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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20055F56811 July 1990Forwards TMI Citizens Monitoring Network Rept for June 1990. No Unusual Events Reported.Stations 9,10 & 11 Added to Network & Three Addl Monitors to Go on-line for Jul
ML20246P4137 July 1989Presentation of Argument.* Informs That Author Will Present Argument on Behalf of Susquehanna Valley Alliance & TMI Alert on 890726 Re Appeal of Initial Decision LBP-89-7.Svc List Encl
ML20245E95517 June 1989FOIA Request for TMI-2 Accident Rept
ML20245G20923 May 1989Requests Commission to Require Continuation of Existing real-time & Other Monitoring in Vicinity of TMI Reactors in Commonwealth of Pa.Status Rept of Current & Proposed Monitoring in TMI Area by Entities Including Util Requested
ML20244C12111 April 1989Forwards Susquehanna Valley Alliance/Tmi Alert Table of Authorities Inadvertently Left Out of Brief in Support of Notification to File Appeal.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20244D87223 March 1989Raises Concerns Re Unexplained Actuation of Warning Siren at Plant,Located Less than 1 Mile from Author Residence
ML20235N17826 January 1989FOIA Request for Easter Sunday Dosimetry Rept, Ref in Ha Falk 790426 Memo
ML20205R41931 October 1988Requests Time to Make Brief Statement at 881103 Special Hearing on Disposal of Water Generated by 1979 Accident at Plant.Served on 881104
ML20205R60624 October 1988Requests Time to Make Statement During Special Hearing Re Issue of Public Health & Safety Concerning Disposal of Water from Tmi.Served on 881103
ML20205F74424 October 1988Requests to Make Oral Statement at Hearing Re Disposal of accident-generated Water at TMI-1.Served on 881024
ML20205F76722 October 1988Requests Time to Speak at 881103 Hearing in Lancaster,Pa Re Util Plan to Evaporate 2.3 Million Gallons of Radioactive Water Generated by 1979 Accident at Tmi.Served on 881027
ML20206D9718 September 1988Forwards Ltrs Exchanged Between NRC & Author in 1984 Re Problems in Commercial Nuclear Power Field & Change in Federal Regulations to Allow Senior Reactor Operator to Deviate from Tech Specs in Emergency
ML20153D06424 August 1988Requests Hearing Date for Wk of 881114 Instead of 881031 to Suit Author Witnesses
ML20206E0287 July 1988Advises That Nuclear Industry Overlooked Most Important Lesson Resulting from TMI Accident,To Wit,That Station Operator/Mgt Official Stationed in Control Room Would Have Prevented Accident
ML20150D5997 July 1988Advises That Piccioni Affidavit Noted in Susquehanna Valley Alliance & TMI Alert 880620 Response to Licensee Motion for Summary Disposition Will Not Be Received Due to Piccioni Schedule Not Permitting Completion of Affidavit
ML20197F5422 June 1988FOIA Request for Documents Including 811110 Generic Ltr 81-38 & Nrc/Tmi 83-062
ML20206E03629 April 1988Opines That 10CFR50.54(x) & (Y) Superfluous & Dangerous.Nrc Should Instruct Operators Not to Depart from Tech Specs in Emergency.Author Resume Detailing Experience in Commercial Nuclear Power Field Encl
ML20151P00020 April 1988Requests Time on Agenda of Next Prehearing Conference Re Disposal of accident-generated Water at TMI-2 So That Author Can Make Oral Statement.Served on 880420
ML20154K2559 April 1988Requests Info Re Radiological Releases from TMI-2 Accident on 790328 as Recorded by in-plant Monitoring Equipment for First 42 H of Accident.Radioiodine Releases Measured by Iodine Monitoring Sampler Should Also Be Included
ML20151D07022 March 1988Forwards Radiation Monitoring Sys for Nuclear Power Plants (W/Special Ref to TMI Nuclear Power Station)
ML20195J11612 January 1988Requests That Author Name Be Placed on List of Individuals Speaking at Prehearing Conference Re Deposition of accident- Generated Water at Plant.Served on 880120
ML20195J0766 January 1988Requests Permission to Make Comments at Hearing on Disposal of Water at Tmi.Served on 880120
ML20148H7554 January 1988Opposes Plan to Steam Vent Radioactive Water from Tmi. Local Residents Should Not Have to Suffer Any Further Health Risks as Result of Util Negligence.Served on 880125
ML20234B98922 December 1987Opposes Release of Any Radioactive Contaminants.Release of Radioactive Vapor Will Continue to Contaminate Area & Further Seepage Not Warranted.Served on 880104
ML20149G10518 December 1987Opposes NRC Reduction at TMI-2.Reducing Staff Prior to Completion of Core Removal Inappropriate & Misguided Move. Recent Shutdown of Oyster Creek for Incident Re Destruction of Data Decreases Util Standing W/Local Residents
ML20237C58316 December 1987FOIA Request for Documents Re Nuclear Leak at Plant
ML20237E7408 December 1987Requests Opportunity to Comment Before ASLB on Proposed Evaporation of 2.3 Million Gallons of Radioactive Water from Facility.Served on 871217
ML20237E7327 December 1987Requests to Make Comment on Util Proposed Evaporation of Accident Generated Water at Facility Before Aslb.Served on 871217
ML20236G84915 October 1987FOIA Request for Ofc of Investigations & Ofc of Inspector & Auditor Repts Re Ucs Request for NRC Investigation Whether Gpu Made Matl False Statements Concerning Environ Qualification of Safety Equipment at Facility
ML20235V13124 September 1987FOIA Request for Procedures Used to Obtain Sample of Water Known as Accident Generated Water Contained in TMI-2, Including Location from Which Sample Drawn,Number of Samples,Method for Analysis & Analysis of Water
ML20235T7341 September 1987Requests That EIS Documents Re Meltdown Prepared by Impartial Sources Be Made Available to Public.Observation of Plant Life Indicates Level of Contamination of General Environ Causing Widespread Severe Damage
ML20237L66831 August 1987Informs That Author Will Present 20 Minute Oral Argument on Behalf of C Husted.Requests That 5 Minutes Be Reserved for Rebuttal
ML20235Y96316 July 1987Comments on Inadequacies in Board 870522 Recommended Decision on TMI-2 Leak Rate Rept Falsifications.Board Decision,If Allowed to Stand,Will Cause Further Erosion of Morale of All OperatorsUnidentified leakage
ML20235M1399 July 1987Requests That General Council Recommend to Commission That Order in CLI-85-02 Be Vacated as to GP Miller.No Basis for Condition in Record Compiled by Presiding Board Exists. Related Correspondence
ML20215D63712 June 1987Forwards Reply to Responses from NRC & B&W Owners Group. NRC Response Evidences No Independent Review of B&W Claims. Commission Urged to Take Personal Jurisdiction of Petition to Ensure That Latest Commitment Not Frustrated
ML20214S1881 June 1987Requests That Aslab Include in Briefing Schedule Brief Period within Which Husted & Parties Supporting Appeal Might File Reply
ML20215M5147 May 1987Requests That Comments Made by E Sternglass & R Piccioni to Citizens Advisory Panel in Harrisburg on 870325,be Accepted as Official Part of Comments on NRC Suppl to EISBoric Acid
ML20215M50511 April 1987Comments on Draft Suppl 2 to Programmatic EIS Re Decontamination & Disposal of Radwastes.Urges Commission to Disapprove NUREG-0683,EIS Suppl & Order Complete & Reliable Scientific Study of Environ Impacts
ML20205A29719 March 1987FOIA Request for Attachments Q-W to 810107, IE Inspectors Alleged Failure to Rept Info Re 790328 Hydrogen Explosion at TMI-2, Authored by Ofc of Inspector & Auditor
ML20215M2103 March 1987Comments on Draft Suppl 2 to Programmatic EIS for Disposal of Radioactively Contaminated Water Stored at Tmi.Util Should Demonstrate Expertise at Monitoring Safe Storage of Contaminated Water
ML20212D06124 February 1987Notifies of Intent to Respond to GP Miller Motion Re Board Refusal to Take Official Notice of Attachment 1 to Findings of Fact,Filed 870202.Response to Be Served 870302
ML20212B72521 February 1987Comments on Suppl 2 to NUREG-0683 Re Decontamination of Facility Resulting from 790328 Accident.More Info Re Assumptions Made in Calculations Suggested.Epa Figure of Normal Operation of Liquid Emissions from Plant Encl
ML20211D05416 February 1987Forwards Listed Documents Re Inquiry Into Facility Leak Rate Data Falsification,Including GP Miller Reply to Aamodt Proposed Findings of Fact & Motion to Disregard Attachment 1 to Aamodt Proposed Findings of Fact
ML20211D21416 February 1987Informs That GP Miller Declines Presiding Board Offer to Submit Comments on Numerous Employees 870123 Memorandum of Law Re Inquiry Into Facility Leak Rate Data Falsification. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20210N4753 February 1987Forwards Errata to 870202 Proposed Findings of Fact Re Leak Rate Data Falsification,Correcting Dates.Copy Also Annotated to Refer Reader to Documentation on Record.Control Room Logs for Stated Period Will Not Be Included,Per 870203 Telcon
ML20211B6605 January 1987FOIA Request for Documents Re Allegations,Investigations, Fines,Convictions & Other Dispositions of Cases in Which Operators of Listed Facilities Charged W/Violating Federal whistle-blowing Statutes
ML20211Q7428 December 1986FOIA Request for Rept of Performance Appraisal Team 860825- 0905 Review of TMI-1
ML20203P0799 October 1986Disagrees W/Conclusion & Finding That E Wallace Should Have Notification Requirement Lifted Based on Lack of Review of Record or Finding That Record Flawed or Unfair.Served on 861015
ML20215C6892 October 1986Requests Eg&G Rept Re Status of Facility Released in Apr 1985,to Clarify Statements in NRC Cleanup Project Status Rept Concerning reactor-related Radiation
ML20212H49930 September 1986Forwards Summary of Major Events Occurring on Day 31 from B&W Trial Records.Questions Re Steam Generators Raised