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Responds to 871119 Appeal of NRC 871116 Denial of FOIA Request for Documents Concerning Sser 21.Documents Will Continue to Be Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 6)
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/28/1987
From: Stello V
To: Bauman L
FOIA-84-21, FOIA-87-A-104 NUDOCS 8712310111
Download: ML20238C603 (1)




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WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 rn


Ms. Linda Bauman DEC 2 81987 Government Accountability Project Midwest Office IN RESPONSE REFER 104 E. Wisconsin Avenue TO F01A-87-A-104 Appleton, WI 54911 (F01A-84-21)

Dear Ms. Bauman:

This is in response to your letter dated November 19, 1987, in which you appealed Mr. Donnie H. Grimsley's response dated November 16, 1987.

Mr. Grimsley's response denied portions of ten documents subject to your Freedom of Information Act (F0IA) request for documents in connection with the Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Supplement No. 21.

Acting on your appeal, I have carefully reviewed the record in this case and have determined that the previously withheld information will continue to be withheld from public disclosure pursuant to Exemption (6) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(6)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(6) of the Commission's regulations. Your appeal is, therefore, denied.

The withheld information consists of the names, dates of birth, and social security account numbers of employees of the Diablo Canyon power plant.

I am unable to identify any legitimate public interest in the release of this information which outweighs the privacy interests of the individuals.

This is a final agency action. As set forth in the FOIA (5 U.S.C.

552(a)(4)(B)), judicial review of this decision is available in a district court of the United States in the district in which you reside or have your principal place of business or in the District of Columbia.



ictor Stel Executive Director for Operations 8712310111 871228 PDR FOIA BAUMA87-A-104 PDR l

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___ are bemg methheld in ther entirety or in port under FOLA E.mornpaone and for the reemons set forth below pursuant to 5 U.S C. 562tbl and to CFR 9 $(s) of IgnC Regdebons

1. The moeund esomumen a presusey asumened pwouarn to Liecuove Onner 122es IExEMPToe 11 1
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4. The useets hformston a e pode escuse or commaruel or financel reormanca that as beeig methhund ter es summonial kuAssend: (EXEMPTION 4)

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PART 11 C-CE AfYl800 OFFICIALS Pursuant a to CFR 93 arter 3.15 of we U.S. shadser Reedstory Communen repuestions. k has been asemmened that se ederneson edehsid is amerstpr from producean or aassammans and West lei or ducsomse e esparery to eis puthc Meerest. The poesore reaperuane for the emned ase thoms aAussis scenimod below as denyh8 oNlcists and me Descour Os,eeen of and Respen. Ornus of Assumergen, for any esness that may be appemmed to the Emscusso Deuser ter Operemons teoce.



.Qv,uNu 5 PART 01 D-APPEAL RIOMTS The dweef try **ch denyw'G official identMed in Part it.C rney be oppealed to the Appeaste Omcial misreglad in thet ascem. Any such appent must be in

,,rttinG and must be made withm 3D derre of receipt of this response. Appeele must be addresend as approprets to the ?m Director for Operations or to the Secretary of the C-.-

U.S. Nucieer Regulatory Cornmission. Weehington, DC 3MEE, and should cleerty stete on the envelope and in the letter that it is en " Appeal trorn en West FOGA Doomon esac monas aos span a U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSEB us.


1 Re: FOIA-84-21 (11th Partial)


Undated ANSI N18.1 - 1971 Qualification. (10 pages) 2.


Radiation and Process Monitor Resume and Qualification Status, Part 1 Resume. (3 pages) 3.

5/23/82 ANSI N18.1 - 1971 Qualification. (5 pages) 4.

11/23/82 Radiation and Process Monitor Resume and Qualification Status, Part 1 Resume. (3 pages) 5.

1/4/83 Chemistry and Radiation Protection Technical Resume and Qualification Status, Part 1 Resume. (3 pages) 6.

1/5/83 Chemistry and Radiation Protection Technical Resume and Qualification Status, Part 1 Resume. (3 pages) 7.

4/25/83 Chemistry and Radiation Protection Technical Resume and Qualification Status, Part 1 Resume. (3 pages) 8.

4/26/83 Chemistry and Radiation Protection Technical Resume and Qualification Status Part 1 Resume. (3 pages) 9.

8/11/83 Practical Chemistry Skill Requirements for Chemical and Radiation Protection Technicians. (3 pages) 10, 2/13/87 MRC Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975. (8 pages)

GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTADIUTY NOJECT Institute for Pohcy Studies 1901 Que Street. N.W., Washington. D.C. 20000 (202)234 0382 January 9,1984 HAND-DELIVERED 9 January 1984 FREEDOM OF INFORMATK)N ACT REQUEST Di rector M *E

/ b g f./O - pdl Office of Administration

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j U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOI A), 5 U.S.C. 5552, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) of the Institute for Policy Studies, requests copies of any and all agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, i

letters, memoranda, drafts, minutes, diaries, logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview reports, procedures,. instructions, engineering analyses, draw-ings, files, graphs, charts, maps, photographs, agreements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, books, telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, and any other data compilations, interim and/or final reports, status reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with the Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, NUREG-0675, Supplement No. 21 (December,1983)

("SSER 21 "). This includes, but is not linited to, any and all NRR regulations, calculations, and judgments used to evaluate any of the allegations referred to in SSER 21. We request that each responsive document be identified by the allega-tion number (s) to which it may relate.

If any of the material covered by this request has been destroyed and/or removed, please provide all surrounding documentation, including but not limited to a des-cription of the action (s) taken, relevant date(s), and justification (s) for the action (s).

GAP requests that fees be waived, because " finding information can be considered as primarily benefitting the general public," 5 U.S.C. 5552(a)(4)(A).

The Government Accountability Project is a non-profit, non-partisan public interest organization concerned with honest and open government. Through legal representation, advice, national conferences, films, publications and public outreach, the Project promotes whistleblowers as agents of government accountability.

Through its Citizens Clinic, GAP offers assistance to local public interest and citizens groups who seek to ensure the health and safety of their communities. The Citizens Clinic is currently assisting citizens groups in the California area concerning the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.

For any documents or portions that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemizing and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld.

The index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld. This index is required under


DirecSor of Administratic 1 January 9,1984

.U.S. Nclear Regulatory Commission Vaughn v. Rosen (1), 4B4 F.2d 820 (D.C.Cir.1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974),

We look forward to your response to this request within ten :ays.

Very truly yours,

.G "j, n-4/

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Billie Pirner Garde Citizens Clinic Directer BPG:me I

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