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Discusses Issue of Util Compliance W/Conditions of Cps.Util Notified Both Clarksdale & Greenwood on 800311 That Power Would Be Transmitted.Believes Antitrust Hearing Unnecessary
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1980
From: Conner T
To: Harold Denton, Flexnor D
JUSTICE, DEPT. OF, ATTORNEY GENERAL, OFFICE OF, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8003170446
Download: ML20126B617 (27)


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Asen A. wooRE,J Ha WAS HINGTON, D. C. 20000 m s ., sTTamuAuw DowALD J L. LE Y, J R.

March 12, 1980 M*"n ro... G".;%"# .oo..

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Mr. Harold Denton Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Donald L. Flexner, Esquire Assistant Attorney General U.S. Department of Justice Washington, D. C. 20530 In the Matter of Mississippi Power & Light Company (Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2)

Docket Nos. 50-416A and 50-417A Gentlemen:

You will recall that the Municipal Energy Agency of '

Mississippi ("MEAM"), by letter from Mr. McDiarmid dated February 12, 1980, further discussed the issue of Mississippi Power & Light Company's ("MP&L") compliance with Condition 5 of its construction permits for'the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.

Our letter of February 22, 1980 pointed out that MEAM's con-tentions had been dispositively refuted by MP&L's filings during the construction permit antitrust review and in the application for operating licenses, including our responses to MEAM's request for an antitrust hearing.

While MP&L has consistently taken the position that it is not under an obligation to negotiate for an interconnection out-side its service area simply to accommodate the desire of MEAM's members Clarksdale and Greenwood to wheel power across another utility's transmission system, MP&L has in fact continued to negotiate for such an interconnection agreement with Gulf States Utilities Company ("GSU") for this purpose. As indicated by the attached copy of a letter dated February 29, 1980 from Richard M. Merriman, counsel for MP&L, to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission negotiations to achieve("FERC") , MP&L hasagreement an interconnection been engaged in lengthy with GSU. [g b %


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Mr. Harold Denton Donald L. Flexner, Esquire March 12, 1980 Page 2 l

While it has not proven possible to achieve mutually satisfac-tory rate and service schedules, MP&L has filed with FERC a

" bare bones" agreement for an interconnection over which MEAM's members may transmit power to MP&L's system.

You will note that, as stated on page 2 of the letter,

"[i]t has not previously been necessary for MP&L to have an interconnection agreement with GSU," and that the interconnection agreement has been sought " solely to accommodate Clarksdale and Greenwood." Thus, this new interconnection "is the sole point of interconnection in existerce, or planned at this time, be-tween MP&L and GSU." The unexecuted agreement was submitted without waiting for a final agreement as to r, ate and service schedules "to insure MP&L's operational requirements do not impede any arrangements Clarksdale or Greenwood may make for the use" of the interconnection.

On March 11, 1980, MP&L notified both Clarksdale and Green-wood that it was now prepared to receive energy from Gulf States Utilities and to transmit it to them.

We believe that these latest actions conclusively demon-strate to the NRC and the Department of Justice, MP&L's good faith efforts to accommodate MEAM's desire for wheeling, and'far exceeds the requirements for compliance with Condition 5 of the construction permits for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.

Under the circumstances, we believe that an antitrust hearing is unnecessary in this proceeding.

Sincerely, e

Troy B. Conner, Jr.

/dr Enclosure cc: (w/o encl.)

Robert C. McDiarmid, Esq.

Frederick Chanania, Esq.

Janet R. Urban, Esq.

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  • REIN & PnIr sr 40 WALL STREET NEW YORE. N Y.10005 ets 344. esso


MtavowN orrtez wAsntwoTow orries so PLAZA cA.mLs ADDRES S 'REzDAPT 11.18 497W STM E ET. N. w.

New Yons. N Y, soooo Twx Noartosal6721 MDPT NYE WAS NINGTON, D C. aco36 ans a**.seco Mrw Yonx oNLY aos asa.osoo TELEX.CNR 6Aeor wa s a oNLY Washington, D.C.

February 29, 1980 Mr. Kenneth T. Plumb, Secretary PR 3 1980 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

- 825 North Capitol Street, N.E.

Washington, D.C. 20426  ;

Dear Mr. Plumb:

i Pursuant to Part 35.12 of the Commission's Regula- '

tiens under the Federal Power Act, enclosed for filing on behalf of Mississippi Power & Light Ccmpany (MP&L) are six copies'of an unexecuted " Interconnection Agreement" (Agree-ment) between MP&L and Gulf States Utilities Company (GSU) 1 dated February 29, 1980.  !

The Agreement provides for the basic operational coordination and permit scheduling of power flows across the 500 KV transmission line which interconnects the MP&L and GSU systems near the Town of Felps, Louisiana (Felps Interconnection Point) . The Agreement also provides that service schedules for transmission and power supply support services may be made a part of the Agreement when MP&L and GSU agree to sign such schedules, but does not now provide for the rendering of any services between GSU and MP&L. No rates or charges are included in the Agreement.

In reviewing this filing, MP&L believes that it would be helpful for the Commission to be aware of the following circumstances. Recently, by letter dated December 4, 1979 in FERC Docket Nos. ER78-583 and ER78-584, the Commission approved a Settlement Agreement between MP&L and two of its municipally owned interconnection customers, the city of clarksdale, Mississippi (Clarksdale) and the Greenwood Utilities Commission of Greenwood, Mississippi (Greenwood) . The Settlement Agreement in those dockets provides rate schedules by which Clarksdale and Greenwood L


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may receive bulk power transmission service over MP&L's l transmission system between or among Clarksdale (or Green- .

wood) and any other entity (as defined by the rate schedules)  !

"with which MP&L has an interconnection agreement." .

. MP&L has been advised that Clarksdale and Greenwood desire to take advantage of those rate schedules by engaging i MP&L to transmit power and energy to be purchased by them  !

from the City of Lafayette, Louisiana (Lafayette), across  !

MP&L's transmission system to_ points of delivery with Clarks- F dale and Greenwood. To accomplish this contemplated movement '

of. energy, Clarksdale and Greenwood must contractually j arrange for transmission from Laf ayette to a point of inte::-

connection with MP&L's transmission system, and MP&L.must have an interconnection. agreement governing an orderly flow across the point of interconnection. It has not previously j v- been necessary for MP&L to have an interconnection agreement l' with GSU. Because Clarksdale and Greenwood seek to have the power and energy transmitted to MP&L's system across the Felps Interconnection Point, since early 1979, MP&L, solely to accommodate Clarksdale and Greenwood, has sought to obtain an interconnection agreement with GSU. The Felps Interconnection Point is the sole point of interconnection in existence, or planned at this time,.between MP&L and GSU.

Although lengthy negotiations have been held, and GSU has informed MP&L that it agrees to the form of the e g Agreement, it has proven impossible to achieve mutually )

satisfactory service schedules. GSU has refused to execute j the Agreement without service schedules. Accordingly, MP&L j has decided to file an unsigned document, which sets forth k provisions that will permit GSU and MP&L to plan and account i for transactions involving the use of the Felps Interconnec- f tion Point.  !

1 MP&L cannot predict the date for commencement of j transactions which would require the Agreement to be in effect as an initial rate schedule, since it is not known j when Clarksdale or Greenwood will complete arrangements for  ;

the purchase and transmission of energy for their accounts to the Felps Interconnection Point. Nor is it known what j quantities of power and energy may be involved or what would  !

be the duration of any such transactions. However, to insure MP&L's operational requirements do not impede any arrange- li v' ments Clarksdale or Greenwood may make for the use of the Felps Interconnection Point, MP&L requests waiver of the Commission's notice and other filing requirements to permit this Agreement to go into effect as a rate schedule on the .

date of filing, or in any event sixty days after filing.  !

Similarly, to the extent considered necessary by the Commis-  !

sion, MP&L requests waiver of any other requirements of the i Commission's Rules and Regulations. t i


g i.

l l

l Copies of this filing have been mailed to:

(1) Mr. A.E. Naylor, Manager - Power Interconnections, Gulf State Utilities Company, P.O. Box 2951, Beaumont, l Texas 77704, and (2) Mississippi Public Service Commis-sion, P.O. Box 1174, Jackson, Mississippi 39205.

Also enclosed with this filing is a form of notice suitable for publication in the Federal Register and a filing fee of S100.

If further information is required, please ad-vise Mr. Norris L. Stampley, Vice President, Mississippi l Power & Light Company, P.O. Box 1640, Jackson, Mississippi I l

39205, or Robert S. Waters or me at Reid & Priest, 1111 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (Celephone 828-0100).

Respe tfully submitted, d(,4 ,

at e Ri ..ard M. Merriman Attorney for Mississippi Power & Light Company  ;

RMM:nec  ;

cc: Mr. C.D. Moore, Chairman l Greenwood Utilities P.O. Box 866 Greenwood, Mississippi 38930 Honorable Richard M. Webster, Jr.

Mayor, City of Clarksdale P.O. Box'940 Clarksdale, Mississippi 38614 Robert M. McDiarmid, Esquire Spiegel & McDiarmid 2600 Virginia Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20037 l

_. ._ _ . _ _ . . .~ _ _ . _ . _ _ - . . . .




.. FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Mississippi Power & Light Company' ) Docket No.

NOTICE OF FILING BY MISSISSIPPI POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Take notice that on February 29, 1980, Mississippi I l Power & Light Company (MP&L) tendered for filing with the l Federal Energy Regulatory Commission copies of an unexecuted I

. Interconnection Agreement between MP&L and Gulf States Utili-ties Company (GSU). The proposed Agreement does not presently ,

provide for the rendering of any services between GSU and i I

MP&L but is intended to govern the scheduling of any powe*

flows that may eventually occur across the 500 KV transmission line which interconnects the MP&L and GSU systems near the Town of Felps, Louisiana.

Although no transactions are now scheduled to take place under the proposed Interconnection Agreement, MP&L recuests that it be placed in effect on the day of filing, or sixty days thereafter if waiver is not granted, as an initial rate schedule between the two parties.

Any person desiring to be heard or to protest said application should file a petition to intervene or protest with the Federal Energy Regu. story Commission, 825 North Capitol Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20426, in accordance with Sections 1.8 and 1.10 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and should be filed on or before .

Protest will be considered by the Co= mission in determining the appropriate action to be taken, but will not serve to make' protestants parties to the proceeding. Copies of.this application are on file with the Commission and are available for public inspection.



-l 12:erecumeetion Ar eement be ween 1

1 1

Mississippi Power & Light Cc=pany and Gu.L' States U-lli-des Co=pany Dated as of Februa.."f 29, 1980 l

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PAGI AR .tCer - . . TONS 2  ;

1.01 Can.acity . 2 1.02 Contra . Year 2 1.C3 Enerev . 2 l 1.04 .Tederal Power Act 2 l 1.05 - .s.C 2 l 1.06 F:rce Majeure 2 1.07 Good Utility Practice 3 l 1.08 G5U 4 1.09 G5U Orans=issien Systen 4 1.10 Interconnection

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1 2.01 Intercennection ?cint 4 2.02 Changes in Interconnection ?oints 1 Se ween the Parties 5  !

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. .. e r . v. w-mh.e.

. s.. v. Ch,5 6 3.01 Operating cf Systems in Parallel 6 3.02 Con rel of Systen Disturbances 7 3.03 Generating Capacity Rese ve Requirements 7 l

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4.03 Inadver ent Transfers of Energy 8 4.04 Kilovar Supply 9 ARTIC*? V - RECORDS 9 5.01 Records and Log Sheets 9 5.02 Supply of Data to Operating l Representatives 10

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between Mississippi Power & *.i-hv Coms. a:V .

and Gulf Snates U ilities Compey "I'S AGRIIMDC, dated as of Feb-.',ary 29, 1980, is between MISSISS!??I POWER & L*"- COE ANT, a Mississippi corporatien (MP&L) and GULF STA~IS U~ILITIES COM?ANY, a

-- ,x,s - __ - _c-.;e-. - ( u- .rs ) ,

s &L owns and cperates an elec ric generation,

-- a.s d s s .d .. - . ar~d -d4 s -d'.u d c a.. s~s

- .4.. b a. 5 .a ..a a'. .v.

d ss 4 s-I l and, together with its facilities, is pa.rt of the 1 1

Middle South Utilities System, and GSU owns and operates an e ' e" 4 - - ,ena.a- d c., .

- a..s~-4 s .e.. ' o. , an d cs 4""..'a..

- . .e.v. s em in the States of Texas and Louisiana. The systa-= e f M? &.*

and CSU a e interconnected by a 500 KV ransmission line and related facilities, which line and facilities are installed and in coeratice bv . the two syster.s .

NOW, F E FORE, in consideration of de. pr*-4 ses and the mutual covenants herein set forth, M?&~ and GSU hereby agree as follows:

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,secticn 1.04. Feda =' :ower Act shall mean nhe Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 5 792, et sec.

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.. . . .. k. *.. C h = ~.' .c. 'y' c *

. . ...c . .-

. . , ..a34 .4 4

. .k;s a+; e2... .. s.v.c...9 .* e... ~ . . . .

. . .~9.'....

e .d .k..a.. f a-- v ' e . e s .ab ' ' s." ' - ,,

. . ...'..*...4..~, c.- e. _"..a d n,-

. . . v. w .de .. pe.".....c v" '. a:.'v pe s.,.". n-

....e.- ~~. -

. , a fa- ; .o _""s n' , e a..v.. . . . .= e .c.i .c . . - e .. a . .d .7 - . ' . . . , a , . e * . *... s

. . . . h a. .- *. ...' . .

s e .." em. 2.04.

. . M *. .*. .. s . *.4 e..

.. . es ab'.ds '..i .n y a:

.i. n ~. * .- .w - : s e-- .d ^ S o d .. , e .dthe.. ."au' o.-

. GsU, as de .*.~. . d .7e d .'.v.

the operating Representatives, will 4-eta.11 and at


." .s ov.. ...e . ...d.,-

. , . "- he .V- a.- o. u~ ~.~.- "'-

. - -= s -

---* g .e .d .. . =. ".C y g =. . , as b*. '.'. .=.s *

. . .a ;** o e , .= .e. .-*.,-- *4 ad-

. , . .-*.*d..d a. r 4 g ,g .

- 3 p.

-- - w u .J. H g4 Hgg.H - }.J .*. gg g . ., g g,. e

. g .

g , ). k g,,

D-.-w u.s n aa u o.. . .,.. u X 49 ww ... .ww-.. s .e y . 9., h no,m.

.w . . , La .

.-. . .'s.e.- .

=' ki'owa .-ho" s b

- '. "d.." an.d "o".." a. anv.

a ,,


. . . pi,.

2 -%- - . a g g %. g* .*  %.. .,.y g -f. .


..y .u.. =g g"'.-d # a .$I.* * * * ' ' hg


.. s *., .% . m. . * ..- =' d n , e*,--e* d

  • i m - e- *- , M S W.a** .---


. e s e. . ..s -.. .~ e .# . . s ", ,.': ~..d . . s" . ' . ea a .- tha.".- - a. s.t e .- .." v a.

c . . .-o., - ,...

.. . e s. -,x.ep

- - as o he s... .e,_w

. . _ . --  ;- _sa s m.-..,... . . - . . ., . -..

. m. . .. ... e. .,., - ., . ., .. . . a . a.' .' '......-..a.4.+.

S^- -.. .s s '.. .= - b e e .- ~~. .d d. a. . d a s .= c. .- *. =. d. .o b v .

".~. %. w = . a -" .i, n.. , - .- s e.. -= -d . a s a . th a. . .ina. aa .. . .t..*.

. . . .'o. . t. .d.. d s

.s,cw,a-. . . sw .. . e. , a,a

. .. s.w.a_,, be .....e . . . . . . . a .,. .-a..

. m..w.os e and- f.-~ -

- --- cad"-.s deva.' ped - Sv . ha vN. a.. .= d n,- . . -,. . . s e.. .= 4 v.s.

-he Operatin- Representatives sha.11 alternate he responsibility eo ,...

4 ... . - - - ao .


e s :e. .4 . . . .

3 . 0,, ze

. n ... ..a.-.


a, a. .. e,, ......, ,., e.,

va ,. Es n.4a..;

-. .. w . c., .. ....--....w.. 2

. w,.-.; . s , - .. . . c. . . .. e.e.h.e.

r .;., . - =. . v. -eChs.c ?., r g m e. ohte Lw.=. ?.--m r .t e. T. -

Section 3.01. coeratine _of Svstems _in ?a.rallel.

It is intended that the electri=a.' systems of the pa- ies shall normally be operated in para.11el; however, ei her pa ty may from time to -d'ne interrupt the para.11e1 opera-

-d d' ke

- o* , -_, in .d.s ~~, . e. ., .d . 4 s -

s"-d e -"- e #

. . .. s a .4 s -

. .. ... ,... c.,....

.e .. ..

. e . . . .. . . . . . . .. .


. l t

a r,.- me e-...s,,.e..


. . a .. .e. . C. .9. . .. . .

.e . . e . . ,... ..

.. 1

- ns 'a. a.e . ..=. . a'

. . e, ."_a" a. .d. v- -s- .- s'_ c..' . , _ -. ~.~..,

o. e_ a .e 1

and mainta. n :n.e:.: resPe svsta-= so as .

o ave:., - or .

,.: : a ..

4, .-- : y. . :- 200; .c: a g .-- .az eg yu: u--- z$,~.. -. -- -,nge

- . e. :a.- rma. _ . o. .r se....,. a. . .s.e e.yg .

- u . e se

- e g_ . , .

.b ,.

< a.- .d a. s .- ~. ~. . o,

  1. -.-
  • k. a. d .- .-a. so ns -- --- .v.

"d-o ha'---- . eso.a. "ve

--.. . ,m..- s .. .w _- .spe .... . . . . .. d "-_"_~; and ade -s .=.v .' se_<d.e an d ka'-

--- . ans ib d '- .d v. . a.a 5 .the- - _d ". .- a. s .s a.. - . o

.- .--,4 ab _d .' .d v c'. '"-_U. e owe s", , '.v .'a d.. des. ..s --

. a ...- -

,. a . : ..

.---.; . ,s _a a- . . .._ .:

. . . . , . .. .. u.a .u --. . ,..;--..

. a . , a a . .. u. __i ,... o_r e ." h. a... cc-v.

. . _d..___,.

. . -- x.. ,a..=~ _' a__' epa..a__d-.. . ~ .#

. _k a. .wo syste=s as provided in Sectie 3.01, each party agrees to e .,.s

. a ' - d a.. # _- a. 3 .. a..'. . v., . =. .' a vs 4-.-. a ..... .- " a-. . e . .# . . '. k. a. e dde-lines established by the Southwes Power Poel.

s a. _d . .*. .'. 0 3 . Ge.a a_d_.

. . _ *. a n a d _ v t..e s a. . / a.

.g... _ . 4- .. .$. . . ,3 . ... 4. a .4.g.

w. . . . . .. .. -.
w . ,ea.. a . g .s. e . .. .. s. g.

"da  ;'

e .*...'.. x. ^. .#. k *' s .'.d .' f - #

y" M. a- . E .".4 3 y '- C a-'a.b.d..'

f .d -*.' " '. a c' e 's'" a

  • e

. e s e .- / a g c= 4*s s.vs*.e , e .d.

  • h *. . .' V. -. #
c. *.a . A *d- ^. .. C.# g e..* . a d .1

. s" 4 pme._ . , -#d- . . ' 2, "- k.a

. . s e s c . .d. .... .a - .'.an ~ a. a, _ee a__-ts, . su'-

_c _a_ e. . g .. g__- .a , . g

. .. - g . .,, , ,n., u .. _c---a oga. -

v4e:.- 4,-

par v . hereto assumes arv. responsibility. for the sur.e1v .

ef any electric power or energy to he other par-y ex=ept as speci'ically provided fer in an applicable Service Schedule.

Each pa- y will, insofar as practicable, provide such amounts

. s,2...-a, e-- an- a a a.. ; ,.ese ..e .apa 2..,


e., . s..s..

e . ua.,

._ /

t 8 -


. -..-.3

- ... . . . s. g, a . . , -;


.. 3 . _ V *. *

.~ . D. E _# .. *"*-

,,__, 2 d-

_- .. .. . --.e

.. . s e s .s . _- .. > .- .. .. . .= e i

load swings upen the other pa_ f c: make diz reportionate

.e.-, gz $ , ... . o . u, .a _. e g. ...;

--- ng.e..g  :

., , . e z,,  :

n-, _b,.

n: mal con ingencies of power sys .em operation.

n,.....-_ .y

. . . ,.h, e. .v. . .e .e. ..-0h. :. N, S .. vv.,._ Sr.-

. s-. c re..

.e. e . ._4 ,.., c. . C. , . c.._*--_

.e - , S - w.. ,4 ,. _ ,s . __a s ._ . se. c. ..

3 _,_-,

. . a.."- ka. .c ow a. _-- . .ha s

_ .# a. .d .# . .- s"e.o _. se_.".as "v .. .


- . .s , ..

2 .

. w., . w.,. w. ..

,4, a,_ e s a..e. .. a-e--_. . . .,.

c .' s u ..". s", ,. _'; ar..d. 'k.e c."4arca.s .- be , a.#d th e. e '._

. s.".e..' .' b a.

... g- - . a g,. , y _: ..

. g_- _ _, ,. . .,z . .. . _g __

. ,.: e.. . ,~4.,,.

- . _, a. ,. .a.

upon be ween the parties. Such arrangements sha.11 be set up

_4. -. . g, :. . ... e .r s e . , _#- - ,. s . .k. a. d " .' a. s , ea .". . .# w"..#

. . .'. , w.he.. s _# m. , em d


. _%. _...: . e ;. _: :.a . a._.s _t, p,.  :,.s .v.,. .. . , s....

u.__ o. ..n,.


he ,.,.c

,c .  : -

a fe . .. -. n 3 _..,e . .. _ , . ne ....

. .. . . c_ e . s.1.-u.

shorter terms as nav be provided in the service Schedule.

Sectic 4.02. Se-vice Schedules y have ? ecedence.

.. ._.4, ,y.... . -. -,.- g .. 2 , ...y _e_: ,, c.: _u:, 3_,,,,.

conflict with those of exis ing er subsequent service schedulesI the provisions of he se:vice schedule sha.11 be cont: lling.

Section 4.03. Inadver .ent "'ra.ns fers _e,f Encre_v_ .

An inndver ent trnns!er of Energv. is n :ans!er of Entr=.v. l 1

between and -' cugh the : a.nsmission sys.e=s cf the pa- ies  ;

1 1

I i

1 l


-S- l 1


.k. . .. a. .

w.. . e  ;


. - w.e son,;.. .; .. ~ s.. ... .s _ _

. .. ,.a;

. *s*y.** #*#*#*#

.e.- . .es a.e. a .**

  • s *s* .

. .# "b*- #*- h a. *' *.** *.r.

V ' _# '" c"

  • aO.
  • ,w
e. e, -- - .a

. a* .4a a. e 4.s -os 4- C_e og. - . a s.4- 3 g4 . ^.. ". sv. s *.e"s , ~ b

  • _

.':. 4 a. . , 4 - ge

.a . w. . e s .;3,m. .. gge.a .. . . . . g.~._- -g. -. --

c' oy ,


.9 e 4- . 4 .... .. ..; oe.y.._

. - .ge e a - g.,g.4, gg_4... gy. g .*." . s , C .*

- w. 94

, .e.,.s

.. .e - w. C e.;,. .. .. s ..h..w. e.s 4 e m.... .

e Ja#.V *. .*.**.e**. .

  • in

- 8.** .*;* a..*~**.*.k*d.'.

. . h e m .*..# .**.* * # ..' e '.' .k.. V D C "' #* .- E" smJ

- v" .C.,"s , a =.i 4 a'

.. a .4.*.. - e . .. .r.n e .- a'=%*  ;.

    • 4
a. 9 .* b. C'.g - ,-.J... g 4."-

- . 4. = . .

.c ,., , e. . . .

. . , .43. . O ~4 D e , w,;,,

. - k.e y .c.-.'.s

_ . sg r .-ag.-ibe4- . --


_. . a.. . s ..
. _4 a. .. -. J. .. e. .

s * .. _# ..-. 4_ ...*.: . .s_#*+_ . v a_ .e : _' s_ . . _"_= _. .

  • . .d.*.: n e.' t.ner pa- y s.u.a_ .

. = pose an uncue upon tne w . _ _ . s.a . w - .g3. . .., ..- . g. _c_, e y e_ y.et_ . ..,-e. - _ . . .w.. . op . .. . . 2 .,. ;


. .r _ ese - a..dva..= s -' a.' ' a. s *.ab ' d s h # or.

  • im *. .o

- - " m *. m". . a.' .' .v 1

satisfacterv. voltage schedules and kilevar su:al.v .e arranc.e- l 1

m ._ . .e .

r_,.. -r nv . ..e r o :.D s .

.c: . .

. .e . :..v..

. a...... .s a....a ..

_, _ew.. .... . e. . .v . ac-dition to meter recc ds, the parties sha.11 keep log sheets j l

l and other re==:ds as, in the op# d en of he operating Re- i presenta ives, may be needed for the pt peses of this Agree-m e.".*. , .#3 ". .' ". # 3 g. * * *.. .* .*. d.s .* * .*..". . .* .* d a * .' e a.: .b d s * .a .-v. O.# -"he

^# **d V a.. .#C ".5 m *. V a m *..*. .e. .. P &f' a C .#

  • v, 1  ?..".*.'."*",*

.  ; De*V*.*..*. ". h.e s V,, s * * " s l

.: ..-y ._

.. f., . , ,  :


. . ~ . . . _ au ._ ..

..; __,..g .:.

c. _- S.... m . . _ ..

_ . . . . a, .,. ., .:

n. _ S. ....
a. . .. .

5aa._ se n . .

ir.Spection by representatives of the pa.- ties and the Op... a ;..._  ; s. . y. .Sc... .. c. _sves. J_ _, S.. ~ s. w Saa..., De . e.


c. 3.a b.y ~3. . .Sp. 47 f- g, J.g .e .- c

. 4 4 -- ~o. . . .e.4..y. ( .c )

.v. g_ g

. . gg . .k. _i .n =. . ; = .-- p. 4.. 3.a .gg 4. 3 .-.4ga g--. . .b ,y

, ao.; _ e -..? y- a . .. ;,

a 3 ., .. . ,.; y 4. . .%.

n a g, ;S,ad

. w .4,... .a... a .e . ..

a Se .


. w .. .= . m.

. z . S .. ._ . . _9_ .,. .,,.,_

.: n=..,

s .

,.,,,.,,, Oo._ a . 4_ n ,.

s .... . . g g. ._. -. .; ... . e. . r a "'. '.

. .. 'f' c' " .,%,* S .'. E.'. .'. .#. ' ' ~~dS .b. .' *b Ope.- a # n3 ~


. . . . g g . .-. . ; V e .e. c'--y y . 07 .. _" c' .* # =

  • a . .# . .* .* .9.
  • a. - _- * "; .". S _' .* . _#O..S

, . .a. .: .. . ,

w. .. S ,,. ~ .S ... S .... b. 4 .a .

w aS.S . aS ..

. .S.,w _ _4.w.a.

2 b

sy . - b. - . > '.3 g _ g . J .y3 c. .y

v. .

. . g g.. . , * .' V

  • S . W.h. e.: 5"w~.h id c' t.a ar *. .".*
  • d. a- d e


.#C .- S e . .' e.'.*. *.". , SD*C# -S .' *

  • S ** S ,,

w p a. . .=

.'1 ";

  • Ca.-d5, C h a..*."

l l

pU '",D .* S

  • S C ^ .".S#_ S .* .*.* b*.#-* .* - '" e O b 'i e ". * .d v e S *' h- a .* *. .* .# .


. e'.S **'*"y*.*.'.V f._ I 1

a5 y.a -


.. a.:. .- .3e en,a w,.,e

. e a C.w 2. . k. , e a .a. fL. y S .k. ,1 1 l


.4 ..

%.. .- .bg-

. y ,-- . - .;, . e- .. ,. .- . m . ,., . e. g g . .;. .; -:,,. _ u. c.

,y. g.

1 i



- A g.,  :  !

7...a.a.e .. C. 2. . e . . ;_ ; S . , a. , .,3 a.n.

. .a  %. . Sgu.. eS 4. . l g... , .w. ,a e .c.- a ,. ar.d.. W .d . '. 5 ". .'. S e . *. g a 3 .d a..a. as mav. be n* eda.d _ c# _- .

, ,f e ,.; a3 a

-. a., . .

. .. y .. .. an,. .ewn Se,.. e,.... .S 3.._e..

1 i

1 l

1 .. . - . t i. .


S e . *_4 e . 0 .' . *t__* *d

-S --

A. . . .a e_ .. ..n * .. 4 e.. n* *e-ment.Shall be= cme effective (Subject to the receipt of any

.SSa..v .e3 .'a. -2. - - app.-. val.5 )

-- -h*

- da.e o.# .d .S e x a. ~. . . .d.~ **



.. s

. a

.a..,-. .. , -

a. g .u. .,.. . ,,..a.,, , . .: g. ._;  ; a..*
c. .; ... . . . . . . .. .a , , ::, .. ,

... ~ ;

g ,, . g y 3, *

c. .c. :., . m-- u .' s * . ** * .- .. _7 * ". d . **. n'y~. *. *.3 *. . .

can ba .e~-d - - a.a.d hv e".the- e a- .v a.# .e.- th. *-* d. c.# s"w

  • s

-  ; a. ,

w y- .a .,. son, c. .. -.eas. :ot.. (,) .y.a gi




m. . 4 *** *

.. a. C .# . a.

. *=. 4 ** a

  • 4 C .*=. .~ *n'e C*hm* p a *-*.*;* and., s .b a.'. . , 4 .# 3 ^. .

s .* .* .~ .d . a. *.' . .d , .*.*.***."e_d**.. e .#. .#

.. s ". ."' .'. .d ."'..#

. *' .da . *. *. .*


  • a .,7, g, g. .eas .#O L' ( /r ) v,,
  • L*s ' f. * .d..* . W. .d * *..* .

- 4. 9 u. s...,A w 3.w....4 . .

. =.o 4 .a ...w...' . . y.d y a.'a. . by ,

a v .e. a. p g,-=.= *;.

  • -a.

6~ h.a c =h.a..- *p g== .,y .

S e '.- . .d .. * . *. . ^u' .

  • u .* ~.'.' .~~ . . a - V. *. a.** . T. ^w .** '.'.'n * ,.'. p e s e o .# .

..; .e .... .e . ..a. . .. . r.;... . . . .

n. . . . . .

- ... ....4 . . . ,,... . . ,

. . v. , .,. S ...- c. .

m w*. qa w. # g .,. . ..%. y. e. ., * '

  • s, ,.

.A. a y, a g . . y.L. W .E

. . A o. ..

m. w . . . . ., A. . %. . . ac;w. .


he , .vear. I

.b*>.* *. . .* ? y?.'. ,,

O.*.*. .T.'


--.J. 7., h. * *'?. .C r.h. ** m .OM.v.'.

. .C .C ? .,O.h*  ;. .? s* v  ?... * ?.w. oh'

.. h. ,. . a. saa

.e. . . a . .

. . . . . .e _ . C.,,. . . . . ..

_.a .c.

.,.., ~ . ...

1 c.". c. 3 e s

.#.. .. tha. sa..*d.. es f .- v'ee d d d..

. '. d s . . . . . .. .n . .' c .*.

Acreemen si:bject to. amendmen . and change, a.nd each

o. a,.- .v. .- . s e. . = s _h e .. .dy~.".

~- " -d .' .=. . .. _= ' ' ,v s e a k. am a.. .dm a...ts ,


. '..a. ., e s ar..d ..1 . ,. = .*.s a s .d .a. .k.. a. .a es =d- . '* c,e.= se. .#..

herein in accordance With law fre= anv. re .tlaterv. , ac.enev .

havine. .i,urisd.ic icn thereof.

Section 7.02.  ::xC. If and to the extent -lat

.'d s ' . .e. c a-"

.. w- * . ~ -d- w. A~.ee2a.. 3 c. aa v, p a *- 5 e. e ^w.# ,

su* a' .' be


~ be,

  • . w .- s '.. a.'. .' b e .#.4 .'. e -d ,

. u.d b a. .v, .- *. y . a o . ,/

,. . . . ~ , - -, -. .

I l i' ,

  • l l

i i i

I 1

i g-,-.=.=.~.~;*,

, 4 . a. .**--.,

, d 4 ==. , ( .4 ** b - .* * *- -.4.**.s*-*'..., .

..s.., ge a .- -

.2. . s.

, .., s - ..u.. --,

a.., ._;.,,,.

. -. ;s .. .,. . . .

n , . ,. ,.m ,.. . .

sha.'.1 be cons _ rued as a.ffecting in any way the right of MP&L

.- - ' GS~s ... . .,a.k - a, . 'd

-- a-#^. .

--- a ..--=.v

"-d' .. su... a,e n -- , d ' .. c, -,,-d

. =- ' ca d e. . ., .... unda.-

. . . Se d e.. 2 0. c .' ha.

. ,.de =~ . ow e.

n'..., .# - .= . .'.=--a. ,


. _ a ..-e , c.' .a.- , e s , ' ase"#-.--

.' a -d- .e, . .- s e . v d. .- . --

-- a.v . .

.*.'e, - - 'a ---,

--,- d-- o .- - .. a

.g.a #. , -ka .e . -

7c'*.. a, ,'-# - ab.'a.' .aws an-d .-.,- a- de..s. ' ~ ~

-3,. , x .g ..

.a. a f ar ; .. *.'d s ....a.. o -m e. .d c .". n' ,.~ ~. e m =. .. .

. ). , e.

. - . . . a .v s" ..*. _'_4--.4,

. 'd-, * . = . --k

-- _- o, = - .~; .- a. s a. .- . a. s ". a. _ _" , . -' . . --

_i....,,, . o, .. a a .;. . . - - . - .< ,,y.,- ., g..,.s. a :.:. _a ., ,, g2a

. , - . . - -. a reser/es On.e to o: Ject to any proposed c:.ange.

4 Le . . Cr r s- v. v. . - G N. . .,. . - CONDT...Ch*5

.c ,

. a . .. ::.w_.

. - , , e 3_ . ..e --_ _~_

.... .. se_. e.

  • s .e , ".= a-=. o- .


.au-f. .9&~ shall indennify, and defend G5U against, and  !

1 l

save G5U 1-harmed frc=, anv. loss, damage or inis t .v to an.v '

person, proper y or interest arising out of the operation of s.,. v, u. . . ., sr.: s .c. .an... .e...s  ; .

. h ,..e...,a - -.. ,-

n a- u.., . a..s; , . .

of Capacity and F.nergy on the MP&L Transe.ission System for deliver.v here'.'nder t'

' ess such loss , damage or injnrv. was caused by the sole negligence of G5U, it.s agents, servants, or employees: provided, however, that GSU shall in all cases b e _ e s p ea.s . " ' e .'. e anv. ' d a.b .d. ' " .v. ".de- -- he ,_.-v_'s_d e ns .'. anv.

.2 -

w = -,r- -~- e m -r -

r - w - -m--, wy-w~ -- ,~w w --


-e -- at'e w . .-).,.--'.- . . o. a...s .a. .. .

av #. . .. .' o c .e. , d a. s a c. a. c-


w. ,. .. - -.e e.. . . .., ..

. .y,.,.s and. w.". ' '

. .. .. . sea.k c.v ."-k" se-ment herefer free er . Conversely, G5U sha.11 ind e dfy and defend . Sic, aga'-=:, and save O&- "-ka.rmed fret, a= t-

' ass, .amac.e d e- '-4 v ... a..v .ee s. . . ,

. . . "...= - -s-a.r ' s '.,7 - c" . #

k. a. pe a d ... +#. -ka- Gs", - ass.-2 s s ' e- .. .evs .


hereunder and -he : ans.ission of Capacity and 7.nergy on the CSU "ra.nstission S.vs e= for deliver.v hereunder unless such

.' c .e. s ,d-ama3 a --.. -..; # ""-

w" wa_= -=" sed .xv .h. sa.'e " 3-'d cen~e c-' . .

n& ,, . . -e

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..,..n;z, e..e-- .s- , , ,,g y,. .,gpo .,g-u i  : 1: y

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under the v revisions' of anv a.c.clicable work =en's ce=Pensation

'..e aw .# . .- ,

da=.=c.= o

. . d..;d"-. v ~.~ d.s ow.. e. . '-v.a.s

..n.d . vd

1 not seek any reinbu sement therefor from G5U.  :

Se . ... S.0,.. s. ,_- _s , -. .,.s s.. . n .e s .

. v. .,C .,.2,

. o

_,.., , :. ... - m- , ,x.

- . .. ..... .. c. a... e , a....-. c .:

-<; -. . e .... ..- . ._% ....-.

Agreement sic and G5U will execute such documents, upon he request of the other, as =a.v be necessar.v or a e~ropriate to .

carry ou: the intent of this Inter:ennertion Agreement.

3 ,. . ..e . . :. . m. . . ye ...e..,


...v .

. , ...u . s . ,  !

c.nse... . .. o he om=" d a d c . pe.- . # e- e d ~.-~ . e r.-" ' e d .b, y -*kds Inter:enne:: ion Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when deposited in the United States, i

Certified Mail prepaid, and if given to e54 shall be addressed


i l




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_e .e .- 3 f.

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.. m. .e s.: - . s.

. .. x ._v,nw Jackson, .v.ississippi 39205 A . .e.. _ o.. . .

, es24e.

and if given .c G5U shall be addressed to:

G.m_.. . c .e. - .e_e r.,:.:- . . - - _ - ._s v-.f a .

, m --- e s X ,e..=.,

.CS. ue::

seaumO:0, ~. exes ///v4 a.-. .e.. __; c ... . , ,e

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y.__ -, , .

Section 8.04. **=dd n c_ s No t ,t,,,_o, Aff e ct M e a .inc .


"- . " . = .. Aes . .._;,-_'ve bo=ncs .---- .. h=. ya '~~.s Se -*c~s

- a..'- r'~~-'~1*s

.e ~-.was t... =..~ ..

~ ._.a_ ..* .. n' , _ ene.. .' .'.av a bea . -.. #s e . . e d .

'- e-convenience of reference oniv and shall in no wav. modifv er . .

- ,,a-

.-.g. -- azy. u. . . ,

.e. g.,... ..e..-.. ._e 4,_

. . ...n. c .

Section 5.05- Amendman.s. This Interconnection Agreement may be anended by and only by a written instrament duly exereted by each of .be parties hereto.

_e ._ _ __ . ... a. . u. . .e.,.. - .__s . a. a ,

nse_ s. .._e ,. .

ns _. _2 m..

This Interconner ion Ag eement shall inure to he benefit of and be u-'n MP&L and G5U and their respective successors ,

and assigns, and, insofar as is pe~itted by law, on any receiver ' or trustee in bankraptry, recrganination or receiver-s .u._: f - C: e: ume- - -

fa.. ;. ,

No - .:n,;.,.

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  • ..e .h a. . a '~. .i a. . . N =. ." h. a-- --

par y may assign its interest in -" s Inter:ennection Agree-ment vi hout the-ex:ress written censent of the other c.a..e.

5,. .4c. . . . c..r i . C o u. . . .-- a. .s . n. as .. e- .- -,e .a,n .. .

Ar. eement may be executed si=ultaneousi.v in two or nere counterpa-ts , each of which shall be deemed an criginal, but all of which toge her shall constitute ene and the same ,


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be in defati: in performance of any obligation or duty s..

., ,a.- ( . x . . .,. . . . s..,. . . m .s. ., .; y , _a ..- .s . . f a- v,, m- .. d a. s ". d ..". -e




- e.. du a. s."..=.' - .'.. . b a. d a x w-" s e . ) .". .'. s ' .~' .#. ad - ' ur e o .' p a.. .#c. ~. an- e 1 4

i d ua.

s .- r. e - -- a. Ma J' a." e . "ha

. t a . . des s"m'"e.. .o r.e- - e Majeure.shall use a.11 reasonable diligence to remove c: =ure

. g. . a . . ---..e .., ....


..; . 2

a. na".ka..- ea .v. e .'.a..' .' ' . .- a. ,

. - - . ed 1

to settle er resolve labor disturban=es er strikes c: accep l c: agree to governmental or regn.latory orders or conditions

. without objection er contest en any basis not acceptable to ,

4 such pa.rty in its scle discretion. Notice of Force Majeure shall be given by .he pa. y affected as soon as reasonably 1

, .e. .e .a w...


I 1

. 3 .__a.. .o ..

.._ . r_. ._. __ _e .w ._

... _._._m._ . . . .

_ . ._ =_- . . . .

.o_ nec -. '-' .s', _e=..m.e.. . (_ ..'" _d'..,~

=_ _' _' e _ _' v a.s =_ _ ,*_' =. s . .k. =.. ^. " .' a. s hereto) shall constitute de entire understanding be ween M?&L and G5U, superseding any and all previous undersnandings b e .w e a..a. ._' le ,s a - __' a_ s r, e _ .ad d n, .o de s"M * . - =..,._- o...=_d_ ned

. w ..._ e _4 .,. .

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[ . nay choose to appoint to serve in his absence or vid respect

.o va_ .4 o us d e .=._d _' a d ^o, a._-_ = __4 .".-, =....- .h a. _- a.L- d .a_ _ . r. a c.k.

f ar .v, .

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., _. _ o _~ s , e s _ a _,n m; s u t , , ..,e , a_a.,._ , f a.


. . es .en . a .aan e o-

, load dispatrhers and e her operating enployees in de respective systems as to natters a.ffecting interconnected operation and deliveries of power fron one systen to the other, and o der i similar operating natters. *he Cperating ?epresentatives 4

4 o

s ' .c - ' . ' "

. 'e'

- - . . . . . h *. , a.- " =- .=. ' : " - a. '

. . .' a. a ..' . .v a ar an estimate. c f each pa- y's pea.k-her load ard N gy reqc.irements for.each mond of the next two contract a.nd such other es-" a.tes as may be a, eed upon b.v. -le Operatin:. Representatives.

Such. peak-hot- load data as reviewed ea=h year sha.11 be used wy _w

. . -. e 3. . a " ... - . , r. , . .- a. s. a. . .a- ..dv a s # .. a" d

- 's.e #.".~, 'd s

As eement.

Each pa.rtv.'s C.oeratine. R,presen ative shall be  :

respo =45'a 'er nc ifying de other pa.:- y's Cperating Re-

. .- =. = a. . . a __" v a .as '.ar

.. c".=- e .as .-=.- ___=-'a e' =-. s ..k. a '" _' a_ .d 1

maintenance outage of generating u. ins a.nd/or ::ansnission 1

fa:ilities which could reasonably have an adverse effect un.en he other. e a. t.v's en.eration,. and such schedule shall be made wi e due consideration for ci d 4:ing any burden on the other Y artv. a The operatine. Re resentatives sha.ll coordinate 1


-.. s .. .b a .d " _' " .'. ,- . .' ~. . a - *. . .'

. . . . _= . s 4 e. .= .d..- . .ac ' d

-'as s. as ..

l i

l tininize the burden of such outage on both parties.

The Operating Representa ives cha.ll have lead-flow studies of the .G d. and GS*. systems made on a joint basis as

. . a. v n' e .~ .~. ~, ' .~ .~. ' .'.-. . ..'.n =. . -' m *. .- ^- e ~ .~ ' n e a

' e n e =. .^ .". .-

increased interconnection capacity between the systems,

.n _, uding eensiderat:.on c:. emergency ass: stance, sys.em i

stability, and reliable operation of resources, l

The cost of 'such load-flow studies shall be shared by the par __'es . a 'as's da..e.. d n e d,. .- b *. a-,, _ . . . ." a . .". v, * * =.


, r. ... . -- e .. - .s , .- a s a.. .= ." v a s .



4 The Operating Representatives vill make appropriate reconne:sdations for increases in existing interconnection capacity or alte: rate interconnection points between the M?&L and G5U systens. Terms and conditions sucn increased interconnection capacity or additional Inter-  ;

connection Points shall be negotiated when the need is  ;

established by the Operating Representatives in accordance with this Interconnection Agreement. The Operating Repre- )

sentatives shall have no power to anend or alter the provisions i of this Interconnection Agreement. j IN WITNESS 'w=r RIOF, the undersigned parties have duly executed this Interconnection Agreement on

, 1980. .




____ - -_ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _