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Approves 900820 Revised Relief Request 89-02 to Replace 20- Inch Carbon Steel Elbow W/Stainless Steel Pipe
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/25/1990
From: Matthews D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Tucker H
TAC-77517, TAC-77518, NUDOCS 9010050299
Download: ML20059M808 (3)



( I



5 WASHlWGToN. D. C. 20006 I.

1,4 -


,e September 25, 1990 y


' Docket-Nos. 50-369


'and 50-370 Mr. H.

B. Tucker, Vice President Nuclear Production Department Duke Power company


P. O.

Box 1007

-Charlotte, North Carolina 28201-1007 j

Dear Mr.- Tucker:

1 1



LYour letters of February 16, 1989, and Janrary 22, 1990, request-ed relief from ASME Section XI hydrostatic costing requirements a>

for modifications planned to the McGuire Nuclear Service Water

-(RN)~ System..These modifications included those associated with nuclear station modifications (NSM) MG-22233 and MG-22243 which-provide for replacement of some carbon steel piping on McGuire Unit 2 with. stainless steel (SS) piping.

Your relief request was R

identified as Relief Request No. 89-02.

The NRC staff granted the requested relief June 29, 1989, and April 4, 1990.

By: letter of August-20, 1990, you have proposed additional' changes to MG-22233 and MG-22243 prior to implementation in an effort to further reduce corrosion and erosion of RN carbon-steel piping and components.

The additional changes would replace a 20-inch carbon steel 90-degree elbow pipe with SS pipe, and would replace another straight section of 20-inch carbon steel pipe with SS pipe.

The new pipes would be' installed using grove welds.

In lieu of hydrostatic testing, alliwelds in the modifi-i cation would be subjected to a dye penetrant or magnetic particle q

examinationion the~ root pass and finished weld.

IJditionally, an 1

inservice leak test performed to verify that the'new-connections do not leak.

Your August letter, therefore, re-quested that the NRC staff's prior approvals for Relief Request-89-02 be extended to include these planned changes to MG-22233 p

_and MG-22243.

-Thc original basis for your request rema. ins. unchanged.

You' note L

that the Section XI ASME Code hydrostrtic test. requirement'is Limpractical-due to the inadequacy of the test boundary.

The test 0

' boundary-contains butterfly isolation valves, which have a history of leakage and would not provide adequate isolation to j

permit a hydrostatic test.

To achieve adequate isolation would require system design modifications to install different types of 7

valves-or blind flanges.

Such modifications would constitute a significant burden in terms of plant outage time and manpower.

1 pg9 OO Q

h bat

,1 no i

., L Mr. H. B. Tucker

- Duke Power Company McGuire Nuclear Station CC:

Mr. A.V. Carr, Esq.-

Dr. John M. Barry Duke _ Power Company Department of Environmental Health P. O. Box 33189 Mecklenburg County 422 South Church Street 1200 Blythe Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina 28242 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 County Manager of Mecklenburg County Mr. Dayne H. Brown, Director r

720 East Fourth Street Department of Environmental, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Health and Natural ~ Resources i

Division of Radiation Protection-P.O. Box 27687 Mr. J. S. Warren Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Duke Power Company Nuclear Production Department Mr. Alan R. Herdt, Chief i

P. O. Box 33189 Project Branch #3 Charlotte North Carolina 28242 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission r

e 101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900 l

J. Michael McGarry, III, Esq.

Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Bishop, Cook, Purcell and Reynolds 1400-L Street, N.W.

Ms. Karen E. Long Washington, D. C.

20005 Assistant Attorney General N. C. Department of Justice


Senior' Resident Inspector P.O. Box 629 c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 12700 Hagers Ferry Road l

L Huntersville, North Carolina 28078 Regional Administrator, Region II l

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission l

101 Marietta. Street, N.W., Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323:

Ms. S. S.'Kilborn l

l Area Manager, Mid-South Area ESSD Projects Westinghouse Electric Corporation MNC West Tower - Bay 239 P.-0. Box 355 l


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 t

l l


, ~.

. Mr. : H.: B. Tucker September 25, 1990



-We have reviewed your letter of August 20, 1990, and your earlier information provided in support of Relief Request No. 89-02.

We conclude that the Section XI ASME Code requirements of Article J

IWA-4400 and Article IWD-5000 continue to be impractical with respect to MG-22233 and MG-22234 as revised.

The alternative weld examinations and inservice leak test proposed for the additional changes in lieu of the hydrostatic test requirements will ensure acceptable levels of inservice structural integrity for the RN System.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g) (6) (i), Relief Request No. 89-02, as revised, is granted as requested.

This relief is authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security and is otherwise in the public interest given due consideration to the burden upon the licensee that could result if the requirements were imposed on the facility, i

Sincerely, Original signed by:

David B. Matthews, Director

. Project Directorate II-3 Division of Reactor Projects-I/II office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc:

See next page DISTRIBUTION:

Docket Filaf G. Lainas NRC PDR' D. Matthews:

-Local PDR R.

Ingram PDII-3 R/F C..Cheng T. Murley/F. Miraglia D. Hood J.

Partlow OGC - 15/B/18 L

C. Rossi E. Jordan MNBB-3302


GPA/PA ACRS (10). P-315

,0C/LFMB G.'Galletti L. Reyes, Reg. II McGuire Plant File 4

S. Varga T. Reed g





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