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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Documents Including HR Denton 850708 Memo to T Rehm Re Util Hearing & Geological & Geographical Maps.App a Documents Also Available in Pdr.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/09/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Ferahian R
FOIA-88-232 NUDOCS 8806140189
Download: ML20197F609 (2)




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  • S lgg INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST ox.1, o.. o.~

e, 14CstlTim R. H. Ferahian PART 1 -RECORDS RELE A$tD OR NOT LOCATIO LSer chected bones)

No agency recorcs out1Kt to the 90 west have been loCa'ed No addwteNd agency records swbiect to t.a *owest have been loc.ated.

Agency records subsect to the request that are esatsled e Append.

A a o a oaov a aaebie fo, pubi.c. rep. i n and copweg e the NRC rebs.c oocwme-eoom.

1717 H Street. N W, Washegton OC Agency records suba-t to the request thtt are soont43 in Apperdu._

a'e bemg made asadatdo fos put*c especten and copveg e the NRC Pwtdic C% meet Room.1717 H 5:'est. N W. Wuh.ngton, OC, e a foioer unde < the FOI A numtef and req weste, eame Tha nonprop<etry ve<sen of he proposaks) that you agreed to a:: spi e a telephone conse saten n th a enember of rev statt e now teeg maoe awadable for putAc. wecton t

and coymg at the NRC Pwtec Detament Room.1717 H Street N W WasNngton. OC, e a folder utdet the FotA nureber and reavessen ear e XX Enclosed e m'ormaten on how yowmay obtam access to and the che ges for coprng records placed m t e NRC Pu:Ac Document Room.1717 H $"oet. N W., W ash.rve,e. OC XX Agency records swbect to t'.e request are enclosed Aay appl < ate charge for copes of the records prov4*d and payer **t procedw es are noted an the comments secw r

Recor3s sub,ect to the regwest have been te'erved to another Feoerad agencytesi for reve* and dwect respoese to you.

In www of NRC s response to the roowest, no furter action e temg tamen on appesi le'ter dated PART H A-INFORMATION WfTHHELD FROM PUBLIC Ol$ CLOSURE Certoe eformaton in the roovested records e toeg withheid from pubhc deciosu e purswaat to the FOiA e.empt.ons descreed m and foi the reasons stated e Pa1 e sec.

r tons 8. C. and 0 Aav reessed portons of the documents foe *ao onN part of t** #ecoed e teeg withhe'd are being made avadabie for put*c especten and coor g a the NRC Put*c Docurrent Room.1717 H $tmt. N W. Wuheg'on. DC. e a foider under the FOi A numter and reowes'ee name Comments Enclosed are the following:


7/8/85 Memorandum from Harold R. Denton to Thomas Rehm subject: Request s

From Richard Udell Regarding Diablo Canyon Hearing.

(10 pages)

NOTE: The above memorandum is the record from which the list in question was provided.



Geological Map - Tectonic Features (1 page)

NOTE: A color photographic copy of this map may be obined from the NRC at a cost of $20.00.


Geographical Map - NRC Major Regulated Facilities (1 page) 8806140189 080609 FOIA PDR PDH FERAHIABB'232

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g. D'AIC TOA Dev'iSt-eVLil

~ Conog N3C FORM 464 ee n

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Re: FOIA-88-232 1

i APPENDIX A RECORDS MAINTAINED AMOUNG PDR FILES Refer to the table of contents in each of the below listed NUREG reports for the information you desire.


NUREG-0820 2.

NUREG-0821 3.

NUREG-0822 4.

NUREG-0823 4


NUREG-0824 6.

NUREG-0825 7.

NUREG-08%6 8.

NUREG-0827 9.


10. NUREG-0829
11. NUREG-ll84
12. NUREG-ll85
13. NUREG-CR/0098 f

1 4

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