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Informs of Appointment to Advisory Panel for Decontamination of TMI-2.Panel Obtains Local Citizen Views & Provides Commission W/Advice on Decontamination & Cleanup.Current List of Members & Panel Charter Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/16/1986
From: Palladino N
To: Rice F
NACTMI, NUDOCS 8601280241
Download: ML20137M357 (12)


. . .. - _ -_- - . -_ - _. - . - _ _ . .

- ,: fp/2 o UNITED STATES g


{ I WASHINGTON, D. C. 20666  ;

l k,*****sI Jaruary 16, 1986 CHAIRMAN I

, Mr. Frederick S. Rice j 2113 Sycamore Drive Harrisburg, PA 17112

Dear Mr. Rice:

The Commission is pleased to appoint you to the Advisory Panel

for the Decontamination of the Three Mile Island Nuclear J Station, Unit 2 (TMI-2). Your agreement to serve is greatly appreciated.
The Commission established this Panel of twelve members on October 17, 1980. The current list of members is enclosed for your information (Enclosure 1).

The role of the TMI-2 Advisory Panel is to obtain local citizen views and provide the Commission with advice on major activities required to decantaminate and safely clean up the

TMI-2 facility. The Panel Charter is provided at Enclosure 2.

General to Federal Advisory Committees information is contained in 10 CFR pertaining Part 7 (Enclosure 3).

The Panel conducts public meetings in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, area approximately ten times per year.

Additionally, the Panel may meet three or four times a year with the Commission in Washington, D.C.

Panel members serve without pay. However, while away from their homes or regular places of business in the performance of services for the Panel, members of the Panel are allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, in accordance with Section 5703 of Title 5 of the United States Code. Information on travel reimbursement procedures is

! attached (Enclosure 4).

The primary NRC staff contact with the Panel is Dr. Michael T.

! Masnik of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 Cleanup Project Directorate. He may be reached at (301) 492-7466.

i k

a l

0601280241 060116 PDR COMMS NRCC CORRESPONDENCE PDR L__________________________

Again, I want to thank you for your willingness to participate in this important service to the NRC.


, (Liv Av .f[ g {u s~"

Nunzio J. Palladino


1. List of Members on Advisory Panel
2. THI-2 Panel Charter
3. 10 CFR Part 7
4. Travel Reimbursement Procedures i

l l


1 .


1. Dr. Thomas Cochran 8. Dr. Gordon Robinson Natural Resources Defense Council Associate Professor of 1350 New York Avenue, NW Nuclear Engineering Suite 300 231 Sackett Building Washington, DC 20005 University Park, PA 16802 Telephone: 202-783-7800(work) Telephone: 814-863-1653 (work) 202-532-1044 (home) 814-238-2719 (home)
2. Mr. Joseph J. -DiNunno 9. Mr. Joel -Roth 44 Carriage Lane RD 1, Box 411 Annapolis, ND 21401 Halifax, PA 17032
Telephone: 301-266-5178 (home) Telephone: 717-362-9347 (home) 2 717-564-9773 (work)

! 3. Mr. Thomas Gerusky, Director 10. Mr. Thomas Smithgall

Bureau of Radiation Protection 2122 Marietta Avenue Department of Environmental Resources Lancaster, PA 17603 P.O. Box 2063 Telephone

Harrisburg, PA 17120 717-393-7772 (home)

Telephone: 717-787-2480(work) 717-763-9041(home) 11. Mrs. Ann Trunk 143 Race Street

4. Ms. Elizabeth Marshall Middletown, PA 17057 736 Florida Ave. ' Telephone: 717-944-6119 (home)

York, PA 17404 1 Telephone: 717-843-5551(work) 12. Niel Wald, M.D.

j 717-843-5283 (home) Professor and Chairman Department of Radiation Health

5. Mr. Kenneth L. Miller, Director- University of Pittsburgh Division of Health Physics and A512 Crabtree Hall Associate Professor of Radiology Pittsburgh, PA 15261 J Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Telephone: 412-624-2732(work)

Penr.sylvania State University 412-683-0779 (home)

Hershey, PA 17033 Telephone: 717-534-8027(work) 13. Michael T. Masnik, Panel Liaison U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

6. The Honorable Arthur E. Morris Three Mile Island Cleanup

! Mayor of Lancaster Program Directorate P.O. Box 1559 AR-5031 120 N. Duke Street Washington, DC 20555 Lancaster, PA 17603 Telephone: 301-492-7466(work) i Telephone: 717-291-4701(work) 703-281-9715 (home) 717-394-2054 (home) ,

i l 7. Mr. Frederick S. Rice

Chairman, Dacphin County Comm.

! P.O. Box 1295

Harrisburg, PA 17108 i Telephone
- 717-255-2741(work)
717-652-5530(home) l

'- REVISED 8/19/85 Enclosure 2 (New material underlined)


1. Official Designation Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Mile Island, Unit 2.
2. Objectives and Scope of Activities and Duties The Panel consults with and provides advice to the Commis-i sion on major activities required to decontaminate and safety clean-up the TMI-2 facility. The Panel also con-I sults with and provides advice to the Commission on the public's reactions to plans and the results of studies and review deriving from Federal, State and TMI Public Health Fund efforts regarding the TMI-2 accident. (This activity is to be carried out under the attached criteria).


3. Time Period The Committee will be utilized during the period public views on clean-up issues at Three Mile Island are required.
4. Agency to Whom the Panel Reports ,

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


5. Agency Responsible for Providing Necessary Support United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.  !
6. Duties As set forth in Item 2 above.
7. Cost i

i a. $45,000 (allowed expenses, including travel and per diem).

b. Less than one man-year.
8. Estimated Number of Meetings Per Year i

j Four meetings per year.

i 9. Termination Date i . Two years from date of filing unless renewed in accordance j with Section 14 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.


~.-. _ , . - - _ - - - _ _ . _ _ , - - - . . -

4 i

l i


10. Date of Filing i November 28, 1984
n C. Hoyl visory Comittee Management Of ficer


Criteria I

t 4

1 5

i 1

l 4 d

I i


< ii I



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1, l

New Page i



l 1. The Panel meetings are intended to provide a means for facilitating the communication of plans and results of studies / reviews deriving from Federal, State, and TMI Public Health Fund efforts regarding the TMI-2 accident.

To the extent that government funded generic studies such ,

i as those sponsored by the NIH on effects of low-level i

radiation may be helpful to the public in reviewing the TMI experience, such presentations would not be excluded.

2. The Panel will not serve either as a referee or as an q independent technical reviewer of such studies or in general health effects issues such as standards for ra-

! diation health and safety protection.

i. 3. Panel priority will continue to be the TMI-2 clean-up i

i program. The health-effects issue will not dominate the agenda of topics to be addressed.

)  !

Attachment to Paragraph 2 of Charter

,_e. - . . . . . . _ , _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ , , . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . , , , _ . , . . , . _ _


o .


. 10 CFR PART 7 PART 7-ADVl50RY COMMITTEE 5 ffJ Definitions. .

g.3 Adet.ory commalee manseement of.

As used in this part: fieer.

Sec. (a) "Act" mear.s the Federal Adviso- (a) The Commtanton will desig . ate T1 Purvese and mosticantlity. ry Committee Act (48 Stat. 770). an Advisory Committee Manage =en.

?.2 Deftatuens. (b) "Adytsory Committee" has the Omcer who stan:

}a Poucy. meaning set forth in section 3(2) of (1) Exercise control and superviston

.4 Imereretsuona. g3, 4,g, T.s Adnsory commsttee maaneesent offt. over the estanitsament. procedures.

(c)" Commission" means the Nuclest and accomGushments of adrtsory som*

T.s Estatuanment of adttaery committees. Regulatory Commisalon of flYe mem, mittees estaallahed by the Commis-t.? charter. bers. or a quorum thereof. sitting as a body, as provided by section 301(a) of ston:

?.s 3seeunsa. (2) Assemble and maintain the re.

T.s Ctened meeunsa. the Energy Reorgantastion Act of 1974 ports tveords, and otaer papers of any T.10 Desisnated Federal effleer er emeley. (84 Stat.1242). adnsory commuttee during its exist.,

'*- (d)" Director" means the Director of ence:and T.11 Putue nouse. the Office of Management ang 1.12 Minutes, #31 Carry out. on benalf of the Com-t.13 Trsnaertste of nansory commsttee 34d8!t-M1 NRC" means the Nuclear Regu* maaston. the provtstons of 5 t!.3.C. 352 reeeunes saa asency stoceeetnam. 14 tory Commission.

?.14 Annuaa comprehensare rertew. rtth respect to the reports. recores.

T.1s Ternunauen and renewal of adneery (f) CME" means the Office of Man. and otner papers descated in, para-commstteen, asement and Budget. g.aph tan 21 of this miom T.te Resorta aneut adnaery committees. Ig) "Presidenttal adetsory commut. I e of the Adnsory Com. Avantannlity of desuments and taler. Lee" means an adttsory Committee nun Managment Omce descab mauen en asnaery commatiese- which adnses the Prea& dent. ed in accordance 11th this part snau

?.14 t7ruform per eu delines. be provided to the Secretariat.

T.10 Fiaca4 and temuustraute ressensat1* th) "Secretartat" means the Com.

tues. sttee Management Secretartat of the I ?.6 AsbHohmm of sNeery comma.

Arrace!TT" See. tet. Pub. 1. 83 703. es offlee of Managernent and Eudget. toes.

Stat. 94s. t42 tl.S.C. 220tr. sec. 20 tift Pum,

' 4 88' '8 8J I* *b (a No aduserY coramittet shall be Na TYoS NAs 3.

In determinmg whether an advisory establishtd under thLa part unless committee sitould be created and m re, such estaelishment is:

secacic to FR ST*l

  • Mar. 3.1975. unlea newing the functions of operstitis ad. (1) Spectiles117 authertaed by statute

, otnetwtae nede, or by the President: or noory committees. the Commuasion I ?.I P:rpees and seehesbility, stu: .- (2) Determined as a matter of forma!

is) Establish new adetsory commit. record by the Commission after con.

(a) The regulations In this part 1m. tres only when-they are determined to sultauon vtth the Secretartat with plement the Federal Advisory Com. Je essertual. Iteeping their number to timely notice published in the Trnaa.u.

raattet Act (44 Stat. 770). Execuuve ' tu minimura necessary* Rsotstta to be in the public interest Order No.11749 (as FR T123) and (t) Provide standards and uniforrn in connection wtta the performance of Office of Management and Budget duties imposed on the Cormnission ny C!rcu'ar No. A.43. The provisions of procedures to govern the establish.

the Tederal Advisory Cornmittet Act sent. operation. administrauon. and law.

and this part shall apply to each adtt. durauon of adnsory committees: (b) The determinanon required cy sory committee estsettshed by the act Terminate advisory . committees paragraph (al of this secuon stall:

Commission. including adnsory corn. enen they are no longer carrytng out (1) Contain a clearly defined pur.

mittees created pursuarit to secuona the purposes for entch they were es. pose for the advisory committee; 7.9 and 1814 of the Atomac Energy Act tablished: (2) Require the membership of the of 1950 as amended. except to the id) Keep the Congress and the advisory committee to be fairly ta'.

extent that any Act of Congress estat. publ.c mformed wtta respect to the anced in terms of the pomts of viea l lishms an advisory committee report. cumber. purpose memDership, activt. represented and the functions to te ing to the Commisstort spectitcally pro. ties, arid cost of advisory committees; performed by the adttsory committee.-

vides otherwise, and ontain appMDMau DMustons to (D) This part does not apply to inter. (el Insure that the function of adv1 nasun that the adnu and Mem. un.

agency advisory committees or adnso. sory committees should be adnsory dauens M the adw cmmnu sgu ry committees estaallahed by the only, arid that au matters under their not be inapprognauly mDuenud or President unless spect!!cany made ap. consideration should be deternuned. In the appw.tmg authonty or by any plicaBle by the estaaltantrts authority. secordance tith law, by ine offletsi or special tnterest. out *10 instead te tne (c) This part does not apply to any officer tavolved, result of the advisory corntnattet s ;n.

local civic stoup wnese primary func. 17.4 Interpressions, dependent judgment!

u:n !s that of rendering a public serv. HI on atn DMnstons deshna Mtn ice 37th respect to a Tederal program. Except as spect!!caUr authertzed by the dau fu suomaston of upons uf or arty State or local comauttee, coun. the Commission m writirig. no mter. any). the du.*1uon M the sensuy cil. Board, commissten. or simular ;retation of the meanmg of the regu.

" " **" " """ ID' 8 **E d M' group estantistled to advise or msJte lations m this part by art officer or em. pena and othe maunals. to tne fec:mmendations to State or local of. ;loyee of the Cornmission other than uunt that the Com=ss;on gete.

!!cials or agencies. a rrttten inter:retation ny the Gener.

mmes the pronssons of l 7.16 to se :n.

al Counsel will ee recog .nzed to be adecuate; and Dmdirig upon the Cornmtssion,

($1 Contain prortstons whten wC assure tnat the adusory committee stil have adetuate sta!! s either su .

plied by tite Commission or empioye:

by it), rt!1 be pronced sceouste quar.

l ters, and will riste furtas avat:acle te meet its other necessa.*y expenses.


m. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


'l . .

t . .. i 97.S .Wetines.

  • I" (cIConsultatten with the Secretariat (a) Adttsory committees established
    • *** *" "8I -

ny be in the form of a letter from responsibility for making the determi. I to Ctamission describing the nature under this part shall not hold any rA on required by paragraph (c) of  !

id purpose of the proposed advisory meetings except at the call of. or with  : 18 section. In any case where a deter. '

iminittee. including an explanation the advance approval of. the Federal mination to close a meeting is made by .

. ! why the funettons of the proposed officer o. employee des 4nated in ac. the Commission's delegate, the deter. j cordance with i 7.10. with an aguda minsuon shan be reviewed by the ,

j- 1mmittee sa NRC orcould by annot be performed existing approved by such officer or employee  !

Timely nouce of each muung man y General Counsel. '

j he 1:tter should desente the Com. te) When a meeting is closed to the

.issit$s plan to attain balanced men. pub!!c. the advsory committee shall reship gn the proposed coceanittee as Provided (b) The la socordance agenda rgh b wtm l 7.11' ara ,

" graph m of this section shau Ust the .onhissue a nport atofleast a summary armually its activtues andsettinj

[tf is sat Wt t matters to be considered u the meet. 2 Mated maum as would be t statushment of the adnsory comnut, Lag. It shau also ladiante when say part of the muung win concern mm. Laformauve to the subue consistent  !

le could be la accord with the Act. rith the policy of 3 U.S.C. SS2bac) and j i 'u Ctmaussion shan certify in rett, test withis me meptions of the oe,.

subpart C of Part e et this chapter.

I Is that creation of the advtsery com. wnment la the summine Aet, s U.s.C. .htsu of avausbluty of such annual j

! uttee is ta the subut interut. Sett and 9 9.104 of this chapur. reeert shall be pubushed la accord.

1 (d) Unless otherwtse specifically pro- (c) Subject to the provisions of f 7.9. .

! ided by statute or Presidential dirse. each advtsory committee sneettas shau ance with I 7.11.

i tv3. ads 1aory com:nittees shall be ugt. De open to the public. Meetings com tes PR eTTS. Mar. 3.19tl. as amended at 4*

j zed sol:ly for advisory funcuens. la whole or la part to the puhuc shall rR tasTT. M ar.7. 1sT71 3

1 7.7 Charter, be hold at a reasonable time and at a place that la reasonably accessible te g 7.10 Des 6sneted Federal emeer er om. .

(a) Na advisory corninittee estab. the obus. The sise of the meeting ,g,y ,,

i l 3hed under this part shau meet or room shan be determined by such fac.

r 4

} ahe any action until an advisory com. (a) The Comuntaston will designate tors as the anse of the committee. the an officer or employee of the Federal f i nittee charter has been filed with the number of members of the public who

! :omaussion and the Joint Committee could reasonably be expected to Goverrunent to chair or attend eacn I m Attmic Energy.  ;

utead. the number of persons who st.

smusts of uch adtisory commitue ,


(b) The charter required by para. teSded simular meet 1 Ass la the past. 88ISUIA8h8A Und'IIU18 9AII*

a traph (a) of this section sha!! contala (b) No advtsory committee shall Con.

Sad the rWs8urces and factuuss avanla. duct shy eneeting in the absence of the

.he fou2wlAS talormation:

(1) The committee's offtetal designa. ble. Federal employee or officer designated


(d) Aar member of the public shag ta accordance with paragraph (a) of (2) The comsnittee's objoettres and bd permitted to file a written state-IAA8 8#U#A.

,he scope of its activityt ment with the commuttee related to M The Federal officer or employee r (3) The pened of time necessary for any meeting that is open is; whole er designued in accordarnee with para.  ;

i the conamattee to carry out its pur. la part to the public. Interested per, groh m .f ma e-uon = sumonsed.

sons ma, Mao be when-r he determines it to be i,, the ;

j - ses:m The =eacy - ofn.s to whom comamtee ch ,.as to ,e, mined, spes ,by,,, in,, y com.

.but .e.. to mom me comanu- ,ep-ts: meetings in accordance with proce. mittee meetmg he is designated to mai, . meu.  ;


vi.S) Thenece.-y

. me agency suppen responsible for mefor pro. men estaushed by me comaouse.

n a n a te..

W A de'senpuon of me duuss fu , ,m[ u awee at u g ;,g: p.m ,,edes.

(a) The Commissiorva certification l which the commuttee la responsible. presertbed by I 7.8 th . creation of the

' and. Li such duties are not solely adt1* st.9 Cleoed eiese6 ass, advtsery corarnattee la m the public in '

stry, a specificauen of the autherttT . tal The requiremerits of I 7.8(c) and terest and a desertattert of the naturt l for such functions: di thu meennes shall be open to the (T) The estimated annual operating and purpose of the committee shall be !

cists in dollars and man years for such nelle and that the public shall be af. published in the TsasmAt Rastsun a-

steed an opportunity to participate least IS days prter to the filing of the !

committee: sr.all not apply to any advisor) com* commuttee a charter, unless the Se:re (8) The estimated number and fre. 2:ttee meeting w!uch the President or tartat. for good cause, authonzes t .

cuency of comm!ttee meetings: shorter period of time between punti ti (9) The comraattee's termination me Conus &sanon determines is con

  • years frofn the terned with matters listed tra S UJ.C. cauen of the nouce and the flhas o )

j date.

ete If afless than two,a establistument.

the committee Il* tics and i 9.104 of this chapter. the charter. '

its An adetsory comunittee which (b Except when the Director deter and ,

seeas to have all or part of a meeting mmes otherwise for reasons of r.atton

, s tol The date the charter is fued. rioned shau notify the Cornaussion al security, timely notice of each acy. j i (c) A copy of the charter required gy sefore the scheduled date of the racet. sory cornmittee meettas. whetne >

i paragrapn (a) of this section shan Mao opeft or closed to the public, sna!! o 32 furrushed at the time of filing to as. The nouticauen shall be in writ. pubushed m the Pussmat Rsots;ta a ,

.rt and shall speelfy the reasons why least 18 days before the meetmg date [

the Library of Congress. Exchange any part of the meeting should be and Q1ft Divistort. Federal Advisory c:osed.

Such nouce shculd state the name o '

Committee Desh. Washingtoft. D.C. sel A request that a meeting b, the advisory committee. the timt 00540. riosed win be granted upon a determi.

place and purpose of the meetms, an sd) An amendment to the charter should include. where apprognate,

  • stion by the Commiasion that the re, surnmary of the meetmg agenca. Nc r, may b3 filed if a substantial change .

West is m accordance with the polleies occurs tnth regard to matters stated m U m w enanly should state ths 3! this part. The Comualaston's deter. mMungs an mn to the obl1c n e ,;

the charter ortstaally filed. 22Mi#ft 5'111 he in writing and *t11 its The requirements of this section appiy to commm s unn d u a.viso.

niis m e sp-tfa reas - fu ciosms ba= whrth'g=,au==

g,o=u ,= ~;mg i g e,e,i m e

= =,b = '

e. c or pm of me mecmg. ,. a, r,y

, mu to,,unmees.

o,,ose. mouth om eatsoi q"uen nu be mue iemuThe a r==.

to me d ..m,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,.sy eme,ser,ey soanons. .d me rem

,,o .

to su .emesener empu. sha ,

be made part of the meetmg notice.

2 l . ,



. l a , determination that 9 7.13 Transcripts cf ediistry cammittu t7) The estimated annual cost of the Idl?s it czmmitteo.  !

otice of a meetmg should not be pub

  • meetings and agency proceedinst. tred b shed for reasons of national security Th I C Wh Df0h C ie g, th sect a hall e conducted on

?.an b7 submitted to the Director p estendar. year bas!s. and the results of

'Ith a st*.tement of reasons support. .Ianuary S.1973. copies of transertsts the revtew will be included in the is th2 request at least 30 days i efore which have been prepared of adnrory annual report to the Secretartat re-

,' ne meeting La scheduled. committee meetings 3111 be mace quired by 17.16(b). The report shall (c)1n addition to the notice required available to any person at the actual contain a justification for each advtso-y paragraph (b) of this section, other cost of duplication prescribed in Part 9 ry committee which the Commission orms Cf notice such as public releases of this chapter

  • determines should be continued.

ad notice by man should be used to making reference as appropriate, to

ticrm the pubile of advisory commit. L40 FR s?Ts. Mar. 3.1973. as amendee at 41 the factors spectiled in paragraph (b)

FR Stesl. Des.23.19761 et meetings. of this section.

1 (d) Th3 Secretary of the Commission I A"""*I "* M**'N' * (d) The revtew will examine EU advi-hiuld. Uhere practicable. maintain (a) The Commission W1H conduct an sory committees, and commtttees J lsts Cf people and organisations inter. artnual comprehenssve review of the found to be no longer needed will be sted in particular adMacry commit. methtties and responsibilities of eten terminated. Addsory committees es-ees and notify them of meetings by advisory committee to determme: tablished by an Act of Congress or the nan. (1) Whether such committee is car. President will be revtewed. and if ap-

! (e) N tice of the availability of the rying out its purpose: propriate. their termination recom-mnual report required by I 7.9(es wiu (2) Whether, consistent with the mended.

se publis' sed in the FassaAI. EsctsTWL provtstons of applicable statutes. the

. to tr.ter than 60 days after its compl,. responsibilities assigned to It should 9 7.13 Terminetten and rene=al of adeno.

I : ton. Th3 nottee will include instrue, r7 comm8tt*-

be rertsed:

tons chich will anow the public (3) Whether 11 should be merged ta) Each advisory committee shall tecess t3 the report. with other advssory committees: or terminate not 1 ster than the expira- '

tion of the two year pertod beginnAng (4) Whether it should be abolished.

! l7.1: Stinutes. (b) Pertnent factors to be consid-

  • on the date of its establishment (a) Detailed minutes of each meeting ered in the ecmprehensive reuer re. unless: . .

j of each advisory committee shall be quired by paragraph (a) of this section (1) fn the case of an advisory com-include the following: mittee estaolished by the President or kept and shan contain a reccrd of the an officer of the Federal Government persons present. a complete sumanary (1) The number of times the com. such advisory committee is renewed by of matters discussed and conclustons falttee has met in the past year; the President or such offiter by appro.

reach:d. and copies of a!' reports re* (2) The number of reports or recom. prtate action prior to the end ci such l cetved, tasued. or ippre Jed by the adv1- mendations submitted by the cornmit.

  • l pertod; or sory committee. The record of persons g,,.

(2) In the case of an advisory ecm.

present shall include the time and (3) An evaluation of the substance of rnittee established by an Act of Con-place Cf the meeting. a list of advisory the committee's reports or recommen. stess, its duration is otherwise pro-committet members and staff and dations with regard to the Commis. vided for by law.

agency employees present at the meet. ggggg s programs er operations; (b) Any advisory committee which is Lag. a list of members of the public (4) An evaluahon (placing emphasis renewed by the President or any offl.

wh3 presented oral or written state- on the most recent 12 month period of cet of the Feders1 Government may be

ments. and an estimate of the number the committee's work) of the history continued only for successive two year of m
mbers of the public who attend
  • of Commtaston utilization of the com. periods by appropriate action taken by ed the meeting. The minutes shall de* mittee's recommendations in polter the President or such officer Ortor to

' scitbe the extent to which the meetmg formulattert: program plannmg: decs. the date on which such advisory com-was sp n to the public and the extent sten making secomplishmt protram mittee would otherwise termmate, of public participation. If it is trnprac- more effectively; and objectives (c) Before it renews a non. statutory ttcable to attach a report received, achiedng economics in prograrns: adytsory committee in accordance with tasued gr approved by the advtsory (3) Whether the information or rec. paragraphs (a) or (b) of this sect!cn.

ccmmittet to the minutes. the mmutes ommendations could be obtained frem the Commission will inform the Secie.

wt!! destilbe the report in suffic:ent sources withm the Commissacrt or tartat by letter not more than 60 ays detall to enable any person requesting

  • from another advtsory committee at. nor less than 30 days before the com.

the rep;rt to readily identify it. ready in existence: mittee expires of the followmg: (1) tts (b) The accuracy of all minutes shall (8) The degree of dup!! cation of determination that renewal is neces.

be certified to by the chairman of the effort by the committee as compareg 84ry and ts in the public interest: (2! ,

advis ry Committee concerned. except to other parts of the agency or other the reasons for its determination; t3,)

thr.t art the case of a subcommittee of adytsory committees; and saogrCup of the advisory committee.

tne accuracy of mmutes shall be certt-

!!ed LS by the chairman of the sub.

' committee or subgroup concemed.




\ .

3 v_ _ . _ _ _, _ _ . , _ , , _ . . .____-__.__,_,,,.m_.___ , , _ , , _ , _ , _ . _ ~ _ . _ _ _ , . , . - - _ _ _ _ . _ ~ _ _ _ _ , , _ _ - _ . _ _

_ 7 I

9 7.17 Availability sf documents cnd la* tel Consultents. The rate of pay of a t .C3m::f.ssion's plan to attain bat. firm: i:n ta advis:ry ctmmittees. c nsultant to an adttsory committee

ed membership cf the cammittee: shall n:t ex:etd the maxtmum rate of i d.(4) an explanation of why th2' (c) Subject to the proftstans cf Parts 2 and 9 of this chapter, the records, re. pay which the Commtssion may par

, mmittee's functions etnnot be per* experts and consultants under S t*.S.C.

j rmed by the NRC or by an exisung ports. transcripts, minutes. appen. 3109. Consideratton shan be given to i t visory committee. After concurrence dixes. worxing papers. drafts. studies. the qualifications required of the con-th2 Secretartat. the Comanssion* agenda, or other documents whl:4. sultant and the stenificance. Sco;e.

i 11 certify in writing that the renewal were made available to or prepared for i

or by each advisory committee shall be and technical complex!!y of the werk th3 advisory committee La la the in fixing the rate of pay for the con-1 tblic Interest and will publish a available for public inspection and stles gf the renewal in the Ftasmas copytag at a smale toestion in the sultant.

(d) Volkstery se*vtees. The provt-totsTzs and will file a new charter trt NRC Public Document Room.1717 H stons of this section sha!! not prevent

cordance with i 7.7 of this part."

(d) Any advisory conunitt e estab* (b) The Commission will maintain the Cornstanton from acceptmg the thed by an Act of Congress shall fue systetnacc informauen on the nature. Voluntary senices of a member of an functions. and operations of each of adusory committee. or a member of i charter la accordance with 17.7 the staff of an adttsory committee, j son the expiration of each successive its adusory committees. A complete provided that the Cornmission has au.

ro. year period following the date of set of the charters of the Commt**

tactment of the Act estabitshing ston's advisory committees and copies thority to accept sucn ser-tces sithout compensation.

ich advisory committee. The Adviso. . of the annual reportar required bY (e) Jtetmaursable travel espetses.

r Crmalttee on Reactor Safeguards I 7.lg wiu be maintained for public in-tall fu a er o e spection in the NRC Public Document The memoers of an advisory cor.mst-A8888-

  • tee, and the staff triereof. while en-2ccessive two year period after .fanu. gaged in the performance of thet.

S'1973' 88 "d" P*T 8" ' "' duues sway from their homes or regu-  ;

I Yo3 N3 advisory comtnittee required (a) Members. Subject to the provi- tar places.of busmess. may be &Ho'a ed i nder this sectian to fue a charter siens of this section. the pay of the travel expenses, taciuding per djem m han take any action, other tt:ut pr,p. member of an advtsory committee lieu of substatence, as authorized by 3 rauon and filing of such coarter be. thau be fixed at the daily equhslent U.S.C. 3703 for persons employed in-ween the date the new charter ts re. of a rate of the Commission's Genersi termittendy in the gesernment sm*

, utred and the date on which such Salary khetule unless the meters tee.

' harter is filed. are appointed as consultants and com- f 7.13 yleeni .ad adminssersthe respons'-

> (f) For purposes of this section: pensated as provided in paragraph (c)

(1)"Any officer of the Feders! Goy. of tAls section. In determining an ap. bilities. -

< .rnment" shall mean the Commission pmpm rate M par M the mmbm iat The Controller snr.n keep recoris

' with respect to advisory cotamattees of an adusory committee, constders* as wt11 fully!cte the tsoosittr . of

' tstablished by the Commission U s y u ds which may W st W dp (3) "Ninstatutory adusory commit- s p, g ,, g, ,g , 7 g al of .~RC N adnsory committees.

', ee" shau mean an advisory committee ibs n e Outee M Ad.W s M S ,

j tit established by statute or recrTani- ttee la con and e 1 shaU keep records as will fully disc:ose, sadon plan. Cons required of,the members of the '"*' ' n. ,.ns ab t adu cy e adnsorr commah m pay of the '"fe%yiUo,fi'iWei""""*~

members of an advisory committee -

ac) Support servtces sh18 te ..*e- . <

(S) The Commission will furman a shall not be (1xed at a rate higher nded by NRC for each advtsory com;

. report on the activttles of NRC adytso- than the daily equivalent of the maxi- mittet estabitshed by or reportmi to a ry committees annually to the Admin- mum rate for 0013 unless the Com. unless the estabitsnmg authortty pre-stratir. Genersi Services. Administra- missten has determitted that, under ndes otherwise. Where an>, such ac..

the f actors set forth in this parsgraph. ha.,.

tien. In accordance with Feders! Frop- scry committee reports to more erty Management Regulauons Tempo- a higher rate of pay is Justified and one agency only one agency shau J

' rary Reguladon M. necessary. Such a determmation will responsible for support senices at ant ,

(b) The Commtssf'n o will furnish a be revtewed annusur by the Commis. one tirne, and the estantishms autnert !

' rep rt on the activttles of NRC aduso- sion. ty than ces:gnate the agency res:: .s: j ry c:mmittees annusuy to the Sect,. (b) Adttsory committee sta//. The ble for pronamt such services.

tarta.s la accordance with OMB C!rcu. Day of each member of the staff of an lar A-43. advtsory committee shall be fixed at a (c) The Commission wtu inform the rate of the General Salary Schedule m

' Secretartat by letter of the termina. which the staff member's postuon urn or other signtlicant changes with would be appropriately placed in tne respect to its advisory committees no .W haluauon Systm apuestle to

'cter than 10 worums days fo!!owing the postuon. The pay of a member of i I

the end of the month in wtuch the the stad M an adnson comantun change occurred. If no changes are shall not be fixed at a rate higher rnade during any stven month,r,. a than the daily equivalent of the maxt.

' report to the Secretartat is not mum rate for 00-15 unless the Com.

I qu a d. .

mission has determmed that, under its '

Evaluauon System. the staff member s


position would appropriately be placed in the Geners! Salary Schedule grsde higher than CO-15. 5uch a determma.  !

L!on will be reviewed by the Comcus.

ston annually. ,


- - - - v--__._,- __ __

ENCLOSURE 4 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES Diem Travel, and Actual Expense Travel. Additionally, Panel members may make claims by a special procedure allowing direct reimbursement for incidental espenses (xeroxing, postage. typing phone calls) related to Panel business as well as dinner on the evenings of Panel Meetings they attend.

LOCAL TRAVEL Local Travel is travel within a 35-mile radius from the traveler's point of departure (office, home, etc.). This is a straight line radius as opposed to odometer readings.

Allowable Reimbursement: Only mileage ($ .203: mile), tolls and parking fees.

No meals or hotels.


! This is travel which is not " Local" (i.e., it is greater than 35 miles, I'

straight line, from the departure point). There are three cases of Per Dien Travel.

Case 1: Time spent on official travel (departure / return to origin) is 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> or less. (See Case 3 for exception.)

I Allowable Reimbursement: Only mileage, tolls and parking fees.

1 Case 2: Time spent on travel exceeds 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />.

Allowable Reimbursement: Maximum Per Diem rate is $50 per day (average cost of lodging plus $23 sub-sistence not to exceed $50). If lod ng is not required (e.g.,12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> trave Per Diem is based on $23 per day. Reimbursed Per Diem is based on the neiber of " quarters" (six hour periods) spent on official travel.

Example: At. 3:00 p.m. traveler leaves home/ office to attend a Panel meeting greater than 35 miles from home/ office. Traveler

returns to home at 12:00 a.m. In additian to alleage/

parking the traveler is entitled to Per Die ($23 no lodging required) multiplied by one-half (two quarters spent on travel equals 1/2 of a Per piam day). No 1

receipts (unless lodging is requiredlare necessary to 1

obtain this reimbursement.

Case 3: Over 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> is spent on official travel and travel begins before 6:00 a.m. ,o_r, ends af ter 8:00 p.m.

Allowable Reimbursement: In addition to mileage / parking the traveler can be reimbursed for one-half of Per Diem (1/2 day 0 $23 = $11.50).


2-ACTUAL EXPENSE TRAVEL In specified cities (the government publishes a list) travel is reimbursed up to a specified limit, based on actual expenditure. This is an attempt to compensate travelers who must travel to high-cost areas (Harrisburg, Phila-delphia and Washington are examples) where Per Diem rate could cause a hardship. Travel in this category must be greater than 35 miles (straight line) fran the traveler's departure point. There are three cases of actual expense travel.

Case 1: Time spent on travel is 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> or less (see Case 3 for exception).

Allowable Reimbursement: Only mileage, tolls and parking.

Case 2: Travel time is greater than 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />.

Allowable Reimbursement: Actual expenses, to the specified limit for the actual expense city (example; Harrisburg $75/ day) are reimbursable.

Receipts are required for meals in excess of $15 per meal. Mileage / parking are also reimbursed and are not included in the limit.

Case 3: Travel either begins before 6:00 a.m. or ends af ter 8:00 p.m. and over 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> are spent on official travel.

Allowable Reimbursement: In addition to mileage / parking the traveler can be reimbursed for the actual cost of a meal (less alcoholic beverages).

Example: At 5:00 p.m. the traveler leaves home/ office for a Panel neeting in Harrisburg (a designated actual expense city,

$75 maximum per day). Traveler returns homa at 11:01 p.m.

In addition to milea alcoholic beverages)ge thereimbursed.

can be actual price of a meal (less DIRECT REIMBURSEMENT For direct reimbursement of incidental expenses (xeroxing, phone calls, typing, postage) up to $30 per claim, send a signed bill to the NRC Panel Liaison. A claim letter will be generated and you will be required to sign and return to the NRC Panel Liaison. The bill and claim letter will be submitted for direct reimbursement to you for the amount due.

If the Panel Member is required, due to time constraints relative to his employment and travel time, to purchase his dinner on the night of a Panel Meeting, he/she may be reimbursed for the meal even if the above travel requirements are not met for reimbursement. The member should submit in writing a claim for the meal to the NRC Panel Liaison. A clain letter will be generated and the Panel Member will be asked to sign. The claim letter I will be submitted for direct reinbursenent to the Panel Member.