel pools, and if available, their appropriate
dose rates (Contact / @ 30cm)
A list of radiological controlled area entries greater than 100 millirem, since the last
inspection date. The list should include the date of entry, some form of worker
identification, the radiation work permit used by the worker, dose accrued by the worker,
and the electronic dosimeter dose alarm set-point used during the entry (for
Occupational Radiation Safety Performance Indicator verification in accordance with IP
A list describing VHRAs and TS HRAs (> 1 rem/hour) that are current and historical.
Include their current status, locations, and control measures.
Temporary effluent monitor locations and calibrations (AMS-4) used to monitor normally
closed doors or off-normal release points (e.g., equipment hatch or turbine heater bay
doors). Include any CRs associated with this monitoring or instrumentation.
Occupational ALARA Planning and Controls (71124.02)
Date of Last Inspection:
March 11, 2019
List of contacts and telephone numbers for ALARA program personnel, as well as the
Licensing/Regulatory Affairs staff. Please include area code and prefix. If work cell
numbers are appropriate, then please include them as well.
Applicable organization charts including position or job titles. Please include as
appropriate for your site, Site Management, RP, Chemistry, Maintenance (I&C),
Engineering, and Emergency Protection. (Recent pictures are appreciated.)
Copies of audits, self-assessments, LARs, and LERs, written since the date of last
inspection, focusing on ALARA
Procedure index for ALARA Program procedures and other related disciplines.
Please provide specific procedures related to the following areas noted below.
Additional Specific Procedures may be requested by number after the inspector reviews
the procedure indexes.
1. ALARA Program
2. ALARA Planning
3. ALARA Reviews
4. ALARA Committee
5. Radiation Work Permit Preparation
Please provide a list of NRC Regulatory Guides and NUREGs that you are currently
committed to relative to this program. Please include the revision and/or date for the
commitment and where this may be located in your current licensing basis documents.
Please provide a summary list of corrective action documents (including corporate and
sub-tiered systems) written since the date of last inspection, related to the ALARA
program, including exceeding RWP Dose Estimates.
NOTE: These lists should include a description of the condition that provides sufficient
detail that the inspectors can ascertain the regulatory impact, the significance
level assigned to the condition, the status of the action (e.g., open, working,
closed, etc.) and the search criteria used. Please provide in document formats
which are sortable and searchable so that inspectors can quickly and
efficiently determine appropriate sampling and perform word searches, as
needed. (Excel spreadsheets are the preferred format.) If codes are used,
please provide a legend for each column where a code is used.
List of work activities (RWPs) greater than 1 rem, since date of last inspection,
including the original dose estimates and actual doses accrued. (Excel format
preferred). Please provide all revisions/changes, as well as any related RWPs that
support the work activity.
List of active work activities (RWPs) that will be in use while we are onsite, including the
dose and dose rate settings, and if available, the planned dose. Include planning
documents and surveys. Include radiological risk assessments and proposed control
Site dose totals for the past 3 years (based on dose of record). Also provide the current
year-to-date (YTD) collective radiation exposure (CRE). In addition, please provide
another document that separates the online and outage doses for the past 3 years.
Most recent assessment of your isotopic mix, including the hard-to-detect radionuclides
and alpha hazards. Include a list of new and historical exposure issues (radiological
source term or high exposure areas/activities).
If available, provide a copy of the lessons learned from the most recently completed
outage for each unit. Include a summary list of any associated corrective action
documents and the current status of any corrective actions assigned.
Please provide the methods/reports that are in your process to meet the requirements of
10 CFR 20.1101(c) for periodic review of your RP program.
Current exposure trends (BRAC dose rates and/or source term information).