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Notifies That Prior to Release of Contaminated Water from Facility,Util Will Evaluate Alternative Methods of Water Cleanup & Disposal.Forwards Environ Assessment Re Use of EPICOR-II.W/o Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/25/1979
From: Vollmer R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Lewis M
NUDOCS 7910170397
Download: ML20136C840 (2)


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' Dear- Mr( Lewis h

.a: QM :by g g $ p^Z,7.**sy W V

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< our"comuni n Gili Bradford

/ and Kennedy cation to Hendr.i.e."and Mile- Co.miss..ioners,I'slan

' earlier {this year concerning the.Three. -

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< appreciated. It', v.was forwarde.d"td .'me f,or ' reply. *d ^

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l I. apologize for not proviifing this response to you sooner but,. as;you:are' ~gpy l

aware, the commission and staff have been occupied with continued support 1' of the efforts at Three M1Te Island, Orders to other facilities, appearances _

before the President's. Comission and various committees of Congress that;are; i

investigating the Three Mile Island accident,. and the. realignment. of our ownj


-res'ources.and priorities. to gNs Timediate attention to the problems 'resulttnf~n I

  • .from e, the accident.. C

~. 4.h. ,q 9 L. , M.a r . v :' w* gp R.- :w , GR/ M *,. GQNN


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..With regard to your concern about the discharge of contaminated water to date, l'

no highly contaminated water from within the Unit 2 containment or primary .

. system has been processed or released. Prior 'to any processing or release, '

4 Metropolitan Ed'ison will be required to evaluate alternate methods of water  :

l . cleanup and disposal or discharge. The plans and alternative analysis i developed by Metropolitan Edison will receive a detailed review by the NRC -

,in order to ensure that liquid waste processing and disposal or discharge '

1 l' operations will be within the limits specified in our regulations. All of the written material associated with this review will be made available to the public. An example of the typefof evaluations that will be perfonned .


' is that prepared by the NRC staff concerning the use of EPICOR-Il to . J* m, '

process contaminated water'fr6m'ths-auxiliari building.' Th1L asses ~smentc ~;

only addresses the processing %ater andlnot the disposal of water.. Prios '

to disposal another assessment willEbe. prepared to evaluate- the ' alternative. ' . ,

  • means for disposal' of the, decontaminated water. ' A copy of' the Environmental . . #

Assessment i's enclosed: for voubTnformation..~ " C% , / 9 %. T.h W..

y7x q W u4?W TW W&D M M Q jd &,,lb&,W @Wh@M&$&

, 47 ;TherNRC. hasCappmved: a. TMIl procedure: which: permits. ther release; of111guidsi ' MW

  • Y fcontainingTonly lowJoFdohdetidtiablFlev61s"6f iadidactivityttFth'e Wh" 39 J 4f Susquehanna.c Asia resulti ofitih'eid. relea'sesTth5 levels 'of! radioactivityA

. 1nsthef at;public S'usq'uehanna~ aretindistinluishable'from' existing backgrodhd71evels water' supply?intikes frdnUtheJ1v'er? This Mha ~


y ..  ; independent measurements;made tiy' ~'* th'e"NRCCEnvironm h*

sc. ;y

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