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Resigns Appointment as Member of Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2 Effective on 860213.Recommendations of Political Representatives Re Disposition of Cleanup Water Should Be Given Greatest Weight
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/06/1986
From: Cochran T
National Resources Defense Council
To: Zech L
Shared Package
ML20141N642 List:
NACTMI, NUDOCS 8603170440
Download: ML20141N645 (2)



>R N

  • ~ Natum!Resointes DefenseCotmcil 1306 FE310 E 80: 37 "5a "~ w Ar< N W WtJuttgtort, iC 2tk kl3 Jul 731-NiMJ February 6,1986 Vice Admiral Lando W. Zech, Jr. ,

Cha ir man

' Nuc le a r Regula tory Commission Ma tomic Bu ild ing 17 17 11 Street, NW Wa sh ing ton , D.C. 20555 De ar Cha ir ma n Zech :

I have been a member of your Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Mile Is land , Un i t 2, since its incep tion in the fall of 1980. My tenure on the Panel now exceeds the te r m o f bo th the President of the United States and, for tliat ma tte r , a n NRC commissione r . With your pe rmiss ion, I would like to resign my appointment e f fective Feb rua ry 13, 1986. The nex t Panel me ting on Feb ruary 12 would be my last mee t ing .

It is with reg re t that I am re signing . The Panel se rves as an e f fective bridge between the citizens around TMI a nd the Commission. I am pleased to have se rved in that capacity and have ve ry much enjoyed working with the o the r m3mbers of the Panel under the leadersh ip of Mayor Mor r is.

I am sure the Pane 1 could bene fit from an occasional turnover in the membership as pre sented by th is oppor tunity .

It is my belie f that the c lea nup ac t iv it ie s a re proceeding as smoothly as can be expected given the complex na ture o f the job. With Mr . K intner and Mr . S tande r fe r ma nag ing the cle anup, I have confidence that it will be comple ted in a time ly a nd sa fe manner . I a 1so be 1 icve the NRC 's 'IMI Prog ram Of fice has per formed e f fectively .

860'3170440 R60227 PDR COMMS NRCC CORRESPONDENCE PD Vm % t.4 t%;n New Drk Ofice. We>terrt Ojfue: New Lngland Ontre: ' lot oc Sulstans es s o., 122 East 42nd Strwt 25 Kastny Stnrt 850 Hocon Ikt R uJ Infarnsattoot

1 New %rk. New York 10168 San francuxo. CA 94108 Sudbury. MA Ul176 US.A:I-sts)648 NRDC 212 949-0049 415 411-6561 617441 4 100 NYS: 212 637-6362 m

j. f C ,

Vice Admira l Zech , Jr .

r; Feb ruary 6, 1986 Page 2

' The re is only one ou tstand ing item on wh ich I wou ld like to comment -- na me ly , the di sposition of the cleanup wa te r . Wh ile I have confidence tha t it can and will be cleaned to a leve l whe re it could be re lea sed without -

physical danger to the public from the re ma in ing rad ionuclide s , the s tre ss this would produce in the -

community is likely to be severe. When the t ime come s to dispose o f the wa ter ,' I 'thus recommend ' tha t you g ive the greatest weight to the recommendations of the political rep re sen ta t ive s in the TMI area with regard to 'its d isposit ion .

Re spec t fu lly you rs ,

Thomas B. Cochran, Ph.D.

Senior Sta f f Scientist

'TBC : jb f cc : Arthur E. Morris w