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Responds to 870709 Request That NRC Look Into Concerns Expressed by Kolet Re Safety of Commercial Nuclear Power Plants in Us & Emergency Planning.Emergency Plan at Facility Developed by Util & Reviewed by Nrc,Fema & State Officials
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/21/1987
From: Stello V
To: Levin C
Shared Package
ML20237J207 List:
NUDOCS 8708260066
Download: ML20237J205 (12)


{{#Wiki_filter:___ _ -___ s V +

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mig 21127 The Honorable Carl Levin United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Levin:

Your letter of July 9,1987 requested that NRC look into the concerns expressed by Ms. Kolet in her letter to you relative to the safety of commercial nuclear power plants in the United States and emergency planning. This letter responds to your request. It is a fundamental task of the NRC to ensure that existing reactors and those on line operate safely. The NRC's highest priority is to ensure the protection of the public health and safety. This is accomplished by vigilant oversight of the design, construction, and operation of nuclear power plants. NRC regulations require that the industry take extensive measures to prevent and mitigate potential accidents. , , With respect to Ms. Kolet's question on emergency procedures in the event of a I serious accident at the Fermi-2 nuclear power plant, the emergency plan at Fermi-2, has been developed by Detroit Edison Company (DECO) and reviewed by NRC, Federal Emergency Management Agency, State and local authorities. Under  ! this plan DECO would be responsible for: (1) classifying the emer respect to the potential risk to the public health and safety;notifying (2)gency with offsite authorities; and (3) recommending any public protective actions, such as sheltering or evacuation. State and local authorities would: (1) determine the proper protective actions; (2) alert and notify the general public within 15 minutes of a decision to recommend protective actions; and (3) assist the general public in carrying out the protective actions. These emergency plans are tested every year by DECO and every two years by the State and local authorities. i You mentioned the Chernobyl incident and questioned if it was really worth having nuclear power plants if so many people could perish in an emergency situation. With regard te Chernobyl, I am enclosing our publication, " Report 3 on the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station" to assist you in l understanding that accident. As detailed in Chapter 8 of this report the  ! deaths which ensued from this very severe accident were restricted to personnel who were on site during the course of the incident.  ! 1 I hope that this response will be helpful to you in addressing Ms. Kolet's { concerns. Please let me know if the NRC can be of further assistance to you. 1 Sincerely, . Origi:wl signed by .- Victor steno , l{ \ / } ) 8708260066 G70821 Executive Director PDR ADOCK 05000341 for Operations sg H PDR

           .. ?           .       .
                  .                                            l l                                                                                                                   !

j DISTRIBUTION , l Docket File f. Miralgia J. Blaha  ! NRC & Local PDR J. Funches D. Mossburg(ED0 #003032)w/cy incoming  ! ED0 #003032 w/cy incoming J. Stefano PD31 Green Ticket File w/ incoming l ED0 Rdg F. Congel D. Crutchfield V. Stello G. Holahan P. Shea T. Murley/J. Sniezek OGC-Beth R. Ingram R. Starostecki GPA/CA(4) SECY (8) Control #87-0853 l I See Previous Concurrence

  • LA/PD31:DRSP* PM/PD31:DRSP* D/PD31:DRSP* Tech Ed* AD:DRSP*

RIngram JStefano:lt MVirgilio AThomas GHolahan 7/24/8/ 7/24/87 7/24/87 7/27/87 7/29/87

                                                                                    '                              i D:DRSP*         ADP*                D00NRR*       DONRR*'                  PS/CA DCrutchfield FMiraglia             JSniezek       TMurley           11 7/29/87         7/30/87             7/30/87       8/3/87      VS 8      7 0 8 ( 87
                                                                                        /87 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY J

i 4 l i The Honorable Carl Levin United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Levin:

Your letter of July 9,1987 requested that NRC the concer expressed by Ms. Kolet in her letter to you relative to the safety of commercial nuclear l power plants in the' United States and emergency planni g. This letter responds to your request. It is a fundamental task of the NRC to ensure th existing reactors and those coming on line operate safely. The NRC's highe . priority is to ensure the protection of the public health and safety, is is accomplished by vigilant oversight of the design, construction, and eration of nuclear power plants. NRC regulations require that the industry ke extensive measures to prevent and mitigate potential accidents. l With respect to Ms. Kolet's question emergency procedures in the event of a serious accident at the Fermi-2 nuc ar power plant, I should first point out that the circumstances surrounding he accident at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union are far different from tho at nuclear power plants in the United States. The design of the Cher obyl nuclear reactor is substantially different from that of U.S.1 ctors; the administrative procedures used to control testing at Chernobyl ere different from those required at U.S. plants; the regulatory over ight of U.S. plants by the NRC is different; and most important, U.S. reac rs have a strong containment structure surrounding the reactor to prevent t e immediate widespread release of radioactive i material to the enviro ,ent, as happened at Chernobyl. Finally, to add an , additional layer of p tection at U.S. plants, the NRC regulations. require an i emergency protection plan for the area within a radius of about 10 miles from each plant. We req ire that there be comprehensive plans in place, that 1 trained personnel and facilities be available, and that the plans be ] demonstrated to be workable in regular exercises. Although it is highly ~ unlikely that emergency actions would ever be required beyond 10 miles from  ; the plant, as in the case of Ms. Kolet, we are confident that the same basic-plans and procedures could be used to take emergency protective actions beyond 10 miles if that were thought necessary. We therefore believe that the possibility that "many people perish in an emergency situation", as Ms. Kolet i states, is very unlikely. The emergency plan at Fermi-2, has been developed by Detroit Edison: Company 3 (DECO) and reviewed by NRC, Federal Emergency Management Agency, State and local authorities. Under this plan DECO would be responsible for: (1)classi-fying the emergency with respect to the potential risk to the public health and safety; (2) notifying offsite authorities; and (3) recommending any public protective actions, such as sheltering or evacuation. State and local


authorities would: (1) determine the proper protective actions; (2) alert and notify the general public within 15 minutes of a decision to recommend protective actions; and (3) assist the general public in carrying out the protective actions. These emergency plans are tested every year by DECO and every two years by the State and local authorities. I hope that this response will be helpful to you in addressing Ms. Kolet's concerns. Please let me know if the NRC can be of further assistance to you. 4 Sincerely, Victor Stello, Jr. Executive Direct for Operatic 1 1 l l 1 ( i

DISTRIBUTION l Docket File F. Miralgia J. Blaha l NRC & Local PDR J. Funches D. Mossburg(ED0 #003032)w/cy incoming EDO #003032 w/cy inc ming J. Stefano PD31 Green Ticket File w/ incoming ED0 Rdg F. Congel D. Crutchfield V. Stello G. Holahan P. Shea T. Murley/J. Snie ek OGC-Beth R. Ingram R. Starostecki GPA/CA (3) SECY (3) Control #87-0853 See Previous ncurrence*

LA/PD31:DRSP* PM/PD31:DRSP* D/PD31:DRSP* Tech Ed* AD:DRSP* l Ringram JStefano:lt MVirgilio AThomas GHolahan 7/24/87 7/24/87 7/24/87 7/27/87 7/29/87 , D:DRSP* ADP* DDONRR* D0$RR* IDO GPA/CA l DCrutchfield FMiraglia JSnierek TMurley V VStello 7/29/87 7/30/87 7/30/87 8/3/87 8/ /87 8/ /87 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY I i g_

H l The Honorable Carl Levin United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 l

Dear Senator Levin:

                                                                          .              /

Your letter of July 9, 1987 requested NRC assistance in responding 40 the concerns expressed by Ms. Kolet in her letter to you relative to'the safety of commercial nuclear power plants in the United States and eme gncy planning. This letter responds to your request. It is a fundamental task of the NRC to ensure that exi ing reactors and those coming on line operate safely. The NRC's highest p,rIcrity is to ensure the protection of the public health and safety. Thisjls accomplished by vigilant oversight of the design, construction, and oper tion of nuclear power plants. We and the industry take extensive measures t prevent and mitigate potential accidents.


With respect to Ms. Kolet's question on mergency procedures in the event of a serious accident at the Fermi-2 nucle power plant, I should first point out that the circumstances surrounding e accident at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union are far different from those t nuclear power the United States. The design of the Chern y1 nuclear reactor is substantially different from that of U.S. re tors; the administrative procedures used to control testing at Chernobyl ere different from those required at U.S. plants; the regulatory oversight of .S. plants by the NRC is different; and, most important U.S. reactors ve a large, strong containment structure surrounding the reactor o prevent the immediate widespread release of radioactive material t the environment, as happened at Chernobyl. Finally, to add an additional ayer of protection at U.S. plants, the NRC regulations require an emergen protection plan for the area ~ within a radius of about ' < 10 miles from ea plant. We require that there be comprehensive plans in I place, that tra d personnel and facilities be available, and that the >lans l be demunstrat to be workable in regular exercises. Although it is hig11y unlikely tha energency actions would ever be required beyond 10 miles from the plant, s in the case of Ms. Kolet, we are confident that the same basic plans and procedures could be used to take emergency protective actions beyond 10 miles if that were thought necessary. l The emergency plan at Fermi-2, has been developed by Detroit Edison Company (DECO) and reviewed by NRC, Federal Emergency Management Agency, State and local authorities. Under this plan DECO would be. M sponsible for: (1)classi-fying the emergency with respect to the potential risk to the public health and safety; (2) notifying offsite authorities; and (3) recommending any public protective actions, such as sheltering or evacuation. State and local-authori-tics would: (1) determine the proper protective actions; (2) alert and notify the general public within 15 minutes of a decision to recoimend protective I

i The Honorable Carl Levin actionc,; and (3) assist the general public in carrying out the protective actions. These emergency plans are tested every year by DECO and every two , years Dy the State and local authorities. 1 I hope that this response will be helpful to you in addressing Ms. Kol'et's i concerns. Please let me know if the NRC can be of further assistanf:e to you, i Sincerely, l Victor Stello fr. Executive Dire'ctor for Opera fons DISTRIBUTION Docket File F. Miralgia J. Blaha NRC & Local PDR J. Funches D. Mossburg(EDO #003032)w/cy incoming ED0 #003032 w/cy incoming J. Stefano. PD31 Green Ticket File w/ incoming EDO Rdg F. CongeY D. Crutchfield V. Stello G. Holah'an P. Shea T. Murley/J. Sniezek OGC-Beth R. Ingram R. Starostecki GPA/ A (3) SECY (3) Control #87-0953 l See Previous Concurrence

  • LA/PD31:DRSP* PM/PD31:DRSP* D/PD31:DRSP* Tech Ed* AD:DRSP*

RIngram / $tefano:lt MVirgilio AThomas GHolahan 7/24/87 /7/24/87 7/24/87 7/27/87 7/29/87 l D:DRSP* A P* DCrutchfield/ tMiraglia DDONRR* JSniezek

                                                                                             /  k iiMur ey EDO VStello GPA/CA 7/29/87     ( 07/30/87            07/30/87        08/ /87      08/ /87 08/ /87 0FFICIAL RECORD C0 l

l The Honorable Carl Levin

                             'Jnited States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Levin:

Your letter of July 9,1987 requested NRC assistance in responding to the concerns exprcssed by Ms. Kolet in her letter to you relative to the safety of commercial nuclear p>wer plants in the United States and emergency planning. This letter responds to your request. It is a fundamental task of the NRC to ensure that existing reactors and those coming on line operate safely. The NRC's highest priority is to ensure the protection of the public health and safety. This is accomplished by vigilant oversight of the design, construction, and operation of nuclear power plants. We and the industry take extensive measures to prevent and mitigate potential accidents.


With respect to Ms. Koletls, question on standard emergency procedures, the NRC regulations require a two" art protective action plan with one part addressing the zone within a radius o bout 10 miles from the plant and one for the zone within a radius of about 50 iles. The emergency plan at Fermi-2, has been developed by Detroit Edison C pany (DECO) and reviewed by NRC, FEMA, State and local authorities. Under this lan DECO would be responsible for: (1) classi-fying the emergency with respect to the potential risk to the public health and safety; (2) notifying offsite authorities; and (3) recommending any public protective actions, such as sheltering or evacuation. State and local authorities would: (1) determine t e proper protective actions; (2) alert and notify the general public within 15 inutes of a decision to recommend protective actions; and (3) assist th general public in carrying out the protective actions. These emergency p pns are tested every year by DECO and every two years by the State and loe 1 authorities. I hope that this response will be helpful o you in addressing Ms. Kolet's concerns. Please let me know if the NRC ca be of further assistance to you. Sincere y, Victor St llo, Jr. l Executive hirector for Opera ions DISTRIBUTION Docket File F. Miralgia Blaha NRC & Local PDR J. Funches D. Mossburg(ED0 #003032)w/cy incoming EDO #003032 w/cy incoming J. Stefano PD .1 Green Ticket File w/ incoming ED0 Rdg F. Congel D. C,rutchfield V. Stellu G. Holahan P. Sbea T. Murley/J. Sniezek OGC-Beth R. In' gram R. Starostecki GPA/CA (3) SECY (3) Control #87-0853 . 1 See Previous Concurrence

  • LA/PD31:DRSP* PM/PD31:DRSP* D/PD31:DRSP* Tech Ed* AD:DRSP*

RIngrarr. JStefano:lt MVirgilio AThomas GHolahan 7/24/87 7/,4/87 m / 7/24/87 7/27/87 7/29/87 W" pP D:DRSP* ADb NRR 00NRR EDO GPA/CA DCrutchfield FMi ia L iiezek TMurley VStella 7/29/87 8 Q0/87 / /87 / /87 / /87 t

e The Honorable Carl Levin United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Levin:

Your letter of July 9,1987, requested NRC assistance in responding to the concerns expressed by Ms. Kolet in her letter to you relative to the safety of commercial nuclear power plants in the United States and emergency planning. This letter responds to your request, It is a fundamental task of the NRC to ensure that existing reactors and those coming on line operate safely. The NRC's highest priority is to ensure the protection of the public health and safety. This is accomplished by vigilant oversight of the design, constructi(n, and operation of nuclear power plants. We and the industry take extensive neasures to prevent and mitigate potential accidents. With respect to Ms. Kolet's question on standard emergency procedures, the NRC regulations require a two.part protective action plan with one part addressing-the zone within a radius of about 10 miles from the plant and one for the zone within a radius of about 50xmiles. The emergency plan at Fermi-2, has been developed by Detroit Edison ' Company (DECO) and reviewed by NRC, FEMA, State and local authorities. Under this splan DECO would be responsible for: (1) class-ifying the emergency with respect to the potential risk to the public health and safety; (2) notifying offsit'e authorities; and (3) recommending any public protective actions such as shelteVing or evacuation. State and local authorities would: (1) determine \heproperprotectiveactions;(2)alertand notify the general public within 15Nninutes of a decision to recommend j protective actions; and (3) assist the general public in carrying out the protective actions. These emergency pslans are tested every year by DECO and every two years by the State and local authorities.


I hope that this response will be helpful gto you in addressing Ms. Kolet's concerns. Please let me know if the NRC can be of further assistance to you. Since\ rely, j


Victor Stello, Jr. l Executive Qirector of Operations DISTRIBUTION Docket File F. Miralgia \3 Blaha NRC & Local PDR J. Funches Mossburg(EDO #003032)w/cy incoming ED0 #003032 w/cy incoming J. 5teftno PD EDO Rdg F. Congel D.C(rutchfieldGreen Ticket File w/ incomin V. Stello G. Holahan P. Shea T. Murley/J. Sniezek OGC-Beth R. Ingram R. Starostecki GPA/CA (3) SECY (3) Control #87-0853 See Previous Concurrence

  • LA/PD31: DRSP* PM/PD31: DRSP* D/PD31: DRSP* Tech Ed* AD:DRSP*

RIngram JStefano:lt MVirgilio AThomas GHolahan 7/24/87 7/24/87 7/24/87 7/27/87 7/29/87 D N)fb ADP Crutchfield FMiraglia DDONRR JSniezek DONRR TMurley ED0 VStello GPA/CA

                 /87       / /87               / /87           / /87       / /87                  / /87 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

s: , The Honorable Carl Levin United States Senate J Washington, D.C. 20510 l 1

Dear Senator Levin:

Your letter of July 9, 1987, requested NRC assistance in responding to the concerns expressed by Ms. Kolet in her letter to you relative to the safety of l commercial nuclear power plante in the United States and emergency planning, i This letter responds to your request. It is a fundamental task of the NRC to ensure that existing reactors and those { coming on line operate safely. The NRC's highest priority is to ensure the i protection of the public health and safety. This is accomplished by vigilent i oversight of the design, construction, and operation of nuclear power plants. We and the industry take extensive measures to prevent and mitigate potential accidents. With respect to Ms. Kolst's question on standard emergency procedures, The NRC l4 regulations require a twoxpart protective action plan with one part addressing } the zone within a radius o'f about 10 miles from the plant and one for the zone ) within a radius of about 50\ piles. The emergency plan at Fermi-2, has been l developed by Detroit Edison Company (DECO) and reviewed by NRC, FEMA, State and local authorities. Under this (1) class-ifying the emergency with resp ec<t\ to plan the DECO potentialwould risk tobethe responsible public health for: and safety; (2) notifying offsith authorities; and (3) recommending any public  ! protective actions such as shelter \ing or evacuation. State and local  ; authorities would: (1) determine e proper protective actions; (2) alert and l notify the general public within 15 nutes of a decision to recommend protective actions; and (3) assist t general public in carrying out the protective actions. These emergency p and every two years by the State and lo,ans are tested every year by Deco al authorities. I hope that this response will be helpful 40 you in addressing Ms. Kolet's concerns. Please let me know if the NRC ce be of further assistance to you. Sincerely, l o, Jr. VictorSte(igectorofOperations Executive D DISTRIBUTION \ Docket File F. Miralgia J. 'Blaha NRC & Local PDR J. Funches D. Mossburg(E00 #003032)w/cy incoming ED0 #003032 w/ y incoming J. Stefano PD31 Green Ticket File w/ incoming E00 Rdg F. Congel D. Crutchfield V. Stello G. Holahan P. Shea T. Murley/J. Sniezek OGC-Beth R. Ingram R. Starostecki GPA/CA (3) SECY (3) Control #87-0853 See Previous Concurrence

  • LA/PD31:DRSP* PM/PD31: DRSP* D/PD31:DRSP* Tech Ed* AD:DRSP M/V RIngram JStefano:lt MVirgilio AThomas GHolahan W 7/24/87 7/24/87 7/2A/87 7/27/87 1/01/87 b l

D:DRSP ADP DDONRR DONRR ED0 GPA/CA DCrutchfield FMiraglia JSniezek TMurley VStello

                                 / /87            / /87              / /87           / /87         / /87     / /87 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY

I Senator Levin I hope that this response will be helpful to you in addressing Ms. Kolet's  ! concerns. Please let me know if the NRC can be of further assistance to you. Sincerely, l N Victor Stello, Jr. j \ Executive Director of Operations l DISTRIBUTION Docket File


J:xBlaha NRC & Local PDR D. Mossburg (ED0 #003032) w/cy incoming ED0 #003032 w/cy incoming PD31 Green Ticket File w/ incoming EDO Rdg D. Cruthfield V. Stello G. HolahaI1' T. Murley/J. Sniezek OGC-Beth R. Starostecki GPA/CA (3) , F. Miraglia SECY (3) Contro h#87-0853


J. Funches P. Shea x f J. Stefano R. Ingram F. Congel \ -{ j 4 I i MM/4 U$ NW j i LA/PD31:DRSP PM/PDp:DRSP D/PD31:DRSP Techf[p AD:DRSP 1 1 RIngramP JStefano:lt MVirgilio /* n# GHolahan i l 1/).4/87 7 R /87 7/el/87 )th/87 / /87 J D:DRSP ADP DDONRR DONRR EDO GPA/CA DCrutchfield FMiraglia JSniezek TMurley VStello

                       / /8?          / /87               / /87           / /87       / /87    / /87 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY l

a j s s 1

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                                                                                             ;.-              k; EDO PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENCE CONTROL FROM:                                                               Di lF: 08/04/87      EDO CONTf3      007.032 DOC      07/09/87               j SEN. CARL LEVIN                                                                       FINAL REPLi.                           I l


                                                                   , -(b 3)43 NRR RECSIVED: JULY 21, 1987                         f       /tV DRSP:CRUTCHFIELD NRR ROUTING:            MURLEY/SNIEZEK                                                                  w STAROSTECKI MIRAGLIA i>UlK'iiES BLAl!A MOSSBURG s
                                                                                                                -___________a -



Express concern about nuclear power plants ACTION: Direct Reply DISTRIBUTION: OCA to Ack I SPECIAL HANDLING: None i NOTES: TraceyKolet DATE DUE: Jul 30 87 bIGNATURE: . DATE SIGNED: AFFILIATION: 1 Rec'd Off. ED0 Date 1 - + 0 - Y '7 2: 15~;,o nmo. i l f I t f l L DO --- 003032 m___----- - - - I 4}}