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Advises That Tdi Diesel Generators Installed at Plant Meet Draft 1986 OM-3 Vibration Criteria & Util Discontinued Monitoring Tdi Diesels for Vibration on 881001.Diesels Will Now Be Monitored Periodically
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 10/12/1988
From: Croley B
To: Knighton G
AGM-NTS-88-256, NUDOCS 8810260218
Download: ML20155J488 (2)



SMUD SACRAMENTO MUN6CIPAL UTiuTY DISTNCT C 62016 Street. P.O Boa 15830, Secremento CA 958521830.(916) 452 3211 AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM SERVING THE HEART OF CALIFORNIA AGM/NTS88-256 October 12, 1988 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Actnt Documant control Desk Washington, DC 20555 1

Docket No. 50-312 Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Licensa No. DPR-54 TDI VIBRATION MONITORING References (1) G. Holahan to G.

C. Andognini letter dated March 28, 1988 (2) Safety Evaluation -- Resolution of TDI Diesel Engine Vibration Problems Attention:

George Knighton This letter notifies the Commission that both TDI diesel genera-tors inntalled at Rancho Seco meet the draft 1986 OM-3 vibration criteria.

District personnel informed Mr. A. D'Angelo, the Senior Resident Inspector, of this status and reviewed the mod-ifications performed to the TDIs during a presentation on September 15, 1988.

Per the requirements stated in Reference 1, the District has non-itored the vibration levels of diesel engines, components, and I

piping whenever a TDI diesel operated continuously for more than i

15 minutes.

The referenced letter further stated that the vibra-tion monitoring would remain in effect until the engines vere modified and re-evaluated to meet the more conservative 1986 OM-3 vibration criteria.

This requirement, as stated above, has been satisfied ar. is documented by the following calculations and reports o

Z-EGS-M2461, Rev. 0 Qualification of "B" Engine Piping Systems to ANSI /ASME OM-3, 1986 (proposed) o

-EGS-M2462, Rev. 0 Qualification of "A" Engine Piping Systems to ANSI /ASME OM-3, 1986 (proposed) b ss1026021s 881012 I


ADOCK0500ggg2 DR RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING STAfl0N O 14440 Tom Citses Road. Hera% CA 95638 9799;(209) 333-2935

l George Knighton AGM/NTS88-256 l

o ERPT M0ll5, Rev. 1 EDI Technical Report P546-2, Summary of Vibration Analyses of Diesel Generator Units G-100A & G-100B o

ERPT M0086, Rev. 1 Report to the Resolutions to the Vibration Related Concerns on the TDI Emergency Diesel Generators These documents are available for review at Rancho Seco.

Commencing October 1, 1988, the District has discontinued non-itoring the TDI diesels for vibration during each diesel genera-tor run of longer than 15 minutes.

The District will, however, continue to monitor the TDI diesels periodically as part of the site-wide preventive maintenance program discussed in Reference 2.

Members of your staff with questions requiring additional information or clarification may contact Mr. Steve Crunk at (209) 333-2935, extension 4913.



Bob G.

Croley Assistant General Manager Nuclear Technien1 Services l

cc J. B. Martin, NRC, Walnut Creek l

A. D'Angelo, NRC, Ranche Seco i

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