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Requests Addl Info for First 10-yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan within 60 Days of Receipt of ltr.Color-coded Flow diagrams/35-mm Color Slides of Diagrams & Description of Methodology Used to Establish Sys Boundaries Requested
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/1988
From: Hood D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Tucker H
TAC-56682, TAC-56683, NUDOCS 8811180027
Download: ML20206E276 (14)


___ _-____

November 15, 1988 Docket Nos.: 50-369 50-370 Mr. H. B. Tucker, Vice President Nuclear Production Department Duke Power Company '

422 South Church Street -

Charlotte, North Carolina 28242

Dear Mr. Tucker:



HRR with assistance from its contractor, Sciance Applications International Corporation (SAIC), is reviewing your Inservice Inspecticr (ISI) Program Plan for the McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2. Additional information is needed for completion of the review. We reques' that responses to the enclosed requests be provided within 60 days r- =.a.eipt of this latter.

We request that cupies of your responses with all attachments also be forwarded directly to Yory Whitehead of SAIC at the address below in order to expedite review completion.

If you have questions, call me at (301) 492-1442.

The reporting and/or recordkeeping requirements contair.ed in this letter .

affect fewer than ten rerpondents; therefore, OMB clearaice is not required ]

under P. l.96-511.  ;

i Sincerely,

, /' '

Darl S. Hood Project Manager Project Directorate II-3 i Division of Reactor Prcjects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated l cc: See Next Page

. Tory Whitehead SAIC P.O. Box 50697 0- 101 South Park Avenue - Suite 5 g Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405-0697 UO DISTRIBUTION: '

$$ Docket T W NRC PDR Local PDR PDIl-3 Reading S. Yarga 14-E-4 E. Jordan MNBB-3302 3U N G. Lainas 14-H-3 B. Grires 9-A-2

88 C. l'atthews 14-H-25 C. Y. Cheng 9-H-15 i S

M. Rood 14-H-25 G. Johnson 9-H-15

' ~ D. Hood 14-H-25 ACRS(10) P315 E$ OGC (For inform. Only) 15-C-1P b d McGuire Plant File ,

cao s / / k' 35H JQU9 PDll-3 FDII43 -

! i DHood:Is Itatthews MNby/88 11/ 11/gf88 '

11/f (/88 [ 61


[ ,** * .



%, November 15, 1988 Docket Nos.: 50-369 50-370 Mr. H. B. Tucker, Vice President Nuclear Productfon Department Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28242

Dear Mr. Tucker:



NRR with assistance from its contractor, Suence Applications International Corporation (SAIC), is reviewing your Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program Plan

, for the McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2. Additional information is needed for completion of the review. We request that responses to the enclosed requests be provided within 60 days of receipt of this letter.

We request that copies of your responses with all attachments also be forwarded directly to Tory Whitehead of SAIC at the address below in order to l expedite review completion.

If you have questions, call me at (301) 492-1442.

The reporting and/or recordkeeping requirernents contained in this letter J ' affect fewer than ten respendents; therefore, CMB cleara: ice is not required under P. L.96-511.

I Sincerely, N

yo //p Darl S. Hood, Project Manager Project Directorate !!-3 Division of Reactor Projects - 1/11 j

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated I

cc: See Next Page Tory Whitehead SAIC P.O. Box 50697 101 South Park Avenue - Suite 5 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405-C697 r

l Mr. H. B. Tucker I Duke Power Company McGuire Nuclear Station l CC:

Mr. A.V. Carr, Esq. Dr. John M. Barry {

Duke Power Company Department of Environmental Health ;

P. O. Cox 33189 Mecklenburg County ,

422 South Church Street 1200 Blythe Boulevard '

C Charlotte, North Carolina 28242 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 j County Manager of Mecklenburg County Mr. Dayne H. Brown, Chief 720 East fourth Street Radiation Protection Branch i Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Division of Facility Services  !

Copartment of Human Resources 701 Barbour Drivu

  • Mr. Robert Gill Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-2008 I Duke Power Company Nuclear Production Department .

P. 0. Box 33189 '

Lharlotte, North Carolina 28242 i J. Michael McGarry, I!!, Esq.

Bishop Liberman, Cook, Purcell [

and Reynolds 1200 Seventeenth Street, N.W. t Washington, D. C. 20036  !

l Senior Resident Inspector c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission <

l Route 4, Box 529  !

l Hunterville, North Carolina 28078 l Regional Administrator, Region !!

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cosmission  !

101 Marietta Street, N.W., Suite 2900 1 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 I L S. S. Kilborn '

Area Manager, Mid-South Area  ;

I ESSD Projects l Westinghouse Electric Corporation  :

l MNC West Tower - Ba/ 239  !

P. O. Box 355 ,

l Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 l l

I i


.. l t



(TAC Nos. 56682 and 56683)  !

Request for Additional Information First 10-Year Interval Inservice inspecticn Program Plan


l. Scope / Status of Review I I

i Throughout the sarvice life of a water-cooled nuclear power facility, 10  !

CFR 50.55a(g)(4) requires that components (including supports) which are l classified as ASME Code Class 1. Class 2, and Class 3 meet the f requirements, except design and access provisions and preservice f examination requirements, set forth in AME Code Section XI, "Rules for i inservice Inspection of Nucitar Power Plant Components," to the extent [

practical within the limitations of design, geometry, and materiols of l construction of the components. This section of the regulations also j requires that inservice examinations of components and system pres 0ure  !

tests ccnducted during the initial 120-month inspection interval shall comply with the requirements in the latest edition cnd addenda of the  !

Code incorporated by reference in 10 CFR 50.55a(b) on the date 12 months I prior to the date of issuance of the operating Itcense, subject to the l limitations and modifications listed therein. Thecoeponents(including I

f supports) may meet requirements set forth in subsequent 9ditions and t addenda of this Code which are incorporated by reference in 10 CF3 [

50.55a(b) subject to the limitations and modifications listed therein.  !

I-YouhavepreparedtheInserviceInspection(ISI)ProgramPlansfor McGuire Nuclear Station (MNS) Units 1 and 2 to Deet the requirements of the 1980 Edition, Winter 1980 addenda (80W80) of the ASME Code Section XI. l t

By letters dated November 4 and 7,1984, you submitted a proposed ISI  !

program for the first 10-year inspection interval for MNS-1 and 2. f*C letter dated May 7, 1986, requested additional information concerning the proposed ISI program for NNS-1 and 2. On June 20, 1986 you responded to [

the request for additional information but didn't provide all the l information requested. Such requests are repeated below.

l I

1 i l

!!. Additional Information Requested Based on a .'eview of the above materials, the staff has .oncluded that the fullowing infoiN tion and/or clarifications are required to complete the review of the 151 pic; ram plans:

1. The color-coded flow diagrams pruvided in your June 20, 1986, response were provided as aperture cards, filrred in black and white, drom black and white drawings, Class 1 and 2 nonexempt pressure boundaries cannot be determined. In addition, Class 3 System boundaries should be identified. Color coded flow diagrams or, as en alt. rnative, legible 35-m :olor slides of these diagrams should be provided. .
Also provide a narrative dest.ription of the methodology used to establish system boundaries, including a discussion of how the
exemption criteria listed tr. Section 2.1 of the 151 plan were applied.


2. provide iscretric ar.d/or component drawings showing tb: welds, component , and supports which art required to be exanined by Section
  • XI of the ASME Code. You declined to provide these drawings in your June 20, 1986, response. 151 drawings should be part of the ISI program plan. These drawings provide a necessary source of information ,

on the distribution and extent of the proposed examination sample, including the selection of examination items in multiple trains and components performing similar functions.


3. Volures 2 and 3 of the MNS 151 list the detailed examination  :

schedule by outage for IJnits 1 and 2. Thase cutage schedules contain the information within the 151 plan that the staff needs to evaluate the acceptability of the examination sarple, as well as schedule requi rements. Generally, sme dif'erences between projected iind l actual outage examination schedule will exist. Further, the staff L

2 i t

does not require a licenses to conform exactly to the uuta;e schedule present.ed in the 151 plan. However, very significant differences were found between the planned examinations for NHS-1 Outage 3 listed in Volume 2 of the 151 plan and examirations actually perforu d during the Unit 1 outage 3 as reported in Section 3.0 of the MNS-1 Inservice Inspection Report dated November 5, 1986. As such, review of your outage plans as contained in your 151 plan does not allow the staff to accurately evaluate the acceptability of the examination sample or schedule requirements. So that the staff can evaluate your examination sample and schedule, provide the following for each Section XI item numbei':

(a) total population of each Se: tion XI item number subject to examination (b) total number of exa~inations of each Section XI item nurber to be performed duric; each of the three inspection periods j (IWB-and IWC-2414-1) for the first 10-year interval (c) examination method (s)

(d) for Class 1 and 2 piping welds, provide the information outlined in a, b, and c above by system.

Attachment 1 is an illustration of the requested information.

l 4 Section 1.0 of the 151 plan states:

i "Examinations of Class 3 components included in examination Cstegory 0-B will be selected in accordance with Table IWD-2500-1 of the 1080 Edition of ASME Section XI, as allowed by paragraph 50.55a(g)(4)(iv)

! of 10 CFR 50."

Paragraph 50.55a(g)(4)(iv) permits updating to more recent versions of the Code. The 1980 Edition of ASME Section XI with Addenda through Winter 19F' sSOE80W) has oven selected as the applicable version of the Code for MNS-1 and 2. Selecting the 1980 Edition l 3 i

f . . .

4 without addenda is not consistent with paragraph 50.55a(g)(4)(iv).

Clarify the requirements that will be used for the examination of Class 3 Category 0-8 components.

5. The ISI plan does not state that the 1974 Edition. Su mer 1975 Addenda of the Code is being used for tne extent of examination for  ;

Class 2 piping welds in the Residual Heat Removal (RHR), Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) and Containment Heat Removal (CHR) systems as required by 10 CFR 50.55%b)(2)(iv). The plan should state that this regulation u being met and identify the welds selected to satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(iv).

C. The 151 Program Plan for Units 1 and 2 is written to be in accordance with the 1980 Edition of ASME Section XI, including all J

addenda through Winter 1980. This edition is appropriate for Unit 2; however, the Unit 1 operating license is dated July 8, 1981, which gives the Code of record as 1977 through Sumer 1979. Foreal approval must be requested per 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(t)(iv) to update the Unit 1 151 program plan to the 1900 Edition of ASPE Section XI, including all addenda through Winter 1980, If this request was made

previously, provide copies of the appropriate documents.


7. Wi.h regards to limitations due to retallurgical properties of cast l stainless steel (SA351 Grade CF8A), the staff has continued to ronitor the development of new or imprcved examination techniques.

As improverents in these areas are achieved, the st.ff is requiring <

that thes) new techniques be made part of the 151 tNsination procedures. Discuss the 151 examination procedures for the ultrasonic examination of the MN$-1 and 2 primary coolant system ,

and, in particular, the improved examination techniques and l procedures whic's will be incorporated to increase the level of  !

compliance with the Code examination requirenents.

I l

4 .

t I

8. Code Case N-356 is not referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.147 as an
NRC-approved code case. Therefore, this code case, as referenced in Section 1.2 of the ISI Program Plan, sho01d not be used. Regulatory Guide 1.147 Paragraph C.4, states "Code cases that are not on the '

, approved list of this guide (Paragraph C.1) or other regulatory guides, or for which authorization by the Comission has not been l granted, are not acceptable on a generic basis." Please provide justification for the use of this code case or submit a request for relief along with technical justifications as to why the Code raquired Section XI requirements are impractical.

9. As required by 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5), if certain Code examination requirements are determined impractical and relief is requested, you nust submit information to the NRC to support that determination.

Section 9.0, "Requests for Felief from ASME Code Requirements " of ,

the ISI Program Plan does not include any formal requests for relief f from Section XI of the ASME Code.



j You submitted several equests for relief from hydrustatic testing


and ober testing requirements by individual letters. Please {

rev..e Section 9.0 of the 151 Plan to include all requests for

relief whether previously submitted or not, including supporting technical justifications. Each request for relief should be a j l "stand-alone" document (i.e., all the supporting inforration should be included as part of the relief request).

j 10. The staff is using the submittals listed in Attachment 2 to review

th1 first interval IS! plan and relief requests for PNS-1 and 2.

) Provide copies of documents not listed in Attachrent 2 that should be used in the review of your first-interval 151 Plan.


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I O. Reacter Wessel 9

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I '


1. W. O. Parker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton (NRC) February 1,1979; Unit 1 creservice inspection relief request and preliminary inservice inspection relief request.
2. R. S. Boyd (NRC) to W. O. Parker (Duke Power), February 9,1979; Augmented inservice inspection for pipe rupture protection.
3. W. C. Parker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton (NPC), March 22, 1979; Augrented inservic2 inspection for pipe rupture protection.

4 Duke Power Company, Safety EvaFaation Report Related to Operation of McGuire Nuclear Station, Units I a Q lUREG 0422, fupplement No. 4, l

F ary 1951.

5. W. O. Parker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton (NRC), July 13, 1982; Thctrmal sleeve evaluation report.
6. H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton (NRC), September 14,182; j Requests relief from hydrostatic testing requirerents.
7. H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton (NPC), October 19, 1982;

, Requests relief from hydrostatic testing requirements.

8. NRC t.etter, E. G. Adensam to H. B. Tucker, Outstanding information Responses, November 24, 1982.
9. H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton, (NRC), Preliminary inservice inspection and preservice inspection relief requests, December 22, 1982.
10. NRC Memo, T. N. Novak to H. B. Tucker, December 29, 1982; Relief Request l


11. H. E. Tucker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton (HRC), January 11, 1983; Unit 2 relief request from hydrostatic testing requirerents.
12. Duke Power Company, Safety Evaluation Report, McGuire Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2 NUREG-0422 Supplement No. 6. February 1953.
13. H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton (NkC), March 11, 1983; Requests

) relief from hydrostatic testing requirements on feedwater systems.

14 H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton (NRC), April 12, 1984; Relief request from snubber testing.

15. H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton (NRC), Neverber 5,1984; 1 Augranted inservice inspection for accurulator injector line welds.
16. H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton (NRC), Noverter 7, 1984; 151 Plan for McGuire Nuclear Statter Units 1 and 2 (submitted Revision 6 of Volures I, !!, and 111).


17. McGuire Final Safety Analysis Report Q-121.7 to Q-121.13, preservice and inservice inspection questions and responses.
18. H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton, January 17, 1985; Requests relief from safety-related snubber testing.
19. D. Hood (NRC) to H. B. Tucker (Dyke Power), May 7,1986; Request for Additional Informathn on Inservice Inspection Program, ricGuire Cats 1 and 2.
20. H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to H. R. Denton (NRC), June 20, 1986; Response to RA! of May 7, 1986,
21. H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to H 9 Denton(NRC), August 27, 1986; ASME Hydrostatic Testing Requirerents Exemption.
22. B. J. Youngblood (NRC) To H. B. Tucker (Duke Power), July 31, 1987; Grants relief from ASME Code Section XI hydrostatic testing regarding UH!

removal - Units 1 and 2.

a. Duke application for relief, dated April 7, 1987.
23. D. I od (NRC) to H. B. Tucker (Duke Power), March 14, 1988; Grants relief from ASHE Code Section XI hydrostatic testing of Unit I repair welds (Nuclear Service Water System).
a. Duke application for relief, dated January 28, 1988.

24 D. ftatthews (NRC) to H. B. Tucker (Diske Power), June 15, 1988; Grants relief request No. 88-02 regardirg hydrostatic testing of repair welds for Unit 2 Nuclear Service Water System.

a. Duke application for relief, dated April 27, 1988.
25. D. ftatthews (NRC) to H. B. Tucker (Duke Power), July 12, 1988; Grants relief from ASME Code Section 11 hydrostatic testing of Units 1 and 2 welds for rodifications to Nuclear Service Water System.
a. Duke application for reitef, dated February 9,1987.
b. Duke letter correcting application for relief, dated February 16, 1988
c. Duke letter supplementing application for relief, dated March 25, 1988
d. NRC Inspection Report Nos. 50-369/87-44 and 50-370/87-44, dated January 12, 1988, Item 5.
26. D. Matthews (NRC) to H. B. Tucker (Duke Power), dated August 3,1908; Grants relief from hydrostatic testing of welds for Unit 1 Nuclear Service Water and Groundwater Monitoring Systemt.
a. Duke application for relief, dated October 26, 1987 2

l.. ..

I i-j b. Duke letter supplementing application for relief, dated January 19


1988 j 1

] c. Duke letter supplementing application for relief, dated May 4,1988 l

l 27. H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to NRC dated May 5, 1988; A f

! relief (Relief Request No. 88-04) regarding testing fo$ plication for1owing additi j inspection port to Unit 1 Containment Spray Heat Exchanger, l t

28. H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to NRC, dated June 27, 1988; Application for  !

relief (Relief Request No. 88 05) from ASME Ccde Section X1 regarding Unit 1 and 2 Nuclear Service Water System valve flange welds, t t



relief Tucker (Relief Request (DukePower)toNRCl;datedJuly1,1988;Applicationfor No. 88 06 Application for relief from second period 151 regarding Unit 2 Safety inspection Accumulator Tank PB shell-to-lower head weld, ,




30. H. B. Tucker (Duke Power) to NRC, dated March 2,1988; Application for l

! approval to use ASME Code Cases N 401, N-416, N 426, and N 427 l 4  ;

1 i

1 1 L 1

1 i

l l




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