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Addresses Staff Questions Re MNGP License Amend, . Oath & Affirmation to Previous Util Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/16/1997
From: Hill W
FACA, TAC-L97781, NUDOCS 9707280056
Download: ML20149J121 (26)


nt Northem States Power Company Monbcel10 Nudear Generahng Plant 2307 West Hwy 75 Monticcho. Minnesota 55362-9S37 July 16,1997 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Cocument Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 j MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket No, 50-263 License No. DPR-22 Request for Information Regarding MNGP License Amendment Dated June 19,1997 (TAC No. 97781)

This letter provides oath and affirmation to a previous NSP correspondence dated July 2,1997 and supersedes that correspondence. The letter addresses Staff questions regarding the l subject license amendment. The information provided in the previous correspondence has not  !

been changed.

This letter contains no new NRC commitments. I Please contact Joel Beres, l.icensing Engineer, at (612) 295-1436 if you require further information, j

, y'/l45n  !

. William J. His Plant Manager

,/ gj u /

Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant c: Regional Administrator - 111, NRC NRR Project Manager, NRC Sr. Resident inspector, NRC  ;

State of Minnesuta, Attn: Kris Sanda '

J. Silberg, Esq.


- Affidavit to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission  !

- Hydraulic Report: 12.5.487, 'NPSH - Report cf Sulzer Bingham Pump" l

- NSP Calculation CA 97157, "RHR Room Temp Response to General Electric Letters GLN  :

97-017 and GLN 97-019' fn?@T 48 JOCENSEVOE1.tETTEfm0ATH DOC l 9'7092 PDR N 56 970714 ADOCK 05000263 llh h!hhfl P PDR



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. Request for information Regarding MNGP License Amendment Dated _ June 19,1997 (TAC No, 97781)

Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, by letter dated July 16.1997 provides its response for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant to a June 30,1997 telephone conversation between the NRC Staff and NSP concerning the subject license amendment, This letter contains no restricted or other defense information.


By Nflti+n W //

William J: Hill' Plant Mancger Monticello Nuclear Genersting Plant ,

'I OnthisI(c, day ofbb _dQ before me a notary public in and for .

j said County, personally appeated William J. Hill, Plant Manager, Monticello Nuclear Generating Pwat, and being first duly sworn acknowledged that he is authorized to execute this doc. ment on behalf of Northem States Power Company, and that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, the statements made in it are true.

/' ,

/ .' e' ,

' Silmuel 1. Shirey l

. Notary Public - Minnesota  !

Sherburne County

, : My' Commission Expires January 31,2000 c


, 2 i u"  !


6 l

l The following responses are intended to address NRR questions concerning the subject

. . license amendment which were communicated to NSP via a June 30,1997 telephone conversation by T t Kim, Monticello NRC Project Manager, to J. Beres, MNGP 1.icensing.

Please submit a copy of the vendor repost for the Core Spray Pump.

Attached is a copy of Hydraulic Report: 12.5.487, 'NPSH - Report of Sulzer Bingham Pump." The following discussion addresses the basis for revising the core spray pump ,

NPSHa curve.

The Net Positive Suction Head Required (NPSHa) curve for a pump is determined by -

manufacturer testing. The NPSHa for a pump at a specific flow rate is determined by i throttling suction flow and observing a decrease in the total developed head. The

, Hydraulics Institute Standard requirement for determining NPSHa is an observed 3%

decrease in total dynamic head.

A review of the MNGP Core Spray pump test data from the original manufacturer, Bingham Pump Co., indicated that the NPSHa cunles were based on a 1% degradation in total dynamic head. This pump test data was for a " witness test" by which the pump manufacturer demonstrated specific purchase order requirements for flow. total developed head, and NPSHa. The manufacturer was not performing a standard NPSH test per se to determine the minimum required NPSH. The witness test NPSHa curves, which are based on a 1% decrease in total dynamic head, are considered overly conservative with respect to the standard 3% decrease.

The Core Spray pump manufacturer, now Sulzer Bingham Pumps Inc., was retained to determine the minimum NPGHg for these pumps using the Hydraulics Institute Standards. A new NPSHa curve (# 2) is provided for the Core Spray pumps which is based on test data for these pumps in which there was a 3% decrease in total dynamic head. The curve is only valid for flow rates between 4,000 gpm and 5,300 gpm due to range of test data. For flow rates less than 4,000 gpm, the eriginal NPSHa curve was used to provide values for NPSHa.

As a precautionary measure, NSP also requested that Sulzer evaluate the operation of the pumps with less than the required NPSH. This additional effort required an evaluation of the similarity of the MNGP Core Spray pumps to the Quad Cities pump which was tested under degraded NPSH conditions. The attached pump report provides the results of these evaluations. Since the NPSHa value for the Core Spray pumps at ms ximum system flow could be satisfied by the centainment pressure available for the short term accident scenario, the evaluation of the pumps with less than required NPSH is not being utilized at this time.

By Exhibit E of the license amendment request, NSP revised the Duke Engineering and Se> vices calculatien output to determine the required containment pressure necessary to est.ure adequate NPSH for the B Core Spray pump. This revision used an NPSHa value j for the B Core Spray pump determined from a pump curve for a Quad Cities RHR pump  !

(Curve #26895). This was based on informadon from Sulzer Bingham Pump bdicating  ;

that the NPSHa requirements were identical. The NPSMa value used to maw.e that i 3 l

L j 6

revision was 27 ft for a flow rate cf approximately 4300 gpnt in light of the new data, the

, previous NPSHa value of 27 ft at 4,300 gprn is still valid as demonstraced by Curve #2 of the attached pump report. The NPSHa value, however,is now based on test data for the MNGP Core Spray pumps rather than similarity.

The test data for the Residual Hest Removal (RHR) pump NPSHa curves was reviewed, and there are no plans to develop new NPSHa curtes for the RHR pumps. The containment pressure required to assure adequate NPSH for the Core Sp:Vy pumps bounds that required for the RHR pumps for the accident conditions evaluated in Exnibit E of the license amendment request. The existing NPSHa curves for the RHR pumps were used as inputs to the NPSH calculation of Exhibit E.

Please submn a copy of the RHR room tempemture calculation.

Attached is a copy of NSP Calculation CA 9'7-157, "RHR Room Temp Response to General Electric Letters GLN 97-017 and GLN 019." Some additional information from a separate calculation is included with this calculation to clarify modeling techniques and assumptions. The production runs, which are voluminous, are not included. These j runs and the referenced attachments are available for inspection on site. l Pleasejustify the use of the 600 hp heat input for the 700 hp RHR pump motorin the l above calculation. j Two separate studies validate the conservatism of this assumption. The actual operating electric horsepower (EHP) for each motor was recently measured, and the resulting BHP for each pump was calculated. All operating BHP values were found to be sess than the rated value of 600 hp. In addition, the rated BHP, which was used in the calculation, is greater than the manufacturers rneasured BHP at design operating conditions. The rated BHP value is used to determine the heat added. Consequently the 600 hp assumption is conservative with respect to heat added.


l 2



SUZLER BINGHAM PUMP Ret E9710626. DOC l Page '

' M'/DRAUUC REPogr: 12.5,487 - NPSHR TECHNICAL REPORT 10 x 12 x 14.5 CVDS PUMPS FOR NORTHERN STATES POWER June 2'3,1997 01 1



NPSH - Report of SULZER BINGHAM PUMP (previously Bingham Pump Co.)

Pump Sales. Order No. 270417/418 Pump Size: 10 x 12 x 14.5 CVDS Montimllo (NSP) CORE SPRAY PUMPS Review anc[Analysja: by SBP HYDRAULICS GROUP: June 1997 / DLE I RL Ite m L NPSH- Margin on Curve #26603/604 NPSPr shown on Curve No. 26603/604 represents a 1% Head-Drop per NPSH Test T-270417-A for Pump S.O. 270417. See CURVE-#1(58374) of this report. Also, on CURVE

  1. 1(58374) are the NPSHr for 3% and 5% Head-Drop respectively. ALL DATA HAS BEEN NoRMAll2ED To 3560 RPM.

Clarification:To clear-up confusion regarding suction specific speed "Nss". (Refer to Sheet No. 3 of calculation cover sheet by Northem States Power Company dated 04-18-97)

Nas by definition is based on a 3% Head-Drop at the Best Efficiency Point. For a Double-Suction Impeller (cVDS-Style Pump) only 50% of this flow is used, since it is analogous to two (2) Single-Suction Impellers in parallel.

No Jd N"" = NPSHr" , where Q = pump flow at B.E.P. and maximum diameter impeller for c, m

single suction impoller. For double suction or double entry impelters use 50% of this flow.


. Nss33 = SUCT1oN SPECIFIC SFEED at 3% Head-Drop, this is a agmiQal number;

. N = Rorative Speed in Revolution Per Minute (rpm);


  • Q = Flow in USGPM at B.E.P. (0.5 Q for double-suction or double-entry impellers);

F . NPSH%= Net Positive Suction Head required in feet tased on 3% Head-Drop at

! BE.P.




  • V4250/2 E 14170, Note: This value is calculated on an actual test Nym =-

data and is not the desigaEn, which will ce a oifferent value based on the B.E.P. @ <

maximum diameter. Also this value has no toleratice and is subject to variance between pumping units, due to manufacturing processes. See values from. CURVE

  1. 1(58374). The design Nss wou!d < 14000 based on rnaximum diameter and including manufacturing and testing tolerances. j 1

Comment: By current standards, this is considered a "High-Nss" impeller design. Pumps of this design have a litnited "perferred opcmting range" outside of which increased vibration and intemal ce-circulation may take place. CURVE #1(58374) also identif es the recommended " continuous minimum flow" (greater tMn (2) two hours operation at this ' low in a l 24 hour-period). . A second, intermittent, minimum flow is also identified. These values ]

54JM BINGHAM HQ Engineenno , . . _

E371C626.00C l

- +


~iErie Ret E9710ft26.oco SULZER BINGHAM PUMP TECHNICAL REPORT HYDRAUUC REPORT: 12.5.487 - NPSHR 02 June 23.'19$7 10 x 12 x 14.5 CVDS PUMPS FoR NORTHERN STATES Pov&R j were agreed on after the pumps were installed. Minimum flow values are based on Ns J'

and Nss3.f, . The Nss:,% value of =14.000 along with a Ns of =1300 for the pump, and a )

head value of 615 ft were used to determine the " minimum / low (s)"

Pump Specific Speed is approximately:

3560 44250/.2 N, ,= N*40/2 y w - 615*"

um Note: This is not at B.E.P. and maximum diameter impeller, but calculated from the


" trimmed" perfoxnance curve. Some references use Nsum, , which would increase l the above value by a factor of 1.4 i4 or the square root of 2 since the pump is a l double suction design. The values for "minimutn t7ow", in %, are taken from SBPI Standard E31.68 and are guidelines used by SULZER BINGHAM in establishing a l

recommended minimum flow.

i' l

item 2. and 3.
NPSMa vs. Flow- Review of Cavitation Report 12 x 14 x 14.5 CVDS, '

. Pt:mp S.O. 270425 dated May 15 & 16, 1969 i l

- o' On Purnp S.O. 270417 [10 x 12 x 14.5 CVDS] a NPSH Test (T-270417-A) was performed.

This test identifies NPSHr based on 0%,1%,3% and 5% Head-Drop in the range of l 4000 to 5300 GPM. The peint of head collapse was not established. This is not i required for a NPSHr Test. A Cavitation Test is used to establish these values and is r a much longer and demanding test to conduct. ,

o The Irnpeller in the 12 x 14 x 14.5 CVDS per S.O. 270419/426 are identical (except Trim-l Diameter) to the one in S.O. 270417/418, namely pattem #1213 CVDS-1.  :

i e The NPSHr tests base on 3% Head-Drop performed on S.O. 270425[12 x 14 x 14.5 cvcs] and S.O. 270417[10 x 12 x 14.5 cvDs] are identical in the flow regime of 4000 -

5300 GPM. On Curve #2(5e375)the NPSHr3% values have been added in dotted line from T-270425-2 in the flow ranges cf 3500 to 4000 GPM and 5300 to 6000 GPM.

  • On Pump S.O. 270425[12 x 14 x 14.5 cvos) a Cavitation Test was performed. This test l

. was conducted on May 15 and 16 of 1969. Based on these tests the NPSHa at points ]

of head collapse have been added on Curve #2(58375). )

I o it can be stated that the CORE SPRAY pumps for MONTICELLO (Pump S.O. 270417/418) will i

.have the same NPSHr performance and the same expected cavitation flow

- performance as Pump S.O. 270425, since they are of identical impeller design (same j patum) and show identical NPSHr33 performances between 4000 and 5300 GPM. Jtia j not possibig.jgplot mimgfgyx))SHa som initial value down to 20 feet. in onefoot j

. lacuments. Insufficient number of NPSHr data points were taken during referenced l teste to demonstrate this. In addition no NPSHr- data below 4000 GPM and no j Cavitation Test data below 4000 GPM are available.

, SULZER BINGHAM HQ Enpweriod _. E9710626. doc

E ~~ ~

SUZLER BINGHAM PUMP Rzf; E9710626. Doc Paga 1 REPORT: 12.5.487 - NPSHR TECHNICAL REPORT 10 x 12 x 14.5 CVDS PUMPS FOR NORTHERt1 GTATEs POWER __ June 23,1977 - 03 Curve #3(58376), generated from T-270417-A and T-270425-2 provides sufficient data to predict what will be happening to the pump when reduced NPSHa is encountered.

1 4. Item 2 is acclicable to the MONDCELLO CQBE SPRAY Puro_s It has been confirmed that the Core Spray Pumps S.O. 270417/418[10 x 12 x 14.5 cvos] ,

are hydraulically identical (same impetter pattern, same volute area, except trim diameter and pump nozzle sizes) to the residual heat removal (RHR) pumps S.O. 270419/426[12 x 14 x 14.5 cvos!. There will be some minor perfomunce differences due to the size of the section and discharge nozzles.

The requestod material comparison shows that both services use impel:ers made from ASTM A296 Gr. CA-15 (now replaced by ASTM A743 G.'. CA6NM). Both alloys have greater l

than 11% chrome with the CA6NM(13 4) being the easier grade to pedorm weld repair i


Pump S.O. 270425 went through extensive cavitation testing for several nours without i visibto damage to the impeller, it can be surmised that Pump S.O. 270417/418 will

' experience similar wear to the irnpeller wher, operated for 10 minutes (feuowing a LOCA) at NPSHa values 0.5 feet above head collapse value shown on Curve #2(58375) and

Curve #3(5a376).


Despite the fcct that the suction specific speed (Nss), based on tested 3% Head-Drop

[Nssa =14170], is high by current standards it should not imply that when properly

applied these designs are " bad". However, it should be inferred you must know the
recommended operating parameters and ranges in which they should be used and the

- duration of these peliods. It is possible to design a new impeller with a higher Nasa (larger eye-dia, flatter suction varte angle of eye, well-rounded suction vane inlet prc6te with reduced thickness ) However, the minimum flow values would be increased over those shown on CURVE #1(58374).

In addition, the double suction impeller would be designed with " staggered" pumping vane configuration to reduce pulsation-and vibration levels (this is important for pumps running at the higher rpm's). There will bc no measureable l'npact on the. suction side ofthe

" impellerfor thisfcature. The " net" impeller width at O.D. would be decreased to stay with proper side-wall clearance to the volute, the vane diachsrge angle would be increased to stay with the same impeller outlet-area.

. A slower pump speed,1760 rpm, would reduce the NPSHr values, however the impeller diameter would need to be acproximately doub!e the current size to meet the same hydraulic cond:tions. This poses sorne interesting mechanical problerns as well as potential hydraulic problems when operating a low flows.

SULZER BlNGHAM HQ Engineerino . . . _ f9710626. doc

i I


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1, . Inputs correctly celected. ,
2. Assumptions described and reasonable. .~. 9 c - 4W .agr#


- 3. . Applicable codes, standards and regulations identified and rnet. Ayed

4. Appropriate method used. p se r  :
5. Applicable construction and operating experience considered. ,gsc/

- 6. ~ Applicable structure (s), system (s), and component (s) listed. de Formulas and equations documented, unusual symbols defined. eyc/'

7. -

. 8. Detailed to allow verification without recourse to preparer. gye.r-

Neat and legible, pages all correctly numbered, pfv-

. 9.

10. . Signed by preparer. A l
11. Interface requirements identified and satisfied. / jar
12. Acceptance criteria identified, adequate and satisfied. // #

< 13. Result reasonable compared to inputs. ##_

  • I


14. Alternate calc results consistent with original, s/s ,_ l'
15. Items 1-4 above verified. (Required by ANSI N.45.2.11) .u/4-

[ TESTING a s.

16. Testing requirements fully described and adequate.
17. Shows adequacy of tested feature @ worst case conditions. _g/A  ;
18. If test is for overall design adequacy, all operating rr, odes considered in determining test conditions. _ ##
19. If model test, scaling laws and error analysis established. ,v/di,,


20. .Results meet accep+ance crheria, or documentation of acceptable resolution is atta@ed.

p/4 l

L _OTHER (Explain)

. nNAL DOCUMENTATION (Verify applicable iterns included) p#

21. Alternate er check calcs
22. Surnmary of test results. NM
23. Comments (errors, discrepancies, recommendations). { y[h #rev-
24. Method of resolution of comments. % pgsps sYe - i Completed By: g[h/MMfM Date: 2/u/d  ;

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COMMENT 1: Correct Lotus input tables for water response to agree with General Electric Letters GLN-97-017/019. It appears the temperature values are off set one time step up to about 25 hours2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br />.

RESPONSE: Incorporated the following statement in the results portion of the calculation:

The Lotus Vlookup tables in the RHR Rocm Heat Up calculations off set General Electric torus water response with respect to time one time step quicker from zero time until the peak is reached after which no off set is made. This keeps the heat input into the room above the GE curve which is conservative.

COMMENT 2: Place statement in assumptions that calculation is based on RHR Room with the greater heat input which bounds the other RHR Room.

RESPONSE: Incorporated the following statement in the results portion of the calculation:

This calculation models the B-RHR Room. It is conservative for the A-RHR Room as explained in Calculation CA-96-113, Methodology and Results portion.

COMMENT 3: State flow requirements to ECCS Pump Motor Cooler.

RESPONSE: 2 gpm was indicated in the Summary Section. A reference for the relationship between 2 gpm and 4960 BTU's/hr was indicated in the analyses portion.

COMMENT 4: Place statement in text acknowledging typographical error in table heading of GLN-97-019 of Ref 6.

RESPONSE: In the reference section for Ref 6, indicated 18800 MWT shou.1d read 1880 MWT of the heading.

By; ,a 1 b-_U -U _ha k //3/YyY Daniel S. Whitcomb,' Veri fier RobartP.Jone)/,' Preparer


. 1 4







REFERENCES ATTACHMENTS l Verification Form 3495 Verifiers Comments & Responses List of Symbols See Calc CA-96-113 (Ref 2)

Figures 1 through 5 See Calc CA-96-113 Tables 1 through 5 See Calc CA-96-113 Appendix A, Description of RER See Calc CA-96-113 Appendix B, Verification of RHR Attached Computer Runs i Location of RHR in Lotus See Calc CA-96-113 l J

Verification Runs 1 thru 8, & 17 See Calc CA-96-113 Verification Runs 16-1 thru 16-6 Attached Production runs:

90F River, 26 gpm, 800/94, 600/94.5, 600/93, -4960 motor, GLN-97-017 90F River, 26 gpm, 800/94, 600/off, 600/93, -0 motor, GLN-97-017/019 89F River, 26 gpm, 800/94, 600/94.5, 600/93. -4960 motor, GLN-97-017


4 thru 9

r Prep By: k f. [r- lL-4 'l Calc CA-97-157 Check By: <f)Q4(1/M}y.7f Page 3 of 9 TFy.PEFATURE OF RHR ROOMS DURING DBA LOCA, TORUS WATER TEMP 4 PROFILE PER GENERAL EL3CTRIC LETTERS GLN-97-017 AND GLN-97-019


1. In an effort to support re-rate plus to answer questions about NPSH to the ECCS pumps, NSP contracted with General Electric to provide torus water temperatures for Design Basis Accidents. In this effort, General Electric has produced GLN-97-017, Ref 5, and GLN-97-019, Ref 6.

GLN-97-017 contains torus warer temperatures for re-rate at 1880 MWT for 1 RHRSW and 1 RHR pump operation plus 2 RHRSW and 2 RER pump operation. 'The peak torus water temperatures are 193.6*F and 178.9*F respectively.

GLN-97-017 supersedes General Electric Report GE-NE-T2300731-1, Ref 7 of NSP calculation CA-96-113, which reported a peak torus temperature of 191 F for 1 pump /1 pump operation. The major difference between the two reports is that CRD water was not flowing in GLN- 97-017.

Further, it is proposed that GLN-97-017 supersede the May-Witt decay heat curv9 in the USAR for LOCA-DBA Torus Jater Profile approved by the NRC in 1983 for 2 pump /2 pump operation showing peak torus temperature of 182*F, Ref 1 of NSP calc CA-97-074.

2. GLN-97-019 provides torus temperature peak of 194.2*F and analysis out to 25 hours2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br /> for 1 pump / 1 pump operation.

This GE analysis minimizes Net Positive Suction Head for the ECCS Pumps with result being a hotter torus water temperature as compared to GLN-97-017. After 25 hours2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br />, this NSP calculation uses the results of GLN-97-017 for 1 pump /1 pump operation. It is proposed this combination of GLN-97-019 and GLN-97-017 be used in the USAR for torus water temperature during 1 pump /1 pump cperation. If GLN-97-019 is revised in the future, the torus water response should be carried out in time the same as GLN-97-107, 288.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br />.

3. Calculations are carried out long enough in time until the lesser time of the following is obtained:
a. Room temperature hits 140*F.
b. Room temperature peaks.

1 1

i l

Prep By: __ f ft kD^) b d)-71 Calc CA-97-157 Check Sy:D g/dd//_g m' -a M age 4 of 9 TEMPERATURE OF RER RODMS DURING DBA LOCA, TORUS WATER TEMP PROFILE PER GENERAL ELECTRIC LETTERS GLN-97-017 AND GLN-97-019

c. 277.78 hours9.027778e-4 days <br />0.0217 hours <br />1.289683e-4 weeks <br />2.9679e-5 months <br /> where room temperature stays under 140'? but does not peak. 277.78 hours9.027778e-4 days <br />0.0217 hours <br />1.289683e-4 weeks <br />2.9679e-5 months <br /> is the time extent of the May-Witt decay heat curve referenced in Calculation CA-97-074, Ref 3.
4. The maximum RHR A and B Room temperature during a DBA LOCA with 2 pump / 2 pump operation is 140'T at 25.'i hours and 139.86'T at 277.78 hours9.027778e-4 days <br />0.0217 hours <br />1.289683e-4 weeks <br />2.9679e-5 months <br /> with River Service water at 90'E and at 89'E respectively with thermal power at 1880 MWT.
5. The maximum RRR A and B Room temperature daring a DBA LOCA with I pump / 1 pump operation is 130.84'F at 46.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> with thermal power at 1880 MWT and River Service Water Temperature at 90*F.
6. 26 gpm cooling flow to the A and B RHR Room coolers must be obtained. Cooling flow of 2 gpm to one ECCS Motor / room when three motors in a room are operating must be obtained. Cooling flow must be 90'F or colder.

I. PURPOSE It is desired to obtain the temperature rise in the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) rooms during a DBA LOCA for environmental qualification of equipment. Per Ref 7, this maximum ambient temperature is 140'F.

II. METHODOLOGY Methodology is same as that shown in Calculation CA-96-113.

III. ANALYSES Analyses is same as that shown in Calculation CA-96-113 except for the following five changes:

1. Insulation Ki value Ki in calculation CA-96-113, table 1, page 1, was calculated based on a "aT" across the thickness of insulation. Rathe;, Ki should be based on the mean temperature value of the insulation. See Ref 5 of Calc CA-96-113 and also attached to this calculation as Ref 8.



Prep By: _. [- [- C-9) Calc CA-97-157 Check By:_(sug/4M(dC74-/s.62 Page 5 of 9 TEMPERATUPI 0F RHR ROOMS DURING DBA LOCA, TORUS WATER TEMP PROFILE PER GENERAL ELECTRIC LETTERS GLN-97-017 AND GLN-97-019 In the Lotus input program, the two interior nodes were given twice the load rating as compared to the two exterior nodes. Therefore, the mean temperature the Ki was based on is:

Tmean= (T2+2 *T3+2*T4+T5) /6

2. Steel Kstl value A Ksti value of 96 BTU-in/hr-ft2-F was referenced on page 7 of calculation CA-96-113. The reference given was read l wrong. Instead Kst1=26 BTU /hr-ft-F
  • 12in/ft =

312 BTU-in/hr-ft2-F at 212 F. Ref 9.

3. Calculation CA-96-113 made reference to a preliminary calculation, Ref 16 to CA-96-113, showing the temperature response of the torus air space and the Secondary Containment Air Space to a DBA-LOCA. Since it is desired not to reference preliminary work, conservative assumptions were used for these two air space temperatures as such:

The torus air space temperature is taken as the GE torus water temperature minus 10*F, but no less than 120*F.

This is considered conservative. A much larger earth heat sink, much of which is below water line, exists around the torus room as compared to no heat sink modeled around the Torus as reported in GLN-97-019, Ref 6.

The Secondary Containment Air Space above the RHR room was taken as a constant 130*F throughout the accident.

With Standby Gas Treatment drawing in about 2700 CFM 90*F or colder atmospheric air and large heat sources insulated from the air space above the RHR Rooms such as Primary Contairanent and the Steam Chase,130*F is a conservative high temperature to use.

Again, as stated in CA-96-l'.3, the 3 foot thick concrete wall between the torus room and the RHR rooms and the l'9" thick concrete ceiling between the 935' elevation of the Reactor Room Secondary Containment and RHR Room acts to insulate the RHR Room. Therefore, these room temperatures only have a small impact en the RHR room temperature.


i Prep By: k h. S-0-97 Calc CA-97-157 Check By:dgE//./c:;/c-ff.yp Page 6 of 9 TEMPERATURE OF RHR ROOMS DURING DBA LOCA, TOP.US WATER TEMP PROFILE PER GENERAL ELECTRIC LETTERS GLN-97-017 AND GLN-97-019

4. This calculation takes credit for one motor cooler rather than two. Therefore, the amount of electrical heat load into the room is reduced by 4960 BTU's/hr rather than 9920 BTU /hr as indicated in Calculation CA-96-113 (electric heat load is increased by 4960 BTU's/hr in this calculation because of the deletion of one motor cooler) .

2 gpm of cooling flow to a ECCS Motor cooler corresponds to 4960 BTU's/hr per calculation CA-96-113.

No motor coolers are taken credit for in the 1 pump /1 pump operation.

5. Analyses for obtaining Cmin/ Cmax and e for 1 RHRSW and 1 RHR pump operating is from Calc CA-97-074 (Ref 3) and is as such:

RHR heat Exchanger K Value = 143.1 BTU /sec-F Shell side =4000gpm*60 min /hr*8.051bs/ gal (0195F)=1.93E6 lbs/hr (1 RHRSW pumps)

Tube side =3500gpm*60 min /hr*8.3041bs/ gal (090)= 1.75E6 lbs/hr (1 RHR pumps)

Cs=1.93E6 BTU /hr-F= Cmax Ct=1.75E6 BTU /hr-F=Cmin l

K=143.1*3600=5.15E5 BTU /hr-F Per Ref 4, Cmin/ Cmax =.904 l H c=.21 NTUmax= 5.15E5/1.75E6=.29 I IV. RESULTS I

The maximum RHR A and B Room temperature during a DBA LOCA with 2 pump / 2 pump operation is 140*F at 25.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />, and 139.86*F at 277.78 hours9.027778e-4 days <br />0.0217 hours <br />1.289683e-4 weeks <br />2.9679e-5 months <br />, with River Service water at 90*F, and 89'F l

respectively with thermal power at 1880 MWT.

The maximum RHR A and B Room temperature during a DBA LOCA with 1 pump / 1 pump operation is 130.84*F at 46 hours5.324074e-4 days <br />0.0128 hours <br />7.60582e-5 weeks <br />1.7503e-5 months <br /> with thermal power at 1880 MWT and River Service Water Temperature at 90*F.

l 1

l 1



o Prep By: f. yd 6-l)-9) Calc CA-97-157 Check By: g7Qt//g-p-fje Page 7 of 9 TEMPERATURE CF RHR ROOMS DURING DBA LOCA, TCRUS WATER TEMP PROFILE PER GENERAL ELECTRIC LETTERS GLN-97-017 AND GLN-97-019 See following pages of attached production runs:

1. Page 13 of 19 of 90*F River, 2 pump /2 pump operation.
2. Page 76 of 82 of 89'F River, 2 pump /2 pump operation.
3. Page 23 of 33 of 90*F River, 1 pump /1 pump operation.

It will be reported the temperature of the room wil.1 stay at 140*F or less during the DBA-LOCA. There are a number of conservatisms in this calculation from which this conclusion can be reached. They are listed below.

1. Conservatisms listed in the Methodology portion of Calculation CA-96-113 are applicable.
2. Conservative Torus room and Secondary Containment temperature assumptions were made which will tend to drive the RHR Air Room temperature a little higher than is the case.
3. It is unlikely that the tuo RHR motors and the one Core Spray motor in a RHR room will be running at a full 600 H.P. and 800 H.P. rating respectively for 25.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> at 90*F River water temperature or 11 1/2 days at 89'F River Water temperature as this calculation models.
4. The river temperature does drop at night but is ignored in this calculation. Constant maximum river temperature for 277.78 hours9.027778e-4 days <br />0.0217 hours <br />1.289683e-4 weeks <br />2.9679e-5 months <br /> is not likely.
5. GE calculated torus water temperatures of References 5 and 6 assumed River Water Temperature of 90*F. This is conservative for the one run in this calculation that used 89'F River Water temperature for the Room Cooler, motor cooler and RHR Room Piping Temperatures that are a function of River Water Temperature.
6. Operator action maybe relied upon to shut one of the two RHR pumps down in order to limit room temperature after 25.7 bours into the accident. The temperature of the RHR room has stayed under 140*F long enough to drop the torus temperature to less than 165*F which is well below the design value of 194.2*F, peak temperature of GLN-97-019, Ref 6.

Prep By: h. e d 5 - D Cl 1 Calc CA-97-157 Check By g>,b g g-8 5Z Page 8 of 9


7. Reference 5 indicated the room temperature should not exceed 140*F at a relative humidity of 100%. 'Tais calculation used dry air properties. Au explai6ed in Calculation CA-96-113, this is conservative (r aning a higher room temperature will be obtained in t is calculation than is actually the case) relative to the surface convection heat trxnsfer coefficients. Further, it is also conservative in that the Specific Heat of moist air is higher than dry air. This meatis more heat input into a RHR room to raise it a degree is needed if the RRR room has moist air in it as ccmpared to dry air.
8. The Lotus Vlookup tables in the RHR Room Heat Up calculations off set General Electric torus water response with respect to time one time step quicker from zero time until the peak is reached after which no off set is made. This keeps the heat input into the room above the GE curve which is conservative.
9. This calculation models the B-RER Room. It is conservative for the A-RHR Room as explained in Calculation CA-96-ll3, Methodology and Results portion.

V. REFERENCES Reference #1

" Heat Transfer" by J.P. Holman, Sixth Edition Reference #2 Calculation CA-96-113, Rev 0, Temperature of RHR Rooms During DBA LOCA Reference #3 Calculation CA-97-074, Rev 0, RHR Rocm Temp Response to USAR Rev 2, 10/83, Torus Water Temperature Profile Reference #4

" Heat Transfer" by J.P. Holman, Sixth Attached Edition, page 552

s Prep By: . xvJ [- /) - Y 9 Calc CA-97-157 Check By Muq/fggg4--/


! General Electric letter GLN-97-017 dated Attached 3-14-97, Revised Suppression Pool Temperature and Netwell Pressure History Data For DBA-LOCA (Task 6.0)

Referenca #6 General Elec'.ric letter GLN-97-019 dated Attached 5-9-97, Revised Analysis of Suppression Pool Temperature and Wetwell Pressure for Limiting LLong-term LOCA event for NPSH (Task 6.0) .

A typographical mistake is acknowledged in the heading of Att B,. Case 2 Table. 18800 MWT should read 1880 MWT.

Reference (,7, Monticello USAR, Rev 14, Page 4 of 39 Attached Reference f8 ,

ASi'M C-533-72, Calciem Silicate Block and Attached Pipe Thermal Insulation l l

l Reference 49 Mechanical Engineer's Review Manual, Seventh Attached Edition, Lindeburg, PE, Page 10-21 l




s Prep By: Mb 18-3I- % Calc CA-96-113 /Gir/ eda L Check Sy & A U{ h :h o.n TC. Page 5 of 18 wrma ud TEMPERATUPE OF RHR ROCMS DURING DBA LOCA ## ^/8041 ' #db acts to insulate the RHR room. Therefore, these room temperatures only have a small impact on the RER room temperature.

The RHR room temperature will be solved for by thermal resistance and capacity formulation as described in Section 4-7 of Reference 17. Heat transfer is by convection frcm surface to air and by radiation from surface to surface. The equations are formulated on the " LOTUS" software. The resulting program is called RHR. Development, required inputs and running instructions are covered in Appendix A to this calculation.

Verification is covered in Appendix B.

Per Ref 17, page 360, the nominal calculated convection heat transfer coefficients may vary by : 25%. It will be conservative to use .75 of nominal on all heat convecting surfaces. This will tend to subtract from wall heat sink capability to keep the room temperature down. Lower coefficients on the hot pipe and equipment will tend to lower room temperature, but since the area of the walls are so much larger, the overall effect of lower coefficients is conservative higher rocm temperature. A 1.25 X Nom for the pipe hot surfaces and .75 X Nom for the walls will not be considered. The biggest factor in determining h is the amount of moisture in the air as compared to the shape of components. The shape factor is a weak or no influence in the convection equation. With this observation, all h values will tend to go one way or the other.

The convection heat transfer coefficients were calculated using h dry air properties of Ref 18. In actuality, there will be moisture in the air which will tend to raise the convection heat transfer coefficients. Using dry air coefficients is conservative.

The following modeling techniques which are either conservative or equivalent for predicting how hot the RHR Room will get are used in modeing the RHR Room:

A. Radial heat transfer out the edges of the RHR Room and the volume of this concrete to act as a dampening restriction on the rise of the RER Room temperature will be ignored which is conservative.

B. Each pipe and the RHR Heat Exchanger is approximated to transfer all of its radiant energy to the inside surfaces of the exterior walls, floor and ceiling. The amount appropriated to each surface is in proportion to its area / total RHR inside surface area.

j l



~. 1 Prep By: l h- rd /0-3F alc CA-96-113

  • a Check By g h m /9,C Mlie- m .R Page 13 of 18 a

1 TEMPERATURE OF RHR ROOMS DURING DBA LOCA these motors by the thrust bearing water coolers. #11 and #12 RHR motors do not have bearing water coolers.

Therefore, the amount of bearing heat removed when all three ECCS motors are operating in a room is 2

  • 4960 =

9920 BTU /hr. It will conservatively be taken as 4960 BTU /hr when one RHR pump in a room is operating.

IV, RISULTS RHR B Room was modeled to cbtain hottest room temoerature durinc '

J a DBA LOCA for three scenarios; Non-rerate with 3' motors running, Re-rate with 3 motors running, and Re-rate with 1 Core Spray and 1 RER motor operating. The room hottest temperatures were 13.9.53 F, 141.56 F, and 130,55 F respectively as shown in i the attached production runs.

The two motor operation at re-rate bounds non-rerate for two motor operation.

The slight rise in room temperature at about 280 hours0.00324 days <br />0.0778 hours <br />4.62963e-4 weeks <br />1.0654e-4 months <br /> on the Ncn-rerate production curve is due to the transition between the NEDO curve of Ref 35 and the digitized printout of Ref 7. ,

1 The length of time of the runs was long enough to show a definite peak of room temperature, the reported hottest room temperature, For the B room, the flow rate to the rcom cooler must be 26 gpm.

For each rrom, there must be flow to two of the ECCS motor bearing coolers if all three purps are operating or flow to one V if two of the pumps are operating.

The A room was not modeled, but it is very similar in its heat generation / sink characteristics as the B room. Relative to each rocm, the main heat contribuzors are the ECCS motors, heat exchanger surfaca, and torus water temperature. The latter two are identical and the ECCS motor input will be.less in the A

. room. The main heat sinks are the coolers and to a lesser extent the the surrounding environment temperatures. The coolers are identical and the environment temperatures are slightly :.coler for the A rocm. It would have 90 F atmospheric air on the surface outside rather than 130 F Radwaste building air modeled for the S Rcem. Based on this reasening, 26 gpm cooling flow the the A Rocm coolet will als: he specified.

d Prep By: ., /d'3/-YhCalc CA-96-113

- i Check By &, .. Aqhn4--;; Page 6 of 18 TEMPERATURE OF RHR ROOMS CURING DBA LOCA Pipe insulation thermal conductivity, air to surface

'C. ,

convection heat transfer coefficients, and air density are automatically corrected for temperature.

D. The extra dampening capacity of the steel and re-bar buried in the concrete walls to restrict heat rise with

.espect to time'is neglected. This is conservative.

4 E. The model showing the flow of heat from the concrete walls to the Radwaste Building and to the water table

.through soil is shown in Figure 1. This heat flow model is based on Ref 19 showing heat flow around corners following a circular path. From the Re-Rate RER run output, data, for initial steady state conditions, the model of figure il gives a temperature of (87.4'F)

(W2-T7s/lc) and [100.0*F] (W3-T7s/lc) on the outside of the concrete walls between water level and grade. If  !

these values are compared to Ref 20 that shows an average ,

temperature. range of 62*F to 34*F, then fi7ure il is l extremely conservative. It is from this conservatism )

that an average of 62*F and 34*F up to ten feet down will be used as the design temperature of soil below water level at 28 feet below grade. 48'E will be used as design temperature below water level.

F. Per Table 7-1 of Ref 42, a C value of .56 will be used i for calculating Convection Heat Transfer Coefficients for both vertical (C=.59) and horizontal pipe (C=.53) pipe as a simplification rather then separating the two, G. Temperature data will be saved about once every 1.89 hours0.00103 days <br />0.0247 hours <br />1.471561e-4 weeks <br />3.38645e-5 months <br /> which is 10 calculations across the LOTUS spread sheet.

III. ANALYSIS The analysis will involve obtaining input variables for RER of Appendix A. Variables that are not' discussed here are shown in Table #1.

1. . Summer time steady state temperatures, before accident, of the RHR Room and adjacent surroundings is as such:
a. Torus Compartment: 104F Ref 21
b. Reactor Bui'1 ding Secondary Containment at 935' Elev, Radwaste Rocms, and RER Room: 100 F Ref 21 1

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